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Special feature of Orchids

As with other plants, orchid plants also consist of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit. Differences orchids with other plants found in the form of interest. Here are some typical characteristics of orchids: 1.Root Orchid roots serve as a place to put your body on the media cropping plants. The roots of epiphytic orchids have a hollow velamen layer, which layer serves to facilitate the roots to absorb rain water that falls on the bark of a tree or on orchid growing media. Under velamen layer there is a layer containing chlorophyll. The roots of epiphytic orchids have some short hair and some have almost no hair. In the terrestrial orchids (orchid soil type), its roots have long hair and a meeting that serves to absorb water and organic matter in soil. 2. Stem Based on its growth pattern, orchids can be divided into two types, namely type simpedial and Monopodial. Simpodial orchids are orchids that do not have a main stem. The flowers come out from the stem end and will bloom again in the growth of new tillers or shoots next. Only Dendrobium orchid species are flowering through the sides of the trunk. Examples of types of orchids, among others simpodial Dendrobium, Cattleya, Oncidium and Cymbidium. Usually these orchids are epiphytes simpodial type. As for the type of orchid is an orchid Monopodial straight trunk growing up on a single stem with no limits. The flowers come out from the stem between two leaf armpit. Examples of types of orchids Monopodial include Vanda, Arachnis, Renanthera, Phalaenopsis, and Aerides. 3. Leaf On orchid plants, leaf shape is highly dependent of its kind. Some forms of orchid leaves are as follows: a. Cylindrical shape. Leaves form a long and dull like a pencil. This leaves as found in orchids "potlod Vanda" or "Vandahookeriana". b. Form of gutters. Leaf blade to the left and right at an angle, so that its leaves resemble the shape gutters. Aerides orchid species, Ascocentrum, Rhynchostylis is some type of orchid that has a leaf shape resembles a gutter. c. Form of a spoon. Leaves are oval and elongated shape, and relatively no curvature (flat). Such leaves may be seen on the type of orchid Cattleya or Bulbophyllum. d. Bertunggangan leaf

shape. Pinching the leaves or stems above the base of the leaf. Widens towards the blade shape daunya ujung.Bentuk leaves this bertunggangan terjapada Phalaenopsis orchids and Oberonia. 4. Interest Orchid flower on the plant generally has three petals or leaves sepalum. One fruit sepalum located on the back of the leaf sheath called the back or dorsal sepalum. The other two side petals or leaves called sepala literalia. Petala petals or orchid plants amounted to dua.Letak between which alternate with sepala petala, which of the two petala that there is a section called petalum or lip flowers. At the center of interest there is a tool that serves as the male and female genitalia, which became a part. Male genitalia called stemona or stamens, while the female genitals is called the pistil stalk or gynosteminum. 5. Fruit Orchid plants can also produce fruit, of course, after passing the crossing. Once the flowers are pollinated and fertilized, the anta 3-9 months later came the old fruit. Maturity of the fruit depends on the type of orchid orchid itself. For example, in Dendrobium orchids, fruit will ripen in 3-4 months of age. At Vanda orchids, fruit will generally mature after 6-7 months. Meanwhile, the Cattleya orchid, new fruits ripen after 9 months. The fruit is a fruit orchid lantern. This means that the fruit will split when ripe. The part that opens is the middle, not at the tip or base of the fruit. Shape of a different orchid every kind. Especially for the orchid Phalaenopsis amabilis, has the form of non-haired roots and epiphytes including orchids, trunked Monopodial, bertunggangan leaf shape and have small flowers and unique (Iswanto Hadi, 2002).


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