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M OND AY Octobe r 2 2 7:00 pm Mens Open Gym Basketball (AU) 7:00 pm Nominating Committee (CR) T UES DAY Octobe r 2 3 7:00 am Intercessory Prayer (Trinity UMC Prayer Rm) 7:00 pm Sonshine Express Committee Mtg (Rm 200) 7:00 pm WMF Meeting. Hostess: Rita Barton (CA)

Welcome to Worship
Gilead Friends Church
3613 Twp. Rd. 115 Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338 419-946-1100 Senior Pastor Brian Mosher

T HU RSDAY Octobe r 2 5 7:00 pm Missionary Board Meeting (CR) AU:Auditorium CA:Caf CH:Chapel CR:ConferenceRoom FH:FellowshipHall

SHARE PROGRAM: We would love to continue to feed our people throughout the year. We're asking you to bring in any extra non-perishable (store bought) food items and toiletries you have to share with our church family. Just place your items on the Share table in the foyer. This table is open to everyone. If you see something you need.please feel free to help yourself.


Upcoming Events section on the back of the bulletin. Want to get involved and help with the planning or implementing? Contact the church office today! THE SONSHINE BUS NEEDS YOUR HELP ministering to the children of our community. They are currently in need of some more drivers who are able to commit to a rotating schedule. Please see Kitty Halfhill if you are able to fill this need.

Sunday October 21, 2012

8:30 am PANCAKE BR EAKFAST (C A) Free will offering. Money raised will go toward the Youth Groups trip to Youth Explosion 9:15 am SUNDAY S C H OO L FO R ALL AG ES We meet in the Caf for an opening word of prayer, song and announcements followed by dismissal to classes. 10 :3 0 a m WO RSH I P - Nursery provided for newborns to age 2 in Rm. 101 - Stars (ages 3-5) meet in Room 102 - Kids in grades K-5 will be dismissed from main service to go to the Chapel following worship

PLEASE NOTE: For staffing purposes we are asking that all Kindergartners go to the Stars class (Room 102) during the Sunday School hour until further notice.
THERE WILL BE NO YOUTH GROUP: - October 21st due to Pancake Breakfast - October 28th due to Fall Festival - November 4th due to Spaghetti Dinner - November 11th Youth Group will be going to Youth Explosion in Cleveland.

Youth Group (6-12th grade) will meet after church in the FH

4:30 pm CHOIR P R AC TIC E (AU )

CHILDRENS Suspendisse CHURCH potenti. Planet Zero is our children's worship time for grades
K-5. The children are usually dismissed to go up to the chapel after the opening musical numbers and greeting time. We enjoy fun worship music of our own, along with lessons, skits and sometimes games and snacks. Parents then pick children up after the worship service is over. - Teachers: Steve & Mindy Mowery Stars is a class for children ages 3-PreK. The preschoolers are dropped off in the Stars room next to the nursery at the beginning of worship. We offer lessons, crafts, games and snacks. Children younger than 3 or those not able to handle a story time or working on small projects should be taken to the nursery. - Teachers: Anjie and Hannah Swanson


O ctober 28 All Church Fa ll H arve st Pa rty N ovembe r 3 G ile a d C hristian School C a r Show & Silent Auction N ovembe r 4 Youth Fundraise r: S pa ghe tti Lunch N ovembe r 1 1 All Church Thanksgiving M ea l N ovembe r 2 0 W MF Soup S uppe r & Auction st D ecembe r 1 R a ise the Roof: G ilea d Christia n School D inne r & Live Auction D ecembe r 8 C hurch outing to Zoo Lights th D ecembe r 1 4 C hristma s Ca roling Ja nua ry 12 , 2 01 3 Fa mily Pizza & Movie Night Fe brua ry 9, 2 0 13 Va lentine s D inner

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