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Autism Spectrum Disorder is Increasing in Children Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is the name given to a complex disorder of development

of brain. The disorder is characterized by different problem behaviors in varying degrees which include nonverbal communication and verbal communication problems, difficulty in social interaction as well as repetitive behavior in patients. Autism Spectrum Disorder can be connected with motor coordination difficulty, intellectual disability, gastrointestinal and sleep disorders as well as physical health problems. Some autistic people are specially-abled and can be mathematic geniuses or might excel in music, art and visual skills. Autism can be traced to early brain development in children. Most of the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder emerges and can be noticed by the age of 3. Over the last 40 years autism spectrum disorder has increased in American children according a report published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1 in every 88 children has been detected with autism spectrum disorder. People are becoming more aware of this disorder and hence more number of children is being diagnosed with this disorder currently. Research conducted on children has also shown that boys are more prone to autism spectrum disorder than girls. 1 in every 250 girls and 1 in every 54 boys are autistic in United States of America. ASD or autism spectrum disorder has affected over 10 million children all across the globe. Research on this medical condition has brought up the fact that there are different types of autism. One single reason cannot be attributed to this disorder. There are different reasons behind autism spectrum disorder. During the last 5 years scientists have discovered quite a few gene changes which are rare and also mutations that can be linked to autism spectrum. Autism has been found to be caused by a combination of environmental factors and autism risk genes affecting early brain development. Along with the environmental factors quite a few genetic stress factors have also been found to contribute in the development of autism. The risk of being affected with autism is maximum during or before the birth of the child. Maternal illness, conception in advanced stage for both women and men and certain complexities during pregnancy wherein oxygen does not reach the brain in proper amount. These factors along with genetic risk factors make the baby vulnerable to autism spectrum disorder. Some scientists have discovered that mothers who took vitamins containing folic acid during pregnancy have reduced the risk of autism for their children. Scientists are still trying to find out the way to increase the immune system to prevent autism spectrum disorder in children. Different types of treatments all bordering on therapies can be meted out to children to cure them from this disorder. The treatments are generally programs for prolonged periods which are tailor made for the patients. Behavioral therapy, speechlanguage therapy, occupational and physical therapy have proven to be effective in treating autism. Individualized Education Plans including parents are also provided to autistic children in schools. As far as medication is concerned, there is no medication to treat autistic disorder.

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