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4O} Précis of a facsimile supplied to MAF, received from a person in the United States, dated 6 May 1996 NOTE: Direct quotes from the reference are italicized. The correspondent states that: 1. They received a call from a colleague about the matter with Cai ol) surprised. 2. They then received a fax from MAF and apologise for ein en to respi. \ 3. They “don’t know where to start. No one that really gets 10¥noy ‘ever wants him to own any animals. He really di them, much less train them. When you first me and talks like he is the greatest animal train He here, and he 4, They got “him [Mr Busch] a job with so it dpe blame me for what he ended up making a real fool of himsel did. Lam very sorry.” S 5, Mr Busch owed them, and anoth 0) and had great difficulty in retrieving the money because not him (Mr Busch] angry. 6. They “really feel terrible ahout having ddr; animal friends and he of theaWe's One of the best con men I have ever met, and in this busi et 7. They said that “J, involved with a1 problems with ars/ang”. — 8. They for enfin to finally see the pictures of Craig holding a white ti bleash, 1. heard a lot about it but never saw it”. 9. They we is shown the picture because Mr Busch would have known sos vould have known that the picture was a fake. fan Rete that any person would go to such a means to try to impress (aan we) copies of plans of animal cages and attempted to conceal this from ‘ho had drawn them. was always so polite and soft spoken and a perfect gentleman that he had “of ts fooled. I could go on for pages, telling you about Craig. None of us want thing to do with him ever again. He is trouble and a BIG LIAR.” [Mr Busch] but I do not want to get it just want to be left alone and not have any 12. "At that time we ail trusted and wanted to help him get started in this business. He told us that he had this large ranch in NZ and that large runs were being put up to house cheetahs that he was getting from Africa. Of course, we all believed him. He also told us that he was the world champion in motor cycle racing. He did a great snow job on all of us’ He told me that he had been in the U.S. since approximately 1992. He fully aemitted was Jeokin fo wie so that he coud remain inthis county, He asked mend several ot nif Wwe would be wiling to marry him. He seid thal he could never use ‘here were "dangerous people there that are after me and wil h im." (He sed thet he \as a word champion jet sker and motorcycle racer (had a id that he had opened a ski shop and thet his “competition became isalbype out of the Country threatening me." He folowed an American git to é her and starting new in this county. He became determinst low 0 own and train fons and tigers in the U.S. He started "Wide Prodi City, Uizh, U.S.A, a kind of a circus ecthwidife park. He showed m pings about it He Even showed me some black market costume a ade for the act out of thinocerous or hippo leather (cannot recall). Te Y him and “all of her family and friends ran me cut of business there.” sun feges, Nevada, and said that he worked for an act there celled 8 and “A with = ) and thes in Las Vegas. He showed me a photo of him in costyae NHN Ertiger. It was one of the doctored Souvenir photo's that you can buy wt imposed over the trainers. But he ‘repeatedly showed this to people Cat compounds. He said that he had ‘wo years experience training tiga that he had never so A uch a8 touched one of their dekard vas] atopy fred upon disobeying their rules and Sneaking into a tiger cage fd wetting bits “He getting involved with cat a couple into loaning him $6000 so that he ve USDA. licensing, nor California Fish & Game He approached about helping him get rases on our Hcensing for him. Nobody would oblige him Regal. He purchesed an Alcan lon cub and harbored it ilegaty 1 tiger breeder in Arkansas called . . oeta A Paramount Studcs and oromised that he would eut ate © ca or them if they could produce documentation vertving that they could use it rom Paramount te - nd borrowed a white cub for this A OO had hired lion at Craig promised Paramount that he HAD a trained A white lion and \was notified that he would not be used. This was a job worth upwards A. of $200,000 to ‘called me to ask if| happened to know who Craig A Busch was. When | told him and Paramount that Creig did not have a whit fon, a ‘Succeeded in getting the job back. Upon my following all of this up, he knew that | wes on to him and | was demanding thet he retum the cats and the money or else | would turn him into the INS here (his green card had expired), He went beck to te retum the white tiger cub A {and to look for work, having been run out of California. He was caught embezzting money’aier a few days there. He wes also caught on the phone (overheard on the extension line) vith Someone in New Zealand on stealing two of their breeder white a ‘smuggling them back to N.Z. He was fired and ran off the property, His tral went cold there. | put the word out with all of my acqu yr do him. | heard several accounts of him stealing money or conning 08 Ai he worked, took their white cub back and is him. it was dying of malnourishment and exoosure, and. c weeks) The last we 0. heard of anyone seeing him was about nine months agt ot a call from him from New Zeelar ‘orange tiger cubs, cheetahs, and Afican lions. Seve Notified about him by myself and refused him. He ling an animal dealer In the U.S. (California) named id the CITES laws" A, here and get the cats that he wants. He said plans on opening a wid arimal park there Thats the last of, Here are some nat a ‘The cutent phone # th enseh li>)) is His mothers phone # Sony thie 0 wea eben a ede aay een tae pn dj fo steal ‘cougars and does know how to get to No. re ever fled against him by a or ple that losned him the $9000, tnat | know of, The story is A are ail Gute embarreseed to have fallen for this man’s con game and and then he would disappear. Also, | make no assumptions on eople have or have not agreed to illegal activity with Craig Busch to remain anonymous. in a sting on this end by finding some people rom his past that would like (rmyset included). 1 wil help in any way that | can. The simple fact is that ‘op at nothing to get what he wants at the animals expense. And he has NO nce with wild animals as of nine months ago and will get someone hut of killed handing these large cats, | hope there is a way that someone can stop him,

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