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American History Chapter 14 Industrialization Mrs.

. Butterfield Growth of Big Business Challenge: Your Step 1: To understand the process of business development, economic policies, manufacturing steps, and labor management. You will create a business and a product that your company will manufacture. company may be a proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. You will write a business plan for your company that will include the following items: a. Define the type of business you would like to start and explain why in one paragraph? b. Name the business c. If it is a corporation create a mock stock to sell to investors and write a paragraph describing how you will convince investors to purchase your stock. d. If it is a partnership or proprietorship where will you get your money to start the business? Create a product that can be manufactured. a. Design either a mock product or a blue print for the product. b. Write a paragraph describing the product and why it is a marketable item? Explain why there is a demand for your product. c. Define the target group you will be selling your product to. d. Identify the costs to manufacture the product. e. Identify the sales price of the product. f. Calculate your profit margin. g. Identify where you will sell your product. (stores, online, mail order) Create an employee handbook including the following: a. What type of employee are you looking for? What are the qualifications needed? b. What is the job description? c. How much will you pay your employees? d. What benefits will you offer? Outline benefits (vacation, sick leave, health insurance, etc.) e. What are your companys policies about safety? f. Will your company allow union members or will it be a non-union company? Create an advertising campaign for your product. a. Write a paragraph explaining how you will make your product appealing? b. What type of graphic will you use? (magazine, radio, TV, billboards, etc) c. If you are a partnership or proprietorship - design at least one advertisement. d. If you are a corporation design at least two advertisements. Create a Vertical Integration Chart a. Assume you want to vertically integrate your business to achieve the highest profit margin. b. Diagram your product from the beginning stages to the final product. Business Plan Product/Description Employee Handbook Advertising Vertical Integration Chart Presenting to Class Total 15 points 20 points 15 points 15 points 15 points 20 points 100 points You can earn 10 points extra credit for actually creating the product! Use clay or material, etc.

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Total Points:

Due Date ________________________________________________

EXAMPLE BUSINESS PLAN NAME of BUSINESS I. Paragraph describing type of business and why you chose this business type? a. Insert picture of stock to sell and a paragraph of how you propose to sell the stock OR Write a paragraph describing how you will raise the money to start your business.

II. Name product/write a paragraph describing product and why it is marketable/in demand a. b. c. d. e. f. Insert a picture of product or blueprint of design Target group Costs to manufacture product (estimate) Sales price of product Calculate profit margin (costs profit) i.e. $5 to make/$10 to sell = profit of $5 Where will you sell the product/why?

III. Employee Handbook a. Employee positions 1. Job Description 2. Qualifications 3. Pay Scale 4. Benefits offered b. Safety in the workplace 1. Safety Rules 2. Safety Gear (if necessary) c. Union Policies 1. Are employees allowed to join union? 2. What are union dues? 3. If a union company are employees allowed to not join union and still be hired? IV. Advertising Campaign a. Describe advertising strategy. b. Where will ads appear? c. Insert advertising image (1 or 2 depending on type of company) V. Vertical Integration Chart
Milk Paper


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