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PHONE: 780-467-5730, EMAIL:, WEBSITE: A Mission Church of Jesus Christ Seek, Shape, Serve November 4, 2012

Pentecost Worship
23rd Sunday after Pentecost/All Saints Day: : Isaiah 25: 6-9; Psalm 24; Revelation 21: 1-6a; John 11: 32-44 8 am Eucharist: Preacher/Preside: The Venerable Alan Perry; Lay Administrant : Alastair Hamlyn. 9 am Eucharist: Preacher/Preside: The Venerable Alan Perry/The Rev. Maddie Urion; Hospitality: Team 1; 1st Reader: Betty Hopfner; 2nd Reader: Alison de Haan; Lay Reader: Louis Kwantes; Lay Assistants: Neil Assmus & Betty Hopfner 11 am Eucharist: Preaching: The Venerable Alan Perry; Presiding: The Rev. Maddie Urion; Hospitality; Greeters: Agnes & Michael Asghar; Ushers: Gene & Florence Miskiw; 1st Reader: Gerry Parlby; 2nd Reader: Pat Lawrence; Lay Reader: Jim Tyerman; Lay Assistants: Dorothy Foster & Judy Purkis; Server: 24th Sunday after Pentecost/Remembrance Day: Ruth 3: 1-5, 4: 13-17; Psalm 127; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44

World Wide we PRAY for Bermuda, The Rt. Rvd. Dr. Today, we remember in our prayers: Michaela, Amanda, Patrick White. David, Linda, Jocelyn, Nancy, Sydney, Hillary, Jean, Tim, Here at Home: Altar Guild, Drama Ministry, Money David, Sarah, Dale; Toni; Ed & Mae; Helen & Dave; Vera; Counters, Stewardship Committee. Vic & Susan; Jill; Kate, and all those known to the Lord Specifically at Home we pray for Craig & Anne Dobson, alone. Trish & Jim Downing, and Diane Duke. Flowers on the altar this morning are given to the Glory of God by Jean & Gerry Parlby in loving memory of Jean Quinn (mum). You are invited to contribute to the flowers in the sanctuary by filling out the form in the foyer. Please place your $45.00 cheque clearly marked Flowers into the offertory plate.

Office Hours: .Tues.: 8:30 2:30; Wed. 8:30 2:30; Fri.: 8:30 4:30. Correction: Please note that the gmail address for St. Thomas Anglican is: It has appeared incorrectly in past printings the h should be removed from stthom. Thanks! Calendars are available for purchase ($5) contact the church office to set up a time to purchase. Mens crib every Monday 7-9 pm in the lower hall . Co-ed crib - every first Monday of the month. Come join us!

The deadline for the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany newsletter is NOVEMBER 18th. Please send all submissions to Lesley at

TURKEY SUPPER: Ardrossan United Church Annual Fall Turkey Supper will be held on Saturday, November 17th, 2012. Two sittings, 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm. . Tickets: Adults $15.00, Children 610 years: $7.00 under six free. Telephone for tickets: Eileen; 780-922-3175
Nametags: Anyone needing a nametag, please contact Jean Aylard at 780-417-6433, or by email at
YOUTH GROUP FallSchedule.

Grade 5 & up! Join us at the church and have some fun! Bring a friend or 2 with you! All are Welcome

Contact: Kim (780) 850-3190 Devon (780) 686-3384

Sunday School: Teachers are needed. If you are not ready to try teaching why not come down and be a helper. Please see the sign-up sheet in the foyer. For more information speak to Wacey & Shannon or contact the Church office.

Art Classes: Art Classes will be held in the lower hall @ 7:00 pm on Thursday evenings starting Oct. 4th and ending on Nov. 22, 2012. No past painting experience needed. The cost is $28/class canvas and art supplies are provided. Everyone is welcome..

Wonder: . Nov. 7th Anne &friends from On Eagles Wings. Nov. 14th Lori Youngman from Fusion Faith and the arts. Join us at 6 pm for a light supper or at 7 to enjoy the speaker. Thanks!. .

New Cathedral College Course The Rev. Stephen London will lead us in Discovering New Insights into the Love of God: Rethinking Christian Faith in the 20th Century. (note: this is a two-part course fall/spring). Fall Session: Saturday afternoons, 1-4 pm, Nov. 10- Dec. 8. Here at St. Thomas in the lower hall. To register for the above course, and for more information about cost/details, please call All Saints Cathedral College at (780) 4296379. For more information about the cathedral college, visit: West Edmonton Mall Water Park Tickets available for $7. Valid for Friday, Jan. 18th, 7:30 10:00 p.m. Proceeds support the Candora Society of Edmonton. See David Holehouse to purchase your tickets.

Court Whist - Join us for a fun evening of cards at 7 pm on Nov. 10th in the lower hall.

Correction: The date for selling the preserves is Saturday, Nov. 10th from 10 am 12 pm. Questions? Call Linda Campbell at 467-6653 or Betty Hopfner at 449-2476. Poinsettia Sale St. Thomas will be selling the poinsettia plants for Holy Trinity, Tofield again this year. Orders will be taken until Nov. 25 with the delivery date of Nov. 29. Pick up on Nov. 29th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Colors: white, red or pink.

Cost - $13.00 ( 6 in.) $35.00 (10 in.) Please see Betty Hopfner or call her at 449-2476.
Together in Sherwood Park: Community Potluck Dinner and Games Night, 5 pm, Saturday, Nov. 10 at Good News Moravian Church (2Primrose Blvd.) For more info. Contact Eileen at 780-570-5412 or Ruth at 780-975-5946. All are welcome!

Snowshovelling: Its that time of year again! Please sign up for this very important task. Sign-up sheet in the foyer. Thanks so much! Nursery Care: Please see insert in bulletin or see Marion Bulmer for more information.

November 4 Sunday Services 8, 9 & 11 am November 5 co-ed crib 7 pm November 7 Wonder & Youth Nov. 8 Art Class 7 pm Nov. 10 Sherwood Park Comm. Potluck Cathedral College Course w/ Stephen London Preserves Sale 10 am 12 pm November 11 (Remembrance Day) Sunday Services 8,9, & 11 am

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