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Making the Best of the Information Revolution

By Peter Anyebe Carlton J. H. Hayes in his book, Contemporary Europe Since 1870; revised in 1958 and published by Macmillan Company of New York, credited Great Britain in glowing terms as the origin of the industrial revolution. Associated with the revolution however were difficulties that needed to be addressed, for the sustenance of harmony in the body polity. But it is neither the revolution nor the challenges that are the object of this work. Rather, the focus is on the manner in which the problems were resolved. C.J.H.H. used the following two, 2 terms, in quotes, to describe the processes that they were employed: Compromise, and Muddling through The leadership could neither be deliberate nor precise in the resolution of the crises, because the fundamental principles that were required were not available at the time. To be deliberate and precise, processes need to approximate the natural order, N-O exactly. The procedures need to be nature friendly. But in those days, although Plato had presented the duality principle, Feynman, Einstein, and Hawking were still future events. General relativity and quantum physics needed to be harmonised, for the N-O to make sense. Secondly, three, 3 generations of humans are referenced in this work. It is the current generation that is in focus. The generation that created the industrial revolution is also referenced, for that feat. Between these two, 2 is the generation to which this writer belongs. This is the generation that is credited with the information revolution. The distinguishing factor between these three, 3 generations is work. Thus the reason the current generation is in focus is because they have presented themselves as a generation of takers. This is the impression that the 99% saga creates. Like all other observations in this work, this is not meant to be derogatory. It is only an attempt to call a spade by its proper name, and not a garden spoon, since success begins with the correct definition of the problem.

The previous generation is important to the extent that it created the wealth that the current generation is asking to take. The industrial revolution put it there. What ever can be taken, has got to be put there first. The generation in the middle of these two, 2 forms the interface between them. This is a privileged position that gives it access to both; in terms of knowledge, as well as the unique advantage and opportunity to plot the way forward. Moreover, it has also initiated a second revolution, evidence that it learned well from the generation before it. The current generation has not experienced the sacrifice that is associated with the creation of the value that they seek. But they do not have to, in the same way that the first two, 2 did. It is sufficient that they learn the basic principles of value creation, to appreciate the associated pains. The future that is envisaged is one in which society is self-contained, like the universe. The personalities that constitute such a society would at once be takers and putters. People would contribute more than they take, to compensate for thermodynamic decay. And this would be the real test of progress, when the total that is contributed is less than, or at the least equal to, what is used up in the system. Then, the greed that is associated with waste would atrophy. The industrial revolution exposed human inefficiencies and ineffectiveness in a way that may not have been known previously. When machines began to produce, and to move production materials, the associated waste became obvious. The six-sigma, 6 technique resolved this by optimising process. It has become evident that when process matures, waste is minimised. The information revolution holds the key to this maturation process. In the same way as the lever is the simplest form of the machine, process is also the simplest form of data. While the machine is the symbol of the industrial revolution, data is the kernel of the information revolution. With manufacturing, machines move the production materials. With information however, it is data that determines when and how the materials are moved, for efficiency and effectiveness. This positions the information revolution uniquely, to dislodge inefficiency, ineffectiveness, waste, and therefore the associated greed and poverty. When some people become greedy, the others in the community are impoverished, equivalently. The typical process is a set of ordered actions that lead to an output. This includes decisions on when and how specific actions are taken. Moreover, data is information, often in the form of facts or figures; including numbers, text, images, and sounds. The process is actually a series of facts that outline how things are done. The standard

procedure series, SPS is the outline of how tasks ought to be performed. And the task is the unit of work. Physics has reduced the universe into the four, 4 fundamental forces that govern it. And physicists are working to harmonise these in a single unified field model, for ease of comprehension and adaptation by the rest of humanity. With respect to the society, the following four, 4 factors have been identified as fundamental to the kind of community or group that emerges: 3. 2. 1. 4. Vc Pc Rn n Credibility, CRD 6. Effectiveness 5. Efficiency

Whether a society is efficient and effective therefore, it would depend on how its members perform on these factors. They would be credible or not, according to their scores. The factor-Rn measures rationality, Rn according to the capacity to reduce phenomena into the essential five, 5 components. This is a measure of the shift from the preoccupation with appearances, to the perception of essentials. This standard is defined on the perception model of mind, PMM, which demands that people identify the five, 5 essentials, to be optimal in their thought. f0 = 4(1 1/z), z = (4 1/f1)

f1 = Perception Index, N = 5 f0 = Sensation Index, N= 1

This capacity is operationalised in phenomenological compression, Pc when tasks are reduced into the standard procedure by which they are to be performed. By the factorn people are evaluated according to their performance at task by the standard procedure. The factor-Vc connects the other three, 3 factors. It measures the performance in the persons chosen profession as their core value, Vc. Pc is operationalised as people practice their professions. In this case, leadership in the profession is a measure of personal excellence that is contributed at work, and by extension, to the group, community, or society.

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