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The Temple of Nim Newsletter


Blue Mountains UFO Research Club.

Vol. 2 Issue No 12

December 2006

I NS ID E : Alien Abductions in the Blue Mountains. Megalania Lives. New Lost City Discoveries in the Kanangra Wilds.

Newsletter of the Blue Mountains UFO Research Club December, 2006.

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News. Our meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month, at the Gilroy residence, 12 Kamillaroi Road, South Katoomba, from 2pm onwards.
We are situated on the corner of Kamillaroi Road and Ficus Street, and as we always say, park in Ficus Street where there is safer parking.

PLEASE NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES. ALSO, NO LARGE BAGS IN THE CINEMA OR THE HOUSE. PLEASE NOTE. As this gathering is now by invitation only please contact us

prior to bringing along any new friends interested in UFOlogy and the mysteries generally. Anyone with any personal experiences involving UFOs or the unexplained are invited to share them with us all.
Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email:

[or catch our website on or]. A plate of food to share for afternoon tea is appreciated.

Program for the 16th December.

Latest UFO Reports from the Blue Mountains. A report on the latest panther activity and other mystery creature sightings. As usual, weather permitting, there will be a Skywatch out on nearby Narrow Neck Peninsula, so bring along your binoculars, cameras, and something warm [as it gets cool up here] for an enjoyable time. And other surprises... As this meeting is our Clubs Christmas Party we plan to depart from the normal routine with a surprise presentation, so lets see another big attendance for a great time!

Rex and Heather Gilroy, Australias top UFO and Unexplained Mysteries Research team. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2004.

Alien Abductions in the Blue Mountains.

By Rex Gilroy.
Copyright Rex Gilroy 2006. Celebrating 50 years of UFO research. [From the files of the Blue Mountains UFO Research Club, PO Box 202, Katoomba NSW 2780, Phone 02 47823441; email or visit our websites; and Australian yowie research]. The Blue Mountains, which lie 66 miles west of Sydney, New South Wales Australia has, for generations been the scene of countless eerie happenings involving UFOs and the beings who navigate them. But of all the incredible incidents that have taken place throughout this vast wilderness region, the accounts given by people who claim to have been abducted by Extraterrestrial beings stand out in such numbers as to suggest that the ETs are taking a special interest in this region. What follows are case-histories gathered by the Blue Mountains UFO Research Club, and are some of the many reports included in Blue Mountains Triangle UFO Close Encounters, Alien Abductions and the Underground UFO Base Mystery [URU Publications] to be published by Rex and Heather Gilroy in 2007.

***** The Alien Abduction phenomena forms part of the many mysterious, and often sinister incidents occurring within what my wife Heather and I have called the Blue Mountains Triangle which will be the subject for another future UFO encounter article. Over the years aircraft as well as people have vanished without trace, the latter presumably abducted. Others have been abducted and returned by their ET captors. In 1959 my friend, the late Kenneth Beames, noted astronomer of Linden on the Blue Mountains, related the experience of friends of his, a husband and wife, Phil and Susan who were asleep one hot summer night at their Lawson home. They had left their bedroom window open. About 3am Susan was woken by the sensation that Phil was getting out of bed. They only had a sheet covering them, and to her horror, she saw in the moonglow here pyjama-clad husband levitating over the bed beside her, then float off out the window! Susan rushed outside the house and was about to go around the side where the bedroom window was situated, when she saw Phil rising 50ft [about 15.25m] up into a circular craft some 60ft [about 18.28m] in width [as she told Ken Beames later]. Phil was rising up into a square, glowing opening beneath the craft and vanished into it. The glow faded and the craft remained hovering in darkness. Susan, terrified and frantic, was about to run and phone the police when and this was after about 2-3 minutes of indecision the glowing square opening began to fade in to a full glow. Phils body re-emerged, floating horizontally to the ground. Here he awoke and got to his feet as Susan fainted! Phil watched as the mystery craft silently moved off and at increasing speed, flew off into the night. When Susan woke up, Phil told her what had happened to him. He had woken to find himself standing in his pyjamas with four beings standing around him clothed in metallic-type silver garments. Who are you? Whats happened to me? Where have you taken me? he said he asked the beings. They gave no reply.

The room he was in was about 10ft square and glowed a soft yellow. He still had his watch on and glanced at it as the beings eyed him over. After 15 minutes they motioned him to a door that slid open upwards, into a room full of apparatus beyond his comprehension. They made me stand in front of a door-size screen which flashed once, and I wondered if it was some kind of photographic device. Then I was given a long plasticlooking orange-coloured cup to drink some clear liquid and made to lie on a kind of table that emerged from the ceiling on four long rods, one on each corner and all silvery. I then lost consciousness. I cant recall what happened next, he told Susan and later Ken Beames. However, when he again looked at his watch half an hour had elapsed inside the craft until he was floated down to the ground! Half an hour compared with the 2-3 minutes Susan had frantically spend on the ground! During 1955 UFO sightings were reported over a wide area of the Blue Mountains. In April that year a light aircraft flying from Cowra in the west was observed by people about 11am in the Oberon area, and by about 11.30am it flew over Blackheath towards the Grose Valley. Here it was seen by people to enter a large cloud, whereupon it did not reappear. Instead, a large grey-coloured saucer-type UFO emerged from the cloud and zoomed off northwards. RAAF [Royal Australian Air Force] officials at Richmond airbase offered no explanation when approached by phone callers. On the western side of the Blue Mountains, at Shooters Hill south of Oberon, one afternoon in the winter of 1960, a man hiking along a dirt road was claimed seen by a housewife from her kitchen window, to just disappear into a silvery-glowing ball of light, which immediately shot off at great speed over her house. This incident brings to mind the strange disappearance of one Ed Koch, 22 years old in the winter of 1966, who was said to have disappeared while walking one night around 10pm along Cliff Drive in south Katoomba, at a point south of Katoomba falls near Eagle hawk Lookout, which overlooks the Jamieson Valley. It was about this time that a huge yellow-glowing craft was claimed seen from their homes by eyewitnesses, to descend upon the road near the Lookout. Was Ed Koch abducted? There was no response from the police or any other authorities. ETs have sometimes just been content to play with Earthlings. Take the story of John and Joan Farrell, who while driving along Kings Tableland Road towards Wentworth Falls township on the night of June 15th 1978, saw a green-glowing saucer which zoomed up along the road behind them to hover above their car, keeping pace with them as John put on the speed. It was at this point that the silent craft above them emitted a force field that lifted them off the road then dropped them about 1.2 metres, three times in succession before it zoomed off over the Jamieson Valley to the west. ***** And then there is the strange case of Jack Davey During August 1973 I had an interview with this man in his mid-20s. Jack, who came from the Penrith district, informed me that he had been the subject of an alien abduction. In the course of his abduction, he claimed he had spent what amounted to many months, perhaps years, on another earth-like planet, inhabited by what he called ultra beings beings who conversed with mental telepathy who lived in cities comprising of gigantic clear glass-like, domed buildings, or others of metal, interconnected by roads of a metallic substance above and along which they were able to travel in hover craft-type machines, or by a form of back pack rocket apparatus worked by buttons on their chests. In the time he was there he was given his own residence, and was shown a vast museum-like building, whose exhibits seemed limitless and visited by means of hover-craft conveyances, as the displays were in sections perhaps as much as 500m apart! But how did all this begin? Jack was a geology student at the time and well educated. He was riding his motorcycle out to Jenolan Caves one day in June 1970, when he decided to continue on out to Kanangra Walls. The time was around 10am when he reached the dirt road near

the Oberon turnoff, where as he travelled along the road among the gum trees, he was overcome by a bright silvery glow that lit up the road ahead of him as he drove into it. The weather had turned dull not long before this, so that the glow was strong enough to light up the forest. It came from directly overhead. I was still on my bike at the moment I entered the glow. Now I found myself floating swiftly up into a large object that appeared circular and then a floor closed beneath me and I found myself inside a glowing light blue room. The silvery glow had been bright, but not blinding. The day had been cold but now I felt neither cold nor hot. The room was flat but hexagonal, with a domed ceiling. It was 50ft [15m] across and 12ft [3.66m] high. I felt terrified of course, but then felt a voice telling me that all was well and I began to feel relaxed. Then a section of wall slid silently open and three beings about 6ft [about 1.83m] tall, greyish-blue and typically alien in appearance [as I have since seen described in publications] approached me. They led me into another large room where everything was of the same light bluish colour, and all kinds of weird apparatus around. I was prodded and poked by these beings. All were naked. All were males with similar sex organs to us. Their mouths were small, similar-looking teeth, noses like us, and large doe-like eyes. There was a large metallic oblong block in the rooms centre and having been made to remove my clothes I was told telepathically, to lie in a body-shaped depression on it. Having done so I felt magnetised and glued to the metal. I was left alone and shortly afterwards just passed out. Ill never know how long I was unconscious, but I woke up with a large number of these males around me. Two held my clothes, shoes and all. I arose and got dressed as all watched. Then I was ushered with them through an opened wall, along a brightly lit passageway and into a large tubular walkway of about 20ft wide. We had it appeared, left the craft and soon we all entered the hall via the roof of this great building. I saw a great many males and females of these beings, standing about and could hear their telepathic chatter. I entered a great open, stone-paved plaza, domed glass-like and metallic square and other shapes, even pyramidal buildings around it. Hundreds of these grey-blue and other coloured beings were around me watching as I was led by two of the crewmen. All the time Jack related his story I asked questions such as, what were their toilet arrangements? A kind of press-button evaporation system in a toilet bowl similar to ours, but made of a kind of crystally-metallic substance. Where did you live, while you were on this other world? I asked. I was placed in a house-sized, green coloured building, dome-shaped; oddly shaped furniture, a soft rubbery substance coating what appeared to be a bed in shape, and there my two companions left me alone, but not before I was shown large round and other shaped fruit-like vegetables and drinks of different colours, in containers somewhat like plastic jars and bottles. One of the beings told me telepathically how to eat and drink these foods. In all the time I was with these beings I never saw them eating anything approaching meat. All the time I had been awake since my arrival that first day, I asked where am I, where have you taken me? and who were they? They gave no answer and it was then I realised I could think the questions and began receiving answers. I was flown in an oval-shaped hover-craft type vehicle along a metallic road and shown what I was told was another world located in another time period, and on a higher vibration to that from which I had come. The terrain, the atmosphere, was it any different from our own? I asked. Jack answered that he saw narrow waterways and a couple of wide rivers that wound their way into an open countryside of green and other coloured grass-like plants. I saw enormous trees perhaps 400ft [120m] or more height forests of them. Blooming yellow and other flower-like plants of great size grew on the hills and along the roads. The atmosphere was a greenish-blue pale colour and a great Sun larger than ours was high in the clear sky. The temperature was neither very hot nor cold.

Jack was suddenly stopped on a hilltop that overlooked an ocean. Strange watercraft were to be seen. The two naked beings informed him that the water was drinkable. I was afterwards returned to my home and left alone, with the promise that I would be picked up again and shown around the next day. The Sun set and total darkness fell. I soon fell asleep. I knew that I could do nothing but follow their directions. I could not find out how long I had slept when I was woken by these two keepers. I began begging to be taken home, but was told that they had no advice on this as yet. Led to the city centre I was introduced to a male and female pair in a glass-like building, sat in a soft couch-like rubbery seat, and informed that I had been taken at random for study; that this had been carried out on me even when I was alone in my dwelling, and also while I slept, via some unrevealed means. The beings all had names, I was told, and that they were ruled by a leadership, and that theirs was not the only race on this gigantic planet, which I was informed was four times the size of my own. Beyond their land were others containing six different races of similar appearance to this one. I tried to ask questions, even the names of the male and female with whom I had been left. Instead they led me to a kind of lift which conveyed us to a wide, round room all of metal at least 150ft [45m] in width and about 20ft [6.1m] high, in the midst of which was a door-size metal frame. I was motioned to pass through this, and as I did I entered a whole new dimension, and in a kind of living movie was witness to scenes of the other lands and their inhabitants, and often weird animal life that passed before me. I stepped back through the door and as I did so, the scene behind me vanished. I had already observed that the males of these beings stood from 5 to 6ft [1.531.83m] tall and that the females, more slender, averaged up to 5ft [1.53m]. The female beings afterwards told me many things about the advanced cultures of this planet, which I was now informed was called by them Rixzicron. It also turned out that my brain had been tapped and my memory bank studied. They knew all about my life! I was told by the male being that my own race was still at a very low stage of evolution, compared with the races that inhabited Rixzicron. However, I was now to be put into a trance state and certain information of this planet and other worlds in space implanted in my mind. Before I lost consciousness I was informed that the inhabitants of this planet were Ultra beings at the very peak of evolution, and that when I came to I would possess higher knowledge. I woke up on the roadside lying beside my motorbike. Somewhat dazed, it took me a moment to recall the weird experience I had just had. I looked at my watch to see that the time was 9.30am. How I had been returned and how I woken up half an hour before I had been captured by that spacecraft I shall never understand! he said. Jack continued his incredible tale. I realised that I was alone, no other vehicles around, and none had apparently passed during my absence. I started my bike and returned home as soon as I could. I told the rest of my family, but no-one believed me. Yet I suddenly realised I could remember the information implanted in my mind while in the trance state. I could not explain at the time how I was suddenly able to recite information of a highly technical nature hitherto unknown to me. This interview, at my then Mt York Natural History Museum, at Mt Victoria NSW was given only a few months before Jack Davey suffered a breakdown as the result of his experience, and later he left Australia with his family. The information imparted to him was voluminous, but that concerning ultra beings he wrote down for me, the rest remained secret. The interiors of the spacecraft are often filled with glowing lights of varying colours also, and if the beings do not appear though doors, they have been known to materialise by stepping through the walls of the craft. *****

The Late Kenneth Beames once described to Heather and I the case of a family at Springwood, on the Blue Mountains, one night in 1967, in which a 6ft tall [1.83m] tall bluish presence stepped through the loungeroom wall to stand and observe the frightened people before stepping back through the wall. Dogs outside were barking and as the father dashed outside the house, he was just in time to see a silvery-glowing saucer of about 15 metres across, which had been hovering above the roof of the house, zoom away at an incredible speed, eastwards in the direction of Penrith and the western suburbs of Sydney, where other people reported seeing the UFO that night. On the night of Wednesday 24th September 1986, about 11pm, 19 year old Leticia Martin was driving along Richmond Road towards Kurrajong, when she claims, her car was suddenly enveloped in a blue glow through which she could see nothing. At the same time her engine and lights died. She felt slightly weightless, as if the car had lifted off the road. Then within an instant, she felt her car come to rest. The blue glow faded away, at which, terrified, she opened her car door and scrambled outside to find that she was in a paddock, which she realised was nowhere near Kurrajong but on the outskirts of Penrith. Ahead of her was a yellow-glowing egg-shaped craft about the size of an average house, as she described it. I was just 50ft [15 metres] away from it. The glow was pulsating. A round opening appeared and I could see a bright pink glow but nothing else. I was dumbfounded at first but regained my senses and was about to run to a nearby house for help when I felt my arms being held by what felt like two invisible forces [or beings?] drawing me towards the opening. I was within a few feet of the opening when, with all my might I tried to break free. I felt magnetised, drawn inside, then the opening vanished. In my terrified state I found my whole body frozen of movement as the feeling of unseen fingers prodded and pressed into my body. I must have blacked out. When I awoke I was lying on the ground. I saw a family emerge from a nearby house. I ran to them, in a terrible state, sobbing, and asked them had they seen what had just happened. It appeared that I was on their property, and the husband and wife wanted to know what I was raving about. And how had I driven my car into their paddock which was fenced off from the road. I told them my story and all they said that they saw was me leaping from my car and making funny movements and standing still in the middle of the paddock before collapsing onto the ground, while they watched from a window. By now I was embarrassed and got back into my car while one of their sons went off and opened a side driveway gate and I was off as quick as I could as the family stood there laughing their heads off. I glanced at the car clock, the time was 7.30pm! I had been released three and a half hours before I had been abducted! Leticia was interviewed a year later by Don Boyd, since deceased, and former editor of Psychic Australian Magazine and who subsequently related her strange tale to me. ***** The strange abduction tale of Leticia Martin is typical of the time-bending activities of ETs, and there are many more similar abduction accounts in my possession in which abductees have been returned to Earth at varying times before they were abducted. One can only marvel at the technical advances of the ETs from their supercivilisations elsewhere in our Galaxy, who are able to bend time to their will. I shall return to these reports in a future article. Meanwhile readers KEEP WATCHING THE SKIES! -0-

Approximate area of the larger map


The Jamieson Valley, Katoomba NSW, a major UFO area. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2004.

A view of Megalong Valley to the north of Burragorang Valley. This farming area is a frequent location of UFO sightings. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2003.

The Burragorang Valley as seen from the far end of Narrow Neck Peninsula, looking east towards Lake Burragorang. This part of the valley has been the scene of considerable UFO activity. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2004.

The Burragorang Valley looking west, as seen from McMahons Lookout, Kings Tableland, Wentworth Falls. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2004.

The location near Oberon turnoff on the Kanangra Walls Road, where in June 1970 Jack Davey, a Sydney science student was abducted by the alien spacecraft. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy

Rex Gilroys sketch, based upon an original by Jack Davey, depicting how he was floated up into the spacecraft. Sketch copyright Rex Gilroy 2002

Rex Gilroys sketch, based upon Jack Daveys original, describing how he was studied on a special table by the occupants of the spacecraft.

Rex Gilroys sketch based upon Jack Daveys original, depicting the E.T. city to which he was flown by his Alien abductors. Sketch copyright Rex Gilroy 2002.

Rex Gilroys sketch, based upon Jack Daveys original, describing the countryside beyond the city, to which his two alien keepers flew him in a hovercraft-type vehicle. He described seeing 400ft tall trees and an enormous sun, much larger than our own.


Rex Gilroy currently celebrating 50 years of UFO Research who with his wife Heather operates the Blue Mountains UFO Research Club at Katoomba on the Blue Mountains of New South Wales Australia. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.

A selection of reports gathered by the Gilroys 2006 investigations.
By Rex Gilroy
Copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.

To hard-core university-based zoologists and palaeontologists, Megalania prisca Owen, better known as the Australian giant monitor Lizard has been extinct for at least 3,000-some say over 7,000 years. Yet there are a great many people, from the New Guinea wilds to over a wide area of Australia, who have claimed sightings, even very close encounters with these 25-30ft [7.62-9.15m], 3,000 lbs or more weight killing machines Even larger specimens have been claimed seen! Modern-day sightings claims of these reptilian nightmares extend over a wide area of Australia, from New South Wales, South Australia, the Northern Territory and Western Australia. There are frightening tales from the north Queensland forests and the Gulf country. Outside Leigh Creek one night in 1970 a monstrous reptile was described by campers as having strode through their northern Flinders Ranges campground. To the south-east of Lake Gaidner in the dry mulga scrub of the Gawler Track, several Aborigines were riding an old truck, when they saw a 40ft long monster goanna striding through scrub. This sighting, in September 1969, is not the only one of oversize extinct Megalania prisca lizards in South Australias interior. Take, for example, the incident that happened west of Roxby Downs in November 2000. The author was informed that two government employees were driving their 4wheel drive vehicle near Lake Younghusband one afternoon, when the men, Craig and Lionel claim they saw a monstrous 45ft long goanna standing 8ft from feet to top of back [ie 2.44m], its massive body and tail of mottled colouration, and a fearsome massive head looking in their direction from mulga. We didnt wait around and drove on, said Craig. We were worried it might pursue our vehicle, which had to travel slow in the particular rough conditions we were in at the time, he said. A 25ft [7.62m] long grey-black goanna was claimed to be moving about in the Oodnadatta region during the summer of 1972, and was seen by many people. In another incident a giant lizard of 21ft [6.4m] was seen attacking poultry on a Coober Pedy property in 1947. And in another memorable incident, a husband and wife, Trevor and Aida Sidney of Perth, Western Australia, while on a prospecting holiday in January 1961 in the William Creek area of Coober Pedy, were startled by the sudden appearance of a huge, grey-black mottled skinned goanna - The head the size of a 12 gallon drum they agreed later, as it emerged from trees to stand on four thick powerful legs about 10ft above the ground, said Aida. Its body was, they said, the thickness of a panel van. The monster had just killed a cow nearby, and as the people watched the fearsome reptile turned and picked up the dead animal in its powerful jaws and strode back into the bush. The terrified couple agreed later that the goanna was at least 45ft [13.7m] in length! Lungkata is the Central Australian Aboriginal name for the Blue Tongue Lizard, but it is also the name given to a giant goanna of the Dreamtime. Lungkata would attack tribespeople in camps, or in swamps. The Darling-Murray River banks were the resting places of terrifying lizard giants called Whowhie and the ancient tribespeople kept well clear of there. Even in the early 1900s stories of butchered stock and even people who came too close to these reptiles, were still rife. In 1911 a farmer outside Narrandera vanished without trace. Some days

later a local stumbled upon one of his legs with boot still attached [the right foot]. It was enough for people to keep their children from roaming far from the homestead, and property owners carried guns wherever they went for safety. However, the monster eventually moved on elsewhere. ***** The eastern Australian tribespeople had a name for these giants, Mungoon-galli. He was said to hunt at night animals and humans were both on the menu, and tribespeople would not light campfires in fear of attracting one of these monsters. Mungoon-galli was known particularly to the Blue Mountains Aborigines, who feared entering certain haunts of these monster-goannas, such as the Kanangra BoydBurragorang wildernesses, as well as northwards in the Wollemi swamplands, where adventurous bushmen have claimed sightings, even finds of their fresh five-toed tracks in swamp mud in recent times. During winter 2006 the Gilroys made searches in the fabled dinosaur swamplands of the Wollemi Wilderness and on the last search Greg Foster accompanied us. Greg and I penetrated deep into this often eerie landscape, a veritable lost world, where we uncovered pathways created by apparent oversized lizards in their crashing through the dense undergrowth too and from creeks and swamps. In the winter months is it safe to move about through the tall swampgrass in these areas, but it is unwise to venture here in summer, for the whole region is alive with black snakes, brown snakes, death-adders and tigers. Anyone bitten in such remote regions has very little chance of obtaining medical help. The Gilroys prefer winter for their searches here! The extinct Megalania prisca goannas continue to roam the Australian wilderness, defying the official decree that they must remain extinct, yet the amount of sightings reports suggest that Megalania, or else something very much like him continues to survive much to the utter contempt of hard-core scientists, but to the utter delight of more open-minded investigative Cryptozoologists! -0-

Greg Foster about to investigate an extensive section of swamp in the Dinosaur Swamplands. Photo copyright Rex

Rex Gilroy on the lookout for giant monitors, or any other giant reptiles for that matter! Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.


Rex examining the remains of a butchered feralThe skull of one of several skeletons discovered pig. in swamp Photo copyright RexaGilroy edge lair of one of the lizard giants. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006. 2006.

Rex and Greg discovered this large, indistinct five-toed lizard track on the edge of a large swamp. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.

A pathway madeThis areaa swamp by the edge of a through of forest on something large, presumably a signs of disturbed and swamp, showed giant monitor. swampgrass, believed to have flattened Copyright Rexmade by one or more of the giant been Gilroy 2006. monitors thought to inhabit this eerie, remote swampland wilderness. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.

The Giant Australian Monitor Lizard, Megalania prisca Owen. Supposedly extinct at least several thousand years, modern-day sightings claims of this reptilian nightmare persist. Sketch copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.


New Lost City Discoveries in the Kanangra wilds.

By Rex Gilroy On Monday 19th November 2006 Heather, Ann Taylor and myself, made a visit to the Kanangra Boyd National Park. My objective was to search an area in the vicinity of the great Nim temple site, located in October 2005 and since then measured by Greg Foster and I. This temple, located deep within virtually inaccessible terrain, is reached with difficulty. Heather, due to a problem with her right leg, remained with the car while Ann and I spent much of the day battling our way through the dense scrub. Eventually reaching the Nim sun-worship temple, we ventured even further into the forest depths, in country which virtually swallowed me up in July 1999 when I was lost overnight in below zero freezing temperatures. Something had told me to investigate the area in question and the results were to prove astounding. Time was against us when we stumbled upon this latest discovery, so that we could carry out only a preliminary investigation of the area and take some photos. However, we will resume work on this new site early in 2007. There before us, standing amid tree and shrubbery were often massive, weatherworn stone structures, granite circles, alignments, a square temple and other relics of that bygone race, the Uru. We soon realised that these structures, sometimes amid natural granite formations, covered an area of at least several acres, and there certainly has to be more. Upon a rockface we came upon a weathering inscription in Uruan glyphs. These were afterwards translated to read: Nim encompasses the earth, his cup pours forth life-giving rays of warmth. Nim the Sun. Arta protects his temples and all other temples of the Gods watched over by the Eye of Nim. In offering give to the gods temple, offerings to the sun for the plant foods his warmth provides. [*Arta was the dingo God who protected temples from desecration]. I am certain that this latest find was the ceremonial heart of the Lost City of Kanangra upon which Heather and I have worked for over the past 12 years. These latest finds certainly reveal the city covered a region well over the 10 square kilometers originally thought. When the city arose this region had been cleared for habitation, now often massive gum trees grow up through the granite ruins of dwellings, temples, astronomical observatories. The entire city complex must date back at least 50,000 years and no later than around 10,000 years ago. One very important find was the reclining, weathered image of the Earth-Mother goddess, Nif. Her right arm enfolding the image of the sun [Nim]. Her left arm crossing her chest. The image measured 3.5m in length by 1.6m above ground and up to 1.3m in depth. I do not believe that this momentous discovery is the last by any means hereabouts, and that in the years ahead a very long list of megalithic monuments will be added to the already growing list of pyramidal and mound structures and other relics. The reclining Nif image now joins the great erect image of Ga-na, the kangaroo deity and Protector of the gods, which stands at another forest location, guarding the approach to a Nim temple site, a feature of which is a pyramid mound. Ann Taylor and I had to work fast as the sun began sinking in the west of the vast forestland. Before abandoning the site we found a massive granite head, probably Nim; the remains of a ceremonial platform with the weathered head and neck of a large serpent [ie Sun] image; another circle of large granite rocks, and a couple of stone alignments, which when originally placed, had a clear view of the heavens in all directions.
Copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.


It was hard for us to leave, but we had to, in order to escape being caught out there in the dark. -0-

The Kanangra Boyd wilderness, on the western side of Burragorang Valley, hides the massive remains of a megalithic city of the Uru civilisation. Its location must remain a deadly secret to prevent the unwanted attention of vandals and others who are intent upon disrupting

Heather and Ann discussing the days finds at a Kanangra campground. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy

Rex and Ann catch their breath after a long, hard bush bash to get back to base camp. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.

Ann measuring the Uruan glyphs, chalked in for clarity. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.


The glyphs are only the beginning of many more inscriptions that must await discovery hereabouts.

A ruined stone platform. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.

The ancient stone alignment, half buried by time. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006. Downview of the platform. Note the surviving head and neck of a serpent [Nim] image. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.

Section of a megalithic circle. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006. Ann observes this large granite head, a probable Nim representation. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.


Close-up of the head. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.

This massive square structure with an opening to the west, is believed to have been a solar temple. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.

An altar in the wilderness. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.

Ann examines the massive reclining Nif image. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2006.

Close-up of the head with the round eyes, the right arm enclosing the disc of Nim the sun. Photo copyright Rex


Next Issue: More surprises, and of course your valuable reports. Our previous meeting was a huge success and we look forward to seeing another big roll-up at our next one. There should be some good Skywatches ahead of us up here at Katoomba, weather permitting. Meanwhile, theres a lot happening up there at present so, until our next meeting Watch the Skies! Rex and Heather.


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