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Jumu' ah (Friday) Prayer

day of this prayer, Friday. is the

(PBUH) said:

day of the week. as the Prophet

is Friday." '

"Among the most excellent of your

In another nadirh (PBUH) said:

'We (Muslim.5) are the las/ (10 come) but (will be) the first orl the
Day of Resum!crion though the former were given the Scriptures before IH. This (Friday) was their day of celebration which was made compulsory for them but thcydifJerl'd aoout it. So Allah save us tlw guidance for il (Friday) and all rI,e other people follow uS in this respect."'
Muslim ,,,,,orded that th .. Prophet (PBUH) said:
"It was Friday from wllfeh Allah diverted those who were us. For Ihe Jew!' (11,e day ut ruidt jor prayer) WaS Saturday, and for the Christia .... it was Sunday. Wlle'l Allah sent us (Muslims), He guided us 10 Ihe a/prayer) for



Allah ordained the meeting of Muslims on Friday to draw rfldr attention to His g"".t f.VD'" upon th em. Th" Friday sermon is ordained to remind
Musli ms of the f.vor< of Allah and incite them 10 be grateful (to Him). The

!..",,,ak (Friday) Prayer is oroained to be performed by midday to give the

Muslims (living in the same residential area) the chance to gath er in onc mosque. In addition, Allah ordered the believers In anend this meeting, listen 10 Ihe se rmon, and perform the fumu 'ai, Prayer as He say" "0 you wh" have believed, wh.n odhlln} is coiled for the proyer cm the day of /mllll 'ail (Fridllyj, Ihm pnx:eed l() Ihe remembrance of Al/ol, "nd /"""" trade. Tlml is bettu iq, )'<''', if you only kltew." AI-lumu 'ah, 9)
Ibtml -Qayyim said,
"It is of the guidmlceoflhe Propllel (PBUH) ro ho"o, this day (Fri<1uy).

Ilnd ro favo, it ",irh speciulllC/$ of worship wlrich Ire d= not perform all other day,_ Scholar<. as well m the followers of Ash-SI,aft-l. differ Oil which day is beru,; Friday or rhe Day of 'Amfal,? Tire Prophet ([,RUH) used ro recite ,I,e Suws As -S"jdal' (tile Pro,lration), ",rd AI-lnsJn (Man)' in tire Fa)r (Dawn) Prayer on Fri<1ay". '


UmulQayyim added:

"11,eor<1 Shaykhlll-/,/am /bn Taymiyah Sily;,,!:. 'T/'e Prop/,et (PBUH) U'<'I/ to recite these two SI/ros (A, -St.jdah and Ai-Ins,jn) ;n tire Fajr Pmyer OM Friday as theydelll with event, thal happened or will hllppell Oil Fridlly suc/, liS Ihe ,rem;o" of Adllm (Adllm). the Resurrectio". o"d Ihe gotl,eri"g of Sfrvallts (to the Ilceo",,1 in the Hereafter). Th"s. reciling these two Suras every Friday remj"ds tile Muslim nCllian of the aforementia"ed even!s m,d collsequently co",cs the prostration of recirMioll (in the Su", of As-Sa)dah). S", the prostmfion of recitation is no/ ill/en ded in parriwlar here alld Ihe one performiMg prayer should Mol mi$takenly recite a prostration -COMtaining vene fro'" wl,tlIewr {/>elieving II",t ir is aM acl oflhe SU"Mah (Prophetic ,,,ro in tlr, Tradition) for Fridays:'

There are some spedal features to Ix observed on Friday or o n the night pm:"ding it:
It is desirable 10 confer blessin!; upon the Prophet (PIlUH) frequently. AI -

Bayhaqi records that th e Prophet (PBUH) say"

"Conjer blessings upon me freque"tly 0" Friday n"d the "igM precediMg it."' I.

The '"mU"1l1t (Friday) is onc of tile most distinguishing acts of worship of Friday. as it is of the most s,,,,osrd obligations of Islam and of th e assemblies of Mu slims. Th e Prophet (PBUH) said that he who leaves the ]umu '<lit Prayer (co nli nuo usly) th",c times un a"o unt of Allah
Ka ls over his Mart IJ .

Among the acts of wonh ip 1 0 obscl"Vr<i on Frid ay is bathing to anerKI the Friday Prayer. as it is .. SlrnKd act ofII>eSLlnn"h. Some K holan vi"" this Nlhing as obl igatory, and maintai n that it is o bl igatory only for one

who needs to ..,mOW bad smell from his body. In addition, it is desirable 1 apply perfume on Friday, which is bener than 0 applying perfume on th e other cl'lys of the week. Moreover, it is desirab le to tlo early 10 the mosque for th e '"mu 'ah Prayer and occupy onesdf with performing su!'<'",rogatory prayers. remembering Allah, aoo reciling Ihe Noble Qur'ln unlil Ihe im6m (Le., leader in prayt"rl comes to deliver the sermon.
It is obligatory 10 lislen 10 lhe sennon. and if one dars nol

with anythi ng otha Ih:m (occupying an evil act. The Prophet (PBU H) say"
"H. who commil. ""

to il sermon), then ont (Ommits

ac, will have no (reward for) Friday"

Speaking is prohibited (Ascribed

the sennon as it is relatcd in tM Mu.nlUi oftmlm Allmad th.1l lhe Prophet (PBUH) ",id:

' WhotWl"" his companion 10 wp quid (w/' ile Ihe ;m,lm is delivering 'he Mrmon) 10'.11 h" .., "0 (reward fOT) FridR,.""

FUrlhumorr, among lhe acts of worship 1 be 0 011 Friday is reciting the SUr:1 of AI-Kllhj trllt ea..,)". It authent ically narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said, SU M of AI-Kahf on Friday. a lighr will shine from under his/uI " P 10 Ihe and il will sh ine/or him on ,he Dlly 0/ Rrsurrlilm, and Ihe sins he com m.ued NI Ihe I_ Fridays will be/org/..,,,:"

"If "nrun f ",dus

(Related by

and AI-Bayhaqil

-n..n., i. an hoUT (a period oftimel on Friday during which Allah definitely responds to supplicati ons. In the Two !lbills it is recorded 011 the authority of Abll Hurayrah (may Anah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (P BUH) said:


"There is an hour (a period of time) on Friday and if a MusH m gets it while performing prayer and asks something from Allah, then Allah will definitely meet his demand: "

And he (the Prophet) pointed out the shortness of that tim e with his hands. Amongthe signifLcant actsof worshipon Friday is the sermon which is intended to praise Allah and glorify Him, declare the testimony of His Onmess and His me!"'ge, and to remind His servants (of the affairs of religion). There are so many special acts of worship to obse rved on Friday (or its precroing night) which lbnul Qayyim, in his book entitled ZAdul-Ma 'Jd (ProvisioMS for the Hereafter), mentioned, making them One hundrro and thirty three. Nevertheless. many Muslims neglect this day giving it no more atten tion than any other day, some devote it for sleep and .loth. and oth ers make it a day of diversion, play and away from Allah. Consequently, the of Muslims performing the Fajr Prayer (of Friday) in congregation in the mosques is noticeably decreasing. There is neith er might nor power except in Allah!
It is desirable for a Muslim to go early to the mosque for the Jumu 'ah

P",yer and perform two mk'ahs (units of prayer) when he enters the mosque as a prayer of greeting. He is f"' rmitted to perform more voluntary prayers if it is early for the Jumu 'ah Prayer, as the Salaf(early Muslim s.cholars) usro to go early to the m"'que for the Jumu 'ah Prayer and f"'rform voluntary prayu. until the imJm cam e to deliver lh e :s.ermon. Shaykhul-Is];\m Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
"/I is more entitled for a Muslim who goes early to the mosque for

the Jumu 'ah Prayer to perform voluntary pmyers unlillhe imJm comes (10 deliver the sermon). It is stated in a ,auiu (authentic) uadith Ihat the Pmphet (PRUm said, .. TheM he may perform prayer as much as (Allah ha s) willed for him .. :" Moreover, the words of the Prophet (PBUH) urge Muslims 10 pnfarm voluntary prayeN wl,en they eMter the mosque before the sermon on Friday, without determining a specific lime (to do that). It is also narmted tha1 the Compam'oMs used 10 ptrform voluMtary prayers a, much as Ihty could when Ihty emered Ihe mosque before the sermon on Friday " . It could happen Ihm one of them perform ten, twelve

o,apttr 26: l.m.'<lh


or eight rakahs of prayer), and ,ometime< more or le's than that. That is wilY Ihe majarity of scholaN ag ....e thm Ihere is no specific time Or number for Ihe voluntary prayer before Ihe Prayer and this voluntary prayer ij considered a good deed, not a ralibah (a regularly-observed supererogatory pmyer). Thus, according 10 Ihe sO/mdesl view, a Muslim is nOI legally blamed whether or not he performs voluntary pray", before the lumu 'an Prayer. Hawever, if ignorant people believe that it is a SUMnah ratibah, then, in Ihis case, giving up this volwltary prayer will be bmer: "


It waS mentioned previously that there is no sumwh rrlribah before the lamu'ah (Friday) Prayer (but only a voluntary prayer). However, there is a sun nah rdlibah after the lumu 'ah Prayer for it is recorded in Sah.ih. Muslim (Muslim' Authentic Book of Had/th) that the Prophet (PBUH) said:

"When anyone ofyou performS/he lumu 'ah Prayer, heshou ld perform four (supererogatory rak 'ahs (units of prayer) afterwards:'"
It is also recorded in the Two ::iall.ib.s that the Prophet (PBUH) used to perform two (supertrogato ry) rak'ahs after th e lamu'ah Prayer " . To reconcile the two nadiths, it can be said that when the Prophet (PBUH) performed this supererogalory prayer at hom e, he made it two rak 'ahs and wh en he (PBUH) it in the mosque, he made it four mk' is also permissible for a Muslim to perform six supererogatory rak'ahs after the lumu'ah Prayer according to lbn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) who narrated:

"When Ihe Prophet (PBUH) performedlumu 'ah Prayer, he used 10 proceed 10 perform two (supererogatory) and then proceed to perform fou r (supererogalory) rak 'ahs."
A Muslim who goes (arly to th e mo.sque is mOrt entitled to sit in th e front rows. It is not right that a Muslim a place in the mosque by putting a prayer rug, a stick or a pair of shoes, and then comes later becau"" this behavior deprives th= who come early from this place. Some scholars maintain that it is for whoc:ver ComeS early to the mooque to perform prayer in such a reserved place and to remove anything (put in it for reservation) going early to the mosque are more en titled to prayer in the first row. Besides, such reservation is considered an act of unlawful of a place.


Shaykhul-lsUm Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have men;y On him) said:

' Before going fQr the lumu 'oh Prayer, or any other prayer, many people send shuts (carpttsj and the like to reserve a place in the mosque, which i> forbidden according to Ihe unanimous agreement of Mwlims; rather it is prohibited. &holars helve two different .... whether the pmyer of such people is valid 0>1 such a sheet or not, as they mllawfully seize a place in the mo'qu, l>y spreading such an object, depriving others fro ", 1I1eir right to sit in such a place when Iheycomeearly. A Mtl$lim is togo, himself. 10 Ihe mosqu(Qnd, hence, if he selld, a sl>eet (to reserve a place) and COmeS later lie violates the Shari'ah in two WO)'!. The first is his delay, though he is ordered to go ea rly, and the second is his unlawful seizure of the place a",/ depriving those going early from perfo"ning prayer therein andfrom completing the rowS ill ""cession. one after another; Moreover, sl"h a person commits alloth" mistak< whC1l he disturbs t/,e who came before hi"" while surpassing Iheir rows, passi'lg over their necks to reach the reserved place.""
11 is among the rulings on the lumu 'oh (Friday) that a Muslim should perform two short (light) mk 'ahs (units of prayer) if he enters the mosque while the imam is d d ivering the sermon, The Prophet (PBUH) said:

"If anyone of you corn" for the lumu 'ah Pray", when the ;mam j,as already come out (10 deliver the lermon), (even then) he should perform two ro k 'ahs.""
This hadilh is recorded by AIBukhari and Muslim and in the narration of Muslim , he (PBUH) added, ... olld should make them short."M However, if he ,its before performing the two supererogatory rak' ahs, he should stand and perform them, for lhe Prophet (PBUH) told th e man who sat before performing these two rak 'ahs, 'GeI up and perform two rak'ahs:"
It is not permissible for a Muslim to speak while the imdm is delivering the sermon as Allah, Ex alted be He,

"S" whIn the Qurll" is reciled, Iheor /isle" to iI Qord pay attentio" that you may recl/Vt mercy." (Q ur'iin: Al -A ' rar: 204)
of the maintain that this veTS<: was the Friday Sermon, and Ihis sermon is called Quian as there are always Qur'ani, verses recited in il. Conc.. ning the other view Ihal this verse was revealed concerning prayer, it Can be said that il ah Prayer) generally includes th e sermon . Ahmad rdates that the Prophet (PBUH) said: Some

"If anyone evt'l'I SOY' (10 Itis companion sitling

ltim), 'Sahin (i,e. mum)"'" (",ltile Ihe !md", is dd!wring the Sfrmon), il will be

considered uttering ill speech. A"d whoever wters ill speech, there will be nO (rewMd fo r) )umlj 'all for him."
lIadith. the

(PBUH ) said:

Whot...".. talks whilt Ihe imdm is delivering Ihe (Friday) sermon is /in 0 donkey fhat cllrria (afbooks), and whwr IlSks him ID ketp quiet and Iistm, thm will be no (rewllfll fo r) Friday fo r him:"
Whal is mean l in Ihi J /J.ndlrll is Ihal Ihere will be no complele reward for Pr iday Prayer for him , Besides, il is re.:orded in the Two Sahl/J.s, o n the aUlhorily of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), thal lhe Prophel (PHUH ) said:

"IfYOll ask your companion /0 kp quief ond /lsftn while Ihe imdm
Is daivering fhe sermO'l, then you haw ullered nn iIIspCh."'"
Th iS ill speh is considered a si n even if the spch is the mere word "liSlen" th al is originally considered enjoini ng whal is right. So olher words delivering Ihe sermon arc more en lilled 10 b-e uttered whi le Ihe prohibited. While ddiv<:ring th e 5(rmon, Ihe imiim i. perm iltW 10 lalk 10 any of pel'$OnS led in prayer Jnd Iller are permined 10 speak 10 him for- any interest.. It happened in many situations Ihal the Prophet (PBUH) lalked and 10 an inquirer"'. Also. the I>rophel (PBUH) lalked and listened losome Comp.;anio nJ for the sako. of a Itgal inlerest or to leach Ihem religioUJ rulings. This kind of spea king is perm issi ble, i s it nO! distJ'llct people's while to the Whil e IiSlening to Ihe kr mon, one is nol permitted 10 give charity to. brggaT. a. he (Ihe in Ihi. case. does an act so ON: should not help him to such an ael. i.e. praking while Ihe ser mon i. delivered. When the preacher con fen blessing upon Ihe Prophet ( PBUH), il is an act of the Sun nah ( Prophetic Trad ition) for a Muslim 10 confer blHlling upon Ihe Prophet (PIlU H). bul wilhout ra isi ng his voke in order nOf 10 dist ract the allenlton of olhen. When Ihe preache r invokes Anah, it is an ac t oflhe Slmn<lh for a Mu slim 10 say 'Amln raising neither his V Oice nor his hand .


Shaykhul-hlAm Ibn Tayn';yah (may Allah have mercy on him) said;

WMle the is delivering the sermon, it is detestable or prohibited by uniform agreement fora Muslim to raise his voia, and neither the prayer caUer (m"ezzin) nor anyone else should hi, voice with conferring blessing upon the Prophet (PBUH) or by doing anything else,"'"
It is noteworthy that sud, wrong acts, which Ibn Taymiyah pointed out , an' still committed in some countries. Some of such acts a"" raising one's voice when conferring blessing upon the Prophet (PBUH), or some supplications during or before the sermon or between the two S( rmons. Moreover, some preachers may order thoS{' present to commit such acts. This is considered ignorance and innovation in rdigion which is not permined to be done. A Muslim mUSI not greet othns if he enters the mosque while the imdm is delivering the sermon; ralher, he should proceed calmly la any available (un its of prayer) as mentioned place in the rows, perform two short previously, and sit to listen to the sermon without shaking hands with those him. During the sermon one is not permitted to play with his hand, foot, beard, clothes and the like, for the Prophet (PBUH) said:

"Whoever touches pebbles (while the imllm is deliverillg the Friday SermOn paying nO alien/ion to the sermon) has made an evil act."
At-Tirmidhl detmO"d it a lah.ih. (auth entic) h.adith". In another narration, the Prophet (PBUH) said:

"... And whoever makesal1 evil act, no Friday (j,e. no reward for the Friday Prayer) will be recorded for him:
This i, be.;ause playing pft'VenlS devoutness. During the sermon, a Muslim should not turn right or lefl, nor look at the people (around him) in order not to be distracted from listening to the sermon. Rather, he should face the preach., (looking at him) as the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) u...,d to face the Prophet (PBUH) during his sermon " . If one sneezes, one should praise Allah secretly. For t he sake of a legal inle""81, a Muslim is permitted to talk befo"" or after the .ermon, or during the interval between the two sermons. However. one should not talk about worldly matters.

In .. ral, the two ,er monS of Friday (the sermOn of Friday is into two parts) extremdy important in Islam as they contain the recitation ofthe Noble Qur'an, some bad!lhs ofthe Prophet (PBUH), useful guidance, good instruction, and remem b rance of the days of Allah" . So, the preacher and listeners must pay attention to the two sermons. The Friday sermon is not an ordinary speh delivered in dubs, or during celebrations or meetings. 11 is worthy mentinning that during th e Friday some listeners raise their voius, seeking refuge with Allah when they hear a warning, or invoking Allah when they hear some mentioning of th .. Paradise or of the rewards of Allah. This act is not permissible and it is included in th e acts forbidden to ],., during th .. sermon. The legal texts indicate that talking during the Friday Sermon renders good deeds worth less and whoever talks during Friday sermon will have no reward for the Friday Prayer, and will be like a donkey that carries volumes (of books). So, one must g uard oneself against such forbidden acts and warn othe rs to guard against them.

Faqihs (may Allah have mercy on them) mention that the 'ah (Friday) Prayer is an independent obligation, not a for th e Prayn 'Umar (may Allah]", pleased with him) said:
"The prayer of the tmveler is two rak"ahs (units of prayer), tile fumu 'ah Prayer is two rak 'ails, the Feast Prayer is two rakahs. prayer5 aFl' complete not 5horlened according to what your Prophet (PBUH) said: The lumu . ah Prayerdiffers from the Prayer in many ways (cone erning legal rulings) since th e former is bener and more stressed than the latter, and more warnings are narrated concerning whoxver leaves the lumu'"h Prayer. In addition , the 'umu 'ah has some condit ions and which the l.uhr Pruyer does nOl have. It is not sufficient for any Muslim, for whom the fumu '"h Prayer is obHgatory, to perform the Zuh' Prayer instead of the !Umll Prayer, unless the due time of the laller is over; and only then the Zuhr Prayer ],.,comes a substitute.


The 1""'" .ah Prayer is an individual duty for every legally competent. free and resident male Muslim, Abli Oawlid relates, with his chain oftransmil1ers, that the Prophet (PBUH) said: on the authority ofIlriq !bn

"(Performing) the fumu (Friday) Pmyer in congregation is obligatory upon ewry Muslim, with four exceptions; a slave, a woman, a boy, and a sick person:"

The transmitters of this nadir}, are trustworthy, and it is deemed (authentic) by many scholars. Ad- Daraqutni also rdates. with his chain of transmitters, on the authority of Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (PBUH) said:


"Whoever believe, in Allah and the Last Day mu,t perfon the lumu 'ah Prayer ill congregation, willl four naptions; a ,ick person, a trave/er, a boy or a ,love,"
I bn Taymiyah &;lid: "The !umu' ah is ablig"tory upon ''''''y group ofpeople living in pmnanent houses doS<' together, whether such houses an built with mud. wood, reed,. palm branche" oranyolh" malmal, as long a, Ihey do not depart f rom sucl, a plaa in Summer O winter. The kind r of malerial is insignificant 10 the aforementioned legal obligation. Th. original mic wncerning thil is /loatthey should be perm'mently resident and not He nomads who live in tents and move from olle place to mlOther, carrying rheir houles with them whenever they go seeking rain:" The !wmu 'ah is not o bligatory upon travelers, who are permitted to shorten prayers as the Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions used tn travd for fiajj or any other and no ne of them performed the !umu 'ah Prayer during travel. The lumu 'ah Prayer is not obligatory upon whoever go on a picnic (and Ihe like) and finds no mosqu e around and he is to perform the Zuhr Prayer (instead of the !umu 'all Prayer). in addition, the !umu .ah Prayer is not obligatory upon women. Ibnul-Mundhir,", wen as scholars, said:

Scholars unmlimousiy agree tflar rhe lumu 'ah Prayer is not obligatory upon women and Ihat 'f women go 10 the mosque, listen 10 Friday Sermon. and perform the lumu 'ah Prayer, this serves i"stead of performing th e Zullr Prayer,-"
Likowhe, a travder or an ill person is permitted 10 p.!rform the lumu 'ah Prayer, instead of the Zuhr Prayer, ifhe is able, for Allah tlcu",. such persons (from performing the Jumu I'myer) 10 lighten difficulties for them.
It is not permissible for a Muslim upon whom the Jumu 'ah Prayer is obligatory 10 travel on Friday afler meridian unless he performs prayer, Moreover, it is detestable for him iD travd . even before meridian, ifhe is not to perform lhe lumu ' all Prayer on his way.

There are some legal (onditions whk h make the f ..m .. 'a h Prayvalid,
1. The fumu '..h Prayer must be performed

its due time which is a condition for it as the cuse with other oblig<ltory prayers. Thus, the fum .. ..h Prayer 1$ not valid if either before or after its due time as Albh, Eulted be He, $.JYS:

-, ..Jud, prtlyer "al bn decrd upo" ,,,'" btll",w,., 11 dru of sperifittl tima.(Qur"n: AnNisfro', 103)

It is better and mOK ClIu tiou s to perform the fumu'ah Praytr aft"' r meridian a$ It I, the tim.., when the Prophet (PBUH) used to perform this 11 i. a controversial luue to pe rfo r m the !umu 'ah Prayer befon:: me ridian. Th ere is no dispute that th e end of the time for the }umu 'ah i. Ihe same as the end of the lime for the Zuhr Prayer.


oftM }umu ' ah must be rnidents in houS(S bu ilt with any mual materia l, nOC like nomads who in tents and move with their ho= from one pla.ce to anolher scrking rain, This is becaUSl: the Prophet (PBUH) did not ord.. t he ArlIh tribes living around Medina to pe rform the fuml' 'nh Prayer. If a Muslim caIChe5 up with one rak'nh (unil of prayer). h e Can oomplete his as he has a lready nught up with the / .. mu 'all prayer. AI Bayhaql =or<ls on the authority of Ahil HuraJ'T'3.h (m.1y Allah be plrased with him) that t he Prophet (PBU H) said:

"IVJwewr could 8ft ont mk 'ah of 'he }umu 'ah Pnlytr (in its prop time) hasgol the prayer."'The origin ofth;s bndrr/, i$ recorded in the Two SnbrbJ, A Muslim mi s.<e5 the }"mu 'ah Prayer if he gets less ,ak 'alt of the /umu 'ah Prayer, i.e. if he joins the prayer after the ,milm (i.e., leader in prayer) hu risen from bowing in the second mk"h. T hen he is to intend to perfonn the Zuhr Prayer and perform rour rak ..Iu as the Zultr Prayer after the imdm pronounc<'S the final salutation.
3, The two =mOll.'l are considered

a condition of the 'umu'all Prayer n

the Proph..t (PBUH) uS<'d to dd ivtr two sermons before performing Ihe }um" '"It Prayer. !hn . Umar (may Allah bt pleased wiTh him) said,

"The Proplrtt UsM to deli>-er two urmo,rs "'kilt sta"ding Imd sjt MtwUII tlrem."'"
(Rdated by AI -B ukhlrl and Musli m)


In addition, among the conditions that make the two of the }umu '"Ir valid i. that thq must contain words of pralK of Allah. declaring the Two Trslification$ of Faith," conferring bkssing upon the Propoo (PBUH), givi ng advice to far Allah. as wdl as good irrstruCl ion. and Iht of tilt Noble (even one Many sermons prtadters nowadays lack some or most ofthc .fOKllXfltioned conditions.


Ibnul-Qayylm (may Allah

m. reyon him) said:

'Contemplating tile strmom of the Propllet (PBUH) thost of his C<!mpnnirms. ant find. '''JJom sufficient to mab rlfOr Ihe pid""ce "lid the Olltll"'" of .... 1I" h. Thou _om a/so expl"in the ....tITibutts of the Lord, Exalted Ht, "nd tlu compuhmsiw principles of faith, call/o ....lk3h. show .... faWNS that draw Hi "fOr /0 Him ond mmtioll Hi. dap (whtn Hi. pu nimm."t >Ome of tire previous nMiom) that make His "'''VlmlJ fear His pu"ishment. These se,mons (all Muslims to remcm!>er AII.ah ami tllank Him .o tllm He mny love tllem. Also, Ihcse sermom menlion th. Majc.ty of Allah. His ,l,tt,ibults and Namu to draw His servalll. near /0 Him, and call Muslim. /0 obq. thank, and remember Him >0 Ihal H. m"y low Ihem. Thus. tho.., who IiSlen 10 sudr sermollS would IIu mOJq"f whih they love: .... ,lah ond All4h lows Ih.".. y", .. I"'-JMd a"d the light of prophtlhood faded unlil tlu 14w> alld orM .. of .... lIah become like Ihlll "re ptrformM ....ithout


fulfilling thti, objlives. So"' e rtlll preache .. lIaw their own (invented) as if they were acls of the Sunnah (Prophet/( Truaition) tilat m",t be obs.rved. and viol4ted Ih. ob/ig<ltory objtiws of the Shad '011 (Islamic Thtst preach ... tulont tlu: ,"",onS ...ith so much rhymt and rheloric that "nnot reach tlu ht<lrf$ ofpcopIt olld hence thq (/ht W"mOIIJ) do 1101 fu.lfill tluir objtivu.(
This is wllat Jbnul-Qayyim said about K rmon5 at his have gone worst than what h. sai d, for. IlOw.da}"5. o(tht sermons worthl e!5 and full of wordiness. Some. or many. and. of find most

preachers rrgard the sermon as a scholastic compoSItIon and improvise whatever matt .. that comes to their minds, either related to the topk or not, making their sermons long and dull. Moreo""r, so me preachers neglect ail the legal conditions of the ser man (or at least some of them) and do not adhere to th. legal regularities of the sermon (according to the SUllllah) . Thus, they have So badly affected the standard of the sermonS that they (the .. rmons) no longer fulflll their effective and useful obj ectives. Some preachers force irrel evant top iCS into their sermons that may be difficult for most of those presenl 10 understand; they include topics of press, politics, and current events, which do not (religiously) ben efit the worshipp<'rs. preach ers, you must imitate th e model sermOn of the Prophet (PBUH) as Allah, Exalted be He, says, "There has rertlli.lly bee" for you ;11 the Messe llger of Allah a" ""ul/ellt pattern ..n (Qur'an' AI-AhZ<l.b, 21) You should focus your subj..:ts on the topics of the Noble Qurln and the SUllllah that kst suit the situation. Your sermon should indude th e advice to fear Allah and follow good instruction. You should treat in a brief and dear way the (spiritual) disease" of your societies. Often recite th e Nobl e Qur'ln which grants true life to hearts and light to eyes. It is not a matter of two mere sermons but, rather, what is really meant is their eXp<'cted effects on society as Shaykhul-1s1;\m Ih .. Taymiyah said:
"/I is not enough for preachers to dispmisr worldly life and men/ion demh.

umventioMlly, thm' mu,/ be a specific topic for ever,. sermon:"

Thus," sermOn can move hearts to good deeds. Mor eover, it is not enough for preache rs to dispraise and warn against the worldly life as this is the of all the deniers of Shart' Ralher, a preacher should incite people to ok)' Allah, warn them against disobeying Him, call them to Allah, and remind them of His favors.
"The objlXtive of a >entlon is not fulfilled through detrimemal brevity that makes the listmers miss such an objective:" When Allah's Messenger (PBUH) ddive ..d a sermon, his eyes would b..:ome ..d, his voice would rise, and h is anger would increase so that he was like one giving a warning against the enemy and saying: "The ellemy has made a morning at/ack on you and in the evelllllg too.
Ibn r aymiyah



The faqfhs (mar Allah have merer on them) view that it is an aCl of the S"nnah (Prophetic Tradition) for the preacher to stand on a pulpit deliv.,ing the Friday as the (PBUH) to do. This is more effective for instruction as the can see the preacher clearlr while he is delivering the "" rmon. An -Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "The preachers standing on a pulpit is a unmlimou s act of the Sumwh:" For the preacher. there a", some acts of the Sunnah concerning the Friday Sermon, He may gred thme present in the mosque when he ascends the pulpil. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

"When Allah's Messenger (PBUH) ascended the pulpit. he used to give a salutation.""
This tJ,adlth is related by Ibn M<ljah and there are Similar narrations of the same meaning. The preacher may sit On the pulpit until the prayer caller (muezzin) finishes the prayer call (adMn). Abii Dilwiid records on the authority of [bn . Umar (may Allah be please<l with him) who said:

When the Prophet (PBUH) a,crnded the pulpil, he used 10 sit until the proyer caller fini,h", (tl" adhan). Th,n, he (the Prophel) would 'Mad ,md the sermon""
Among the acts of the Sunnllh to be by the preacher is sitting between the two ser mons, for the fllldith re<:orded on the authority of Ibn . Umar who said:

"The Prophet (PBUH) used 10 de/i"cr two '"mlon, while standing and in between tltem."
(Related by AI -Bukhlri and Mmlim) In addition. the preacher Can the .nmon while standing to follow the example of the Prophet (PBUH) as Allah, Exa lted be He, says, ". .. A..d left you .. (Qur'an: AI -Jumu ' ah: 11) and Muslims acted according to this 5unnah.

Also, according to the 5unnllh, the preacher

lean on a .tick or the like.

Mo,""over. the preacher should look in front of him as the Prophet (PBUH) used to do . Turning right or left is regarded as ignoring the other and contradicting the 5u"nah. The Proph et {PBUH} used to look in front

and worshippen (from among IM Companions) also u!.W 10 face him. AtTirmidhl related, on the authority of Ibn Mas"ud (may All ah be pleased with him) , ,aying:

of him while d e1r."t'ring Friday


Wner! lhe

(PIlUH) mod OM the pllipir, wc used lo/act him."

"',mon modenl\ely brid for

Furthermo, the preacher should mah

fear that the .. might bomc oornl. H",",ver. he should nO{ make it 100 brier l O the extent that thty might nol brndit from il. Im1m MLI5lim records On t he authority of ' Ammi. loo Vasi. (may Allah be plnsed with him) Ihal the Prophet (PBUH) said:

"A man. prolongmjon of tilt pmyt'r and shortening of rhe 5ermon Mt signs of his umlersllwding So prolong tile prayer an d sll/;.rlen the scrmmr:"
The preacher lihould I'lIl ... his voice while delivering the sermon, for the Prophet (PBUH) used 10 rai ... his voice and his ang.. r while delivering a KTmOn. This is mor.. effliV<'oo the hearts of the ....

The language of the ,,",Uhfr should b.. d ear. slrong phrastt should b.. eloquent.

dfeclive, and

In udd ilion 10 Ihis. the prucher should invoke Allah to amend the religious and world ly conditi ons of Muslims. He should also invoke Allah 10 guid e the Musl im ruler and those in authority and lead them to suc<ess. lnvol::ing Allah during Friday sermon to ""ad 10 th ose in authority was wdl known and alWll)'S obsc:rvnI amoog Mu$lims, for it is by the Acihell'nts of the Sunnllil and Muslim commun ity. How("V<'r, it is the custom of thf innovators in religion to lu,.., this inV(l(ation (for those in authority).


Iml m !\bmad Ibn ijilnbal sa id, "If wc suppUcllIion /11111 !I1l1 ar/Ili" la be Ilurp ,cd, we would My I1 for tilt lead"rofthe Mut/htls." This is bt-cause if
the leader oflhe Muslims is good, this will benefit all Muslims. However, this act of the Sunnah hn 50 long been negleClrrl that people consider it st ra nge and think ill ofth.. onc who inVQk", Anah for those in authority. It is .lso an act of tile Sunnah to pron<M.lnc.. an immrdiate pray.,r call immtd iately ah .. r the second sermon, aod the" Slarttlle prayer withoot a long interval. The Jumu (Friday) Prayer unani m ously cOlUist$ of two mkllhs (unilS of pTa)cr) and the imdm mutt raiu his voic .. whil e riHnS the Noble Qu ran.


In the fm;t mk 'ah, it an act of the Sunnah that th e irnJm redtes the and in th e second Sura of AI-Jumu'ah (Friday)" after reciting mk 'ah he may the Sura of AI-Munafiqun (the Hypocrires) " after reciting AI-Fdtihah acco rdin g to the iladith lmlm Muslim relaled o n the authority of Abo} Hurayrah ( may Allah be pleased with him)" . The also may rec ite the Sura of AI-A ' /J (the Most High)" in the fim rak'ah and the Sura of AI-Ghdshiyah (the Overwhelming Evenr}'" in the second rak. ah. It is also authent ically narrat . d that the Prophet (PBUH) used to recite the Sums o f AIJumu 'ah andAI-Mlmdfiqun in the ,,,mu 'ah (Frid ay) Prayer and sometimes he (PBUH) recited the Sura of A/A '/cl and the Sura of The irnam shou ld not divide one sura of the aforeme nt ioned between the two mk 'ahs as this is contrary to the Sunnah . The apparent wisdom behind raising the voice while redling Ihe Noble Qur'an in the Jumu 'ah Prayer is that it is more evident and effective for achieving Ih e desired objectives.

1 Abu mw/id (1047) 11/443], "n-Nas,n (1373) IlIlOI), a nd Ibn
2 AI -8ukh.1ri (876) . nd Mudim (1975][31381 I,

(1085) 1218 ].

3 Muslim


1 3/382],

Chaptot No, 32 of tl>< Qur'an. 5 Ch.p,., No, 76 of tl>< Qur'!".

6 .0.1-Bukhlr! (891) 121485 ] and M",]im (2031) Ill406], 7 S= Z<ldul Ma '<Id (1Il I)_ 8 S= Z<ldul Ma' (llllO ), 9 Al- Bayhoq! (5994) 1313531, Ahm.d, Ab,; DJ W1ld, An-Nosn and Ibn Ml.jah 10 Z<lduiMa 'dd (11425)_ I I AI- Bukh!.r! (1052) 11/445], At Tim, idh! (499) 121373 ], An-Nul; (1368) IV971, Ibn


MJj.h (1125) 121261.nd Muslim (1999) 13/3911_ 12 Ahm.d (719) [It'131 'Al>dur RmAq in his . 13 Ahm.d (203l) 1lf2.J()]. 14 Chapter No, 18 oftl>< Quri n .

{3m3] _

1-2 s..: Maj"'Ii 'uJ-FaldwJ (221193).

IS AlHikim (2125) [1/7661_ s.. No, (l I 16) and No. (8627 . nd AI. Byh.ql (59%) jJ/J5l], 16 AI Bukhhl (9)5) 12I534J and Mu.lim (1967) 131378 ]. t 7 AI Bukhlr1 (883) 12/476], 18 s." 'Abdur.Rozzl q in hi$ 'Mu"mnai' 1 31246] and Ibn Aim Shayboh [11%9], 19 s." Maimu 'u/ Fa,JwJ 1221189-90). 20 Muslim (201l) {l/407], 21 AIBukhlrl (1 In ) 13165] ""d Muslim (IMS) 1 1125l].

1.3 "'I -Bukhi.! (1166) 13163 ] .nd Mu,]im (2019) 24 Muslim (2021) 131402 ].

1 3/401].

25 AIBukhl ,\ (930) [2/523 ] and Musl im (2015 ) [314(0) . 26 Thi. ruling applies to any talk th.t may be u",,,NI during the ,mon. 27 Ahmad (2033) (11230 ]. 28 AI-BukM.rl (934) [2/5311 and Mu<1im ( 1962 ) [31376[. 29 AI-Bukhlr1 (930, 93)) and Musli m (875159). 30 5: Majmu ' ul-FaMwd (n/469. 470), (24/21 7, 218). 3 ) Mu, lim (1985) [3/385] a nd At-Tirmidh! (497) [2/371].

32 At -Tirmidhl (S08) [213831_ 33 "Th< day$ of AII.h", Thry "for h .... to the 1\ovo",.r Allah and the h aJ>l><n ing. that
took place in th. p t 34 Abit DiwUJ (1067) [114491. lS Ad -Dlraqu1J1 1( I >60) [2I3 [ and AI &orh."i (\06J<1) [31261]. J.6 5: Maj",a (14/166. 170). 375: lbmtl -Mundhi, in M -Ijmd' (70. 71).
38 AI.B. yha,,; (5735) [312871; ... also AI_Bukh1r1 (580) [21761.00 Muslim ( 1370) [31106]. 39 (920) [219201. Muslim (['fill) (31387[. An -Nasl,1 (1415) 121121 1 . lld Ibn Ml j. h (1103) [21 18]. 40 1h. Two T of Foith: Slyi ng. "I testify that there i. no deity but Allah . nd th.t Muhammad i. the M.... ng.r of AlI.h." 41 Se., (1IS23) 42 Sce: 'tlJ/khtiy.!rd,' [pp. 1201.


s... Ih.


44 MuoJim (2{)O2) [31392] , 4S See: [41398 1. 46 !bn Mljah (1109) [21201, 47 AbI\ D;'wud (1092) [l/458 1. 48 Muslim (2009) [313%1. 49 Chapter No. 62 of the Oma n. 50 Chapt .. No, 63 oflhe Our'l n. 5 1 Muslim (2023) {l1404 ). S2 Ol.pter No. 87 ofth. Ou'''n , S3 Olopt<r No, sa <>f the Qur')n 54 MuoJim (2025) [31405].

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