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"Ven. T}]o. 4" Edited and distribut~d by Acting Staff, WASP l\1EVlSLETTER, Niaxwell Field.L...!!a.
. .


Deeember 1; 19!J,



Mrs. 'Katherine Dussaq,"WASP Staff EXecutive for the ArmyAir. Forces 'I'rllining Command, " was killed when her AT-6 crashed at NewGarlisle; Ohio, the night .of November'.26; 1944'~ The eaUE>e nd details of the accident are' .. : a not known further th'ln that she t.ook off. on." an instrument clearanc'e '0.t 17: 17 from Wash;';' ... ingt6neriroute to' Cindnnati~ Mrs~"'btls~o.q'. was on an,:::tdministrative cross-courjti'y sur .. veying reemploym8n~possibilities tor' Women Ai~f6rce Service Pilots aft~r inactivation~ ,.;3hehad been in WLl~hington discuqs CM to " policy on certifica~'io~ of ,WASP. . It has been through.h~~ energy' and 'foresight that this'survey of reemployment possibilo .' ities w'J.sdevelope'd~ Her planning and v}ork ma~e possible the VffiSP Newsletter and provided the basis for Q'l+!i .. post-inactivation organization 0 , ,.. ,.The future. qf the WASP and .their unity after ... ":'inactivation' vi.L:ll'ovlO: much td:.'the foresight o~' iqdividua;ls .lik .Kut~Grin~ Dussaqo ,WQ will do everything 'possible to"carry through the program which she has stnrted~

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,f'he'.~ng re~~mr.nend~lti is now pe.nqing a,pproval in Fort Worth as a result ~m of _~'fq~' ;~~~!ie' C'o:n~erencethi~' wee.k',;1.n iber'nl, Kansas: L
" ... : ./0' . ",,, . ,: ,. .

:' ,



'i'U~;E7:" ,br::.9iy'~1.iahs'a~('Lin~:.Tr~:tpe~Opc:tD.t.9r~.
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RECOf':lMENDATI'ON: rcornmcnaea'that nt' tho discr'etionof I It: is the stations where civilian link trainer operators arc available, t50Y sh01:Qdbe utilized. Wih the cur'ta'i1ment of the WASP t program, discharged WASPs ho could be tI-uined as link traL1Gr operators w should be given every consideration for those positions. "' Indications are that link instructor would oarry 0. CAF.5 rating and a supervisor of several link instructors would carry' a CAF-7 rating. You will be notified of the procedure for application when the authority is granted for these positions,.


ALASKA:. ~: . ':~"~:: . ..: ~... :_- . . . "": . :. .-' . ... Part of a leii6i:'i'rom WASP Betty Clotlents, AAB, Ark~n"sls:
'. -"

CO~lcil Member from Blytheville



"Our gr'eat'cstneed seems to be to get definite' names~f' 'i,'~ividuals,":.:, who might be interested in employing WASPs, investigate what they, have to offer and what standards of experience they require." The Newsletter Staff came across a fine list of aviation entG~risc's' ',"Thich might" ' or might not offor possibilities of positions. It is v(;ry complete - for example, ,. listod below arc 24 aviation companios located in Alaska alone. WOl~d the publication of more lists like this be of value? Alaska Coastal Airlines, Juneau, Alaska' Alaska Airlines, Inc,; Anchorage, Alaska Al Jones Airvmys, Anchorage, Alaska Bristol Buy Air Service, Anchorage, Alask~ Christensen Air Service, Cantwell, Alaska Cordova Air Service, Inc., Cordova, Alaska Dillingham Air Service, Dillingham, Alaska Ellis Air Transport Corporation, Ketchikan, Alaska Ferguson Airways, Inc., Kotzebue, Alaska Harold Gilliam, Fairbanks, Alaska Jim Dodson 'Air Service, Fairbanks, Alaska Ketchikan Air Service, Ketchikan, Alaska Kodiak Airways, Anchorage, Alaska ,Lon Brennan Air Service, Fairbanks, Alaska Munz Air Service, Nome, Alaska Nat BroV~1e Flying Service, Bethel, Alaska Northern Cross, inc., Doering, Alaska Pan American Airwnys, Inc., New York Peck and Rico Air\1UYs, Anchorage, Alaska Petersburg Air Service, Petersburg,' Alaska Ray Petersen Flying Service, Anchorage, Alaska Vfulatka Air Service, Dillingham" Alaska Woodley Airways, Anchorage, Alaska Wien Alaska Air lines "In<? , Fairbanks, Alaska

The October 1, 1944 issue of American 'Aviation carries an interesting article entitled "University of Illinois Offering Aero Courses in Eight Colleges", which may be of value to WASPs. A quotation from President Arthur Cutts ~1.illardis included theroin: "The value of this type of training to high school aeronautics teachers has been proved lt has been estimated that in Illinois High Schools alone there is a potential need for 500 such teachers and that today there.are less than 50 such toachers in tho State .who are adequately trained~ The situation confronting planners for the future of domestic aviati~n is without a parallel in the history of education, and indeed, of civilization. No oth&r industry over has made ,such broad demands on so many fields of human knowledge." This is a well-rounded aeronautical program being offered by the University of Chicago, built around a new Class IV airport which will bo completed by December. This should be ofintorost, not only to teachers, but to those interested in aeronautical design, rGsearch, ,draft~ng, or engineering. It is suggested that you contact tho Universitydirec~ly for further i?formation.

STAFF ADVISOR AT TUSCALOOSA: Mr. Walter Thorpe, Vice Pre3ident and General lVkmager of Alabama Institllte of Aeronautics at Tuscaloosa, Alabama, advises us of the opening on 8 In.nuary 1945, of a resident flight school for young women. This school is the first of its type in the United States, and promises to increase the nL~ber of well trained civilian pilots with its splendid curriculum. The school, at Van De Graaff Field, is but one unit in a farsighted program being succe3sfully carried out by Parks Air College.
lli~. Thorpe expects that before long he may have need of ~ne or two graduate

WASPs to work with the Student Counselor on the school staff. IJo flying is involved in this position, with the excepti0:. of enough to keep CM.. ratings. This time will be furnished by the school; 'i/~ich has its own instrument ship. Requirements are as follows: 1. College graduate. 2. Co~nercial license. 3. Instrument and Instructor's r~ting5. 4. Ground school ratings desired, but not necessary. Direct requests for consideration Attention: HI', Thorpe. for this position to above ~ddross,


The Surplus War Aircraft Division, Reconstruction Fino.nce Corporation, Defense Plant Corporation, plans to use 10 ex-WASPs to ferry surplus aircro.ft from points to sule points. For informo.tion and submission of applications write I~. Dick Tate (former instructor at Aven~er Field) at R. F. C. D. P. C. Surplus War Aircraft Division Room 613, Co~onwealth Building 1625 K Street, N. W. Washington, D. C.

ORDER OF FIFINELLA: There are many policy and organizational problems incumbent to the successful initiation of our "Order of Fifinella" and the continuc.tion after Dec. 20th of the WASP Newsletter as an organ for this organiz~tion. The members of the advisory council are analyzing [',ndcompiling a charter and }lolicy nO':I. These are some of the problems: How shall we condlwt the election of officers for the organization and Newsletter and how afton shall they be elected? Can we establish a memorial fund? Can we establish a welfare fund? How often should the Newsletter be issued, what should it contain in addition to its current subject mntter? Should vie request amalgamation w:Lth any other organizations of women pilots? In what othor ways can ue project ourselves, our training and energy into the future? Your Staff and Council value and will take action on valid analyses and . opinions of WASP. Wri ts to us inf orming us of your conclusions and j udgemcnts ~

Pecos WASP: Yuma \vASP: Pecos WASP: Did you know they just shipped in 50 new pilots yesterday? Is thtlt right? Yes, they brought thom in to rclea30 the HASPs for active duty.

- 3 -





EEFERENCES INTERESTING, TO PuBLIOITY ARTICIESc: . . .... . ~ Whenyou run across an article about the; WASPs a group or about any of tho as individual girls, the "WASP 'Newsletter Sttt:t:fv;ould appreciato your sending it in, - or if this is impracticable, .roferring'to tho s'}iccific mngo.zinGor paper whore we and the other interested reado'rs maY::11sosoc it,


For example, the article "Requiem for HASPs." ttGn by BO.rbnra Poole, published wri in tho, December issue of Flying'magazinEi is of'especi<.~l interost, particuhrly to.the girls in ATC.

1m mo.gazino.

Also,' Shirley


picturE:' in the; i'1ettcrs

to the Editor"

colunn in a rcce:1t

Check your post publications and command publications nnd Gll commercinl nO'.7S agencios for articles [',nd publicity oil WASPs.' r.'IuchHill bo done o.bout us and the \'lork we have accomplished. FORP.OSTERITY: Histories of the Women'sAirforco Service Pilot progroEl nrc boing COI:1pilcdin Wnshington, in or,ch Sub-Command. Headquarters, and at. sb.tion.


I 111 BE HOrdE FORCHRISTMAS ! 1" 1! !

Ql.l0tedfroI:1 AAFLetter 40~.34, Par. 2, j. lIAAF Policy Governing Scpo.rntion .of W/~SP: WASP good standing l;'/ill be given the, OPPOl'tt1.nit~T ridt.' io in to milito.ry aircraft to their homes or to the vicinity of tL(ir homes, provided space is available and no additionc.l expense to tho GOVCl'm,lont incurred~ tl is


At tho request of the Civi~.J[1(J .::erso'hncl Division, ~cc:dq.u~rtoJ:3bAF, nll sto'cio!ls n:r8 attempting t..:> ::/1. ~ ",E: all WASF their rifShts and privileges of with rof.:;'.' ... :<;(" oj'.v rctiromoJ'(' ~~ :':~': );1<, cui, if VUi.E.'F .. ',', dosire rcf!~::lds, to :.;.ssist them in O;::,'A".-j.':,ILg such rc,lLD.'l .,i' '.;. <ll,~tJ.(ln'3o . T118 follo"iling ptoccdur~ is' Ulitlincd for the pu.:}:oso of expui:.Lt,:.r' 6'-.1(;h r()!'unds: ..:, : . ' 1. .W .. 4:SP",-/ill be assisi:o). rit stations in the. prcpare.tion of Civil Service. Form 3005 ~ A~~t'licD.tionfor Refund of Rotirement D6ductions

. 2 .. Civil Service Fan, '30,-' . ') will be forwhr~cd to Hcndqunrters, AAF with.Vfar DepnrtmC:ntFoi-mcOElplctod in nccordancc '\I'ith'CPR 85.l6-6b (5) and (6) dated 17 may ~944,'to show nll deductions nado at . 'stntions.

3 ~ vVD Forms 51 will be marked tlWASP"bove tho ii-ia.'j.vidu:,l' nc,mtin a

Item 1.


Forms will be forvlO.rded to the Chfef, Civ:Llidn'Fcrs,'mnol Divisi'on,' Office of Assistant Chief of Air Staff, PersonnGl, ~eo.dquc.rtcrs, Army Air Forces, Washington 25, D. C., Attention: Rotiremont Scction, Records Branch. . . .-_.' .... remaining on Civil Servico sto.tus, consideration the retireI:1rj'nt fund intact is, .rc~omm~ndcd ~ of

If WASP are contemplating tho bonefi ts of retaining

2 4 ~..

.~ '",: .



Bases that are delinquent in returning tho list of hOQe addresses are delaying tho. publication of the Rost~r'~ 'The. dat.o of publication depends upon thoir rosponse. .... , (Hats off to tho 2nd Air Force - which, despite tho dist<lnce' of tho Bases, replied quickly and more accurately than any of tho othor co~~ac4so)



... ~~: .
'.' , ....





1944 Bustlo


from .:-VYnco"

'; l..


......... :. :::'.:';,




,~.' .

Scene: Waspies entering"~,~io~s :Hn:l-l~:;:'. . .' ,.: 'Characters (VIe :do r.1ei::m charo..ctQ;r:;1,):' ~'lnco. WASPs. Topic or" Convers~t:i.o:l: .:.. ZiUnor rs'.bnggy s"U:;Jfier: .. . .' slc:cks. . ': .. ::' .' ..... :. '.: ... , ....
: ',:'

j :.' , ." ...




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Taylor~ ... ' 'Say, Zillrf0:r:,. ~lhy'.don It.. o~: t~~e off" y 'yoUr parachute for lunch? .,... , . ". . . :'Noggle: . That"s the first'tir:ie ;I.lve seen. slacks '.vrith a built;'iri phri:';chute.' . Siddall: Woll, Noggle,. nOr! tl~at you mention .. . . .;. it', your slacks d' oxactly that . trff1 fit.' ,. .'. ~ . Zillner,: . Cnn 1 help it 'if I 'httvo lordo's::i.s'?



.t "

REVISEDAND ..Qf1MPlmLLIST OF ADVISORY COUNCIL i'.'1E:.lBERS: Bonnie Edn~lnds, Douglas, Arizo Ruth Petry, Courtland, Ala. Dorothy Aspell, Childress, Tex. Eva r!Iarie Pederson, C.loS. Randolph Betty Williams1 C.1.S. Randolph r1ary'Burke, Bondo, Tex. Betty CleLlents, BI;ytheville, Ark. Dorothy Swain, laredo, Tex~ Eargaret Helburn, Eagle Pass, Tex. Elizabeth Mo.cKethan, r:laxvvell Field,. Ala.. Dot Kielty, Hq. 2nd AF, Colorado Sprj.ngs Betty ThoQpson,: ~!iax~~ll Field, Ala. Mary Waters, Greenwood, Miss. Ann Berry, la Jurito., ,CoL Huriel LindstrOI:l, March Field, Cal. Ann Johnson, ATG, Love Field, Ruth Woods, Salina, Kans. Ann Lincoln, Tyndall Field, Fla. I~ene CrLlli1,Pecos, Tex. Hazel Rnin8s, Kingman, Arize .Cl~ra Harsh, Chairmen, EFTC Hqs., l'Iaxwell Field, Alao


1{ASSUP GOSSIP The weather has been so bad in central Texas that on two occasions l~SP personnel at Waco AAF have been weathered in at the,Officerfs Coffee Shop, having to report their position to the office by telephone . - - With the demise of the WASP, girls in Santiago blue are primarily talking of the future. An increasing number are proving that inside that alQ8inlrn airfoil,beats a heart as feminine as Eve's. Anna Lee Hopkins of Eagle said "I dOll to a captain, and Eleanor Hinkle, also of Eagle Pass is now Ers. Lt. Kenneth Vagghan. Ginny Broome, Lockbourne, traded her B-17,in on a man who flies B-29s "nt'f..1nxViell Field - Major Jake Waterer,,',Dorothy Herthneck and a Naval pilot made their vows with Merle Owens as maid of honor" ' Elizaboth Mitchc.ll, formerly of Gunter Field, became tITs. Major Mark Bano several months ago. Betty Williamson, 44-W-4, and Ellie Bryant, of Biggs Field, are recent brides. Jane Baessler of Freeman Field and hor Captain Doyle were ~arried in July and left ir:ll'l1ediately an AT-IO on a ten-day extend8d X~C 0in Engagements include Jean Wagner, 44-W-J, at Goodfellow Field, and Bobby J'tianchester, 44-W-l, to Lt. Wm. Robinson in Kansas Cit Yo Sylvia Schwartz , Gr&nader, 4J-W-5, announces the arrival of a potential co-pilot (in about 20 years). ' Non-matrimonial plans are prolific, too Ann Kenyon of Long Pond, Farm, Wakefield, R. I., Spence Field, Ga., villI resume her activities as distributor for the Luscombe Airplane Co., Trenton, N. J Virgie N. Bryant of Arkansas City, Kans has left Spence Field, Ga., and will also return to her former position as ~ssistant sales manager ofa wholesale and retail hardware business of which she is part-owncro F~yllis Ryder of Muskegon, tach. and Cochran Field, Ga., will go to New York to continue study of dramatics. Narjorie J. Logan plans to assist her father in operating an airport at Billings, Montana. Elizabeth Hubbard of Atlanta, Ga. (Freeman Fieid, Ind.) plans to study voice for rad:to. Uarilyn fi/Iiller Greenville, Miss ~) has been offered a sales and ( service job. Ellen Wimberly, COIU1:lbus,i'!liss plans to nccept a Red Cross 0' overseas assignr.lent. Mary B~B8echam, (Bainbridge, Ga.) hopes to instruct on small aircraft. Lauretta A6 Darcy, Bainbridge, Ga., vall return to her former job as secretary to public relations office with:American Baru(ers Assn., New York City, Jane Dyde, Bainbridge, Ga., plans work with U. S. Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Assn., or Red Cross overseaso
6 It 6,

Dorothy Swain, Lnredo AAB, will return to her art work. Doris Klein, Greenwood, and Edna Monisette Wilson, Harlingen, are planning a trip via airlines to i'.'Iexico City before they'start worrying about the futuro. Jane Robbins, who has been with her brother in Alaska, has re.turned to the States, and is now at her home in Highland Park, Ill. WASPs of 44-H-4 vdll be interested to know that Wendell Barclay is running her own airp?rt in Tucson, Arizona, and Barbara Lee is working for Chicago & Southern Airlines in Houston, Tex. Joan m1elan at Gowen Field, whoSG arm was broken'in several places by a prop on a B-26, has rE:contly had t'ho cast rOLioved, and is doing nicel:r. Lois Eonk, Childress, Texas, VIas recently wedded to Lt 0 A. MacKenzie, als a of tho.t station, who is now enroute to OTU ns a B-24 driver. Helen Skjersaa and Snaky Chadvdck, Colorado Springs, are contcnplating a change of name. Holon Porter, Strother lifee Field, hns resigned to take up flying duties in civilian

Your Fifinolla


Below are several su~gestrons The Fifiette The Stinger

for the Neifflletter name _ Santiago Blue News The Fifinella Flyer

"The Stinger" seems to be the most popular suggestion for a WASP publication., What do you think? other ideas? Send them in!Jl



WASP ROSTER - SECOND AIR FORCE ~LAHOGORDO, NEW IvlEXICO: Mary Brovm Monica Flaherty Genevieve Landman June i.ianoque Karla Llogensen Peggie Parker BIGGS FIELD, ~1L..:t:ASTEXAS: O. Caro Ba~T ley Lois Brooks LInry Cle.yton Emne. Coulter June Ellington I'.1ary Hines . Lois Hollingsworth Car:rl Jones Katherine landry Nanc:yo LOl"IO Katherino Menger Winfrey Robinson Nell Stevenson Frances Thompson TIinifred Ylocd .Qt.SPER.WYOi:IING: Doris Bristol CLGVIS, NEW r1EXICO: .... Frances Buford Rita Cason . Bethal Gibbons Hary Gresham Maya rid. tchell DYRttSB1JRG.TENNESSEE: Le10. Gilbert Dorothy Hawkins Esther Noffke Frances Smith ,[ORT SUNNER. flEW MEXICO: Frcnces Burmester Dorothy Dodd Qp.AND IS4b,.ND!NEBRASKA ~ Elinor Fairchild Loraine Lasswell Evelyn r'./ieNulty GREAT BEND, KANSAS: Anne Bartholf Izydora Boehanek Dorothy Henry Margaret Hurlburt Anna Logan . ;Iiimi Flatter HARDING FIELD, ~ ROUGE, LOUISIANA: Joan Hutton Katherine Kupforberg PETERSON FIEID,' QOLORADO SPRljl~? COLORADO:
12nd F"Ng

Lorna Cleveland Marcella Fried Evelyn Greenblatt Esther Reinholdt Phyllis Tobias


Elizabeth Chadwick :2.1viraGriggs Helen Skjersaa tlladelaineStJ~li van

2nd AF


Dot Kielty QCATELLO, IDAI{O: Gloria ~ildred Grossman


Rose Reese Jane WIswell Eu~~LO! COLORJiDQ: Josephine Keating Florence Niorniec Irene Kinne (c/o 15 BOTW, Air Inspector's Offic SMGKY HILL AAF, SALl NA KANSAS: Ma.ry Keil Eleanor Patterson Wary Saunders Ruth Woods

STROTHER AJ;.F, 11f.U:FIEID! ANSAS: K Helen Porter


WALKER KAmAS: .. Marcella Fatjo Opal Ferguson Esther i\!Iueller Lois Nash WENDGVEE .. Utlili: Dora Doughort;y Mary Gosnoll


Joan Whelan

c/o Director of Supply



I!!ary Carett Helen Hague Nancy Nesbit Virginia Yates -7-


Margaret E. Ehlers Mary A. Nelson 120UGLAS, A..ttrzONAi GBr8.ldine F. Bowen Lucy V. Dubiel Bonnie E. Edmunds Marjorie R. Ellfeldt F. Beverly Frisbie Lora Jane Harris Jean F. Hixson Elizabeth M. McGeorge Margrete M. McGrath Marge Eo Ne;yman Mary B9 Nir8aier v1.illie J. Peacock Doris B Tanner Mary A. Thielges

MINTER FIELD, BAKERSFIELD CALIFam~IA: . Grace E. Ashvlell Dorothy I. BarneS June BQ Bent Patricia H. Braun Evelyn Po Brior Pearl Bo Brummett Helen Bo Calhoun Lorena Bo Daly Gertrude E. Dietz Anabel L Earp Eleanor !:1" Gundorson Barbaro. Jo Hart

Lila M" Bonn

GerQluine B. Masintcr MaJ:'~ orie f,lc Osborno Barbaro. J Reir.lor Ru t~l L:, Steol Ma cy J' Stimson . Ann G:. 'I'l:,(;ker Jul'lct Jenner

,liINm.1,&.N..... -lEI0.0NA:
Eilee"l B., l:,vans Mary [0'0h Doris Ii, E"irlnnd Josephine F, iIartin Effie M" Hazel J~ Raines Delrose C. Sieber Doris D. Williams

bA.} UN'I'~_~ ,9.QL.Q~!lPO:

J\n:J:;'; :8.. 0(; j':';'Y , Ar.21 ,!I:. C::!.sv"f<)ll Ho.zel W'J :I:'racht VE;'}A.:-:'. ~BVAT)A: -""'.",' .,' ... ,~-_ .. BC'\T<o'::l.-:.y :;:,~ Bocsomeyr K4..c.kJ I..;a!'f;1,:..chael Lol 0 Ao.n Dn:cr E'::':181 I'~...Ho:mtain E~.lZil1)(;;jh B; \oVo.ll LA~ _.



!!'~f~~D ,_:~11.1.~O~:

Virgltiiu S~OGt Bradley Lois I1, Dobbin

Elizabeth Haas Verda L~ae 10,18 Dorct-by LL Houlton Patri,~:i a S~1t'rwo(d Marga:-co-G V.' S',:;clrldish

Do:cj., J" Anders on

Vij'gi.DiLl. E~ Fisher Nar gc.:~ot Goo Flo::,'c::l(;O D~. Harnon lavina B.>.Lippincott Vlilr::8. Le, LlillG:i.~ jl'larga:::ct J., Phillips Miidyod E Taylor Patricia A~ Bowser f!lur:r .f' ,) Cho.:r-lo-ste Lo I::itchell BlcllCh0 V c Osborn tIaclelon H') Burcham Ida F, Carter Je'lnette J" Jc:llcins Ruth 8c j'ones Vii' gj.nia Eo, DulQnoy Jano'\:, G" Hatch Gere:.1C':I.l:ep.~ Hill Gwona0ly~ O~ Crosby Eli~ab8th I~ Vfuite

Mo.rgaret M,. Weiss

Patrici'l A. Thomas G.:U,i.Jl~E'S. '.D, Fj~

1:.~"':~~ -'0~I: "._; .9FI'IT-A:

Dorc'[,J:ea 1-J'J Ba':'.meister Orpha BI'uns-"oid Francss Eo C~YL'ghlin Edi t:l Hu G:ca:igin Carolyn L~ CullGn Doris He KLlena Roborta Je.Ll:Fohl Norina J ~ Hall H8.yc.cna Head'1 p" JamGson Patricio. M. Jones Phylli;=; l\1,J[,;cGa.rty Catherine A" Murphy O:!.!11s'c,ed.


Rose L,. :?nott ~!brthfl Saro.ger Gene T" Shl..:1.ffer Iso.bel :So T.rnon



PHQ0~:Tr~S /\R.~~QNA: <

I'ii,. i311ker Dord h;y P; Estop Be t.'i:,y VI" Hayes Arl'L;13

- 8 -

LUKE FIEID. . ; .'_ ;_,:L ,J:IWENIX" Af:nzONA .c~oDt'.):

<H~lcrr "1.'.J61

~1~~~~ Cc6~i.:h"
Lorraine T:;I..~..Nc';Lson.. ' Irene B.. l~o]Jris
BOV(;,I:li ...



ins'on ',' .....

. lr '.

... ~. . ~ ,


HUnt' ,

.f~.O;L~on., , , "

ivIARANA FIELD, TUCSON ARIZON.~: ..\nneI'j. Dailey Mergory J', 'Do}mey .

2 l'

JanGdi'~L~, Paxson ... ShiI'l'cn :'i'j~, 'Pl;.()'l:)s. .. i\1ary i\:. F.:ot':Lc.k -: Norr.J.1"A. Sisler ".'.r6b.ti 'L.' Smytile ,


Nona Holt . Genevieve:N~ Leo Lois J ~ ~1cMurdie Joamie L. McShcqhy . LInry H. i\!csbit,. Violet N.' Nisley. Hargarot L. N'ispel' Catherine Parker Ros3.1lc T. Phiilips" . "' . . Bary S. Roineberg Adelaide Schafer H.:crriet L .. Stockwell .. Jeanne B. :lice: .

A.' "Hagen
~ '.


1'~I!~XICO: I

Jul~a ,E; Lco.1:Jo,ttcr Fr::lilc6s' 'G~ K[':~.:i.' DnVID R. B['~ldcn

STCC;~TOi'j" C~~LIFO?.2TIA: "

lmn E. Cavrlcy


Justine F.. Flct~1~r

O~D.I V Hicks Alice R. Jaklo C[~rol N. Ko'lly JC8.n I Innda. Ncrridce A. Hewoll' Helen P. OrdvJO;)"
rl''''!J"''l ,L:.r ,-". 1'0 ..:....:.., . lJ d .Tan i:I. Wo~d;' -~',



r:bry J. Barnes ElmicG B. Bogdanovi'ch Fro.nces , Gilbert . Volta S. Baney . Holon N, HazcltLDo Dorothy L. Krasovec Wnnda C. Robcdco CerotinG'. E. Shu..l'L.'1 Flor0:nce G'." Geraldine rii. ,Tri!?plo Betty Levoque . r:iD.ry F. Woodward . Ponolope G. pierce Gloria L. Nelson ' Dorothy H.' Bayn'



Vora K. Cook' lL'1nc .;... l;cGl('.llr,n Wil:.lD. B., lIorch9nd '. ': . Cnntolc. De: WhittcJ:~r I"Tc,rlcy n.. J orJis";l1 .. Allis on G,' DU1~!1S Floelln i.:cIr.t3;r~ IS:1bel f'Io st(~.nor Eleanor E'. Th0npson, r'J1Qrgrlorct .TNis,slcr . ..

Ym::A ,.

j;... :,UZOr:'A:,


-C 01 '"n.':''';''--' 1.,~.C.... .,1", . l._<_~ Ito ;/~'T-l')';-""ld

J oce:lynEooro .' .' Dorothy E. E.bor:sbnGh Twilc. E., ,DorisC.,Goo', .,; .Della C. Grc~uing Fr:mc(;s no ROl.1.1stop:c.' Frances E. Stc.ndefer m:1tilda A. Ufcr . Constc~nco:' ~i ::toVi1g'" ...

-~--_. Irone CrUD



Borni co S . Fc~lk i:1nrgarct i'!I'. Godfrey Ava I'I. Ha:JB " Marylyn E~ Holcoi:1b' Hnry P. Haclccd


BAINBRIDGE GEORGIA: Betty J. Bechtold Uary B. Booc~,n, Adelo F.. Bcyc'r ':...' ' ',: " .. '" .~.. . Sr,rnbol Fe D~ Booth'" . , Elizabeth i~"Cart.e'r . Shir loy 3". Chc.-sG I-lildred P. C'ants .: ,






BAI NBRIDGE. GE03.GIli.' (c ont.,.:}: T f'.urc-tto. A. D"c-.>'::"c"'~T' -'. V ' Jane Dydo . Vivian P. Gilchr~st Pcgg'J MoynIhan Ann Pedroncclli Ruth A. Reilly ,
.."...... ~ L.~




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/ llIIlIlI

12~YTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Margaret Bergh Mury Jackson Dorothy Johnson Patricia Kenworthy Roberta E. Nundt Mary C. Quist Mary G. Storm M~rjori8 M. Christia.nsen Betty Cloments BUCKINGPiliMFIELD, FpRT HYERS. FLORIDA: Kathryn L, Alspach Pauline Cf~nnGY Gloria DeVore CecilY.Elmes gary M. Hagner Helen L. Hall Nancelu Ha.nks Edna Harrison Rose Pal.'"i1er COCHRAN FIELD, I~1ACON.GEORGIA: Ruthnary Buckley Hulda M. Chilcoat Janice C. Ohristensen Ruth Olifford MaryE. Cooper Elizabeth J. Marris Margaret E. Hicks Marjorie J. Logan Ruth Roberts Phyllis O. Ryder Hazel stamper Marjorie StEvenson Ann G. Griffin Dorothy O. Picture C OLlli'.mUS.IISSISSIPPI: t Eugenio. B. Garvin ~hry J. Johl DaCostu Betty J. Streff Vyvian T,'Jilliaos M~rgnret E. Wimberly Frances E. Winter Eileon E. T,rright. C OUl:1TLAND.ALA.BAl'iIf}: Jeannette O. Kapus Mary S. Peter Ruth fiI. Petry Daisy M. Vaughan Betty Stagg CR..ll.IG FIELD,
SELi'!iA? ALA.3Ali!1A:

CRAIG FIELD, SBLM.:l,ALABAr.'i.iL.1?nt. 2: Frances D.'Stroud Janet E. Wayne '. Ruth I. Gm.iber Shirlc:r Hc.ugc.n BGtty Hnnsell FREENL.!\.N FIELD, SEYEOUR. Il'lDIANA: Mnry E. BrcidcnbClck J oalene Fostor. , Elizab0th Hubbard r:l:..1rgo.rot L. Pc.rish Snrnh J. Allshouse ~'Iary Bo.ldnor A. Mary T. McDonnell GREEIWILLE, MISSISSIPPI: Lois V. Boien Phyllis R. ,Tohnson Fro.!l..ldo Lovvorn TI. Marilyn I',iillor Nol McInnis Euily I.Porter i:Inry Prine L. Ann G. Wo.rrcn Virginia L. Wc..rrcn Pntricia N..Woo.ver Eula Eorton Eileen K. Wordon idirinn Tibbetts ~NOOD, MISSISSIPPI: I'iiyrtlo ;,llon Fl1.ith Buchnor Doris E. Klein JOlln-F~ LicOc.rt , Mnrtho. E. f::iotz Mr:rgc.rot!':loore Yvonne M. Stafford Alna E. Vclut Mc.ry Waters Faye Wolfe Dorothy D. Ferguson Ednn l-:;c.ginnis Eliznbcth Sho.nbcrs GUNTER FIELD, HONTGOI iERY. j~.LAB;'\.: Elizo.beth P. EO.l'tz
K3.t11r~l!l 1(. 1IUf.11i11rc-:tTs

Janet L. Hutchinson Ethel L. Janos Ruth M. Shafer Anne C. Thor.:ns Betty J... Tho~'.:pson HARLINGEN. 'l'E~AS: J ennno P. D' .iLlo2.;)r Elizabeth L. Bc..rd~cr Edna E, IIodisetto V ollia 1':1. Snlmdors Shir18Y Slade Irma story ivbrj oric S. ThoE1pson
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J'nno'O~ Dunbar Julia E. Eagan Ri to. E. Murphy ~larilyn Sonfield fjnrgnrot M. Slnymo.ker Hr,rriet Train Barbaro. E. Truit~


hildred C. Cald~oll Uo.ry ~.~rt in Elizabeth H .Eyro Evolyn C. Flotchcr Jon.!1ieL. GO:7or Jc:no T. Hargrove DorotheC'.B. Parnenter

SUM1!J1R,qQ1lTH CAROLINA: Beverly Dietrich Cathleen Dooley Elennor L. Feeley

Roser.lary Ha.l1

L. Sni th

LCCKBOURNE FIELD, COLmdBUS, OHIO: Florollce Archer t~rgo.rot a. Kirchner


LlAXWELL FIELD,;E:2.Y, ALABAi.Lh: Novo. L. Calderwoed Hildrod B. Davidson Eloise Huffines Eliznbcth C~ ~ncKothan Ruth W. Groves

Betty LeFevre Marybelle J. Lyall Irene E~ i':IcConihny Ethel 1..':ieyer i Ratho. I. f!iinter Yvo~~e G, Po.teman Mnrj oriEl T. Popell Mo.ry R. Rnnce Marjorie Wakeham Lesley J. Williams Mary A. Showers SPEI\CE FIEID, tiOULTRIE, GECRGIA: Vergie M. Bryant Ann W;, Kenyon Eargot F. Reck Shirley J. Tannehill Alice S. Kierstead Julin M. Lnmm S1'UTTGA.. ARKANSAS: 'qT, Bernice M. Dannercr Mildrod E~ Eckert Holen L. Fiedler Annie N. Halladay TYNDALL FIELD, PAN-AHA CITY, FLORIDA: Marie O. Bishop DarothiB, Hines PntriciaHopkins Ann Lincoln Hertha L. McKenzie Alma L. Nevlsom Elnorn R. O'Dell tiiary Pnlmer A. Irene E. Raven Bette N. Richards Georgia P. Sloan

VALDOSTA, GEORGIA: Louiso J. Brand Graco E. Everott Geraldine Fulk Huriel Koir Norine G. Patterson Betty E.' Wright Elizabeth W. Davis Phj'llis A. Leo ~EFTC HQSJ; Claro. J. ~Ic.rsh NAPIER FIELD,

Mary Belle Ahlstron Leona. M. Golbinoc Ko.te L. Harris Eery E. Pettit Muriel R. Rath Margaret L. Sho.ffer Donna M. Spellick Elizabeth A. sto.vrurJ Bo.ry A. v-lnlker Anno. C. Ba.ron Eleanor M. Mc1earnon
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