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Email Router:

1.Configure Forward mailbox option for all queue emails

Report Server:
1.Make sure Application service SPN set properly Syntax to set SPN setspn -a http/CRMSAND-CRM01 SAND\SVC.APPLICATION

DB Server:
Before taking backup from CRM 4.0 , make sure 1. I would like you to Set Max Degree of Parallelism to 1. This is also outlined in our Optimizing Performance whitepaper found here (page 34): Setting the Max Degree of Parallelism will improve query execution for CRM because any given query will only use one processor for execution. This will prevent unnecessary blocking from taking place. To check this setting, you need to first run the following statement against your 'master' database to enable advanced options: Sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 Reconfigure; go Next, to check the Max Degree of Parallelism setting, run the following: sp_configure 'max degree of parallelism' If the config_value and run_value are set to 0, please run the following statement to properly set Max Degree of Parallelism to 1: Sp_configure 'max degree of parallelism',1 Reconfigure; Go

1. Run the deletion service. In CRM 4.0 2. clean-up Async Oprations table 3. Uninstall C360 products. 1. Clean up Subscription Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Install .net 3.5 SP before SQL installation. Make sure Database remote access enabled. Enable Named pipes Agent service should run Add Deployment Service to Local Admin account Add host entries for CRM server Before Importing Org add NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE to db_owner in

App Server :
1. Add application and web server role 2. Add following services to local Performance Log user Group 1. Application User 2. Async User 3. Add host entry for DB Server 4. Before Importing Org add following Registry entry to increase the performance a. Key : MaxDopForIndexCreation Value :4 b. Key : SortInTempDB Value:1 c. Key: NumThreadsForIndexCreation Value: 4 d. Key : BatchAddAttributeUpdates Value : 1 e. Key : OptimizeOrgImport Value :1 f. Key : EnableRetrieveMultipleOptimization Value :2 g. Key : OLEDBTimeout Value: 86400 h. ExtendedTimeout 1000000 5. After Import Delete all the registry key mentioned in the previous step from CRM server. 6. Unable to obtain DNS hostname of Active Directory domain controller with ntdsa object name "CN=NTDS Settings,CN=EU-DCSE,CN=Servers,CN=EU,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=md,DC=nsius,DC=com" System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectoryOperationException.

Solution : Add the Preferred Domain Controller value to MS CRM registry

entries:HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSCRM Step 1. Right Click and click on NewString value as "PreferredDc" Step 2. Add the value to PreferredDc is YourDomainControllerName

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sandbox Processing Service

Domain Users membership. That account must be granted the Logon as service permission in the Local Security Policy. Folder read and write permission on the Trace, by default located under \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Trace, and user account %AppData% folders on the local computer. Read permission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM subkey in the Windows registry. The service account may need an SPN for the URL used to access the website that is associated with it. To set the SPN for the Sandbox Processing Service account, run the following command at a command prompt on the computer where the service is running.
SETSPN a MSCRMSandboxService/<ComputerName> <service account>

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Asynchronous Processing Service and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Asynchronous Processing Service (maintenance) services
Domain Users membership. Performance Log Users membership. That account must be granted the Logon as service permission in the Local Security Policy. Folder read and write permission on the Trace folder, by default located under \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\, and user account %AppData% folder on the local computer. Read and write permission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\MSCRMSandboxService subkeys in the Windows registry. The service account may need an SPN for the URL used to access the website that is associated with it.

Deployment Web Service (CRMDeploymentServiceAppPool Application Pool identity) Domain Users membership. That account must be granted the Logon as service permission in the Local Security Policy. Local administrator group membership is required to perform organization database operations (such as create new or import organization) only if the following conditions are true: The Microsoft SQL Server specified for the organization database is on the same computer as the Deployment Web Service server role. The Web Application Server server role is running on the same computer as the Deployment Web Service server role.

Local administrator group membership on the computer where the Deployment Web Service is running. Local administrator group membership on the computer where SQL Server is running.

Sysadmin permission on the instance of SQL Server to be used for the configuration and organization databases. Folder read and write permission on the Trace and CRMWeb folders, by default located under \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\, and user account %AppData% folder on the local computer. Read and write permission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\MSCRMSandboxService subkeys in the Windows registry. CRM_WPG group membership. This group is used for IIS worker processes. The group is created and the membership is added during Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup. The service account may need an SPN for the URL used to access the website that is associated with it.

Application Service (CRMAppPool IIS Application Pool identity) Member of the Active Directory Domain Users group. Member of the Active Directory Performance Log Users group. Folder read and write permission on the Trace and CRMWeb folders, by default located under \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\, and user account %AppData% folder on the local computer. Read and write permission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\MSCRMSandboxService subkeys in the Windows Registry. CRM_WPG group membership. This group is used for IIS worker processes. The group is created and the membership is added during Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup. The service account may need an SPN for the URL used to access the website that is associated with it.

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