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Berkeley United Methodist Church

2407 Berkeley Ave., Austin, TX 78745 Phone: (512) 447-6633 Fax: (512) 851-8438
October 21, 2012 8:30 a.m. & 10:50 a.m. Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

PRAYER OF CONFESSION Almighty and all-loving God, through your Son Jesus Christ you have reconciled the world to yourself. Help us now to be reconciled with one another, that again we might dwell in the warmth of your love. Inspire us with your Holy Spirit to put aside the cloak of pride and put on Christ, that we might forgive and be forgiven; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. WORDS OF ASSURANCE Leader: May the almighty and merciful Lord grant us remission of all our sins, true repentance, amendment of life, and the grace and consolation of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. OFFERING OUR GIFTS AND PRAYERS Offering envelopes may be found inside front cover of UM Hymnal. A SONG OF PRAISE TO GOD UMH #94


Please take a moment to silence your cell phones now. GATHERING SONG Welcome W&S #3152


CHILDRENS TIME Where Children Belong TFWS #2233

Welcome to this place. Youre invited to come and know Gods grace. All are welcome the love of God to share Cause all of us are welcome here; All are welcome in this place.

This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, Gods Word, bread and cup, prayer, and song: This is where children belong. PRAYER FROM THE PSALMS SPECIAL MUSIC Awaken Me to Pray By David Lantz III Psalm 130 UMH #848 Chancel Choir

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


*SENDING SONG Go Forth for God UMH #670

As we greet one another and have some brief announcements, please fill in the yellow card to let us know of your presence and your prayers! When this sign (*) appears, you are invited to stand if it is comfortable to do so.


Kathy Beth Stavinoha (8:30) John Finley (10:50) Hebrews 4:12-16

If you would like to know more about baptism or becoming a member of Berkeley United Methodist Church by profession of faith or transfer of your current church membership, please call the church office and make an appointment to speak with Rev. Devine. THE BENEDICTION Bring Forth the Kingdom TFWS #2190

You are invited to join hands as we share in the song: Bring forth the kingdom of mercy, Bring forth the kingdom of peace; Bring forth the kingdom of justice, Bring forth the kingdom of God! Thank you for worshiping with us today! In between our services, you are invited for coffee and fellowship on the deckwed love to get to know you better! THOSE LEADING IN WORSHIP TODAY Rev. Jeanne Devine will bring the sermon. Our worship leader for the 8:30 service is Jamie Justus and for the 10:50 service is Carolyn Brown. Media Operator is Elizabeth Walters. We thank all our greeters, ushers, and acolytes.

*CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 25 Leader: To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. People: O my God, in you I trust, let me not be put to shame; let not my enemies exult over me. Leader: Make me to know your ways, O Lord; People: teach me your paths. Leader: Lead me in your truth, and teach me, People: for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. *OPENING HYMN If It Had Not Been for the Lord TFWS #2053

Leader: This is the Word of God for us, the people of God. All: Thanks be to God! SERMON Steps to a Generous Life: Prayer and Bible Reading Rev. Jeanne Devine


TIME OF REFLECTION *HYMN OF RESPONSE Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying TFWS #2193

Ushers will collect yellow cards; please pass yours down to the end of the row.

WE PRAY FOR OTHERS The pastor will share prayer requests and the congregation will respond: Lord, hear our prayer. After the prayers have been lifted, we will pray together the Lords Prayer:

CHURCH NURSERY Child care is available for children up to age 5 in the church nursery on Sunday mornings. Children are always welcome in the sanctuary. Children's Sunday School is offered after Childrens Time in the 10:50 worship service. Upcoming Events This Week
Sunday, October 21 Newsletter deadline 6:30 am Work Corner Preparation 8:30 am Worship 9:40 am Sunday School 10:50 am Worship 10:50 am UM Youth Fellowship (7) 4:00 pm Tai Chi (FH) 5:00 pm Covenant Group (9) Monday, October 22 10:00 am Womens Group (7) 6:00 pm Girl Scout Exec. Comm. (FH) 7:00 pm Covenant Group (9) Tuesday, October 23 5:45 pm Spiritual Care (9) Wednesday, October 24 6:00 pm Handbell Choir 7:00 pm Chancel Choir Thursday, October 25 2:00 pm Longing for Enough book study (9) 5:30 pm Saint Louise House (CLC) Saturday, October 27 7:28 am UM Mens breakfast (CLC) 5:30 pm Trunk-or-Treat Sunday, October 28 6:30 am Work Corner Preparation 8:30 am Worship 9:40 am Sunday School 10:50 am Worship 10:50 am UM Youth Fellowship (7) 4:00 pm Tai Chi (FH) 4:00 pm Family Ministries (7) 5:00 pm Covenant Group (9)

Announcements Kallie GreenThe Austin District Committee on Ordained Ministry last Thursday certified Berkeleys own Kallie Green as a candidate for ordained ministry. This significant step comes after a lengthy process of prayer, study, testing, examination by the Staff-Parish Relations Committee and the support of the local church. Certified candidates qualify for scholarship assistance from the Board of Ordained Ministry. Kallie has been admitted to Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, where she plans to enroll next fall. Committed to Christ Sermon SeriesToday Rev. Devine begins a series of sermons on Committed to Christ: Six Steps to a Generous Life. October 21: Prayer and Bible Study October 28: Worship and Witness November 4: Financial Giving and Service November 11: Generosity Sunday All six steps are essential Christian disciplines, acknowledging that God is the giver of every good gift and that Christ is the Lord of our lives. Berkeley members will witness to the power of these disciplines in their walks of faith. Thanks to Jeff Cecil and the Generosity/Stewardship team for their leadership. Usher, Greeter and Acolyte Training, todayWe will have a short lunch prior to the training session. We especially welcome new participants for the ministries of hospitality and worship. Trunk-or-TreatSaturday, October 27, from 5:30 7:30 pm. Everyone bring your car decorated and a treat to share with the children. Come enjoy fellowship and safe, positive fun for Halloween! Saint Louise HouseToday is the final day to donate diapers and wipes for the residents at Saint Louise House. We appreciate any help you can offer with this project. Thank you! Finance UpdatePlease pick up your third-quarter statement of giving in the narthex (lobby) before you leave today. In September we reduced our deficit (spending beyond income) in the general fund: we received $25,699 and spent $19,601. Year to date, our shortfall is now $10,323. Thanks to all who support the ministry of BUMC. With your consistent generosity we can close the gap and end strong in 2012. Autumn Charity LawnpartyTarrytown UMC is hosting a fall family festival today, 3-5:30 p.m., to raise funds for the United Methodist Free Store in Austin, due to open in early 2013. You can get a pumpkin (and support missions). You can eat great cupcakes. Kids can have fun. Most of all, you can help a great project begin! TUMC is located at 2601 Exposition Blvd.

October 21, 2012

Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

Newsletter Deadline: Sunday, October 21

Ministers: Members of the Congregation Pastor: Rev. Jeanne Devine ( ph. 761-4977 Director of Music: Victoria Schwarz ( Pianist: Dr. Tyler Mabry ( Media Manager: Elizabeth Walters ( Administrative Assistant: Tara Nash ( Childcare Director: Allison McGillicuddy (

Walk the LabyrinthOn Saturday, November 3, the Spiritual Care Committee will have the labyrinth laid out in the CLC from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The congregation, neighborhood, and friends are invited to come experience this ancient, physical form of meditation/prayer. Come center yourself in Christ in preparation for the days and weeks ahead.

Prayer and Bible Reading Worship and Witness Financial Giving and Service

Serving God + + Sharing Christ + + Receiving Mercy

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