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LI810-Group 4

Problem: Distance students are unaware of what library services are offered Focus: MLS distance library services
MLS students comfortability

using the library

Mixed bag

Inductive and deductive

Predominantly interpretivist /constructionist

concerned with how our respondents construct meaning

looking for a diversity of views

Unit of analysis Sampling Why convenience sample?

Hey, got a minute?

When administered? before end of semester finals well after beginning of the year Survey questions comfort level scale short answer email and listservs

No phone or personal email interviews

No interviews with librarians No pressure on participants Why?-->Improvements from

a students perspective

No deception used to conduct research Letter of introduction gain consent outline reason for research how results will be used researchers maintain privacy of participants

Team member storing survey information will assign three to four questions and responses to other team members Quantitative part of survey calculated by survey software graphics included description of questions & percentage of responses explanations for unique/outlying responses

The Survey

1. Please rate how often you use the library services provided by your school
1-almost never 5- very frequently

2. What is your comfort level of using library services before starting your MLS program
1-very uncomfortable 5- very comfortable

3. Rate your comfort level of using library services as they are now
1-very uncomfortable 5- very comfortable

4. Please mark the services that the library provides to you for your distance program

Interlibrary Loans E-mail or Chat Reference Service Shipping books to your location Online Databases Subject guides

5. How do you think your school could improve the library services to distance students?
6. What school do you attend?

7. What is your year in your MLS program?

8. Any additional comments you would like to make about the services that your school library

Research Limitations
Convenience Sample
Small Sample Size Answering Questions

Bryman, Alan. (2008) Social Research Methods. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. [Untitled photograph of boy made of blocks] retrieved June 27,2012, from: HNEvJjETiK6-xZdGKcOLO5Ii8w [Untitled photograph of guy on high road] retrieved June 27,2012, from: VGTH186pTBgpfUdgjoVyr4pd

[Untitled photograph of Homer Simpson] Retrieved June 27,2012, from

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