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Tarkington School of Excellence Daily Double Plan

Name: Robert Herrold Subject/Time: 4th R5 Overview CCS/NAME: 2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. 3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments. Date: 11.4.2012

Objective/SWBAT: Play 16 beats of improvised melody by using rhythm words on xylophones. Vocabulary Words/Key Concepts for Word Wall: Improvisation Materials & Technology: P-Board, Xylophones Key Lesson Elements I Do (Direct teacher Instruction) We Do (Guided practice w/ teacher or peers) OR You Do (Students independent application) We Do

What is the Teacher Doing?

What Are the Students Doing?


Do Now (3-5 minutes): Circle Movement Teacher models dance/movement to for students to imitate. Rhythm Challenge (1-5) Teacher briefly reviews relevant rhythms. Stops to address issues during challenge. So-La-So-Mi Attendance Teacher reviews new solfege syllable la. Leads attendance by call and response. Sequential Gradual Release Model: Locomotor Random Explore T displays Random Explore matrix on P-Board. Reviews expectations for safe movement safe, responsible, and musical Introduces freeze procedure. Chooses movement from board and models appropriate way to do that movement. Looks for model students and narrates their participation. Selects model students to come to the board and choose next movement.

Students simultaneously imitate teacher movements. Students clap rhythms and speak rhythm syllables Students sing solfege and use hand motions Students listen to expectations and procedure at voice level zero. Provide examples of safe, responsible, musical movement.

Instruction is differentiated to provide multiple methods of knowing material: through movement, singing, body percussion, and hand motions.

I do

Students participate in different levels of proficiency. Student leaders are recognized to show ownership of learning.

We Do/You Do

Students move to selected locomotor prompt. Model students come to board to select next movement.

Tarkington School of Excellence Daily Double Plan

10 Sly Piranhas Expectations for xylos Removing certain bars from xylophones encourages success for all students by limiting wrong notes

address technique/expectations: resting position unless its time to play, clicking mallets or playing when its not time means I will take your mallets until you earn them back by playing with your fingers. remove C and B bars. (introduce with students hands behind their backs)

I Do

Review Poem and Rhythm Display visual aid of xylophone on P-Board Reviews poem and rhythm of poem Scaffold instruction of rhythm and improvisation

We Do

Say poem while patting rhythm on laps Say poem while playing rhythm on D 1st time through, play poem on only D 2nd time play poem on D 1st line, E 2nd line, the rest on D 3rd time, play poem: 1st D, 2nd E, 3rd F, last on D

Visual aid of xylophone on board helps visual learners to be successful.


We Do

Introduce term IMPROVISATION - Up to now, Ive been telling you what to play, but now you get to make up whatever you want for the 2nd and 3rd lines. When you make something up on the spot, its called improvisation.

Change 3rd line to whatever note S wants of notes D-A (1st and last on D) Change 2nd and 3rd line to whatever note S wants of notes D-A (1st and last on D) Then only 1st and last syllables on D - rest is choice (D-E-F-G-A) S perform whole song while teacher plays DA bordun Students practice improvisation, consult with teacher, volunteer to demonstrate for class.

Students may chose as many or as few notes for improvisation as they are comfortable with, allowing students to engage with the concept at their own level.

Check for Understanding T gives students time to practice, consults with individual students. Then takes student volunteers to demonstrate improvisation. Addresses teaching points from student volunteer performance Catch the Piranha Singing A Section Demonstrates Catch the Piranha while students participate in listening prompts Teaches Catch the Piranha in MTYT format, one line

You Do

Students get @ Bats and one-on-one teacher assistance.

I Do

I Do

Students listen while: patting the beat, snapping the beat, listening for word Piranha Sing in response to teacher, one line at a time,

Lyrics on board to assist ELLs and visual learners.

We Do

Tarkington School of Excellence Daily Double Plan

at a time Demonstrates song with DA bordun Sets up conditions for whole song

You Do

then whole song Play bordun on DA while singing A section Students play bordun and sing A section, then play improvised B section melody

Closing/Preview for Next Lesson/Homework: Final performance of piece ties together concepts of improvisation, beat/rhythm, and form.

Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or Assessment: Call on student volunteers to demonstrate 16 bars of improvisation on xylophone. Call on students to give definition of vocab: improvisation.

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