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October 2012 NEWSLETTER


A Solution to our Catch 22
I recently related to our Council the plot of Joseph Hellers famous satirical novel Catch 22. It is a great story and I highly recommend reading it. Heller wrote it about 50 years ago based on his WW II wartime experiences as a bombardier in Southern Europe where he flew 60 missions. The books main character, bombardier Captain Yousarian knew that if he kept flying missions he would be killed. His headquarters kept increasing the number of missions required to go home and the number grew so high that the goal became impossible. Captain Yousarian asked a fellow crewmember how he could get off of flying status. The answer was to become physically unable to fly. But Yousarian replied that he just passed his flying physical. Aha, his friend said, than you have to become mentally incapable to fly. To do this you must convince the flight surgeon that you are crazy. Does that work, Yousarian asked?

Continued on Page 2

Continued from Page 1

No, replied his friend. Here was beauty of the Catch 22. Everyone knows that if you were sane you realize that you were going to get killed by continuing to fly. No sane person would do that. But you must be sane to be in control of the aircraft. So if you declare yourself crazy, the doctors know that you are really sane, because only a crazy man would every get in an airplane when he knew that he was going to be killed. Furthermore, no crazy man would plead crazy to get out of flying. So, the logic declared, you have to be crazy to want to fly. And you have to be sane not to. So here was the Catch 22 quandary; sane or crazy, you were going to fly. Sierra Lutheran Church is in our own Catch 22. We are not a poor church, but for the past year we have not had sufficient Sunday offerings to pay for a pastor. If we continue to not have a pastor to pay, we will have sufficient funds to continue on our way. But if we hire a pastor to shepherd our congregation in a growth direction, we will not have sufficient monthly offerings to pay him or her. This is our Catch 22. We have not always been in this situation. Years ago we had a much larger congregation. Furthermore, our treasurer for several years has a great husband who happened to have won the California lottery. I am not inferring that the California lottery paid for our bills, but the treasurer had her finger on the pulse on the budget and knew how to reach out to people by leading the way. That comfortable situation kept our congregation strong and viable. We are no longer in that situation. So how do we resolve this quandary, you ask? I have a simple solution, but you must obey me. HA, you say! Even Jerrys wife and dog have trouble obeying him. OK, but at least please listen. We currently average 70 adult worshipers every Sunday. Not a huge number, but sufficient to accomplish my plan. Every adult can shell out another ten bucks per Sunday over your average offering. That is not a great amount per person. But it will bring in another $2,800 per month which is sufficient, for a start. I challenge you to make a pact with your family. If we sacrifice (maybe cut out a cup of Starbucks each day?) and follow this plan for one year, we can hire an Interim Pastor and let the Call Committee, unfettered by money constraints, do their job of finding our Shepherd to lead Sierra Lutheran Church into the future. With our Shepherd guiding us, we will grow and can continue to follow Christs Great Commission of making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that Christ commanded us. AS THE ADD SEZ, JUST DO IT! TEN BUCKS AT A TIME! Jerry Garwick Your Brother in Christ

Administrators report For Sept. 2012

*Draft of new church key policy and equipment borrowing policy have been emailed to each Admin. Council member for review and comments. *This month it has been discovered that we have been paying for a second telephone line (that was for Pastors office) at the rate of $42 per month. That line is being cancelled this month. *Rally Sunday was a big success!! Thanks to the team leaders who helped and continue to help with this venture. Special thanks to Fran and Jerry for taking on the teaching of our Adult Series called Exploring the New Testament. And thanks to all the small group leaders who are teaching it to their groups too! This study has been requested by our Elders so we can all study this series together to start off the year. Then Adult Sunday School and small groups will choose whatever they would like to study for the rest of the year. One small group has already started their group this year and have chosen to continue that study-presently. They all have the option to join the Sunday morning Adult study to join the Exploring the New Testament study also. There is a current list of SLC opportunities to serve and to be served posted on the front door for your reference. *It is important that all leaders of our church follow the request of our Elders and join in the Exploring the New Testament series in compliance with our Elder Boards request! We are setting the example for our Congregants! *We need immediate sign ups for being the counter helper after church or Sunday School. Sign up sheet to be passed around. Becki La Voy-Jordan, Admin.

Monday Night Youth.

School is back in full swing! Please sign up to help with Youth Dinners on Monday nights. We have had about 10 the last few weeks, and will let you know as that changes. Tami has a crazy schedule this October/November and will GREATLY appreciate your help. Please check the bright yellow menu and sign-up sheet in the Narthex.

Hope & Joy.

Join the ladies of Hope and Joy Saturday Oct 13th at noon for a potluck lunch, short business meeting and bible study at the home of Joyce Velasquez..Please call Joyce and let her know if you will be attending...8553149. Bible study will be The Shunammite Woman 2 Kings 4: 8-37. Please support the bake sale we will have Sunday October 28th to help defray the cost of VBS for 2013.

Health Matters: Shingles & Chicken Pox, Fran Garwick, NP

How can something you put on your roof be related to the childhood disease of Chicken Pox? Those of you who know me realize this is a trick question. Shingles is the common name for a painful skin rash called herpes zoster, not a roofing material. Where does Chicken Pox come in? Those of us who had Chicken Pox (Varicella) when we were young have the herpes zoster virus in our nerve endings. This type of herpes virus is not the sexually transmitted herpes virus, nor is the one that commonly causes fever blisters. But the worst part about Shingles is the painful rash or nerve pain that can linger, sometimes forever. This is called post herpetic neuralgia (PHN) which is easier to say. What does Shingles look like? It starts as an itchy or tingly area that becomes more painful. It may become red, raised and develop blisters. It does not look like heat rash and, because of the specific location, does not look like poison oak. The most common areas are in the torso, following the nerve pathway from the spine around to the side but the rash will not cross the middle of the abdomen. I have seen it on nerve pathways on an arm or leg, however. There are many informative pictures on that can show you typical lesions. This virus remains dormant until our body is challenged in some way. Sometimes the challenge is an illness or stress, or may appear in the elderly as their bodies are challenged by multiple factors in aging. In approximately 1996 an immunization was developed and recommended for children and all who never developed Chicken Pox. It is likely that the children who received the vaccine may never have to deal with Shingles in the future. However, 1 in 3 adults run the lifelong risk of developing Shingles as they age. So, the Center for Disease Control recommends adults 60+ receive the Shingles vaccine. Some providers encourage their patients 50+ to receive the vaccine but may have to pay extra for it unless there is a good reason for receiving the immunization, i.e., someone in their household has developed Shingles. Incidentally, pregnant women should not receive the Shingles vaccine. (I received the vaccine before I was 60 and was advised that I might receive a bill of $200 for the immunization and never did receive a bill!) Shingles is contagious to those who have NEVER had Chicken Pox or received the immunization. If they do develop a rash, it will be Chicken Pox, not Shingles. Shingles is contagious until all the blisters or pustules have dried up the same guidelines for knowing when Chicken Pox is no longer contagious (and the kids can go back to school!) The treatment for Shingles is antiviral medication which should be started within the first 3 days of the itch or tingle. This treatment is prescribed by your health care provider and may prevent the residual pain of PHN. Once you have an episode of Shingles, you should always keep a supply of the antiviral in your medicine cabinet because the rash will probably recur and you want to take the medication promptly. Please call me if you have any questions about Shingles, immunizations or treatment OR contact your health professional. My home # is 323-6603, my cell is 765-7364.

Are you interested in doing a childrens message? We are making up a list of names, love you have your name on it! Contact: Shelley Telles, Cathy Jolley or Becki LaVoy Jordan

There is a Sunday School Class for please join one !!!! Time 9:00 am Classes & Locations Kindergarten 2nd Grade in Room 2 with Cathy Jolley 3rd Grade 6th Grade in Room 3 with David Bookwalter Confirmation Class in Room 1 with Becki LaVoy Jordan Adult Sunday School in the Sanctuary with Jerry & Fran Garwick. Studying Exploring Gods Word By John Scharlemann

Nursery News:


Please pass the word along that we are no longer accepting clothing or any donations! We are still having people in the community dropping off items, so please spread the word! Thank you!

Pick A Party Cancellation

Sausage Makin and Lunch Hosted by Shirley & Jim Marcus

Esther Lupine Simpson was born Thursday September 20, 2012 weighing 7 pounds and 2 ounces Congratulations to Edwin & Emily (Dad & Mom) Edwin V (Big Brother) Tom & Susan Catchpole (Grandpa & Grandma)

Trunk or Treat
HALLOWEEN IS Wednesday October 31 and we need you and your trunk! Please be at the church by 4:00 to set up your trunk, or to help with dinner preparation. Dinner is served at 5:00 This is a BIG HIT with the community! If you cant make it donations always accepted!

Policy for equipment and items loaned at SLC Developed Sept. 2012
*Name of borrower________________________________________________________ *Phone number___________________________________________________________ *List items to be borrowed__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ *Dates to be borrowed_________________________ - ___________________________ *Date to be returned __________________________. *Please make arrangements with Church Administrator, _____________________________ for pick up and return.

*Is a key being loaned out to this borrower??? _______ Fill out key log if Yes and collect deposit for key also.
Fees to be determined below: *For SLC members there is a deposit of $______ for the use of these church items. *For Associate Members the deposit is $______ for use of these church items. * Deposit to be refunded when all items are returned in the same condition in which they were borrowed. *Date returned: ________________________. *Signed off by _________________________ date:________________. *Check here if equipment deposit has been refunded *Check here when key is returned and deposit refunded *Please notify Church Administrator (see name and number above) when all are returned .

Sierra Lutheran Churchs Key loaning policy

Sept. 2012

*For any church key loaned out to a member the following requirements must be meet: 1) The Key Log must be filled out completely with: *date of key loan *reason for key loan *the borrowers printed name and phone number *the borrower must agree to return the key as needed or requested. *a $5 deposit to be held(in the church office) until that key is returned and signed off by the Office Secretary, the Pastor or the Administrator. *when the key is returned it needs to also be logged in and refund given: with the date returned recorded in the key log in the correct column.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Key loaning procedures for associates: Same rules as above apply except that the deposit will be $10 to be refunded when the key is returned. Also included will be the time and date of the key loan. A time must be determined for said key to be returned to the church office(during office hours) and will be recorded in the key log. If key is not returned on the designated day and time this will be turned over to the Church Administrator or Pastor to handle. Forfeiture of deposit may result.

***I have read and agree to these rules: Signature________________________________________ Date_______________

Your Call Committee has been working hard with the preliminary aspects of our duties to find the Pastoral Candidate God wants for Sierra Lutheran Church. We would like your input in determining the congregations needs and strengths and what pastoral skills will best serve the Lord in Sierra Lutheran Church. We are taking a brief survey and ask you to turn in your responses either today or over the next two Sundays: September 30 and October 7. You may submit your survey to any member of the Call Committee: Alan Gallegos, Fran Garwick, Dave McCann, John Pape, Edwin Simpson, Jeanie Taylor, or Shelley Telles. You can use the back of this page or append an additional page if you need more space. This survey is available in the October Newsletter.

Please pray about these questions and respond as God guides you: 1. 2. 3. 4. What are our congregations needs? What are our congregations strengths? What are our congregations weaknesses? What pastoral skills will best serve The Lord?

Sierra Lutheran Church of Auberry

2012 Fundraiser To raise money for the General Fund

October 2012 Worship Assistants *all services at 10:15am*

(Sunday School/children & adult - 9:00am-10:00am)

Oct 7
Altar Guild Greeters Ushers Shelley Pam & Joyce R. Dave & Joni & Bob Jennifer ??? Sam

Oct 14
Shelley Alan & Sue Dave Mc & Bev & David B Stan

Oct 21
Shelley Gloria & Fern Alan & Sue & Fern Pam ???

Oct 28

Reformation Sunday

Rod & Marcia Wiens Jerry & Fran & Stan Alan

Readers Gods Word Computer Communion Assistants

Sam Mike & Joyce Pastor & Fern Yes


Sam John & Lori Pastor & David B Yes

rayer tations

If you are unable to serve when scheduled please ask one of the other assistants to trade dates or provide a substitution for you, and notify Worship Coordinator Shelley Telles of the change (855-5703 message machine).


~ October 2012 ~
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

3:15 7:30 pm Freefalling Middle & Senior High Ministry Youth Room 5:15 pm Youth Dinner 7:00 pm AA Meeting Room 2

6:00 am Mens Bible Study Simpson Workroom 12:30 pm Life Group Karp & Sanders Room 2 7:00 pm Choir Sanctuary 7:00 pm Life Group Bookwalter Home David Bookwalter - Birthday Katelyn Larson - Birthday

12:00 Noon Mens Bible Study Garwick @ Big Ds 6:30 pm Life Group Pape Home

6:30 pm Praise Team Sanctuary 7:00 pm AA Meeting Room 2

Teagan Jolley - Birthday


6:30 pm Praise Team Sanctuary 7:00 pm AA Meeting Room 2


9:00 am Josephs Storehouse 12:00 Noon Hope & Joy Location: Joyce Velasquez Home Clay Telles - Birthday

9:00 am Church Sunday 3:15 7:30 pm Freefalling 6:00 am Mens Bible Study 12:00 Noon Mens Bible Middle & Senior High Ministry Simpson Workroom Study Garwick @ Big Ds School 12:30 pm Life Group Karp 6:30 pm Life Group Pape 10:15 am Church Service Youth Room
5:15 pm Youth Dinner 7:00 pm AA Meeting Room 2 John Saethre - Birthday & Sanders Room 2 7:00 pm Choir Sanctuary 7:00 pm Life Group Bookwalter Home Home

Brian Austin - Birthday





6:30 pm Praise Team Sanctuary 7:00 pm AA Meeting Room 2



6:00 am Mens Bible Study 12:00 Noon Mens Bible 9:00 am Church Sunday 3:15 7:30 pm Freefalling Simpson Workroom Study Garwick @ Big Ds School Middle & Senior High Ministry 12:30 pm Life Group Karp 6:30 pm Life Group Pape 10:15 am Church Service Youth Room 5:15 pm Youth Dinner 7:00 pm AA Meeting Room 2 & Sanders Room 2 7:00 pm Choir Sanctuary 7:00 pm Life Group Bookwalter Home Home

Lynda Qualls Birthday Paul & Arlene Jumps Anniversary





6:30 pm Praise Team Sanctuary 7:00 pm AA Meeting Room 2



9:00 am Church Sunday 3:15 7:30 pm Freefalling 6:00 am Mens Bible Study 9:00 am Food Bank Middle & Senior High Ministry Simpson Workroom 12:00 Noon Mens Bible School 12:30 pm Life Group Karp Study Garwick @ Big Ds 10:15 am Church Service Youth Room
5:15 pm Youth Dinner 7:00 pm AA Meeting Room 2 & Sanders Room 2 7:00 pm Choir Sanctuary 7:00 pm Life Group Bookwalter Home Trenton Hamby - Birthday

6:30 pm Life Group Pape Home

Fran Garwick - Birthday

Newsletter Articles Due







Trunk or Treat 9:00 am Church Sunday 3:15 7:30 pm Freefalling 6:00 am Mens Bible Study Middle & Senior High Ministry Simpson Workroom 12:00 Noon Mens Bible School 12:30 pm Life Group Karp Study Garwick @ Big Ds 10:15 am Church Service Youth Room 5:15 pm Youth Dinner 7:00 pm AA Meeting Room 2 & Sanders Room 2 7:00 pm Choir Sanctuary 7:00 pm Life Group Bookwalter Home

6:30 pm Life Group Pape Home


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