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Hadden,!David!T.!(2001).!Recovery!Based!Education!Program!Impact.!The!National!Drug!Control!Strategy.! Retrieved!from!!!


Summary!of!Adolescent!and!Young!Adult!Issues!Applicable!to!Education!and!Recovery!and!Assets!of!Recovery! Based!Programs!

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Below,&please&select&the&key&words&that&describe&how&this&resource&applies&to&our&research&on&thriving&collegiate& recovery.&If&the&keywords&below&do&not&apply,&please&select&other&and&list&the&appropriate&key&word.& " X"Success"in"Established"Collegiate"Recovery"Programs" "Success"in"Established"Recovery;Oriented"Systems"of"Care" "Asset;Based"Research/Methodology" "General"Recovery"Assets" X"Interpersonal"Assets" X"Intrapersonal"Assets" X"Community;Based"Assets" "History"of"Recovery" "Other:"______________________________________"

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Recovery Based Education Programs Impact The National Drug Control Strategy 2001 David T. Hadden (Summary of Adolescent and Young Adult Issues Applicable to Education and Recovery) The Drug-Free Communities Act of 1997. Recovery-based programs support alcohol and other drug free communities. Schools work to reduce substance abuse, strengthen collaboration among organizations and agencies in both the private and public sectors, and serve as catalysts for increased citizen participation in strategic planning to reduce drug use over time. Strategies of recovery-based programs (high school and college) provide education, support services, community policies within a Drug Free Community. Protective factors include, but are not limited to, peer recovery networks; parental involvement; success in school; strong bonds with family, school, and religious organizations; knowledge of dangers posed by drug use; and the recognition by young people that substance use is unacceptable. Reducing the treatment gap by protecting gains of young people who have completed treatment by involvement in a supportive community environment. Mobilization of support mechanisms includes medical, social, financial, and educational vocational support, thereby improving youth prognosis while managing root causes to relapse. These programs provide support for relapse prevention, lifestyles management, and environmental protective factors that lead to relapse. Provide education and support to prevent the link between drug abuse and infections, such as HIV and hepatitis. Reduce school risk factors by a no-drug-use social norm, recovery as a norm, and discouragement of availability of drugs on or near the school campus, and reduction of community-level risks by positive academic and recreational activities. Protective factors operate at the individual, peer group, and social network in and outside the college/school setting. Promising characteristics that include: a clearly stated mission; measurable program goals and discipline codes; peer/parental involvement; caring faculty that receives continual staff development; high expectations for student achievement; learning programs specific to the students learning styles; exposure to and preparation for the world of work; flexible school schedules with community support; and total commitment to each students success. Recovery based programs provide activities, housing and service alliances through school, work and recovery. Recovery based programs also provide opportunities for athletic and sports activities that are drug free. The faith community plays a vital role in recovery and building social values, informing the actions of individuals and inoculating life skills that are critical to resisting illegal drugs. Assessing work readiness, training welfare recipients in job skills, making job placements, and managing the transition must understand the impact of addictions on job readiness, learning, on-the-job behavior, and job retention. Recovery based programs assist in providing support to impact legal issues by providing assessment of educational/vocational strengths, development of a life plan to meet potential, and a social environment that promotes positive change. Family, community, and schools all play prominent roles in development, and they must be incorporated into any comprehensive solution. The strength-based approach treatment looks to the positive attributes of youth, and builds on those, rather than focusing exclusively on what the youth has done wrong.

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