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Laboratoire mditerranen de Prhistoire (Europe Afrique)


LAMPEA-Doc 2012 numro 35

vendredi 5 octobre 2012
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1 - Congrs, colloques, runions

- Environmental Archaeologies of Neolithisation - Unravelling Human Origins Conference - 12th Archaeological Chemistry Symposium - Cartes et cartographies gomorphologiques : du document scientifique l'outil de dveloppement

Rappels et mises jour

- Stories Written in Stone International Symposium on Chert and Other Knappable Materials - IV Seminario de Tecnologa Prehistrica : "La agricultura prehistrica: Metodologa de investigacin" = IV Prehistoric Technology Seminar: "Prehistoric Agriculture: Research Methodology" - Des techniques aux territoires : nouveaux regards sur les cultures msolithiques

2 - Emplois, bourses, prix

- La Direction des affaires culturelles de la Guadeloupe recrute un un ingnieur d'tudes spcialit "archologie" (ouvert aux contractuels) - Job Vacancy: Research Associate "Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe" - Track Leader in Physical Anthropology ... - PhD studentship for a UK or EU candidate - Aberdeen University

3 - Expositions & animations 4 - Sminaire, confrence

- "Pitoti" : Larte rupestre in una grande mostra multimediale - Le masque guld : histoire et rle au Bnin et en Afrique

5 - Acquisitions Bibliothque


La semaine prochaine

Les sites fortifis de la Prhistoire : nouvelles donnes, nouvelles approches

12 & 13 octobre 2012 Carcassonne

Use-Wear 2012 : International conference on use-wear analysis

10-12 octobre 2012 Universit d'Algarve - Faro (Portugal)

Un an darchologie en Haute-Provence : dernires dcouvertes entre Antiquit et Moyen ge / par Mathias Dupuis

vendredi 12 octobre 2012 18 heures Quinson : Muse de Prhistoire des Gorges du Verdon

Voir aussi Les manifestations


1 - Congrs, colloques, runions

Environmental Archaeologies of Neolithisation
9 novembre - 12 novembre 2012 University of Reading

The origins and spread of Neolithic life-ways represent a pivotal change in human ecology and society. Communities transformed their relationships with the world around them, shifting away from reliance upon hunted and collected wild resources, to the management and domestication of plants and animals, alongside a pattern of increasing sedentism. These processes were played out at differing temporal and spatial scales; from the life-cycle of a single organism of a population on the path to domestication, to the dissemination of new farming economies around the world. The conference aims to examine any aspect of Neolithisation at the varying scales of analysis that environmental archaeology can offer, from changes within a single site to those played out over continents.

En savoir plus mental_archaeologies_of_ne/

Unravelling Human Origins Conference

18-19 janvier 2013 Cambridge

The conference will be organised around three broad thematic sessions: - adaptation to old and new landscapes : includes studies of hominin dispersals, adaptations to new landscapes, population changes through time, themes that would permit a multidisciplinary discussion of humans in their landscape(s). Presentations from the following fields are particularly welcome: ancient DNA and population genetics, isotope studies, lithic and faunal analyses, climatic and environmental studies, human remains, as well as cognitive approaches to changing landscape(s). - creativity, communication and personhood : focus on inter- and intra-group social interactions, origins of language as metaphor, non-verbal communication as a form of early notification, the role of arts and crafts as technology and aesthetic experience, creation of meaning as a socially recognisable signification of individuals. - food in the Palaeolithic : designated to include a wide range of topics, from reconstructions of the diet of early hominins to the social context and meaning of food and consumption techniques in the Late Pleistocene. Applications of new analytical approaches to food remains and subsistence strategies are also welcome.

En savoir plus


12th Archaeological Chemistry Symposium

du 7 au 11 avril 2013 New Orleans, Louisiana

The 12th symposium will consist of both invited and contributed presentations, talks and posters, from researchers in the fields of archaeological science, with emphasis on chemical analysis of cultural heritage materials. The presentations will range from a poster session to a keynote talk from one of the leaders in the field of archaeological chemistry. Watch for further details (by email, or follow us on Twitter @12thArchaeoChem) about the exact dates of the Symposium, and a list of invited speakers. Please submit your abstracts for this upcoming symposium! Abstracts may be submitted online via the ACS online abstract submission system until October 29, 2012 (EXTENDED DEADLINE) at Please note that there are two links from there: one for posters, the other for oral presentations. For additional information, please contact the Symposium organizers: - Ruth Ann Armitage ( - James Burton (

Appel contributions

Cartes et cartographies gomorphologiques : du document scientifique l'outil de dveloppement

du 11 au 14 avril 2013 Sousse (Tunisie)

7mes journes scientifiques du CGMED (Laboratoire de Cartographie Gomorphologique des Milieux, des Environnements et des Dynamiques)


Envoi des rsums avant le 31 octobre 2012

Mise jour

Stories Written in Stone International Symposium on Chert and Other Knappable Materials
20-24 aot 2013 Iasi (Roumanie) - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Mise jour le 4 octobre 2013 : The organisers of the International Symposium on Chert and

other Knappable Materials are now accepting presentation abstracts. Abstracts should be around 200300 words. They may also contain one image.



IV Seminario de Tecnologa Prehistrica : "La agricultura prehistrica: Metodologa de investigacin" = IV Prehistoric Technology Seminar: "Prehistoric Agriculture: Research Methodology"

du 6 au 9 novembre 2012 Barcelone : Institution Mila y Fontanals - CSIC

Des techniques aux territoires : nouveaux regards sur les cultures msolithiques

22-23 novembre 2012 Toulouse : Maison de la Recherche - Le Mirail Mise jour le 5 octobre 2012 : Programme & modalits d'inscription

2 - Emplois, bourses, prix

La Direction des affaires culturelles de la Guadeloupe recrute un ingnieur d'tudes spcialit "archologie"
juin 2012 Guadeloupe

Mise jour le 4 octobre 2012 : Le poste est maintenant galement ouvert aux contractuels

Job Vacancy: Research Associate "Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe"

London : Institute of Archaeology - UCL

The aim of the project, unded by the European Research Council, is to address specific questions concerning the links between demographic, economic, social and cultural patterns and processes and in doing so to provide the basis for a new account of the role of farming in transforming early European societies, c.6000-2000 cal BC. The project has a team of five postdoctoral researchers, specialising in archaeobotany, zooarchaeology, radiocarbon data, material culture and site data. A researcher is now being sought responsible for managing the database and GIS as well as carrying out more complex analytical procedures, including spatial and phylogenetic analyses and modelling, in association with the other RAs. The post is available from 1 January 2013.

Plus d'infos

The deadline for applications is 11 October 2012.


Leipzig : Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology... to lead a group dedicated to "Bone and Tooth Structure-Function studies" The new group will be established in Leipzig and will work in close contact with the Department of Human Evolution of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Director: Jean-Jacques Hublin) with the Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science of the Weizmann Institute of Science (Director: Steve Weiner) Date limite : 31 dcembre 2012

Track Leader in Physical Anthropology ...

PhD studentship for a UK or EU candidate - Aberdeen University

Graduate School - College of Physical Sciences

Reconstructing variations in the timing and intensity of past climate perturbations in Northern Europe during the 'Little Ice Age' (LIA) or Younger Dryas (YD). It forms part of the inter-disciplinary programme Fragility, Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change in the North. Please follow the link below for further details on the project and how to apply Informal enquiries can be directed to : Brice Rea or Ed Schofield

Application Deadline: 12 October 2012

3 - Expositions & animations

"Pitoti" : Larte rupestre in una grande mostra multimediale
2 octobre 2012 - 4 novembre 2012 Milan

Digital rock art from ancient Europe : une exposition interactive et multimedia sur l'art rupestre de Valcamonica

En savoir plus


4 - Sminaire, confrence
Le masque guld : histoire et rle au Bnin et en Afrique

vendredi 19 octobre 2012 18 heures Quinson : Muse de Prhistoire des Gorges du Verdon

par Maurice Mitchai, directeur du Centre des jeunes et des loisirs de Ouinhi au Bnin Auditorium Jean Gagnepain Entre gratuite dans la limite des places disponibles


Muse de Prhistoire des gorges du Verdon Rte de Montmeyan - 04500 Quinson - France Tl. 04 92 74 09 59 -

5 - Acquisitions Bibliothque

(en tram, les publications des membres de lUMR dposes la bibliothque)

Borgna E., Mller Celka S. (Dir.), 2011, Ancestral landscapes : burial mounds in the Copper and Bronze Ages (central and eastern Europe - Balkans - Adriatique - Aegean, 4th-2nd millennium B.C.) : Proceedings of the International Conference held in Udine, may 15th18th 2008, Lyon, Maison de l'Orient et de la Mditerrane, 606 p. (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Mditerrane ; 58). [LIEUX = Europe centrale, Europe orientale, Balkans, Europe
mditerranenne, CHRONO = Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, symbolisme, mythologie, archologie du paysage, rite funraire, occupation du sol]

Fedele F.G., 1988, L'Uomo, le Alpi, la Valcamonica : 20.000 anni al Castello di Breno : [in occasione della Mostra, Chiesa di S. Antonio a Breno, settembre 1988], La Cittadina, Boario Terme, 269 p. [LIEUX = Lombardie, Italie septentrionale, Europe mditerranenne, Alpes, TOPONY = Val Camonica,
Castello di Breno, CHRONO = Nolithique, Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, Age du bronze, Age du fer, Protohistoire, Histoire, SUJETS = fouille, gomorphologie, habitat, culture matrielle, rite funraire, architecture, chteau, archologie du paysage]

Fokkens H., Nicolis F. (Dir.), 2012, Background to Beakers Inquiries into the Regional Cultural Background to the Bell Beaker Complex, Leiden, Sidestone Press, 203 p. [LIEUX = Europe, Maroc,

Afrique du Nord, CHRONO = Campaniforme, Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, SUJETS = cramique, typologie cramique, dcoration de l'argile, chronologie, occupation du sol] >>>


Lemercier O., 2012, The Beaker transition in Mediterranean France, in: Background to Beakers Inquiries into the Regional Cultural Background to the Bell Beaker Complex, Fokkens H., Nicolis F. (Dir.), Leiden, Sidestone Press, p. 117-155 [LIEUX = France du Sud-Est, Europe mditerranenne, CHRONO

= Campaniforme, Nolithique final, Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, SUJETS = cramique, typologie cramique, industrie lithique, typologie lithique, chronologie, occupation du sol] >>>

Robin G., 2012, The figurative part of an abstract Neolithic iconography : hypotheses and directions of research in Irish and British passage tomb art, in: Visualising the Neolithic : abstraction, figuration, performance, representation, Cochrane A., Jones A.M. (Dir.), Oakville, Oxbow Books, p. 140-160 (Neolithic studies group seminar papers ; 13) [LIEUX = Grande-Bretagne,
Royaume-Uni, Irlande, Europe du Nord, CHRONO = Nolithique, Prhistoire, SUJETS = tombe couloir, art parital, iconographie, motif gomtrique, abstraction, figuration, idologie]

Thses, Mmoires & Rapports

Berking J., 2011, Geoarchaeology in drylands : palaeoenvironmental reconstructions in the vicinity of Naga, Central Sudan, Freie Universitt Berlin, Doctoral Dissertation, 54 p. [LIEUX = Soudan,
Afrique orientale, TOPONY = Naga, CHRONO = Holocne, SUJETS = goarchologie, dsert, occupation du sol, climat, prcipitation, PEUPLES = Mrotiques] >>>


Boreas, Oslo [ISSN 0300-9483 * Online ISSN: 1502-3885 ]

Aix*Marseille Universit

2012 : 41 / 4

Comptes Rendus Biologies, Amsterdam [ISSN 1631-0691]

2012 : 335 / 9


Homo, Amsterdam [ISSN 0018-442X]

Universit de Provence

2012 : 63 / 5

Lettre (La) de la Socit d'Ethnozootechnie, Toul [ISSN 1151-1737]


2012 : 4 [pdf]

Lettre d'informations europennes [Reprsentation Provence Alpes Cte d'Azur], Bruxelles

2012 : 184


Quaternary Science Reviews, Oxford [ISSN 0277-3791]



2012 : 52 & 53

Radiocarbon, Yale [ISSN 0033-8222]


2012 : 54 / 2

2nd Annual Meeting, Bordeaux, September 21-22, 2012 : Abstracts / European Society for the study of Human Evolution (2012) Coudoulous I in Quercy (SW France): from marginal scavenging to a kill-butchery site for Preneandertal / Jaubert J., Brugal J.-P., Venditti F. et al., p. 88-. [LIEUX = Lot, Midi-Pyrnes, France,
Europe occidentale, TOPONY = La Borde, Coudoulous, CHRONO = Palolithique moyen, Prhistoire, Plistocne moyen]

Ancestral landscapes : burial mounds in the Copper and Bronze Ages (central and eastern Europe - Balkans - Adriatique - Aegean, 4th-2nd millennium B.C.) : Proceedings of the International Conference held in Udine, may 15th-18th 2008 / Borgna (2011)

The Tumulus in European Prehistory : Covering the Body, Housing the Soul / Harding A.F., p. 21-30. [LIEUX = Europe, CHRONO = Nolithique final, Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, Age du bronze, Protohistoire,
SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, rite funraire, comportement, mmoire/oubli]

funraire, mtaphysique, magie, cercle]

Die sakrale Symbolik des Kreises : Gedanken zum verborgenen Sinnbild der Hgelbestattungen / Govedarica B., p. 33-46. [SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, symbolisme, rite The Arslantepe Royal Tomb and the Manipulation of the Kurgan Ideology in Eastern Anatolia at the Beginning of the Third Millennium / Palumbi G., p. 47-59. [LIEUX = Anatolie,

Turquie, Proche Orient, Asie, TOPONY = Arslantepe, CHRONO = Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = kourgane, architecture funraire, rite funraire, mobilier funraire, territoire, idologie]

Prhistoire, SUJETS = voyage, lite, vie sociale, mythologie, change, objet]

Mythical Voyages and Ancestral Monuments : Tales on Knowledge and Leadership in Prehistoric Europe / Della Casa P., p. 61-72. [LIEUX = Europe mditerranenne, CHRONO = Chalcolithique, Rflexion sur lespace funraire et la notion de territoire en Asie centrale steppique aux priodes protohistoriques (IIe-Ier millnaires av. J.-C.) / Bendezu Sarmiento J., p. 75-85.

[LIEUX = Asie centrale, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = ncropole, territoire, stratigraphie, architecture funraire, symbolisme, archologie du paysage]

Bestattungen unter Hgeln im Gebiet der mittleren Donau seit dem Ende des neolithikums bis zum Beginn der mittleren Bronzezeit / Btora J., p. 87-96. [LIEUX = Slovaquie, Europe orientale,
CHRONO = Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, Bronze ancien, Bronze moyen, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, technique de construction, rite funraire]

Bronze ancien, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, ncropole, mobilier funraire, prospection gophysique, matire organique, fosse]

Tumulus Culture Barrows in the Polish Lowlands : the Case of the Cemetery in Smoszew / Jaeger M. & Pospieszny ., p. 97-106. [LIEUX = Pologne, Europe orientale, TOPONY = Smoszew, CHRONO =

Visible and Invisible Monuments. Late Eneolithic Burial Mounds in Forested Areas of Central Moravia / Turek J., Peka J. & Matjkov A., p. 107-117. [LIEUX = Moravie, Rpublique tchque, Europe
orientale, CHRONO = Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, archologie du paysage, rite funraire, ncropole]

[LIEUX = Bohme, Rpublique tchque, Europe orientale, CHRONO = Bronze moyen, La Tne, Second Age du fer, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, ncropole, histoire de l'archologie]

Burial Mounds in West Bohemia : the Current State of Research / mejda L., p. 119-126. Burial Mounds in the Baden Culture : Aspects of Local Developments and Outer Impacts / Sachsse C., p. 127-134. [LIEUX = Europe centrale, Hongrie, Europe orientale, CHRONO = Chalcolithique,

Prhistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire]


Interpreting the Vertical Distribution of Bronze Age Tumuli in the Central Balkans / Pori M., p. 135-144. [LIEUX = Balkans, Europe mditerranenne, Europe orientale, Serbie, CHRONO = Bronze ancien,
Bronze moyen, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, occupation du sol, sdentaire]

Tumulus or Cairn ? The Case of the Central Dalmatian Islands / Barbari V., p. 145-152.

[LIEUX = Dalmatie, Croatie, Balkans, Europe orientale, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, cairn, typologie, classification, occupation du sol]

Barbariga, CHRONO = Bronze ancien, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, fouille]

La scoperta della sepoltura a tumulo di Barbariga (Istria, Croazia) : novit e riscontri in relazione ai tumuli dellet del bronzo rinvenuti nella penisola istriana e nellItalia nordorientale / Codacci-Terlevi G., p. 153-162. [LIEUX = Istrie, Croatie, Balkans, Europe orientale, TOPONY = A Specific Type of Tholos in the Northern Adriatic / Teran B. & Hnsel B., p. 163-170.

[LIEUX = Istrie, Croatie, Balkans, Europe orientale, TOPONY = Maklavun, CHRONO = Bronze moyen, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, tholos, technique de construction, rite funraire]

SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, archologie du paysage, territoire]

Burial Mounds in Croatia : Landscapes of Continuity and Transformation / Potrebica H., p. 171-184. [LIEUX = Croatie, Balkans, Europe orientale, CHRONO = Bronze ancien, Premier Age du fer, Protohistoire,

Europe mditerranenne, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, chronologie]

The Emergence and the Architectural Development of the Tumulus Burial Custom in NW Greece (Epirus and the Ionian Islands) and Albania and its Connections to Settlement Organization / Oikonomidis S., Papayiannis A. & Tsonos A., p. 185-201. [LIEUX = Grce, Albanie, The Spatial Distribution and Location of Bronze Age Tumuli in Greece / Merkouri C. & Kouli M., p. 203-217. [LIEUX = Grce, Europe mditerranenne, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS =

tumulus, architecture funraire, occupation du sol]

Bronze final, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, tholos, archologie du paysage, occupation du sol]

Mnemonic Landscapes and Monuments of the Past : Tumuli, Tholos Tombs and Landscape. Associations in Late Middle Bronze Age and Early Late Bronze Age Messenia (Greece) / Galanakis Y., p. 219-229. [LIEUX = Ploponnse, Grce, Europe mditerranenne, CHRONO = Bronze moyen, The Bell Beaker Tumulus of Via Bruschi in Sesto Fiorentino (Florence, Italy) : New Research / Sarti L., Fenu P., Leonini V. et al., p. 231-238. [LIEUX = Toscane, Italie centrale, Europe

mditerranenne, Sesto Fiorentino, TOPONY = Via Bruschi, CHRONO = Campaniforme, Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, mobilier funraire]

Julienne, Italie septentrionale, Europe mditerranenne, TOPONY = Flaibano, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = habitat, tumulus, architecture funraire, chronologie]

Tumuli e strutture abitative presso Flaibano nellalta pianura friulana (Italia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia) : vecchi e nuovi dati / Vitri S., Balasso A. & Simeoni G., p. 239-252. [LIEUX = Frioul-Vntie I tumuli del Friuli occidentale : un aggiornamento delle conoscenze / D'Agnolo A., Pettarin S. & Tasca G., p. 253-268. [LIEUX = Frioul-Vntie Julienne, Italie septentrionale, Europe mditerranenne,

CHRONO = Bronze moyen, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, inventaire]

Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, architecture monumentale, rite funraire]

The Early Bronze Age in North Eastern Italy : the Making of a Monumental Landscape / Cssola Guida P., p. 269-277. [LIEUX = Italie septentrionale, Europe mditerranenne, CHRONO = Bronze ancien,

Individual Burial and Communal Rites : the Manifold Uses of Monumental Architecture in the North Adriatic Bronze Age / Borgna E., p. 279-289. [LIEUX = Frioul-Vntie Julienne, Italie
septentrionale, Europe mditerranenne, TOPONY = Mereto di Tomba, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, rituel, vie sociale]

CHRONO = Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, technique de construction, mobilier funraire]

Eneolithic Burial Mounds in the Black Sea Steppe : from the First Burial Symbols to Monumental Ritual Architecture / Rassamakin Y., p. 293-305. [LIEUX = Ukraine, Europe orientale,

Prehistoric Barrow Graves between the Danube and the Balkan Range : Stratigraphy and Relative Chronology / Alexandrov S., p. 307-320. [LIEUX = Balkans, Europe mditerranenne, Europe

orientale, Bulgarie, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, rite funraire, mobilier funraire, stratigraphie, chronologie]

CHRONO = Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, rite funraire]

Tumuli with Circular Ditch and the Ritual Scenario among Corded Ware Culture Societies on the North European Plain / Czebreszuk J. & Szmyt M., p. 321-328. [LIEUX = Europe du Nord,

The Development of Burial Rites from the Tumulus to the Urnfield Culture in Southern Central Europe / Falkenstein F., p. 329-340. [LIEUX = Autriche, Europe centrale, CHRONO = Age du New Work at the Late Bronze Age Tumulus Cemetery of Lpu in Romania / Kacs C., Metzner-Nebelsick C. & Nebelsick L.D., p. 341-353. [LIEUX = Roumanie, Europe orientale, TOPONY = Lapus,
CHRONO = Bronze final, Protohistoire, SUJETS = ncropole, tumulus, architecture funraire, rituel, festin, culte des anctres] bronze, Age du fer, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, rite funraire, incinration, urne]

Balinov Gorun, CHRONO = Bronze ancien, Protohistoire, SUJETS = ncropole, architecture funraire, rituel, ossements animaux, objet mtallique, or, parure]

The Early Bronze Age Ritual Structures and Necropolis from near the Village of Dubene, Karlovo Region / Hristov M., p. 355-365. [LIEUX = Bulgarie, Europe orientale, Plovdiv, TOPONY = Dubene,

Europe orientale, TOPONY = Musego, Monkodonja, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire]

Burial Mounds of the Bronze Age at Muego near Monkodonja : results of the Excavations 2006-2007 / Mihovili K., Hnsel B., Matoevi D. et al., p. 367-373. [LIEUX = Croatie, Balkans,

The Princely Tumulus Gruda Boljevia Podgorica, Montenegro / Bakovi M., p. 375-381. [LIEUX = Montenegro, Balkans, Europe du Sud, Europe orientale, Podgorica, CHRONO = Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, Bronze ancien, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, mobilier funraire] The Early Bronze Age Burial Mound at Kriarits - Sykia (Central Macedonia, Greece) / Asouhidou S., p. 383-390. [LIEUX = Macdoine, Grce, Europe mditerranenne, TOPONY = Kriarits, Sykia,

CHRONO = Bronze ancien, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, incinration, rite funraire, mobilier funraire]

Bronze Age Tumuli and Grave Circles in Central Greece : the Current State of Research / Papakonstantinou M.-P., p. 391-399. [LIEUX = Grce, Europe mditerranenne, CHRONO = Age du bronze,
Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, mobilier funraire]

Mounds over Dwellings : The Transformation of Domestic Spaces into Community Monuments in EH II Thebes, Greece / Aravantinos V.L. & Psaraki K., p. 401-413. [LIEUX = Grce, Europe
mditerranenne, Thbes de Botie, CHRONO = Helladique ancien, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, habitat]

Burial Mounds and Ritual Tumuli of the Aegean Early Bronze Age / Mller Celka S., p. 415428. [LIEUX = Grce, Europe mditerranenne, CHRONO = Bronze ancien, Helladique ancien, SUJETS = tumulus,
architecture funraire, rituel, vie sociale]

Why Grave Circles A and B at Mycenae are Very Unlikely to be Burial Tumuli / Dickinson O., p. 429-432. [LIEUX = Grce, Europe mditerranenne, Mycnes, CHRONO = Mycnien, Bronze final,
Protohistoire , SUJETS = spulture, architecture funraire, tumulus]

The Argos Tumuli : a Re-examination / Sarri K. & Voutsaki S., p. 433-443. [LIEUX = Grce, Europe mditerranenne, TOPONY = Argos, CHRONO = Bronze moyen, Bronze final, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, rite funraire, mobilier funraire] Tumuli and Social Status : a Re-examination of the Asine Tumulus / Voutsaki S., IngvarssonSundstrm A. & Dietz S., p. 445-462. [LIEUX = Grce, Europe mditerranenne, TOPONY = Asine, CHRONO =
Age du bronze, Age du fer, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, rite funraire, paloanthropologie, ostologie, chimie, isotope, alimentation]

Die Ausgrabung von zwei mittelhelladisch I-zeitlichen Grabtumuli in der Flur Kastroulia bei Ellinika (Alt-Thouria) in Messenien = The excavation of two middle Helladic I burial mounds at Kastroulia near Ellinika (ancient Thouria) in Messenia / Rambach J., p. 463-474. [LIEUX =
Grce, Europe mditerranenne, CHRONO = Helladique, Protohistoire , SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, mobilier funraire, cramique, typologie cramique, parure]

Burial Mounds and specchie in Apulia during the Bronze Age : Local Developments and Transadriatic Connections / Recchia G., p. 475-484. [LIEUX = Pouilles, Italie mridionale, Europe
mditerranenne, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, rite funraire, hypoge, ncropole, dolmen, mgalithisme, incinration, rite funraire]

mditerranenne, TOPONY = Le Chianche, Minervino Murge, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = enceinte, architecture, tumulus, industrie lithique polie, hache-marteau, cramique]

Un impianto dellet del bronzo nellAlta Murgia pugliese : il recinto e il tumulo del sito di Le Chianche (Minervino Murge, Bari) / Radina F., p. 485-492. [LIEUX = Pouilles, Italie mridionale, Europe

The Torre S. Sabina Tumulus (Brindisi, Italy) in the Context of Transmarine Relations during the 14th c. B.C / Onnis E., p. 493-502. [LIEUX = Pouilles, Italie mridionale, Europe

mditerranenne, Brindisi, Albanie, TOPONY = Torre Santa Sabina, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, cramique, typologie cramique, mobilier funraire]

Italie septentrionale, Europe mditerranenne, Vicence, TOPONY = Sovizzo, San Daniele, CHRONO = Nolithique final, Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, spulture, datation, radiocarbone]

I tumuli funerari dellet del Rame di Sovizzo-localit S. Daniele (Vicenza) : aspetti costruttivi, cronologici e cultuali / Bianchin Citton E. & Balista C., p. 503-510. [LIEUX = Vntie,

New Evidence of Ancestral Landscape in Trentino in the Copper and Bronze Ages : the Ritual Sites of Cles-Campi Neri and La Vela di Trento / Endrizzi L., Mottes E., Nicolis F. et al., p. 511-522. [LIEUX = Trentin-Haut Adige, Italie septentrionale, Europe mditerranenne, TOPONY = Cles, Campi
Neri, La Vela di Trento, CHRONO = Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = architecture funraire, mobilier funraire, incinration, rite funraire]

The Bronze Age Tumuli of Gardolo di Mezzo (Trento, Italy) in the Adige Valley / Mottes E., Bassetti M. & Silvestri E., p. 523-532. [LIEUX = Trentin-Haut Adige, Italie septentrionale, Europe
mditerranenne, TOPONY = Gardolo di Mezzo, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, paloanthropologie, mtallurgie, cuivre]

Yamnaya Groups and Tumuli west of the Black Sea / Heyd V., p. 535-555. [LIEUX = Roumanie, Bulgarie, Serbie, Hongrie, Balkans, Europe mditerranenne, Europe orientale, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, vie sociale, culture matrielle, occupation du sol] The Oldest Round Barrows of the European Lowlands / Czebreszuk J. & Pospieszny ., p. 557566. [LIEUX = Europe centrale, Pologne, Europe orientale, CHRONO = Chalcolithique, Prhistoire, Age du bronze,
Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, vie sociale]

Protohistoire, SUJETS = rite funraire, mobilier funraire, histoire de l'archologie]

Bronze Age Mortuary Practices in Thrace : A prelude to Studying the Long-term Tradition / Leshtakov K., p. 567-577. [LIEUX = Thrace, Bulgarie, Europe orientale, CHRONO = Age du bronze,

[LIEUX = Grce, Europe mditerranenne, TOPONY = Marmara, Oeta, CHRONO = Age du bronze, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, vie sociale] [LIEUX = Ploponnse, Grce, Europe mditerranenne, Messnie, CHRONO = Helladique, Bronze moyen, Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, rite funraire, archologie du paysage]

The Marmara Tumuli : their Contribution to Greek Protohistory / Dakoronia P., p. 579-583. Middle Helladic Tumuli in Messenia : ethnological conclusions / Korres G.S., p. 585-596.

Protohistoire, SUJETS = tumulus, architecture funraire, occupation du sol]

The (Possible) Tursi Tumulus Burial near Matera and the Relationships between southern Italy and the Aegean-Balkan Area in the First Half of the 3rd Millennium B.C / Cazzella A., p. 597-606. [LIEUX = Basilicate, Italie mridionale, Europe mditerranenne, Matera, CHRONO = Age du bronze,

Homo, 63/5 (2012)

palontologie humaine, volution, comportement, sciences cognitives]

An aetiology of hominin behaviour / Bednarik R.G., p. 319-335.

[CHRONO = Plistocne, SUJETS =

= Ethiopie, Afrique orientale, TOPONY = Hadar, CHRONO = Plio-plistocne, SUJETS = palontologie humaine, primate, mammifre, palontologie des vertbrs, bipdie]

The AL 333-160 fourth metatarsal from Hadar compared to that of humans, great apes, baboons and proboscis monkeys: Non-conclusive evidence for pedal arches or obligate bipedality in Hadar hominins / Mitchell P.J., Sarmiento E.E. & Meldrum D.J., p. 336-367. [LIEUX

Nature, 489/7417 (2012)

plistocne, SUJETS = Australopithecus, Paranthropus, Homo, palontologie humaine, alimentation, habitat, mail dentaire, mthodologie] &

Evidence for dietary change but not landscape use in South African early hominins / Balter V., Braga J., Telouk P. et al., p. 558-560. [LIEUX = Afrique du Sud, Afrique australe, CHRONO = Plio-

PaleoAnthropology, 2012 (2012)

Plistocne infrieur, SUJETS = Homo, palontologie humaine, mandibule, morphomtrie]

A Quantitative Assessment of Mandibular Variation in the Dmanisi Hominins / Van Arsdale A.P. & Lordkipanidze D., p. 134-144. [LIEUX = Gorgie, Asie centrale, TOPONY = Dmanisi, CHRONO =


Contrebandiers, CHRONO = Moustrien, Atrien, Palolithique moyen, Ibromaurusien, Epipalolithique, Prhistoire, SUJETS = fouille, stratigraphie, chronologie, datation, industrie lithique, archozoologie]

New Excavations at the Site of Contrebandiers Cave, Morocco / Dibble H.L., Aldeias V., Alvarez Fernndez E. et al., p. 145-201. [LIEUX = Maroc, Afrique du Nord, TOPONY = grotte des

Proche Orient, Asie, TOPONY = Mont Carmel, Misliya, CHRONO = Palolithique moyen, Prhistoire , SUJETS = goarchologie, taphonomie, industrie lithique, typologie lithique, technologie lithique, phytolithe, palobotanique]

A Window into Early Middle Paleolithic Human Occupational Layers: Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel / Weinstein-Evron M., Tsatskin A., Weiner S. et al., p. 202-228. [LIEUX = Isral,

Physio-Go, /6 (2012)

Cte d'Azur, France, Europe mditerranenne, Marseille, Cassis, TOPONY = grotte Cosquer, grotte de la Triperie, Riou, Trmies, Port-Miou, Bstouan, SUJETS = gologie, tectonique, grotte]

Les grottes du massif des Calanques (Marseilleveyre - Puget - Riou, France) : gologie, gomorphologie, sdimentologie / Blanc J.-J., p. 161-200. [LIEUX = Bouches-du-Rhne, Provence-Alpes-

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109/40 (2012)
Late Pleistocene climate change and the global expansion of anatomically modern humans / Eriksson A., Betti L., Friend A.D. et al., p. 16089-16094. [LIEUX = Afrique, Amrique, Asie, Europe,
Ocanie, CHRONO = Plistocne suprieur, SUJETS = paloanthropologie, gntique, palodmographie, Homo sapiens, climat, modlisation]

Radiocarbon, 54/2 (2012)

Prhistoire , SUJETS = datation, radiocarbone, statistique]

A Bayesian Re-Assessment of the Earliest Radiocarbon Dates from Tiwanaku, Bolivia / Marsh E.J., p. 203-218. [LIEUX = Bolivie, Amrique du Sud, TOPONY = Tiwanaku, CHRONO = Prhispanique,


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