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Configuring CyberghostVP access on Android devices :

(Tested on Toshiba Thrive AT100 running ICS 4.0.4) ** Some of the reference screen shots may be slightly changed in the newer versions of the app Requirement : Android ICS (4.0+) , No ROOTING required. Step 1 : Get the android configuration files after logging into your account and this tab

Step 2: Edit all the server configuration files which you are planning to access. Sample shown below. Add the blue color line and remove the red color line. Replace user_name by your user id. Copy all the files to your sdcard to a folder (e,g. openvpn) client ca ca.crt cert user_name.crt key user_name.key remote 9081 auth-user-pass auth-nocache dev tun proto udp dhcp-renew dhcp-release resolv-retry infinite persist-key persist-tun ping-restart 0 nobind

ping-timer-rem cipher aes-128-cbc comp-lzo yes verb 4 script-security 2 remote-cert-tls server win-sys env route-delay 5 tun-mtu 1500 fragment 1300 mssfix Step 3: Download the OpenVPN ICS app from Google Play store and install. ( )

Step 4 : When the installation is complete tap Open. Reference screen shot below.

Step 5 : All your precious VPNs section will be highlighted. Tap on the import button on the top right of the screen.

Step 6: Navigate to the folder location where you copied the files in step 2.

Step 7 : Tap the server configuration file you would like to import. E.g. France Server config file. Press Select.

Step 8 : If the path to the certificate files was correct you should see no errors - You will just see multiple lines similar to 'Trying to read file from your file location (e,g /mnt/sdcard/openvpn/ca.crt') - This means the import of the certificate files was a success. Tap the import icon at the top of the screen.

Step 9: Tap on the settings button next to the server file imported in the right section.

Step 10: Type your cyberghostvpn username in the username field & keep Password blank. Hit back button.

Step 11: Tap on the new server profile that you just created.

Step 12: Tap on the checkbox if you agree to trust the application.

Step 13: Enter your CyberghostVPN password - Tap OK to connect. Reference screen shot below.

Step 14: You will see a log being generated as the connection is in progress. Once successfully connected you should see a lock icon in the notification area.

Step 15: If you pull down your notification bar you should see the 'OpenVPN for Android' app listed showing that you are connected. If you tap on this button you should

see statistics about the connection including an option to disconnect. Reference screen shot below.

Step 16: Browse to to see your new IP address and location.

Step 17 : Done! Repeat steps 5-10 if you need to create any additional VPN server connections.

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