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The Temple of Nim.


Blue Mountains UFO Research Club.

Vol. 2 Issue No 12.

December 2005

Flinders Ranges, South Australia.

Temple of Nim researches. Living Feathered Fossils. Myths of the World Pointing to Ancient Contacts with Australia. The Uru and the Stars. Mystery Blue Square UFO seen of the Blue Mountains. Temple of Nim Researches. New Gilroy books on the Horizon.

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December, 2005.

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News. Our next meeting will be held on Saturday 17th December 2005 at the Gilroy residence, 12 Kamillaroi Road, South Katoomba, from 2pm onwards.
We are situated on the corner of Kamillaroi Road and Ficus Street, and as we always say, park in Ficus Street where there is safer parking.



Please bring any friends interested in UFOlogy and the mysteries generally, and lets all hear of any personal experiences involving UFOs or the unexplained.

Bring a plate of food to share for afternoon tea. Our meetings are usually held on the third Saturday of each month. Looking forward to seeing you all again on December 17th..

Program for the 17th December.

Latest UFO Reports from the Blue Mountains. Slide report of the Gilroys Flinders Ranges discoveries concerning the Uru and ancient Middle East mining colonists activities there in Bronze Age times. Video documentary presentation As usual, weather permitting, there will be a Skywatch out on nearby Narrow Neck Peninsula, so bring along your binoculars, cameras, and winter woolies [as it is still sometimes refreshingly cool up here] for an enjoyable time. As this meeting is our Clubs Christmas Party we plan to depart from the normal routine with a surprise presentation, so lets see another big attendance for a great time! And other surprises...
And remember, bring your friends as we always like to see new faces. Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: [or catch our website on and type in Rex Gilroy.].

Rex and Heather Gilroy, Australias top UFO and Unexplained Mysteries Research team. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2004.

Plan for 2006 Meetings. We have big plans in progress for next years meetings. Among these will be special presentations, such as a

Yowie Symposium or a Panther Update, in which all the latest evidence will be presented. There would be plenty of publicity for such meetings

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December, 2005.

well beforehand and should attract more interested people to our club. Temple of Nim Researches. The past 12 months have been a busy time for our select team of investigators, and new faces added. Recently we welcomed new Gilroy field assistants Kevin Bell and Jude Fernandez to our Club, and an equally big Hello is also extended to Jenny Hampton. Debra Goninan and Russell Dunn of Central West Paranormal Research Group earlier showed Heather and I the massive megalithic Uruan temple dedicated to the Moon goddess Ara in the Orange district, and we shall continue research at this site in the New Year. The New Year will also see searches along the Hawkesbury River for ancient rock art evidence of preCook contacts, not only by Phoenician and Egyptian colonists from Gosford, but ancient Chinese, Arabs, Spaniards and others. Temple of Nim research assistants such as the Westrips on the NSW Far South Coast will join the Gilroys on a search for further Bronze Age Egypto-Phoenician mining colony evidence, as well as pre-Aboriginal Stone-Age races in the Wadbilliga National Park and other remote regions of our far South Coastal mountain ranges. Another aspect of Temple of Nim activities will be searches for evidence of the mysterious panther or giant marsupial cat species, as well as the equally enigmatic Blue Mountains Lion in the Wollemi Wilderness behind Lithgow. Here we will also be searching for evidence of Tasmanian Tiger [Thylacine] activity. It should be a good year for paw print plaster casting! The Uru will be high on the list also, for I will be investigating certain pyramidal structures of this race at remote Blue Mountains locations, and am now in search of someone who can assist Heather and I on a regular basis. -0-

Living Feathered Fossils. [This article is composed of extracts from the Gilroys forthcoming book Out of the Dreamtime The Search for Australasias Unknown Animals, copyright Rex Gilroy 2005]. Recent discoveries of fossilised feathers among the remains of small theropods [i.e. bird-like dinosaurs], is yet one more nail in the coffin of the creationists opposition to evolution, proving that modern birds evolved from the dinosaurs. During 1990s palaeontologists excavating in the Liasoning Province of China, unearthed fossil remains of landdwelling vertebrates, dating from around the boundary of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods; ie about 144 million years ago. These remains were identified as those of Protobirds and included feathers identical to those of modern birds. The feathers of these Protobirds included long tail feathers reminiscent of tropical birds and birds of paradise. The first true flying birds are presently thought to be the Enantiornithines, which come from Cretaceous deposits in Queensland. The fossil record shows that feathers and wings took a great deal of geological time to evolve to the stage where they were able to life their owners into the air. Other species of ancient birds however, rather than take to the air assumed a flightless state, possibly because they found that foraging on the ground offered greater advantage than the power of flight. Many of these species evolved to gigantic sizes and before the break-up of the continental masses during Cretaceous times, many giant-size species established themselves in widely-scattered parts of

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December, 2005.

4 missionaries who were sometimes keen naturalists. From the general description of these creatures, it was the opinion of the all that a species of giant emu inhabited the interior. The Karorro people of southern Irian Jaya call this bird Varamus, often indicating to enquirers a height of 18ft. They will relate information about these giants which are commonplace throughout New Guinea, namely that these birds will enter villages, attacking people in their huts in their search for food. To the author these tales sound very much like the [Australian] emu, who have been known to go to great lengths at times to steal items from campers, picnickers and others be it food or any other removable items These birds offer no real threat to humans, unless of course if cornered or their young endangered. Some natives of Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea have claimed to have been injured by the extremely large feet of these birds, particularly when a band of hunters have closed in on one and it has crashed its way through them! At the time that the Moas, the Fijian and New Guinean/Australian flightless giants were evolving, a great land-bridge extended from mainland Asia to New Guinea-Australia as late as Pleistocene times, an extension of this bridge extending from New Guinea to New Zealand. By the time this mighty landshelf was submerged by rising seas towards the close of the last glaciation, forming the present-day island chain between New Guinea and New Zealand, the giant flightless bird of Fiji had become isolated from its relatives in New Zealand and New Guinea. Fijian tradition states that these giant birds were, unlike their other Australasian relatives, carnivorous. Known as the Ngani-vatu to the islanders, this longnecked monster appears to have resembled something between and emu and a moa but with a big head and long sharp, curving beak, with which it tore

the world, such as the Americas, EuroAsia and Africa. Fossil remains show that Australia possessed a number of flightless species, and then there are the Moas of New Zealand. By the close of the Cretaceous period around 66 million years ago, the group known as the Ratites had established themselves in Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Asia and Africa; of these the African Ostrich, the Australian Emu and cassowary and also the New Zealand Moas are best known. During 2001 the Gilroys discovered fresh tracks of the extinct little scrub Moa, [Euryapteryx curtis] at a rugged mountainous forest region of New Zealands North Island and produced plaster casts of these. While there Heather and I collected reports of the supposed several hundred years extinct giant Moa [Dinornis giganteus] from remote locations in the South Island, suggesting that some of these feathered giants still roam the remote, inaccessible interior of that island, Dinornis giganteus reached up to 3.66m in height. There appears to have been a giant flightless bird in Fiji, if ancient tales of those islands are to be believed. Who can say how may surprises yet await the spades of palaeontologists once they begin taking the ancient traditions of Australasias native peoples seriously? ***** Since the dawn of time, a monstrous flightless bird has been believed by New Guinea tribespeople to wander the interior. Natives and also some Europeans who have claimed to have seen one or more of these feathered monsters have said they stand anywhere from 18 to 20ft [5.496.1m] tall! From the descriptions of Europeans it would appear these birds are a species of giant emu. Reports of such a bird in New Guinea first arose in the 1870s as Europeans began penetrating the interior. Some of these explorers were

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December, 2005.

5 were phoning Heather and I regarding the discovery of 30cm or more length three-toed footprints, found in mud on their properties, and also in patches of snow thereabouts. A couple of people actually claimed to have seen the maker of one set of tracks near the Tumut Pond reservoir; an 8ft tall, grayish-brown feathered emu! For generations old bushmen have spoken of oversize emus inhabiting the mountain country inland from Nowra [Now Morton National Park] south of Port Kembla. Between Nowra and Port Kembla and just inland from Kiama lies the town of Robertson, which backs onto the rocky bushland that rises up out of the coastal flats to become the Kangaroo Valley. In 1967 the thick forest country near Robertson was the scene of a startling encounter with one of these mysterious feathered giants. It was here that avid bushwalkers, George and Jean Rollo were exploring one fine day about June that year, when as they made their way through steep mountainside scrub, their attention was drawn to the sounds of something crashing heavily through the bush, and which appeared to be coming in their direction ahead of them. In an instant they were confronted by what they described as a giant emu-like bird with long neck, rudimentary wings, and covered in long, straggly feathers. It forced us to scatter as it bounded towards us on its long thick legs. It had to have been about 10-12ft in height, said George later. Since this encounter there has been considerable debate among

at the flesh of its native victims, held to the ground by its huge feet! ***** Turning to Australia, our Aborigines have always claimed that a species of giant emu once roamed the continent, although scientists tend to identify such traditions as accounts of the emu-like Dromornis stirtoni, whose fossil remains suggest a species of upwards 3m in height. Yet the tribespeople remain adamant that aside from Dromornis there really was a giant form of emu. Whatever, the outcome of this argument, for generations a species of unknown giant flightless bird has been claimed seen by Europeans, and the Gilroys have found giant-size tracks of such a bird, at locations near Moruya [Far South Coastal NSW] and on the Blue Mountains near Lithgow in the Wollemi Wilderness [2004-2005] to support these claims. I have mentioned Dromornis stirtoni, yet there was another flightless giant, Genyornis newtoni. These giants collectively were called the Mihirungs by the ancient tribespeople, who said they averaged up to 8ft in height, and there are people today who claim to have seen emus of this height. Rock art of giant emus occurs widely from Arnhem Land to the Kimberley Plateau, and also on the Blue Mountains of NSW, among other regions. ***** During 1975 in the Crookwell district, 43km north-west of Goulburn and south of Kanangra Boyd National Park, a 15year old teenager, Robert Bennet, was riding his trail bike along a bush track, when ahead of him, he saw a gigantic grey-feathered emu dash across the track 50ft ahead of him. It had to be ten feet tall. It didnt stop, just kept running through the bush. I guess my bike sounds must have frightened it, he told me later. Back in July-August 1977 property owners in the Cabramurra district, on the fringe of Kosciusko National Park,

The Giant Emu in relation to a human figure. Photo copyright

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December, 2005.

6 ultimately prove their existence to a sceptical scientific community.

researchers as to the identity of the giant bird. I believe that the Rollos description matches that of other people who have claimed sightings of the Giant emu over the years, and I believe that it is this giant form currently leaving tracks in the south coast and Blue Mountains scrublands. ***** During September 2004 together with American Cryptozoologist Todd Jurassek I uncovered several 3-4 day old, 40cm length emu tracks deep in Newnes Forest east of Lithgow. Later in January 2005 I discovered a several day old three-toed impression embedded in forest soil nearby the earlier site. In both cases the tracks differed from the average Emu track both in size and also broadness. The makers of these impressions stand anywhere between 2.6 and 3m tall. Following my discovery of giant emu tracks in the News Forest country, Heather and I drove down the south coast to the Wadbilliga wilderness, inland from Narooma. Here I stumbled upon three separate sets of tracks up to 50cm in length. The first series were embedded in soil above a remote creek, and later that day at another location 2km away, beside a firetrail, I stumbled upon a trackway consisting of two sets of giant three-toed tracks. The day was ending so we were to have returned the next day to cast them. Unfortunately I had a heart attack the following morning and spent the next few days in Moruya Hospital, then wet weather washed away the tracks! The Search for the mysterious giant emu continues and another search is to be mounted in the Newnes Forest and Adjoining Wollangambie Wilderness, hopefully early in the New Year. Perhaps even more substantial evidence will come to light besides casts of tracks, such as eggshell fragments, or even intact eggs and perhaps even good film footage of one or more of these feathered giants, to

The Newnes forest country, one of the Blue Mountains localities of the Giant Emu. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.

Rex Gilroy with the two casts made from the tracks of one of these giant birds found in the Newnes forest.. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.

Close-up of a track of the giant Emu, found by Rex Gilroy in Newnes forest. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December, 2005.

7 a farmer on the Nepean River, south of Penrith in 1970]. From the Hindukush comes the following tale which concerns a great rock that stood in the southernmost region on the world on a paradise land, ruled by a giant named Guro, who lived inside the rock. The great rock was suspended between the earth and sky in that it seemed to rise high above the surrounding land upon which it stood. Guro often transformed himself into a giant serpent to protect the rock. The heroic god Mandi and the God of War, Gish, in an attempt to rob Guro of his powers, conceived a plan in which an associate, Pegaileamund, would change himself into a giant serpent and slither into Guros home inside the rock. However, Guro realised that his rivals were attempting to seize his home, and in a towering rage he strode out and attacked Mandi, who had by now brought his own army, believing that he had been betrayed by the Moon. However, Mandi faced him and in a fight cut the giant in two with his sword. At this the upper part of Guros body ascended into the sky where he waited to capture the Moon. He had to wait for an eclipse to finish before swallowing the Moon, which subsequently escaped by emerging from the end of his dismembered body. Thus the cosmic balance was restored. Here in allegory is a tradition of a time when the Aryan Indians sphere of influence spread to Australia and they confronted the Uru inhabitants, regarded as giants by their achievements. Our Aborigines believe Uluru is guarded today by a giant serpent that lives beneath the rock, which itself is a distant memory of the Serpent, ie Sun-worshipping Uru that formerly lived in the shadow of this great rock. In another tradition the Hindus, the world turned cold and dark when the giant Espereg-era captured the Sun and Moon and hid them in the Great rock, which glowed thereafter with

Myths of the World Pointing to Ancient Contacts with Australia. By Rex Gilroy [Copyright Rex Gilroy 2005]. In the Philippine Islands there is the ancient tradition of a magical bird called the Adarna that lived in a vast southern paradise land. The bird was believed to possess curative powers for all illnesses. Ancient Kings of the Philippines are said to have dispatched ships there to capture this unique bird in numbers. Similar powers surrounded our Emu in ancient Chinese accounts, so that it seems possible that this was the identity of the Adarna. The people who inhabited the paradise land were said to turn others to stone. Could this have been a distant memory of the Uru and their stone head carvings? Hittite mythology preserves hints of knowledge of the mysterious southern continent in Bronze-Age times, such as the following: Kamrusepa, the Goddess of Healing, saw Kasku, the Moon God, descend from heaven to the place beneath the earth, [ie the southern hemisphere]. To frighten him into returning to his proper place above the earth, Nemrusepa had the Storm God, Taru send a rainstorm which forced him to return to his rightful place in the heavens. The place beneath the earth was Uru, the Great Southern Paradise Land of the Mesopotamians, and the myths hints at Hittite contact with this continent. [a message stone engraved in Hittite wedge script was recovered by

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December, 2005.

8 astronomical temple sites have been added to the growing list of major megalithic structures of this mother civilisation. Debra and Russell have discovered a truly massive astronomical observation complex at Orange which Uru rock script identified as being dedicated to the Moon Goddess, Ara and her protector, the Owl God, Ma [a newly identified deity]. Measurements of this massive temple observatory which covers some acres, is continuing. Two earthen pyramids at a Blue Mountains location have revealed rock scripts of the Uru referring to the City of Ikaria, which Greg and I identified from rock script found near Lithgow 3 years ago. Meanwhile, Heather and I have uncovered three extensive astronomical sites at Tidbinbilla, ACT and at a remote Kanangra Boyd wilderness location in October, together with Brisbane-based assistant Geoff Holland, I uncovered a huge megalithic temple complex and further remains of the Lost city of Kanangra, all of which will require more years of research and measuring. To assist Heather and I we are looking for a field assistant who can assist us on a regular basis, and who knows how to keep quiet regarding the locations, so as to avoid vandalism. ***** The massive number of Uruan megalithic astronomical sites already known, demonstrates that this mighty race were the possessors of an advanced [Stone-Age] astronomical science. New finds outside Katoomba and at Kanangra are currently revealing to me much new information. This information will be used in our next book on the Uru. From rock script associated with ancient hang-glider and balloon craft left by this people, it is certain that they hoped that their crude efforts at flight would lead to the ability to explore the heavens! The story of Uruan flight technology is revealed in our new book,

radiant colours. The God Mandi employed a trick by which he let Espereg-era to capture him and lock him up inside the Great Rock, but by this means through devious ways, Mandi was able to help the Sun and Moon escape while Espereg-era was out on a hunting trip. When the giant returned he was killed by Mandi, who buried him beneath the Great Rock, which continues to glow to this day. There can be no doubt that Ayers Rock/Uluru was the rock in question! An Aztec myth of Mexico dating from the period 750AD until 1500AD, speaks of the Feathered Serpent [ie sailed watercraft of Sun-worshippers] Ehecatl-Quetzecoatl, as the great ruler of the Great Western Paradise Land across the Pacific Ocean. The Polynesians of the Cook and Hervey Islands, believed that the World Egg, a brilliant shining, many coloured relic stood at the centre of the Western Paradise Land of Te-Emua-te-Ki [the Land of Eternal Silence, exactly where Australia is situated]. Fijians once believed that a paradise land lay to the west. They called it Burotu, and believed that it was the domain of the Snake God, Degei; that is, a race of Sun-worshippers. Here is yet another ancient account of the Uru and Australia. The author possesses many more traditions and these will be published in future issues of Temple of Nim. -0-

The Uru and the Stars. Copyright Rex Gilroy 2005. Over recent months, through the joint efforts of Temple of Nim fieldworkers, Greg Foster, Debra Goninan and Russell Dunn, Heather and I, a large number of new Uru

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December, 2005.

9 fieldwork. It is exciting and rewarding research, for it is uncovering a civilisation that was lost to the world until I stumbled upon it in 1965, when I found what were in effect the type specimens of Uruan serpent and eagle altars at two sites on the Blue Mountains. Since that day my quest, aided by Heather, has been an ongoing Indiana Jones type mission which has taken us to the far North Queensland jungles, remote regions of South and Western Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere, and now involves scholars from overseas who take the Gilroys researches seriously. So it looks like an exciting year ahead for our Uru investigations in particular, helped by new assistants which will enable us to speed up our work on a number of sites. Watch this newsletter for the coming results! -0-

URU The Lost Civilisation of Australia. 2006 will see expeditions to certain remote areas of the Blue Mountains, Central West and Central Coast, to investigate rock script and megalithic sites in these areas dating back several thousand to 10,000-15,000 or more years. Parallel with these searches will be others on the Hawkesbury River in the hope of uncovering further ancient Chinese, Egyptian, Phoenician, Spanish etc voyages here over the centuries, and searches for more ancient astronaut rock art of both the Uru and the Aborigines. ***** That the Uru came by a primitive flying craft technology is perhaps the most incredible achievement of this Stone-Age super race, but then we are dealing with the original Atlanteans, for it was ancient knowledge of the Uru among the [later] civilisations of Sumer and Egypt that led to the Atlantis legend devised by Plato [427-347 BC], which due to his relocation of Uru in the form of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean, has caused much heated debate ever since. The evidence gathered by Heather and I, we feel, is certain proof that Australia was the true location of Atlantis, in the form of the URU mother civilisation. It was their advanced knowledge of the heavenly movements that enabled the Uru to construct ships and crude astronomical aids, by which they were able to cross-oceans, and also guide their great hot air balloons over vast distances. Such achievements could only have been the work of a highly advanced super-race whose knowledge leads inevitably to the question: Were all these achievements of their own independent invention, or was it given to them by visitors from elsewhere in our Universe in the dim past? The Uru still keep many of their secrets, but gradually these are being revealed through our continuing

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December, 2005.


View of the western row, looking south. A view recently discoveredGilroy 2005. an Uruan The ofcopyright Rex looking south. Photo the western row, remains of Photo copyright temple, found by Rex Gilroy Nim sun worship Rex Gilroy 2005. in Kanangra Boyd National Park. Note the three, 30m length rows of megalithic rocks on an north-south axis. Photo copyright

At the north end of the western row of stones and just a few metres to the west stands this Nim head. A closer view of the two rows arranged to the Photoof the other row, these form a narrow east copyright Rex Gilroy 2005. corridor. Viewed from the south. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.

Section of the large assembly area on the south side of the temple, looking north. Note temple to the left of picture. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.

Mystery Blue Square UFO seen over Katoomba! Copyright Rex Gilroy 2005. Hot on the heels of reports of a UFO crash on the north side of the

ridge behind which the mysterious top secret American Advanced Space technology underground base is said to exist, people are reporting sightings of a strange object sighted over Katoomba. This includes a sighting by the author. On Wednesday 7th December, around 2am while taking cuddles for a late night walk up on cliff Drive, I spotted looking north-east form Hildas Lookout, a pale bluish square object from that direction, heading south-west. It was obviously above the earths atmosphere and of considerable size, perhaps about a kilometre square. The night was dark and cloudy, so that as the mystery giant craft moved slowly above, it disappeared a few times behind clouds to vanish over the southwest horizon, which was already covered by a great cloud bank. I have received three sightings over the phone from locals, Craig of Springwood, who saw the same craft hovering over Grose Valley to the northwest of his home, around midnight on 6th-7th December. The craft, he said, was high above the earth and shone bright blue, and there may have been golden lights around its sides. The second report to reach Blue Mountains UFO Research concerns the same craft, sighted over Hampton, across Hartley Valley to the west of Mt Victoria, where Wilma observed around 5am on December 3rd, the gigantic blue square hovering high above the earth directly above Blackheath but probably a bit further east of there. It was stationary for 12 minutes before beginning to rise heavenward at an increasing speed to fade away out of sight. Jim, a resident of Oberon, believes he spotted the same craft at 7.15pm on December 9th, moving east

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter December, 2005.

11 Our new book URU The Lost Civilisation of Australia [now on sale] will be officially launched at the February meeting of UFO Research NSW. Meanwhile Heather is putting the remaining chapters of Out of the Dreamtime The Search for Australasias Unknown Animals on disc while I prepare the photos. This book will then be followed by Pyramids of Destiny Lost Pacific Colonies of the Bronze Age God-Kings. I have completed its chapters and will soon begin assembling the photos for this book, after which I will polish up my book on the origins of the Holy Grail There is also the next Gilroy book on UFOs to complete and more titles are already stored in my head for future writing. -0-

to west over the Blue Mountains over Burragorang Valley, heading westward to the south of the town from where he watched it for 15 minutes until it vanished over the mountains. These sightings come at a time when I have received reports of the giant space station, which has been reappearing high above the earth over the Blue Mountains. These reports, as well as several more saucer sightings at various locations over the Blue Mountains, including the Kanangra wilderness, suggest that the fast approaching year of 2006 will be a very active one for our club. We eagerly await the next Skywatch out on Narrow Neck! -0New Gilroy Books on the Horizon.

Next Issue: More surprises, and of course your valuable reports.

Our previous meeting was a huge success and we look forward to seeing another big roll-up at our next one. There should be some good Skywatches ahead of us up here at Katoomba, weather permitting. Meanwhile, theres a lot happening up there at present so, until our next meeting Watch the Skies! Rex and Heather.

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