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Name: Doucette Overview IL Standard/Benchmark:

Subject/Time: Math

Date: 11-1-2012 Key Lesson Elements

CC.3.OA.8 Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. (This standard is limited to problems posed with whole numbers and having wholenumber answers; students should know how to perform operations in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order (Order of Operations)

What is the Teacher Doing? Do Now (3-5 minutes): TW narrate student behavior as students enter the classroom. TW direct students to take a seat TW direct students to begin completing their Do Now at a Level 0 I Do Input (3-5 Key teaching points): TW review parenthesis and exponents within problems Tw introduce incorporating the aspect of multiplication and division problems within the order of operations TW will constantly remind students of the specific order PEMDAS while completing 3 problem on the ELMO We Do Guided Practice: TW have students instruct what to do (Students role playing teacher) If applicable with behaviors allow students to complete problems at board or on ELMO

What are the Students Doing?

SW complete Do Now at a Level 0 SW raise a silent hand if they have a question SW silently read upon completion when waiting for lesson to begin

SW AWEC SW remain in listening position at a level 0

Objective(s): Students will complete multiplication and division problems, while completing order of operation problems including exponents and parenthesis.

SW AWEC SW remain in listening position at a level 0 SW raise a silent hand if they have an answer to a question/have a question SW complete examples of multiplication and division problems including exponents and parenthesis

Assessment (bold one): formative summative

You Do Independent Practice: TW facilitate as students complete independent practice TW observe to make sure students are on-task

SW complete Independent Practice at a Level 0 SW raise a silent hand if they have a question

Accommodations/Modifications: Differentiated independent practice, Do Nows and Exit Tickets Directions for independent

TW will redirect students when necessary TW assist students when necessary

Name: Doucette practice, Do Nows and Exit Tickets can/will be read to the students when asked Vocabulary words: Multiplication Division Sum P.E.M.D.A.S Exponents Parenthesis Order of operations Materials: PowerPoint Pencils Teacher made: Do Nows & Worksheets Homework: N/A

Subject/Time: Math

Date: 11-1-2012

Closing: TW check students work for mastery of assignment

SW AWEC SW remain in listening position at a level 0

TW introduce Ms. Caldwells following day objective Exit Ticket: TW had students Exit Ticket and instruct students to compelte problems at a level zero. SW complete Exit Ticket at a level zero in listening position.

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