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Social Studies:

• Map skills ~ locate the
• Create a graph that shows Amazon Rain Forest, the
the annual rain in the Amazon River, the Orinoco
Amazon Rain Forest for the River, and other locations
past 10 years. mentioned in this book.
• Extend your graph by • Label these locations on a
making a double line graph. map.
The second line would show
the annual rain in your town • Learn about life in the
for the past 10 years. Amazon Rain Forest.
Compare the 2 graphs and
draw conclusions. What can
you learn from this data?

• Research artists who live in
the Amazon, or those who
create art about the rain
Encantado forest.
Physical Education:
Pink Dolphin of the • Create a recycled art
• Get ready for your project using found and
expedition! Set physical Amazon repurposed items.
goals for yourself with
your teacher’s help. • Find out about artists who
As you work to meet use recycled items to
these goals, color in produce their artwork.
one dolphin on your • Using torn bits of tissue
passport. paper, create a mosaic scene
of the pink dolphins of the

Language Arts: Worksheets:

• Poetry: Create found poems (see available worksheets) using this book. • Expedition Mission: Fact Finder
Younger children can write an acrostic poem using a word from the book. • Expedition Mission: Compare and Contrast Pink
Have them write descriptive phrases rather than just one word for each and Bottlenose Dolphins
letter; encourage figurative language.
• Expedition Mission: Compare and Contrast My
• Practice predicting! After reading aloud to p. 12, have students predict Life to Life in the Amazon
(orally or in writing journals) ways in which they would canoe through the
• Expedition Mission: Understanding Big Words
treetops, explore and underwater jungle, or take a trip back through time.
Compare their responses to the “answers” in this book. • Expedition folder (“backpack” or journal)
• Creative writing: Become a scientist and tell of your expedition to the • Create a “Found” Poem (directions)
Amazon. Write this in journal format. Add illustrations or sketches of • Expedition Mission: Writing Nonfiction Poetry!
your observations. Make a cover using a brown grocery bag (tear the bag • Expedition Mission: Writing Nonfiction Poetry! An
to the size you wish for your front and back covers, wad up these pages Example
into a ball, then work to smooth out the wrinkles using your fingers. The
oils from your fingers will make the paper as soft as fabric if you work it • Poetic Devices (examples)
long enough! • Expedition Mission: Poetic Devices
• Write your own story of the bufeo (see pp. 49-51 for one story). • Expedition Mission: Get in Shape
• Expedition Mission: Passport to Learning

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