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Macbeth Activities

Directions: Choose activities to complete for a 200 Point Project (Test) Grade. All activities should add up to 200 Points.
1-Write a five-stanza poem summarizing the main events of each of each at of the play, one stanza per act. 30 Points 2- Make up some political cartoons that might have circulated in Scotland while Macbeth was king. (For example, Lady Macbeth to her lady-in-waiting: "Is it hot in here or am I just crazy?"; Macbeth to the doctor: "I swear I'll pay every cent I owe you, or Birnam Wood will come to Dunsinane." 40 Points 3- Create a commercial for a product relevant to the play: Lady Macbeth Stain Remover Genuine Assassin's Dagger Clothing, Some Holes and Stains, Several Sizes Royal Robes, Large Size Prophecies by the Weird Sisters: Accuracy Guaranteed Castle for Sale: Charming Glamis Location The Sorcerer's Source: Supplies For All Spells 25 Points 4 - Illustrate epitaphs for 6 characters that die in Macbeth 25 Points 5 - Choose one of the long soliloquies in Macbeth, and translate it into a rap song with approximately the same meaning. 25 Points 6 - Change the setting of Macbeth to Washington, DC. Choose an appropriate scene and rewrite it using modern characters, situation, and language. (Example: Macbeth becomes Max Beckwith, corrupt Senator, whose shady activities have just become known to his constituents. Max finds a reader of Tarot cards at a flea market, and immediately employs her full-time, using government funds, to foretell his future.) You may also use recent events in your script. 50 Points 7- Sketch a portrait of one of the main characters. 30 Points 9 - Create a comic strip depicting an important scene from the play, including dialogue balloons. 30 Points 10- Rewrite or act out a scene to act changing the language or your everyday language 50 Points 11- Quotes Poster. Choose one of the following quotes to illustrate. The poster must be on a large poster board. You may illustrate literally or abstractly. Be able to explain you illustration. 50 Points

12- Construct a time line no smaller than 1' by 4' labeling at least 15 important events pertaining to author's work publication dates, historical dates, and other aspects of the English Renaissance. The timeline should be illustrated, not just a list of dates. Stay in the scope of English History (1500 - 1620) Italy and France should not be included unless it directly pertains to the English Renaissance. 50 Points

Indicate the activities you plan to complete. List your activities for each due date.

1 Due Date December 17,2001 2nd Due Date December 20, 2001 3rd Due Date 4th Due Date


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