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Research questions & Hypotheses Mapping

Research objectives
To identify and describe the kinds of women who use cranberry sauce

Demographics of heavy users Larger families Several children living at home Better education A 30- to 45-year-old female head-of-house A higher family income Up-scale socioeconomic characteristics Lifestyle of heavy users A wife/mother who enjoys cooking Active participation in community affairs Being concerned with nutrition of the family, quality of environment Preference for natural food versus synthetics A planned food budget and shopping from a shopping list Strong family ties Cannot be investigated by existing hypotheses proposed

To provide an understanding of what consumers are seeking in choosing between contemporary products for use in salads, and with main food courses To look into the consumption of various food types as sources and potential sources of cranberry sauce usage To describe consumer usage pattern with regard to cranberry sauce

To identify broad media types for OSC sauce in getting across its message to consumers To investigate new product or line extension possibilities

Use cranberry sauce with a variety of meats and numerous preparations-i.e., fried, broiled, cold meats, as well as baked Often make their own sauce or relish when fresh cranberries are available Have sauce in their kitchen as a staple year-round Often use sauce as an ingredient in cooking Cannot be investigated by existing hypotheses proposed Cannot be investigated by existing hypotheses proposed

MDP, MRP, Hypotheses, Data Analysis plan

How to reposition the cranberry sauce How to increase the sales of cranberry sauce What should be said about OSCs cranberry sauce to make it most attractive to its market target

To identify and describe the kinds of women who use cranberry sauce

Demographics of heavy users Larger families Several children living at home Better education A 30- to 45-year-old female head-of-house A higher family income Up-scale socioeconomic characteristics Lifestyle of heavy users A wife/mother who enjoys cooking Active participation in community affairs Being concerned with nutrition of the family, quality of environment Preference for natural food versus synthetics A planned food budget and shopping from a shopping list

Q. No.

Data analysis plan

ANOVA, Independent sample T test

ANOVA, Independent sample T test

Strong family ties

To look into the consumption of various food types as sources and potential sources of cranberry sauce usage To describe consumer usage pattern with regard to cranberry sauce

Feel sauce has a food value as well as an attractive appearance and good taste Consider sauce a convenient, inexpensive food item Perceive sauce as a part of the meal rather than a garnish or as symbol of tradition Use cranberry sauce with a variety of meats and numerous preparationsi.e., fried, broiled, cold meats, as well as baked

ANOVA, Independent sample T test ANOVA, Independent sample T test ANOVA, Independent sample T test ANOVA, Independent sample T test

4 4


Often make their own sauce or relish when fresh cranberries are available Have sauce in their kitchen as a staple year-round Often use sauce as an ingredient in cooking

4 4 2,3,4

ANOVA, Independent sample T test ANOVA, Independent sample T test ANOVA, Independent sample T test

1 -> Attributes of Ideal Canned Fruit Products 2- > Attributes of Jellied Cranberry Sauce 3 -> Attributes of Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce 4 -> Overall Attitude and Feelings about Cranberry Sauce 5 -> Self-description of Personality and Life-Style

Realistic and superficial hypotheses

Realistic hypotheses Demographics of heavy users Lifestyle of heavy users Often make their own sauce or relish when fresh cranberries are available Often use sauce as an ingredient in cooking Have sauce in their kitchen as a staple year-round Superficial hypotheses Perceive sauce as a part of the meal rather than a garnish or a symbol of tradition Feel sauce has a good value as well as an attractive appearance and good taste consider sauce a convenient, inexpensive food item

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