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This document details the design of test specimen based on Caltrans Bridge Design Section and Caltrans Seismic

Design Criteria. Following sections is an attempt to understand the design steps carried for the test specimen. 1

Material Properties

Nominal strength concrete was used for construction of the test specimen. Specic weight of concrete mix (wc ) was 150 lb/f t3 . The following properties are based on SDC section 3.2.6 Nominal unconned compressive strength, fc = 4.0 ksi Strain at unconned compressive strength, co = 0.003 Ultimate unconned compression (spalling) strain, sp = 0.005 Expected compressive strength of concrete, fce = 1.3fc fce = 1.3 4.0 = 5.2 ksi
1.5 Modulus of Elasticity, Ec = 33 wc fce psi Ec = 33 (150)1.5 5200 4372 ksi

Poissons ratio, c = 0.2 Ec Shear modulus, Gc = 2(1+c ) Gc = 4372 1822 ksi 2 (1 + 0.2)


Reinforcing Steel

Properties of reinforcing steel is choosen as suggested in SDC section 3.2.3.


Modulus of Elasticity, Es = 29000 ksi Specied minimum yield strength, fy = 60 ksi Expected yield strength of longitudinal steel, fye = 68 ksi Expected yield strength of transverse steel, fyh = 63 ksi Specied minimum tensile strength of longitudinal steel, fu = 80 ksi Expected tensile strength of longitudinal steel, fue = 95 ksi Nominal yield strain, y = 0.0021 Expected yield strain, ye = 0.0023 Ultimate tensile strain, su = 0.120 Reduced ultimate tensile strain, R = 0.090. su Its Caltrans practice to reduce the ultimate strain by upto thirty-three percent to decrease the probability of reinforcement fracture (SDC section 3.2.2) . 2 Column Geometry and Reinforcement Details

Diameter of column, Dcol = 16 in. Clear height of column, Hcol = 53 in. Height of center of mass above column base, Hcm = 96 in. Aspect ratio of test specimen, Hcm = 96 = 6 Dcol 16 2 Gross column cross-section area, Ag = Dcol 4 Ag = 162 201.1in2 4 Clear cover of concrete, cc = 0.75 in. Weight on top of test specimen, Ptop 54 kips Weight of column, Pcol = wc Ag Hcol 150 Pcol = kips/in3 201.1 53 0.93 kips 1000 1728

Axial load at column base, Paxial = Ptop +Pcol = 54.93 kips P Axial load ratio, axial = f axial A
c g

54.93 6.8% 4.0 201.1 16#4, A706 steel rebars were used as longitudinal reinforcement. Diameter of longitudinal rebar, dl = 0.5 in. Area of longitudinal rebar, A#4 = 0.2 in.2 Longitudinal steel ratio, l = N o. of rebarsA#4 Ag axial = 16 0.2 1.6% 201.1 W 4 steel hoops at center to center spacing (s) of 1.25 in. provided the transverse reinforcement. Diameter of transverse hoop, dt = 0.226 in. Area of transverse hoop, AW 4 = 0.04 in.2 Conned core diameter, Dconf = Dcol 2 cc + dt 2 l = Dconf = 16 2 0.75 + 0.226 = 14.274 in. 2

2 Area of conned core, Ac onf = Dconf 4 Aconf = 14.2742 160in.2 4 4AW 4 Transverse steel ratio, t = sDconf

t =

4 0.04 0.9% 14.274 1.25

Check - Maximum Longitudinal Rebar Spacing

As per BDS section, spacing between the longitudinal reinforcement should be limited to 8 in.

Core diameter from center of longitudinal reinforcement, Do = Dcol 2 cc + dt + dl 2 Do = 16 2 0.75 + 0.226 +

Do N o. of bars

0.5 = 13.548 in. 2

Spacing between adjacent longitudinal reinforcement, l = 13.458 2.66 in. ( 8 in.) 16

l =

Check - Maximum and Minimum Longitudinal Reinforcement

Based on SDC section 3.7 Total longitudinal reifrocement area, Ast = N o. of rebars A#4 Ast = 16 0.20 = 3.2in.2 Maximum areas of steel allowed for compression member, As,max = 0.04Ag As,max = 0.04 201.1 8.1in.2 Minimum areas of steel allowed for compression member, As,min = 0.01Ag As,min = 0.01 201.1 2.0in.2 Thus, As,min Ast As,max . OK
2.3 Check - Maximum and Minimum Transverse Reinforcement

Based on BDS section

Minimum transverse steel reinforcement outside plastic fc hinge zone, s,min = 0.45 AAg 1 fy conf s,min = 0.45 201.1 160 4.0 0.77% 60

Minimum transverse steel reinforcement inside plastic fc hinge zone, s,min = 0.45 AAg 1 fy 0.5 + 1.25Paxial f A conf
c g

s,min = 0.45

201.1 160

4.0 60

0.5 +

1.25 54.93 0.47% 4.0 201.1

Check - Maximum Spacing of Transverse Reinforcement

Based on SDC section 8.2.5 Spacing of transverse reinforcement in test specimen, s = 1.25 in. One fth of the least column dimension, smax,1 = 16 1 5 Dcol = 5 = 3.2 in. Six time nominal diameter of longitudinal steel, smax,2 = 6dl = 6 0.5 = 3.0 in. smax,3 = 8 in. Thus, s smax,2 smax,1 smax,3 . OK 3 Plastic Hinge Length

Calculations of plactic hinge length (Lp ) are done based on SDC section 7.6.2. Analytic plastic hinge length is equivalent length of column over which the plastic curvature is assumed constant for estimating plastic rotations.

Plastic hinge length, Lp = 0.08Lcm + 0.15fye d#4 Lp = 0.08 96 + 0.15 68 0.5 = 12.78 in. Code provides a minimum limit for the plastic hinge length Minimum plastic hinge length, Lp,min = 0.3fye d#4 Lp,min = 0.3 68 0.5 = 10.2 in. So, plastic hinge length, Lp = 12.78in. from column base. 4 Plastic Hinge Region

Calculations of plactic hinge region (Lpr ) are done based on SDC section 7.6.3. The plastic hinge region denes the portion of the column that requires enhanced lateral connement. Plastic hinge zone is described as larger of: 1.5 times the cross sectional dimensions in the direction of bending, Lpr = 1.5Dcol = 1.5 16 = 24 in. Region where the moment exceeds 75% of the maxcol imum plastic moment, Mp . Assuming single curvature bending of column and linear moment distribution along the column height, Lpr = 0.25Hcm = 0.25 96 = 24 in. Thus, the length of plastic hinge region above the column base is Lpr = 24 in. 5 Moment Curvature Analysis

Moment curvature analysis of the column section is carried out using section analysis software Columna. Balance of area is done based on SDC Section 3.3.1. Results from Columna: Moment at rst yield of steel, My = 1243 kips in Curvature at rst yield point, y = 0.000226 in1 Ultimate cross section moment, Mu = 1849 kips in Ultimate curvature of cross section, u = 0.00511 in1 Balancing the areas give the idealized points: Idealized yield moment, My,id = 1710 kips in Idealized yield curvature, y,id = 0.0003 in1 0.00511 Curvature ductility, ,c = u = 0.000226 17 y,id
cm Yield displacement, y = y,id H3 = 0.0003 96 3 0.92 in Plastic curvature, p = u y,id = 0.00511 0.0003 = 0.00481 Plastic rotation, p = p Lp = 0.0048112.78 = 0.062 rad. Plastic displacement, p = p Hcm Lp = 0.062 96 12.78 2 2 5.56 rad Ultimate displacement, u = y + p = 0.92 + 5.56 = 6.48 in Displacement ductility of specimen, ,c = u = 6.48 7 y 0.92 SDC section 2.2.4, limits the displacement ductility demand ,d to 4.0. In current case the ,d ,c OK 2 2

Force Demand Based on SDC section 2.3.1 and 2.3.2

col Moment Demand, Mo = 1.2My,id = 1.2 1710 = 2052 kips in col o Shear Demand, Vocol = Mcm = 2052 21.4 kips H 96

Seismic Shear Design

Based on SDC section 3.6

7.1 Concrete Shear Capacity, Vc

Based on SDC section 3.6.2 t fyt + 3.67 d F actor1 = 0.15 Value of t fyt should be limited to 0.35 ksi. In current case this values is 0.09 63 0.57ksi. So we use the limit value. 0.35 + 3.67 4 2 F actor1 = 0.15 As per code 0.3 F actor1 3. Thus, F actor1 = 2.0. F actor2 = 1 + Paxial 1000 1.5 2000Ag 54.931000 F actor2 = 1 + 2000201.1 1.14 Vc = c Ae Ae = 0.8 Ag = 0.8 201.1 160.88in2 Inside the plastic hinge zone c = F actor1 F actor2 fc 4 fc c = 2.0 1.14 4000 4 4000 c = 144.4 psi 253 psi OK Outside the plastic hinge zone c = 3 F actor2 fc 4 fc

c = 3 1.14

4000 4 4000

c = 216.3 psi 253 psi OK Finally concrete shear capacity is Inside the plastic hinge zone Vc = c A e = 144.4 160.88 23.2 kips 1000 216.3 160.88 34.8 kips 1000

Outside the plastic hinge zone Vc = c A e =


Shear Reinforcement Capacity, Vs

Based on SDC section 3.6.3. Av = AW 4 2 Av = 2 0.04 0.063 in2 Vs = Vs =

Av fyh Dconf s 0.0636314.272 1.25

approx45.3 kips

Nominal Shear Capacity

Shear capacity for ductile concrete members shall be conservatively based on the nominal material strengths Vn Vocol = 21.4 kips Where, = resistance factor = 0.90 (SDC section 3.2.1) V n = Vc + V s Inside the plastic hinge zone Vn = 23.2 + 45.3 = 78.5 kips Vn = 0.90 78.5 = 70.65 kips 21.4 kips OK

Outside the plastic hinge zone Vn = 34.8 + 45.3 = 80.1 kips Vn = 0.90 80.1 = 72.09 kips 21.4 kips


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