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Exercise part *weight for all this exercise is set as 75 kg since weight do influence the amount of calories burnt.

Gender do plays a role as well. In this case, its guy. Exercise Swimming Low 225262 Medium High 375412 Remarks High: Breaststroke, swimming laps with vigorous effort, butterfly Low: backstroke, light/moderate effort, leisure. Time is set at 30 min. Running = jogging and it depends on how fast you run/jog per mile. A mile around 1600 m. Low = 9.6-12 and above (min/mile), Medium = 7.6-9.5, High = 5-7.5. Time is set at 30 minutes for each. Measurement of speed could be done using GPS function. *Punching bag (225), sparring (337), in ring (450), judo, karate (375) High - little or no rest periods between sets Low - long rests between sets and intensity is lower Ref:

Running Jogging




Boxing Weight lifting Around 125 200237







Climbing hills. High: carry heavy stuffs, low: carry light stuffs. Hiking (cross country): 225 calories High - High impact and low - low impact, ballet/modern dance(180) Special note to step aerobics as well. Step aerobics (6-8 inch step:): 318 Step aerobics (10-12 inch step): 375

Formulas: 1. Running/jogging: KCal (calories expended) = METs times (Weight in Kilograms) times (Duration in Hours). Ref: 2. Swimming: EE(male) = 0.271*age + 0.394*weight + 0.404*V[O.sub.2max] +0.634*hr 95.7735 EE(female) = 0.274*age + 0.103*weight + 0.380*V[O.sub.2max] +0.450*hr 59.3954

or EE = -59.3954 + gender x (-36.3781 + 0.271 x age + 0.394 x weight + 0.404 V[O.sub.2max] + 0.634x heart rate) + (1 - gender) x (0.274 x age + 0.103x weight + 0.380x V[O.sub.2max] + 0.450 x heart rate) where gender = 1 for males and 0 for females. Table for VO2: Ref: and

3. Swimming/ running/biking: Same formula


4. Boxing (punch bag): Example: If you want to burn a pound of fat (3500 calories), calculate time by this formula. Weight/ 50 *2 = A. Then, 3500/A = amount of time. Thus, to calculate calory, Calory = Time * (Weight/50) * 2 Ref: 5. Weight lifting Male: Calories = [(0.6309 x average heart rate) -- (0.09036 x weight) + (0.2017 x age) -55.0969] x time / 4.184. Female: Calories = [(0.4472 x average heart rate) -- (0.05741 x weight) + (0.074 x age) -20.4022] x time / 4.184. Weight in pounds, age in years, duration in minutes Ref:

6. Hiking Formula: (METs x 3.5 x body weight in kg)/200 = calories/minute Ref: 7. Aerobics
Same formula as weight lifting. Ref:

Note: MET = Metabolic equivalent - estimate of how much energy an activity burns as a multiple of an person's basal metabolic rate. MET values used in the calculator are based on the Compendium of Physical Activities: An update of activity codes and MET intensities (Ainsworth BE, et. al.). Journal in my computer. EE = physical activity energy expenditure, VO2 max is short for "maximum volume of oxygen.

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