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How To Install Oracle11gR2 11.2.0.

Overview: The following instructions will install Oracle11g Release 2 version in your local C:\oracle\ directory and create a new database instance O11gR202. NOTE: [For Windows 7, set User Account Control to "Never Notify", go to <Control Panel><User Accounts><User Account Settings> and adjust the slider bar to "Never notify". Additionally go to <All Programs><Accessories> and right click on <Command Prompt> and open selecting <run as administrator>.]

Install 32bit-Oracle 11g Release 2:

Map the following share to you local machine Using Windows File Explorer>Tools>Map Network Drive, map \\ironman\databases\oracle\Oracle11gR2_11202\Windows-x86-32bit to your machine as the local I:\ disk drive. You must map the share as I:\ as the installation scripts reference the drive. From the command prompt change directory to I:\ (C:\User>cd I:) before executing the command scripts below. First install Oracle11g Release 2 by executing the command file: I:\Install_11gR2_11.2.0.2_on_C.cmd Create New 11gR2 Database: From the directory I:\ run Create_O11gR202_Database_on_C.cmd Oracle has added enhanced security to the CREATE DATABASE command and you will be prompted to "Enter password for SYS:". Please type and enter "O11gR202". Please use "O11gR202" as the password as it will be important and required for database maintenance and administration. Oracle 11g Release 2 installer location for Hyderabad \\in1prdfs01\apps\Oracle\oracle11gR2 Collaborate and Market Manager If you need to create a database for Collaborate or Market Manager and require the indatabase JVM, you'll have to copy the scripts to you local machine then edit and uncomment the appropriate lines in the files: O11gR202.sql and initO11gR202.ora before running the command file locally from your machine. Configure the Listener Perform typical LISTENER configuration by running the command file: Configure_LISTENER.cmd from directory I:\.

Edit and create the file C:\oracle\\network\admin\tnsnames.ora and add the following entry: O11gR202 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <name of your machine>)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = O11gR202) ) )

Install 32-bit/64bit-Oracle 11g Release 2 in UI mode:

Map the following share to you local machine based on your requirements (32bit or 64-bit)
US Locations: \\ironman\databases\Oracle\Oracle11gR2_11202\Windows-x86-64bit \\ironman\databases\Oracle\Oracle11gR2_11202\Windows-x86-32bit

Hyderabad Locations:

32-bit installer for windows. \\in1prdfs01\Apps\Oracle\Oracle11.2.0.2\\database\ setup.exe

64-bit installer for windows. \\in1prdfs01\Apps\Oracle\Oracle11.2.0.2\\database\ setup.exe

Using Windows File Explorer>Tools>Map Network Drive, map to your machine as the local I:\ disk drive. You must map the share as I:\ as the installation scripts reference the drive.

1. Stop all the oracle services from Start->Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services (services under the name oracle*). 2. Run the installer.
Run the installer by double clicking setup.exe from the above location depending upon 32bit/64bit machine.

De-select I wish to receive the security updates and then click next

Click yes

Select Skip software updates and then click next

Select Install database software only and then click next

Select single instance database installation and then click next

Click next

Select standard edition and then click next

Modify Oracle Base and Oracle Home paths accordingly and then click next In this case ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE is ORACLE_HOME = D:\oracle\product\\dbhome_1 ORACLE_BASE= D:\oracle

Click Install

The installation is on. It will take few minutes.

Click close 3. Database creation (Follow the below steps to create the database if you are CoE user.

Others can refer to database base creation steps mentioned at the beginning of the page.
Set the following in the environment variables. Modify ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE paths accordingly. In this case ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE is ORACLE_HOME = D:\oracle\product\\dbhome_1 ORACLE_BASE= D:\oracle Next open the file sqlnet.ora present in the location %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin When opened the file contains the value NTS. Change it to NONE and save it. Copy the scripts folder to %ORACLE_HOME% from the following location. \\in1prdfs01\Apps\Oracle\Oracle\11202scripts Right click on CMD and select "run as administrator" and execute o11gr202.bat file. Oracle has

added enhanced security to the CREATE DATABASE command and you will be prompted to "Enter password for SYS:". Please type and enter "O11gR202". Please use "O11gR202" as the password as it will be important and required for database maintainace and administration.

This will create Oracle 11g database o11gr202 on your system.

4. Create the listener for Oracle 11202 and register the database to it.
Open Start -> Programs-> Oracle-OraDb11g_home1->Configuration and Migration Tools->Net Manager

In the Net Manager window expand the tree item Local, which has Service Naming and Listeners. Click on the Green + icon on the left side of the window to add a listener.

This will bring up another window:

Leave the Listener name as Listener and click OK.

In the empty screen, click on Add Address button at the bottom of the window. This will add Address1 tab in the window, as following:

Enter your system name as Host, Port value would be default i.e 1521.Click on the drop down at the top which has Listening Locations select and select Database Services.

Enter the following values in the Textboxes: Global Database Name: o11gr202 Oracle Home Directory: D:\oracle\product\\dbhome_1 SID : o11gr202

Move the cursor to focus Service Naming item in the tree.

Click on the Green + icon on the left side of the window to add new Service.

This will open up Net Service Name Wizard.

Enter Net Service Name as o11gr202

Keep TCP/IP selected in the next window. Click Next

In the next window type in the host name as the name of your machine and leave the port number default that is 1521. Click Next

Type in Service Name o11gr202 in the next screen and click Next.

Click finish to complete the Naming Service creation.

If you click on Test button, the test will fail because scott/tiger user is not created in our database. Even after changing it to the system/manager it may fail as the Listener is not started.

Now Click on File menu and click on Save Network Configuration 5. Run the listener.
Open up command prompt, browse D:\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\bin Type lsnrctl start

Check Start->Control Panel -> Administrative Tools ->Services, you will see OracleOraDbR2_home1TNSListener running.


Check Oracle 11g installation.

Try connecting to database o11gr2p2 either through command prompt or through SQL Plus under the Oracle 11g Program group in start menu. You should be able to connect this time.

The Following Changes are Made in the postCreate.sql script

[These changes are made as part of the database create process --already in the scripts you ran.]

11gR2 Auto Execute Task

Auto maintenance jobs in the new database are disabled as part of the create script process. SQL>EXECUTE DBMS_AUTO_TASK_ADMIN.disable();

Pre-11g Security Oracle11g has new default security settings. Usernames and passwords are case sensitive and user accounts lock after 3 failed attempts. These feature have been disabled and reverted back to Pre-11g settings. The following are included as part of the database create scripts.

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