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Lesson Topic: Force and Motion-Rolling Balls Description of Classroom:

Grade: 1st Demographic: 20 students; 10 boys, 10 girls Age: 6-7 This is not a science classroom that is equipped with lab desks and sinks, and does not have a very large space. We will be moving the desks to the outer part of the room so that there is plenty of space in the middle of the class. Students are in the acquisition part of their learning on this subject.

This is day two of a five-day unit on force and motion. Students have some background Knowledge on force and motion, particularly, their properties.

Content Objective(s):
Students Will Be Able To: -Understand the difference between force and motion -Use higher level thinking questions to come up with their own observations and definitions -Create charts to document what they have learned -Interview a peer about what they learned

Language Objective(s):
Students will be able to: -Listen to Motion: Push and Pull, Fast and Slow -Write down observations to their experiment -Write their own definitions from our word bank -Create a chart based on their observations -Discuss experiment in small groups -Interview a classmate

Nevada Standards:
-P.2.B.1: Students know the position and motion of an object can be changed by pushing or pulling. -P.2.B.2: Students know things move in many different ways and at different speeds. -N.2.A.1: Students know how to make observations and give descriptions using words, numbers and drawings.

Key Vocabulary:
Push: To exert force on something Pull: To exert force by moving something, usually toward the person Motion: The act of moving or being moved

Force: A push or pull

Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
Preparation X X X X Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated X X Integration of Process X X X X Listening Speaking Reading Writing X X X X X X Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement X X X X Assessment Individual Group Written Oral X X X Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent

Teaching Strategies:
Modeling Scaffolding Guided Discovery Cooperative Learning Questioning This is mostly an inquiry based assignment

Warm Up Activity: (10-12 minutes)

Engage: Read the book, Motion: Push and Pull, Fast and slow. I will ask questions
throughout book. Next, students will discuss the book with a partner. I will prompt students by asking them: What do you think we are learning about today? How does our lesson about properties from yesterday relate to this activity?

Lesson Sequence: (20-25 minutes)

Explore: Students will use their prior knowledge about the properties of balls to make
predictions about rolling them. In small groups, they will roll two different types of balls and compare their speeds. (*If time permits, students will compare multiple balls.) I will ask

students questions like: Which ball do you think will be the easiest to roll? Why? What do their properties have to do with how easy they are to roll? Or how fast they roll?

Explain: The teacher will introduce new terms like push, pull, motion, and force. After
students complete their activity, they will be asked to come up with their own definitions from our word bank. After they have been given a few minutes to come up with their definitions, the teacher will write the actual definition on the board. I will ask questions like: How close was your definition to the actual one? Compare with your group mates.

Elaborate: Students will create a new chart in their notebooks titled, Rolling Balls. They
will chart their results from rolling the tennis ball, wiffle ball, ping-pong ball, golf ball, and rubber bouncy ball. They will be asked to respond to questions like: How did the tennis ball roll? Based on your observations today, which ball was easiest to roll? What makes a ball a good roller? We will then come back to whole group and discuss what everyone came up with.

I will meet all required student accommodations by: -Pairing up students with a learning disability with someone who excels in the science area. -Modifying the lesson for gifted students to make it more challenging. -Allowing ELL students to draw pictures instead of charting or writing in their science journals.

Materials and Resources:

-Motion: Push and Pull, Fast and Slow -Balls: ping-pong ball, tennis ball, rubber ball, wiffle ball, golf ball -Science notebook and something to write with

Review/Assessment: (10 minutes)

Evaluate: Students will interview someone from another group. They will find out which
sports (that involve a ball) their peer likes, what their favorite part of the experiment was, how they think force is involved in their experiment, and which part of the experiment was the most challenging. I will also base my assessment on group participation and students charting their results in their science journals.

Reflection: I feel that this lesson, for the most part, will go well. I am a bit concerned about how much writing is required, and I think that it might be kind of daunting for first graders to write and chart so much. If this is a problem, I will modify the lesson and include that drawings or pictures to represent their thoughts will work just fine. I also anticipate students to be over excited when they are able to play with the balls. I will do my best to emphasize that throwing of the balls is against the rules, and if anyone does misuse a ball, they will not be allowed to participate and be offered an alternative assignment. Next time, I will allow my students more time to chart and work in their groups. One of my assessments is based on observing them in these areas, so I want to make sure they get an adequate amount of time to complete what is expected of them.

NAME CHRISTEN CAMPBELL________________________

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