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Truth of Jesus of Bible in two Pages

By John Paily Mind is vital to know Truth. We all have two phases in life characterized by the mind. One phase is the life in the womb and early part of childhood, when we live instinctively, in innocence and in beautiful and true relationship with our parents and our environment. This is a period when the mind and its ego or "I" has not manifested. The second part is when the "ego" or "I" manifests. This disconnects the individual from his consciousness and intelligence within. The fall of individual and collective levels begins with it. Here, we get influenced by the evil minds that seek "self" at all cost. Bible clearly speaks two minds and two paths 1] One that is created by the mind of Fallen angel that was thrown to earth from heaven because of its ego or "I". This "mind" is depicted as the serpent in Bible. This serpent lured Eve's mind and through her Adam's mind to create his kingdom. Thus today we are in the kingdom of serpent. We easily fall for evil minds coming to us with its own selfish intents. All scriptures tells us that humans are lured to hell by three factors the Flesh, Earth and Gold [Money]. These by themselves are not evil. But when it is combined with evil mind that seeks self at all cost, it creates path to hell. A mind that is ego or self centered and is salve to material world can never give Justice or ever know Truth. Our society has a section of people [so called spiritual] whose duty is to grow beyond the lure of these three elements, to connect to their consciousness and spirit within to know the Truth and walk the path of Truth. They are supposed to help individual and society connect to consciousness and walk the path of Truth and Justice. Their mind and its failure leads to fall of the system. 2] The second path is the path that the Mind of Jesus created. This was a antidote to what the mind of fallen angel did through Eve and Adam. Jesus grew beyond His Body and Mind to connect to the consciousness and the Spirit God within -The Father. The beauty and power of Christ comes not only from this connectivity to the Spirit within, but from the fact that He did His Father's Will, by accepting the most torturous death Selflessly, praying for the forgiveness of every one including those who inflicted the wound. We must note that, life is a struggle to sustain life. To accept death as means of life is beyond mind and its logical thinking. So Christ cannot be understood by our mind. It has to come by Grace for a Purpose. We must note that Christ manifested to conquer time and death and give us new life and initialize us into New Time Cycle. He came to restore the Kingdom of God. He came when there was none who could be justified before God. He came when every mediators of God had failed. One must note that He critically condemned the Priests. He chose ordinary people as His disciples. Not only this He gave them 1

power over heaven and earth. Christ came as the only Mediator of God. He fulfilled the duty to which He was called in Calvary. He fulfilled His promise to Come Again, when He returned to earth as Spirit on Pentecostal Day. Since then the Spirit of Christ has been working through chosen people. Christ never asked to create religion in His name or build Him temples and churches. A hundred years after Christ evil minds began to enter the early Church. These evil minds mixed the old and new-testament. They re established the curtain that tore in the middle opening the throne of God for all. Under the curtain they carefully hid the Spirit of God and began to rule human mind amassing wealth in the name of God. We hardly see priests filled with spirit, capable making people to connect to their consciousness and walk in the path of Truth and Justice. Most actually do the opposite to which they are called. The world that is filled with weapons of mass destruction, the war in middle east so on speaks the evil minds that have in filtered the Church that Christ's disciples established. However, there is hope for the world in Christ, for it is said that His Spirit will pour out on all during the end days awakening our consciousness and intelligence liberating us from the clutches of the evil minds. If you observe the world this reality is happening beyond religion. Millions are awakening to the Spirit of God and in their midst miracles are occurring as in the days of Christ. God's soul opened up through Christ giving free will to human souls. Christ showed the act necessary to change our path and escape from the grip of evil and darkness. Being a member of religious institution or a church, going to church every day or being a priest or taking high position in religious institutions need not ensure a salvation. You need to have transformative experience for salvation from the darkness. Christ's return would be revelation of Truth and Knowledge beyond religion that can help us evolve back into Golden Age - We are due to enter the Era of Knowledge of Life. If you think there is substance spread this article and awaken people.

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