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Digestive System Parts: Mouth - physical digestion of food using teeth and tase of food to detect toxins etc.

Salivary Glands - produces saliva when the body thinks it is, or is, getting food. The saliva has enzymes and helps to break down the food Pharynx - just a passage really and also where the food is sent into the correct passageway Esophagus - the tube that carries the food bollus from the pharynx to the stomach using peristalsis Stomach - physical mixing of food, chemical digestion of proteins into oligopeptides, abosorption of some alcohol, mechanical digestion: contracting of the muscles Liver- produces acids (bile) that help to break food down in the stomach on its way to the small intestine Gallbladder: stores the bile that is produces by the liver Pancreas - the pancreas helps to digest the food Small intestine - Well in fact this is the most crucial organ, it is involved in chemical digestion of both fats (using lipases and bile) an carohydrates using pancreatic amylase as well as absorption of almost all the nutrients into the blood stream. Colon - this is also known as the large intestine and is important

for water absorption and sotrage of fecease to some extent Rectum - stores some fecease and help with defecation. Some Ailments of Digestive System Gastric ulcer The walls of the stomach produce acid that is used in digestion. However, acid may eat away or damage the lining of the stomach and form an ulcer. The symptoms of gastric ulcers are abdominal pains, loss of appetite, belching, nausea and vomiting. Antacid drugs are used to treat ulcers since they lessen acidity and relieve pain. We can avoid having gastric ulcers by practicing these self-help methods. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by a virus, drugs or chemicals. There are two types of viral hepatitis, hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Hepatitis A is spread from the feces of an infected person which may contaminate food and water. If a person happens to eat contaminated food or drink contaminated water, he or she is likely to be infected. Hepatitis B is spread though blood transfusion. A mother who has hepatitis B may transmit the virus to her unborn child. In severe cases of hepatitis, the skin and the white of the eyes become yellowish. There are vaccines against hepatitis. Diarrhea Diarrhea is the frequent movement of the liquid bowel. Diarrhea is a symptom and not a disease. It may be

a result of eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. In some cases, it may be due to an intestinal disorder. A person with diarrhea should drink plenty of water to which sugar and salt have been added. This is called an oral rehydration solution (ORS). To prepare this solution, add one teaspoon of salt and eight teaspoons of sugar to one liter of water. Milk and fatty foods should be avoided when one has diarrhea. Intestinal Parasites. Sometimes abnormal pains accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are caused by intestinal parasites. Intestinal parasites are worms that invade the digestive tract usually through food and water. People who eat raw or partially cooked meat and fish that are infested with parasitic worms become infected. The worms enter the digestive tract where they feed, grow and produce eggs. Appendicitis The appendix is a small sac found where the small intestine joins the large intestine. Sometimes, feces or worms may enter the appendix. When the appendix is infected, it becomes inflamed and swollen. This inflammation of the appendix is called appendicitis. The symptoms of appendicitis are the pain in the lower right-hand side of the abdomen accompanied by fever. An inflamed appendix is removed by surgery. How To Take Care Of Your Digestive System ? Here are some tips that will teach you how to take care of your digestive system.

Eating the right food is of extreme importance. The food should consist of veggies, fruits, legumes and whole grains. In addition, the person should be looking to drink a lot of water throughout the day. The food should be chewed slowly and you should endeavor to eat only when you are relaxed and not distracted by things around you. After eating, relax for some time. This will aid digestion and ensure that the digestive process occurs properly. Another important aspect of taking care of your digestive system is exercise. This will keep your digestive system healthy and facilitate the digestion of food. Look to exercise for around half an hour a few times a week. Exercises like swimming and walking will suffice. Posture also has an effect on the digestive system. Incorrect posture can slow down the digestive process. Hence, improving and maintaining posture is also important. You can achieve this by doing Pilates, swimming or yoga. Try herbal remedies to help your digestive system. Ginger helps to avert nausea; whereas peppermint prevents the chances of indigestion and flatulence that many people experience after a heavy meal. If you are suffering from constipation, try taking aloe vera. It works as a laxative and will help to cleanse your digestive system. Certain health conditions can have an effect on your digestive system. For these conditions, make sure you consult a doctor.

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