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CARE ESTE DEFINITIA DEMOCRATIEI PENTRU ACESTI CRIMINALII CARE CONDUC ROMANIA ,SI CARE AU SUPUS UN POPOR INTREG LA FOAME ,SARACIE SI BOALA TIMP DE 23 DE ANI !-" T R E Z I T I -V A R O M A N I ! Primele concepte si practici democratice dateaza din antichitate, cnd au aparut p rimele forme de organizare si conducere a societatii. Termenul democratie si are originea n limba greaca, unde demos = popor, iar kratos = putere, autoritate, n secolul al V-lea .Cr. si de atunci pna n urma cu un secol a r amas un concept politic. Aceasta nseamna ca democratie nsemna o democratie politic a. Astazi, nsa, vorbim de asemenea despre democratie n sens nonpolitic sau subpolitic , atunci cnd vorbim despre democratie sociala, democratie industriala si democrat ie economica. Conceptul de democratie sociala- de democratie n sens social, ca stare a societat ii- poate fi regasit nca de la Tocqueville. Asadar, o democratie socia la este o societate al carei etos cere membrilor sai sa se perceapa ca fiind ega li la nivel social. n conceptia politicienilor democratia este regula generala a statului si a vietii ; pentru ca numai ea este expresia omului si a raspunderii lui fata de el nsusi. O democratie veritabila asigura dreptul la viata particulara a fiecarei fiinte u mane; drepturi si libertati politice ca libertatea gndirii, exprimarii, organizar ii si religiei; alegerea reprezentantilor poporului prin alegeri libere, prin vo t universal, egal direct si secret; guvern al majoritatii cu respectarea dreptur ilor minoritatilor; egalitate n fata legii a tuturor cetatenilor indiferent de na tiune, sex, limba, credinta; un sistem juridic independent; dreptul fiecarui cet atean de a fi judecat public de catre un tribunal impartial pe baza procedurii l egii. n functionarea democratiei este necesara o cultura politica, ce presupune cunoast erea problemelor politice de catre cetateni, implicarea lor n rezolvarea probleme lor fundamentale ale vietii sociale. Aceasta cultura politica este cultivata de la vrste fragede, nca de la nivelul nvat amntului prescolar n cadrul activitatilor de educatie civica si continuata la cele lalte trepte de scolarizare. Democratia participativa n sistemul de nvatamnt presupune implicarea elevilor n luar ea deciziilor si n conducerea scolii, prin participarea directa(discutii de grup n consiliile elevilor, adunari generale sau parlamentare ale elevilor) sau indire ct, prin delegatii sau reprezentanti alesi. -IIForma statului Forma de stat desemneaza modul de organizare a puterii, structura interna si ext erna, continutul puterii. Din acest punct de vedere, ne vom opri asupra urmatoar elor laturi componente: forma de guvernamant; regimul politic; structura de stat.

A. Forma de guvernamant Forma de guvernamant presupune evidentierea modului de constituire a autoritatil or publice, de desemnare a sefului statului si de exercitare a puterii prin inte rmediul acestor institutii. Din punct de vedere al formei de guvernamant, statele se impart in monarhii si r epublici. Inca din antichitate au existat preocupari pentru definirea formei de guvernamant si consecintele organizarii diferitelor state in diferite forme de g uvernamant. In acest sens, Aristotel facea urmatoarea clasificare a formei de gu vernamant: monarhie care are tendinta de a degenera in tiranie; aristocratie ce are tendinta de a degenera in oligarhie; democratie care poate degenera in demagogie. Aceste concluzii la care a ajuns marele invatat sunt observatii ale sale asupra unei lumi la inceputurile dezvoltarii statale, nici una din aceste forme nu este perfecta, ea putand degenera in contrariul sau. Cicero pledeaza pentru forma mixta de guvernamant, plecand de la experienta stat ui roman. Aceasta forma mixta ar fi, in conceptia lui Cicero, regimul senatorial al epocii de inflorire a republicii. In cadrul acestei forme statul nu este altceva decat o comunitate de drepturi, in care exista egalitatea cetatenilor si sistemul gra datiei dupa merit, conducatorul, omul de stat in general trebuie sa fie pentru c etatenii sai un exemplu de marinimie sufleteasca si de comportament civic. Montesquieu considera ca republica isi avea ca model Roma sau Atena, iar despoti a isi trage originea din formele statelor din Orientul Antic. Despre monarhie au torii citati considera ca ea a aparut la statele ce s-au format pe ruinele imper iului roman. Atunci, cand se ia in discutie regimul reprezentativ, se are in vedere Anglia si nu se face deosebire intre democratie si monarhie, important este sa fie liber cetateanul, sa fie garantata libertatea politica si separatia puterilor. Poporul nu trebuie sa ia parte la guvernare decat pentru a-si alege reprezentantii, res tul apartine acestor reprezentanti, ca mandatati ai poporului. In tara noastra, asupra acestei probleme s-au emis mai multe puncte de vedere, u nele similare cu tradita-republica si monarhie, altele mai nuantate, precum cele expuse de prof. Ion Deleanu. Democratia, care cuprinde: 1) democratia directa; 2) democratia reprezentativa; 3) democratia semireprezentativa; 4) democratia semidirecta, care la randul sau se regaseste prin initiativele legislative, veto-ul popular, revocarea si refere ndumul. Monocratia, care cuprinde: 1) absolutismul monarhic; 2) tirania; 3) dictatura; 4 ) monocratia poulara; 5) dictatura militara. Oligarhia, care cuprinde: 1) guvernamantul pluripersonal; 2) aristocratia; 3) pl utocratia cenzitara; 4) partidocratia. Forme mixte, care cuprind: 1) monarhia limitata; 2) cezarismul democratic. Forme specifice statelor socialiste: stalinismul , maoismul, titoismul, ceausism ul etc. Aceste forme de guvernamant raman insa de domeniul nuantarii, pentru ca, in prin cipiu, doar doua forme generale sunt aproape in exclusivitate recunoscute, si an ume: monarhia si republica. Monarhia se caracterizeaza prin transmiterea sefiei statului (a tronului) de la un monarh la altul pe linie de rudenie ori in alte conditii stipulate in constit utie. Deci, conducatorul statului, monarhul nu este ales. Monarhia poate fi abso luta sau constitutionala. In general, monarhia absoluta a fost specifica perioad ei feudalismului. In prezent, majoritatea monarhiilor sunt constitutionale, prec um cea din Anglia, Belgia, Spania, Danemarca, Olanda, Luxemburg, Japonia, tarile scandinave, care se explica in primul rand prin traditie, monarhul avand in ace ste cazuri mai mult un rol simbolic, implicarea lui directa este foarte restrans a. Pe buna dreptate se afirma ca "monarhul domneste dar nu guverneaza", fiind su pus regulilor de neutralitate politica, el neputand exercita nici o atributie fa ra ca actele sale sa fie contrasemnate de primul ministru sau de un alt ministru . Monarhul indeplineste si unele acte cu caracter politic si exclusive ale seful

ui de stat, precum dizolvarea parlamentului, numiri in functie, refuzul se a sem na legi etc. Neimplicarea politica a monarhului creeaza un echilibru mai consistent in viata politica interna, lucru demonstrat de statele monarhice contemporane avand un gr ad de dezvoltare economica pronuntata. Republica se caracterizeaza prin alegerea sefului statului pentru anumite perioa de de timp (mandat) de 4, 5, 6, 7 ani, cu limitarea numarului de mandate pentru aceeasi persoana, de exemplu doua mandate in Romania. Alegerea sefului statului poate fi directa, ca in sistemul electoral roman, polo nez, prin electori alesi dupa numite criterii ca in Statele Unite ale Americii s au de catre parlament ca in Grecia. Republicile pot fi prezidentiale sau semiprezidentiale, dupa modul in care seful statului, presedintele are puteri mari sau mai restranse, dupa posibilitatile p e care le confera constitutia, de a putea dizolva parlamentul, de a se implica i n activitatea guvernului etc. B. Regimul politic Regimul politic reprezinta ansamblul metodelor si mijloacelor de infaptuire a pu terii, a relatiilor existente intre elementele ce alcatuiesc sistemul social-pol itic, relevand mai ales regimul drepturilor si libertatilor fundamentale ale cet atenilor . Autorii occidentali disting 3 categorii de regimuri politice, si anum e: 1) regimuri politice democratice specifice tarilor occidentale; 2) regimuri p olitice socialist-marxiste si 3) regimuri politice specifice tarilor din lumea a treia. Excluzand regimurile politice socialist-marxiste care au intrat intr-o faza de p rofunde schimbari, acolo unde au mai ramas, iar unele s-au descompus ori sunt in tr-o perioada de descompunere aproape totala, precum si regimurile specifice lum ii a treia, ne vom opri asupra regimurilor specifice democratiilor occidentale, retinand in acest sens urmatoarele regimuri politice posibile: Regimul parlamentar, caracterizat prin necesitatea ca guvernul sa dispuna in ori ce moment de increderea parlamentului. Deci, schimbarea majoritatii parlamentare atrage dupa sine schimbarea guvernului. In anumite situatii, in cazul modificar ii structurii fortelor politice din parlament, daca nu se ajunge la formarea nou lui guvern se poate ajunge la dizolvarea parlamentului, ca in sistemul nostru. Principiile regimului parlamentar sunt: pozitia preeminenta a parlamentului; responsabilitatea politica a guvernului si dizolvarea acestuia cu ajutorul motiu nii de cenzura si cu dreptul sefului statului de dizolvarea a parlamentului daca nu se ajunge la formarea unui nou guvern intr-un anumit termen, de regula 45 sa u 60 de zile; colaborarea dintre guvern si parlament. Principalele regimuri parlamentare sunt: regimul parlamentar dualist, in care gu vernul are o dubla raspundere politica in fata parlamentului si a sefului statul ui; regimul parlamentar monist, cand guvernul raspunde numai in fata parlamentul ui, ca in sistemul nostru. Regimul prezidential A fost inaugurat in S.U.A., avand ca element esential echilibrul dintre Executiv si Legislativ, determinat de independenta reciproca a celor doua puteri si de c ertitudinea ramanerii in functie pana la expirarea mandatului. Din aceasta rezid a doua caracteristici fundamentale, si anume: monocefalismul executiv si autorit atea presedintelui si independenta reciproca a presedintelui si a parlamentului. Nu exista astfel functia de prim-ministru, nici un guvern ca subiect de drept p ublic, exista numai presedintele si ministrii sai. Regimul semiprezidential sau mixt, in care se imbina existenta Guvernului care r aspunde colegial si solidar in fata Parlamentului ales prin vot universal si dir ect, existenta institutiei presedintelui ales prin sufragiu universal si in care raporturile dintre Presedinte Parlament Guvern duc la tendinte prezidentialiste sau parlamentariste. In unele din tarile europene, exemplu Franta, presedintele, cand participa la se dintele guvernului, semneaza hotararile guvernului, fata de sistemul nostru, in care in astfel de situatii presedintele nu se implica cu nimic juridic. Exemplu

de regimuri politice semiprezidentiale: Franta, Federatia Rusa. Regimul politic elvetian, sau regimul de adunare, de reprezentare, in care Guver nul (Consiliul federal) este ales de catre parlamentul bicameral, este format nu mai din 7 membri, iar unul din cei 7 membri este ales in fiecare an presedinte a l Confederatiei elvetiene, neavand posibilitatea a doua mandate consecutive de c ate un an. In fosta republica Iugoslavia, dupa moartea presedintelui I.B. Tito, potrivit co nstitutiei din 1976, s-a constituit un consiliu format din reprezentantii fiecar ei republici confederale si a celor doua regiuni autonome existente, Consiliu ce tinea loc de Sef al statului isi alegea anual un presedinte, prin rotatie, dint re reprezentantii fiecarei republici si provincii. Aceiasi situatie a existat si in Romania comunista dupa 30 Decembrie 1947, cand functia de sef al statului er a reprezentata de catre Prezidiul Marii Adunari Nationale, format din 5 membri. C. Structura de stat Desemneaza organizarea puterii de stat in raport cu teritoriul si populatia, rap orturi ce se constituie intre elementele sistemului statal, formatiunile statale , circumscriptii administrativ-teritoriale. Sub aspectul structurii statului, statul poate fi unitar sau compus (federativ). Statul unitar se caracterizeaza prin urmatoarele: pe teritoriul sau exista o singura formatiune statala; exista o singura Constitutie, un Parlament, un Guvern, un Sef de stat, un singur rand de autoritati judecatoresti; populatia are o singura cetatenie; statul este unicul subiect de drept international. Exemple de state unitare sunt: Romania, Italia, Franta, Grecia, Spania, Bulgaria etc. Statul compus sau unional estre constituit din cel putin doua state membre, care transfera, conform Constitutiei unionale, o parte din atributiile lor suverane catre statul federativ, dand nastere unui nou stat. Astfel de state sunt: S.U.A. , Germania, Mexic, Iugoslavia, Rusia etc. Caracteristica acestor state este: pe teritoriul statului se regasesc mai multe formatiuni statale si una rezultata din unirea acestora; au mai multe constitutii cate state exista deci, exista mai multe regimuri const itutionale; populatia are dubla cetatenie; parlamentul federal are doua camere, din care una reprezinta Federatia, iar ceal alta statele membre; subiect de drept international este numai federatia. Statele care compun statul unional se numesc state federale sau ale federatiei. Ele se caracterizeaza prin: existenta unei constitutii proprii, deci a unei ordini constitutionale proprii s ubordonate constitutiei federatiei, orice contencios fiind dat in competenta Tri bunalului Constitutional Federal, organizat in baza Constitutiei uniunii; au o legislatie proprie, ce nu poate contraveni legislatiei federatiei; participa la constituirea organismelor Federatiei, conform normelor stabilite de Constitutia Federala; populatia, desi are dubla cetatenia si reprezinta un corp distinct, este ingloba ta populatia Statului Federativ. Spre exemplu, un cetatean al statului federal A rizona este cetatean american etc. -IIIDefinitia statului Statul este un fenomen social complex, este principala institutie politica a soc ietatii. Acceptiunile termenului Stat sunt foarte diversificate, in functie de a utori si de perioada istorica la care ne raportam. Astfel, dupa autorul francez Ph. Ardant, statul este "forma normala de organizare a societatii politice". Acelasi autori arata ca: Statul este puterea centrala raportata la colectivitatile locale (regiuni, depar tamente, orase);

Statul desemneaza pe guvernanti spre a-i diferentia de guvernati, el evoca puter ile publice in ansamblul lor, ca, spre exemplu, in urmatoarea formulare: "Statul este responsabil de mentinerea ordinii". In aceasta varianta definitorie, statu l se distinge de societatea civila. Statul desemneaza o societate civila organizatorica, spre exemplu: statul france z, statul roman, statul german etc. Definirea exacta a notiunii este foarte greu de realizat datorita multitudinii p unctelor de vedere, regimurilor, a unghiurilor din care se pune problema si nu i n ultimul rand a regiunilor politice. Astfel, pana la caderea regimurilor comuniste totalitare, doctrina marxist-lenin ista elaborase, inclusiv in tara noastra, o serie de definitii asupra statului, precum "un element de suprastructura", "organ de dominatie a unei clase sociale" , "masina de dominatie a unei clase asupra alteia" etc. Toate aceste definitii ale statului s-au dovedit a fi false, ele nu faceau altce va decat sa justifice intr-un mod sau altul, regimurile de dominatie comunista c are suprimasera aproape in totalitate drepturile si libertatile cetatenilor, sa releve "superioritate statului socialist". Doctrina moderna asupra Statului pleaca de la tezele contractului social, a drep turilor naturale ale omului si a separatiei puterilor. Definirea statului trebui e sa cuprinsa indisolubil referiri la libertatea si demnitatea umana. Statul nu este o suprastructura, nu se afla deasupra societatii, el este chiar s ocietatea insasi. Rezulta de aici trei elemente fundamentale ce definesc statul, si anume: teritoriul, populatia si puterea politica sau puterea de stat, ori su veranitatea. Deci, Statul nu exista in general, nu este un Dat dintr-un inceput, el este ceva concret, el exista numai raportandu-ne la aceste trei elemente def initorii si concomitente. O minima analiza a celor enuntate mai sus, completata cu o minutioasa observare a situatiei concrete existente in lume in acest moment , duc la concluzia a doua acceptiuni ale statului, una generica si una specifica , adica un sens larg si un sens restrans. In sens restrans, Statul este ansamblu l autoritatilor publice care asigura guvernarea, adica aparatul prin care se rea lizeaza directionarea societatii. In sens larg, Statul este "organizarea politic a a societatii, deci a unei populatii in limitele unui teritoriu istoric recunos cut de comunitatea internationala, in care puterea si libertatea se infrunta si coexista pentru asigurarea prosperitatii fiecaruia si a Binelui Comun, pentru in nobilarea fiintei umane prin valorile perene ale culturii si civilizatiei". -IV1."Against the decision of inadmissibility REQUESTS ECHR NR.22560/10/NISTOR (II) cROMANIA, AND DEMAND NO, 61584/11/NISTOR (III) / cROMANIA, which were rejected and declared inadmissible by the judge UNIQUE (DAVID THOR BJORGVINSSON) and sing le judge (E.STEINER)' . NO--DISCRIMINATION !!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------by: President and Secretary General of the Council. I was treated cedoca a corps e, and threw in the garbage bin! me or violated and stolen all rights as a human on this earth by the ECHR, and the Roman state! a cobay, body and the victim ha ve the right to expression, opinion, and thought, and spelling! A.) Have the rig ht to notify institutions of the Romanian state, institution and bodies to hold responsible for wrong and defective medical operator criminal act, influence and corrupt relatives magistrate who was to kill me, and my fate and life! Two.)-Li ke citizen of the European Union with full rights in Europe have the right to gr asp the ECHR, to punish the Romanian state, which does not comply with national legislation of Romania, the Convention European EU Charter European Social Chart er, the Geneva Convention , rights of the disabled, and other treaties and inter national law, to sanction judicial organs of the judiciary to handle cases of ma lpractice romania Ionel Nistor...-why the, had ECHR, to reject my request, my ac

tion directed against the Romanian state request nr.22560/10 (II) NIST / cRomani a?-and why I was not registered with 2 kg request, documents and internal decisi ons of the courts in Cluj-Napoca, fund, call, appeal, dated 23.12.2011, in which I have been part of the civil liability against the Romanian state delinctuala? -graft instead of who is responsible??-the I have rejected the applications and actions to the ECHR, Judge? intervened somehow influence factor?-for-like in rom ania doctor butcher has great influence in academic circles, and justice, includ ing relatives in the magistracy of Cluj, where organs court under the influence of the corrupt and influence butcher doctor who gave me life-threatening, and I fucking life, delayed court proceedings within the criminal nr.6396/211/2007 fil e, and file nr.8042/211/2007 civil party, and have protected and defended the bu tcher doctor Stephen florian-ion?? -what's wrong on this ground ionel me some Ju dge of the ECHR, for-what-you reject my right to justice, and not convicted, ver y serious crime and medical fact??-know that the worst fault has the Roman state , that allows the judicial bodies in romania do not observe the criminal law and civil??, more than the state encourages crime mafia in romania.please dispose a n internal investigation and research in romania for reopening the case of malpr actice Ionel Nistor, and holding the responsibility of the physician and state! -where to go on this earth to bring justice to me? in virtue of the Convention r ights, the EU Charter, the Geneva Conventions and other international treaties p lease do me justice in the great room cedova Please respect Article 13 of Europe an Convention on Human Rights, "the right to appeal " ...Please help me want to get this complaint in the hands of the president of the Council of Europe, and t he Secretary General! As you have done to you if a neurosurgeon neurosurgical in tervention, lime bisturilul be broken in several pieces of steel, sharp, and sha rp awls, or contamination by two hepatitis viruses "b" and "c". or how you acted after closing your surgery if the doctor-killer Stephen florian has left embedd ed in his spine stuck another knife in nerve structures?-ECHR Judge, how would y ou act???with respect God bless you, NISTOR IONEL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

R E C U R S -PLIANTE , The attention of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the attention of the Cou ncil of Europe in Strasbourg, the attention cedostrasburg! Please respectfully a nd in accordance with Articles EU Charter, the Human Rights Convention, the UN C harter, the Geneva Convention, and all international treaties in criminal and ci vil, to me my request carefully analyze the deep No, 22560/10 (II) some / cRoman ia, and application no, 61584/11 (iii) cRomania because or flagrantly violated t he rights of disabled persons by judges cedoRog also makes you an internal inves tigation in Romania on my medical malpractice case that my fucking life!, if any doubts arise in this case, and if not you believe in all pure truth, please ask me real evidence that knife is a knife which was three years stuck in my spinal column, and original documents are to probation in any court, including the ECH R, which certifies and contamination and victim cobay Ionel Nistor, hepatitis vi rus type 2 "b" and "c"!, please also challenge the two judges on the investigati on overlooked and impaired my case, please also under article 13 of the Conventi on right to appeal in the great room and right to the end to justice in an inter national court! Sincerely, God bless you, Cobay, and victim NISTOR IONEL Oradea, ROMANIA 05/04/2012 THE GREAT ROOM ECHR, Strasbourg

AGREEMENT FOR VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE RIGHTS OF DISABLED PERSON! There are some IONEL IN ROMANIA Oradea, Guinea pigs HUMAN TESTING scalpel knives spin e, and contamination with viruses Hepatitis "B" AND "C"., The victim of a corrup t judiciary, INFLUENCE, perfidious and perverse, that protects, SURGEONS AND THE IR IMAGE AND APPEAR NOT responsible in any way before the LAW! condemn Justice o f Romania's ability to pay damages of 28,000 LEI Medical MY COLUMN IN VERTEBRATE broke a scalpel, and in which to leave a scalpel stuck IN MY COLUMN vertebrae i n which we stayed Confined to bed not knowing, and in it I was contaminated and 2 hepatitis A MEDICAL SYSTEM THAT CRIMINAL maim and destroy lives! - VICTIM OF J UDGES ECHR inadmissible BY STRASBOURG NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA, AND DEMAND NR .61584/11/NISTOR (III) / cROMANIA ... AFTER I sacrificed and I gave my health, r emains SICK AND DISABLED LIFETIME Spend MI DISABILITY ALLOWANCE, WITH THE INTERN AL PROCEDURES CORRESPONDENCE IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS, NR.6396/211/2007 FILE, FIL E AND CIVIL NR.8042/211/2007, IN WHICH judicial bodies in Cluj-Napoca took care must protect, and To protect DOCTOR VERY INFLUENCE in academia, call on the Roma nian state institutions, INCLUDING THE Romanian President Traian Basescu, OFFEND ER HAVING THIS MEDICINE Relatives and friends among the judiciary, forensic AND Cluj-NAPOCA.MI stole FACE ALL HUMAN RIGHTS, I HAVE MORE AS A treated worse COBAY , and animal-MEDICAL DECISIONS BY MORE, AND MADE INVESTIGATIONS ON MEDICAL EXPER TISE cabinets BY MY MEDICAL RECORDS OF DISEASE AND DISABILITY, BY DECISION Colle ge in Romania WHERE malpractice, and error is clear, DEFECTIVE BY OPERATOR RECOG NITION PROTOCOL AND EVEN THE DOCTOR OFFENDER ITS Medical College, and the state recognizes disability ROMAN MY ACT AFTER malpractice, faulty OPERATOR AND AFTER ACT troubled life now VIN MA AND YOU WILL DECLARE TO THE APPEAL IN MAII Chamber ECHR AS A CORRUPTION Octopus, reached the ECHR, and some single judge mock ROMAN RULE ESPECIALLY THE VICTIMS sick, ROMAN STATE NOT TO PROTECT took action agains t MAFIA OF JUSTICE AND MEDICINE IN ROMANIA! ... 2."I have set FILE APPEAL WITHIN THE CRIMINAL NR.6396/211/2007 LEGAL, BUT mafia legal institution of Cluj-Napoca" STATION HOUSE CRIMINAL defend and Protect DOCT OR GUILTY, and the offender, relatives magistrate Cluj-Napoca, THE CRIMINAL CAFI IND have appealed to the late, EVEN THOUGH I HAVE ALL punctually observed, Legal and Terms, MY LAWYER GEORGE-EMIL-NICOLESCU "Am strictly to the European Convent ion on Human Rights, and sent CORRESPONDENCE, AND ALL LEGAL PROCEDURES WHO TRIED OR, 4.5 TIME 2 YEARS IN ROMANIA IN THE ABOVE CASE, grafted the ECHR, STRASBOURG FRANCE TO TIME, AND CIVIL last resort I sent on 12/23/2011, AND YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM CIVIL PARTY IN CIVIL TRIAL, WITH 2.5 KG, DOCUMENTS AND EVIDENCE ! ...! FOR-YOUR LOVE justice and truth, and Jesus-Christ, I gave TREATMENT, DIET , diet, medicines, food, AND TO THE PROTECTION OF 4 CHILDREN THAT THESE suffered misery and 8 YEARS, ONLY I CAN DO TO THE EXPENDITURE OF ROMANIA AND THE PROCESS ES 2 ECHR ECHR have sent 5 KG, DE, DOCUMENTE.IAR AFTER 2 YEARS THE hopes and exp ectations with your family, I received a letter from the ECHR, CA NR.22560/10/NI STOR/cROMANIA my application, is rejected as inadmissible!, I was saved by God g ave me two OA A CHANCE AT LIFE AND ABOVE THOSE 2 judges IMINTITI WITH rapporteur s, nor take account of that disaster and surrounding DRAMA FAMILY OF 8 YEARS ON some ... WAS AND IS A CASE IN THE PRESS AND highly publicized TELEVISION, INTERN ET! WHAT I KNOW GOD? IF NO TO an international court in which I had great confid ence, can not find my JUSTICE!? where can I find on this earth??-was abused FOR ME and my family, I stole OR PRIVATE FACE OF WHICH ARE IN ALL RIGHTS CHARTER AGR EEMENT TO EUROPEAN CONVENTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS! Why JUDGES ECHR protects the Roma nian state?-malpractice WHEN JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES IN ROMANIA AND IS REAL CERT . SEE THE DOCUMENTATION FILE, YOU send the knife REAL CERERII.NR.22560/10/NISTOR/c ROMANIA.VA EXCERPT FROM MY COLUMN BY VERTEBRATE doctors at University Emergency Hospital Bucharest HELLIAS! AS MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN UNION full , I and my fami ly PLEASE REVIEW THE CASE FOR INTERVENTION, DEMAND NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA, and put the pending cases under the emergency procedure SEA ROOM, FOR MY MEDICAL SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL SITUATION IS Dramatic AND CER conductor --------------------THE JUDGES AND REPORT MAY 2 above. THIS MONTH 23 December 2012, MI-SA 3.REQUIRED TO SEND FILE CIVIL APPEALS IN WHICH I AM IN FILE NR.8042/211/2007 civ il party, the Court of Appeal Decision Cluj-Napoca * WITH ANOTHER APPLICATION FO RM FOR DAMAGES FROM REGISTRY CIVILE.INSA ECHR I have not received any reply! "I

believe And as a last hope to step in and help me regain RIGHTS TO ME IT HAS BEE N STOLEN AND SEIZED! Thank you, God bless, NIST IONEL-IN ADDRESS REGISTRY ECHR u ndersigned SENT IN DATE DEC 21, 2011, that the procedure is written ... (I sent all I have been asked by GRFA, INCLUDING APPEALS COURT OF APPEAL DECISION Cluj s ince 18/11/2011), I sent all concluding session THAT great efforts we have achie ved!, I was asked by the Registry ECHR, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ART, 47 & 1 and 2 of the Rules of Court, if I have legal action for damages in tort ... I AM UP PARTY tort Prof ART.998-999, Code Registry and CIVILSI I sent was my IREVOCABILCARE A PPEAL REJECTED On 11/18/2011, ALL INFORMATION RELEVANT DOCUMENTS AND ALL THAT IT HAS BEEN REQUESTED BY THE REGISTRY ECHR, were sent to TERM I sent copies to all judgments of ROMANIA, INCLUDING A CIVIL APPLICATION FORM DOCUMENTATION 2.5 kg, against the Romanian state to the ECHR, DAMAGES FOR CIVIL AND REPAIRS, BUT NO Un til this moment I received the case number, DEMAND! !!-pending ECHR, Strasbourg will also include an A REQUEST pending against the Romanian state in which a law yer stole money borrowed my wife BANK OF pretext that my defense, and argues TWO OR TERMINATE THE PROCESS Romania, applications NR.61.584/11/NISTOR (III) / cROM ANIA., recorded on 04/20/2011 .. HERE FROM TIME-filing REGISTRY ECHR which held them CORRESPONDENCE IN THIS CASE, AND I woke On 19.04.2012, notwithstanding the fulfillment of all procedures JUDGMENT IN ROMANIA, AND HAVE BEEN conditions for admissibility laid down in ART, 34 & 35, of the Convention, the ECHR declared it ADMISSIBLE!-CONVENITIA deemed not to have FOLLOWED AND HUMAN RIGHTS INCLUDING R IGHTS OF DISABLED DISABLED State General ACESTUIA.-ROMAN PRI's institutions IONE L me some I did BORN ON 20/03/1955 contaminated with hepatitis IMI 2 declines th e day liver, and-IMI SURTEAZA Life every day, and did not born with, Knives knif e stuck in the column, and EXPIERENTA ACT AND OPERATOR OF DEFECTIVE AND DANGEROU S TO ME DOCTOR life-threatening death and stayed spine 3 years that caused my ha ndicap LOCOMOTOR LIFETIME FINALLY recognize it in principle by the Romanian stat e through medical decisions! .. 4.BUT JUDGES ECHR have not considered this crime very seriously Medical malpract ice, which I CAN BE FATAL IN ANY SECONDS! POSSIBLE AFTER all the steps in Romani a, we fight as sick and disabled FOR DREPATATE,, BUT IN DATE 19.04.2012, ECHR DE CISION GET BY MAIL, WITH inadmissible NR.22560/10/NISTOR (II) / cROMANIA.O palms that EARTHQUAKES AND A WHOLE FAMILY NISTOR mourning, especially the 4 CHILDREN THAT IS TRYING TO 8 YEARS AND VEGETABLES AS A SUBJECT NEXT TO ME! (I think it is an abuse of ECHR judges, who have passed lightly over the 2 APPLICATIONS, NISTO R! tell the truth and only the truth, above all in Jesus FACE-Christ, and the EC HR, Sir DV ECHR "Truth-AM suffered greatly AND COMMUNIST REGIME IN." I married I n 1979, and God gave four flowers (children), but in Romania we have no HOUSING FOR THOSE 4 CHILDREN, AND ANY KIND OF A SOCIAL, MEDICAL, FINANCIAL, IN MY DISABI LITY ALLOWANCE CAN NOT BUY A TEA FOR LIVER! It's striking But those who are made to respect the laws IN ROMANIA AND ECHR, do not do it! Mr. President, PLEASE ch allenge intervene in the Registry, and the judge who had handled the 2 REQUESTS Nistor, and re-CAUSES THE ROLE OF GREAT ROOMS ECHR, the emergency procedure, "ha s been tried and unanimously passed by those 16JUDGES FOR-YOUR LIFE AND MY HEALT H IS IN DANGER "! IF YOU WILL MEET EU Charter, and the European Convention of Hu man Rights, ECHR-COVER YOU GET IN ROMANIA I AM SINGLE AND FIGHT FOR JUSTICE ill with windmills, "ONE AGAINST ALL FREE OF DEFENCE AND PROTECTION OF ROMAN STATE I N WHICH THE FAILURE law, and of Human Rights has become the enemy FOR FAMILY NIS TOR many years back!" VA THANK YOU, GOD YOUAnulati modificarileDictionar{window. jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load. tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image(); i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document. getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgm s.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 5.Blessed, NIST IONEL ...-TV Print media is what He says, about this case which was very dangerous, MY BODY FOR MY LIFE AND MY LIFE THAT HAS GENERATED Shortenin g DISABILITIES DEFINED IN PRODUCTION AND LIFE! 5 I gave compensation and pension DISABLED! I SANATETEA LIFE AND LOW RISK AND WITHOUT TREATMENT, INVESTIGATIONS, DIET, diet, FOOD FOR MY FAMILY, HOUSE CORRESPONDENT TO MAKE THE PROCESS OF ROMAN IA IN THE TIME OF 5 YEARS TO REJECTED ME all human rights, and people with disab

ilities, disabled RECOGNIZED BY THE STATE SYSTEM MEDICAL AND ROMAN CRIMINAL!, I gave all my money, only to face CORRESPONDENCE ECHR, STRASBOURG FRANCE! I gave u p EVERYTHING! WHAT??? "Because they love justice and truth!" [Guinea pigs MEDICA L SYSTEM IN ROMANIA CRIMINAL, VICTIM OF A JUDICIAL SYSTEM HARMFUL, TOXIC, perver se, insidious, THAT images appear, and the offense advice in cases of malpractic e ... (SEE MY CASE!)-VICTIM ECHR, Strasbourg France, which violated CONVENTION A ND HUMAN RIGHTS, AND DISABLED PERSON! NR.22560/1/ROMANIA/NISTOR-inadmissible - " CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION" PREAMBULTITLUL I - DIGNITY Article 1 - Dignity umanaArticolul 2 - Right to viataArticolul 3 - Right to the integrity of persoaneiArticolul 4 - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrad anteArticolul 5 - Prohibition of slavery and labor fortateTITLUL II - LIBERTATIL EArticolul 6 - Right to liberty and securitateArticolul 7 - Respect for privacy and familieArticolul 8 - Data Protection personalArticolul 9 - The right to marr y and right to found a familieArticolul 10 - Freedom of thought, conscience and religieArticolul 11 ??- Freedom of expression and informareArticolul 12 - Freedo m of assembly and asociereArticolul 13 - Freedom of the arts and stiintelorArtic olul 14 - Right to educatieArticolul 15 - Freedom to choose an occupation and ri ght to engage in muncaArticolul 16 - Freedom to conduct an activity comercialaAr ticolul 17 - Right proprietateArticolul 18 - Right azilArticolul 19 - Protection in case of removal, expulsion or extradareTITLUL III - EGALITATEAArticolul 20 Equal before legiiArticolul 21 - Non-discriminareArticolul 22 - cultural, relig ious and lingvisticaArticolul 23 - Equality between women and barbatiArticolul 2 4 - 25 copiluluiArticolul rights - rights of the age-Article 26 Integration of p ersons with handicapTITLUL IV - SOLIDARITATEAArticolul 27 - Right of workers to information and consultation within ntreprinderiiArticolul 28 - Right of bargaini ng and action colectivaArticolul 29 - Right of access to services plasamentArtic olul 30 - Protection for dismissal nejustificateArticolul 31 - Fair and just con ditions muncaArticolul 32 - Prohibition of child labor and protect young people at 33 muncaArticolul - family and life profesionalaArticolul 34 - Social securit y and welfare.Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');win dow.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e ){document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1'; oad=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');v ar tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njCl k;} 6.Article 35 - SanatateArticolul 36 - Access to services of economic interest ge neralArticolul 37 - Protection mediuluiArticolul 38 - Protection consumatorilorT ITLUL V - RIGHTS CETATENILORArticolul 39 - Right to vote and to stand as a candi date for election to Parliament EuropeanArticolul 40 - Right to vote and to be a candidate for election municipaleArticolul 41 - Right to good administrareArtic olul 42 - Right of access to documenteArticolul 43 - Ombudsman EuropeanArticolul 44 - Right petitionareArticolul 45 - Freedom of movement and sedereArticolul 46 - Protection of diplomatic and consularaTITLUL VI - JUSTITIAArticolul 47 - Righ t to an effective remedy and to a echitabilArticolul 48 - Presumption of innocen ce and right to aparareArticolul 49 - Principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offenses and sanctions penaleArticolul 50 - Right not to be tried o r punished twice in criminal proceedings for the same infractiuneTITLUL VII - GE NERALEArticolul 51 - Field of aplicareArticolul 52 - Scope and interpretation of rights and principiilorArticolul 53 - protectieArticolul Level 54 - Prohibition of abuse of law subject"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." - "Rights fundamentalehttp :/ / ec.europa.e u / justice / fundamental-... European Commission - Fundamental Rights: the EU i s based on the values ??of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law and human rights "Date: 05/11/2012 ("HELP ME!, I AM FROM CITY NISTOR IONEL O radea, STR.CUZA-Voda, No. 45, Ap.1, BIHOR STATE COUNTRY AND MY FAMILY AND ME ROM ANIAN.HELP IS IN Pericles! -I AM VICTOR AND SYSTEM MEDICALY COBAY CRIMINALY FROM ROMANIAN! ... I AM VICTOR JUSTICE SYSTEM FROM CORRUPTION AND ROMANIAN INFLUIENC E! ... Drama I AM VICTOR ECHR REQUEST FROM FRANCE STRASBOURG NR.22560/II/NISTOR / cROMANIA = Inadmissibility ! ABUSE ECHR violation CONVENTION FOR ME! AND MY FA

MILY! HELP ME AND MY GOD Bless YOU! ") ---" All human beings are born free and e qual in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and shou ld act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. "-" Rights fundamentaleht tp :/ / ... European Commission - Fundamental Rights: the EU is based on the values ??of human dignity, freedom, democracy, eq uality, rule of law and human rights "Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstim ing.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick( 'rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src ='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getEl ementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onc lick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 7."I was a guinea pig small, worthless, and no rights, throw in landfills, by th e JUSTICE AND LEGAL MEDICAL Romans, who stole my FACE AND FORFEITED RIGHTS, more over I was condemned to I OFFENDERS PAY DAMAGES "Drama-Fantastik" Is that the sa me treatment we had parties and judges in the ECHR, STRASBOURG, FRANCE-"STIRPIRE A HUMAN AND ITS VALUE" Inhuman treatment of the disabled person NISTOR IONEL ECH R the judge! Exclusion DEMAND AND DEMAND NO NR.22560/10/cROMANIA/NISTOR IONEL, 6 1584/11/NISTOR (III) / cROMANIA "DRAM SEE MY!""They're IONEL IN ROMANIA Oradea, Guinea pigs HUMAN TESTING scalpel knives spine, and contamination with viruses H epatitis" B "AND" C "., The victim of a corrupt judiciary, INFLUENCE, perfidious and perverse, which protects , appearing SURGEONS AND THEIR PICTURE NOT respons ible in any way before the LAW! condemn Justice of Romania's ability to pay dama ges of 28,000 LEI Medical MY COLUMN IN VERTEBRATE broke a scalpel, I WAS CONTAMI NATED WITH 2 hepatitis MEDICAL CARE SYSTEM OF CRIMINAL maim and destroy lives!-V ICTIM OF JUDGES ECHR inadmissible NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA STRASBOURG THROUGH , AFTER I sacrificed and I gave my health, diseased remains disabled THE LIFE AN D SPENT MY DISABILITY ALLOWANCE, WITH THE INTERNAL PROCEDURES CORRESPONDENCE IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS, NR.6396/211/2007 FILE, FILE AND CIVIL NR.8042/211/2007, IN WHICH THE JUDICIAL BODIES HAVE BEEN Cluj-Napoca careful to protect, and defend DOCTOR VERY INFLUENCE in academia, having Relatives and friends among the judici ary, forensic AND Cluj-NAPOCA.MI stole ALL RIGHTS HUMAN FACE, I HAVE MORE AS tre ated worse IN A COBAY, AND MORE BY ANIMAL.-medical decisions, and law MEDICAL EX AMINATION BY MY MEDICAL RECORDS OF DISEASE AND DISABILITY, BY DECISION OF ROMANI A IN THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS malpractice, and error is clear, Romanian State r ecognizes my handicap ACT AFTER malpractice, faulty OPERATOR AND AFTER ACT MA fu cking LIFE! ...Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');wi ndow.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk( e){document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.on load=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms'); var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njC lk;} 8.PM strictly comply with the European Convention on Human Rights, and sent CORR ESPONDENCE, AND ALL legal proceedings or judge 4.5 TIME 2 YEARS IN ROMANIA IN TH E ABOVE CASE, grafted the ECHR, STRASBOURG FRANCE! FOR-YOUR LOVE justice and tru th, and Jesus-Christ, I gave TREATMENT, DIET, diet, medicines, food, in which th e 4 CHILDREN IN THESE suffered 8 years of misery and, if only they can handle EX PENDITURE OF 2 PROCESSES IN ROMANIA AND THE ECHR ECHR have sent 5 KG, DE, DOCUME NTE.IAR After 2 years of hopes and expectations, I received a letter from the EC HR that my request NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA , is rejected,! I was SAVED BY GO D! MI-2 has given a chance at life, has been a highly publicized CASE IN THE PRE SS AND TELEVISION! WHAT I KNOW GOD?-Was abused FOR ME AND MY FAMILY, MI, or stol en and PRIVATE FACE OF WHICH ARE IN ALL RIGHTS CHARTER AGREEMENT TO EUROPEAN CON VENTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS! Why JUDGES ECHR protects the Romanian state?-Malpractic e WHEN IN ROMANIA AND JUDICIAL BODIES is certain and REALA.A SEE THE DOCUMENTATI ON FILE, YOU send the knife CERERII.NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA.VA real extracte d IN MY COLUMN BY VERTEBRATE doctors at University Emergency Hospital Bucharest HELLIAS!AS MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN UNION full, I and my family PLEASE REVIEW THE CASE FOR INTERVENTION, DEMAND NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA, and put the pending c ases under the emergency procedure BECAUSE MY MEDICAL SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL SITUA TION It's striking, AND EN challenge other judges competent in criminal matters

CIVILA.IN MONTH AND 23 DECEMBER 2012 TO SEND ME REQUIRED TO FILE CIVIL APPEALS I N WHICH I AM IN FILE NR.8042/211/2007 civil party , Court of Appeal Decision Clu j-Napoca * WITH ANOTHER APPLICATION FORM FOR DAMAGES FROM REGISTRY CIVILE.INSA E CHR, I have not received any reply! "I believe And as a last hope to step in and help me regain RIGHTS TO ME IT HAS BEEN SEIZED AND STOLEN!Anulati modificarileD ictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');windo w.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.className+=' nj';va r i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById(' gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 9.Ps I gave compensation and pension DISABLED! I SANATETEA LIFE AND LOW RISK AND WITHOUT TREATMENT, INVESTIGATIONS, DIET, diet, FOOD FOR MY FAMILY, HOUSE CORRES PONDENT TO MAKE THE PROCESS OF ROMANIA IN THE TIME OF 5 YEARS ME rejecting all h uman rights, and people with disabilities, disabled RECOGNIZED BY THE STATE SYST EM MEDICAL AND ROMAN CRIMINAL!, I gave all my money, only to face CORRESPONDENCE ECHR, STRASBOURG FRANCE! I gave up EVERYTHING! WHAT??? "Because they love justi ce and truth!" [Guinea pigs MEDICAL SYSTEM IN ROMANIA CRIMINAL, VICTIM OF A JUDI CIAL SYSTEM HARMFUL, TOXIC, perverse, insidious, THAT images appear, and the off ense advice in cases of malpractice ... (SEE MY CASE!)-VICTIM ECHR, Strasbourg F rance, which violated CONVENTION AND HUMAN RIGHTS, AND DISABLED PERSON! NR.22560 /1/ROMANIA/NISTOR-inadmissible - HELP ME AND MY FAMILY AND IS IN Pericles!-I AM VICTOR AND SYSTEM MEDICALY COBAY CRIMINALY FROM ROMANIAN! ... I AM VICTOR JUSTIC E SYSTEM FROM CORRUPTION AND ROMANIAN INFLUIENCE! ... Drama I AM VICTOR ECHR, Ap plication no FROM FRANCE STRASBOURG .22560/II/NISTOR / cROMANIA AND DEMAND NR.61 584/11/NISTOR (III) / cROMANIA = inadmissibility! ABUSE C.E.D.O, violation CONVE NTION FOR ME! AND MY FAMILY! HELP ME! "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should ac t towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." - "Rights fundamentalehttp :/ / / justice / fundamental-... European Commission - fundamental Ri ghts: the EU is based on the values ??of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equa lity, rule of law and human rights " NISTOR IONELCOBAIUL HUMAN HEALTH IN ROMANIA !Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming. load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){ dy.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function( ){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= doc ument.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 10."Three years After serving with the knife in the column, Ionel Nistor lost th e malpractice Romanian authorities are victims and guinea pig for 8 years! I hav e ruined the lives and health, family and children I'm the victim of a medical s ystem criminal and justice system toxic, harmful, influence, defending criminals and corrupt doctors, their image! and destroy the victim's health and life! NOW IS THE VICTIM AND ECHR, Strasbourg Violating Human Rights Convention, and I sei zed FURAT HUMAN RIGHTS AND FACE, AND RIGHTS OF DISABLED STATE RECOGNIZED BY ROMA N! REJECTED AM FOS and thrown like a corpse in a bin by the judges ECHR inadmiss ible STRASBOURG FRANCE BY AND DEMAND NR.61584/11/NISTOR NR.22560/1/ROMANIA/NISTO R IONEL (III) / cROMANIA.!! ! SEE BELOW MY DRAMA: THIS MEDICINE Stefan FLORIAN, WHO has played with the living body. AND HUMAN LIFE LIFETIME mutilated him, lea ving them stuck KNIFE IN COLUMN 3 YEARS, THE DOCTOR IS ABOVE LAW Butcher in Roma nia, and not accountable to CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAWS AS FRIENDS defend him to my knowledge Womersley, forensics, prosecutors, international courts sentence him J UDECATOORII.NUMAI THIS SEASON playing with people's lives. I AM CONVINCED OF CRI MINAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM FROM ROMANIA, THE DOCTORS perversity. I was convinced of a judicial system wicked and perverse, brother of the above system. DO NOT KNOW , AND DO NOT BELIEVE IN ROMANIA DRUJBA SOMEONE WILL JUSTICE, cut brushwood of th e 2 above system. THESE brushwood have no idea WHY are created on this earth, an d why-Christ Jesus came on earth. These people live under ANIMAL! Strike value i s ZERO POINT OF VIEW OF DIVINE! I'm sorry that I suffer WITH CONSEQUENCES OF FAM ILY MEDICINE AND JUSTICE irresponsible! Where is your backbone?? I still I have the Grace of God! NISTOR IONELAnulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load .tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');f

unction _njClk(e){document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen20 4?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementByI d('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlg ms.onclock=_njClk;} 11.A medical malpractice 1.ESTE RECOGNIZED BY DOCTORS, AND THE COLLEGE OF PHYSIC IANS OF ROMANIA, THE WORLD, INCLUDING THE ROMAN STATE AND BY MY DISABILITY AND M EDICAL DOCUMENTATION BY MEDICAL DECISIONS YOU HAVE!2.AM or 0.34 to 35, the Europ ean Convention of Human Rights AND ART, 24/2, of the same Convention!3.AU violat e the convention, RIGHTS AND PROTECTION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES HAVE PROTEC TED Romanian State Romanian Judiciary insidious, INFLUENCE, corrupt, HARMFUL, TO XIC, which generates FAILURE TO COVER LEGAL PROTJIND, SURGEONS AND APPARATUS NOT responsible before the law, VICTIM AND PINA UMILID brings the brink of suicides or die from heart attackSTATE DISABILITY IS RECOGNIZED BY ROMAN!Was abused agai nst me AND FAMILY!JUSTICE AND SEND YOU LOVE REAL knife which was stuck in MY COL UMN VERTEBRATE 3 YEARS!PLEASE BE ME * intervened to bring justice to the ECHR, a nd to a fair and expeditious manner, to be condemned severely the Romanian State that fails to take action against those who wrong! "MISTAKE IT PAYS"PLEASE take action and take action IN:1.RECUZAREA judge who was the RAPPORTEUR!Documentatio n L.FRANCEZA 2.TRADUCEREA CORRECT OR ENGEZA.Special care in RESEARCH DOCUMENTATI ON 3.O complaint.4.SA call, the requests pending NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA ECH R GREAT ROOMS UNDER THE EMERGENCY COURT FOR THE STATE, AS ROMAN, EU AND FAMILY P ROTECTION We have no medical, social, financial and HOUSE IN HEALTH retrieve my 8 years, I had to loan money DIFFERENT BANKS OF CARE FOR FAMILY, FOR-YOUR FAMILY HAVE BEEN sole provider BEFORE this happens DRAMA, AND MONEY FOR HEALTH AND REC OVERY PROCESSES.1.AM submitted a Citizen Petition the attention MSS, Vice-Presid ent Viviane Reding2.CUNCIL 'EUROPEINTERNAL PROCEDURES 3.TOATE are exhausted NOVE MBER 2011.CRIMINAL 1.DOSAR NR.6396/211/2007, COURT FUND, APPEALS COURT THAT WAS REJECTED AS PROSECUTORS Evening fault (already have an internal investigation in Romania) who did PENAL.IREVOCABIL FILE AND FINALLY.Anulati modificarileDictiona r{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstim ing.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms= document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-g ms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 12.CIVIL 2.DOSAR (civil party in tort) NR.8042/211/2007, trial procedure: The ju dge founded, APPEAL COURT-, APPEALS COURT OF APPEAL, irrevocability and finality (ALL IN Cluj-Napoca) - "LAST trial proceedings ended on 18 November 2011, CIVIL APPEALS COURT OF APPEAL Cluj-Napoca "PLEASE BE BOUND intervened to my LIFE, INT EGRITY, HEALTH, FAMILY, THE RIGHTS OF DISABLED IN THERE, AND HUMAN RIGHTS! Cry f or damages against the ECHR, Strasbourg, FOR VIOLATION OF THE CONVENTION ON HUMA N RIGHTS AND THE RIGHTS OF DISABLED PERSON! There are some IONEL IN ROMANIA Orad ea, Guinea pigs HUMAN TESTING scalpel knives spine, and contamination with virus es Hepatitis "B" AND "C"., The victim of a corrupt judiciary, INFLUENCE, perfidi ous and perverse, that protects, SURGEONS AND THEIR IMAGE AND APPEAR NOT respons ible in any way before the LAW! condemn Justice of Romania's ability to pay dama ges of 28,000 LEI Medical MY COLUMN IN VERTEBRATE broke a scalpel, I WAS CONTAMI NATED WITH 2 OF hepatitis MEDICAL SYSTEM THAT CRIMINAL maim and destroy lives!-V ICTIM OF JUDGES ECHR inadmissible NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA STRASBOURG THROUGH , AND DEMAND NR.61584/11/NISTOR (III) / cROMANIA ... AFTER I sacrificed and I ga ve my health, diseased remains disabled SPENT MY LIFE AND DISABILITY ALLOWANCE, WITH THE INTERNAL PROCEDURES CORRESPONDENCE IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS, NR.6396/211 /2007 FILE, FILE AND CIVIL NO. 8042/211/2007, IN WHICH judicial bodies in Cluj-N apoca took care to protect, and defend DOCTOR VERY INFLUENCE in academia, having Relatives and friends among the judiciary, forensic AND Cluj-NAPOCA.MI- They st ole ALL RIGHTS HUMAN FACE, MORE They treated me worse than A COBAY, AND MORE BY ANIMAL.-medical decisions, and law MEDICAL EXAMINATION BY MY MEDICAL RECORDS OF DISEASE AND DISABILITY, BY DECISION College of Physicians in Romania in which ma lpractice, and error is clear, ROMAN STATE AFTER MY ACT recognizes disability ma lpractice, faulty OPERATOR AND AFTER ACT MA fucking LIFE! ...Anulati modificaril eDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');win

dow.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.className+=' nj'; var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onload=null;};}v ar slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById ('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 13.PM strictly comply with the European Convention on Human Rights, and sent COR RESPONDENCE, AND ALL legal proceedings or judge 4.5 TIME 2 YEARS IN ROMANIA IN T HE ABOVE CASE, grafted the ECHR, STRASBOURG FRANCE! FOR-YOUR LOVE justice and tr uth, and Jesus-Christ, I gave TREATMENT, DIET, diet, medicines, food, in which t he 4 CHILDREN IN THESE suffered 8 years of misery and, if only they can handle E XPENDITURE OF 2 PROCESSES IN ROMANIA AND THE ECHR ECHR have sent 5 KG, DE, DOCUM ENTE.IAR After 2 years of hopes and expectations, I received a letter from the E CHR that my request NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA , is rejected,! I was SAVED BY G OD! MI-2 has given a chance at life, has been a highly publicized CASE IN THE PR ESS AND TELEVISION! WHAT I KNOW GOD?-Was abused FOR ME AND MY FAMILY, MI, or sto len and PRIVATE FACE OF WHICH ARE IN ALL RIGHTS CHARTER AGREEMENT TO EUROPEAN CO NVENTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS! Why JUDGES ECHR protects the Romanian state?-Malpracti ce WHEN IN ROMANIA AND JUDICIAL BODIES is certain and REALA.A SEE THE DOCUMENTAT ION FILE, YOU send the knife CERERII.NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA.VA real extract ed IN MY COLUMN BY VERTEBRATE doctors at University Emergency Hospital Bucharest HELLIAS! AS MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN UNION full, I and my family PLEASE REVIEW TH E CASE FOR INTERVENTION, DEMAND NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA, and put the pending cases under the emergency procedure BECAUSE MY MEDICAL SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL SIT UATION It's striking, AND EN challenge other judges competent in criminal matter s CIVILA.IN MONTH AND 23 DECEMBER 2012 TO SEND ME REQUIRED TO FILE CIVIL APPEALS IN WHICH I AM IN FILE NR.8042/211/2007 civil party , Court of Appeal Decision C luj-Napoca * WITH ANOTHER APPLICATION FORM FOR DAMAGES FROM REGISTRY CIVILE.INSA ECHR, I have not received any reply! "I believe And as a last hope to step in a nd help me regain RIGHTS TO ME IT HAS BEEN STOLEN AND SEIZED! Thank you, God ble ss, NIST IONEL-IN ADDRESS REGISTRY ECHR undersigned SENT IN DATE DEC 21, 2011, t hat the procedure is written ... (I sent all I have been asked by GRFA, INCLUDIN G APPEALS COURT OF APPEAL DECISION Cluj since 18/11/2011), I sent all concluding session THAT great efforts we have achieved!, I was asked by the Registry ECHR, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ART, 47 & 1 and 2 of the Rules of Court, if I have legal act ion for damages in tort ... I AM UP PARTY tort Prof ART.998-999, Code Registry a nd CIVILSI I sent was my IREVOCABILCARE APPEAL REJECTED IN DATE 18.11.2011.Anula ti modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.t ick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.cla ssName+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.on load=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document. getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 14.-ALL INFORMATION AND ALL RELEVANT DOCUMENTS THAT IT HAS BEEN REQUESTED BY THE REGISTRY ECHR, HAVE BEEN SENT TO TIME I sent copies to all judgments of ROMANIA , INCLUDING A CIVIL APPLICATION FORM DOCUMENTATION 2.5 kg, against the Romanian State LA ECHR, DAMAGES FOR CIVIL AND REPAIRS, BUT NO Until this moment I receive d the case number, DEMAND!-pending ECHR, Strasbourg will also include an A REQUE ST pending against the Romanian state, NR.61.584/11/NISTOR APPLICATION ( III) / cROMANIA., recorded on 04/20/2011 .. HERE FROM TIME-filing REGISTRY ECHR which h eld them CORRESPONDENCE IN THIS CASE, AND I woke On 04/19/2012, notwithstanding the fulfillment ALL PROCEEDINGS OF JUDGMENT IN ROMANIA, AND HAVE BEEN conditions for admissibility laid down in ART, 34 & 35, of the Convention, the ECHR declar ed it ADMISSIBLE!, deemed not to have FOLLOWED CONVENITIA AND HUMAN RIGHTS, INCL UDING RIGHTS OF DISABLED DISABLED State General ROMAN.EU NISTOR IONEL I did BORN ON 03/20/1955 contaminated with hepatitis IMI 2 declines the day LIVER, AND NO I AM BORN WITH THE KNIFE knife stuck in the column, and EXPIERENTA OPERATOR AND ACT DEFECTIVE AND DANGEROUS TO ME THAT THE DOCTOR life-threatening death and sta yed spine, my handicap LOCOMOTOR FINALLY RISE IN LIFE recognize it in principle by the Romanian state through medical decisions ... BUT JUDGES ECHR did not take into ACCOUNT THIS ACT MEDICAL malpractice very seriously, which I may be fatal! POSSIBLE AFTER all the steps in Romania, we fight as sick and disabled FOR DREP ATATE,, BUT IN DATE 05.04.2012, receive by mail inadmissible NR.22560/10/NISTOR

(II) / cROMANIA.O PALMA AND THAT earthquake mourning The whole family, especiall y the 4 CHILDREN, THAT IS TRYING TO 8 YEARS AND SUBJECT NEXT TO ME! (I think it is an abuse of ECHR judges, who have passed lightly over the 2 Application, NIST ! SAY TRUTH AND ONLY TRUTH IN FRONT First Jesus-Christ, and the ECHR, your Truth -AM suffered greatly and the Conditions COMUNIST.M were married in 1979, and God gave us 4 FLOWERS (CHILDREN) IN ROMANIA BUT DO NOT HAVE ANY HOUSING FOR THOSE 4 CHILDREN, AND ANY KIND OF SUPPORT A. the allowance can BUY MY DISABLED A TEA FO R LIVER! It's striking But those who are made to respect the laws IN ROMANIA AND ECHR, do not do it! Mr. President, PLEASE challenge intervene in the Registry, and the judge who had handled the 2 REQUESTS Nistor, and re CAUSES THE ROLE OF B OXES IN EMERGENCY PROCEDURE FOR-YOUR MY SUN LIFE AND HEALTH IN DANGER! ! Thank y ou, God bless, NIST IONEL TV Print media is what He says, ABOUT THIS CASE THAT W AS VERY DANGEROUS FOR MY BODY AND MY LIFE THAT GENERATED MY LIFE AND DISABILITY DEFINED Shortening LIFETIME! 5 I gave compensation and pension DISABLED! I SANAT ETEA LIFE AND LOW RISK AND WITHOUT TREATMENT, INVESTIGATIONS, DIET, diet, FOOD F OR MY FAMILY, HOUSE CORRESPONDENT TO MAKE THE PROCESS OF ROMANIA IN THE TIME OF 5 YEARS TO ME ALL REJECTED HUMAN RIGHTS, AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, DISABILI TY AND CRIMINAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM RECOGNIZED BY THE STATE ROMAN!, I gave all my money, only to face CORRESPONDENCE ECHR, STRASBOURG FRANCE! I gave up EVERYTHING !Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming. load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){ dy.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function( ){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= doc ument.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 15.WHAT??? "Because they love justice and truth!" [Guinea pigs MEDICAL SYSTEM IN ROMANIA CRIMINAL, VICTIM OF A JUDICIAL SYSTEM HARMFUL, TOXIC, perverse, insidio us, THAT images appear, and the offense advice in cases of malpractice ... (SEE MY CASE!)-VICTIM ECHR, Strasbourg France, which violated CONVENTION AND HUMAN RI GHTS, AND DISABLED PERSON! NR.22560/1/ROMANIA/NISTOR-inadmissible - "CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION" PREAMBULTITLUL I - DEMNITATEAArticolul 1 - Dignity umanaArticolul 2 - Right to viataArticolul 3 - Right integrity of p ersoaneiArticolul 4 - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degradanteArticolul 5 - Prohibition of slavery and labor fortateTITLUL II - LIBERTATILEArticolul 6 Right to liberty and securitateArticolul 7 - Respect for privacy and familieArt icolul 8 - Data Protection personalArticolul 9 - Right marriage and rightshim to found a familieArticolul 10 - Freedom of thought, conscience and religieArticol ul 11 ??- Freedom of expression and informareArticolul 12 - Freedom of assembly and asociereArticolul 13 - Freedom of the arts and stiintelorArticolul 14 - Righ t to educatieArticolul 15 - Freedom to choose an occupation and right to engage in muncaArticolul 16 - Freedom to conduct an activity comercialaArticolul 17 - R ight proprietateArticolul 18 - Right azilArticolul 19 - Protection in case of re moval, expulsion or extradareTITLUL III - EGALITATEAArticolul 20 - Equality befo re legiiArticolul 21 - Non-discriminareArticolul 22 - cultural, religious and li ngvisticaArticolul 23 - Equality between women and barbatiArticolul 24 - 25 copi luluiArticolul rights - rights of the age-Article 26 Integration of persons with handicapTITLUL IV - SOLIDARITATEAArticolul 27 - Right of workers to information and consultation within ntreprinderiiArticolul 28 - Right of bargaining and acti on colectivaArticolul 29 - Right of access to services plasamentArticolul 30 - P rotection for dismissal nejustificateArticolul 31 - Fair and just conditions mun caArticolulAnulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window .jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){d ocument.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload =function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 16.32 - Prohibition of child labor and protect young people at muncaArticolul 33 - Family and life profesionalaArticolul 34 - Social security and assistance soc ialaArticolul 35 - SanatateArticolul 36 - Access to services of economic interes t generalArticolul 37 - Protection mediuluiArticolul 38 - Protection consumatori lorTITLUL V - RIGHTS CETATENILORArticolul 39 - Right to vote and to stand as a c andidate for election to Parliament EuropeanArticolul 40 - Right to vote and to

stand as a candidate for election municipaleArticolul 41 - Right to good adminis trareArticolul 42 - Right of access to documenteArticolul 43 - Ombudsman Europea nArticolul 44 - Right petitionareArticolul 45 - Freedom of movement and sedereAr ticolul 46 - Protection of diplomatic and consularaTITLUL VI - JUSTITIAArticolul 47 - Right to effective remedy and to a echitabilArticolul 48 - Presumption of innocence and right to aparareArticolul 49 - Principles of legality and proporti onality of criminal offenses and sanctions penaleArticolul 50 - Right not to be tried or punished twice in criminal proceedings for the same infractiuneTITLUL V II - GENERALEArticolul 51 - Field of aplicareArticolul 52 - Scope and interpreta tion of rights and principiilorArticolul 53 - Level protectieArticolul 54 - Proh ibition of abuse of law Subject Date: 11/05/2012 ("HELP ME!, I AM FROM CITY NIST OR IONEL Oradea, STR.CUZA-Voda, No. 45, Ap.1, BIHOR STATE AND COUNTRY ROMANIAN.H ELP ME AND MY FAMILY IS IN Pericles!-I AM VICTOR AND SYSTEM MEDICALY COBAY CRIMI NALY FROM ROMANIAN! ... I AM VICTOR JUSTICE SYSTEM FROM CORRUPTION AND ROMANIAN INFLUIENCE! ... Drama I AM VICTOR ECHR REQUEST FROM FRANCE STRASBOURG NR.22560 / II / NIST / cROMANIA = inadmissibility! ABUSE ECHR violation CONVENTION FOR ME! AND MY FAMILY! HELP ME AND MY GOD Bless YOU! ") ---" All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscienc e and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. "-" Rights fund amentalehttp :/ / ... European Commission - Fu ndamental Rights: the EU is based the values ??of human dignity, freedom, democr acy, equality, rule of law and human rights "Some IONELCOBAIUL HUMAN MEDICAL ROM> Bihar> 11/20/2011, 3:15 pm Three years After serving wi th the knife in the column, John Nistor lost the malpractice victim and rat are the Romanian authorities for 8 years!Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstimi ng.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick(' rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src= '/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getEle mentById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.oncl ick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 17.I have ruined the lives and health, family and children I'm the victim of a m edical system criminal and justice system toxic, harmful, influence, and corrupt doctors defending criminals! and destroy the victim's health and life! NOW IS T HE VICTIM AND ECHR, Strasbourg Violating Human Rights Convention, and I seized F URAT HUMAN RIGHTS AND FACE! REJECTED AM FOS and thrown like a corpse in a bin by the judges ECHR THROUGH FRANCE STRASBOURG NR.22560/1/ROMANIA/NISTOR IONEL inadm issible! SEE BELOW MY DRAMA! ... Defend him gentleman-FRIENDS, AND RELATIONSHIPS THAT ARE IN MEDICAL AND LEGAL SYSTEM, INCLUDING RELATIVES THAT ARE IN magistrac y in Cluj-Napoca, forensics, prosecutors, international courts sentence him JUDE CATOORII.NUMAI THIS SEASON TO PLAY WITH LIVES I AM CONVINCED OAMENILOR.-MEDICAL SYSTEM OF CRIMINAL IN ROMANIA which was to kill me, THE DOCTORS perversity. I wa s convinced of a judicial system wicked and perverse, brother of the above syste m. DO NOT KNOW, AND DO NOT BELIEVE IN ROMANIA DRUJBA SOMEONE WILL JUSTICE, cut b rushwood of the 2 above system. THESE brushwood have no idea WHY are created on this earth, and why-Christ Jesus came on earth. ACESTIIRESPONSABILI OF MEDICINE AND JUSTICE! Where is your backbone?? I still I have the Grace of God! NISTOR IO NEL "was committed ABUSE AND VIOLATION OF THE CONVENTION ECHR, FOR-YOUR medical malpractice, and the fact DOCTOR IS REAL, AND fight and Romanian State recognize s the mutilation MY LIFETIME, DISABLED MY DOCUMENTS IN MEDICAL DOCUMENTATION THA T IS IN THE A medical malpractice 1.ESTE ECHR RECOGNIZED BY DOCTORS, AND THE COL LEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF ROMANIA, THE ART WORLD FOLLOWED 2.AM 0.34 to 35, the Europ ean Convention of Human Rights .....Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstimin g.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('r tl');function _njClk(e){document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src=' /gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getElem entById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.oncli ck=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 18.3.AU violate the convention, RIGHTS AND PROTECTION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITI ES HAVE PROTECTED Romanian State Romanian Judiciary insidious, INFLUENCE, corrup t, HARMFUL, TOXIC, which generates FAILURE TO COVER LEGAL PROTJIND, SURGEONS AND

APPARATUS NOT responsible before the law, VICTIM AND PINA UMILID brings the bri nk of suicides or die from heart attack STATE DISABILITY IS RECOGNIZED BY ROMAN! Was abused against me AND FAMILY! JUSTICE AND SEND YOU LOVE REAL knife which wa s stuck in MY COLUMN VERTEBRATE 3 YEARS! PLEASE TO ME * to intervene for justice and return to the ECHR, TO A FAIR TRIAL! CALLS UPON the European institutions f ull membership SA: 1.RECUZAREA judge, who did REQUESTS and the rapporteur! Docum entation L.FRANCEZA 2.TRADUCEREA CORRECT OR ENGEZA. 3 A fuller involvement CASE IN HANDLING AND VERIFICATION RESEARCH. Attention in research into documentation of the complaint. 4.SA restore CAUSES, NR.22560/10/NISTOR/cROMANIA APPLICATION, AND APPLICATION NR.61584/11/NISTOR (III) / cROMANIAPE ECHR ROLE UNDER THE EMERGE NCY COURT FOR THE STATE, AS ROMAN, EU AND FAMILY We have no medical protection, social, financial and ATTENTION IN MSS, Vice-President Viviane Reding all the in ternal procedures are exhausted NOVEMBER 2011. CRIMINAL 1.DOSAR NR.6396/211/2007 , COURT FUND, AND FINALLY TRIBUNAL.IREVOCABIL APPEAL. CIVIL 2.DOSAR (civil party ) NR.8042/211/2007, trial procedure: The judge founded, APPEAL COURT-, APPEALS C OURT OF APPEAL, irrevocability and finality (ALL IN Cluj-Napoca) - "LAST TRIAL P ROCEDURE ended on November 18, 2011, CIVIL APPEALS COURT OF APPEAL Cluj-Napoca " Please intervene, I have a hope in your person and I am happy of justice, equity , and speed ...-PLEASE Mr. President to respect right to information and inform me IN WRITING TO APPEAL DECISION + MOTIVATION Grand Chamber ECHR!CONSIDER YOUR R IGHT-TO MY OPINION, thought, expression, is inviolable, AND TO MY CRERERILE CED, are not abused!Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');w indow.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk (e){document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.o nload=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms') ;var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_nj Clk;} 19.ALL INFORMATION IS TO ARCHIVE SECRETARIAT ECHR ECHR THE REGISTRY, A DOCUMENTA TION OF 5 KG OF IFORMATII The requests that have been declared inadmissible judg es appointed, REMEMBER, ABOVE! -ALSO A DECIDED MY CLAIM AGAINST ROMAN STATE, ARE UNFAIR IS YOUR RIGHT to violate expression, opinion, thought, ETC (often AGAINS T DISABLED PERSONS NISTOR IONEL, and his family was abused by the Romanian state , AND ECHR! -Also to decide that the application is unfounded, ALL ARISING FROM ABUSE ECHR because of 4.5 years, I regularly national legislation of Romania, (C OURT PROCEDURES BY FUND, APPEAL, APPEAL IN THE 2 CAUSE, AND M have sacrificed HE ALTH, MONEY, and life as sick and disabled RESPECT FOR EUROPEAN CONVENTION OF HU MAN RIGHTS IN THE STATE ROMAN ...! Sincerely, God bless you! NISTOR IONEL PUBLIC ! ACCESS TO JUSTICE AND DEZBATREA PS.INTERZICEREA malpractice CASE IN ROMANIA NI STOR IONEL ECHR Grand Chamber,-REFUSAL TO MEET HUMAN RIGHTS, AND THE PERSON WITH DISABILITIES NISTOR IONEL, HANDICAP SYSTEM GENERATED BY MEDICAL CRIMINAL IN ROM ANIA, relatives and corrupt INFLUENCE PHYSICIAN iN jUSTICE aND FRIENDS iN ROMANI A forensic refusal ECHR to respect the EU Charter, to violate the provisions of Article 13 of European Convention on Human Rights, the right to justice and redr ess in an international court, as the ECHR, STRASBOURG FRANCE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- are 20.1.-Ionel Nistor, Oradea who lived with the scalpel in the column, is submitted to the HagueApril 28, 2010, 12:28 | Author: Anghel Georgiana | 80 readsKeywords: Ionel Nistor, scalpel, Hague proc ess Evening truth, Oradea, ORADEA Ionel Nistor sent the file to C.E.D.O. Ionel N istor Oradea today sent the case to The Hague, where I hope to do justice after serving with a scalpel in the column for three years. The man asked the internat ional court appointed lawyer, to represent him. He demands damages of one millio n euros.If Oradea who spent three years with a scalpel blade in the column reach ed the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Ionel Nistor sent a file of 2.5 kg of documents to the ECHR, in an attempt to do justice. "The action is di rected against those who refused me access to criminal proceedings. I claim the moral and material worth 400,000 euros," said Ionel Nistor for Truth evening edi tion of Oradea.Oradea, where he stayed for three years with a scalpel blade in t he column, lost a civil lawsuit against the doctor Cluj Stefan Florian, who has

demanded compensation for moral and material worth 400,000 euros. Oradea lawyer, Emil George Niculescu, appealed. On the other hand, lawyer doctor Cluj, Mihaela Burzo, said that the claims were completely unfounded Oradea and that this case does not qualify for malpractice. "We have rejected these claims from the begin ning", to spur Burzo.Since arriving in Oradea Ionel Nistor ECHRIonel Nistor (54 years) became ill in 2004. The man was sent to Cluj, Oradea because doctors fail ed to put a diagnosis. Infectious disease has been discovered that the man has a n infection on the column. Nistor was operated Neurosurgery 1 Stephen Florian do ctor Cluj column and after three years, following an inspection, he found a scal pel blade in the back.Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('r sw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.className+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk= 1';i.onload=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl -gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclo ck=_njClk;} 2.-Ionel Nistor, miserable life Oradea, ClujAugust 20, 2010, 13:24 | Author: Geo rgiana Anghel | 357 readsKeywords: Oradea, the truth of the evening, Ionel Nisto r, Stephen florian, scalpel, operation, process, 12 Comenteaza9 text PrintNistor ORADEAIonel deemed to have been wronged by the Romanian justice, after being fu cking in hospital Ionel Nistor, the man who was forgotten in the column a scalpe l, the doctor lost Cluj. Fucking life, Oradea Ionel Nistor says it will continue to sue the Romanian state will do justice to them.Ionel Nistor was judged docto r Stephen Florian Cluj over three years. The pending civil court Cluj-Napoca fin al. Nightmare outcome that we live in 2004 Oradea has a twist. Ionel Nistor, pat ient who had suffered a knife in the column after an operation is actually the o ne who needs money to pay doctor whom he accused of malpractice.Operated in 2004 in ClujRomanian state to recognize the marginalization of its choice after the operation in 2004 in Cluj, with a permanent disability certificate, now puts the patient to give him money doctor accused. "I, the patient afflicted with life s ealed and permanently disabled and must pay the doctor with whom I tried 11,000 lei, costs," said Ionel Nistor for Truth evening edition of Oradea."I apologize and I am sorry that I spoke Romanian justice", says sorry Oradea. He argues that not give up. "I will judge them all my life," said Ionel Nistor, who lives with severe pain and the column was chosen and hepatitis after surgery.Ionel Nistor was operated in 2004 in Cluj-Napoca. After three years found that the knife has a blade of 4.5 inches to the column. After surgery, the man learned that suffers from hepatitis. He complained against the doctor Florian Stefan, who had operat ed, but to no avail. Then he decided to sue the doctor Cluj. Nistor asked him da mages of 400,000 euros. Oradea has decided to seek justice and to the European C ourt of Human Rights, which asked the Romanian state damages worth 400,000 euros and the Hague, where he will demand compensation of 1 million euros for that co untry, he believes , was not done right."Patient claims were unfounded. Not met the conditions of malpractice ".Mihaela Burzo, lawyer Stephen Florian doctorAnul ati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load. tick('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){ assName+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.o nload=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document .getElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;}Google Traducer e pentru companii:Unelte pentru traducere 3. Scalpel left in column Oradea Ionel Nistor asks a famous surgeon Cluj 200,000 eu ros and an annuity payment, accusing him of malpractice because a doctor has for gotten piece of scalpel in the body. The trial began Tuesday in Cluj Tribunal. ( 4 comments)Classifieds GoogleSpecialisti radiologieDoriti a career in France? 10 posts disponibilewww.pnp-conseil.comIonel Nistor, who represents himself in cou rt, said on Tuesday that was operated on February 7, 2004 from the spine and the head of the Neurosurgery Clinic of Cluj-Napoca, Stefan Florian, who left a scal pel blade body, extracted after three years of doctors at the Hospital Elias Buc

harest."Because of this problem, I was retired and need to make loans to banks f or my family. Lama could seriously affect my health, being in the column vertebr ale.Daca will not win in the courts of Romania, I call on the international, "sa id Nistor. Physician lawyers argued in court that the team that operated on Ionel Nistor can not be accused of malpractice because, under the law, doctor s are not responsible for products suffering patients from hidden defects in med ical devices.For now, Ionel Nistor did not say if it will go against the company producing the knife in question. The next time the process was set for F ebruary 5, 2008.Broken knife surgeryIonel Nistor was operated in February 2004, the Neurosurgery Clinic of Cluj-Napoca, after column vetebrala lumbar area was i nfected with Staphylococcus "aureus".During surgery, scalpel blade, 4 inches lon g and 0.5 cm wide, broke, actually recorded in the report of the incident contro ller. Trying to recover the blade, Dr. Claudiu pierced his finger and Matthew wa s admitted to the Emergency Clinic for Infectious Diseases of Cluj as Oradea and hepatitis was suspected.At first appearance at the trial, accused Stefan Nistor Florian that, after the incident with the surgeon Matthew has continued to seek passage of the knife broke. For three years, Nistor charged back pain, and earl ier this year and made an X-ray at a hospital in Oradea, doctors discovered the tip of the scalpel spine.In late March, Ionel Nistor had surgery again, Elias Un iversity Emergency Hospital in Bucharest, doctors extracting and scalpel."Work v ery hard"Surgeon Stephen Florian, former head of the Department of Public Health (DPH) Cluj, said that immediately after breaking the scalpel blade, made a radi oscopy inside job, but because other tools medicalefolosite after surgery, broke n knife was not observed ."We must understand that the knife is very thin and ca rbon. I do not think I can be accused of malpractice as a scalpel blade fracture , because this is due to a latent defect of the instrument. On the other hand, I acted in good faith, in an emergency situation, given the state of the septic p atient. I worked a 20-centimeter incision length and 12-15 cm depth in a magma o f muscle mass destruction, much blood and pus. In these circumstances, the ident ification of a millimeter fragment is impossible. "Said neurosurgeon Stefan Flor ian. The doctor said that some tried to "fall to peace", asking for money before trial.Ruled on the case and the College of Physicians Cluj. He decided not to a ct as requested by Ionel Nistor is not a malpractice case. Ionel Nistor appealed the decision, but the College of Physicians Cluj remained the position.Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick ('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.classN ame+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onloa d=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.get ElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} 4. Oradea is judged by four years to get punish the doctor who operated, but only m anages to accumulate more and more debt. After you exhaust all remedies in the l egal system in Romania, Oradea will send the case to Strasbourg, where he is sur e that he will do justice.On the same themeHusband of the woman who brought deat h anesthesia, outraged that doctors are free to practiceIonel Nistor, aged 55, f ell ill in 2004. Given that doctors Oradea failed to put a diagnosis, the man wa s sent to Cluj-Napoca, Infectious Diseases, where he discovered that the column Oradea have an infection. Nistor was operated at a neurosurgery Cluj, the famous physician Stephen Florian, and after three years, following an inspection, he f ound he had a knife blade of 4.5 inches to the column.Immediately after surgery, the man learned that suffers from hepatitis. The Romanian government has recogn ized permanent disability Ionel Nistor, pensionndu it is in 2004, being no longer able to work. Outraged, I had to live three years with a scalpel blade in the c olumn, Ionel Nistor sued Stephen Florian, asking them to be paid damages of 400, 000 euros. To his misfortune, however, the Romanian justice does not give justic e, so he loses battle after battle in the courts and accumulate more and more de bt to doctor Stephen Florian, who must now pay 15,000 lei costs.Call unfounded"A fter a year and half of the Cluj Court ruled in favor of doctor, Cluj Court now sent me the same sentence. Moreover, it is stated that the call I made was unfou nded and are obliged to pay him another doctor Florian Stefan 4,000 lei to 11,00

0 lei those whom I owe as a result of the judgment given by the Cluj Court, "sai d Ionel Nistor for" truth of Transylvania ". He said that the verdict is final a nd binding, but since that has not worked since 2004, has no way to get the mone y owed. "And if I have this money, I would not pay. Stephen Florian worked me li ke a human guinea pig, "said Ionel Nistor.The ECHRConsider themselves wronged be cause the Romanian justice, after being miserable in the hospital, Ionel Nistor says it will continue to sue the Romanian state until justice is done and, as co nfirmed by his lawyer. "My client has already sent a dossier to the European Cou rt of Human Rights, but was told to exhaust all means of appeal of the Romanian courts," said Emil George Niculescu, lawyer Oradea. Just for this purpose, the C ourt of Appeal Cluj will soon judge of the civil case and Stefan Florian Ionel N istor. "The appeal will be heard by the doctor brother, Judge Valentine Mitea. a m sure it will be rejected, but will send back the case to Strasbourg, where I a m sure that I justice is done. Meanwhile, my lawyer campaigning for resettlement file for the fourth time in Bucharest, "said Ionel Nistor.Not guiltyContacted y esterday by the "truth of Transylvania", Stefan Florian refused to comment that his patient must pay 15,000 lei costs. "There was nothing wrong, and this was pr oved in several instances "said neurosurgeon. 5.Ionel Nistor, Oradea who lived three years with a scalpel blade in the column, forgotten there by neurochirugul Cluj Stefan Florian, finally lost in the renow ned doctor seeking damages. Because not expect such a "verdict", Oradea is prepa red to use the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.Cluj Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal Friday Oradea, so it will not receive any of the 400,000 e uro lion requisite compensation. Oradea is expected to say that such a "verdict" , in view of the medical family relationships, the world judges Cluj. For now ex hausted all legal remedies system in Romania, Oradea will send the case to the E uropean Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, where it is certain that she will b e right.On the same themePhysicians responsible for the death Marcela Gruia pay their guilt with 150,000 eurosDuty doctorOradea was tried four years to get puni sh the doctor who operated, but not only managed to accumulate more and more deb t. At age 55, Ionel Nistor fell ill in 2004. Given that doctors Oradea failed to put a diagnosis, the man was sent to Cluj-Napoca, Infectious Diseases, where he discovered he had an infection on the column. Nistor was operated at a neurosur gery Cluj, the famous physician Stephen Florian, and after three years, followin g an inspection, he found he had a knife blade of 4.5 inches to the column. Imme diately after surgery, the man learned that suffers from hepatitis. The Romanian government has recognized permanent disability Ionel Nistor, pensionndu it is in 2004, being no longer able to work. Outraged, I had to live three years with a scalpel blade in the column, Ionel Nistor sued Stephen Florian, asking them to b e paid damages of 400,000 euros. To his misfortune, however, the Romanian justic e does not give justice, so he loses battle after battle in the courts and accum ulate more and more debt to doctor Stephen Florian, who must now pay 15,000 lei costs.The patient is to blameNeurosurgeon Stefan Florian has always maintained h is innocence, blaming Nistor, since it came to post-intervention controls. "Ther e was nothing wrong, and this was proved in several instances," he told reporter s neurosurgeon Cluj "truth"."I turned to the ECHR GOOD MEN, BUT THIS COURT TO DE STROY THE IMAGE OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN EUROPE AND PLANET, MA destroyed completely, F OOT IN MY COMPUTER AND DIGNITY OF HUMAN RIGHTS, AND MA garbage that throw in the garbage on a corpse! This demon-DRESSED IN Robe destroying a segment of the pop ulation, by rejecting 90% of complaints by the ECHR 6.NO DISCRIMINATION! Protect the victim and patients DO NOT violate the rights o f man! JESUS??-CHRIST WILL LEAVE THE LAND JUDGES! Do your job with PROFESSIONALI SM, AND LAW BE PURI, Spotted NOT BE CLEAN!?-Represented RIGHTS IN EUROPE A TRANS ITION!-NOT DESTROY YOUR PICTURE OF EUROPE? SOME FIGHT FOR PICTURE OF EUROPE, AND OTHERS destroy it? CORRUPTION AND INFLUENCE NOT RESPECT THE MAN!? RESPECT OF AN IMAL NISTOR IONEL Oradea Romania 21. WARNING! -Corruption? INFLUENCE? Or incompetence? If malpractice "KNIFE stuck sp

inal NISTOR IONEL ROMANIA NR.22560/10 APPLICATION (II) some / cROMANIA???How can they ECHR judges, to tell us how to run our country? Seven of eleven judges sit ting in Europe dealing with the court decides the fate of human rights preacher Qatada uraunii of them, judges have never been judgesMany ECHR judges are teache rs who were parachuted into the roleThe youngest judge was given the job when sh e was only 33 and has experience as a senior judgeBy Richard Hartley-ParkinsonPu blished: 8:36 GMT, April 19, 2012 | UPDATED: 10:22 GMT, April 19, 2012Comments ( 358)Share Seven of eleven of the top judges of the European Court of Human Right s have little or no judicial experience, has been revealed.Nevertheless, they ha ve great power over the UK and in recent times gave prisoners the right to vote and had a role in blocking the deportation of hate preacher Abu Qatada.They will now preside over a second case, after Qatada lodged an appeal against his expul sion to Jordan.Even ECHR President, Nicolas Bratza British lawyer has not actual ly occurred, a position of leadership and legal experience was limited to a brie f stint as a Crown Court recorder. Many members of the European Court of Human R ights have little or no judicial experience!Members of the Plenary Court: 1, 2, Francoise Tulkens, Sir Nicolas Bratza, 3, Ledi Bianku, 4, Jan ikuta, 5, Danute Jo ciene, 6, Michael Poalelungi, 7, Lech Garlicki, 8, Vincent de Gaetano, 9, Anatol y Kovler , 10, David BjorgvinssonLast month, he admitted that some of the best j udges of the court - including the plenary Court on ECHR - were former academics who were parachuted into the role, the judge!Among the world of academia is Fra noise Tulkens, Belgian vice-president of the court. He has no experience running a judicial hearing. More ...What a fiasco! While Theresa May with Br-star partie s, Abu Qatada mistake of allowing officials to counter plan to deport him - and to launch call, which means he could be here for yearsNow, Blair could be sued f or torture claims against Libya by the man who claims MI6 sent him into the hand s of Gaddafi's regimeFollowing a rare appearance in parliament Tory Sir Nicholas Dominic Raab said: "The President can not shake that we have a lot of teachers who make the law up as they go along, but chose the right decision and public in the UK are safe. "Abu Qatada imagine being driven from his home in north London earlier this weekMPs have attacked also extraordinary selection system court, w hich allows the 47 member States of the Council to appoint judges who did not st ate the decision in their own countries.Among those who had no experience as a j udge to include Albanian Bianku Ledi,a former lawyer and lecturer. He was key Ab u Qatada ruling.Another is Jociene Danute who has no previous experience as a ju dgesenior. At 33 became the youngest judge ever appointed to the court in 2004.A natoly Kovler held notable positions not as a judge and experience in the judici ary shall extend only to the right academic. ------------------------------------------------- -------"- David Thor Bjorgvinsson is an academic in Iceland, whi ch has relatively minor roles previously served as an assistant judge and assist ant judge." Ionel Nistor medical malpractice case from romaniaDanish National Pe er Lorenzen was a former academic before joining the ECHRand was legal adviser t o the Ministry of Justice in Denmark. He was------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------Also, a judge, then Presi dent of the Court of Appeal of Western Denmark.Among those with some experience are Lech Garlicki, from head to Poland and ECHR human rights section. He served as a judge of the Polish Constitutional Court eight years after the fall of comm unism.Some of the best judges of the court - including the plenary Court on ECHR - were former academics who were parachuted into the role------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Danute Jociene (l eft) was the youngest appointed to ECHR 33, with no driving experience to judge in 2004, while Anatoly Kovler (right) worked in academic law, but did not hold a ny noteable posts A judgeSir Nicolas Bratza, United Kingdom, 67, president of th e ECHR in the November 4, 2011Franoise Tulkens, 69, Belgium, vice-president of th e ECHR on February 1, 2011Lech Garlicki, 65, Poland. Professor of Law. Presiding officer from November 4, 2011Maltan Vincent de Gaetano was an academic before t aking a job as a judge, then deputy attorney general and before going to the ECH R, he was Chief Justice of Malta. Jan ikuta was judge of the Court of Appeal in B ratislava in 1990 and 1994, before 10 years old as legal officer at the UN.Key F acts About ECHRFounded in 1959, decisions on individual applications or State al

legingviolations of civil and political rights------------------------------------------------- -----------More than 10,000 cases have been delivered in almost 50 yearsStrasbourg-based court in a building designed by British architect Rich ard RogersEuropean Court presiding 800million in 27 countries. Each country has a judge in courtJudges elected by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. They are elected for nine yearsCourt budget for 2012 amounts to just over 67mill ion eurosGrand Chamber of 17 judges is to hear a case when other five judges to the Court decided should be reviewed ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------Over 50,000 new applications are su bmitted each yearLast month Tory MP Sir Nicholas Rehman Chishti challenged over decisions where the Court refused to allow the UK to deport terror suspects.He a dded: "Can you understand why people in this country are frustrated when we have people dangerous to our society are not able to deport?"Sir Nicholas said: "I c an certainly understand, but our function is to determine - and I do not think a nyone could say that I was misunderstood in this respect - that if someone is se nt back to a country , faced a substantial risk of death or ill-treatment ... Th ere is nothing exceptional in court, saying the country is a responsibility that returns one of these conditions. "Asked if he agreed the court went beyond its traditional powers by invoking the right to a fair trial Qatada "prevent" his de portation, he said: "As I was a party that, I do not think I can accept it. "In January, Home Secretary Theresa May said that was unacceptable to the UK could n ot deport Qatada, the "serious risk" after the Court has decided that it would b e a violation of his right to a fair trial ", given the risk the admission of ev idence obtained by torture at his retrial.Qatada lawyers filed a final appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, last night in an attempt to prevent his bei ng thrown out of the country.A spokesman said the appeal court Qatada was midnig ht - and was made after 23 last night. She said: "It was literally the last minu te."Peer Lorenzen, 67, Denmark, presiding officer from April 1, 2006, to January 31, 2011David Thor Bjrgvinsson, 56, Iceland, academic, judge of the ECHR to Nove mber 1, 2004Jn ikuta, 51, Slovak Republic, ECHR judge from November 1, 2004Ledi Bia nku, 65, Poland, professor of law, the ECHR Judge February 1, 2008Michael Poalel ungi, 49, Moldova, ECHR judge from May 1, 2008Vincent de Gaetano, 59, Malta, the judge ECHR September 20, 2010As the situation went down in a farce, it emerged that the Home Secretary last night as a guest celebrity agent Jonathan Shalit ha s been celebrating his birthday 50.Qatada legal team claims the judges of the Eu ropean Court of Human Rights have been wrong three months ago when he decided th at he would not be at risk of torture if returned to Jordan, said a court spokes man .Grand Chamber of the court will decide whether to hear his appeal, but the radical cleric once described by a judge as Osama bin Laden's man in Europe righ t hand can not be deported until the court reached a decision.Read more:Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick ('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.classN ame+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onloa d=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.get ElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} Inter-American Court of Human Rights - International Courts and Tribunals - HLSL InfoAdvantage at Ha Justice strange: the knife looked Oradea body will have to give him money doctor butcher!Posted by Andreea Costea 21. 11. 2011 / / 5 comments / / 604 views 2Publicized and controversial case of Oradea Ionel Nistor, who lived three yea rs with the scalpel of the doctor looked column reached the final of the views o f judges in Romania. Although man has sued the doctor for malpractice and demand ed damages of 400,000 euros, Cluj Court of Appeal decided that the doctor Stephe n Florian is innocent. Moreover, the victim has to pay at present over 17,000 le i doctor. Ionel Nistor told today (November 21) for details on the process and which steps they will do in the future. "I was speechless when I sa w the judges decision. Are you outraged by the brushwood of the judiciary. It's a real mafia. These people should be subjected to medical examination before dre ssing gown, "says outraged Ionel Nistor. "Because of the Romanian medical system

have reached a healthy man in power, as we were in 2004, we certified the disab ility and retirement living in care. And the judicial system over me financially and mentally, "says Oradea our news portal.Victim are clear? Not bathrooms: pay !"The state of financial paralysis. Do justice to me I needed money for lawsuits . I spent over 600 million old lei in recent years. I borrowed the banks, I, his wife and daughter. Are rates that can not pay on time and support penalties, "s aid Nistor. "I had blind faith in the Romanian justice. And I found myself now t hat the court decides that the doctor has to pay damages instead I have to pay h im his costs in the value of 17,200 lei, "says Oradea. "Throughout the process t he doors were closed, to protect his reputation. He received it and not justice. The court did not even asked me to present evidence "rebel Nistor.Damage of one million eurosThe next step Nistor does is to turn to European Court for Human R ights (ECHR). "I opened criminal case since 2010. Now the final decision is expe cted ECHR and motivation Cluj Court of Appeals, which term I send them to Decemb er 1, "explains Oradea. "Open in parallel civil proceedings. Heaven Romanian sta te damages for one million euros for mafia justice and health, "said Nistor.Orad ea has said he wants to call the bar, in Oradea, Cluj Court of Appeal judges. In stead, he fears he will lose. "I think only the ECHR can be done right. But I'm sorry for the damage they will pay the State, therefore the people, instead of t he guilty pay, "he concluded Nistor.Tags: knife looked column, ECHR, the Court o f Appeal Cluj, damage, Ionel Nistor, malpractice, trialAnulati modificarileDicti onar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick('rsl');window.js timing.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.className+=' nj';var i= new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onload=null;};}var slg ms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.getElementById('gt-t l-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;}

I am some of Oradea Nistor ionel str.sucevei, no.69, ap.5-romania.sunt victim an d rat Romanian state and the ECHR, strasbourg france in a medical malpractice ca se in which the spinal neurosurgical intervention having sepsis, doctor scalpel knife broke in my column, I was contaminated with hepatitis virus type 2 "b" and "c" active, and neurosurgical intervention all the left has stuck in my spinal column a scalpel blade, 4.5 cm , sharp, sharp and awls that we were three years without knowing! for 5 years so sick and handicapped I sought justice in romania , but the judicial system, corrupt and influence, he rejected the right to justi ce and I was deprived of all human rights! I came to the ECHR, Strasbourg, Franc e, but this international court failed to consider that I dropped my health, my treatment, drug, family, and my disability allowance for righteousness, justice and love-as Jesus-Christ! ECHR rejected my application after 2 years nr.22560/10 (II) Nistor / Please intervene for-like ECHR, badly handled my case of malpractice, infringing and violating the Charter eu, the Geneva Convention, European Convention on Human Rights and other international treaties in civil a nd criminal matters, plus the rights of disabled NISTOR IONEL, disability genera ted and recognized by the Roman physician and State!--"ATTANTION !!! INFLUIENCE AND CORUPTION C.E.D.O,STRASBOURG FRANCE IN MY CASE THE MALPRAXIS MEDICAL !!!!-AT TANTION VIOLAREA CARTEI U.E,CONVENTION DROITH DES L'HOMME,CONVENCION GENEVA,DROI TH PERSON WITH DISSABLED !!! " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"L un Grande Camerei Compozitie de la Grand Camerei La Grande Chambre forestiere compose De 17 juges. Elle est compose du Prsident de l a Cour, des vicepresedinti, presedintii des des ainsi que du sectiuni juge et na tional de juges anvelope au un fel.

Quand la Grande Camerei EST-Elle saisie? La Chambre peut tre Grande saisie de deux manires: soit la suite d'un retrimiterii , soit lorsqu'il ya ONU dessaisissement. Lorsqu'un arrt de Chambre forestiere Rendu, les petreceri peuvent care cere Le re trimiterii de l'affaire devant La Grande Chambre, demande qui seruri dans accepte des casul exceptionnels. En effet, c'est le colegiu de la Grande Camerei qui a decide s'il tine loc de ou non renvoyer l'affaire devant la Grande Chambre de cu rgere al ONU Nouvel examenul. La Grande Chambre peut tre aussi saisie par a la Voie d'un dessaisissement d'une chambre, dans des casul qui restent exceptionnels galement. En effet, la chambre laquelle une requte un Ete attribue peut SE dessaisir au profit de la Grande Camer ei si L'affaire soulve une o ntrebare grava relativa l'interpretare de la Conventi a de la ou s'il ya ONU risque de contradictie avec ONU arrt Rendu La Cour antrieur ement alin." -IIWARNING! -Corruption? INFLUENCE? Or incompetence? If malpractice "KNIFE stuck sp inal NISTOR IONEL ROMANIA NR.22560/10 APPLICATION (II) some / cROMANIA???How can they ECHR judges, to tell us how to run our country? Seven of eleven judges sit ting in Europe dealing with the court decides the fate of human rights preacher Qatada uraunii of them, judges have never been judgesMany ECHR judges are teache rs who were parachuted into the roleThe youngest judge was given the job when sh e was only 33 and has experience as a senior judgeBy Richard Hartley-ParkinsonPu blished: 8:36 GMT, April 19, 2012 | UPDATED: 10:22 GMT, April 19, 2012Comments ( 358)Share Seven of eleven of the top judges of the European Court of Human Right s have little or no judicial experience, has been revealed.Nevertheless, they ha ve great power over the UK and in recent times gave prisoners the right to vote and had a role in blocking the deportation of hate preacher Abu Qatada.They will now preside over a second case, after Qatada lodged an appeal against his expul sion to Jordan.Even ECHR President, Nicolas Bratza British lawyer has not actual ly occurred, a position of leadership and legal experience was limited to a brie f stint as a Crown Court recorder. Many members of the European Court of Human R ights have little or no judicial experience!Members of the Plenary Court: 1, 2, Francoise Tulkens, Sir Nicolas Bratza, 3, Ledi Bianku, 4, Jan ikuta, 5, Danute Jo ciene, 6, Michael Poalelungi, 7, Lech Garlicki, 8, Vincent de Gaetano, 9, Anatol y Kovler , 10, David BjorgvinssonLast month, he admitted that some of the best j udges of the court - including the plenary Court on ECHR - were former academics who were parachuted into the role, the judge!Among the world of academia is Fra noise Tulkens, Belgian vice-president of the court. He has no experience running a judicial hearing. More ...What a fiasco! While Theresa May with Br-star partie s, Abu Qatada mistake of allowing officials to counter plan to deport him - and to launch call, which means he could be here for yearsNow, Blair could be sued f or torture claims against Libya by the man who claims MI6 sent him into the hand s of Gaddafi's regimeFollowing a rare appearance in parliament Tory Sir Nicholas Dominic Raab said: "The President can not shake that we have a lot of teachers who make the law up as they go along, but chose the right decision and public in the UK are safe. "Abu Qatada imagine being driven from his home in north London earlier this weekMPs have attacked also extraordinary selection system court, w hich allows the 47 member States of the Council to appoint judges who did not st ate the decision in their own countries.Among those who had no experience as a j udge to include Albanian Bianku Ledi,a former lawyer and lecturer. He was key Ab u Qatada ruling.Another is Jociene Danute who has no previous experience as a ju dgesenior. At 33 became the youngest judge ever appointed to the court in 2004.A natoly Kovler held notable positions not as a judge and experience in the judici ary shall extend only to the right academic. -----------------------------------

--------------- -------"- David Thor Bjorgvinsson is an academic in Iceland, whi ch has relatively minor roles previously served as an assistant judge and assist ant judge." Ionel Nistor medical malpractice case from romaniaDanish National Pe er Lorenzen was a former academic before joining the ECHRand was legal adviser t o the Ministry of Justice in Denmark. He was------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------Also, a judge, then Presi dent of the Court of Appeal of Western Denmark.Among those with some experience are Lech Garlicki, from head to Poland and ECHR human rights section. He served as a judge of the Polish Constitutional Court eight years after the fall of comm unism.Some of the best judges of the court - including the plenary Court on ECHR - were former academics who were parachuted into the role------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Danute Jociene (l eft) was the youngest appointed to ECHR 33, with no driving experience to judge in 2004, while Anatoly Kovler (right) worked in academic law, but did not hold a ny noteable posts A judgeSir Nicolas Bratza, United Kingdom, 67, president of th e ECHR in the November 4, 2011Franoise Tulkens, 69, Belgium, vice-president of th e ECHR on February 1, 2011Lech Garlicki, 65, Poland. Professor of Law. Presiding officer from November 4, 2011Maltan Vincent de Gaetano was an academic before t aking a job as a judge, then deputy attorney general and before going to the ECH R, he was Chief Justice of Malta. Jan ikuta was judge of the Court of Appeal in B ratislava in 1990 and 1994, before 10 years old as legal officer at the UN.Key F acts About ECHRFounded in 1959, decisions on individual applications or State al legingviolations of civil and political rights------------------------------------------------- -----------More than 10,000 cases have been delivered in almost 50 yearsStrasbourg-based court in a building designed by British architect Rich ard RogersEuropean Court presiding 800million in 27 countries. Each country has a judge in courtJudges elected by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. They are elected for nine yearsCourt budget for 2012 amounts to just over 67mill ion eurosGrand Chamber of 17 judges is to hear a case when other five judges to the Court decided should be reviewed ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------Over 50,000 new applications are su bmitted each yearLast month Tory MP Sir Nicholas Rehman Chishti challenged over decisions where the Court refused to allow the UK to deport terror suspects.He a dded: "Can you understand why people in this country are frustrated when we have people dangerous to our society are not able to deport?"Sir Nicholas said: "I c an certainly understand, but our function is to determine - and I do not think a nyone could say that I was misunderstood in this respect - that if someone is se nt back to a country , faced a substantial risk of death or ill-treatment ... Th ere is nothing exceptional in court, saying the country is a responsibility that returns one of these conditions. "Asked if he agreed the court went beyond its traditional powers by invoking the right to a fair trial Qatada "prevent" his de portation, he said: "As I was a party that, I do not think I can accept it. "In January, Home Secretary Theresa May said that was unacceptable to the UK could n ot deport Qatada, the "serious risk" after the Court has decided that it would b e a violation of his right to a fair trial ", given the risk the admission of ev idence obtained by torture at his retrial.Qatada lawyers filed a final appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, last night in an attempt to prevent his bei ng thrown out of the country.A spokesman said the appeal court Qatada was midnig ht - and was made after 23 last night. She said: "It was literally the last minu te."Peer Lorenzen, 67, Denmark, presiding officer from April 1, 2006, to January 31, 2011David Thor Bjrgvinsson, 56, Iceland, academic, judge of the ECHR to Nove mber 1, 2004Jn ikuta, 51, Slovak Republic, ECHR judge from November 1, 2004Ledi Bia nku, 65, Poland, professor of law, the ECHR Judge February 1, 2008Michael Poalel ungi, 49, Moldova, ECHR judge from May 1, 2008Vincent de Gaetano, 59, Malta, the judge ECHR September 20, 2010As the situation went down in a farce, it emerged that the Home Secretary last night as a guest celebrity agent Jonathan Shalit ha s been celebrating his birthday 50.Qatada legal team claims the judges of the Eu ropean Court of Human Rights have been wrong three months ago when he decided th at he would not be at risk of torture if returned to Jordan, said a court spokes man .Grand Chamber of the court will decide whether to hear his appeal, but the

radical cleric once described by a judge as Osama bin Laden's man in Europe righ t hand can not be deported until the court reached a decision.Read more:Anulati modificarileDictionar{window.jstiming.load.tick('rsw');window.jstiming.load.tick ('rsl');window.jstiming.load.tick('rtl');function _njClk(e){document.body.classN ame+=' nj';var i=new Image();i.src='/gen204?njclk=1';i.onload=function(){i.onloa d=null;};}var slgms=document.getElementById('gt-sl-gms');var tlgms= document.get ElementById('gt-tl-gms');slgms.onclick=tlgms.onclock=_njClk;} Inter-American Court of Human Rights - International Courts and Tribunals - HLSL InfoAdvantage at Ha

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