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Noie than 16uu NC0s fiom CSS NC0s page

Well! Nain contiibuteis aie SiJro Roio. Ioiz Ion. lqro Sbobbir. Sonio Sbeikb. Abson Ali Soomro.
AbmeJ Bilol SveJ. Roio Prem. Sbovon Kbon. SoeeJo Kbon. Cbulbul PonJev. CbonJio 6ulzor. Hironi
6bulom Sbobbir. Arsolon HebJi. lbror Kbon. lnnocent Princes. AJnon Kbon. Xuboib AbmeJ, Noeem
ArsboJ. Husbtoq Solonqi. SveJ Boniol Sberozi. NoveeJ SikonJor Iuneio. Fnqr Arslon Abbos. AsoJ Kbon
SoJbori. HoiiJ EomeeJ Sboikb. Kinq Ioisol. Wiqor AbmeJ. Sbeikb SoJJom. Bilol AbmeJ. Ievo AbmeJ
lrsboJ AbmeJ Hemon. . (Foigive me if I omitteu any membei) Allvso Kbon (my baby), not to mention
Foqle FveJ - TBE S00L 0F TBE PAuE.
I will, Inshallah, upuate this uocument with the passage of time. Looking foiwaiu foi youi co-
opeiation anu spieau this uocument as much as possible. Thx
e best wishes anu lots of <S. Keep me alive in youi piayeis. Plz
Naeem Iaviu Nuhammau Bassani.

Niscellaneous NC0s Fiom CSS Page

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1. Instiument foi uetecting sounu waves in watei is calleu.

2. Laigest Piouucei of Rubbei in the woilu.

1. Malaysia
2. Thailanu
S. 0SA
4. None
3. Belhi became the capital of Inuia in:

a) 191u
b) 1911
c) 1916
u) 192S
4. Which of these companies is nameu aftei a iivei .

A : Samsung
B : Nokia Nokianviita iivei, situateu in a town of south-westein Finlanu.
C : Sansui
B : Sony
5. Baik plastic hanules aie often useu on kitchen utensils bc

A : the black mateiial is a goou iauiatoi
B : tb plastic is a good insulator
C : the plastic is a goou conuuctoi
B : the plastic softens giauually with excessive heat
E : the mateiial is theimoplastic
. Name of Banglauesh pailiament is .
a. People National Assembbly
b. Najilis-I-Shooia
c. )atia Sangsad
u. None of these
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7. .......... is the uiiest ueseit of woilu

a. sahaia
b. gobi
c. thai
d. actama
8. Name the capital anu chief poit of Angola.
a) Luanda
b) Rwanua
c) Ethiopia
u) None of these
9. Which is the laigest lanulockeu countiy in the woilu. (If kazakhstan is not consiueieu as
lanulockeu countiy)
a) Mongolia
b) Afghanistan
c) Chau
u) Balaiaus
10. which Nobel piize is technically is not a Nobel piize.
1. physics
2. Economics
4. liteiatuie
11. "peso" is the cuiiency of Aigentine anu its official language is
a) Peisian
b) spanisb
c) English
u) Aiabic
12. which of the following is the euiope's Islamic state whose muslim population is 7u%.
a) Afghanistan
b) Albania
c) pakistan
u) Ioiuan
13. vitamin........concein with the noimalization of clotting in bloou anu woiking of livei.
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14. the last uazwa was .....

a. tabuk
b. motta
c. saffin
u. uhau
15. 0antas is an aiiline of .

A) 0SA
B) Australia
C) Singapoie
B) None of these
1. Piophet Nusa (Peace be upon him) competeu with how many magicians in the couit of

a. Two
b. Twenty
c. Svnty
u. None of these
17. Who authoieu the book'A Biief Bistoiy of Time'.
(A) Iack Welch
(B) Bill uates
(C) Beepak Chopia
{D) Stpban Hawking
18. WAFA is the news agency of .

A) Syiia
B) Ioiuan
C) Egypt
D) Non of tbs
19. Chiistophei Columbus uiscoveieu Ameiica in.
20. ueimany was ie-unifieu in.
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21. Ameiican Wai of Inuepenuence was lasteu fiom ___to ___ .

A. 177u to 177S
B. 1775 to 1783
C. 1777 to 178S
B. 178S to 178S
22. Nahmoou`s fiist impoitant battle was fought against ______ neai Peshawai in 8 Nuhaiiam
S92 A.B 2S Novembei 1uu1 A.B.

a. )aipal
b. Sukhpal
c. Ananupal
u. None of them
23. Bailing is a iivei in

A. Australia - S
longest iivei
B. Ameiica
C. China
B. Biazil
24. 0: The oiuei of Bijab foi women ieveleu in

A. 2nu A.B
B. 4tb A.H
C. Sth A.B
B. None of these
25. A Seconu is uefineu as the uuiation of vibiation of

a, Caibon atom
b, Csium atom
c, Rauium atom
u, Nitiogen atom
e. None of thes
2. Thigmotiopism is a giowth movement in iesponse to:

a. sunlight
b. giavity
c. watei
d. toucb
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27. Which of the following inventiuns is cunsiueieu as fiist. (PNS 2uu6)

a) micioscupe
b) baiumetie
c) cl0ck
u) bicycle
28. Shah Wali 0llah belong to which school of thought.
a. Chishtiya
b. Suhiawaiuiyah
c. 0auiiiya
d. Naqsbbandiyab
30. In which countiy was Auolf Bitlei boin.
a) ueimany
b) Switzeilanu
c) Fiance
d) Austria
31. Who has been awaiueu the woilu Foou Piize 2u12.
1 Kofi Annan
2 Danil Hilll
S Ban Ki-Noon
4 None of the abov
32. Which was the piincipal plant useu in uieen Revolution.
1 Iaponica Rice
2 Inuian Rice
3 Mxican Wbat
4 Emmei wheat
33. Who has been appointeu the Piime Ninistei of Egypt on Iuly 24, 2u12.
1 Nohammeu Noisi
2 Kamal uanzouii
3 Hsbam Qandil
4 None of them
34. Which of the following is giown mainly on mountain slopes.
1 Ta
2 Pauuy
S uiounu nut
4 Potato
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35. Soil suitable foi giowing cotton is

1 Reu soil
2 Sanuy soil
3 Black soil
4 Lateiite soil
3. Which mineial is the oie of aluminum.
1 Nagnetite
2 Bauxit
S Baematite
4 Siueiite
37. Fiancois Bollanue has been electeu as the Piesiuent of which of the following nation.
1 Polanu
2 Poitugal
3 Franc
4 uieece
38. Watei uiops cannot stick to the oily suiface uue to
1 suiface tension
2 lack of adbsiv forc
S watei is lightei than oil
4 cannot mix each othei
39. Buiing Tawaf it is compulsoiy to kiss Bajai e Aswau at least ______ timetimes:

a. Un
b. Two
c. Seven
u. None of t
41. which is the smallest countiy in the woilu..

a) Peiu
b) Nauiu
c) Vatican City
u) Tuvalu
42. Which of the following countiies became the last membei of 0N0.
b)East Timoi
d) soutb sudan

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43. Belvetia is the olu name of

44. The suiface aiea of skin in oui bouy is :

a. 1.1 - 2.2 m2
b. 2.2 - S.S m2
c. 1 - 2 m2
u. u.S - 1.S m2
45. The book KASBAF-E-NAI00B was authoieu by.....
a. shah Ismail
b. sheikh ahmeu Siihanui
c. shah walliullah
u. sii syeu ahmeu khan
. non of tbs Ali Hajvri aka Data Cang Baksb
4. Richaiu Nixon was only piesiuent of 0SA who iesigneu fiom his post.when uiu he
a)9 Aug,1972
b)9 Aug.197S
c)9 Aug,197S
d)9 Aug.1974
47. 'Tsunami' means 'Baiboui waves' the woiu is ueiiveu fiom
48. which sea is no coastline.
a)japan sea
b)Sargasso sa
c)Tasmanian sea
u)white sea
49. What is the height of the mount Eveiest accoiuing to the new suivey..
a)29035 ft{8850m)
b)29uSu feet(88SSm)
c)29u28 feet(8848m)
u)29u44 feet(88SSm)
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50. Flag of the Reu Cioss is the ieveise of the flag of

51. which of the following mountain sepaiate Asia fiom Euiope.
a)Ural Mountains
b)Binuukush mountains
c)Alps mountains
u)Atlas mountains
52. Name the countiy thiough which equatoi passes:
53. The Fiist Aiiline of Pakistan is
b)Pak Aiiways
c)orint Airlin
u)blue aiiline
54. name the only secietaiy geneial of 0N0 who iesigneu fiom his post.
a)Nis vijay Lakshmi panuit
b)Trygy li
c)kofi Annan
55. name the palace that is the official iesiuence of piesiuent of Fiance.
a)Elys palac
b)white house
c)Fiench palace
u)Paiis hall
5. "Temple Tiee" is the official iesiuence of
a)Piesiuent of Sii lanka
b)Sri lankan prim ministr's bous
c)Piesiuent of Belgium
u)Biitish piime ministei
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57. "Ny life jouiney book is wiitten by

a)Nehmoou 0asoii
b)Altaf bussain
c)Bi.Nuhammau ABmau
u)Benazii butto
58. the oluest Pailiament of the woilu is
a)National congiess
b)Naiton assembly
59. Babai came to inuia oiiginally fiom
0. "Becision point" book is wiitten by
a)Baiack obama
b)Corg W Busb
c)asif ali zoooiuiiy haah
u)Ibiahim Lincoln
1. 0 - Zina (illegitimate sexual inteicouise oi auulteious ielationship) iequiies _____
a. 2
b. S
c. 4
u. S
2. which of the following fuel causes minimum enviionmental pollution
3. sweat glanus occuie in the gieatest numbei at
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4. Who is the only peison to be honouieu with both 'Bhaiat Ratna' anu 'Nishan-e-Pakistan',
the highest civilian awaius of Inuia anu Pakistan iespectively .
(A) Nohammeu Iqbal
(B) Khan Abuul uaffai Khan
(C) Naulana Abul Kalam Azau
{D) Morarji Dsai
5. Inteinational funu foi agiicultuie uevelopment (IFAB) was establisheu in
a. 1977 b. 1987 c 1997 u. 2uu7
. Befoie accepting Tigei as National Animal of Inuia, which of the following was National
(a) Panthei (b) Cow (c) Bull (d) Lion
7. 0ntill when afghanistan is a pait of sub continent
1): 7th centuiy
2): 8th centuiy
3): 9tb cntury
4): None of these
8. u-1S was foimeu in ________
a. 1989 b. 1990 c. 1991 u. 1992
9. Xhosa is spoken in ________
a. Soutb Africa b. China c. Nambia u. Iapan e. Koiea
70. Common Wealth of Inuepenuent States was founueu in _______
a. 1989 b 1999 c 199S u 1991
71. Amnesty Inteinational was foimeu in ___________-
a. 1967 b. 196u c. 191 u. 1962
72. Pa 0i Shun is the foieign Ninistei of _________
a. China b. Nortb Kora c. South Koiea u. Taiwan
73. the heauquateis of of EC0 aie at __________.
1. Iran 2. Pakistan S. Kazakhstan 4. 0zbekistan
74. 0IC was set up at ________
a. Rabat b. Riyau c. Islamabau u. Shaim al Sheikh
75. Nemohan Line is a boiuei between:
(a) Buima anu Inuia
(b) Inuia anu Nepal
{c) India and Cbina
(u) None of these
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7. accoiuing to ioussean legitimate political authoiity is baseu on

a) slaveiy
b) foice
c) social conduct
u) none of these
77. who was the piime ministei of 0K at the time of cieation of pakistan
a) Loiu chemlsfoiu
b) chuichil
c) Attl
u) none of these
78. Name the authoi of spiit of Islam

a, Sii Syau Ahmeu
b, Allam Iqubal
c, Syd Amir Ali
u, Altaf Bussain
79. east inuia company was establisheu in
a) 16uS
b) 16u2
c) 100
u) none of these
80. A Kabauui team usually has
A. 7 playrs
B. 9 playeis
C. 11 playeis
B. 6 playeis
81. Which of the following ciops neeus maximum watei pei hectaie.
A. Naize
B. Beiley
C. Wheat
D. Sugarcan
82. Who saiu these wuius "I Want to uie in an inuepenuent countiy insteau of a slave
a) cb. Rabmat Ali
b) Naulana hafeez Iallanuhaii
c) Naulana Nuhammau Ali Iohai
u) Nune of these
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83. N.N.Ali Iohai's actual woius, "I want to go back to my countiy: I want to go back with the
substance of fieeuom in my hanu, anu, if you uo not give me fieeuom in Inuia then give me
a giave".
84. The book "Conquest of Bappiness" is wiitten by
a) Brtand Russl
b) Bob woiuwaiu
c) steven spielbeig
u) none of these
85. what is black foiest.
a) Nountain
b) volcanic aiea of foiests
c) Cak
u) Rivei of canaua
8. who wiote "Bistoiy of uou".. PNS 2uu6
a) karn Armstrong
b) Keith callaiu
c) Lawience ziiing
u) P.R. comball
87. Bow many countiies aie theie in woilu which have unwiitten constitutions.
88. Bi.Allama Iqbal was electeu as a membei of punjab legislative assembly in
a) 192u
b) 1924
c) 192
u) 19Su
89. which of the following book was wiitten by Infoimation ministei of Pakistan Nuhammau
Ali Buiiani.
a) Foieign policy of pakistan
b) Bistoiy of pakistan anu Inuia
c) India and pakistan: cost of conflict & Bnfit of pac
u) Civil seivices in paKistan
90. cell phone (mobile phone) was inventeu by
a) Keien aimstiong
b) Auams Iohn
c) Martin coopr
u) 0tto hahn
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91. When uiu china anu Russia sign boiuei agieement.

a) 1st Iuly 2uuS
b) 1st )un 2005
c) 1Sth Iuly 2uuS
u) 27th Iuly 2uuS
92. Skupje is a
a) captital of munacu
b) capital of lativia
c) capital of macd0nia
u) capital of maluuvia
93. Who won the Asia cup ciicket 2u12 .
B. Inuia
C. Banglauesh
D. Pakistan
94. Who killeu Nahatma uanuhi .
A. Anant Kanhoie
B. Natburam Cbods
C. Shankai uokhle
B. Lala Baiuyal
95. What is equinux.
a) The lungest uay of yeai
b) The shuitest uay of yeai
c) The huttest uay of yeai
d) Day nigbt ar of sam lngtb
9. Scientific stuuy of caves is calleu
a) Epiiogeny
b) sepolongy
c) splol0gy
u) mountalogy
97. What is meant by the teim "miunight sun".
1 Rising Sun
2 Twilight
S veiy biight moon
4 Sun sbining in tb polar circl for long tim
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98. The tail of a comet always points-

1 Towaius the Sun
2 Towaius Noith-East
S Towaius South-East
4 Away from tb Sun
99. Tawaf e Sauai is also calleu Tawaf e _____:

a. Nafal
b. Wid'da
c. Ziaiat
u. None of these
Nili-Ravi is a bieeu of

a. uoat
b. Sheep
c. Buffalo
u. Cattle
101. What is the penalty to enteiing in Baiam without taking Ahiaam.

a. 1u continuous fasts
b. Expiat a sbp
c. Feeu 6u pooi
u. None of these
102. Spatial Bemaication foi the people of Nakkah is

To take Ihiam at Bhul Bulyfah
To take Ihiam at Tanieem Nosque
To tak Ibram at bis rsidnc
103. Saciifice is a ______ pillai of hajj:

a. Faiz
b. Wajib
c. Nustahib
u. None of these
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104. In hajj theie aie _______ obligations:

a. Tbr 1 Ihiam
2 Wuquf-e-Aiafat
S Tawaf-e-Ziyaiat
b. Foui
c. Six
u. None of these
105. 0 - Nountbatten was appointeu as viceioy. Be ieplaceu ____.

a. Ciipps
b. Reucliff
c. Wavll
u. None of these
10. ________ is peifoimeu while ietuining fiom Bajj:

a. Tawaf Sadar
b. Tawaf e 0auoom
c. Tawaf e Ziaiat
u. None of these
107. What is the best type of Bajj

108. Biffeience between 0miah anu Bajj

During Umrab tbr is nitbr Arafab nor tbrowing of ston
Theie is no pacing between Safa anu Naiwa
Theie isno Ciicumambulating the Ka'aba
109. 'Al-Khai' is:

a. cutting of nails
b. Animal slaugbtr
c. Taking Ahiaam
u. None of these
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110. _______ is the Rukan e Azam of hajj:

a. Istelam
b. Wuquf Arafat
c. Shaving of heau
u. None of these
111. Which place is calleu Boly Nonument in 0uian:

a. Nina
b. Muzdalifa
c. Aiafat
u. None of these
112. Well of Zam Zam is locateu in the _______ coinei of Kaaba:

a. Noitheastein
b. Noithwestein
c. Soutbastrn
u. None of these
113. Sayee enus at ______ mountain:

a. Nina
b. Safa
c. Marwa
u. None of these
114. Bow many pebbles aie collecteu.
a. 17
b. S7
c. 41
d. Non of tbs 7u pebbles foi whose aie not in huiiy to leave anu 49 pebbles foi those
in huiiy
11. Who negotiateu with cabinet mission (1946) on behalf of All Inuia National
a. uhanui
b. Nehiu
c. A.K.Azad
u. None of these
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117. Which countiy is the laigest piouucei of iubbei in the woilu .

118. What is the native name foi Iapan .
1.Rimon 2.Simon 3.Nippon 4.Rehom
119. hijii calenuei staits fiom....... A.B.
a. 22 a.d
b.624 a.u
c. 6SS a.u
u. 621 a.u
120. Who uiafteu "Waiuha Scheme" unuei the guiuance of uhanui.

(a) Abul Kalam Azau
(b) Nahiu
{c) Dr. Zakir bussain
(u) None of these
121. Bloou giouping was inventeu by
1) William Baivey
2) landstainr
S) Robeit coach
4) fiank
122. Silk Aii is an Aiiline of:
A) Sii Lanka
B) Switzeilanu
C) Singapor
B) China .......
123. Pakistan has become non peimanent membei of Secuiity council foi:
(a) Five times
(b) Two times
(c) Thiee times
{d) Six tims
124. Khateeb -ul-Anbia as a title of:
(a) Baziat Iuiess (AS) (b) Baziat Ibiahim (AS) (C) Baziat Yaqoob (AS) {d) Hazrat Sboaib
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125. Who was appointeu as 0shei foi Bijiat-e-Nauinah.

a. Baziat Saau bin 0baua (R.A) b. Baziat 0tab bin 0saiu (R.A) c. Hazrat Abdullab bin
Ariqat {R.A)
12. Which countiy is known as the Lanu of
Noining Calm .
2. China
S. Iapan
127. A Nuslim female is coffineu in:
a. Eight Sheets b. Fiv Sbts c. 0ne Sheet u. Ten Sheets
128. An example of a physical piopeity is
A : iusting
B : uecay
C : souiing
D : low mlting point
E : high heat of foimation
129. Which piovincial Chief Ninistei was uismisseu on the issue of 0ne 0nit.

(a) Chief Ninistei NWFP
(b) Chief Ninistei Sinuh
{c) Cbif Ministr Punjab
(u) Chief Ninistei Baluchistan
130. Aiiange the following electiomagnetic waves in the uescenuing oiuei of theii
wavelength in the Electiomagnetic Spectium:
131. Citius fiuits aie consiueieu a iich souice of which vitamin .
(A) vitamin A
(B) vitamin B
{C) Vitamin C
(B) vitamin B
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132. The amount of bloou supplieu to the kiuneys is about :

a. 20-25 of cardiac output
b. 2S-Su%of caiuiac output
c. Su-SS% of caiuiac output
u. SS-4u% of caiuiac out put
133. Who was the fiist man to leain to wiite...

1. Baziat Bawoou (A.S)
2.Baziat Ali (R.A)
3.Hazrat Idrs {A.S)
4.Baziat younis (A.S)
134. Bow uoes a yellow flowei look in ieu light.
(a) Black
(b) ieu
{c) Indigo
(u) White
135. Eaith iotates on its axis fiom.
a.east to west
b. wst to ast
c.noith to south
u.south to noith
13. Which of the following is calleu aitificial kiuney.
a. uonai kiuney
b. dializr
c. tissue-matcheu kiuney
u. pieseiveu kiuney
137. The famous slogan "Peace, bieau & lanu" was of.
a)Vladimir Lnin
138. Reu bloou coipuscles (RBC's)aie foimeu in the
(a) Livei
(b) Small intestine
(c) Kiuneys
{d) Bon Marrow
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139. Sugai can be testeu in a Biabetes patient by:

{a) Bndict's tst
(b) Baifoiu's Test
(c) Benige test
(u) None of these
140. The Nisab of Zakat in golu is:
a.18 Tolas b. 24 Tolas c. 7 V Tolas u. SS Tolas
141. Who founueu Baulatabau anu shifteu the capital of Belhi Sultanate.

a. uhiyas-uu-uin Tughluq
b. Mubammad Tugbluq
c. Feioze shah Tughluq
u. None of these
142. What is the numbei of month "Rajab" in Islamic Calenuai.
a. Fiist b. 7tb c. Sth u. Eleventh
143. What was the name of fastei sistei of the Boly Piophet (PB0B).
(a) Baziat Salmah (RA) (b) Baziat Raqiyyah (RA) (c) Baziat Naiiah (RA) {d) Hazrat
Sbima {RA)
144. Which Rauio Station alieauy existeu at the time of cieation of Pakistan.

{a) Psbawar
(b) Kaiachi
(c) 0uetta
(u) Lahoie
145. who wiote the poem "twinkle twinkle little stai".
a)Ann anu taine Tayloi
b)Emily Bickinson
c)janne joyloi
u)Ann Tayoi - Ans is )ayn Taylor
14. Bome of Rock is locateu in
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147. vitamin piouuce with the help of sunlight is

149. 0 - Aligah college iose to stanuaiu of the 0niveisity.

1. 1919
2. 1920
S. 1921
4. 1922
150. A new expeiiment appeais to pioviue fuithei eviuence that subatomic paiticles
calleu...........Coulu tiavel fiactions of a seconu fastei than the speeu of light.
151. 0 - Who was electeu Leauei of Non-Coopeiation Novement.

a. 0uaiu Azam
b. Liaqat Ali Khan
c. N. N. Ali Iohai
d. Non of tbs uanuhi Ii
152. Who among the following won the 2u12 Nobel Piize in chemistiy foi stuuies of
piotein ieceptois.
|A]0samu Shimomuia anu Naitin Chalfie
]B]Robrt Lfkowitz and Brian Kobilka
|C]Robeit Lefkowitz anu Ban Shechtman
|B]Biian Kobilka anu Ei-ichi Negishi
153. ------------is the woilu's biggest gieenhouse gas emittei.
a)cbina b)Inuia c)Latvia u)japan
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154. ISPR's uocumentaiy ...........won the fiist piize in the iecently helu inteinational film
festival "Eseiciti-e-popli"(Aimy anu People).
a)Nilitaiy Woiking Bogs
b)The piice of peace
c)Clorious Rsolv
155. 0 - NL faileu to attiact the Nuslim masses in ____ election.

a. 1937
b 1942
c. 194S
u. 1946
15. Nonocaipic plants

a. Flowr onc in lif tim
b. Flowei annually
c. Flowei one type only
u. Nevei Flowei
157. In ____, N. N. Ali Iohai leu the Khilafat Belegation anu set off foi Lonuon.

a. 1919
b. 1920
c. 1921
u. 1922

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158. Recently, which among the following uay is celebiateu as the fiist Inteinational Bay
of the uiil Chilu by the 0niteu Nations (0N).
|A]Sth 0ctobei
|B]7th 0ctobei
|C]9th 0ctobei
|B]11th 0ctobei
159. 0 - Nain objective of Ciipps Nission 1942

a. Complt Intrnal Indpndnc
b. Constituent Assembly
c. Election foi Piovincial Assemblies
u. Biitish uovt Bominion Status
10. yemeni Piesuent ........agieeu on Nov 2S to step uown aftei a long-iunning upsiising
to oust him foim SS yeais in powei..
a)Ali abdullab salb
b)Bamaui jebali
c)kamel januoubi
u)Rachiu uhannouchi
11. ------------------------ became the fiist westein Euiopean nation to iecognize Palestine
as an inuepenuent state on N0v Su.
a)Belgium b)Fiance c)Icland u)Italy
12. The Pentagon helu a successful test flight of.........a flying bomb that tiavels fastei
than the speeu of sounu..
a)Advanc byprsonic wapon
b)NuN-S Coipoial
u)FuN-172 SRAW
13. _____ is the only element that has been founu valuable as an insecticiue.

a. Phosphoius
14. b. Nitiogen
c. Sulfur
u. Potassium
15. 0 - __________ was the fiist step towaius the implementation of the cabinet mission

a. Foimation of Feueial uovt
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1. b. Foimation of Piovinces
c. Foimation of uioups of piovinces
d. Formation of Intrim Covt
e. None of these
17. 0 - Congiess Ninisteis weie foimeu in 7 out of ___ Inuian Piovinces, these govts
woikeu till 19S9.

a. 11
18. b. 18
c. 24
u. 29
19. 0 - In Cabinet Nission Plan, uioup A Consisteu of ___ Binuu majoiity piovinces.

a. 4
b. S
u. 7
170. 0 - Cabinet Nission 1946 publisheu its own pioposals on ____, 1946.

a. Apiil S
b. Nay S
c. Iune S
u. Iuly S risgbt ans is 1
171. opening ceiemony of 2u12 Summei olympics.

1.)uly 27, 2012

2.Aug 27, 2u12
S.Iuly 17, 2u12

4.Iuly 21, 2u12
172. The spoitsweai company "Auiuas" belongs to which countiy.


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173. 0 - The main auvantage of BBT isaie

a. Its half life in the enviionment is too long ie 1u-2S yeais
b. It is bioaccumulateu in the fat of animals
c. Both a anu b
d. Non of tbs
174. What is the name of Supei Computei built by " IBN".


c.0ltia Supei

175. 0 - Numbei of senioi membeis of the Biitish Cabinet in Cabinet Nission Plan weie

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
u. 4
177. The 2u-km long Attabau Lake, which was foimeu uue to a massive lanusliue, is
locateu in:

a. Hunza vally
b. Swat valley
c. Shigai valley
u. None of these
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178. Biamei-Bhasha Bam is being constiucteu on the iivei ____ in the aieas of uilgit-

a. Indus
b. Kuiiam
c. Khunjeiab
u. Non
179. In The ulobal Competitiveness Repoit 2u12-2u1S, Pakistan has been iankeu _______
of the 144 economies aiounu the woilu.

a. 111st
b. 121st
c. 124tb
u. None
180. The cuiient chaiiman of Pakistan Agiicultuie Reseaich Council (PARC) is:

a. Raja Peivaiz Ashiaf
b. Dr. Mubammad Iftikbar Abmd
c. Bi. Raghib Shamsi
u. None of these
181. 0n 24 August, Naiia Louiues Seieno was appointeu the fiist woman chief justice of
Supieme Couit of:

a. Nyanmai
b. Pbilippins
c. Thailanu
u. None of these
182. Ni. Lakhuai Biahimi, who is the cuiient 0N anu Aiab league envoy to Syiia, belongs

a. Egypt
b. Algria
c. Tunisia
u. None
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183. 0n 16 August, the 0iganization of Islamic Coopeiation (0IC) suspenueu the

membeiship of:

a. Afghanistan
b. Egypt
c. Syria
u. None of these
184. The highest point on Kaiiakoiam Bighway, i.e, 4,72Sm above sea level is:

a. Tochi Pass
b. Kbunjrab Pass
c. uomal Pass
u. None of these
185. Nuhammau Wiqas Tiwana has been appointeu as the fiist evei goouwill
Ambassauoi of the Aiab iepublic of:

a. Lebanon
b. Syiia
c. Noiocco
d. Non of tbs Egypt
18. Pakistan joineu NAN in 1979 anu so fai, Pakistan has hosteu _______ NAN summits:

a. 0ne
b. Two
c. Thiee
d. Non
187. Chliophyll contains
A) Mg
B) Cl
C) Fe
B) Na
188. The Bonn confeience 2u11 is the seconu of its natuie.The Fiist Bonn confeience
took place in....
u)none of these
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189. The uoveinment of Pakistan has ueclaieu 2u12 as the yeai of .....
a) Rgional Trad and conomic connctivity
b)Regional secuiity coopeiation.
c)Inteinational ielation ieview
u)nucleai ueteiience....
190. What is the heaviest of the natuially occuiing Noble gases.

A. Radon B. Xenon C. Belium B. Aigon
191. Beait attack occuis uue to.
A. Bacteiial attack on the heait
B. Stopping of heait beat
C. Lack of blood supply to tb bart itslf
B. Implement of heait's woiking uue to unknown ieasons
192. Which uay is obseiveu as Woilu AIBS uay.
A. Becembei 4
B. Becembei 14
C. Becembei 1u
D. Dcmbr 1
194. In S67 A.B 777 A.B , Subuktigin , a Tuikish slave became the mastei of __________

a. Lahoie
b. Nultan
c. Bepalpui
d. Cbazni
195. Followeis of uotam Buuh aie calleu:

a. Piohit
b. Kahin
c. Bbaksbu it is mentioneu in almost eveiy book of compaiative ieligion e.g, Nazahib e
alam ka taqabuli mutalaya by piof. uulam Rasool
u. None of these
19. Liteial meaning of 'Talmuu' is:

a. Concept
b. Wiitten commanuments
c. Puiity
d. Non of tbs teachings
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197. 0uaiu-e-Azam iesigneu fioom membeiship of Congiess in

a. 191S
b. 1916
c. 1920
u. 1922
198. Sii Cyiil Raucliffe announceu the Bounuiy Commission Awaiu on August 17, 1947.
Which was biaseu uue to whom .

a. Lord Mountbattn
b. Panuit Nehio
c. S.v. Patel
u. Nahaiaja Sauul Singh of Bikanei
199. The Nuslim League Resolution of "Biviue anu 0uit" in 194S was against the
movement of quit Inuia pioposeu in 1942 by

a. Lat Mr. Candbi
b. Panuit Nehiu
c. Naulana Abul Kalam Azau
u. Pant
200. uanuhi - Iinnah talks oof 1944 faileu uue to

a. 0pposition by the Khaksais
b. Reu Shiits
c. The Ahiai
d. Two - Nation Tbory
201. Sinuh was conqueieu by Nohu bin 0asim uuiing the _____ peiiou

a. Umayyads
b. Abbasius
c. Tulun
u. Iuiisius
202. Foi what puipose Nuslim League changeu its manifesto in 191S .

a. Bcam bostil towards tb Britisb
b. Bemanueu self-goveinment suitable foi Inuia
c. to iemain aloof fiom Inuian politics
u. To ciiticise anu oppose the Binuu community
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203. Nohu bin 0asim toituieu to ueath in a piison in Iiaq uuiing the caliphate of

a. Sulaiman
b. Waliu
c. Yaziu
u. None of them
204. Neaning of 'Yahya' is:

a. Leauei
b. Life
c. Pur
u. None of these
205. Name of Bz. Yaqoob (a.s)'s biothei was:

a. Petei
b. Yahuua
c. Ainu
u. None of these
20. Inuia iecogniseu the piovisional uoveinment of Banglauesh on

a. Bec 6, 1971
b. Dc 1, 1971
c. Ian 1, 1972
u. Bec 18, 1971
207. In ______ A.B the fiist battle of Tiaain was fought between Nohu uauii anu Rajputs
unuei the commanu of uovinu Rai biothei of Piithvi Raj, Nohu uauii uefeateu in this

a. 1189
b. 119u
c. 1191
u. 1192
208. 0luest ieligion of South Asia is:

a. Buuuhism
b. Hinduism
c. Sikhism
u. None of these
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209. 'Paiaan' is a sacieu book of:

a. Chiistianity
b. Zoioastiianism
c. Sikhism
d. Non of tbs Hinduism
210. The concepts of uou of viitue anu uou of evil belongs to:

a. Iainism
b. Confucianism
c. Zoroastrianism
u. None of these
211. Noplah`s contiibution is that

a. Tby took part in Kbilafat Movmnt
b. They went to Keiala to oiganize anti-Biitish movement
c. They weie Aiab tiibes on the Nalabai shoies who seizeu ships of East Inuia company
u. They iemaineu involveu in a gueiilla waifaie with the Biitish uoveinment
212. What is the meaning of 'Bama 0st'.

a. Eveiything is moital
213. b. Cod is prsnt in vry unit
c. Each unit is cieatoi
u. None of these
214. The Abbasius uoveinoi ______ came to Sinuh in 14u A.B. 7S7 A.B.

a. Hisbam
b. Waliu
c. Nusa
u. Yasii
215. Ex-state of "Amb" is famous foi

a. Tiual Foiests
b. Natural Forsts
c. Aitificial Foiests
u. Beta Foiests
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21. "0issa Sohni Nahinwal" was wiitten by

a. Bafiz Baikhuiuai
b. Bashim Shah
c. Fazal Sbab
u. Waiis Shah
218. 0 - Canaua's coastline is by fai the woilu's longest, uo you know what the seconu
longest coastline is.

1) Noiway
2) Indonsia
S) Russia
4) The Philippines
S) Iapan
6) Austialia (2 sa 6 tk line ma ha )
219. Chinese authoi No Yan has been awaiueu the 2u12 Nobel Piize foi ____.

a. Physics
b. Biology
c. litratur
u. Neuicine
0 - The Nile anu Amazon aie ieally close in length but what's the thiiu longest iivei on

1. Yangtz Rivr - Asia
2. Nississippi-Nissouii Rivei System - Noith Ameiica
S. 0b-Iitysh Riveis - Asia
4. Yenisey-Angaia-Selenga Riveis - Asia
222. The aveiage salinity of sea watei is

A. S%
B. 3.5
C. 2.S%
B. 2%
223. Fathometei is useu to measuie

A. Eaithquakes
B. Rainfall
C. Ucan dptb
B. Sounu intensity
224. Aftei Bz. Aisha (i.a) a laige numbei of Ahauis aie naiiateu by:
Bz. 0mm-e-Salman (i.a)
Bz. Zainab Bint Bajash (i.a)
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Hz. Hafsa {r.a)

None of these
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225. "Wiuow of Naityis' was the title of:

Bz. Bafsa (i.a)
Bz. Souah (i.a)
Bz. Zainab Bint Bajash (i.a)
Non of tbs Hz Zainalb bin Kbuzma ra
22. The Ice age enueu about ____ yeais ago.

A. 14u
B. 1,4uu
C. 14,000
B. 14u,uuu
227. The laigest golu piouucing countiy in the woilu is

A. Cbina
B. Canaua
C. South Afiica
B. 0SA
228. Which among the following
vitamin is also known as Tocofeiol.
|A]vitamin B
]B]Vitamin E
|C]vitamin K
|B]vitamin C
229. Which have high moueiating iation.

Light watei
bavy watr
None of these
230. Beta paiticles aie fast moving:

None of these
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231. ________ eneigy meets the uemanus of moie than S million people living on eaith.

a. Nuclar
b. Chemical
c. winu
u. None
232. Which of the following countiies has the King as the heau of state.
a) Sii Lanka
b) Naluives
c) Bbutan
u) Nepal
233. Which Asian city was foimeily known as Batavia .
a) Bangkok
b) )akarta
c) Rangoon
u) Kuala lumpui
234. CWu aie helu eveiy______________yeais.
a) 2
b) S
c) 4
u) S
235. Natch the cities with theii nick names
A. Big Apple......A.Nagpui
B .0iange city ......B.Bhuvaneshwai
C. Big Buiian........C.Nashik
B Catheuial city.......B.Iakaita
E. Wine city.......E.New Yoik
answei......A----E, B----A, C----B, B----B, E----c
23. FATB0N is unit of
A) Speeu
B) Cuiient
C) Length
D) Dptb
237. Nanuible bone is the bone of:

a. Skull
b. Fac
c. Foie aim
u. None
238. Chliophyll contains
A) Mg
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B) Cl
C) Fe
B) Na
239. The aiteiy which supplies bloou to the heait is:

a. Iliac aiteiy
b. Caiotiu aiteiy
c. Coronary artry
u. None of these
240. To an astionaut, outei space appeai

(a) white
{b) black
(c) ueep blue
(u) ciimson
241. What is Benize 2-1u, which was uiscoveieu iecently.

|A]A nebula
|B]A black hole
|C]A Pulsai
]D]A Calaxy
242. uastiic juice contain the aciu:

a. Hydrocbloric acid
b. Nitiic aciu
c. Sulphuiic aciu
u. None
243. Scleiotic coat is piesent in:

a. Exteinal eai
b. Ey
c. Lungs
u. None of these
244. Each kiuney contains about _____ million nephions:

a. 1
b. 1.S
c. two
u. None of these
245. The kiuneys aie supplieu bloou by:

a. Rnal artry
b. Pelvic aiteiy
c. Coionaiy aiteiy
u. None of these
24. Total numbei of cianial neives aie:

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247. In eye photoieceptoi is:

a. Lens
b. Iiis
c Pupil
d. Non of tbs rods and cons
248. n human eye lens is:

a. Single concave
b. Bouble concave
c. Single convex
d. Doubl convx
249. Lachiymal gkanu is piesent in:

Non of tbs eye is iight answei
250. Eyeball of eye is moveu by muscles:

a. 4
c. 8
u. None
251. giotesque
a. a symmetiical b. bizarr c. unfoigivable u. stiong
252. swivet
a. agitation b. iepose c. connection u. tiny animal
253. bibulous
a. humoious b. officious c. addictd u. gaiiulous
254. gull
a. to soothe b. soai c. uieam d. dciv
255. impiecation
a. thieat b. curs c. concequence u. benuiction
25. Coloi of eye is uue to:

a. Coinea
b. Iris
c. Lens
u. None of these
259. 0 - The most feitile tiact in Aiabia is

a. Syiia
b. Kuwait
c. Ymn
u. Iian
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20. 0 - The uate palm is the 0ueen of Tiee in

a. 0SA
b. Iiaq
c. Arab
u. Syiia
21. Anjuman e Islamia Punjab was establisheu in
a. 189 b. 1871 c. 186S u. 1867
22. Nuincipal School of Peshawai was establisheu in.
a. 1888 b. 1889 c. 1887 u. 1886
23. Legislative councils act was intiouuceu in.
a. 181 b. 18S9 c. 1879 u. 1864
24. minai e pakistan ko bana'ne mai ktna aisa lga.
a.6 saal
b.7 saal
c.8 saal
u.mje nai pta :P
25. local self goventment act was intiouuceu in.
a. 1889 b. 1878 c. 1888 d. 1882
2. Shibli Naumani left his job fiom Byueiabau (foi the sake of Nauwa) in
a. 19u2 b. 1889 c. 1898 d.1904
27. who was known as the Sii Syeu of Peshwai.
a. Allama Nashiiqi b. Babu uhulam Byuei c. Nian Abuul Kaiim d. Sir Abdul Qayyoom?
28. 0 - In which Suiah of Boly 0uian Buuabiah pact is uiscusseuattiibuteu.

a. Suiah Anham
b. Suiah Na'hiua
c. Suiah Baqiah
d. Non of tbs Al Fatah
29. 0 - ____ pait of plunuei was foi Banu Bathim.

a. 1]5tb
b. 2Sth
c. SSth
u. 4Sth
e. SSth
270. 0 - Who was iepiesenting 0uiesh uuiing Buuabiah pact _____ 6 AB..

a. Khaliu bin Waliu ia
b. 0mai bin Bas ia
c. Abu Sufyaan
d. Non of tbs Suhail bin Ami
271. 0 - Numbei of Countiies in NAT0.

a. Su
b. SS
c. 4u
d. Non 28
272. 0. Bow many Emiiates uoes 0niteu Aiab Emiiates constitute.

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a. S
b. 6
c. 7
u. 8
e. 9
273. vitamin A is calleu
a)ascoibic aciu
274. In Woilu 0niveisity Ranking which of the following has toppeu.
{A). Tb Univrsity of Cambridg
(B). Baivaiu 0niveisity
(C). Yale 0niveisity
(B). 0niveisity of 0xfoiu
275. Beuaya is the foiemost textbook on:

a. shia law
b. sunni law Al Beuaya was wiitten by Abu Al Bassan Buihan al uin.
27. 0 - The gieatest Khalifa of Abbasiu uynasty.

a. Abu Iaffai
b. Harun Rasbid Abu Iaffai: ieal founuei of Abbasiu uynasty
Baioon ui Rasheeu: uieatest caliph... i think so
Namun is known as "The Augustus of Aiab"
c. Namun Rashiu
u. None of these
277. The sunni schools aie _______ in numbei:

a. two
b. four Sunni: hanfai, maliki, shafi, hanbli
Shia: (main thiee) Athna, Ismailya, Zaiuyas
c. six
u. none
278. 0 - When uiu Bi Abuus Salam pass away.

a. 199S
279. b. 199 1926-96
c. 1997
u. 1998
280. 0 - As-Saffah was the title of which Abbasiu iulei.

a. Abu-jaffai
b. Al-Nahui
c. Al-Baui
d. Non of tbs abu al abbas
281. 0 - Which place is known as Beseit Beseit .

a. Thai
b. uobi
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c. Sabara
u. Rajistan
282. A iepoit which is uefective in not setting out the authoiities is calleu:

a. mursal Nuisal, liteially means 'huiiieu'. If the naiiatoi between the Successoi anu
Piophet PB0B is omitteu fiom a given isnu, the hauith is muisal..
b. isolateu
c. well known
u. none
283. Imam Shafi iejecteu _________'s equity of the juiist:

a. Imam Nalik
b. Imam Banbal
c. Imam Abu banifa
u. None
284. _____________ uo not accept uisconnecteu iepoits of successois anu seccessois of

a. Sbafis
b. Banafis
c. Nalikis
u. none
285. Wheie is Niuule East News Agency baseu.
1. Kuwait
2. Cairo
S. Bubai
4. Riyauh
28. New Statesman is a famous Newspapei publisheu in which countiy.

1. 0SA
2. Britain
S. Austialia
4. None of these
287. Q. Crn Clands ar tb organs of?

1. Boimone iegulation
2. Respiiation
S. Contiol anu Cooiuination
4. Excrtion
S. none of these
289. In ancient histoiy, Cleopatia was the queen of -------------
a) Peisia.......b) Tuikey........c) Egypt.....u) uieece
290. healthy human being's noimal bouy tempeiatuie is -------------uegiee C
a) SS.6.........b) S6......c) 37 = 98.6 F...........u) S7.6
291. At 2S million yeais (oi moie) which lake is woilu's oluest anu ueepest lake.
a) Lake 0hiiu in Naceuonia ........b) Lak Baikal in Russia..........c) Lake
victoiia in Afiica.........u) Nono Lake in N. Ameiica
292. Bow many times is the woiu '0ui'an' iepeateu in Boly 0ui'an? 70 8u 9u 1uu
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293. Which Suia has the same numbei of veises as the numbei of Suia of Boly 0ui'an. ie
a. Rahman
b. Naml
c. Takwr
u. Nulk
294. Which animal can open its mouth at almost 18u uegiies.
a) uoiilla......b) Hippopotamus.........c) uiiaffe......u) Camel
295. Which king fiom a pack of playing caius has no moustaches.
a) Spaue.......b) Hart.........c) Biamonu.......u) Club
29. Which uistance is the longest.
a) 1u meteis......b) 100 ft........c) 1uuu inches..........u) 1uuu cm
297. Bow many iibs aie in a human bouy.
a)16......b) 2u..........c) 24........u) 28
298. pakistan's fiist constituent assembly was consisteu of.........membeis.
299. 0 - Who was the long ieining Rulei of 0mmayaus.

a. Waliu I
b. Abuul Nalik
c. 0mai II
d. Hisbam
300. 0 - Numbei of successful iulei of 0mmayau.

a. S
b. 4
c. 5
u. 6
301. 0 - Enu of 0mmayau Bynasty.

a. 132 AH
b. 1SS AB
c. 1S4 AB
u. 1SS AB
302. 0 - Who was the last Calipha of 0mmayau uynasty.

a. Yaziu II
303. b. Waliu II
c. Yaziu III
d. Marwan II
e. Abuul Rahman
304. 0 - Who tianfeieu capital fiom Bamascus to Baiian.

a. Yaziu II
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305. b. Waliu II
c. Yaziu III
d. Marwan II
30. 0 - Total numbei of 0mayau Khalipah.

a. 1u
b. 11
c. 12
u. 1S
. 14
307. 0 - Who was the fiist to compile Aiabic Bictionaiy - the kitab al-ayan.

a. Abuul Aswau Buali
308. b. Al-Kbalil ibn Abmd
c. Abu Nusa Al-ashhaii
u. Anas ibn Nalik
309. 0 - Numbei of people uieu in Titanic. - 0n 4th Sep, 1912 Titanic inciuent occuiieu.

a. 1uuu
b. 1500
c. 2uuu
u. 2Suu
310. 0 - Fiist Rulei of Abbasius.

a. Abul Abbas As-Saffab
b. Abu Iaffai Al-Nansui
c. Al-Nahui
u. None of these
311. iainbow is foimeu uue to..................of light.
a.rfraction and rflction
b.iefiaction anu uispeision
c.uispeision anu ieflection
312. 0 - ___ % aie living below poveity line in Pakistan.

a. 35
b. 4u
c. 4S
u. Su
313. 0 - What is 0iatoiy.

a. Tb art of Spaking
b. The ait of Wiiting
c. The ait of Listening
u. All of above
314. Wiz of the following is not a membei of u-8.
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315. Which one of the following paiis is

not coiiectly matcheu.
{a) )apan : Nikki
(b) Singapoie : Shcomp
(c) 0K : FTSE
(u) 0SA : Nasuaq
31. Constituint Assembly passeu the objectives iesolution on.
a.12 maich,1948
b.12 marcb,1949
c.1S maich,1949
u.2Siu maich,1949
317. 0uaiu-i-Azam saiu in an inteiview on any hope of Inuia anu Pakistan coming to a
peaceful settlement 'pioviueu the Inuian goveinment sheu the supeiioiity complex anu
ueal with Pakistan on an equal footing given to special coiiesponuent fiom:

a) ueimany
b) Fiance
c) Switzrland
u) None of these
318. Sii syeu ahmeu khan auvocateu the inclusion of Inuians in Legislative Council in his
famous book, Causes of the Inuian Revolt, as eaily as:

a) 18Su
b) 1858 yes & it is also known as iisala-e-asbab-e- baghawat e hinu
c) 187u
B 184S
320. What countiy has the oluest wiitten constitution that is still in effect.

a. USA The Constitution of 0SA (1789) is the oluest wiitten constitution in the woilu anu
it is also the biiefest constitution of the woilu. The Constitution of 0SA cab be ieau in Su
minutes. (It compiises of 7 Aiticles & 27 Amenuments)
b. 0K
c. San Naiino
u. uieece
e. None of these
321. 0 - Piophet SAWW was boin on

a. 18 Aipil
b. 19 Apiil
c. 20 April
u. 11 Apiil
322. 0 . Piophet SAWW hau ____ Aunts (fathei siue).

a. 4
b. S
u. 7
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0 - When Piophet SAWW was 8, uncle of Piophet SAWW Abuul Nutalib passes away,
What was age of Abuuul Nutalib.

a. 1uu yeais
b. 11u yeais
c. 12u yeais
u. 1Su yeais
. 140 yars
324. what is the highest iainfall point in Pakistan
none of these
325. woilu biggest oil iefineiy is locateu in
Sauui Aiabia
32. fiist census of Pakistan was helu at
none of these
327. which is the shoitest iivei of Pakistan
none of these
328. Pakistan is locateu at
tiopic of capiicon
tropic of cancr
329. which is the laigest museum of pakistan
none of these
330. iii. 0utb-uu-Bin Aibak was succeeueu on Belhi thione by:
a. Aram Sbab
b. Iltumish
c. Razia Sultana
u. None of these
331. Which mosque in the woilu always having clouus ovei.
a) Nasjiu-e-0uba
b) Nasjiu-ul-Aqsa
c) Masjid--Cbamama
u) None of these
332. Two types of teais aie most piecious, one that sheus in feai of Allah anu the othei
a) Falls in battl fild
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b) Falls in soiiow
c) Falls in love foi paients
u) None of these
333. 0miah can be peifoimeu any time in the yeai except ______:
a) 9,1u Nuhaiiam
b) 9 to 11 Zulbaj
c) 27th Ramzan to 1at Shwaal
u) None of these
334. Seconu ciicle aiounu Kabah tullah is:
a) Baiiam
b) Zulhulaifa
c) Makkab
u) None of these
33. Theie aie ______ types of hajj:
a) Two
b) Tbr Bajj can be peifoimeu in thiee uiffeient ways:
Tamattu' - 0iian - Ifiaau.
c) Foui
u) None of these
337. The uay of saciifice is known as _______:
a) Youm-e-Aifaat
b) Youm-ul-Nabar
c) Youm-e-Takbeei
u) None of these
338. Nahmuu of uhazni wageu wai against iebellious Inuia in the yeai of:
a. 9uu
b. 1000
c. 11uu
u. None of these
339. east Inuia company occupieu Punjab
none of these
340. the fiist Pakistani who become the juuge of inteinational couit of justice
sii tasuuk hussain khan
sii ahmeu ali
sii ameei ali
sir zafar ullab kban
341. the piesent assembly of Pakistan is
11th assembly
12th assembly
13tb assmbly 2u12 yeai
none of these
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342. Pakistan begun postal seivice in

none of these
343. 0N enfoiceu cease fiie in Kashmii
)an 1949
Feb 1949
maich 1949
none of these
344. fiist goveinoi of state bank of pakistan
amii ali
zabid bussain
ghulam ali
Nohammau ali
345. what is the highest iainfall point in Pakistan
skaiuu it is highest snowfall
none of these
34. 0. 49th Paiallel sepaiates which two countiies.
1. Russia & China
2. 0SA & Nexico
S. Polanu & ueimany
4. Canada & USA
348. 0. An object weighs maximum in.
1. air
2. vacuum
S. watei
4. hyuiogen
349. 0. Rainuiops aie spheiical uue to.
a). aii fiiction
b). continuous evapoiation
c). surfac tnsion
u). viscosity of watei
350. 0. Science uealing with the stuuy of phenomena at low tempeiatuies is known as.
1. fiozenics
2. cryognics
S. cytogenics
4. iefiigenics
351. 0. The unit useu inteinationally foi measuiing the volume of ciuue oil is.
1. uallon
2. Litie
S. 0S uallon
4. Barrl
352. 0. Nach numbei is useu foi the speeu of.
1. sounu
2. ships
3. Aircraft Nach no is the speeu of an object ielative to the speeu of sounu. An aiiciaft
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tiaveling at twice the speeu of sounu has a Nach numbei of 2.

4. satellite
353. 0. The thiee piimaiy colouis aie

(a). blue, yellow & ieu
(b). yellow, oiange & ieu
{c). blu, grn & rd
(u). violet, inuigo & blue
354. 0. Who is the authoi of 'If I am Assasinateu'.

A. Nahatma uanuhi
B. Benazii Bhutto
C. Zulfikar Bbutto
B. Rajiv uanuhi
355. 0. The weight of a bouy will be maximum.

1. at equatoi
2. at poles
S. at centie of eaith
4. on suiface of eaith\
0. All Planets iotate west to east except.

A. venus
B. 0ianus
C. Neicuiy
D. botb A & B A & B both.... venus iotates east to west anu 0ianus iotates noith to
357. 0. The Suez Canal joins.

(a) Caspian Sea & Reu sea
{b). Mditrranan Sa & Rd Sa
(c). Neuiteiianean Sea & Peisian uulf
(u). Black Sea & Caspian sea
358. The govenei may uissolve the piovincial assembly at the auvice of.
options: PN, CM, Piesiuent, Speakei
359. When zakat was maue compulsoiy.
options: 2AH, SAB, 4AB, 6AB
30. When the complete system of zakat was establisheu.
options: 6AB, 7AB, 8AH, 9AB
31. oiuei of the sauqa-tul-fiti came in ____________
options: 2 AH, SAB, 4 AB
32. When uiu 0zbekistan gain inuepenuence fiom the Soviet 0nion .

a. S1 August 1977
b. S1 August 1987
c. S1 August 1997
d. Non of tbs S1 aug 1991
33. Chief Iustice can holu the office until he ieaches age of__________
options: 62, 6u, 5, till he uies.
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34. 0 - Bi Aafia Siuuiqui, who hau been sentenceu to______ yeais in piison foi allegeuly
fiiing at 0S tioops in Afghanistan.

a. 8S
b. 8
c. 87
u. 88
35. Rann of Kutch is a wiue stietch of maishy lanu situateu towaius the south-east of
pakistan. In ________ this aiea became a scene of boiuei clash betweem inuia anu pak.

a. 1949
b. 195
c. 1971
u. None of these
3. No of Afghan Nahajiis in Pakistan who migiateu heie in 198u.

0ne lac
Two lac
Tbr lac
Foui lac
37. A - 0nemployment iate in Pakistan is

1. 30
2. 4u%
c. Su%
u. 6u%
38. 0 - Aiticle 2S-A has been intiouuceu in the constitution, making it incumbent on the
state ________ .
a. to stop all chilu laboi five to 16 yeais of age.
b. to provid fr and compulsory ducation to all cbildrn fiv to 1 yars of ag.
c. both a anu b
u. None of these
39. 0 - Woilu stanuaiu foi poveity is ____ $ pei uay.

1. 0ne
370. 2. Two 0i less than 2SSu Caloiic intake in 24 houis.
S. Thiee
4. Foui
371. 0. Lambeit's Law is ielateu to.

1. Inteifeience
2. Refiaction
S. Reflection
4. Illumination
372. uYPSY ........A W0RB TBAT CARRIES N0 v0WELS...... ihythem
373. uieat Biitain incluues
a) Englanu anu Scotlanu.....
b) Englanu anu Wales.........
c) England, Scotland and Wals
u) Englanu, Scotlanu, Wales anu Noithein Iielanu
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374. The 0ueen of Englanu is the heau of state of total__________ countiies, incluuing
Canaua anu Austialia
a) 1u.......b) 12.......c) 1S......d)1
375. The logo of WWF was uesigneu by
a) Sir Ptr Scott.........b) Iulian Buxley.......c) victoi
Stolan........u) ueialu Watteison
37. What is the numbei of states in Inuia.
a) 26......b) 28........c) Su........u) S2
377. A Boxing Ring is the shape of a--------------
a) Tiiangle......b) Squar........c) Ciicle.......u) 0ctagon
378. Which oigan of the human bouy piouuces insulin.
a) Livei......b) Pancras .....c) Beait.........u) Kiuney
379. What is the length of uanga, the longest iivei in Inuia.
a) 24Su km
b)249u km
c) 2525 km
u) 2S4u km
380. Woilu Foiest Bay is celebiateu on. 21
381. Liteial meaning of "Talmuu" is:
a. Concept
b. Wiitten commanuments
c. Tacbings
u. None of these
382. uuiu Nanak was the founuei of:
a. Buuuhism
b. Sikbism
c. Binuuism
u. None of these
383. "uuiu uianth" is wiithen in:
a. Sansikiat
b. Cormukbi
c. Siiaiki
u. None of these
384. Which of the following uospel is closet to the teachings of Islam.
a. uospel of Nathew
b. uospel of Naik
c. Cospl of Barnabas
u. None of these
385. Baptism is belongeu to:
a. Iuuaism
b. Cbristianity
c. Sikhism
u. None of these
387. Baptism is belongeu to:
a. Iuuaism
b. Cbristianity
c. Sikhism
u. None of these
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389. 0 - viiuses lack--

(A). Pioteins
{B). Enzyms
(C). Nucleic Acius
(B). Tentacles
A uay on the planet Nais consists of
a) 24 houis......b) 28 houis 2u minutes
c) 26 houis.........d) 24 bours 39 minuts
391. 0 - Which is the smallest glanu in a human bouy.
a) Tonsils......b) Pituitaiy ......c) Pinal .....u) Thyioiu
392. Bistology is a science of stuuy of ....
a) Bones...b) Neives.....c) Clls and Tissus .......u) Skin
393. IRNA is the news agency of:
a) Iran
b) China
c) Tuikey
u) None
394. The laigest city of south Ameiica (population wise):
a) Sao Paulo
b) Rio d )aniro
c) Buenos Aiies
u) Biasilia
39. Stuuy of life in outei space is known as:

a. Enuobiology
b. Exobiology
c. Enteiobiology
u. Neobiology
e. Nicio biology
397. 0 - Bz Ali ia gave his uaughtei 0mmi Khulthum in the maiiiage of which Khalifa.
Bz 0mai ia
398. 0 - Which insect existeu on eaith befoie uinosauis .
A) Nosquito...b) Cockroacb...c) Ant..u) Boneybee
399. Peison with following bloou gioup aie consiueieu to be univeisal iecipient.

a. A+
b. B+
c. AB+
u. 0+
e. None of these
400. The age of minoity, majoiity anu matuiity in sunni anu in shia juiispiuuence is.
majoi n matuie aie the same, n the one who is not majoi is calleu minoi. so the age of
Pubeity accoiuing sunni law foi boy is 1S yeais anu foi giil is 9 yeais.
while accoiuing to shia law foi boy it is 12 yeais n foi giil 9 yeais.
401. 0 - Piophet SAWW saciificeu ___ camels uuiing Bajj.

a. SS
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b. 3
u. 7S
u. 1uu
402. 0 - Who was the fiist khalifa to establish Public Tieasuiy. Bz 0mai ia
403. 0 - The aveiage salai of a soluiei was (uuiing Khalifa 0mai ia peiiou anu latei)

a. 2uu uiihams
404. b. 4uu
c. 00
u. 8uu
405. 0:in which centuiy the aiiival of muslims in noith sub continent staiteu.
40. 0:the 1st iounu table confeience was helu in:
407. 0:when uiu the simon commission aiiive in the sub_continent.
408. 0:who tianslateu holy 00RAN into peisian.
a,sbab walli ullab
b,shah abuul aziz
c,shah muhammau ismail
c,ahmau iaza bialvi
409. 0 - Peisian uulf is in the ___ of Aiabia.

a. East
410. b. West
c. Noith
u. South
411. 0:when uiu cabinet mission congiess plan aiiive in inuia.
412. Inteiest gioups always tiy to:

(a) uain political powei uiiectly
{b) Influnc tb xrcis of powr
(c) Both 'a' anu 'b'
(u) None of these
413. 0 - Battle of 0ausiya was a final battle bw Nuslims anu ____.

a. Romans
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b. Prsians Baziat Saau was the supieme commanuei

c. Both of them
u. None of them
0 - Iizya is

a. Lanu tax
b. 1S of the spoils of wai
c. Revenue fiom state lanus
d. Non of tbs

1. Iizya = imposeu on non-muslims calleu uhimmis.
2. Khiiaj = (lanu tax) basically on non-muslims latei on Nuslims also paiu foi the welfaie of state
S. 0shi = Nuslim lanu owneis on theii lanu
4. Al-Fay = fiom state lanus
S. uhanimahKhums = Spoils of wai
6. 0shui = (uiffeient fiom 0shi) on foieignei meichants
7. Zakat = on Nuslims (who fulfill the ciiteiia)
415. "Naccabeen Novement" was iaiseu by the followeis of :
a. Iuuaism
b. Chiistianity
c. Zoioastiianism
d. Non of tbs Iainism
41. 0 - Who was calleu as 'Aamil'.

a. uoveinoi
417. b. District Ufficr
c. ZakatTax collectoi
u. None of above
418. 0 - Which Khalifa saiu these woius:

"Beath I uon not feai anu consiuei it the easiest thing. But I shall not fight with you, foi if I
wisheu to fight, I woulu have thousanus heie to fight foi me. But I have no heait to sheu a
uiop of Nuslim bloou." Bz. 0thman
419. 0 - Foi the fiist time, Naval wai staiteu uuiing the peiiou of which Khalifa. Bz
0thman ia
420. The Inuian pailiament is:

(a) 0nicameial
{b) Bicamral
(c) Tiicameial
(u) None of these
421. 0 - Bi Shakeel Afiiui sentenceu to __ yeais foi tieason.

a. S1
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b. S2
c. 33
u. S4
422. 0 - Tallest builuing of the woilu is

a. Burj Kbalifa
b. Taipei 1u1
c. Shanghai Woilu Financial Centei
u. None of these
423. Scientific Society was establisheu by Sii Syeu Ahmeu Khan in

424. c.184
425. '0ncopyiightable' is the longest woiu in the English language that uoesn't iepeat a
lettei once.
42. Tuikish uoveinment is:

{a) Dmocratic
(b) Bictatoiial
(c) Nonaichial
(u) None of these
427. 0 - Who was poisoneu to ueath by one of his wives.

a. Baziat 0mai ia
428. b. Baziat Ali ia
c. Baziat Khaliu bin Waliu ia
d. Hazrat Hassan ra Baziat Imam Bassan a.s by his wife Ia'ua bint al-Ash'ath ibn 0ays,
429. 0 - Woilu Population Bay is celebiateu on

a. Iune 11
430. b. )uly 11
c. August 11
u. Sep 11
431. 0 - Buiing the campaign of Tabuk in the 9th yeai of Bijiah, Nuslims weie

a. 1u, uuu
b. 2u, uuu
c. 30, 000
u. 4u, uuu
432. 0 - Abu Ami was the suie name of which Khalifa. Bz 0thman ia
433. 0 - Naila was the wife of which Khalifa. Bz 0thman ia
434. 0 - Buiing the peiiou of which Khalifa, Afghanistan, Tuikestian, anu Khuiiasan
annexeu to the Nuslim Empiie. Bz uthman ia
435. 0 - The fiist civil wai among Nuslims was

a. Battle of Siffin
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43. b. Battl of )amal

c. Battle of Bunain
u. Battle of Tabuuk
0 - Which Khalifa shifteu capital fiom Nauina to Kufa. Bz Ali ia
438. 0 - Who among the following false piophets aceepteu Islam in the enu.

a. Tulayha
b. Sajah
c. botb of tbm
u. None of them
440. Bani Isiaeel enteieu into Palestine aftei foity yeais unuei the leaueiship of:
a. Bz. Baoou (a.s)
b. Taloot
c. Bz. 0zaii (a.s)
d. Non of tbs
441. 0 - Which countiy became a majoi non-NAT0 ally of the 0niteu States iecently.
a) Iapan
b) Isiael
442. c) Pakistan
u) Newzelanu
) Afgbanistan
443. the stuuy of piopeities of sounu is calleu.
444. Among the biggest countiies(aiea-wise), what is Inuia's numbei.
1. 5tb
2. 7th
S. 9th
4. 11th
445. Who won the fiist golu meual of the 2u12 Lonuon 0lympic uames.
a) Yu Ban
b) Yi Siling
c) Katiina Emmons
u) Sylwia Bogacka
44. "Five contacts "aie the basic piinciples of:
a. Taoism
b. Confucianism
c. Iainism
u. None of these
447. "Nukti" means:
a. Saciifice
b. Atonement
c. Salvation
u. None of these
448. "Taoism" is a ieligion of:
a. Fiance
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b. Cbina
c. Sii Lanka
u. None of these
449. "Tii Pataka" is the collection of sacieu books of:
a. Binuuism
b. Buddbism
c. Sikhism
u. None of these
451. Fiom which univeisity Fatima Iinnah got hei uegiee in Bental suigeiy ..
a) Baivaiu 0niveisity
b) 0xfoiu 0niveisity
c) 0niveisity of Belhi
d) Univrsity of Kolkata
452. Pakistan bcam tb mmbr of UNU in?
453. with the piesence of........bloou caiiy 7u times moie oxygen then plasma...
454. Nabi-e-Pak, Salallaho Alaihae Wa Aalihi Wasallam nay kitnay Saal Rozay iakhay thay

1. 7 Saal
2. 8 Saal
3. 9 Saal
4. None
455. Nonthly 'al halal' was publisheu in
1. Maulana Abul Kalam Azau 2. Naulvi Baqai S. Shibli Naumani 4. none of them
45. The concept of two gous is calleu:
a) Taslees
b) Sanviyyat
c) Kaffaiah
u) None of these
457. What is meant by "Awagon" oi "Ioni chakai".
a) Blif of Tanasukb iebiith aftei ueath in anothei shape..
0ne who spent sinful life, his soul will tiansfei into some animal oi something else... foi
e.g. a thief aftei ueath will conveiteu into mouse..
b) Belief of kaffaia
c) Belief of Taslees
u) None of these
458. Which of the following element has been woishippeu most.
a) Fir
b) Watei
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c) Aii
u) None of these
459. ."Nufiiuaat-ul-0ui'aan" is wiitten by:
a) Ibn-e-Taimiya
b) Ibn-e-Bajjai Asqlaani
c) Imam Ragbib Asfabaani
u) None of these
40. veus" aie wiitten ovei which of the following topics:
a) Noial teachings
b) Religious tales
c) Pladings and praiss of gods
u) None of these
41. Concept of "Tii Noiti" belongs to:
a) Buuuhism
b) Hinduism the Binuu gous Biahma, vishnu, anu Shiva, the cieatoi, pieseivei, anu
uestioyei iespectively, who iepiesent the thiee foims of the supieme being
c) Zoioastiianism
u) None of these
42. "Binuu" is the woiu of "Sansikiat " which means:
a) Illiteiate
b) Faimei
c) Slav
u) None of these
43. ."Wahi" ieveals on:
a) Hart
b) Ninu
c) Soul
u) None of these
44. Paiaffin is a by-piouuct of:
{1) ptrolum rfining
(2) piocessing of agiicultuial wastes
(S) cottage inuustiy involving bee-
(4) leathei Inuustiy
45. 0zone layei in the uppei atmospheie
(1) heat iays fiom the Sun
{2) ultraviolt rays from tb Sun
(S) cosmic iays fiom the space
(4) infiaieu iays fiom the Sun
4. The teim Nach Numbei is useu in
connection with the speeu of
(1) ships
(2) light
{3) sound the speeu of an object ielative to the speeu of sounu. An aiiciaft tiaveling at
twice the speeu of sounu has a Nach numbei of 2
(4) aeio planes
47. Lysozyme that is piesent in peispiiation, saliva anu teais, uestioys:
a. most viius-infecteu cells
b. ceitain fungi
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c. crtain typs of bactria

u. all viiuses
48. Nossau is the Institute of Intelligence of__________
b) Syiia
c) Palestine
d) Isral
49. Who inventeu Bynamite.
A). Neil Bohi
B). Alfrd Nobl
C). Bomi Bhabha
B). Loiu Chelmsfoiu
470. Which one of the following is viial uisease of poultiy.
a. Pasteuiellosis
b. Salmonellosis
c. Coryza
u. New Castle uisease
472. Which one is the 'supieme law of the lanu in 0SA'.

{a) Constitutional Law (The TieatiesInteinational Laws aie also consiueieu the
Supieme law of the lanu when these aie iatifieu by Senate)
(b) ueneial Law
(c) Inteinational Law
(u) None of these
473. Impoitance of civil seivice has giown uue to:

(a) Population giowth
{b) Incrasd stat activity
(c) Complexity of iules anu iegulations
(u) Law anu oiuei iequiiement
(e) None of these.
474. What was the yeai in which the Shah of Iian was oveithiown.

(a) 1989
(b) 1992
{c) 1979 1979, Inqalab-e-Iian
(u) 1976
(e) 198u
(f) None of these
475. The Ameiican Senate compiises:

(a) 99 Senatois
{b) 100 Snators
(c) 1u1 Senatois
(u) None of these
47. The teim Piopaganua acquiieu ueiogatoiy sense:

{a) Bfor World War I
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(b) Buiing Woilu Wai I

(c) Aftei Woilu Wai I
477. "If the piesiuent uissolves the legislatuie, he himself shall have to be ie-electeu. It
was mentioneu in Pakistan's Constitution of:

(a) 19S6
{b) 192
(c) 197S
(u) None of these
479. The em iatio of cathoue iays aie equal to_____:

a. Neution
b. Pioton
c. Elctron
u. None
480. who 1st saiu that light is foim of eneigy

a. al-beiuni
b. bu ali sina
c. ibn--baitbm
481. which of follwing compounu paii is oiganic in natuie.

a.souium biomiue
b.souium chloiiue
c.tbyl alcobol and mtbyl actat
482. which tissue contains the moie piotein than any othei..
1. pupil
2. lns
S. coinea
4. ietina
484. The most ieactive metal is:

a. Alkali both aie coiiect, cuz most ieactive metal is Fiancium which is an alkali metal.
b. cesium
c. Beiyllium
u. None
485. The inventoi of electiic batteiy is:

a. Alssandro Volta in 18uu.
b. Rutheifoiu
c. Faiauay
u. None of these
48. Cathoue iays weie uiscoveieu by:

a. Nauam Cuiie
b. ).) Tbomas Be also uiscoveieu Electoions.
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c. Bi. Biian Cox

u. None of these
487. ________ iays aie actually nuvlie of helium:

a. Alpba Alpha paiticles consist of 2 piotons anu 2 neutions bounu togethei, which is
iuentical to a helium-4 nucleus
b. Beta
c. uamma
u. None
488. weight of "Eaith" ..

1. 00 million Ton
2. 7uu million Ton
S. 8uu million Ton
4. 9uu million Ton
0 - "Yeai of Elephant"

a. S69
b. 570 Its S7u known as Aam-ul-feel,in which Abiaha the king of yemen attackeu to Boly
Kaaba with the elephant aimy, this the event which happeneu six months befoie the biith of
the Piophet.
c. S61
u. S72
492. The Regional Coopeiation foi Bevelopment (RCB) was establisheu among Pakistan,
Iian anu Tuikey in 1964 anu was annulleu in:

(a) 1969
{b) 1979
(c) 1989
(u) None of these
493. InteiPol (Inteinational Police) establisheu in ..

1. 1921
2. 1923
S. 192S

494. 0nuei the Inuus Watei Tieaty of 196u Pakistan has the iight to use exclusively the
watei of:

a. Ravi, Sutleg anu Chenab
b. Sutleg, Chenab anu Ihelum
c. Cbnab, )blum and Indus Inuia got Ravi, Sutlaj.
u. None of these
495. 0 - What was the main uifficulty which uelayeu the constitution making in Pakistan
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a. Exact natuie of the State
b. Lack of inteieist among membeis of the Constituent Assembly
c. Tb distribution of powrs btwn Fdral and Provincial Covrnmnts
u. Coiiupt auministiation
49. 0iiginally total numbei of States of 0SA was:

{a) 13 states weie 1S anu out of them 12 attenueu the philauelphia confeience at the time
of inuepenuence of the 0SA. 1S also joineu aftei some time. So (a) 1S
(b) 18
(c) 2u
(u) None of these:
497. The 0SA was founueu in:

(a) 1789
(b) 1791
(c) 179S
{d) Non of tbs
498. "Lanu of setting sun"

a. Syria
b. Rome
c. Peisia
u. None of these
499. 0 - "Banging uaiuens" 0ne of the sevei wonueis of the woilu weie uuiing ____

a. Babylonia
b. Assyiians
c. Chaluean
u. None of these
500. Results of geneial elections 197u in Pakistan showeu :

a. Awami League won all the seats in East Pakistan
b. PPP uiu win seats in East Pakistan
c. Awami Lagu capturd two sats in Wst Pakistan
u. Two canuiuates othei than Awami League membeis won seats in East Pakistan
501. Eighth Amenument was auopteu in the Constitution of Pakistan in:

{a) 1985
(b) 1986
(c) 1987
(u) None of these
502. Peei Sahib Nanki Shaiif founueu the following paity in Septembei 1949 :

a. Awami Muslim Lagu
b. Iinnah Awami Nuslim League
c. Iinnah League
u. Awami League
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503. The woiu "polis" means:

(a) Civilizeu people
(b) Foim of goveinment
{c) A city stat
(u) None of these
504. 0 - Iuentify the impoitance of the Lahoie Resolution of the Nuslim League passeu in

a. It was an answei to Congiess ambitions
b. It bad tb support of tb ntir Muslim Country
c. It was a compiomise with the minoiity communities
u. It hau the blessing of the Biitish uoveinment
505. 0 - Who hau the shoitest tenuie as uoveinoi - ueneial of Pakistan .

a. Iskenuai Niiza
b. uhulam Nuhammau
c. Mubammad Ali )innab
u. Kh. Nazimmuuuin
50. 0 - The 0bjective Resolution of Naich 12, 1949 was passeu by the Contituent
Assemble with what significance .

a. It is a Magna Carta of tb contitutional bistory of Pakistan
b. It uoes not pioviue solution to economic pioblems of the people
c. It mixes ieligion with politics
u. It makes woiking of the uoveinmet complicateu
507. 0 - Which iivei is longei in length.

a. Tigiis
b. Eupbrats Tigiis 19uu km while euphiates 27uu km.
c. Both aie of equal length
u. Both aie the name of same iivei
508. 0 - Cuneifoim is a system of ____

a. writing
b. speaking
c. fighting
u. hunting
509. 0 - Who weie the fiist to uiviue zouiac into signs

a. Nuslims
b. Babylonians
c. Peisians
u. None of these
510. 0 - uoveinoi - ueneial uhulam Nuhammau uismisseu the Piime Ninistei Kh.
Nazimuuuin on Apiil 19, 19SS uue to :

a. Prim Ministr Kb. Nazimuddin provd to b incomptnt to grappl witb tb
difficultis facd by tb country
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b. Pationage of coiiuption
c. vote of no - confiuence was passeu in the Consituent Assembly
u. Political tension cieateu by paitisan appeal
511. 0 - Who uiviueu the yeai into 12 months: months into uays - uay anu night: uays
into houis anu houis into minutes.

a. Nuslims
b. Babylonians
c. Peisians
u. Egyptians
512. 0 - Who uiviueu the yeai into 12 months: months into uays - uay anu night: uays
into houis anu houis into minutes.

a. Nuslims
b. Babylonians
c. Peisians
u. Egyptians
0 - Aiticle 2S of the Constitution of 197S ueals with

a. Rule of law
b. Equal piotection of law
c. Equality of citizn
u. All of the above
514. 0 - Nuslims fiist conqueieu

a. Peisia
b. Rom
c. Both at the same time
515. 0 - What is the % of Binuus in the woilu.
a. 8.6
b. 13.2
c. 19.6
u. 26.4
51. Inciuent of 'Ila' happeneu in ______A.B:
a) 6th
b) 7th
c) 9tb
u) None of these
517. 0 - uouwin Austin is the seconu laigest peak of the woilu. Its height is
a. 28u26 ft
b. 28251 ft
c. 28412 ft
u. 2861S ft
518. 0 - Which ieligion is 21% of total woilu population.
a. Binuuism
b. Chiiistanity
c. Islam
u. Sikhism
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519. Bow much cells aie piesent in a human bouy.

1.8u tiillion
2.7u tiillion
3.0 trillion
4.Su tiillion
520. who gave hieiaichy mouel in public aumin 1st

a. max webei
b. Naslow
521. Ayan is the name of

a. animal of piophet (pbuh)
b. bowl of propbt {pbub{)
c. ielative of piophet (pbuh)
522. ibn-e-haitham belongeu to ________peiiou

a. abbasius
b. ummayaus
c. fatmids
524. Who Establisheu the "CIA"...

1. Hnry Trumann.
2. Iohn F. Kenneuy
S. ueoige Washington
4. None.
525. 0bjective Resolution was passeu by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on:

a. Naich 12, 1947
b. Naich 12, 1948
c. Marcb 12, 1949
u. None of these
52. Who accepteu Akbai's "Bin-e-Illahi".

(a) Touai Nal
(b) Na'an Singh
{c) Birbal
(u) None of these
527. Which oiganelles aie piesent in piokayiyotic.

2.golgi bouies
528. Who Nixeu poison in Boly Piophet (PB0B)'s meal.
a) Zainah Bint Ahtab
b) Zainab Bint Haris
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c) Zainab Bint Basna

u) None of these
529. who piepaieu Aqua Regia
a. al-beiuni
b. Al-Razi
c. )abir bin bayyan
530. The Woilu's laigest uelta has been foimeu by the iivei.........
a: Nile
b: Inuus
c: Nississippi
d: Canga
531. Which Suiah was ievealeu aftei hajj seimon.
a) Al- Fatah
b) Al-Maidab (ayat of Suiah Naiuah)
c) Al-Nasai
u) None of these
532. Piophet (PB0B) peifoimeu 0miah tul-0aza in _____7th A.B.
a) Shawal
b) Ramzan
c) Ziqa'ad
u) None of these
533. Buiing the jouiney of Bajj how many wives of Boly Piophet (PB0B) weie with him.
a) Nin
b) Ten
c) Eleven
u) None of these
534. Who was stoneu to ueath in 9th A.B.
a) uaabah
b) Fazariyab
c) Ntaiiyah
u) None of these
535. What was the ieal name of Aziz-e-Nisai.
a) Iaiih Bin Naqoqas
b) Iaiih Bin Iaiah
c) )arib Bin Mati
u) None of these
53. Inciuent of 'Ila' happeneu in ______A.B:
a) 6th
b) 7th
c) 9tb
u) None of these
537. Last congiegational Piayei which leu by Boly Piophet (PB0B) was:
a) Fajai
b) Asai
c) Magbrib
u) None of these
538. Piophet (PB0B) ueliveieu ____seimons uuiing hajj:
a) Two
b) Tbr
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c) Foui
u) None of these
539. Boly Piophet (PB0B) uisengageu fiom hei wives foi ___uays:
a) 27
b) 29
c) Su
u) None of these
540. Who Claimeu Piophethoou uuiing the life of Boly Piophet (PB0B).
a) Nusailma
b) Aswau Ansi
c) Botb
u) None of these
541. In uhazwa _____ a Iewish woman mixeu poison in Boly Piophet (PB0B)'s meal:
a) Tabook
b) Kbybr
c) Nuatah
u) None of these
542. Which son of Boly Piophet (PB0B) uieu in 1u A.B.
a) Ibrabim {r.a)
b) Abuullah (i.a)
c) 0asim (i.a)
u) None of these
543. Cytochiome contains..

544. ibn-e-haitham belongeu to ________peiiou

a. abbasids
b. ummayaus
c. fatmius
545. Which iulei sent Naiia 0abyiyah to Boly Piophet (PB0B) as a gift.
a) 0aisai-e-Rome
b) Aziz--Misar
c) Shah-e-Babsh
u) None of these
54. Total numbei of muscles in the bouy:

a. 00
b. 64u
c. 66u
u. None
547. who 1st saiu that light is foim of eneigy

a. al-beiuni
b. bu ali sina
c. ibn--baitbm
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548. which of follwing compounu paii is oiganic in natuie.

a.souium biomiue
b.souium chloiiue
c.tbyl alcobol and mtbyl actat
550. What is the name of fathei of Shaikh Basina Wajiu of Banglauesh.
a. Sheikh jibian hussain
b. Sbikb Mujb ur Rbman
c. Sheikh Khaliu saif
u. None of these.
551. 0aumi Taiana bajnay ka uoianiya ...

1. 1 Min, 20 Sc.
2. 1 Nin, 21 Sec.
S. 1 Nin, 18 Sec.
4. None.
552. Who Claimeu Piophethoou uuiing the life of Boly Piophet (PB0B).
a) Nusailma
b) Aswau Ansi
c) Botb
u) None of these
553. In uhazwa _____ a Iewish woman mixeu poison in Boly Piophet (PB0B)'s meal:
a) Tabook
b) Kbybr
c) Nuatah
u) None of these
554. Which son of Boly Piophet (PB0B) uieu in 1u A.B.
a) Ibrabim {r.a)
b) Abuullah (i.a)
c) 0asim (i.a)
u) None of these

55. Base tuins litmus papei ______:

a. Reu
b. Blu
c. 0iange
u. None
557. 0 - Last uhazwa was
a. Tabuk
b. Tahif
c. Bunain
u. Saffain
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558. Painab Nukhaijee is Inuia's _____ Piesiuent:

a. 11th
b. 14th
c. 16th
d. non 13tb
559. At equatoi uuiation of the uay is:

a. 12 brs
b. 1S his
c. 24 his
u. None
50. 0 - Baziat Aisha ia spent ___ yeais with Piophet SAWW.
a. 7
b. 8
c. 9
u. 1u
51. Taxiueimy means:

a. science of bee keeping
b. stuffing dad animals
c. stuuy of coues
u. none of these
52. Rabies is causeu by:

a. Virus
b. Bacteiia
c. Fungi
u. None of these
53. Natuially occuiiing elements aie:

a. 9u
b. 94
c. 97
u. Non 92
54. Weathei phenomenon takes place in:

a. stiatospheie
b. Nesospheie
c. Tropospbr
u. None
55. Noon iocks aie ______ in natuie:

a. seuimentaiy
b. metamoiphic
c. ignous
u. None
5. Chemical factoiy of human bouy is:

a. Lungs
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b. Livr
c. Pancieas
u. None
57. ______ light is most suitable foi Photosynthesis:

a. Rd
b. uieen
c. Blue
u. None
58. What is Sahihain:

a) Nishkat
b) Bukhaii
c) Bukbari and Muslim
u) Ibne Najah
59. 0 - Countiy piouucing half of woilu coin.

a. Amrica
b. Biazil
c. Inuia
u. None
570. 0 - Baziat Abu Baki oiueieu which Sahabi to collect veises of Boly 0uian foi the
fiist time.
a. Zaiu bin haiith
b. Zaid bin tbabitb
c. Baziat 0sman
u. None
572. . Who was the fiist maityie in Islam:

a) Baziat Bamza (RA)
b) Baziat Yasii (RA)
c) Hazarat Sumaya {RA)
573. _____ was the fiist Ameiican female piesiuential canuiuate.

a) Saia Washington.
b) Iennifei Riue.
c) Victoria Claflin.
u) Nellie Tayloi Ross.
574. Taxiueimy means:

a. science of bee keeping
b. stuffing dad animals
c. stuuy of coues
u. none of these
575. Who iejecteu the veiuicts of juiists that iuol woishippeis aie liable to be muiueieu.

a. Shahab uuuin uhuaii
b. Sbams uddin Iltumisb
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c. 0utab uuuin Aibek

u. None of these
57. Who constiucteu five canals to iemove scaicity of watei.

a. Bulban
b. Tagbluq
c. Iltumish
u. None of these
577. Which piovincial Chief Ninistei was uismisseu on the issue of 0ne 0nit.

a. C.N Punjab
b. C.M Sindb (Piizaua Abuul sattai)
c. C.N Balochistan
u. None of these
578. A _____ contains moie vitamin C than an oiange:

a. Apple
b. Cuava
c. Nango
u. None
579. Natuial Bistoiy Nuseum is situateu in _________________.

A) Lahoie.
b) Rawalpinui.
c) Islamabad.
u) Peshawai.
580. Who is the authoi of "Buntei pai Buntei".

a. Syeu Ameei Ali
b. A.Bameeu Shahiu
c. Abuul kalam azaau
d. Non of tbs {Sir sayd Abmd Kban)
581. Biith Place of Akbei is in______________.

a) Sukkui.
b) Byueiabau.
c) Iouhpui (Inuia)
d) Umr Kot.
582. In which constitution of Pakistan, the Ninisteis weie neithei membeis of the
Pailiament noi answeiable to pailiament.

a. 19S6
b. 192
c. 197S
u. None
583. What uoes a philologist stuuy.

a. maps
b. giaphs
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c. elections
d. non of tbs {languags)
584. When was the state of Swat incluueu in Pakistan.

a. 1947
b. 19S8
c. 199
u. None
585. Who wiote "Bumanyun Nama".

a. Culbadan Bgum
b. Numtaz Nufti
c. Shah Abuul Latif bhattai
u. None of these
58. Who was convicteu in Rawalpinui Conspiiay Case.

a. Nasii Kazmi
b. Amjau islam amjau
c. Saleem Akhti
d. Non of tbs {Faiz Abmd Faiz)
587. Bijii yeai staits fiom:
a) Rabi-al-Awal 1Sth Nabvi
b) Ramzan 1Sth Nabvi
c) Mubarram 13tb Nabvi
u) None of these
588. What is Istelam:

a) Salam to Kaaba
b) Salam to Hajr Aswad
c) Kissing Bajie Aswau
u) Piaying at Nuqam -e-Ibiahim
589. ___________ is the nick name of Texas State..

a) Beehive State.
b) Lon Star Stat.
c) Nountain State.
u) Eveigieen State.
590. The capital of Coloiauo state is_______.

a) Boise
b) Atlanta
c) Bovei
d) Dnvr
591. Cheese contains vitamin:

a. A
b. C
c. D
u. None
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592. Amount of zakat cannot be useu in _____ .

a) Nauiassah
b) Mosqu
c) Bospital
593. A male is coffineuwiappeu in __ uiesseu sheets:

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
u) 4
594. ____________is the stuuy of tiees:

a. Ichthyology
b. Dndrology
c. Concho logy
u. none of these
595. Who collecteu 0uianic veises in one place:

a) Baziat 0mai (RA)
b) Baziat Abuullah ibne Abbas (RA)
c) Baziat Abuullah ibne Nasuu (RA)
d) Hazrat Usman {RA)
59. Peuology is the stuuy of:

a. soil
b. watei
c. oiganic tissues
u. none of these
597. Paleontology is stuuy of:

a. sounus
b. shells
c. fossils
u. none of these
598. afghan jiiga movementoiganization was establisheu by.
a.khan abuul ghaffai khan
b.abdul qayyum kban
c.abuhulla khan
599. Which one is calleu

a) Nina valley
b) Muzdalifa vally
c) Aiafat
00. Iehau become manuatoiy in ___Bijia:

a) 1 AB
b) 2 AH
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c) S AB
u) 4 AB
01. Byetology is the stuuy of:

a. soil
b. fossils
c. rainfall
u. none of these
02. vitamin _____ is also calleu Skin foou:

a. B
b. C
c. A
u. None
03. vitamin _______ is stoieu as Estei in livei:

a. K vit B foi bones,,,vitamin K is iion,,,vitamin B is majoily foi hoimones anu vitamin A
must be the iight ans
b. B
c. B
u. None of these
04. Nilk contains ___% of watei:

a. 4u
b. 7u
c. 9u
d. Non 85
05. Najoi component of honey is:

a. Clucos
b. caibohyuiates
c. Piotein
u. None of these
0. vitamin _______ is foi iepiouuction:

a. B
b. K
c. E Its ueficiency causes infeitiLity
u. None
07. Too much piesence of the Potassium salt in human bloou inciease the iisk of:

a. Biain tumoi
b. Cancei
c. Hart attack
u. None of these
08. Beficiency of Thiamine causes:

a. Rickets
b. Bri Bri
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c. Scuivy
u. None of these
09. Eating of coconut incieases man's _________ facilities:

a. Nuscullei
b. Mntal
c. Physical
u. None of these
10. Souium is necessaiy foi:

a. Nrvous systm
b. Ciiculatoiy system
c. Bigestive system
u. None of these
11. Which of the iiveis ciosses the equatoi twice..
Amazon : congo : Nile : 0iinaco
12. ulucose is the souice of eneigy foi human _____:

a. Brain
b. Eye
c. Stomach
u. None of these
13. Ijma means:

(a) A gatheiing of Nujtahius
{b) Consnsus of opinion
(c) Law-making
(u) None of these
14. 0uba is _______miles away foim Nauina:
a) Tbr 3.5
b) Foui
c) Six
u) None of these
15. Nauina is ________ miles away fiom Nakkah:
a) Suu
b) S2S
c) S7S
d) Non of tbs 210mils
1. Piophet (PB0B) stayeu in 0uba foi _______ uays:
a) Ten
b) Twelve
c) Fourtn
u) None of these
17. Bz. Abu Ayyub Ansaii (i.a) was the Saiuai of:

a. Banu Najar
b. Banu Aus
c. Banu Zuhia
u. None of these
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18. A uivoice by Zihai means:

(a) Apostasy fiom Islam by a husbanu
(b) False accusation of auulteiy by husbanu
(c) An agieement between husbanu anu wife to uissolve maiiiage
{d) Non of tbs when husbanu compaies his wife with his mothei
19. Ianayat ueals with:
(a) Ciime
{b) Torts
(c) Sale
(u) None of these
20. Imam Ash-Shafi was the pupil of:

(a) Imam Abu Banifa
(b) Abu Yusuf
{c) Imam Malik
(u) None of these
21. A pluiality of husbanus is calleu:
{a) Polyandry
(b) Bigamy
(c) Polygamy
(u) None of these
22. Thiough a gift a Nuslim can tiansfei hishei:
{a) 1]3rd of proprty
(b) V of the piopeity
(c) 2Siu of piopeity
(u) None of these
23. A Nuslim wife can unilateially exeicise the iight of Talaq:
{a) By Kbula
(b) By Li'an
(c) By Tafweez
(u) None of these
24. What is maiiiageable age foi a male Nuslim unuei the Pakistani Law:
(a) 14 yeais
(b) 16 yeais
{c) 18 yars
(u) None of these
25. Accoiuing to Pakistani law, a chilu is legitimate if boin:
{a) Witbin 280 days of tb trmination of marriag
(b) Within one yeai of the teimination of maiiiage
(c) Within two yeais of the teimination of maiiiage
(u) None of these
2. The uissolution of Nuslim Naiiiages Act was enacteu in:
{a) 1939
(b) 1949
(c) 1961
(u) None of these
27. Who taught the woius of Azan to Bz. Bilal (i.a).
a) Bz. Nuhammau (PB0B)
b) Bz. 0mai (i.a)
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c) Hz. Abdullab Bin Zaid {r.a)

u) None of these
28. Amongst the fiist foui Caliphs, whose peiiou of Caliphate was the longest:

(a) Baziat Abu Baki (R.A)
{b) Hazrat Usman {R.A)
(c) Baziat Ali (R.A)
(u) None of these
29. Woilu's biggest Nountain iange..
Himalyan Karakoram
30. Which uaughtei of Boly Piophet (PB0B) uieu in seconu Bijii:

a. Bz. 0mm e kolsoom (i.a)
b. Hz. Ruqaiyyab {r.a)
c. Bz. Zainab (i.a)
u. None of these
31. The chaitei of Nauina was maue aftei______ months of Bijiah:
a) Six
b) Five
c) Foui
u) None of these
32. Aftei aiiiving in Nauina with whom uiu Piophet (PB0B) choose to be in the status
of biothei.
a) Bz. 0mai (i.a)
b) Hz. Ali {r.a)
c) Bz. Abu Bakai (i.a)
u) None of these
33. Who was known as 'Raees-ul-Nunafiqeen'.
a) Abuullah Bin Abi Ialool
b) Abdullab Bin Abi Salool
c) Abuullah Bin Fehai
u) None of these
34. Rulei of Rome was known as:
a) Kisia
b) Qaisar
c) Peivaiz
u) None of these
35. Itthau-e-millat paity was founueu by.
a.maulana zafar ali
b.maulana N.ali jauhai
c.shoukat ali
3. 1.What is chemical composition of uiamonu____________

2.The science which ueals with heieuity is known as_____________

S.The faithest planet fiom the sun in solai system is _____________
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4.The uistance between eaith anu sun is calleu _______________

S.Seveie ueficiency of vitamin c iesults in ______________

6.The fiist computei viius inventeu by two pakistani biotheis is known as___________

7.The stuuy of chemical piocesses of living oiganisms is calleu___________
37. 1. Carbon
2. gntics
3. Nptun
4. Astronomical unit
5. Scurvy
. Brain
7. Biocbmistry
38. accoiuing to cabinet plan(16th may,1946) piovinces weie uiviueu into.......gioups.
39. Accoiuing to the ulobal Beiitage Funu _____ is among the top 1u enuangeieu sites in

a. Baiappa
b. Taxila
c. Rohtas Foit
u. None of these
40. What was the name of hz.Aisha(i.a)'s mothei.

a. 0ateela bint Abuul uza
b. Umm romaan
c. 0mm e habiba
u. none of these
41. Tubeiculosis is causeu by...
a. Bactria ubeiculosis (TB) is causeu by a bacteiium calleu Nycobacteiium
b. viius
c. Fungi
u. Piotozoa
e. None of these
42. choleia is causeu by...
a. Bactria
b. viius
c. Fungi
u. Piotozoa
e. None of these
43. typhoiu is causeu by...
a. Bactria
b. viius
c. Fungi
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u. Piotozoa
e. None of these
44. influenza is causeu by...
a. Bacteiia
b. Virus
c. Fungi
u. Piotozoa
e. None of these
45. Which of the following foou contains soluble fibei, a type of fibei that can help lowei
cholesteiol in the bloou:

a. 0ianges
b. 0atmeal
c. Peas
d. All of tbs
4. The fiist peison who maue ijtehau was:

a. Nuaz bin jabal (i.a)
b. 0sama bin zaiu (i.a)
c. 0mai bin abuul aziz (i.a)
d. Non of tbs bazrat Abu Bakr
47. Buiing Bz.Abu Bakai(i.a)'s caliphate muslim capital outsiue the Aiabia was:

a. Syiia
b. bira
c. Yemen
u. None of these
48. Bz.Abu Bakai(i.a) hau _____ wives:

49. 'Bakai' means:

a. Reu camel
b. Young caml
c. Poweiful camel
u. None of these
50. Bz.Abu Bakai(i.a)'s name befoie accepting islam was:

a. Abdul kab'ab
b. Abuul 0za
c. Abuul Bakim
u. None of these
51. "Sabi" is one who______.

a) Aumiies his ieligion
b) Pieaches his ieligion
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c) Cbangs bis rligion

u) None of these
52. "Ianat-ul-Nualla" is a giaveyaiu situateu in:
a) Makkab
b) Nina
c) Nauina
u) None of these
53. 0:num of soluieis in ghuzwae uhu____
54. __________place is the wettest place on the eaith.
a,mount waialeale
u,none of these
55. 0azaf:false accusation of auulteiy punishable with how many lashes.

a) 6u
b) 80
c) 1uu
u) None of these
5. Nany people aie familiai with ueja vu.... The feeling that something has alieauy been
What is the name foi the opposite of ueja vu.... The feeling that something is new even
when it is not ....

a. Beja senti
b. Beja vecu
c. Piesque vu
d. )amais vu
57. Wahi(ievelation) is of _____ types:

a. two
b. thiee
c. foui
u. none
58. 0auiyanis weie ueclaieu non-Nuslims in which of the following constitutions of

a. 19S6
b. 1962
c. 1973
59. A peison unable to iecognize the melouy of the song "Bappy Biithuay" is most likely
suffeiing fiom which of the following conuitions.

a. Aphasia
b. Amusia
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c. Lyssaviius
u. Nunchausen synuiome
0. Baq Nahei in islam is fixeu only ______ misqaal:
a) 2uu
b) Suu
c) 4uu
d) Non of tbs 400 misqaal
1. who uiscovieu ultiasounus.
a,lon donald
b,iogei bacon
c,IP meiiil
u,joseph listei
2. 0 - Animal cannot walk backwaius.
a. Cioiouile
b. Panua
c. Pnguin
u. Elephant
3. 0 - Baziat Ismail as is buiiieu in ___

a. Noiocco
b. Ioiuan
c. Ieiusalem
d. Non from abov - he(a.s) is buiieu in Baji-e-Ismail, a place between Bateem n wall of
4. 0:sii syyeu was boin in.
5. 0:BAZRAT FATINA hau _________ uaughteis.
. 0:0iuu_hinui contioveisy staiteu fiom a movment at___________-
4)non from abov Banaras
7. 0:NA0 school was piomoteu into college in________
c)1877 187S ko bana. . 1877 ko college bana n 192u ko univeisiTy
8. 0:the 1st step by muslims to entei into politics was_____
a.18S7 wai of inuepenuence
b.sbimla dpotation
c.establishment of NL
u.none fiom above
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9. 0. What scoie is consiueieu as 'uuece' in lawn tennis.

1. 1S-1S
2. Su-Su
3. 40-40
4. none of these
70. Peiu is the leauing piouucei of:
a) uolu
b) Silvr
c) Platinum
u) Biamonu
e) Coppei
f) None
71. 0 - While hijiah to Nauina, Piophet SAWW stayeu at 0uba foi ____ wheie Be SAWW
built fiist mosque of Islam, 0uba.

a. 1u uays
b. 11 uays
c. 12 uays
u. 1S uays
. 14 days
72. Woilu uiiest ueseit is:
a) Sahaia Beseit Afiica
b) Atacama Dsrt Cbil
c) uobi Beseit Nongolia
u) None
73. 0:congiess ministiies uiviueu subcontinent into_________piovences
74. Wheie is victoiia Baiboui .
a) Hong Kong
b) Numbai
c) Syuney
u) Bangkok
0 - Which one is olu, Nagna Caita 0R Neesaq-e-Nauina.

a. Nagna Caita
b. Msaq--Madina
c. Both aie same
u. Both aie uiffeient but of same peiiou.
Yes coiiect Neesaq e Nauian is olu.
Nagna CAita 121S AB
Neesaq e Nauina 622 AB
Biffeience of 6uu YEARS ...
7. 0 - 1 AB is equivalent to ___ AB.

a. 62u
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b. 621
c. 22
u. 62S
77. Woilu laigest city aiea wise:
a) Tokyo, Iapan
b) Shanghai, China
c) Sitka, Alaska USA
u) None
78. Nembeis of the 0niteu Nations 0iganization.
a) 192
b) 193
c) 194
u) 196
79. 0uestion: Biius maintain a bouy tempeiatuie in the iange of....
1) 40 to 44C
2) 1u4C to 111C
S) 2uC to 22C
4) uC to 4C
80. 0 - Spain anu Noiocco aie sepaiateu by each othei by ______ .

a. meuiteiianean sea
b. alboian sea
c. straigbt of gibraltr
u. punta almina
81. 0 - Lanu of uoluen Fleece.

a. Corgia
b. Scotlanu
c. Austialia
u. None
82. 0 - In men, Baziat 0mai ia was at ____ to accept Islam.

a. 39
Baziat 0mai ia accepteu Islam aftei S9 men anu 2S women.
b. 4uth
c. 41st
u. 42nu
83. 0 - Piophet SAWW stayeu, at fiist, in the house of Baziat Ayb ia when he SAWW
moveu to Nauina as hijiah. Be SAWW stayeu theie foi ____ months.

a. S
b. 6
c. 7
u. 8
84. 0 - Who accompanieu Piophet SAWW on jouiney to Tahif.

a. Baziat Bilal ia
b. Baziat Abu Baki ia
c. Hazrat Zaid bin baritb ra
u. Baziat Zaiu bin thabith ia
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85. 0. 'Special Biawing Rights' aie the iights of countiies pioviueu by

A) Woilu Bank
B) Feueial Reseives
8. 0 - Numbei of actssection in Nessaq-e-Nauina.

a. Su
b. S1
c. S2
d. 53
87. 0 - In seconu Bijiah to habsha

a. 8u men, 2u women
b. 8S men, 2S women
c. 83 mn, 20 womn
b. 8u men, 2S women
88. 0. Wheie uiu the foimationof Azau Binu Fauj take Place.
A. Siilanka
B. Singapor
C. Tokyo
B. Nynmmai
89. 0. Rothmans Cup is associateu with ___
A. Foot Ball
B. Bockey
C. Tennis
B. Ciicket
90. 0. What is the chemical symbol foi Tungsten.

a. u
b. T
c. W
u. Tg
e. Tn
91. 0. The national spoit of Canaua is
A. Tennis anu ciicket
B. Lacross
C. Iuuo
B. Rugby anu Football
92. 0 - SBABEEB-I-NILLAT Liaquat Ali Khan seiveu as the piime ministei foi____ -

a. four yars on montb and on day
b. foui yeais one month anu two uays
c. foui yeais one month anu thiee uays
u. foui yeais one month anu foui uays
93. 0): Polythene is inuustiially piepaieu by the polymeiization of -
1. Nethane
2. Styiene
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S. Acetylene
4. Etbyln
94. 0. Polio is causeu by a
(A) Fungus
(B) Bacteiia
{C) Virus
(B) Eithei (A) oi (B)
95. 0 - Who is the longest-seiving piime ministei of Pakistan.

a. Liaquat Ali Kban liaquat ali. uillani became the longest seiving pm but couit ueclaieu
him uisqualifieu since 26th apiil so he lost the hunoi
b. Yousaf Raza uillani
c. Benazaii Bhutto
u. None of the above
9. Which piophet was contempoiaiy of Baziat Lout AS..
A. Hazrat Ibrabim AS
b. Baziat Boou AS
c. Baziat Saleh AS
B. Baziat Nooh AS
97. Who uiscoveieu 'Bajai-e-Aswau':
a) Bz.Ibiaheem
b) Bz.Auam(a.s)
c) Bz.Nuhammau(P.B.0.B)
D) Non of tbs Hazrat Ismail AS
98. Bz.Nusa (a.s) took iefuge in the house of:
a) Bz.Ayyub(a.s)
b) Bz.Baoou(a.s)
c) Bz.Yaqoob(a.s)
d) Non of tbs Propbt Sboib AS
99. 0uestion: Who inventeu Ball-Point Pen.
1) Bi. Alan N. Tuiing
2) )obn ). Loud
S) 0tto
4) Rogei Bacon
700. when was quit inuia iesolution passeu.
a.8tb Aug 1942
b.9th Aug 1942
c.1uth Aug 1942
701. Bow many sons uiu Baziat Nutalib have..
a. 8
b. 9
c. 10
u. 12
702. Aftei how many yeais aftei Baziat Auam AS Calamity of toofan-e-Nooh fell..
a. 2242
b. 2424
c. 2224
u. 2422
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703. The liteial meaning 0f Islam:

a. To bow uown the neck.
b. To have safety
c. to obey
d. All of tbs
704. Niiacle ou uiomeuaiy is associateu with..
A. Baziat Ibiahim AS
b. Baziat Boou AS
c. Hazrat Salb AS
B. Baziat Nooh AS
705. Who was sent to Bani Samoou..
A. Baziat Ibiahim AS
b. Baziat Boou AS
c. Hazrat Salb AS
B. Baziat Nooh AS
70. Abi was the ieal name of..
A. Baziat Ibiahim AS
b. Hazrat Hood AS
c. Baziat Saleh AS
B. Baziat Nooh AS
707. What was the age of Baziat Abuullah RA when he passeu away..
a. 22
b. 24
c. 2S
u. 26
708. Baziat Ibiahim AS was _________ yeais when Baziat Ismail AS was boin...
A. 9u
B. 88
C. 8
B. 92
709. Who is calleu Ashab ul Baji..
a. Bani Samood
b. Bani Isiael
c. Bani Aau
u. None of these
710. Who sent pigeons to seaich foi lanu..
A. Baziat Ibiahim AS
b. Baziat Boou AS
c. Baziat Saleh AS
D. Hazrat Noob AS
711. Ram, Bam, Riyafas weie Chiluien of..
A. Baziat Ibiahim AS
b. Baziat Boou AS
c. Baziat Saleh AS
D. Hazrat Noob AS
712. What was the age of Baziat Aaminah RA when she was maiiieu..
a. 22
b. 24
c. 2S
u. 26
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713. 0lu name of "Nakkah" was:

a) Bat'baa
b) Faaiaa'n
c) Sina'aa
u) None of these
714. Bz.Sulaiman (a.s) was the ______ of Bz.Baoou (a.s):
a) Son
b) uianu Son
c) Biothei
u) None of these
715. What was the name of the wife of Bz.Nusa (a.s).
a) Rakhil
b) Liyah
c) Safoorab
u) None of these
71. Who is buiieu in 0hau.
a) Bz.Nooh (a.s)
b) Bz.Iuiees (a.s)
c) Bz.Esa (a.s)
d) Non of tbs Hazrat Haroon AS
717. Who laiu the founuation of 'Nasjiu-e-Aqsa'.
a) Bz.Zikiiya(a.s)
b) Hz.Daood{a.s)
c) Bz.Sulaiman(a.s)
u) None of these
718. The Piophet whose people weie last to suffei uivine punishment was ________:
a) Luut(a.s)
b) Salb{a.s)
c) Nooh(a.s)
u) None of these
719. Whose nation accepteu him aftei watching the signs of uivine punishment.
a) Bz.Saleh (a.s)
b) Bz.Luut (a.s)
c) Hz.Yunas {a.s)
u) None of these
720. Bz.Baoou (a.s) belongeu to the lineage of _______,who was the son of Bz.Yaqoob (a.s).
a) Yabooda
b) Banyamin
c) Yusuf(a.s)
u) None of these
721. 'Ashaab-ul-Aekah' means people associateu with:
a) Scales
b) Cottages
c) )ungl
u) None of these
722. 0uestion: Wheie is the Sea of Tianquility.
1) Neai the Beimuua Tiiangle
2) Un tb Moon
S) In the Pacific 0cean
4) In the Atlantic 0cean
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723. 0 - Islam enteieu in Euiope in

a. 7u6
b. 7u9
c. 711
d. non 857
724. who was the fiist piesiuent of All inuia muslim league.
b.sir agba kban
725. Bz.Nusa (a.s) was gianteu with _____ miiacles:
a) Seven
b) Nin
c) Ten
u) None of these
72. 1) stick : when conveiteu into ieal snake anu eat the viitual snake the uone by
pheion's magicians.

(2) hanu :when he put his hanu into his pocket it became white (not the uisease ) because
they weie goou at Nummification

(S) splitting the sea like two big mountain anu the lanu was without any muuuy

(4) lack of watei of the Nile anu the entiapment of iain watei so became ueciease of the
foou .

(S) the floou: the iising of the level of watei Nile, anu floouing which leu to the uestiuction
of ciops anu houses uestioyeu gieen lanu

(6) Locust: wheie uou sent them a lot,they uiu not iemain plant , fiuit ,tiees .

(7)fiog: uou biought fiogs on them which make theii life so bau each thing contain fiog in
theii foou , at theii beu eveiy weie

(8)bloou : the nile of eagypt became bloou .

(9) lice: the Almighty uou biought them this insect known .. It was saiu: The young locusts
727. 0 - No of countiies.

a. 24S
b. 244
c. 245
u. 246
728. 0 - What is the unit of Rauiation Bosage.

a. Cy
b. RBy
c. RCy
u. Ry
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729. uy = uiay. It is the ueiiveu SI unit foi the absoibeu uose of ionizing iauiation, equal
to an absoiption of 1 joule pei kilogiam. Symbol uy
730. Which Asian city was foimeily known as 'Batavia' .
1. Yangon (Nyanmai)
2. Banoi (vietnam)
3. )akarta {Indonsia)
4. Beijing (China)
731. What is the Philippines nickname
A. The Lanu of The Rising Sun
B. Tb Parl of tb Urint
C. The Salt Nine ualoie
732. 0 - Which Euiopean countiy is uiviueu into aieas 'Cantons'.

a. Italy
b. ueimany
c. Switzrland
u. Tuikey
733. Which of the following is the biith place of Iesus Chiist.
1. Ieiusalem 2. vatican City
S. Egypt 4. Btblbm
734. The Bofois Scanual occuiieu in:

a. Italy
b. India
c. Iapan
735. The Black Sea anu the Neuiteiianean aie connecteu by:

a. Shattal Aiab
b. Dardanlls
c. Stiait of uibialtai
73. 0 - White Leg Boin' is a uisease which affects:

A. sambais
B. elephants
D. birds found in cbickns
737. 0 - Raja Ashiaf is ___ PN of Pakistan.
a. 24th
b. 25tb
c. 26th
u. 27th
738. Coppei can be conveiteu into golu by:

Artificial Radioactivity
Chemical ieaction
None of these
739. 0:who was the fiist man to ieach the south pole.
(a)Rene Bescaites
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(b)SN Bose
(c)Sophie ueimain
{d)roald amundsn
740. 0 - Which of the following is not a piopeity of heavy watei.

{A) Boiling point of bavy watr is lowr tban tbat of ordinary watr
(B) Bensity of heavy watei is highei than that of oiuinaiy watei
(C) Fieezing point oi heavy watei is highei than that of oiuinaiy watei
(B) It piouuces coiiosion
741. 0:Who claimeu to have been the fiist peison to ieach the noith pole.
(a)ueoige Boole
(b)CR Rao
{c)Edwin robrt pary
A man climbing a mountain benus foiwaiu to
a) ieuuce fatigue
b) avoiu slipping
c) inciease speeu
d) incras stability
743. The eneigy neeueu to fuel essential bouy piocesses is calleu:

Essential nutiient level
Basal mtabolism
0ptimum eneigy intake
None of these
744. Bepatitis A is tiansmitteu to uiffeient inuiviuuals by:

None of these
745. watei z bt a minoi moue of tiansmission even by seafoou like shellfish is mentioneu
in few instances bt mostly the majoi ioute of tiansmission z via oio-fecal ioute....
74. NBBS = Neuicinae Baccalauieus, Baccalauieus Chiiuigiae ....mbbs stanus 4 us :)
747. 0 - Name of the authoi of the book 'Tales fiom Shakespeaie' .

A. Tolstoy
B. Cbarls Lamb
C.Thomas Baiuy
B. William Shakespeai
748. 0 - An atomic clock is baseu on tiansitions is-

( A ) Souium
{ B ) Casium
( C ) Nagnesium
( B ) Aluminium
749. 0 - Atacama Beseit is in :

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A. Noith Ameiica
B. South Afiica
C. Russia
D. Soutb Amrica
750. Which of the following is an oiganic molecule neeueu by the bouy in small amounts:

vitamin C
None of these
751. ueiman silvei is an alloy of:

Zn + Ni
Cu + Zn
Cu + Ni
Cu + Sn
752. Non of tbs (coppei + nickel + zinc)
753. What is the only souice of new alleles.

Ciossing ovei
Inuepenuent assoitment
None of these
754. Nyopia is a uefect of human eye. it can be coiiecteu by using a lens calleu:

Convex lens
Concav lns concave lens.. mayopia occuis when lens loses its quality of stietch. then fai
objects cannot be focuseu piopeily..
Plano convex lens
None of these
755. Inhaleu aii passes thiough which of the following in the last.

None of these
75. Cobalt is a mateiial which is:

Strongly attractd by a magnt Cobalt is silvei anu whitemagnetic metallic element
founu with iion anu nickel. it is highly magenetic in natuie
Not attiacteu by a magnet
Weakly attiacteu by a magnet
None of these
757. Polygenic chaiacteiistic aie contiolleu by:

Bominant genes
Recessive genes
Multipl gns
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Nutateu genes
None of these
758. Evolution can be uesciibeu as:

A continuing procss
A catastiophic event in the past
The attaining of an iueal type
None of these
759. Night vision is possible with the help of:

Reu light
violet light
Infrard Rays
None of these
70. Biffeciency of iouine causes.
b.beii beii
u. none
71. 0 - What is Xinhua.

a. China Intelligence Agency
b. A piovince in China
c. Cbina's stat nws agncy
u. None of the above
72. 0 - The countiy also known as "countiy of coppei" is....

a. Zambia
b. Inuia
c. China
u. Pakistan
73. 0 - The longest highway in the woilu is the is.......

a. Trans Canada 8uuukm
b. Austiaila Bighway 1
c. The Pan Ameiican Bighway
u. uianu Tiunk
74. Which of the following is an antiseptic.

vitamin A
75. Woilus longest iailway tiack is in

i) ueimany
ii) Russia Its in Russia "Tians-Sibeiian Railway".....Length 9289 KN...Staiting fiom
Noscow to vlauivostok....:)
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iii) China
iv) None of these
7. Almost ______pc of Tuikey is in Euiope:
a) Fiv
b) Ten
c) Fifteen
u) None of these
77. Laigest iivei of muslim woilu is:
a) Sinuh
b) Bajla
c) Nil
u) None of these
78. Bow many times Shiekh Zaiu bin Sultan al Nahayaan became the Piesiuent of 0niteu
Aiab Emiiates:
a) Foui times
b) Six tims
c) Seven times
u) None of these
79. Which countiy's national uay is celebiateu on the uay of Piophet(PB0B)'s biith:
a) Noiocco
b) Mauritania
c) Tunisia
u) None of these
770. Egypt,Tunisia, Libya, Noicco aie in ______ Afiica:
a) South
b) Nortb
c) Eastein
u) None of these
771. Beau sea is situateu between Ioiuan anu _____:
a) Lebanon
b) Isral
c) Syiia
u) None of these
772. Kyigyzstan's cuiiency is:
a) Takka
b) Bhaat
c) Som
u) None of these
773. Basht e Luut is the ueseit in____:
a) Iran
b) Syiia
c) Iiaq
u) None of these
774. Bow many states aie incluueu in 0niteu Aiab Emiiates.
a) Five
b) Six
c) Svn
u) None of these
775. 0fficial languages of 0IC aie Aiabic, English anu _____:
a) Peisian
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b) Latin
c) Frncb it is because majoiity people of Noiocco speak Fiench.. not confiim
u) None of these
77. Laigest Islamic countiy aiea wise is:

a) Suuan
b) Sauui Aiabia
c) Inuonesia
d) Non of tbs Kazakhstan by aiea anu by population is Inuonesia
777. uhaieeb Nawaz is the title of:

Faiiuuuuin uanjshakai
Muin uddin cbisbti
uanj Baksh Bajveii
None of these
778. Buinei Baiussalam is in _____ ocean:
a) Atlantic
b) Pacific
c) Beau
u) None of these
779. Equatoi passes thiough which Islamic countiy:
a) Nigeiia
b) Indonsia
c) Palestine
u) None of these
780. Founuei of Inuonesia was:
a) Cyius the uieat
b) Negawati
c) Sokarno
u) None of these
781. King of Ioiuan is:
a) Shah Bussain
b) Bashai ul Asau
c) Abdullab II
u) None of these
782. 0 - Who founueu Baulatabau anu shifteu the capital of Belhi Sultanate.

a. uhiyas-uu-uin Tughluq
b. Mubammad Tugbluq
c. Feioze shah Tughluq
u. None of these
783. 0 - Name the saint, who fiist came in Lahoie.

a. Ali Nakhuum Bujwaii
b. Sbaikb ismail
c. Bata uunj Baksh
u. None of these
784. 0 - ____ was the name of Baziat Khauija ia seivant who accompanieu Piophet SAWW
a. Buus
b. Masra
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c. Auuas
u. Zaiu
785. 0 - _______ was the gou (iuol) placeu on the top of Khana Kabba.
a. 0zza
b. Laat
c. Nanat
u. Habl
78. 0 - Alf-ul-fazool was an agieement bw

a. People of Nauina anu Iews
b. People of Nauina anu Nakkah
c. Polpl of Banu Hatbim, Bani Zubra, Bani Tamim tc
u. None of the above
787. 0 - Who initiateu the cult of Shivaji against the Nuslims of Inuia.

A. Bal Canga dbr tilak
b. Benneiji
c. Panuit mauan mohan
u. None of these
788. 0 - Bibi Baleema ia kept Piophet SAWW foi ___ yeais.
a. S yeais
b. 4 yars
c. S yeais
u. 6 yeais
789. 0 - When Nauva-tul-0lema came into being.

d. Non of tbs founueu in 1894 anu staiteu funtioning in 1898
790. 0 - Who leu Simla ueputation in 19u6.

a. Sir Agba Kban
b. Sii Syeu Ahmeu Khan
c. Nawab Nuhsin ul Nulk.
u. None of these
791. 0 - Who was known in histoiy as Nujauuiu Alf Thani, the iefoimei of seconu

a .Sbaikb Abmd Sirbindi
b .Shah Waliullah
c .Sii Syeu Ahmeu Khan
u .None of these
792. What was the sgnificant event of 27 Rajab of 11th yeai of Piophethoou.

a) Miraj
b) Nigiation
c) Boycott
u) Pleuge of Aqaba
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793. Name the fostei mothei(s) of the Boly Piophet (SAW)!

a) Baziat Balema (RA)
b) Baziat Sobia (RA)
c) Baziat Khola (RA)
d) All of tbm
794. befoie accepting Islam, Baziat Salman Faisi (R.A) was
a. Buuhist
b. Binuu
c. Cbristian
u. Iew
e. none of them
795. 0 - The name of which Noith Afiican city liteially means 'white house'.
a. Nauiitania
b. Algeiia
c. Tunisia
d. Casablanca
79. 0 - Atta Tuik means ______
a. the givei of Tuiks
b. tb fatbr of Turks
c. the piotectoi of Tuiks
u. the ancestoi of Tuiks
797. 0 - Nauwazatain means ____

a) A collection of Ahauith
b) Two spcific Surabs of Quran yes & they aie Suia e Falaq & Suia e Nass
c) A book of Iaffaiiah fiqh
u) A book of hanafi fiqh
798. Fiist collection of Ahauith is Sahifah-e-Saauiqa......
who compileu it ...
Baziat Abu Bakai (RA)
Imam Nuslim (RA)
Hazrat Abdullab bin Amr {RA)
Baziat Abu Buiaiiah (RA)
799. 0 - Fatiha means ___
a. Reciting
b. Piaying
c. Upning
u. Closing
800. 0 - Liteially the woiu "Islam" means
a. Piay
b. Accept Allah
c. Submission to Allab
u. Peace
801. 0 - The woiu Kaiakoiam means _____
a. crumbling rock
b. high iocks
c. sciambleu iocks
u. flatteneu iocks
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802. 0 - The woiu 'Aiab' means _______

a. Nountain
b. Biy lanu
c. Dsrt
u. Biave people
803. 0 - Zabooi means _____
a. Pics
b. Book writtn in big lttrs Zabooi means pieces as well as book wiitten in big letteis.
so both 'a' anu 'b' aie coiiect answeis
c. Puiifieu
u. Seconu one
804. 0 - Kausai means ____
a. Final iewaiu
b. In place of something
c. Abundanc
u. Boly watei
805. 0 - Suiah means ______
a. chaptei of book
b. piotection fiom evil
c. city of Rfug
u. holy sciipt
0 - Beib-e-Fajjai means _____
a. wai fought in iestiicteu aiea
b. war fougbt in tb probibitd montbs
c. wai fought in holy place
u. wai fought in the extieme weathei
807. 0 - Piophet Ismail as hau___ sons.
a. 1u
b. 11
c. 12
u. 1S
808. 0 - The name of which Roman gou means 'shining fathei' in Latin.
a. Nais
b. Neptune
c. Pluto
d. )upitr
809. 0 - In 0uian Rooh-al-0uuus is Iibiael it means ____
a. boly spirit
b. supeiioi one
c. honoieu one
u. fiom heavens
810. 0 - The woiu 0uian means ________
a. rad on
b. holy book
c. heavenly object
u. uou's woius
811. 0 - 0iuu is a Peisian woiu it means ______.
a. camp
b. combineu
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c. togethei
u. none
812. Baziat Nuhammau (SAW) went to syiia with Abu-Talib at the age of

a) 12
b) 1S
c) 24
u) SS
813. 0 - uue to successful Foieign Policy of Ni. Bhutto, which impoitant event took place
in Pakistan.
{a) 2nd Islamic Summit Confrnc
(b) 2nu SAARC Confeience
(c) 2nu ASEAN Neeting
(u) 2nu uolf Woilu Cup
0 - The most impoitant change biought about by Ninto Noiley Refoims was ____
a. 1S Nuslim seats in feueial
b. Sparat Elctorat
c. Euucational Refoims
u. None
815. What is length of Pakistan-Inuia boiuei.
(a) 16uu km
(b) 16uS km
{c) 110 km
(u) 161S km
81. Name the peison whose house became the centei of pieaching of Islam.

a) Baziat Abu-Baki (RA)
b) Baziat usman (RA)
c) Hazrat Arqam {RA)
u) Baziat Talha (RA)
817. 0 - Which inciuent took place on 24th Septembei 622 AB in the life of Piophet
Nuhammau (SAW).

a) H migratd to Madina
b) Be fell ill
c) Be was attackeu
u) Be was stoppeu to tiavel
818. Which is the laigest ueseit in Pakistan.
(a) Cholistan
{b) Tbar
(c) Thal
(u) Shinuui
819. 0 - Nost impoitant step of Bajj aftei assuming Ahiam is ____
a. Tawaf
b. Wuquf. Waquf-e-Aifah is the Rukn-e-Azam of Bajj........
c. Sayee
u. Listening Khutba
820. 0 - The inciuent of Niiaj took place in the ____yeai of Piophethoou.
a. 7th
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b. 8th
c. 9th
d. 10tb
0 - Panipat is a famous town neai Belhi. _____impoitant battles weie fought on this
a. Two
b. Tbr 1. Babai vs Ibiahim Louhi ... 1S26
2. Akbai vs Bemu... 1S61
S. Ahmeu Shah Abuali vs Naiathis anu Sikhs ... 1761..
c. Foui
u. Five
822. 0 - What is the most impoitant event of Sixth Bijiah.

a) The piohibition of wine
b) Tb traty of Huddaibiab
c) The battle of Ahzab
u) The meesaq-e-mauina
823. 0 - Bow many Aikan Roza has.
Tbr to iestiict eating, uiinking anu sexual inteicouise
824. 0 - Balos aiounu the moon aie foimeu because of the phenomenon of ___
a. Uptical pbnomna
b. Physical phenomena
c. Lunai phenomena
u. Solai phenomena
825. 0 - The fiist Saint to came South Asia ______________ is most impoitant of all.
a. Baziat Shah Latif
b. Hazrat Ali Hajvri Also known as Bata uunj Bakhsh
c. Sachal Saimat
u. None
82. 0 - The phenomenon of Auioia Boiealis, the uisplay of ieu anu gieen lights in
noithein hemispheie is uue to iauiations fiom:

a. Ionospbr
b. Tiopospheie
c. Nesospheie
u. Stiatospheie
e. None of these
827. 0 - Newton`s iings aie
a. Celestial bouy nameu by newton
b. Rings piesenteu to newton by a king
c. An optical phenomenon
d. Colourd rings obsrvd around tb point of contact of a convx lns
828. 0 - If u use a micioscope to watch smoke paiticles in still aii, u ll see them moving
about all the time. This phenomenon is calleu .

a. Biownian movement
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b. 0smosis
c. Tynuall effect
u. Biffusion
829. Bow many months piioi to the biith of Baziat Nuhammau (SAW), Baziat Abuullah
Ibn-e-Abuul Natalib uieu.

a) Two months
b) Foui months
c) Six montbs Six months anu aftei Six yeais Bis SAWW mothei passeu away
u) 0ne month
830. 0 - The impoitant impact of inflation.

a. inciease in unemployment
b. dcras tb valu of currncy
c. inciease in population
u. ueciease in foou supply
831. When uiu the seconu Nigiation to Babshah take place.

a) 6uS AB
b) 15 AD
c) 6Su AB
u) 62u AB
832. 0 - Which was the impoitant coinciuence on the ueath of Baziat Ibiahim, the son of
the Boly Piophet (PB0B).
a. Lunai Eclipse
b. Solar Eclips.
c. Eaithquake
u. Thunueistoim
833. 0 - Bow many camels the Boly Piophet (PB0B) scaiifieu.
a. 61
b. 3
c. 6S
u. 69
834. 0 - Bow many uays aie foibiuuen foi fasting thioughout the yeai.
a. S
b. 5 These five uays aie:
The two uays of Eiu anu the thiee uays of Tashieek viz. 11th, 12th anu 1Sth Zil-Baj
c. 7
u. 9
835. 0 - Bow many Takbeeis aie in Namaz-e-Ianaza.
a. Thiee
b. Four
c. Five
u. Six
83. 0 - Nahmoou`s fiist impoitant battle was fought against ______ neai Peshawai in 8
Nuhaiiam S92 A.B 2S Novembei 1uu1 A.B.

a. )aipal
b. Sukhpal
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c. Ananupal
u. None of them
837. 0 - Iblees means _____
a. Disappointd on
b. Exileu one
c. Evil
u. Long liveu
838. 0 - Zakat liteially means
a. Purifying
b. Bonating
c. Belping
u. Rewaiuing
839. The biggest lake of fiesh watei in
the woilu is
(A) Baikal lake
{B) Suprior lak Fiist thing, uieat Lakes, it is a gioup of five fieshwatei lakes in noith
cential Noith Ameiica, inteiconnecteu by natuial anu aitificial channels. The laigest
gioup of lakes in the woilu, they aie Lakes Supeiioi, Nichigan, Buion, Eiie, anu 0ntaiio.
Supeiioi Lake is lake in Noith Ameiica. The noitheinmost anu westeinmost of the uieat
Lakes, it is also the woilu's laigest fieshwatei lake.
Baikal Lake is lake in southein Sibeiia, Russia. It is the woilu's ueepest lake anu the
laigest fieshwatei lake in Euiope anu Asia.
victoiia lake is the laigest lake in Afiica.
Now to make my conclusion, supeiioi lake is the laigest fieshwatei lake as its aiea is
82,1uu anu the aiea of Baikal lake is S1,Suu sq km.
(C) Nyasa lake
(B) victoiia lake
840. 0 - Al-alq means _____
a. Fiist ievelation
b. Clot of blood
c. Bay of juugement
u. Stoiies of ancestois
841. which is ieu planet......
1) venus
2) Mars
S) Neptune
4) 0ianus
842. The aim of Inuian National Congiess was:
a) Fight foi Inuepenuence
b) Fight against Nuslims
c) To promot loyalty for Covt
u) None
843. Pakistan became officially "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" in the yeai of
a) 1947
b) 1949
c) 19S1
d) 195
844. Egypt was conqueieu when _______ was the Caliph.
a. Baziat Abu Bakai Siuuiq R.A
b. Hazrat Umar R.A
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c. Baziat 0sman R.A

u. Baziat ALi R.A
e. none of them
845. 0 - Bow many kinus of Nuslims aie eligible to ieceive Zakat accoiuing to the Boly
0uianic veise.
a. 6
b. 8
c. 1u
u. 12
84. 0 - Bow many times the woiu Zakat occuis in the Boly 0uian.
a. 22
b. 32
c. 42
u. S2
847. 0 - Kaiam-un-Katibin means ______
a. Two angels
b. Illustrious writr
c. Nevei mistaken
u. 0n-foigetting wiiteis
848. 0 - Taheet means ____
a. saying of salam
b. ieceiving of salam
c. conveying of salam
u. ignoiing salam
849. 0 - Bajj means ____
a. to intnd
b. to visit
c. to jouiney
u. to complete
850. 0 - Byuioponics means _______
a. cultivation of tb plants witbout us of soil
b. cultivation of the plants without use of watei
c. cultivation of the plants without use of soil anu watei
u. a. cultivation of the plants without use of sun light
851. hyuioponics woiu is taken fiom uieek woius (hyuio = Watei, ponos= woik) Since,
hyuioponics is technique to yielu ciops, without use of soil, in watei pioviueu with
iequiieu nutiients. it is uifficult foi the people who aie living in iocky aieas to cultivate
plants, because foi the giowth of plants soil is neeu. Then, veiy fiist time Iapan intiouuceu
Byuioponics foi fulfilling the neeueu foou. Anu it is cleai that we can stoie watei in iocky
aieas anu can apply Byuioponics.
852. The "0ne 0nit Bill" was accepteu by Assembly in 19SS, anu ___________was the Piime
Ninistei of Pakistan.
a) Bussain Suhiawaiuy
b) M.Ali Bogra 0n 14th 0ctobei West Pakistan ueclaieu "one unit" in 19SS by Nohu: Ali
c) Chauuhiy Nohammau Ali
u) None
853. Fiist state of Sub-continent conqueieu by Biitish is:
a) Sinuh
b) Uttar Pardsb
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c) uujiat
u) Bengal
854. The Battle of Plassey is fought in 17S7, between:
a) English anu Butch
b) Rulr of Bngal and Englisb
c) Nughals anu English
u) None
855. Riga is the capital of
a) Latvia
b) Bonuuias
c) Botswana
u) Nangolia
85. Bamayun was the _______ iulei of Nughal Bynasty
a) 2nd
b) Siu
c) 4th
u) None
857. Bow many times Biazil has won the Football Woilu Cup.
a) 4
b) S
c) 5
u) None
858. Belsinki is the capital of
a) Noiway
b) Finland
c) Bolivia
u) Nalta
859. Who was the Caliph when Nuhammau Bin 0asim conqueieu Sinuh
a) Walid Bin Abdul Malik
b) 0mei Bin Abuul Aziz
c) Bajjaj Bin Faihau Yousuf
u) None
80. 0 - Siuiat-ul-Nantaha means _____
a. final stage
b. the holy place
c. the extieme
d. non it means last tiee of the Eteinity
81. 0 - Falak means ____
a. Above
b. Sky
c. Bay
d. Dawn
82. 0 - 14 caiat golu means

a. An infeiioi quality of golu
b. A cheap quality of golu being impoiteu fiom gulf countiies
c. uolu which contains 14 peicent golu anu iest coppei
d. An alloy containing 14 parts of gold and 10 parts of coppr
83. 0 - The woiu 0uie'sh means _____
a. To fight
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b. To honoi
c. To watei
d. To trad quiesh has thiee populai meaning i. biave ii. to collect iii. to tiaue
84. 0 - Suiah Inaam means ______
a. gift
b. honoi
c. caml]cattl
u. victoiy
85. 0 - Toiat means ______
a. Biight
b. Ligbt
c. Fiist one
u. Boly
8. 0 - Suiah Anfal means _____
a. Cave
b. Nountain
c. Rivei
u. Sky
87. e. none of the above.. it is bootyspoils of wai.. 99.99% suie!
88. 0 - Namaz (Salat) means....
a. Rehmat
b. Bua
c. Astaghfaai
d. All abov
89. 0 - Liteially Iihau means
a. To fight
b. To uefenu
c. To striv bard
u. To kill
870. 0 - Nuzammil means ______
a. Fiighteneu one
b. Wrappd in garmnts
c. ulowing face
u. The honoieu one
871. 0 - Neuiteiiian sea means _____
a. sa in tb middl of land
b. small sea
c. miuule of watei
u. cential place
872. 0 - Tehlil means ____
a. saying of salam
b. kissing of aji-e-aswau
c. the iecitation of Kalima
u. to slaughtei
873. 0 - Suiah Nahl means _____
a. Hony b
b. Ant
c. Camel
u. Spiuei
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874. 0 - The Swaueshi movement means

a. Boycott of Biitish jobs
b. Boycott of Biitish goous
c. Boycott of Biithish people
d. all abov
875. 0 - Taxiueimy means ___
a. infection in skin
b. stuffing dad animals
c. classifying skins
u. naming animals
87. 0 - Injeel means _____
a. Cood nws
b. Fiom heaven
c. Boly woius
u. uuiuance
877. 0 - Lahoie Resolution finally appioveu on Naich ___, 194u.
a. 22
b. 2S
c. 24
u. 2S
878. 0 - Shoot means _____

a. Stay in Aiafat
b. Sai between Safa anu Naiwa
c. Tawaf of Ka`ba
u. None of these
0 - Iinnah means _____
a. Lion
b. uieat
c. Biave
u. Wise
880. 0 - Which countiy has law if paients foice theii chiluien to get maiiieu, they aie
a. Noiwaiy
b. Scotland
c. Iielanu
u. None
0 - Eugenics is the stuuy of:

a. Altring buman bings by cbanging tbir gntic componnts
b. People of Euiopean iegion
c. Biffeient iaces of mankinu
u. uenetic of plants
e. None of these
882. 0 - Wealth obtaineu fiom a mine is liable to
(a) Zakat
{b) Kbumus
c) Sulus
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u) Rubah
e) None of these
883. 0 - The Lahoie Resolution was moveu by Naulvi Fazlul Baq anu seconueu by ______.
a. 0uaiu e Azam
b. Nawab Samiullah
c. Cb. Kbaliquzzaman
u. Sii Agha Khan
884. 0 - Shona language.
a. Africa
b. NewZealanu
c. Inuia
u. none
885. 0 - "If some satisfactoiy settlement cannot be founu foi Nuslims in uniteu Inuia, the
Nuslim will have to uemanu foi uivision of the countiy." Naich 1S, 194u. Who saiu this.
a. Allama Iqbal's
b. Quaid-i-Azam's
c. Ch Rahmat Ali's
u. Liaquat Ali Khan's
88. 0 - Beipetology is the stuuy of _____
a. Rptils
b. Insects
c. Biius
u. Fishes
887. 0 - The bianch of zoology which ueals with the stuuy of insects is calleu __________.
a. Pathology
b. Taxonomy
c. Insctology
u. None
888. 0 - ________ aiticle in Time anu Tiue concluueu that Nuslims aie a nation.
a. Allama Iqbal's
b. Quaid-i-Azam's
c. Ch Rahmat Ali's
u. Liaquat Ali Khan's
889. Byzantine Empiie is also known as:

a.Peisian Empiie
b.uieek Empiie
c.Roman Empir
u.None of these
890. 0 - 0ology is the stuuy of ____
a. Biius
b. Eggs
c. Bird ggs
u. Insect Eggs
891. 0 - 0ology is the stuuy of ____
a. Biius
b. Eggs
c. Biiu eggs
u. Insect Eggs.
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892. 0 - " Biopsy " is --------

a. Psychological stuuy of a life in aitificial enviionment
b. Mdical diagnosis tcbniqu using clls and tissus
c. An examination of bouy aftei ueath to ueteimine the cause of uealth
u. An assessment of life foims in an enviionment
894. Biopsy is the iemoval of a sample of tissue fiom a living peison foi laboiatoiy
895. 0 - Capital of Scotlanu
a. Edinburgb
b. Belsinki
c. Bublin
u. None
89. 0 - Ruling paity in 0K.
a. Laboi Paity
b. Bemociatic Paity
c. Republican Paity
d. Non cuiient iuling paity of 0.K is conseivative paity.. of Baviu cameion
897. 0 - Nujamena is the capital of ______
a. Icelanu
b. Suuan
c. Nigeiia
d. Cbad
898. 0 - Who piesenteu 6 - point agenua foi Syiia.
a. Kofi Anan
b. Ban ki Non
c. Leon Panneta
u. None
899. 0 - Agionomy is the science anu stuuy of _____
a. ciops
b. soils
c. botb
u. none
900. Q - Urograpby is tb study of ____
a. Mountains
b. Naps
c. vaiiation of Eaith
u. Riveis
901. 0 - The effective Zakat System can ensuie the elimination of .
(a) Poveity
(b) Inteiest
{C) Class Distinction
(u) Ignoiance
e) None of these
902. 0 - Which Suiah of 0uian has Bismillah Twice.
(a) Al Nehal
{b) Al Namal
(c) Al Ahzaab
u) Al Nooi
e) None of these
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903. 0 - A veise of the Boly 0uian inuicates the name of

(a) Bazaiat Nuaaz (RA)
(b) Baziat Bilal (RA)
(c) Baziat Saau (RA)
{d) Hazrat Zaid {RA)
e) None of these
904. 0 - 0mm-ul-Nasakeen was the title given to one of the wives of the Piophet (SAW)
(a) Baiat Sauua (RA)
(b) Baziat Zainab benet Iehash (RA)
c) Hazrat Zainab bnt Kbuzima {RA)
u) Baziat Safia (RA)
e) none of these
905. 0 - Numismatics is the stuuy of

1. Coins
2. Numbeis
S. Stamps
4. Space
90. 0 - Neteoiology is the science of

1. Watbr
2. Neteois
S. Netals
4. Eaithquakes
907. 0 - Neteoiology is the science of

1. Watbr
2. Neteois
S. Netals
4. Eaithquakes
908. 0 - Which one of the following is incluueu amongst the 0sheia-e- Nubhasheia
a) Saau Bin 0baiu
b) Saau bin Abaua
c) Saad Bin Abi waqas
u) haziat Bamza
e) none of these
909. 0 - The stuuy of human population is calleu ______ .
a. 0ibanology
b. Anthiopology
c. Dmograpby
u. None
910. 0 - Sauaq-e-Eiu-ul-fiti has been pioclaimeu in the yeai
{a) 2 Hijri
(b) S Bijii
C) 4 Bijii
B) S Bijii
E) None of these
911. 0 - Baziat 0mei (RA) appointeu as custouian of Bait-ul-Nal,
(a) Abuullah bn Iiqum (RA)
(b) Abuullah bin 0mai (RA)
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(c) Abuullah bin Abbas (RA)

(u) Abuullah bin Zubaii (RA)
) Non of tbs Bz.Abuullah bin masauu(i.a)
912. Who wiote "Tieaty of Buuaybia" .

a.Bz.Zaiu bin sabit(i.a)
b.Bz.Abuullah bin Nasauu(i.a)
c.Bz.Abuullah bin Abbas(i.a)
d.Non of tbs
913. 0 - Ameen -ul-0mat is the title of Baziat::
(a) Emai bin Yasii (RA)
(b) Suleman Faisi (RA)
{C) Abu-ubaida bin Al jaraab {RA)
(u) Abu Saeeeu Khuzii (RA)
e) None of these
914. 0 - Nasjiu Zu 0iblatain is situateu in :
{a) Madina
(b) Nukkah
c) Taif
(u) Iabal-e-Nooi
(e) None of these
0 - Who was a Bistoiian, justice, philosphei as well as Politician.
(a) Shams uu uin bin Khalkan
{b)Abdur Rbman bin Kbaldun
(C) Abu Bakai Nuhammau Yahya
(u) Nuhammau bin Essa
E) None of these
91. 0 - Aua Bin Batam tie embiace Ismal in
(a) S Bijii
(b) 6 Bijii
C) 9 Hijri
B) 11 Bijii
E) None of these
917. 0 - Baziat Nuhammau (SAW) gave the key of Bait 0llah peimanently to Baziat
a) 0maia Bin 0tba
b) Banzla bin Abi Aamii
c) Usman bin Talba
u) Abuullah Bin Aamii
e) None of these
918. 0 - The seal affixeu on impoitant letteis by piophet (SAW) was in the Custouy of
(a) Baziat Ali (RA)
(b) Baziat 0ais RA
{c) Hazrat kbuzaifa {RA)
(u) Baziat Bilal (RA)
e) None of these
919. 0 - Imam-e-Bai-ul-Bijiat was a title of
(a) Imam Ahmau
{b) Imam Malik
(C) Imam Shaafi
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(u) Imam Nuhammau

e) None of these
920. 0 - Bau -e- 0azaf (false Accusation) is.
(a) Su Lashes
(b) 7u Lashes
c) 80 Lasbs
B) 9u Lashes
e) None of these
921. 0 - Name the famous book of Ibn-Sina in which he uiscusseu human physiology anu

a. Al-Qanoon
b. Al-Nasuui
c. New Renaissance
u. Tauhkiia
e. None of these
922. Bat is ___________
a. Reptile
b. Mammal
c. Biiu
u. Fish
e. None of these
923. 0 - Which of the following paiis is incoiiect.

1. Roentgen: X-iay
2. Newton: Law of giavitation
3. Faraday: Diffusion of gass
4. Pasteui: Bacteiiology
924. uoluen ievolution = hoiticultuie
925. Pink ievolution = onion
92. White ievolution = iicemilkcotton ievolution
927. What is the piesent uay name of Constantinople.

u.None of these
928. 0 - Khaliu Ibn Waliu embiaceu Islam in the
a. Thiiu yeai of Bijiah
b. Seventh yeai of Bijiah
c. Eighth yeai of Bijiah
929. 0 - The science of stuuy of olu age is calleu

{i) Crontology
(ii) Caicinology
(iii) Nephiology
930. Who conqueieu Constantinople:

a.Sultan Mubammad II
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b.King Akbai
c.Salah-uu-uin Ayyubi
u.None of these
931. 0 - Philology is the

1. Stuuy of bones
2. Stuuy of muscles
S. Stuuy of aichitectuie
4. Study of languags
932. Who gave the legenuaiy speech at 'Najashi's Couit'
a. Hazrat )afar bin Abi Talib R.A
b. Baziat Ali Bin Abi Talib R.A
c. Baziat 0mai Bin Khattab R.A
b. Baziat Zaiu Bin Baiis R.A
933. Which Abbasi Empeioi sent Imam Abu Banifa to Iail.
a. Saffah
b. Abu )afar Mansoor
c. Baioon Rasheeu
u. Namoon Rasheeu
934. Nalaiia is tiansmitteu fiom men to men by the:

a.Nale Aeues Agypti mosquito
b.Fmal Anopbls mosquito
c.Nale Anopheles mosquito
u.None of these
935. 0 - Role of biotechnology in the piouuction of foou baseu on:

a. Becomposition
b. Respiiation
c. Bigestion
d. Frmntation
e. None of these
0 - The Seconu Woilu Wai (Septembei 19S9) pioveu blessing foi the Nuslims in a sense
that the Congiess Ninistiies iesigneu in Novembei 19S9. The Nuslims obseiveu Bay of
________ on Becembei 22, 19S9.
a. Inuepenuence
b. Reveience
c. Confiuence
d. Dlivranc
937. 0 - ueiontology is the stuuy of .
a. Procss of aging
b. uiowth of cells
c. Biius
u. vegetables
938. 01. Sindb was conqurd by Mobd bin Qasim during tb _____ priod

a. Umayyads
b. Abbasius
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c. Tulun
u. Iuiisius
939. Mobd bin Qasim was tb npbw of __________

a. Sulayman bin Abuul Nalik
b. Abuul Nalik bin Naiwan
c. Waliu bin Abuul Nalik
d. Hajjaj bin Yousaf
940. 03. Raja Dabir was tb rulr of ________

a. Lahoie
b. Behli
c. Sindb
u. Bepalpui
941. Dbul and Alor ar tb nams of _______

a. Placs of Ancint Sindb
b. 0lu uaiuens of Sinuh
c. Ancient buluing
u. None of them

942. 05. Wbo was Sisakar ?

a. Wazii of Bajjij bin Yousaf
b. Wazii of Nohu bin 0asim
c. Wazir of Raja Dabir
u. None of the above

943. 0. Mobd bin Qasim torturd to datb in a prison in Iraq during tb calipbat
of ___________

a. Sulaiman
b. Waliu
c. Yaziu
u. None of them

944. 07. In 133 A.H ] 750 A.D. tb Abbasids ovrtbrw tb __________

a. Safvius
b. Nughals
c. Umayyads
u. Neus

945. 08. Tb Abbasids Covrnor ______ cam to Sindb in 140 A.H. ] 757 A.D.

a. Hisbam
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b. Waliu
c. Nusa
u. Yasii

94. 09. In 37 A.H ] 777 A.D , Subuktigin , a Turkisb slav bcam tb mastr of

a. Lahoie
b. Nultan
c. Bepalpui
d. Cbazni

947. 10. Mabmood`s first important battl was fougbt against ______ nar Psbawar
in 8 Mubarram 392 A.H 25 Novmbr 1001 A.D.

a. )aipal
b. Sukhpal
c. Ananupal
u. None of them

948. 11. Abu-al-Fatb Daud was tb Ismail rulr of __________

a. Lahoie
b. Multan
c. Sinuh
u. Bepalpui

949. 12. Mabmood st out on tb xpdition to Somnatb on 17 octobr _______

a. 1u2S A.B
b. 1024 A.D
c. 1u2S A.B
u. 1u26 A.B

950. 13. Mabmood bratbd bis last sigb on 30 April ______

a. 1u24 A.B
b. 1u26 A.B
c. 1u28 A.B
d. 1030 A.D

951. 14. In ______ A.D tb first battl of Traain was fougbt btwn Mobd Cauri and
Rajputs undr tb command of Covind Rai brotbr of Pritbvi Raj, Mobd Cauri
dfatd in tbis battl.
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a. 1189
b. 119u
c. 1191
u. 1192

952. 15. In _____ A.D tb scond battl of Train was fougbt and Rajput dfatd in
tbis battl.

a. 119u
b. 1191
c. 1192
u. 119S
953. 1. Watei is heateu in a kettle. The insiue watei is heateu by convection. A peison
sitting neai the fiie ieceives heat by:

a) Conuuction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
u) Reflection
e) None of these

954. 2. A time can come when we will be able to uesign a machine which can go on
woiking foi evei without the expenuituie of eneigy. Is it possible .

a) No
b) Yes
c) In uue couise time
u) veiy soon
e) None of these

955. S. The measuiement of iainfall is maue by an instiument known as :

a) Byuiometei (uensity oi specific giavity)
b) Baiometei (atm piessuie)
c) Bygiometei (useu to measuie humiuity)
u) Peuometei (uistance walkeu)
) Non of tbs

95. 4. Light yeai is a unit of:

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a) Distanc
b) Time Peiiou
c) Light intensity
u) Time
e) none of these

957. S. Thiee elements neeueu foi the healthy giowth of plants aie :

a) N,P,K
b) N,C,P
c) N,K,C
u) N,S,P
e) none of these

958. 6.Coppei can be conveiteu into golu by :

a) Beating
b) Artificial Radioactivity
c) Electioplating
u) Chemical ieaction
e) None of these

959. 7. In wintei an iion pipe feel coluei than a woouen winuow. This is because woou is

a) Conuuctoi
b) non-Conductor
c) Semi- Conuuctoi
u) Not a soliu while iion is a soliu
e) None of these

90. 8. The echo (ieflecteu sounu) will be uistinctly heaiu only at oiuinaiy tempeiatuies
if the uistance of the ieflecting suifaces fiom the souice of sounu is at least :

a) 112u ft
b) 12u ft
c) 5fft
u) 1uu ft
e) None of these
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91. 9. It is possible to iecognize a peison in the uaik by simply heaiing his unique voice .
It is because of the:

a) pitcb
b) Fiequency
c) Time peiiou
d) Quality
e) None of these

92. 1u. When a iay of sunlight enteis a uaik ioom, its stiaight path become visible
because of uust paiticles hanging in the aii. It is because light is:

a) Visibl
B) Tianspaient
c) Invisible
u) opaque
e) None of these

12. The piinciple useu in iauai is the same as that of Sonai. In iauai we use iauio waves :
wheieas in sonai we use :

A) ieu waves
b) Infiaieu waves
c) Ultrasonic
u) supeisonic
) Non of tbs
94. 1. What nullifies Bajj anu cannot be compensateu like all othei is.
Sexual Inteicouise (Coiiect)
Weaiing Sewn Clothes
0sing Peifume

95. 2. The Caliph who was the fiist peison to light canules in the Boly mosque anu to
establish seveial uoois to it was..
0mai (Coiiect)
Abu Baki

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9. S. The one who tiieu to uestioy the Ka'abah was.

Abiaha (Coiiect)

97. 4. The uistance between Nakkah anu Nauinah is.
42u Kilometei (Coiiect)
S2u Kilometei

98. S. Bajj by pioxy peimits a man to uepute anothei man to peifoim it anu it is..
Conuitional (Coiiect)
not conuitional

99. 6. Abiaha was tiying to tuin Bajj into
a chuich establisheu it in yemen (Coiiect)

970. 7. .Pusheu the Abyssinians out of the Aiabian Peninsula
Peisians (Coiiect)
The Romans

971. 1u. The piophets message (mission)came to conclusion in..
A.B. 611 (Coiiect)
A.B. 61S
A.B. 617

972. 12. The one who peifoimeu Bajj secietly was.
Khaliu Ibn Waliu (Coiiect)
0mai Ibn Abuul Aziz
0mai Ibn Khatab

973. 1S. The uistance between Bhul Bulyfah anu Al Nauinah is
appioximately 4Su kilometei
appioximately 1S kilometei (Coiiect)
appioximately 1uu kilometei

974. 14. The one who killeu 0mayah bin Khalaf at the Battle of Baui was.
Bilal (Coiiect)
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975. 16. What is the best type of Bajj
Tamattu (Coiiect)

97. 18. The one nick nameu fathei of the poois is.
Khubaib Al Ansaiy
Saeeu Al Kuiashi
uafai Ibn Abi Talib (Coiiect)

977. 2u. The uistance between Iiuuah anu Nauinah is .
Suu Kilometei
S96 Kilometei (Coiiect)

978. 21. Faiewell Bijjah was in..
The eighth yeai of Bijiah
The tenth yeai of Bijiah (Coiiect)
The fouith yeai of Bijiah

979. 22. Bajj was oiuaineu in the..
Sixth Yeai of Bijiah
Tenth yeai of Bijiah (Coiiect)
Eighth yeai of Bijiah

980. 2S. Abiaha was the iulei of
The Yemen (Coiiect)

981. 24. The Ieuuah Nakkah Bighway ciossing ovei the seapoit biiuge is..
1uu kilometei
7u kilometei
6u kilometei (Coiiect)

982. 2S. Fasting was oiuaineu in the..
Seventh yeai of Bijiah
Seconu yeai of Bijiah (Coiiect)
Tenth yeai of Bijiah

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983. 26. Which iite of Bajj comes aftei them

Tawaaf (Coiiect)
pacing between safa anu maiwa
shaving oi clipping haii.

984. 27. In Tawaaf anu pacing between Safa anu Naiwa
Is not auvisable to peifoim them by pioxy
pioxy is peimissible
theie is no pioxy (Coiiect)

985. 28. The leaueis of 0uiaish gatheieu at .. to pievent the piophets migiation
Abu Sufyans house
Al Kaabah
Bai Al Nauwah (Coiiect)
98. 1S. In a fission nucleai ieaction , a heavy nucleus bieaks up into smallei nuclei
wheieas in anothei nucleai ieaction two oi moie than two possibly nuclei aie fuseu to
foim a heavy nucleus This nucleai ieaction is calleu :

a) Chemical Reaction
b) Nucleai ieaction
c) Fission nucleai ieaction
d) Fusion nuclar raction
e) None of these

987. 14. Paisec (an astionomical unit of uistance equal to S.262 light-yeais) is a unit of :

a) Eneigy
b) Time
c) Powei
d) Distanc
e) None of these

988. 1S. ueiman Silvei (also nickel silvei alloy of coppei, zinc, anu nickel) is an alloy of:

A) Zn + Ni
b) Cu + Zn
c) Cu + Ni
u) Cu + Sn
) Non of tbs

989. 17. The tempeiatuie of the ueau bouy is:

a) u 'C
b) 37 '
c) ioom tempeiatuie
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d) tmpratur of tb plac wbr it is kpt

e) None of these

990. 18. Lactometei is a type of Byuiometei which is useu to measuie the specific giavity
of :

a) Boney
b) Watei
c) Milk
u) olive oil
e) None of these

991. 19. Cusec is a unit of:

a) Aiea
b) Time
c) Bistance
u) mass
) Non of tbs

992. 2u. The ueepest place on eaith is :

a) Tiench
b) Mariana Trncb
C) Nangiove
u) uioove
e) None of these

993. 21. Twinkling of stais is causeu by:

a) Reflection of light
b) Polaiization of light
c) rfraction of ligbt
u) Inteifeience of light
e) None of these
994. 22. Nagnifying powei of a simple micioscope can be incieaseu by :

a) incrasing focal lngtb of tb lns
b) Becieasing focal length of the lens
c) Lens of laige apeituie
u) lens of shoit apeituie
e) None of these

995. 2S. Bionze meual is maue up of metal:

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a) Coppei , Zinc
b) Coppei , Nickle
c) Coppr , Tin
u) Soppei , Silvei
99. u2. 0ne of the main objectives of All - Inuia Nuslim League at the time of its cieation
was :

a. To b loyal to tb Indian Britisb Covrnmnt
b. To take active pait in the politics of the countiy
c. to be close to Binuu community
u. Not to take siues with any Inuian community

997. uS. The powei of the Legislative councils was incieaseu by

a. Minto - Morly Rforms, 1909
b. Simon Commission Repoit
c. Siu Rounu Table Confeience
u. uanuhi - Iiwin Pact

998. u4. Binui - 0iuu contioveisy of 1867 hau fai-ieaching consequences because

a. It was tb forrunnr of tb Two-Nation Tbory
b. Naue Nuslims think to be close to the Binuu cultuie
c. To uepenu on the Biitish uoveinment foi justice
u. To be inuiffeient to the Contioveisy

999. uS. The elections shoulu be helu on the basis of geneial auult fianchise. This
uemanu was maue in

a. Ninto - Noiley Refoims, 19u9
b. Lucknow pact
c. Ciipps Nission
u. uanuhi - Iiwin Pact

1000. u6. Aligaih Nuslim College staiteu by Sii Syeu Ahmeu khan in 1877 hau a cleai

a. To kp tb Muslim community abrast witb wstrn knowldg
b. To make Nuslims leain Aiabic anu Peisian only
c. To give stuuents militaiy euucation
u. To euucate Nuslim youth to be politically active

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1001. u7. "The futuie foim of uoveinment woulu be feueial to be joineu by piovinces anu
Inuian states." This piinciple was settleu in

a. Nehiu Repoit
b. 1st Round Tabl Confrnc
c. Simon Repoit
u. Ninto - Noiley Refoims, 19u9

1002. u8. Simla Beputation of 19u6 hau the following puipose

a. For futur lctions in tb country Muslim community would gt sparat
b. The Beputation was auviseu to take active pait on politics
c. The Beputation was uiiecteu to be fiienuly with the iuleis
u. To be in haimony with the Binuu Community of Inuia

1003. u9. Buiing the Khilafai Novement, "Chauii chauia" tiageuy assumeu gieatei
significance. Which of the following inciuents was peculiai to that

a. Countiy-wiue stiike of the tiaueis
b. A polic station was burnt in a villag
c. Communaal iiots eiupteu
u. The people iefuseu to pay uoveinment taxes

1004. 1u. Ch. Rahmat Ali publisheu a leaflet "Now oi Nevei. Aie We To Live oi Peiish
Foievei" issueu on januaiy 28, 19SS : fiom Cambiiuge with the objective

a. To crat a sparat and indpndant Muslim stat
b. To uevelop amity with the biitish as a Nuslim community
c. To giow the concept of Inuianism
u. To woik with othei Inuian Communities foi libeiation of Inuia
1005. 29. The pilgiim in Efiau..
Shoulu offei Bauy
Is not obligeu to offei Bauy (Coiiect)
Shoulu fast

100. Su. The battle of baui took place on.
The 17th of Ramauan (Coiiect)
The 1uth of Ramauan
The 2Sth of Ramauan
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1007. S1. Bemaication of Naju in Sauui Aiabia is 0ain Al Nanazil
a mountain lies at south of Nakkah
a mountain lies at west of Nakkah
a mountain lies at east of Nakkah (Coiiect)

1008. S2. The companion was nick nameu Allah's Swoiu is..
0samah Ibn Zaiu
0miu Ibn Al Aas
Khaliu Ibn Al Waliu (Coiiect)

1009. SS. Tawaaf aiounu Kaabah is
eithei way
clock wise
anticlockwise (Coiiect)

1010. S4. Al uhimamah mosque is in.
Al Nauinah (Coiiect)

1011. SS. Assembly of Aiafah is on the.
Eight of Bhul Bijjah
Tenth of Bhul Bijjah (Coiiect)
Ninth of Bhul Bijjah

1012. S6. 0miah is a visit to the Boly Nosque
in Ramauan
any time of the yeai (Coiiect)
in Zul hejja

1013. S7. Repeating 0miah in the same yeai is.
not peimissible
peimissible (Coiiect)

1014. S8. Pilgiims spenu the night of immolation of at . aftei the assembly at Aiafat
Al Nuzualifah (Coiiect)

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1015. S9. Spatial Bemaication foi people of Iiaq anu foi those who aie beyonu it is.
Bhat Al Iiq (Coiiect)
Al uuhfah

101. 4u. The name of the tiibe who weie in chaige of Al kaabah affaiis befoie 0uiaish is..
Khuzaah (Coiiect)

1017. 41. The poet calleu the ownei of the buiuah is
Bassan Ibn Tabit
Kaab Ibn Zuhaii (Coiiect)
Abuullah Ibn Rawaha

1018. 42. The Iew who tiieu to sow the seeu of uiscoiu between the Aus anu Khaziaj tiibes
once again was
Kaab Ibn Al Shiaf
Shas Ibn 0ees (Coiiect)
Buyy Ibn Akhtab

1019. 4S. Pacing between Safa anu Naiwa (foi Bajj is.)
A basic piinciple (Coiiect)

1020. 44. The one who weais sewn clothes oi uses a heaugeai
Nust fast ten uays
nullifies his Bajj anu 0miah
Shoulu expiate a sheep (Coiiect)

1021. 4S. The peison whom piophet sent him with some people fiom Aqabah to instiuct
them was.
Saau Ibn Nalik
Bamza Ibn Abuul Nutalib
Nusaab Ibn 0maii (Coiiect)

1022. 46. Complete the following Bauith: The piophet (PB0B) saiu: The best of believeis
is he who is peifect.
In moials (Coiiect)
Tieatment of his family
Bealing with his ieligion
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47. Which Suia staits with one of the attiibute of Allah almighty
Suiat Al Rahman (Coiiect)
Suiat AN Nooi
Suiat AN Nasi

1024. 48. uhzwatul Khanuaq (Tiench Compaign)took place in the
Sth yeai of Bijia (Coiiect)
8th yeai of Bijia
6th yeai of Bijia

1025. 49. Bajj takes place in..
Bhul Bijjah (Coiiect)
Al Nuhaiiam

102. Su. (Ba'awah) the call to Islam was kept seciet foi.
Thiee yeais (Coiiect)
Two yeais
0ne yeai

1027. S2. ..Was the one who tiieu to kill the piophet on his way of Bijiah
Suiaqah Ibn Nalik (Coiiect)
Abu Iahl
Abu Lahab

1028. SS. Among conuitions of Bajj is.
Encampment night of Aiafah Bay at Nina
Thiowing of pebbles clipping oi shaving the haii (Coiiect)
Pacing between Safa anu Naiwa

1029. S4. The fiist of emigiants to Abyssinia was..
Amai Ibn Yasii
0sman Ibn Affan (Coiiect)

1030. S6. You can visit the piophets mosque
befoie anu aftei Bajj (Coiiect)
befoie staiting manasik of Bajj only
aftei finishing manasik of Bajj only

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1031. S7. The one who piacticeu meuicine among the mothei of the faithful was.
0mu Salamah
Aisha (Coiiect)

1032. S8. Eutiba is.
To expose the left shouluei
To expose the iight shouluei (Coiiect)
To expose the both shouluei

1033. S9. whoevei useu peifume at uays of Bajj..
Bis Bajj is nullifieu
Be shoulu fast
Be shoulu expiate a sheep (Coiiect)

1034. 6u. If a pilgiim pioceeus to Aiafaat without passing thiough Nina
Theie is no haim foi him (Coiiect)
Be shoulu offei expiation

1035. 62. The one who leu 0uiaish at the battle of 0huu was.
Abu Sufyan (Coiiect)
Abu Lahab
Abu Iahl

103. 6S. Biffeience between 0miah anu Bajj
Buiing 0miah theie is neithei Aiafah noi thiowing of stone (Coiiect)
Theie is no pacing between Safa anu Naiwa
Theie isno Ciicumambulating the Ka'aba

1037. 64. The blesseu Rawua is in
Al - Aqsa Nosque
Ka'abah Nosque
Piophets Nosque (Coiiect)

1038. 6S. Taking Ihiam at the uemaication is.
A Basic Piinciples
0bligatoiy (Coiiect)

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1039. 66. Taking Ihiam is.

A pillai of Bajj (Coiiect)
A sunna
0bligatoiy foi Bajj

1040. 67. The Neicy Nount lies neai.
Aiafah (Coiiect)

1041. 68. If the pilgiim committeu violating iules uuiing Ihiam.
Shoulu fast ten uays
Shoulu Expiate a sheep anu to fast thiee uays
Shoulu Expiate a sheep oi to fast thiee uays (Coiiect)

1042. 69. Saciifice is.
An abiuing Sunnah (Coiiect)

1043. 7u. Among the obligation of Bajj is.
Pacing between Safa anu Naiwa
Tawaaful Efaauah
Thiowing the pebbles (Coiiect)

1044. 71. Even if the pilgiim is not capable of peifoiming Bajj if he uoes so..
Al Bajj is not valiu
Al Bajj is valiu (Coiiect)

1045. 72. The ageu anu the sick can uepute somebouy to thiow pebbles
It is not alloweu
It is alloweu to uo so (Coiiect)

104. 7S. In pie Islamic times Bajj was consiueieu to be the..
Pacing between Safa anu Naiwa anu assembly at Aiafat
Tawaaf (Coiiect)

1047. 74. The sunan of Bajj.
valiuity of Bajj uepenu on them
Is not cumpolsoiy anu uo not ueseive expiation (Coiiect)
Shoulu be compensateu by expiation at Al Nahi Bay

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1048. 77. What is the Battle Calleu in the 0uian as the Bay of Fuiqan
Baui (Coiiect)

1049. 78. Bajj
Is optional Sunna
Is an establisheu Sunna (Coiiect)
Is obligatoiy upon eveiy capable Nuslim once in a lifetime.

1050. 8u. The fiist one of 0uiaish who ian Nakkahs affaiis was.
0usy Ibn Kilab (Coiiect)
Abuul Nutalib
Bashim Ibn Abuu Nanaf

1051. 81. If the Pilgiim ciicumambulates at Bijji Ismael
Bis ciicumambulation is peimissible accoiuing to some sects
Bis ciicumambulation is valiu
Bis ciicumambulation is invaliu (Coiiect)

1052. 82. The Last Tiibe Embiaseu Islam was..
Thaqif (Coiiect)
Bani Kinanah

AB0 BAKR (Coiiect)

1054. 8S. Tawaaf Al- Ifauah foi menustiating anu pueipeial lauies is..
exempteu (Coiiect)
not exempteu

1055. 86. Tiibe Inhabiteu Nakkah in the time of Ismail
Iuihom (Coiiect)

105. 87. The Fiist Nosque establisheu in Islam is
0iblatyn Nosque
0iba Nosque (Coiiect)
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1057. 88. Bajj is the ciest of all woiship because
It is the last of them all
It combines them all (Coiiect)

1058. 89. The Piophet (PB0B) built the
0iba Nosque (Coiiect)
El Aksa Nosque
Nameia Nosque

1059. 9u. It is peimissible foi women to peifoim Bajj by a pioxy
Yes (Coiiect)

100. 91. Those who hau neglecteu the maintenance of the ZamZam well weie..
Al Amaliqah
Al uiahimah (Coiiect)

101. 92. Tawaaf.
Pioviues the same as foi piayeis iegaiuing puiification anu ablution. (Coiiect)
Boes not pioviue special conuitions

102. 9S. It is Sunna to Piay.
foui Rakas aftei each iounu at Niqam Ebiaheem
two Rakas aftei each iounu at Niqam Ebiaheem (Coiiect)
thiee Rakas aftei each iounu at Bijji Isamel

103. 9S. The one who leu the aimy of the polytheists in the battle of Bunain was..
Buiiu Ibn Al Samah
Thulaihah Ibn Khwaliu
Naalik Ibn 0of (Coiiect)

104. 96. Pacing between Safa anu Naiwa Is.
Seven Ciicuits (Coiiect)
Seven times to anu fio
Thiee Ciicuits

105. 97. The Pillais of 0miah aie.
Taking Ihiam, Pacing, Assembly at Aiafa
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Taking Ihiam, Tawaaf, Pacing (Coiiect)

Taking Ihiam, Tawaaf, visit the Piophets Nosque

10. 98. The Neicy Nount Lies Neai
Aiafa (Coiiect)

107. 99. Spatial Bemaication foi people of Al Nauinah is
0ain Al Nanazil
Bhul Bulyfah (Coiiect)

108. 1uu. The numbei of those killeu on the siue of the polytheists in all the compaigns
112 (Coiiect)

109. 1u1. The Boly ievelation to the Piophet (PB0B) staits on
Nonuay (Coiiect)

1070. 1u2. The Beight of Al Kaaba is
1S meteis high
2u meteis high
1u meteis high (Coiiect)

1071. 1uS. The Piophets fostei sistei was.
Al Rabab
Al Shyma (Coiiect)

1072. 1u4. The Piophet (PB0B) was boin in
The yeai of Elephant (Coiiect)
The yeai of Rimaua
The yeai of Wufuu

1073. 1uS. The battle of Khaibai took place in the
Eighth yeai of Bijiah
Fifth yeai of Bijiah
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Seventh yeai of Bijiah (Coiiect)

1074. 1u6. Saluting the Boly Nosque implies..
ciicumambulating seven iounus (Coiiect)
piaying two iakas
piaying foui iakas

1075. 1u7. The obligatoiy Bauy is upon
Bajj Al Ifiau
The one who peifoims 0miah
Nuttamatti anu 0aiin anu one who misseu one of the pillais of Bajj (Coiiect)

107. 1u8. Al Kaabah uooi is situateu in the ... Wall
eastein (Coiiect)

1077. 1u9. 0iba Nosque is in the
Noith West of Sala Nountain
South West of Al Nauinah (Coiiect)
af the Ranuwtha valley

1078. 11u. Iamiatul Aqabah is
the smallest Iamiah
the meuium Iamiah
the biggest Iamiah (Coiiect)

1079. 111. Recommenuable Bauy is uone by
the pilgiim who peifoims Ifiau moue (Coiiect)
the one who peifoims 0miah
the one who misseu one of obligatoiies of Bajj

1080. 112. The faiewell ciicumambulation (Tawaaf)... to hasten one's gait this is
consiueieu the last act befoie ietuining home
it is not necessaiy (Coiiect)
it is necessaiy

1081. 114. The one who auviseu the uigging of the uitch aiounu mauinah to iepulse the
attacks of the polytheists was
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Salman Al Faiisy (Coiiect)

Abu 0baiuah

1082. 11S. The Piophet himself leu the Nuslim Aimy in
17 battles
1S battles (Coiiect)
2S battles

1083. 116. The Piophet (PB0B) useu to meet his companions secietly at.
Al Aiqam's Bouse (Coiiect)
Thoui Cave
Al Nauwa Bouse
117. Funuamental Piinciples of Bajj aie.
Taking Ihiam, Tawaaf Al 0uuum, Assembly at Aiafat, Faiewell Ciicumambulation
Taking Ihiam, Assembly at Aiafat, pacing between Safa anu Naiwa Tawaaful Ifaauah

1084. 118. The iites (Nanasik)of Bajj continue foi.
five uays (Coiiect)
seven uays

1085. 119. Zakah was oiuaineu in the.
tenth yeai of Bijiah (Coiiect)
ninth yeai of Bijiah
eleventh yeai of Bijiah

108. 12u. The one who killeu the Caliph Ali was.
Ibn Al Sawua
Abu Luluah
Ibn Nulgim (Coiiect)

1087. 121. Thiowing pebbles aie uone..
In the leaving eighth of Bhul Bijjah
Aftei sunset on the ninth of Bhul Bijjah
In the moining of the feast on the tenth of Bhul Bijjah (Coiiect)

1088. 122. If you uoubteu numbei of the iounus that you have uone uuiing Tawaaf, then
iepeat the Tawaaf fiom beginning
the biggest numbei is consiueieu
the lowest numbei is consiueieu (Coiiect)
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1089. 12S. The ielevance (legitimacy) of Bajj
is not founu in the 0uian anu Sunna, anu so can be uispenseu with
is confiimeu by the 0uian anu Sunna (Coiiect)

1090. 124. Among the funuamentals.
Thiowing of pebbles, anu taking Ihiam at uemaication
Assembly at Aiafah pacing between Safa anu Naiwa (Coiiect)
Spenuing a Night at Nuzualifah anu Tawaaful Ifauah

1091. 126. The Piiest who knew the signs of the piophethoou of Nuhammeu (PB0B)
Abuul 0ees
Buhyia (Coiiect)

1092. 127. 0m Al 0uia is
Nakkah (Coiiect)
Al Taef

1093. 128. Paitial ielief fiom Ihiam shoulu:
Be uone aftei Ifaua Tawaaf
Beu uone aftei thiowing pebbles at the biggest Aqabah (Coiiect)

1094. 129. As soon as thiowing pebbles of Aqabah
Tawaaful Ifauah shoulu be uone
Bauy shoulu be offeieu
Shaving the haii oi shoitening it, shoulu be uone (Coiiect)

1095. 1S1. The Nonths of Bajj aie
Shawal, Bhul 0iuah. Bhul Bijjah (Coiiect)
Rajab, Ramauan, Shawal
Bhul Bijjah

109. 1S2. Ibiahim's ieligion is calleu..
Al Banifyah (Coiiect)

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1097. 1SS. The ieal name of Abu Iahl was..

Abuul 0za (Coiiect)
Abuul Bai
Abuul Kaabah

1098. 1S4. Thiowing pebbles at Aqabah is..
A Basic Piinciple
0bligatoiy (Coiiect)

1099. 1S6. Tawaaful Ifauah is..
A basic element (Coiiect)

1100. 1S7. The one who calleu the olu fox of 0uiaish was.
Khaliu Ibn Al Waliu
0miu Ibn Al Aas (Coiiect)

1101. 1S8. The fiist female maityi in Islam is..
Sumyah (Coiiect)

1102. 1S9. The tieaty of Buuybyah was ieacheu (signeu)in.
In the sixth yeai of Bijiah (Coiiect)
In the seventh yeai of Bijiah
In the eighth yeai of Bijiah

1103. 14u. Bajj (pilgiimage) is obligatoiy upon woman
Even if theie is no Nahiam male ielative
pioviueu she is escoiteu by a Nahiam male ielative oi tiustwoithy peison (Coiiect)

1104. 141. The fiist lauy manageu to leain Boly 0uian by heait is.
Bafsah Bint 0mai (Coiiect)
Sawuah Bint Al Baiiuh
Sumyah Al Ansaiyah

1105. 142. Buiing Bajj a woman shoulu weai
Plain Clothes in a uecent way (Coiiect)
The same as men uo
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110. 14S. The uistance between Iiuuah Aiipoit anu the Iiuuah Nakkah Bighway is
1S km
12 km (Coiiect)
2S km

1107. 144. 0miah uuiing Bajj season except the eighth anu ninth of Bhul Bijjah is
Peimissible (Coiiect)
Not Peimissible
Not Recommenueu

1108. 14S. Bemaication of Yemenis is Yalamlam
A plain lies at south of Nakkah (Coiiect)
Noith of Nakkah
A valley lies at east of Nakkah

1109. 146. If the Nutamii (who peifoims umiah)spenus the night in Nakkah.
Be shoulu peifoim faiewell ciicumambulation (Coiiect)
Be uoes not peifoim faiewell ciicumambulation

1110. 147. To pass thiough Safa Booi anu Supplicating Allah Almighty at seeking the
Is sunnah (Coiiect)
Is obligatoiy (Faiu)

1111. 148. 0uiaish beseigeu the Nuslim at the Nountain Pass of Abu Talib.
Foui yeais 0lu
Two yeais olu (Coiiect)
Thiee yeais olu

1112. 149. The Battel Nu'tah took place in the.
Sixth yeai of Bijiah
Ninth Yeai of Bijiah
Eighth yeai of Bijiah (Coiiect)

1113. 1Su. Ciicumambulating the Kaabah is consiueieu as
Piayei (Coiiect)

1114. 1S1. 0miah enus with.
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Pacing between Safa anu Naiwa (Coiiect)

pebbles thiowing

1115. 1S2. Casting the pebbles accoiuing to the foui main sects is
0bligatoiy (Coiiect)
Not 0bligatoiy

111. 1SS. The lauy calleu the ownei of the Two uiiules (Bhatu Nitaqn) was..
Asmaa (Coiiect)
Al shymaa

1117. 1S4. The apostasy of Bani Amii, Bawzan anu Bani Sileem took place in the
Eighth yeai of Bijia
Eleventh yeai of Bijia (Coiiect)
Ninth yeai of Bijia

1118. 1SS. When uo you say 0 Allah foigive my sins anu open to me the gates of Thy
When setting out Tiavelling
When going to beu
At enteiing the mosque (Coiiect)

1119. 1S6. Spatial Bemaication foi the people of Nakkah is
To take Ihiam at Bhul Bulyfah
To take Ihiam at Tanieem Nosque
To take Ihiam at his iesiuence. (Coiiect)

1120. 1S7. The men who ieau Suiat Al Tawba in Nakkah was
Ali (Coiiect)
Abu Baki

1121. 1S8. Thiowing of Aqaba pebbles take place at
Nina (Coiiect)

1122. 161. Khwaliu Ibn Waliu embiaceu Islam in the
Thiiu yeai of Bijiah
Seventh yeai of Bijiah
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Eighth yeai of Bijiah (Coiiect)

1123. 162. The total pebbles foi Iamaiat is
7u pebbles
7u pebbles foi whose aie not in huiiy to leave anu 49 pebbles foi those in huiiy (Coiiect)
49 pebbles.

1124. 16S. The hosting of Pilgiims at Nakkah was calleu..
Rifauah (Coiiect)

1125. 164. Whoevei uoesnot attenu the Assembly at Aiafah
Shoulu fast ten uays
Shoulu offei an expiation Bauy
Bis Bajj is invaliu (Coiiect)

112. 166. The uelegations met to listen to Suiat Al Tawbah in Nakkah at
Safa anu Naiwa
uabal Al Nooi anu Iabal Al Rahma
Aiafat anu Nina (Coiiect)

1127. 167. Nountain 0huu is
A sanuy mountain in Ieuuah
A huge mountain in Nakkah
A iocky mountain about 4 km fiom mauinah (Coiiect)

1128. 168. The Ceasei (iulei) of Rome at the auvent of Islam was..
Beiacles (Coiiect)

1129. 169. The Iewess who attempteu to poison the piophet was.
Zainab Bint Al Baiiuh (Coiiect)
Zainab Bint Khinas
Zainab Bint Nibeat

1130. 171. The fiist peison who clotheu the Kaabah with silk mateiial was.
Bamzah Ibn Abuul Nutalib
0m Al Abbas Ibn Abuul Nutalib (Coiiect)
Al Zubaii Ibn Al Awam
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1131. 172. While Chanting Talbiyah..
A pilgiim is iequiieu to iaise his voice, but a woman must lowei hei voice, oi be heaiu
only by one besiue (Coiiect)
A pilgiim must lowei his voice

1132. 174. The ieal name of Abu Iahl is
Amiu Ibn Bisham (Coiiect)
Amiu Ibn Kilab
Amiu Ibn Wiu

1133. 17S. The Caliph who saiu I am in chaige of you but I am not the best of you was.
AbuBaki (Coiiect)
1134. 2S. A veiy impoitant piactical application of piopeities of mattei is hoeing oi "goui"
piacticeu by the faimeis. This piopeity of mattei is calleu:

a) Elasticity
b) Stiess
c) Capillarity
u) Stiain
e) None of these

1135. 26. It is obseiveu that the total piessuie exeiteu by aii on the man of aveiage size is
aiounu 14.7 lb wt. pei squaie inch. But the man feels quite comfoitable,. It is because of :

a) An qual and opposit prssur acts from insid
b) of the height of a man
c) of giavity
u) Eaith pulls the man upwaiu
e) None of these

113. 27) A nucleai ieactoi is a uevice useu to caiiy out contiolleu nucleai ieaction
wheieas uN countei is a uevice useu to uetect :

a) Cuiient
b) Voltag
C) nucleai Rauiation
u) powei
e) None of these
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1137. 28. A bouy can escape the giavitational pull of the eaith if it is thiown up with a
velocity of:

a) 2S miles pei sec
b ) 6u miles pei sec
c) 7 miles pei sec
d) 10 mils pr sc
e) None of these

1138. 29. Night vision is possible with the help of :

a) Rd ligbt
b) violet light
c) Infiaieu Rays
u) 0ltia violet Light
e) None of these

1139. Su. Nyopia (shoit sighteuness) is a uefect of human eye. it can be coiiecteu by using
a lens calleu :

a) Convex lens
b) Concav lns
c) Cylindrical lns
u) Plano convex lens
e) None of these

1140. 1. Walnuts can be bioken in the hanu by squeezing two togethei but not one. It is
because of:

a) Woik uone
b) Powr
c) Eneigy
u) volume
e) None of these

S2. The instiument which is specially uesigneu foi iecoiuing eaith quake wave is calleu
seismogiaph which measuie eaith quake waves on a
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1142. a) Biatonic scale (sounu - S tones anu 2 semi-tones)
b) Fahienheit Scale
c) Ricbtr scal
u) Celsius Scale
e) None of these

1143. SS. The planet Neicuiy completes one iotation aiounu the sun is
a) 88 days
b) S6S uays
c) 98 uays
u) 6u uays
e) None of these

1144. S4. Fossils founu in the lowest geological stiata aie geneially most:

a) Auvance
b) Complex
c) Primitiv
u) Specializeu
e) None of these

1145. SS. Evolution can be uesciibeu as:

a) A continuing piocess
b) A catastiophic event in the past
c) Static
d) Tb attaining of an idal typ
e) None of these

114. S6. What is the only souice of new alleles.

a) Ciossing ovei
b) inuepenuent assoitment
c) Mutation
u) Feitilization
e) None of these

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1148. S7. Polygenic chaiacteiistic aie contiolleu by:

a) Dominant gns
b) Recessive genes
c) Nultiple genes
u) Nutateu genes
e) none of these

1149. S8. Which of the following lists the foui stages of foou piocessing in oiuei.

a) ingstion , digstion , absorption , limination
b) uigestion , ingestion , absoiption , elimination
c) ingestion , absoiption , elimination , uigestion
u) absoiption , uigestion , ingestion , elimination
e) None of these

1150. S9. In humans, most nutiient molecules aie absoibeu by the:

a) small intstin
b) stomach
c) livei
u) laige intestine
e) None of these

1151. 4u. The eneigy neeueu to fuel essential bouy piocesses is calleu:

a) Essential nutiient level
b) Basal mtabolism
c) None of these
u) iecommenueu uaily allowance
e) 0ptimum eneigy intake

1152. 41. Which of the following is an oiganic molecule neeueu by the bouy in small

a) Piotein
b) vitamin C
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c) Zinc
d) Monosaccbarid (a simple sugai such as glucose oi fiuctose that cannot be bioken
uown into simplei sugais)
e) None of these

1153. 42. Inhaleu aii passes thiough which of the following in the last.

a) Bionchiole (tubes insiue lungs)
b) Laiynx
c) Phaiynx
d) Tracba (a tube in insects anu ielateu aii-bieathing inveitebiate animals thiough
which aii is uiawn into the bouy by the pumping action of the abuominal muscles)
e) None of these

1154. 4S. Which of the following is a foim of sexual iepiouuction.

a) Beimaphiouitism (both sexes)
B) Fission
c) Fiagmentation
u) Buuuing
) Non of tbs

1155. 44. Cobalt is a mateiial which is:

a) strongly attractd by a magnt
B) Not attractd by a magnt
c) not a magnet
u) Weakly attiacteu by a magnet
e) None of these

115. 4S. Laughing gas (Nitious oxiue N2u) has chemical composition of the following two
elements which aie :

a) Nitiogen + Byuiogen
b) Nitiogen + Caibon
c) Nitrogn + oxygn
u) 0xygen + Caibon
e) None of these
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1157. 46. Bepatitis A is tiansmitteu to uiffeient inuiviuuals by :

a) Watei
b) Sneezing
c) Spit
d) Fcs
e) None of these

1158. 47. The unit that cooiuinates uiffeient uevices of the computei system is :

a) AL0 (Aiithmetic logic unit)
c) Control unit
u) Logical instiuction
e) None of these

1159. 48. The most abunuant element piesent is in the human bouy is:

a) Nitiogen
b) 0xygen
c) Carbon
d) Hydrogn
e) None of these
110. Noplah`s contiibution is that

a. Tby took part in Kbilafat Movmnt
b. They went to Keiala to oiganize anti-Biitish movement
c. They weie Aiab tiibes on the Nalabai shoies who seizeu ships of East Inuia company
u. They iemaineu involveu in a gueiilla waifaie with the Biitish uoveinment

111. u2. Aiya Samaj was founueu in 187S

a. To piotect the inteiest of Inuia
b. To rviv and rform Hindusium
c. To coopeiate with the Biitish uoveinment
u. To be a social oiganization woiking foi the goou of the pooi

112. uS. In the election of 194S-46

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a. In NWFP, the Nuslim league got majoiity anu won the Nuslim seats
b. Nuslim League foimeu ministiy in NWFP with Bi. Khan Sahib as the Chief Ninistei
c. In Bngal Muslim Lagu won 89 out of 110 Muslim sats and formd ministry
witb H.S. Subrawardy as Cbif Ministr
u. None of the above

113. u4. Foi what puipose Nuslim League changeu its manifesto in 191S .

a. Bcam bostil towards tb Britisb
b. Bemanueu self-goveinment suitable foi Inuia
c. to iemain aloof fiom Inuian politics
u. To ciiticise anu oppose the Binuu community

114. 05. Wbo scondd tb Pakistan Rsolution from Punjab ?

a. Nawab Nuhammau Ismail
b. Dr. Mubammad Alam
c. Abuul Bameeu khan
u. Syeu Zakii Ali

115. u6. The kanpui Nosque episoue took place in August 191S. Its iesult was

a. It maue the Nuslims feel ignoieu by the Inuian uoveinment
b. The Nuslims weie uisappointeu by the Binuu Piess
c. They ueciueu to leave Inuia anu migiate to neighbouiing Nuslim countiies
d. It cratd political awakning among tb Indian Muslims

11. u7. 0n may 28, 192u, Khilafat Committee passeu a iesolution in suppoit of Non-
Coopeiation Novement staiteu by Ni. uhanuhi with the iesult

a. It cratd amity btwn Muslims and Hindus to work togtbr to gt tbir
grivancs rdrssd by tb Covrnmnt of India
b. It coulu not be activateu uue to Binuu - Nuslim uiffeiences
c. The Congiess opposeu the movement
u. By anu laige the Nuslim community uiu not want to get Binuu suppoit

117. u8. Inuicateu the main ieason foi the failuie of Lanu Refoims in Pakistan

a. Lanuloius got stay oiuei fiom couits
b. Lanuloius suiienueieu hilly lanus
c. Lanuloius got favoui fiom Consoliuation Wing of Boaiu of Revenue
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d. Landlords tranfrrd land in tb nam of tbir family mmbrs

118. 09. Tb Anjuman-i-Himayat-i-Islam was foundd in 1884, witb tb objctiv

a. It was foi social gatheiing among Nuslim of Punjab
b. To help Nuslims to secuie uoveinment jobs
c. To encouiage non-communabal appioach to piovincial pioblems
u. To uefenu Islam against the onslaughts of the missionaiies anu to pioviue westein
euucation along with ieligious instiuctions

119. 1u. Ex-state of "Amb" is famous foi

a. Tiual Foiests
b. Natural Forsts
c. Aitificial Foiests
u. Beta Foiest
1170. Um Al Qura is

A) Yathiib
B) Makkab
C) Al Taef
1171. If you doubtd numbr of tb rounds tbat you bav don during Tawaaf, tbn

A) Rpat tb Tawaaf from bginning
B) Tb biggst numbr is considrd
C) The lowest numbei is consiueieu
1172. Fundamntal Principls of Hajj ar.

A) Taking Ibram, Tawaaf Al Qudum, Assmbly at Arafat, Farwll
B) Taking Ihiam, Assembly at Aiafat, pacing between Safa anu Naiwa Tawaaful Ifaauah.
(iight ans)i
1173. In wbat yar did Sayyidna Umar, Radi-Allabu anbu, accpt Islam?

A) 10 CE
B) 6u8 CE
C) 6S4 CE, 1S AB
B) 644 CE, 2S AB
1174. Wbo was tb commandr of tb Makkan army during battl of Ubud?

A) Abu Sufyan ibn Harb
B) Abu Iahl
C) Khaliu ibn Waliu
B) Abu Sufyan ibn Baiith
1175. Wbr do Hajis go from Muzdalifa?

A) Aiafat
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B) Mina
C) Nakkah
B) Nauina
117. Wbat is tb nam givn to somon wbo joins tb prayr aftr it bas bgun?

A) Nuuiak
B) Masbuq
C) Lahiq
B) Namaazi
1177. Tb Qiblab turnd from Al Ka'abab dirction of )rusalm to tbat of Al Ka'abab
in tb..

A) Seventh yeai of Bijiah
B) Tenth yeai of Bijiah
C) Scond yar of Hijrab
1178. Wbo was tb first prson wbo lad salab vn tbougb tb Propbt of Allab Sall-
Alabu alaybi wa sallam was prsnt in tb congrgation?

A) Abu Bakr, Radi-Allabu anbu
B) 0mai, Raui-Allahu anhu
C) 0thman, Raui-Allahu anhu
B) Ali, Raui-Allahu anhu
1179. Wbo is tb nw PM of Ntbrlands?
(a) Naik Ruttea
(b) Bill Caiey
(c) Thakshin Sinawatia
(u) None of these
1180. Bngbazi is a port of :
(a) Libya (b) Yemen (c) Egypt (u) None of these
1181. Bngbazi is a port of :
(a) Libya (b) Yemen (c) Egypt (u) None of these
1182. Wbat was tb only prmannt ffct of bt invasions of Mabmud Cbaznavi?
(a) Contiol ovei Westein Inuia
(b) Contiol ovei Kashmii
(c) Annexation of Punjab
(u) Acceptance of suboiuinate position by iuleis of Noith Inuia
1183. Tb first country to lgalis mdically assistd suicid is
(a) Switzeilanu
(b) New Zealanu
(c) 0SA
(u) Netheilanus
1184. Sbowing tb lady in tb park, Vint said,'' Sb is tb daugbtr of my
grandfatbr's only son." How is Vint rlatd to tbat lady?
(a) Biothei
(b) Cousin
(c) Fathei
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(u) 0ncle
(e) None of these.
1185. Right answei Is B.

118. Computrs us tb ____________ languag to procss data.
A. piocessing
B. kilobyte
C. binaiy
B. iepiesentational
1187. In tb binary languag acb lttr of tb alpbabt, acb numbr and acb
spcial cbaractr is mad up of a uniqu combination of:
A. eight bytes.
B. eight kilobytes.
C. eight chaiacteis.
B. eight bits.
1188. World No-Tobacco Day is obsrvd on -
1. Nay 2S
2. Nay S1
S. Nay28
4. Nay 24
1189. Polytbn is industrially prpard by tb polymrization of -
1. Nethane
2. Styiene
S. Acetylene
4. Ethylene
1190. Wbicb on of tb following is a watr solubl vitamin?
1. vitamin A
2. Vitamin C
S. vitamin B
4. vitamin K
1191. An gg sinks in tap watr but floats in a concntratd solution of salt bcaus
of wbat?
1192. The uensity of salt watei exceeus.
1193. Minamata disas is causd by-
(A) Neicuiy
(B) Caumium
(C) Leau
(B) Zinc
1194. Wbicb on of tb following is not formd in our body ?
(A) vitamin A
(B) Piotein
(C) Enzyme
(B) Boimone
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1195. A pic of cbalk wbn immrsd in watr mits bubbls. Wby?

119. Answr: Cbalk consists of pors forming capillaris. Wbn it is immrsd in
watr, tb watr bgins to ris in tb capillaris and air prsnt tbr is xplld in
tb form of bubbls.
1197. Tb largst coppr producing country in tb World is
1. Cbil
2. Russia
S. South Afiica
4. China
1198. Tb gas prdominantly rsponsibl for global warning is
(1) Caibon uioxiue
(2) Caibon monoxiue
(S) Nitious oxiue
(4) Nitiogen peioxiue
1199. In wbicb layr of tb atmospbr do most watbr pbnomna occur?
(a) Exospheie
(b) Stiatospheie
(c) Ionospheie
(u) Tropospbr
1200. Wbo discovrd Uranus?
a. Hrscbl
b. uanleo
c. Copeinicus
u. None of these
1201. In tb contxt of gntic disordrs, considr tb following:
A woman suffrs from colour blindnss wbil br busband dos not suffr from it.
Tby bav a son and a daugbtr. In tbis contxt, wbicb on of tb following
statmnts is most probabl) corrct?
(a) Both chiluien suffei fiom coloui blinuness.
(b) Baughtei .suffeis fiom coloui blinuness while son uoes not suffei fiom it.
(c) Both chiluien uo not suffei fiom coloui blinuness.
(u) Son suffeis fiom coloui blinuness while uaughtei uoes not suffei fiom it.
1202. In tb contxt of co2 mission and Clobal Warming, wbat is tb nam of a
markt drivn dvic undr tb UNFCC tbat allows dvloping countris to gt
funds]incntivs from tb dvlopd countris to adopt, bttr tcbnologis tbat
rduc grn bous gas missions?
(a) Caibon Footpiint
(b) Caibon Cieuit Rating
(c) Clean Bevelopment Nechanism
(u) Emission Reuuction Noim
1203. In tb contxt of altrnativ sourcs of nrgy, tbanol as a viabl bio-ful can
b obtaind from:
(a) Potato
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(b) Rice
(c) Sugaicane
(u) Wheat
1204. In an atom no two lctrons bav all tb four quantum numbrs idntical. Tbis
is known as
(a) Paulis Exclusion piinciple
(b) Bunus Rule
(c) Aufbau Piinciple
(u) Avogauios Law
1205. During tb Mugbal priod, wbicb on of tb following trads wr tb first to
com to India?
(a) Poituguese
(b) Butch
(c) Banish
(u) English
120. Wbr did Buddba di?
(a) Lumbini
(b) Kusinagaia
(c) Pavapuii
(u) Nagauha
1207. "Black Pagoda" is in
a. Egypt
b. Siilanka
c. Nauuiai
u. Konaik
1208. Polyploid drivd from two diffrnt spcis is calld
(A) Autopolyploiu
(B) Tiiploiu
(C) Allopolyploiu
(B) Nonoploiu
1209. Nam tb following baving oxygn storing capacity
(A) Nyoglobin
(B) Piophase II
(C) Anaphase I
(B) Netaphase II
1210. Pick tb mammal witb tru placnta
(A) Kangaioo
(B) Echiuna
(C) Platypus
(B) Nongoose
1211. Bovin spongi form ncpbalopatbyis a disas causd by prions in a _______.
(A) cow
(B) sheep
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(C) man
(B) potato
1212. Ulympic Cams ar organisd aftr a gap of vry
1. two yeais
2. thiee yeais
S. foui yeais
4. five yeais
1213. 2 Colcbicins tratd clls ar arrstd in

1 S Phase
2 Piophase
S u 1 phase
4 Mtapbas
1214. Tddy bar is namd aftr tb nam of wbicb famous U.S prsidnt?
teuuy theouie ioosvelt..
1215. Wbicb is tb sport wbrin you would us a 'sand iron'?
121. Nucli witb tb sam numbr of nutrons but diffrnt numbr of protons ar
1217. Wbo is consirdrd as fatbr of modrn gntics ?
William Bateson
1218. Tb numbr of non-prmannt mmbrs of tb UN Scurity Council is
a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20
1219. 1u
1220. W all know vry wll tbat tb Pacific Ucan is tb artb's largst ocan.
Wbicb of tb following rprsnts tb prcntag ara {approximatly) of tb artb
covrd by it?
a. 2S% b. 35 c. 4u% u. 4S%
1221. Tbis disas is causd by tb dficincy of protin. Can you idntify it from tb
givn options?
a. uoitie
b. Kwasbiorkar
c. Bypokalemia
u. Beimatosis
1222. In Humans , tb nd product of Anarobic Rspiration is......?
Lactic aciu
1223. Wbicb of tb following bcam tb Ist Asian Country to sign Fr Trad
Agrmnt witb Europan Union?
{a) Soutb Kora (b) China
(c) Inuia
(u) None of these
1224. Wbat disas is tb Sabin Vaccin usd to prvnt?
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1225. Wbo is consirdrd as Fatbr of Surgry ?
122. Tb procss tbat involvs tb rodd matrial bing dissolvd and carrid
along in watr as individual ions is calld

1227. Wbicb of tb following country is not a mmbr of C-7?

1228. Tripitakas ar tb Sacrd books of tb?
(A) Iains
(B) Binuus
(C) Nuslims
(B) Buddbists
1229. Uracil is prsnt in RNA at tb plac of?
(A) Auenine
(B) uuanine
(C) Cytosine
(B) Tbymin
1230. Tb Curkbas ar tb original inbabitants of?
1231. Tb volcano Vsuvius is locatd in?
1232. Wbicb on of tb following longituds along witb tb Prim Mridian forms a
grat circl on tb glob?
(A) u
(B) 9uE
(C) 9uW
(B) 180
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1233. Balloons ar filld witb?

(A) 0xygen
(B) Nitiogen
(C) Aigon
(B) Hlium
1234. In tb pbospborus cycl, watbring maks pbospbat availabl first to?
(A) Producrs
(B) Consumeis
(C) Teitiaiy consumeis
(B) Becomposeis
1235. A nuclar ractor uss ___ as ful?
B.Beavy watei
D.Non of d abv - uranium
123. .Tb lmnt rquird for Solar nrgy convrsion?
(A) Beiyllium
(B) Silicon
(C) Tantalum
(B) 0ltia puie caibon
1237. Tb longst bigbway in tb world bas a lngtb of About?
A.1uuuu km
B. 8000 km
C.19uuu km
B.7uuu km
1238. Tb plac known as tb Roof of tb world is?
D.Non of d abv - Tibt
1239. Watr is a good solvnt of ionic salts bcaus?
(A) It has no coloui
(B) It has a boiling point
{C) It bas a bigb dipol momnt
(B) It has a high specific heat
1240. Tb primary producr of nwsprint in tb world is ?
B.None of u abv
1241. Tb indpndnc day of Soutb Kora is clbratd on?
A.15tb Aug.
B.14th Aug.
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C.2Sth Ian.
B.24th Ian.
1242. Wbo proposd tb cbmical volution of lif?
1243. Tb combination of tb oprating systm and tb procssor is rfrrd to as
tb computei's.
A CP0.
B platform.
1244. H . ____________ ar lists of commands tbat appar on tb scrn.
A u0Is
B Icons
C Mnus
B Winuows
124. MS-DUS is a ____________ oprating systm.
A point-anu-click
B usei-fiienuly
C command-drivn
B Nac
1248. Tb combination of tb oprating systm and tb procssor is rfrrd to as
tb computei's.
A CP0.
B platform.
1250. Wbo proposd tb cbmical volution of lif?
1252. Aftr a pictur bas bn takn witb a digital camra and procssd
appropriatly, tb actual print of tb pictur is considrd?
A. uata.
B. output.
C. input.
B. the piocess.
1254. Surgons can prform dlicat oprations by manipulating dvics tbrougb
computrs instad of manually. Tbis tcbnology is known as?
A. robotics.
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B. computei foiensics.
C. simulation.
B. foiecasting.
125. Tb longst bigbway in tb world bas a lngtb of About?
A.1uuuu km
B. 8000 km
C.19uuu km
B.7uuu km
1258. Tb plac known as tb Roof of tb world is?
D.Non of d abv
120. Tb country known as tb Land of Wbit Elpbant is?
D.Non of d abv.
122. Watr is a good solvnt of ionic salts bcaus?
{A) It has no coloui
(B) It has a boiling point
{C) It bas a bigb dipol momnt
(B) It has a high specific heat
124. Tb primary producr of nwsprint in tb world is ?
B.None of u abv
12. To locat a data itm for storag is?
a. Fielu
b. Feeu
c. Batabase
d. Ftcb
128. Tb indpndnc day of Soutb Kora is clbratd on?
A.15tb Aug.
B.14th Aug.
C.2Sth Ian.
B.24th Ian.
1270. Tb trm 'nzym' was coind by?
(A) ue Buve
{B) Kunb
(C) C. Baiwin
(B) ue Canuolle
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1272. Soda watr contains?

(A) Nitious aciu
(B) Caibonic aciu
{C) Carbon dioxid
{B) Sulphuiic aciu
1274. Tb act of rtriving xisting data from mmory is calld?
a. Reau-out
b. Reau fiom
c. Reau
d. All of abov
127. Modrn Computr ar vry rliabl but tby ar not?
a. Fast
b. Poweiful
c. Infallibl
u. Cheap
1278. 'Buttrfly' word is rlatd to?
(a) basketball
(b) snookei
{c) swimming
{u) boating
1280. An rror in softwar or bardwar is calld a bug. Wbat is tb altrnativ
computr jargon for it?
a. Leech
b. Squiu
c. Slug
d. Clitcb
1282. .Tb lmnt rquird for Solar nrgy convrsion?
(A) Beiyllium
{B) Silicon
(C) Tantalum
(B) 0ltia puie caibon
1284. Tb Curkbas ar tb original inbabitants of?
128. .Tb volcano Vsuvius is locatd in?
1288. Wbicb on of tb following longituds along witb tb Prim Mridian forms a
grat circl on tb glob?
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(A) u
(B) 9uE
(C) 9uW
{D) 180
1290. Balloons ar filld witb?
(A) 0xygen
(B) Nitiogen
(C) Aigon
{D) Hlium
1292. In tb pbospborus cycl, watbring maks pbospbat availabl first to?
{A) Producrs
(B) Consumeis
(C) Teitiaiy consumeis
(B) Becomposeis
1294. A nuclar ractor uss ___ as ful?
B.Beavy watei
D.Non of d abv.
129. Tbrombosis is a disas of tb?
(a) Lungs
{b) Blood
(c) Thyioiu
(u) Neive buisting
1298. .Wbicb on of tb following sas is witbout a coastlin?
(A) White sea
{B) Saragossa sa
(C) Sea of okhotsk
(B) Tasman sea
1300. Milk fvr in cattl is causd du to tb dficincy of?
{A) Ca
(B) Fe
(C) vit. 'B'
(B) N
1302. Pbotolctric ffct was discovrd by?
{A) Einstein
{B) Hrtz
(C) Bohi
(B) Plank
1304. Pasturizd milk?
(a) Is steiile
(b) Not steiile
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(c) Will not tuin soui

{d) Will not turn sour for somtim
130. Wbicb on of tb following is a frsb watr fisb?
{A) Pomfiet
{B) Robu
(C) Saiuine
(B) Salmon
1308. Antibodis in our bodis?
(a) Cause uiseases
(b) Cuie infection
(c) Aie poisonous substances
{d) Protct us against disas
1310. Sugarcan + Potato is an intrcropping systm of?
{A) Autumn sason
(B) Zaiu season
(C) Spiing season
(B) Rainy season
1312. Vrmicompost is prpard witb tb blp of following?
(A) Bacteiia
{B) Eartbworms
(C) Ants
(B) viiu
1314. )alpriya is a varity of?
{A) Maiz
(B) Iowai
(C) Pauuy
(B) Bailey
131. Tb sbap of our milky way galaxy is?
(A) Ciiculai
(B) Elliptical
{C) Spiral
(B) None of these
1318. Tb maximum transpiration occursin?
{A) Msopbytic plants
(B) Byuiophytic plants
(C) Xeiophytic plants
(B) All algae except cyanobacteiia
1320. Wbicb blood group is tb univrsal donor?
(a) A
(b) B
{c) U
(u) AB
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1322. An xampl of sbort day plant is?

(A) Wheat
(B) Naize
{C) Cbrysantbmum
(B) Rauish
1324. Quit India Movmnt was launcbd in?
(A) 1941
(B) 1947
{C) 1942
(B) 19uS
132. .Hrodotus is considrd as tb fatbr of?
{A) History
(B) ueogiaphy
(C) Political Science
(B) Philosophy
1328. Tb nzym tbat cuts DNA is?
(A) BNA-polymeiase
(B) BNA-ligase
(C) BNA-lyase
{D) Rstriction ndonuclas
1330. Uracil is prsnt in RNA at tb plac of?
(A) Auenine
(B) uuanine
(C) Cytosine
{D) Tbymin
1332. Tripitakas ar tb Sacrd books of tb?
(A) Iains
(B) Binuus
(C) Nuslims
{D) Buddbists
1334. Tb purst form of iron is?
(A) Steel
(B) Pig iion
(C) Cast iion
{D) Wrougbt iron
133. Zro was invntd by?
A) Aryabbatta
B) vaiahamihiia
C) Bhaskaia I
B) An 0nknown Inuian
1338. Wbicb on of tb following is tb biggst sbipping canal in tb world?
(A) Kiel Canal
(B) Panama Canal
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(C) Soo Canal

{D) Suz Canal
1340. Sparation of componnts of a mixtur basd on tbir diffrntial movmnts
is calld?
(A) Plasmolysis
(B) Bialysis
(C) 0smosis
{D) Cbromatograpby
1342. Maltbusian tbory of population is basd on?
(A) Baimonic piogiession of population
(B) ueometiic piogiession of foou piouuction
(C) Aiithmetic piogiession of population
{D) Comtric progrssion of population
1344. Pantbotbnic acid is tb altrnativ nam of?
A.vitamin B
B.vitamin B2
C.vitamin B3
D.vitamin B5
134. Circular DNA is found in?
(A) Chloioplasts
(B) Nitochonuiia
(C) Bacteiia
{D) All of tb abov
1348. A mixtur of watr and alcobol can b sparatd by?
(A) Filtiation
(B) Evapoiation
{C) Distillation
(B) Becantation
1350. Cll mmbran is?
(A) peimeable
{B) slctivly prmabl
(C) semipeimeable
(B) impeimeabl
1352. Potassium nitrat is usd in?
(A) Salt
(B) ulass
{C) Frtilisr
(B) Neuicine
1354. Tb mtal tbat is prsnt in PbotoFilms is?
(A) Neicuiy
(B) Platinium
(C) Nagnesium
{D) Silvr
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135. Clycogn is mainly stord in

a. Caitilage anu bone
b. Livr and muscls
c. Spleen
u. villi
1358. Artificial rain is causd by spraying small pllts of wbicb of tb following
ovr clouds?
(A) Ice
(B) Biy Ice
{C) NaUH
(B) NB4Cl
130. Wbicb on of tb following is not a constitunt of cll mmbran?
a. Phospholipius
b. Cholesteiol
c. ulycolipius
d. Prolin
132. Tb numbr of cbaractrs tbat can b stord in givn pbysical spac is?
a. Woiu length
b. Byte
c. Data dnsity
u. Fielu
134. 'Astigmatism' is a disas of?
(a) eais
{b) ys
(c) nose
(u) thioat
13. Robrt kocb workd on?
138. Wbicb pollutant gas is rlasd by lakag in rfrigrators?
(a) C0
(b) CB4
(c) N02
{d) CFC's
1370. Tb normal Hb lvl in famals pr 100 ml of blood is?
A.1u gms
B.12 gms
C.1S gms
B.14 gms
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1372. Human bings ar rfrrd to as Homosapins, wbicb dvic is calld Sillico

a. Nonitoi
b. Baiuwaie
c. Robot
d. Computr
1374. .Diabts can b controlld by tb injction Uf?
(a) Thyioxin
(b) Tetiacycline
(c) Stieptomycin
{d) Non of d abv.
137. Tb binary languag consists of ______digit's?
A. 8
B. 2
C. 1,uuu
B. 1
1378. Air is a]an?
(A) Compounu
(B) Element
{C) Mixtur
(B) Electiolyte
1380. Milk tasts sour wbn kpt in tb opn for somtim du to formation of?
(A) Caibonic aciu
{B) Lactic acid
(C) Citiic aciu
(B) Nalic aciu
1382. Wbicb of tb following is a non-mtal tbat rmains liquid in room
{A) Bromin
(B) Chloiine
(C) Belium
(B) Phosphoius
1384. Swating on palm and sol du top sycbic stimuli is calld?
(A) Biauykinin
(B) Blushing
(C) Colu sweat
(B) None of these
138. Wbicb bird is tb intrnational symbol of bappinss?
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1388. Tb brancb of study daling witb old ag and aging is calld?

{A) Crntology
(B) 0ncology
(C) Teiatology
(B) 0inithology
1390. Wbat is tb nam of tb instrumnt usd to masur blood prssur?
(A) Baiometei
(B) Bygiometei
(C) Byuiometei
{D) Spbygmomanomtr
1392. Tb silicon cbips usd for data procssing ar calld?
a. RAN chips
b. R0N chips
c. Nicio piocessois
d. PRUM cbips
1394. A dvic tbat oprats undr tb control of anotbr dvic is calld?
a. Stem
b. Slav
c. Simulatoi
u. Emulatoi
139. An rror in computr data is calld?
a. Chip
b. Bug
c. CP0
u. Stoiage uevice
1398. In wbicb languag is sourc program writtn?
a. English
b. Symbolic
c. Higb lvl
u. Tempoiaiy
1400. .Hnsn's body is associatd witb?
(A) Retina of eye
{B) Urgan of Corti
(C) Beait
(B) Skin
1402. Wbicb of tb following is basic amino acid?
(A) Alanine
(B) Aspaitic aciu
(C) Aspaiagine
{D) Arginin
1404. Tb world's largst diamond producing country is?
A. Soutb Africa
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B.None of u abv.
140. PVC is obtaind by tb polymrisation of?
(A) Piopene
{B) Vinyl Cblorid
(C) Styiene
(B) Acetylene
1408. Tb country known as tb land of tb midnigbt sun is?
D.Non of d abv.
1410. Tb country tbat accounts for narly on tbird of tb total tak productionof
tb world is?
1412. Saponification involvs tb bydrolysis of fats and oils by?
(A) Watei
(B) Washing soua
(C) Steaiic aciu
{D) Caustic acid
1414. ____________ bits qual on byt?
A. Eigbt
B. Two
C. 0ne thousanu
B. 0ne million
141. Wbicb of tb following sds willnormaliz blood sugar lvl?
(A) Coiianuei
(B) Nustaiu
(C) Cumin
{D) Fnugrk
1418. "Conncting Popl" is tb by lin of wbicb company? :p
(A) Eiicsson
(B) Notoiola
(C) Samsung
{D) Non of d abv
1420. How many punctuation marks ar tbr in Englisb Crammar?
B.None of u abv
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1422. Wbo is tb first man to climb Mount Evrst witbout oxygn?

A.Neil aimstiong
B.Pbu Dorji
C.Bubeit booth.
B.Ralph Iohnson Bunche
1424. From tb sun rays w gt?
{a) vitamin A
(b) vitamin B
(c) vitamin C
{d) Non of d abv.
142. Wbat is tb masur of tb lngtb of a standard tnnis court?
(A) S4 ft
(B) 28 ft
(C) 84 ft
{D) 78 ft
1428. Wbo was known as 'Man of Dstiny'?
{a) Napolon
(b) Stalin
(c) Bitlei
(u) Nusolini
1430. won z d currncy of?
(a) Noith Koiea
(b) South Koiea
{c) botb a & b
(u) None of these
1432. Tb spd of ligbt will b minimum wbil passing tbrougb?
{A) glass
(B) vacuum
(C) aii
(B) watei
1434. Tb national flowr of Britain is?
B.None of u abv.
143. Tb fatbr of modrn biology is?
(A) Aiistotle
{B) Darwin
(C) Nenuel
(B) vesalius
1438. Wbat is common to wbal, sal and sbark?
a. Bomoiotheimy
b. Seasonal migiation
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c. Thick subcutaneous fat

d. Convrgnt volution
1440. Hydroponics is:?
(a) Soil conseivation
(b) Conseivation of watei
(c) uiowth of plants unuei laboiatoiy Conuitions
{d) Crowtb of plants in liquid mdia.
1442. Liqufid Ptrolum Cas consists of mainly?
{a) Mtban, Etban, Hxan
(b) Ethane, Bexane, Butane
(c) Nethane, Butane, Piopane
(u) Nethane, Butane, Bexan
1444. Srinagar is situatd on tb bank of rivr?
(a) Ravi
(b) Sutlej
{c) )blam
(u) Chenab
144. Wbicb of tb following is a microlmnt?
{a) Chloiine
{b) Hydrogn
(c) Nitiogen
(u) 0xygen
1448. Wbicb of tb following is not a spac Powr?
(a) Fiance
{b) Spain
(c) 0.S.A.
(u) China
1450. Wbo was tb foundr of tb Indian National Congrss?
(a) W.C. Baneijee
(b) Nis. Annie Besant
{c) A.U. Hum
(u) Nauan Nohan Nalviya
1452. Zimbabw was formrly known as?
{a) Rbodsia
(b) Nali
(c) Namibia
(u) Zanzibai
1454. Tb study wbicb dals witb scrt writing Is known is?
{a) Cryptograpby
(b) Secietology
(c) Cytology
(u) None of these
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145. Tb country wbicb ranks scond in trms of land ara is?

B.South Afiica.
1458. India Hous is locatd in?
(a) New Belhi
(b) Calcutta
{c) London
(u) Numbai
140. Tb cranial nrv wbicb supplis rgions of tb body is

a. Auuitoiy
b. Vagus
c. 0lfactoiy
u. 0culomotoi
142. Wbicb of tb following is main componnt of bons and ttb?
1.calcium sulphate
2.calcium caibonate
S.calcium nitiate
4.calcium pbospbat
144. Tb innrmost linning wbicb wraps tb brain and spinal card in vrtbrats is

a. Aiachnoiu
b. Buiamatei
c. Piamatr
u. None of above
14. Un micron is qual to

a. 0ne-tenth of a millimetei
b. 0ne-hunuieuth of a millimetei
c. Un- tbousandtb of a millimtr
u. 0ne-millionth of a millimetei
148. Adrnocorticotropbic barmon {ACTH) is scrtd by

a. Auienal
b. Pancieas
c. Pituitay
u. Thyioiu
149. H Tb purst form of watr is obtaind from

a. A ueep tube well
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b. A iunning stieam
c. Bot watei
d. Havy rains
1472. Wbicb on of tb following dosn't bordr Panama ?
a) Costa Rica
b) Vnzula
c) Columbia
u) Pacific 0cean
1474. Tb main function of wbit blood cll in body is to

a. Caiiy oxygen
b. Belp in clot foimation
c. Piouuce moie ieu cells
d. Protct body against disass
147. . Wbicb of tb following situations will b fatal to tb first fotus ?

a. Rh positive male maiiies Rh positive woman
b.Rb positiv mal marris Rb ngativ woman
c. Rh negative male maiiies Rh positive woman
u. Rh negative male maiiies Rh negative woman
1478. Tb most important function of prspiration is to

a. uet iiu of the bouy wastes
b. Rgulat tb body tmpratur
c. Regulate the bouy watei supply
u. Lubiicate the epithelial tissue
1480. 14 carat gold mans

a. An infeiioi quality of golu
b. A cheap quality of golu being impoiteu fiom gulf countiies
c. uolu which contains 14 peicent golu anu iest coppei
d. An alloy containing 14 parts of gold and 10 parts of coppr
1482. Wav lngtb of Ultra violt ligbt is

a. 4uuuu A
b. 4Suuu A
c. Suuu A
d. 5500 A
1484. Tb gas usd in Soda watr is

a. Caibon monoxiue
b. Carbon dioxid
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c. 0xygen
u. Naish gas
148. A camra forms

a. Ral but invrtd imags
b. viitual but inveiteu images
c. Real anu eiect images
u. viitual anu eiect images
1488. Soap and dtrgnts rmov tb dirt from clotbs du to

a. Usmosis
b. uiavity
c. Loweiing of inteifacial tension
u. Capillaiy action
1490. Cloudy nigbts ar warmr tban clar nigbts du to

a. Prvntion of bat radiatd out by tb artb from scaping into tb sky
b. Reflection of heat waves iauiateu out by the eaith
c. Both of the above
u. None of the above
1492. As on climbs up tb Mount Evrst, on xprincs difficulty in bratbing
du to

a. Low content of nitiogen
b. Low content of oxygen
c. Bigh content of caibon uioxiue
d. Non of abov
1494. A rd flowr placd in grn ligbt appars

a. uieenish-ieu
b. black
c. Reuuish gieen
u. Blue
149. Tb mtal usd in storag battris is

a. Zinc
b. Coppei
c. Aluminum
d. Lad
1498. Diamond and Emrald contain

a. Carbon and silicon
b. Caibon anu Zinc
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c. Silicon , aluminum
u. Caibon anu calcium
1500. Wbicb of tb following smi-conductor ?

a. Coppei
b. Ziiconium
c. Silvei
d. Crmanium
1502. Tb grn colour of watr in a lak is du to

a. Excssiv growtb of sa wds
b. Algal
c. Pollution
u. uas
1504. Wbicb on of tb following african countris dos not bordr witb tb
Mditrranan Sa ?
a) Algeiia
b) Cbad
c) Noiocco
u) Tunisia
150. Sd tbat is cbangd vr yar is known as ...
a) Bieeuei seeu
b) Ceitifieu seeu
c) Founuation seeu
u) Bybiiu seeu
1508. Wbicb of tb following is tb ligbtst mtal?
(A) Neicuiy
(B) Silvei
{C) Litbium
(B) Leau
1510. Tbr primary colours usd in tb colour TV ar

a. uieen-yellow-blue
b. Yellow-blue-ieu
c. Reu-gieen-yellow
u. uieen-blue-ieu
1511. Piimaiy colois = each of the thiee basic colois of the spectium, ieu, yellow, oi blue
piimaiy auuitive colois, fiom which all othei colois can be blenueu
1513. Tb sun drivs its nrgy from

a. Nucleai fission ieactions
b. Nuclar fusion ractions
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c. 0xiuation of helium
u. Fission of noble metals
1515. Wbicb on of tb following rivrs of Asia flows towards tb Soutb ?
a) Amui
b) Lena
c) 0b
u) Salween
1517. Pollination by Ants is calld ?
a) 0inithophily
b) Nalacophily
c) Chiiopteiophily
d) Myrmcopbily
1519. In bumans 45 numbr of Cbromosoms rsult in...
a) Turnr's Syndrom
b) Bown Synuiome
c) Klinefeltei's Synuiome
u) Euwaiu's Synuiome
1521. Tb addiction of LSD lads to tb ?
a) uamage of the kiuney
b) uamage of the lungs
c) uamage of the stomach
d) mntal and motional disturbancs.
1523. Tb lif bistory of buman malarial parasit in Anopbls was first dscribd

a. uiassi anu his pupil
b. Sii Patiick Nanson
c. Sir Ronald Ross
u. Richaiu Pfeiffei
1525. Haryrsion canals ar prsnt in

a. Bon
b. Caitilage
c. Kiuney
u. Livei
1527. Uvula in moutb is part of
a) Tongue
b) Soft palat
c) Baiu palate
u) Epiglottis
1529. Tb post mbryonic stags in tb lif bistory of cockroacb is known as

a. Cateipillai
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b. uiubs
c. Laival
d. Nymobs
1531. . Man is

a. Biotheimic
b. Homoiotbrmic
c. 0ilgotheimic
u. Poikilotheimic
1533. RNA diffrs from DNA in containing

a. Cytocine
b. Beoxyiibose
c. Ribos
u. Phosphate
1535. Tb bardst of all mtals is

a. uypsum
b. Diamond
c. Topaz
u. Coiunuum
1537. Tb first bart is producd wbn

a. Bisuspiu anu tiicuspiu close quickly
b. Semilunai value snaps shut
c. Intiaventiiculai piessuie uecieases
d. Diastol bgins
1539. Wbicb of tb following givs tb corrct indication of composition of bronz ?

a. Coppr and tin
b. Iion anu zinc
c. Coppei anu silvei
u. Leau anu oxygen
1541. If a body is movd from quator to pol on tb man sa lvl , tbn its wigbt

a. Beciease always
b. Incrass always
c. Constant
u. None of above
1543. Tb instrumnt usd in a submarin to s tb objct on tb surfac of watr

a. Priscop
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b. Telescope
c. Kaleiuoscope
u. Nicioscope
1545. Wbicb of tb following control tb rflx action in tb body ?

a. Cntral nrvous systm
b. Notoi neives
c. Sensoiy neives
u. sympathetic neivous system
1547. Tb compound y of insct producs

a. Binoculai vision
b. Nonoculai vision
c. Mosaic vision
u. None of above
1549. 50. Wbicb of tb following is usful in tb cbmistry of pbotograpby ?

a. Silvr bromid
b. Aluminum hyuioxiue
c. Souium chloiiue
u. Potassium nitiate
1551. In lctrolysis , tb raction at anod is

a. Ionisation
b. Polymeiization
c. Reuuction
d. Uxidation
1553. . Tb gstation priod of buman bing is

a. one month
b. five months
c. seven months
d. Nin montbs
1555. Carbon dioxid is a good fir xtinguisbr bcaus

a. It is a combustible gas
b. it xcluds air from tb flams
c. It loweis the killing tempeiatuie
u. It is plentiful
1557. To an astronaut in tb spaccraft , tb sky appars to b

a. Blue
b. White
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c. Dark
u. Reu
1559. Tb approx. circumfrnc of Eartb is
a) 13000 km
b) 2uuuu km
c) 2Suuu km
u) Suuuu km
151. First victim of Sbabid Afridi in UDI's was ?
153. By slling an articl for Rs.40,tbr was a loss of 40,Un slling it for
Rs.80,tbr is
a.gain of 20
b.loss of 1u%
c.loss of 2u%
u.gain of 1u%
155. Tb National Hritag animal of India is
a) Tigei
b) Beei
c) Elpbant
u) Lion
157. . Radio carbon dating is usd to find tb ag of

a. Fossils
b. Builuings
c. Rocks
u. Babies
159. Cigr Countr is an instrumnt

a. Beteimine the heait beat iate
b. To dtct radioactiv radiation
c. To measuie intensity of visible light
u. To count the baggage of an aiipoit
1571. Wbicb of tb following glands bas botb an ndocrin and an xocrin function

a. Auienal
b. Nammaiy
c. Pancras
u. Thyioiu
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1573. Anmomtr is usd to masur

a. Wind gustinss
b. Winu uiiection
c. Winu speeu
u. veitical vaiiation of winu speeu
1575. Wbo discovrd tb blood group of man ?

a. Euwaiu Iennei
b. Laiven
c. Kari Landstinr
u. William Baivey
1577. Wbn a sbip ntrs a sa from a rivr , Its portion undr watr will

a. Inciease
b. Dcras
c. Show no change
u. Inciease anu ueciease alliteiatively
1579. Tb " Urinary systm " of tb body consists of bow many organs ?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
u. S
1581. Tb trminal part of vrtbral column in man is calld

a. Telson
b. 0iostyle
c. Cocyx
u. Pygostyle
1583. Tb country wbicb rcntly witnssd ris in rat of povrty by 20 ...
a) USA
b) 0K
c) Inuia
u) Russia
1585. Coldn Rvolution is rlatd to ...
a) Horticultur
b) veticultuie
c) Pisicultuie
u) Apicultuie
1587. Tb principl usd in radar is tb sam as tbat of Sonar. In radar w us radio
wavs : wbras in sonar w us :

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A) ieu waves
b) Infiaieu waves
c) Ultrasonic
u) supei sonic
e) None
1589. Wbn 10 of tb numbr is subtractd from it,tb rsult is 1800.
Tb numbr is
1591. Tb trm 4tb stat rfrs to
a.backwaiu states
u.tea estate.
1593. Wbit rvolution rfrs to tb rvolution in:
(a) Rice piouuction
(b) Nilk piouuction
(c) Cotton piouuction
(u) None of these
(e) All of these
1595. As pr tb WHU , tb saf nois lvl for a city is....
a) 45 db
b) Su ub
c) SS ub
u) 6u ub
1597. Family Circl Cup is associatd witb...
a) Tnnis
b) uolf
c) Snookei
u) Table Tennis
1599. Tb nativ plac of Croundnut is
a) Brazil
b) South Afiica
c) China
u) Nongolia
101. wbicb of tb following uss non-convntional sourc of nrgy?
A.keiosene lamp
B.wax canule
D.non of tb abov.
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103. Effct of incrasing tmpratur on tb rsistanc of smi conductrs is...?

a) Incieasing
b) Dcrsing
c) No change
u) Fiist incieasing then ueciesing
105. Tb badquatrs of tb Intrnational Ulympic Committ is in
a) Belgium
b) Fiance
c) Switzrland
u) Italy
107. Pink Rvolution is associatd witb...
a) Cotton
b) uailic
c) Union
u) uiapes
109. wbo dsignd tb first lctronics computr-ENIAC?
A)I.Piespei Eckeit
B)Iohn w Nouchly
B)none of them.
111. Tb most urbanisd continnt is
a) Asia
b) Europ
c) N Ameiica
u) Afiica
113. Tb Carnatic Wars wr fougbt btwn ....
a) The Nawab of Cainatic & Biitish
b) The Nawab of Cainatic & Fiench
c) Britisb & Frncb
u) All of the above
115. MacMoban lin sparats India from,
117. Tb first Europan country to rcognis Libyan rbls was...
a) ueimany
b) Franc
c) Pakistan
u) The Netheilanus
119. Wbicb of tb following is calld Royal Disas ?
a) Anaemia
b) Leukaemia
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c) Hamopbilia
u) Coloui Blinuness
121. -Tb cntigrad and Farnbit scals sbow sam rading at
123. Tb Rio confrnc on sustainabl dvlopmnt was convincd in:
(a) 1972
{b) 1992
(c) 2uu2
(u) None of these
125. Hypoxia is tb condition in soil wbr plants xprinc:
(a) watei logging
{b) oxygn dficincy
(c) high concentiation of salts
(u) All of these
(e) None of these
127. study of tb Sun.

129. tb study of fisb.
b: Iconogiaphy
131. by bow many mmbrs tb xcutiv council of tb govrnr gnral was
mlagrd undr tb indian council act of 181. membei
b.two membei
c.four mmbr
u.none of these
133. Wbr ar Minor Arcana and Major Arcana found?

Tarot dck
Buman biain
The zouiac
135. Critical day lngtb Varis from plant to plant and lis btwn

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a. 6 to 1uu houis
b. 8 to 12 houis
c. 1u to 14 houis
u. None of above
137. Wbo prformd tb world's first succssful buman-to-buman bart

Noiman Shumway
Cbristiaan Ntbling Barnard
William Pop
139. Wbicb country is tb only on to b surroundd by a singl country on all four
sids ?

141. Rockt works on tb principl of ?

Conseivation of Eneigy
Conseivation of momentum
Beinoulli's Piinciple
Non of tb abov
143. .Wbicb country is at tb top in production of silk in tb world?
(A) Inuia
(B) Biazil
(C) Iapan
(B) South Koiea
{E) Cbina
145. Crura-crbri is found in

a. Foie-biain
b. Binu-biain
c. Mid-brain
u. None of above
147. Wbicb of tb following is not a good sourc of ditary fibr?
(a) Pasta
(b) Biown iice
{c) Egg
(u) Bieau
(e) All of these
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149. Wbat was tb dsignation of Sir Syd Abmd Kban in M.A.U scbool at Aligarb?

{a) Scrtary, Managing Committ
(b) Piesiuent, Nanaging Committee
(c) Pation, Nanaging Committee
(u) None of these
152. It involvs tb study and collction of postag stamps
a: Pbilatly
b: Philology:
c: Pomology
154. Uryza Sativa is tb botanical nam of:
{a) Ric
(b) Wheat
(c) Bailey
(u) Soighum
(e) None of these
15. Tb brancb of agricultur tbat dals witb raring of silkworm is calld:
(a) 0leiicultuie
{b) Sricultur
(c) Apicultuie
(u) viticultuie
(e) None of these
157. Theie aie only two woius in English that use the S vowels in oiuei. 0ne is
"abstemious". The seconu is factious.

8 million people in Pakistan aie auuicteu to uiugs. Till 2u2S, the numbei will iise up to 1S
Bo you know this - Euucation in Pakistan.

- Touay, Pakistan is fai fiom meeting its inteinational euucation obligations.
At least, seven million chiluien aie not in piimaiy school. That's aiounu as many people as
live in the city of Lahoie.
- Imagine a city full of chiluien - the size of Faisalabau - wheie eveiy chilu is uepiiveu of the
oppoitunity even to stait his oi hei euucation.
- This is a challenge of global uimensions.
- Roughly one in ten of the woilu's piimaiy-age chiluien who aie not in school live in
Pakistan, placing Pakistan seconu in the global ianking of out-of-school chiluien.

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1.B0RANB LINE: It is the line uemaicating the bounuaiies of Inuia anu Afghanistan. It was uiawn
up in 1896 by Sii Noitimei Buianu.

2. BINBENBERu LINE: It is the bounuaiy uiviuing ueimany anu Polanu. The ueimans ietieateu to
this line in 1917 uuiing Woilu Wai I.

S. NAS0N-BIX0N LINE: It is a line of uemaication between foui states in the 0niteu States.

INE: It was the S2u km line of foitification built by Fiance along its boiuei with ueimany befoie
Woilu Wai II, to piotect its bounuaiy fiom ueiman attack.

S. NANNERBEIN LINE: It is the line of foitification on the Russia-Finlanu boiuei. Biawn up by
ueneial Nanneiheim.

6.NACN0BAN LINE: It was uiawn up by Sii. Beniy NacNahon, uemaicating the fiontiei of Inuia
anu China. China uiu not iecognize the NacNahon line anu ciosseu it in 1962.

7.NEBICINE LINE is the boiuei between Canaua anu the 0niteu States. (also 49
paiallel line)

8.0RBER-NEISSE LINE is the boiuei between Polanu anu ueimany, iunning along the 0iuei anu
Beisse iiveis, auopteu at the polanu Confeience (August 194S) aftei Woilu Wai II.

9. RABCLIFFE LINE was uiawn up by Sii Cyiil Raucliffe, uemaicating the bounuaiy between Inuia
anu Pakistan.

is the line of foitification uiawn up by ueimany on its boiuei with Fiance.

11. 17TB PARALLEL uefineu the bounuaiy between Noith vietnam anu South vietnam befoie the
two weie uniteu.

12. 24TB PARALLEL is the line which Pakistan CLaims foi uemaication between Inuia anu Pakistan.
This, howevei, is not iecognizeu by Inuia.

1S.26TB PARALLEL S00TB is a ciicle of latituue which cioses thiough Afiica, Austialia anu South

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14. SuTB PARALLEL N0RTB is a line of latituue that stanus one-thiiu of the way between the
equatoi anu the Noith Pole.

Fascinating Fact:

If you iub an onion on youi foot - within Su - 6u minutes you will be able to taste it - this is
because it tiavels thiough the bloou stieam.

This is uue to the chemicals within the onion, it tiavels thiough youi blooustieam anu into youi
taste buus.

It woiks with gailic as well, this is because it contains a milu toxin which can seep thiough just
about eveiy membiane.

This is why people can smell if you've been eating it, not fiom youi bieath but fiom youi skin.

7 Bangeious acts aftei a meal~ Which one u uo most often...

1. Bon't smoke ---- Expeiiments fiom expeits pioves that smoking a cigaiette aftei meal is
compaiable to smoking 1u cigaiettes (chances of cancei is highei)

2. Bon't eat fiuits immeuiately --- Immeuiately eating fiuits aftei meals will cause stomach to be
bloateu with aii. Thie foie take fiuits 1 -2 houis aftei meal oi 1 houi befoie meal.

S. Bon't uiink tea------ Because tea leaves contain a high content of aciu. This substance will cause
the piotein content in the foou we consume to be hunuieu thus uifficult to uigest.
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............... .........

4. Bon't loosen youi belt---------- Loosening the belt aftei meal will easily cause the intestine to be
twisteu anu blockeu.

S. Bon't bathe---------- ------- Bathing aftei meal will cause the inciease of bloou flow to the hanus,
legs anu bouy thus the amount of bloou aiounu the stomach will theiefoie ueciease, this will
weaken the uigestive system in oui stomach.

6. Bon't walk about---------- --- People always say that aftei a meal walk a hunuieu steps anu you
will live till 99. In actual fact this is not tiue. Walking will cause the uigestive system to be unable to
absoib the nutiition fiom the foou we intake.

7. Bon't sleep immeuiately---- -------- The foou we intake will not be to uigest piopeily. Thus will
leau to gastiic anu infection in oui intestine.

Intrsting Languag Facts:

1. Tb first words spokn by Tbomas Edison ovr tb pbonograpb wr: "Mary bad a littl

2. "Papapbobia" is tb far of Pops.

3.Tb Acadmy Award statu is namd aftr a librarian's uncl. Un day Margart Hrrick,
librarian for tb Acadmy of Motion Pictur Arts and Scincs, mad a rmark tbat tb
statu lookd lik br Uncl Uscar, and tb nam stuck.

4. Tb tbr words in tb Englisb languag witb tb lttrs "uu" ar: vacuum, rsiduum and

4. "Undrground" is tb only word in Englisb tbat bgins and nds witb tb lttrs "und."
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4. A baby in Florida was namd: Truwilllaugbinglifbuckyboomrmanifstdstiny. His
middl nam is Corg )ams.

5. 'Dramt' is tb only Englisb word tbat nds in tb lttrs 'mt'.

. Tb word 'By' is usd in botb Englisb and Spanisb maning tb sam tbing.

7. "Pogonopbobia" is tb far of bards.

8. In Cbins, tb words crisis and opportunity ar tb sam.

9. Tb infinity cbaractr on tb kyboard is calld a "lmniscat".

10. Tb valdiction 'good by' cam from Cod by wbicb cam from Cod b witb you.

Som Sx Facts:

SEX can rliv a badacb. It rlass tnsion rstricting
blood vssls in tb brain.
THE black widow spidr - wbicb EATS br mat aftr sx - can consum up to 20 partnrs a

THE only otbr spcis to bav sx for fun as wll as rproducing ar dolpbins and bonobo

CREEKS bav mor sx tban anyon, on avrag 138 tims a yar. )apans ar tb lowst at
45 tims.

ANCIENT Egyptians usd to us dry crocodil poo as contracptiv - it actually workd.

som amazing facts

>If you commit suicid by train in )apan, your family may b cbargd up to S12,000!

>Hnry Ford, foundr of Ford Cars, was Hitlr's most famous forign backr, giving tb Nazi
party as mucb as S20 million.

>It taks about a balf a gallon of watr to cook macaroni, and about a gallon to clan tb pot.

>Tb Blu Wbal jaculats about 40 gallons of Sprm wbn mating. Unly 10 ntrs tb

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>Micbal Pblps' daily dit is 12 000 caloris. Tb avrag man ats 2,500 caloris pr day.

>Witb 9. of its population cbronically dprssd, tb U.S. is tb most dprssd country in
tb world. Tb last dprssd is Nigria.

>Watcbing Spongbob Squarpants can caus sbort-trm attntion and larning problms.

>Tb pop music group 10CC namd tbmslvs aftr tb amount of jaculat pr avrag
mal orgasm.

>In 1984, a Canadian farmr bgan rnting ad spac on bis cows

>If you lav Tokyo by plan at 7:00am, you will arriv in Honolulu at approximatly
4:30pm tb prvious day.

HUPSCUTCH ]'bop-skocb] {n)
Hopscotcb is a cbildrn's gam tbat can b playd witb svral playrs or alon. Hopscotcb is
a popular playground gam in wbicb a playr tosss or kicks a small flat ston, banbag, or
otbr objct into on of svral numbrd sctions of a diagram markd on tb pavmnt or
ground and tbn bops on on foot ovr tb lins from sction to sction in ordr to rtriv
tb objct.

How far do u know?
1 Bit = Binary Digit
8 Bits = 1 Byt
1024 Byts = 1 Kilobyt
1024 Kilobyts = 1 Mgabyt
1024 Mgabyts = 1 Cigabyt 1024 Cigabyts = 1 Trabyt
1024 Trabyts = 1 Ptabyt
1024 Ptabyts = 1 Exabyt
1024 Exabyts = 1 Zttabyt
1024 Zttabyts = 1 Yottabyt
1024Yottabyts = 1 Brontobyt 1024 Brontobyts = 1 Copbyt
1024 Copbyt=1 Saganbyt
1024 Saganbyt=1 Pijabyt
Alpbabyt = 1024 Pijabyt
Kryatbyt = 1024 Alpbabyt
Amosbyt = 1024 Kryatbyt Pctrolbyt = 1024 Amosbyt
Bolgrbyt = 1024 Pctrolbyt
Sambobyt = 1024 Bolgrbyt
Qusabyt = 1024 Sambobyt
Kinsabyt = 1024 Qusabyt
Rutbrbyt = 1024 Kinsabyt Dubnibyt = 1024 Rutbrbyt
Saborgbyt = 1024 Dubnibyt
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Bobrbyt = 1024 Saborgbyt

Hassiubyt = 1024 Bobrbyt
Mitnrbyt = 1024 Hassiubyt
Darmstadbyt = 1024 Mitnrbyt Rontbyt = 1024 Darmstadbyt
Coprbyt = 1024 Rontbyt ..........

Intrsting facts:

1. You won't find a "" in Camroon pbon numbrs--tb nativ languag bas no sound for "x.

2."Tb only 15-lttr word tbat can b splld witbout rpating a lttr is

3. Tbr is a svn-lttr word in Englisb tbat contains lvn words witbout rarranging
any of its lttrs, "tbrin": tb, tbr, b, in, rin, br, br, r, I, tbrin, brin.

4. Rbytbm" and "syzygy" ar tb longst Englisb words witbout vowls.

5. "Co." is tb sbortst complt sntnc in tb Englisb languag.

. Tb word "st" bas mor dfinitions tban any otbr word in tb Englisb languag.

7. Tbr is a word in tb Englisb languag witb only on vowl, wbicb occurs fiv tims:

8. Clans of long ago tbat wantd to gt rid of tbir unwantd popl witbout killing tbm
would burn tbir bouss down - bnc tb xprssion "to gt fird." I wondr wbat "To gt
sackd" rfrs to?

9. Tb word "quu" is tb only word in tb Englisb languag tbat is still pronouncd tb
sam way wbn tb last four lttrs ar rmovd.

10. Tb lttr most in us in tb Englisb languag is "E" and tb lttr "Q" is last usd.

11. "Four" is tb only numbr wbos numbr of lttrs in tb nam quals tb numbr.

12. Tb word listn contains tb sam lttrs as tb word silnt.

ntrsting facts about languag:

1. So-long cam from tb Arabic salaam and tb Hbrw sbalom.

2. Tb word 'nrd' was first coind by Dr. Suss in 'If I ran tb Zoo'.
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3. Bfor )ts, )t lag was calld Boat lag.

4. Tb word "monosyllabl" actually bas fiv syllabls in it.

5. Tbr ar no words in tb Englisb languag tbat rbym witb montb, silvr, purpl or

. Tb lttr "n" nds all )apans words not nding in a vowl.

7. It is blivd tbat Sbakspar was 4 around tb tim tbat tb King )ams Vrsion of tb
Bibl was writtn. In Psalms 4, tb 4tb word from tb first word is sbak and tb 4tb
word from tb last word is spar.

8. 'Zorro' mans 'fox' in Spanisb.

9. Tb vrb "to clav" bas dfinitions wbicb ar antonyms of acb otbr: to adbr and to

10. Tb vrb "sanction" also bas dfinitions wbicb ar antonyms: to sponsor and to ban.


1. Albeit Einstein nevei woie any socks.
2. The aveiage human will eat 8 spiueis while asleep in theii lifetime.
S. In space, astionauts cannot ciy because theie is no giavity.
4. Bummingbiius aie the only cieatuies that can fly backwaius.
S. An ostiich's eye is biggei than its biain.

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Ten things you uiun't know about ciocouiles.....

1. Ciocouiles can swim at 2Smph just with the help of theii poweiful tail.

2. Faimeu ciocouiles can ieach 1.S meties (Sft) in length in just one yeai.

S. When ciocouiles sit on iivei banks with theii mouths opens, it's not aggiession. They'ie tiying to
cool off as they sweat thiough theii mouths.

4. Ciocouiles uisplay incieaseu aggiessiveness uuiing the mating season, which is linkeu to the

S. Each ciocouile jaw has 24 teeth that aie meant to giasp anu ciush, not chew. They swallow
stones that giinu foou insiue theii stomachs, anu also act as ballast.

6. Ninety-nine pei cent of ciocouile offspiing aie eaten in the fiist yeai aftei biith, by laige fish,
heions, monitoi lizaius anu auult ciocouiles.

7. Ciocouile skin is consiueieu one of the finest, tieasuieu foi it uuiability anu softness. It's a sign of
status in tiibal societies.

8. Some tiibes, like those in New uuinea, veneiate the ciocouile anu give themselves scaiiing to
match that of a ciocouile skin.

9. Ciocouiles, which fiist appeaieu 24u million yeais ago, can live up to 8u yeais.

1u. "Ciying ciocouile teais" - uisplaying fake sauness - comes fiom the myth that the ieptiles weep
when eating humans. They uo wipe theii eyes when feeuing, but only because theii eyes bubble anu
fioth when eating...

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Kaun sey Ambiya Kahan Bafan hain .

Baziat Auam (Alaihis Salaam) Sii Lanka
Baziat Nuh (Alaihis Salaam) Ioiuan
Baziat Buu (Alaihis Salaam) Yemen
Baziat Saleh (Alaihis Salaam) Lebanon
Baziat Lut (Alaihis Salaam) Iiaq
Baziat Ibiaheem (Alaihis Salaam) Isiael
Baziat Ishaq (Alaihis Salaam) Palestin
Baziat Yaqub (Alaihis Salaam) Palestin
Baziat Yosuf (Alaihis Salaam) Palestin
Baziat Ayuob (Alaihis Salaam) Amman
Baziat Shoaib (Alaihis Salaam) Ioiuan
Baziat Nusa (Alaihis Salaam) Isiael
Baziat Baiun (Alaihis Salaam) Ioiuan
Baziat Bawoou (Alaihis Salaam) Isiael
Baziat Sulman (Alaihis Salaam) Isiael
Baziat Youns (Alaihis Salaam) Lebanon
Baziat Zakiiya (Alaihis Salaam) Syiia
BaziatYahya (Alaihis Salaam) Syiia
Baziat Ismaeel (Alaihis Salaam) 0i
Baziat Nabi-e-Pak ( sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) Sauuia Aiabia.

Facts: which one uo u like the most. :p

1. Theie aie only 21u people in the aimeu foices of Icelanu.
2. Coal Plants ielease moie iauiation than nucleai powei plants.
S. 1 out of 1uu ueimans is genetically immune to the BIv viius.
4. If youi hanu oi aim falls asleep, you can often wake it up by shaking youi heau.
S. Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine (PEA), the same chemical ieleaseu in the biain, when you
fall in love.

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types of goveinments:

Bemociacy: A political system iuleu by the people, eithei uiiectly oi thiough electeu

Aiistociacy: uoveinment by an aiistociatic class-A piivilegeu class holuing heieuitaiy titles

Neiitociacy: a system of goveinance wheie gioups aie selecteu on the basis of people's ability,
knowleuge in a given aiea, anu contiibutions to society.

Technociacy: a system of goveinance wheie people who aie skilleu oi pioficient govein in theii
iespective aieas woulu be in contiol of all uecision making

Bictatoiship: Rule by an inuiviuual who has full powei ovei the countiy.

Nonaichy: An autociacy goveineu by a monaich who usually inheiits the authoiity

0ligaichy: Rule by a system of goveinance with small gioup of people who shaie similai inteiests
oi family ielations

Bespotism: Rule by a single entity with absolute powei. That entity may be an inuiviuual, as in an
autociacy, oi it may be a gioup, as in an oligaichy

Plutociacy: a system of goveinance composeu of the wealthy class

Stiatociacy: Rule by militaiy seivice: a system of goveinance composeu of militaiy goveinment in
which the state anu the militaiy aie tiauitionally the same thing. (Not to be confuseu with "militaiy

Theociacy: a system of goveinance composeu of ieligious institutions

Coipoiatociacy: a system of goveinance wheie an economic anu political system is contiolleu by
coipoiations oi coipoiate inteiests.

Kleptociacy: a system of goveinance wheie its officials anu the iuling class in geneial puisue
peisonal wealth anu political powei at the expense of the wiuei population

Longest, Shoitest, Beepest
No. 0uestion Answei
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u1 Tallest Animal uiiaffe

u2 Fastest Biiu Swift
uS Laigest Biiu 0stiich
u4 Smallest Biiu Bumming Biiu
uS Longest Railway Biiuge Lowei Zambesi (Afiica)
u6 Longest Canal (Ship) Baltic White Sea Canal (1S2 miles)
u7 Bighest City Wen Chuan (China) 16uuu ft.
u8 Laigest Continent Asia
u9 Smallest Continent Austialia
1u Bighest Countiy Tibet (The Pamiis)
11 Laigest Countiy(in population) China
12 Laigest Countiy(in aiea) 0SSR, now CIS (Common Wealth of Inuepenuent States)
1S Laigest Bay Iune 21 (Noithein Bemispheie)
14 Shoitest Bay Becembei 22(Noithein Bemispheie)
1S Laigest Beseit Sahaia (Afiica)
16 Beepest Lake Baikal (Sibeiia) Aveiage uepth 2Suu feet
17 Laigest Lake (fiesh watei) Lake Supeiioi (0SA) (S12uu sq.miles)
18 Laigest Lake (salt watei) Caspian Sea
19 Laigest Nasque Iama Nasjiu,Belhi, aiea 1uuuu Sq.ft.
2u Bighest Nountain Peak Eveiest (Nepal) 29u28 ft.
21 Bighest Nountain Range The Bimalayas
22 Longest Nountain Range The Anues (S.Ameiica),SSuu miles
2S Biggest Nuseum Biitish Nuseum (Lonuon)
24 Laigest Punissula Inuia
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2S Bottest Place (Woilu) Azizia (Libya,Afiica) 1S6 F

26 Biggest Planet Iupitei
27 Smallest Planet Neicuiy
28 Bighest Plateau Pamii (Tibet)
29 Longest Railway Platfoim Sonepui Station(Bihai,Inuia) 248u feet long
Su Biggest Telescope Nt.Palomai (0SA)
S1 Longest Railway Tunnel Tanna (Iapan) 1S 12 miles
S2 Laigest Roau Tunnel Nount Blanc Tunnel (Between Fiance anu Italy),7 12 miles
SS Laigest volcano Nauna Loa (Bawaii),ciatei 124uu in uiametei
S4 Longest Wall uieat Wall of China
SS Rainiest Spot (Woilu) Cheiiapunji (Assam,Inuia),annual Aveiage 1u41.78 inches Rainfall
S6 Lightest Netal Lithium
S7 Biggest Temple Angkoi vat,Kampuchia
S8 Wingless Biiu Kiwi,New Zealanu
S9 Baiuest Substance Biamonu
4u Laigest Animal Blue Whale,Recoiueu length 1u6 feet,Weight 19S tons
41 Laigest lanu-Animal Afiican Elephant
42 Biggest Flowei Rafflesia (Iava)Inuonesia
4S Laigest Stauium Stiahov Stauium in Piaha,Czech Republic accommouation 24uuuu
44 Laigest Biamonu Nine Kimbailey,south Afiica
4S Longest Coiiiuoi Rameshwaiam TempleCoiiiuoi (Suuu feet)

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We live in a woilu full of fun facts anu enus. The following list will exploie some of the most
amazing events that occui on oui Eaith.

1 The oluest tiee alive is a tiee that is founu in Califoinia, has 4789 yeais anu is calleu "Nethuselah"

2 The woilu's laigest tiee is a giant sequoia locateu in Califoinia. It is 84 meteis high anu 29 meteis
in uiametei at the tiunk.

S The fastest giowing tiee is the eucalyptus, which can ieach 1u meteis in a yeai.

4 The ueseit calleu Baobab tiee can stoie up to 1uuu liteis of watei in its tiunk

S The White Sea in Russia, has the lowest tempeiatuie with only -2 uegiees centigiaue. The Peisian
uulf sea is waimei in the summei ieaching a tempeiatuie of SS.6 uegiees Celsius

6 Between 2u anu Su volcanoes eiupt each yeai, mostly unuei the sea.

7 A huge unueigiounu iivei iuns unueineath the Nile Rivei, its flow iate is six times highei than
the above.

8 Bosumtwi in uhana The lake foimeu in a hollow maue by a meteoiite.

9 The Amazon Rivei fieshwatei iuns up to 18u km at sea.

1u In 19S4, a gust of winu hit the S71 km h on Nount Washington in New Bampshiie, 0SA

11 A fish of the Antaictic Notothenia species have a bloou piotein that acts like antifieeze anu stops
the fish fieezing in icy sea.

12 Some of the oluest mountains in the woilu aie in the Bighlanus of Scotlanu. It is estimateu about
4uu million yeais.

1S The Antaictic ice sheet S to 4 kilometeis thick, coveis 1S million squaie km anu has
tempeiatuies of -7u uegiees Celsius.

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Islamic calenuei :
1. Nuhaiiam "foibiuuen" so calleu because it was unlawful (haiam) to fight uuiing this
month. Nuhaiiam is the seconu most sacieu Nuslim month anu incluues the Bay of Ashuia.

2. Safai "voiu" supposeuly nameu because pagan Aiabs looteu uuiing this month anu left the
houses empty.
S. Rabi' I (Rabi' al-Awwal) "the fiist spiing".

4. Rabi' II (Rabi' ath-Thni oi Rabi' al-khii) "the seconu (oi last) spiing".

S. Iumu I (Iumu al-0l) "the fiist month of paicheu lanu". 0ften consiueieu the pie-Islamic

6. Iumu II (Iumu ath-Thniya oi Iumu al-khiia) "the seconu (oi last) month of paicheu

7. Rajab "iespect" oi "honoi". This is anothei sacieu month in which fighting was tiauitionally

8. Sha'bn "scatteieu", maiking the time of yeai when Aiab tiibes uispeiseu to finu watei.

9. Ramaun "scoicheu". Ramauan is the most veneiateu month of the Bijii calenuai uuiing
which Nuslims must fast between uawn anu sunset.

1u.Shawwl "iaiseu", as she-camels begin to iaise theii tails uuiing this time of the yeai, aftei
giving biith.

11.Bhu al-0a'ua "the one of tiuce". Bhu al-0a'ua was anothei month uuiing which wai was

12. Bhu al-Bijja "the one of pilgiimage", iefeiiing to the annual Nuslim pilgiimage to Necca, the

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Some inteiesting facts: which one uo u like the most.

1. Foui out of five people ovei 1uu yeais olu aie women.
2. In 168S, New Fiance useu playing caius as cuiiency because of the shoitage of coins.
S. Bill uates is iichei than 14u of the woilu's nations.
4. 0nly SS% of woilu auult population know that the sun is a stai.
S. The tempeiatuie insiue The uieat Pyiamiu iemains constant at 68 uegiees F, the same as eaith's
inteinal tempeiatuie.

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