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By Bobby Edward Long A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Divinity At Northwestern Theological Seminary


TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables D-6: Denominational Distribution Absolute Truth by Denomination Satan a Reality by Church Affiliation Salvation Table by Church Affiliation Salvation Table by Denomination Mormonism by Church Affiliation List of Charts & Graphs Worldview(WV) by Church Affiliation WV- Absolute Truth by Church Affiliation WV- Sinless Jesus By Church Affiliation Spiritual Health By Church Affiliation Spiritual Health By Age God or the Devil By Age Biblical Knowledge (BK) All BK- by Church Affiliation BK- By Age BK- by Denomination Christian Doctrine (CD) by Church Affil. CD- by Age Person of Jesus- By Church Affiliation Person of Jesus- by Age Trinity by Church Affiliation Trinity by Age Holy Spirit by Church Affiliation Holy Spirit by Age Sin by Church Affiliation Sin by Age The Resurrection by Church Affiliation The Resurrection by Age Salvation by Church Affiliation Salvation by Age God Never Changes by Church Affiliation God Never Changes by Age Mary by Church Affiliation Mary by Age Heaven by Church Affiliation Heaven by Age Paths To God by Church Affiliation Paths To God by Age


8 13 15 16 17 28


10 12 18 21 22 26 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42


TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Jesus (God/Man) by Church Affiliation ----------------------------------Jesus (God/Man) by Age ----------------------------------The Devil by Church Affiliation ----------------------------------The Devil by Age ----------------------------------The Bible by Church Affiliation ----------------------------------The Bible by Age ----------------------------------Nature of Man by Church Affiliation ----------------------------------Nature of Man by Age ----------------------------------Hell by Church Affiliation ----------------------------------Hell by Age ----------------------------------Prayer by Church Affiliation ----------------------------------Prayer by Age ----------------------------------Israel by Church Affiliation ----------------------------------Israel by Age ----------------------------------WV to BK and CD Overall Scores -----------------WV to BK and CD Progression of Right Answers -----------------VW to BK and CD Variance Between Answers -----------------Spiritual Satisfaction to BK / CD Scores by Age -----------------Worldview Variance -----------------Salvation By Grace Worldview Variance -----------------Moral Truth Worldview Variance -----------------Absolute Truth Worldview by Age -----------------Reality of Satan- Worldview Variance -----------------Sinless Jesus Worldview Variance -----------------Church Doctrine (CD)- 5 Question Variance -----------------CD- Holy Spirit Variance by Church Affiliation -----------------CD- Resurrection Variance by Church Affiliation -----------------CD- Salvation by Grace Variance by Church Affiliation -----------------CD- Jesus (God/Man) Variance by Church Affiliation -----------------CD- Israel Variance by Church Affiliation ------------------

43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 59 60 62 64 66 67 68 70 72 74

Acknowledgments Abstract


iv 1-3



TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) ------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION 2. METHODS 2.1 Calculations & Technique ---------------------------------------------------2.2 Limitations & Assumptions ---------------------------------------------------2.3 Implementation -----------------------------------------------------------------2.4 Methodology -----------------------------------------------------------------3. RESULTS 3.11- Worldview ---------------------------------------------------------------------3.12- Absolute Truth ---------------------------------------------------------------3.13- Biblical Inerrancy ----------------------------------------------------------3.14- Reality of Satan --------------------------------------------------------------3.15- Salvation ---------------------------------------------------------------------3.16- Sinless Christ -----------------------------------------------------------------3.17- Nature and Attributes of God -----------------------------------------------3.18- Satisfaction with Spiritual Health ------------------------------------------3.19- Influences of Evil Spirits ---------------------------------------------------3.20- Impact of Individual Religious Faith --------------------------------------3.21- God or Devil- No Middle Ground -----------------------------------------3.22- Opinion of Wicca ------------------------------------------------------------3.23- Opinion of Mormonism ----------------------------------------------------3.24- Views on the Bible, Koran, & Book of Mormon ------------------------3.25- Biblical Knowledge ----------------------------------------------------3.26- Basic Christian Doctrine ----------------------------------------------------4. OBSERVATIONS, RELATIONSHIPS & DISCUSSION ---------------4.1 Directly Proportional Relationship between Having a Biblical Worldview to Biblical knowledge and Understanding of Christian Doctrine. 4.2 Four of the six worldview questions show individual variances ranging from 21.1% to 55.3% between those with a biblical worldview and those that do not have a biblical worldview. 4.3 Five crucial Christian doctrine questions were answered correctly by less that 80% of those having a biblical worldview with one being answered correctly only 63% of the time. 5. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 New Insights --------------------------------------------------------------------5.2 Suggestions ---------------------------------------------------------------5.3 Personal Impact ----------------------------------------------------------------

1 3 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 32 50 50



77 77 78 87



I would like to express my deepest praise and worship to God for birthing within me the desire to give a reason for the hope that lies within and to somehow share that knowledge with others so as to give glory to God and draw men unto Him. It is this gift of God alone that has spurred me on, and I magnify Him. To my wife who is owed both a debt of

gratitude and my love for encouraging me to pursue and finish the course. She has been and will always be a source of strength and support. This study would not have been possible had it not been for the congregation of The Rock of NEA in Jonesboro Arkansas. Pastor Terry Watson was so gracious and accommodating in every imaginable way. I proudly call this congregation my family and my church home. Lastly, I wish to acknowledge

Northwestern Theological Seminary and Dr. Samuel Galloza for their vision, mission, and steadfastness in making Seminary accessible and achievable for all who wish to pursue a deeper study of Gods word.


One does not have to venture far into current evangelical circles to find a literal mountain of articles, papers, surveys, and lectures exclaiming that the population of America and especially the subset of this United States who claim to be Christian, have, over the past several years, become more and more illiterate in general biblical knowledge and understanding of basic Christian doctrine. This lack of knowledge and understanding has set the foundation for attrition regarding the basic tenets of Christian faith and with such attrition, a biblical worldview. As postmodern tolerance is preached from the pulpits, indoctrinated in the schools and universities, legislated from the halls of Congress, and upheld by the courts of the land, the exclusive nature and non-negotiable doctrines of traditional Christian salvation are being attacked and eroded in a multitude of fronts. The purpose of this study is three fold; 1) subjectively evaluate the current worldview of a local conservative evangelical body of believers against current national Barna Research studies, and 2) evaluate how that worldview correlates to their overall biblical knowledge and traditional Christian doctrine. Lastly, 3) Examine possible means of more effectively

combating major deficiencies detrimental to the spiritual health and well-being of the congregation identified in the research.

A single survey tool administered to the members / attendees of The Rock of NEA over a course of three weeks was implemented. One hundred sixty-five surveys were administered which yields a 95% confidence rate with a +/- 3.2% error rate. In consulting with the Pastor, it was estimated that out of the total congregation, one-hundred fifty would be under the age of eighteen leaving two hundred attendees eighteen years of age or over eligible for the study. Two main survey styles were used; 1) Dichotomous questions for demographic information and 2) Likert response scale for the worldview sections. Short answer was utilized when necessary and multiple choice questions were used to evaluate biblical knowledge and understanding of traditional church doctrine. As the results of the surveys were analyzed, several significant trends materialized. Of all surveyed, 100% indicated they were born-again; even among those that believe Jesus did not live a sinless life or they indicated they were apart of a non-Christian religion. Barna indicates that only 9% of all Americans and only 19% of all born again1 Christians have a biblical worldview2. Overall, those with a biblical worldview achieved a score of 60.28% on overall biblical knowledge while those not having a biblical worldview scored slightly less with a score of 56.03%.

The Barna Group, LTD. 6 Mar. 2009. Barna Survey Examines Changes in World view Among Christians Over the Past 13 Years. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Transformation;. 18 Jun. 2009. Definition of born-again Christian are those who said they have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ that is important in their life today and that they are certain that they will go to heaven after they die only because they confessed their sins and accepted Christ as their savior.

Ibid. Definition of a biblical worldview is on that believes that 1) absolute moral truth exists; 2) the Bible is totally accurate in all the principles it teaches; 3) Satan is considered to be a real being and not merely symbolic; 4) a person cannot earn their way into heaven by trying to be good or do good works; 5) Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and 6) God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.

However, basic understanding of Christian doctrine did have a more significant impact. Those having a biblical worldview correctly answered 89.89% of the questions. This was 7.30% greater than those not having a biblical worldview. Of the eighteen questions relating to doctrine, the nature of Jesus Christ as being both God and Man had the most variance between those with a worldview and those that do not. 70.6% of those with a biblical worldview answered correctly stating that Jesus was both God and man. Only 51.3% of those not holding a biblical worldview answered correctly. Even though 76.36% of the

all those polled have a biblical worldview, that leaves 23.64% attending the Rock of NEA in some capacity that does not. The results of this study will have far reaching implications on the body of believers at The Rock of NEA in developing educational and discipleship curriculums for all ages. With 12.1% of the regular attending membership holding a non-biblical worldview, major changes in several areas of ministry must be reviewed and processes must be changed to alleviate this trend. Similar surveys could be conducted setting a reference point and a guideline for not only the affiliated denomination of The Church of God but for other churches to follow suit. The survey subjectively assesses the effectiveness of past efforts to effectively equip congregations in the areas of Biblical literacy and knowledge of Christian doctrine propagating a biblical worldview within the congregation. It is essential that the teachers

and leaders of tomorrow be solid in their biblical worldview, but to do so, they must be solid in their knowledge of the scripture and most of all, their understanding of basic Christian doctrine.

1.0: INTRODUCTION My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 KJV

Is ignorance bliss? In the case of biblical knowledge and understanding of basic Christian doctrine, I would say no. Non intentional ignorance can be alleviated to some extent if the desire of the individual is to know and understand that area which they are ignorant. Scripture teaches that ignorance in a salvation sense will not be an option given

the reasons in chapters 1- 9 of Romans. However, intentional ignorance on the part of church leaders for the sake of unity or church growth is a disservice to the congregation and a neglect of the duties and obligations as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some are content to say, Those statistics would not apply to our congregation or I just know that our congregation is way more mature than that. Deep down there is a feeling that, lurking beneath the suits and ties of Sunday morning and the smiling faces that are greeted at the door with Bible in hand, is a person who may have a non-biblical worldview and a skewed understanding of the Gospel and the Savior of who it declares. The leadership of the Rock of NEA met this challenge undergoing three weeks of surveying. The Rock, nestled in the Northeast corner of Arkansas, is located within three miles from a major state University, and is on a main highway surrounded by many neighborhoods and businesses. Within the next five years a major hospital will be build within two miles of the church, bringing with it, increased development and exposure. No matter where one lives within the city limits of Jonesboro, there is a church within one mile. The city would be considered highly conservative and church saturated.

If there were one place where may have a legitimate hold to those sometimes naive thought of a biblically literate congregation, this would be the place. The finding of this survey has proven to be very interesting with both good and not so good results. Some outcomes were expected while some were a surprise. Needless to say that the information gathered will prove vital to future development of educational material from the children to senior adults. As churches constantly fight to engage the ever more secular world system, she must never stop evaluating and testing those processes and programs developed for efficiencies and effectiveness. Leadership must also never assume anything concerning the spiritual maturity of the people they have been put over. Just as athletes train and are constantly evaluated, so must the congregation of the local church; no matter where they are or who they may be. As this study will prove, even in a small town in rural Arkansas with a church almost literally on every corner, the post modern world can and will influence multitudes of people. Church leaders who turn a blind eye to such will find themselves in a dilemma that will take years to undo once a decision to attack the problem has been adopted. With a sincere trust in God and a dedication to the proposal that true followers of God will not only desire a systematic and intentional plan for spiritual growth, but should with all tenacity, expect it from those whom they call their church leaders, elders, and pastors. We can then embark on a mission to turn the tide in this land. We can and should expect a true revival of a love for the Logos whom 2000 years ago became flesh and dwelt among us; Emmanuel; God with us.

2.0: METHODS 2.1 Calculations & Technique Due to the comparative nature of the study to recent Barna statistics, many questions and statements used in the survey were constructed in a way that would best correlate with the Barna findings. Those questions measuring biblical knowledge and understanding of church doctrine were formulated as to produce a standard questionnaire that spans the facets of each area to yield a foundation by which to compare and contrast multiple and varied cross-sections and groupings within the surveyed pool. The study consisted of one paper survey containing seven pages; Demographics Section Within this section, six questions gathered information related to age, religious affiliations, their born-again status as defined by Barna, gender, affiliation to the Rock of NEA, and denominational background. They were not asked any information that would identify them individually nor were any income bracket questions asked. Section 1- Worldview These six questions correlated with the Barna definition of an individual with a worldview. In order to meet the definition of having a biblical worldview, that individual must answer strongly agree or agree to each of the six questions. If that individual answered disagree or strongly disagree to any of the six questions, the individual was classified as NOT having a biblical worldview.

Section 2- Defining Spiritual Maturity This section consisted of six questions as well; two of which were statements measured by using the Likert response scale. The other four were short answer dealing with personal definitions of spiritual maturity and the barriers to their spiritual maturity. Section 3 My Spiritual Beliefs- Using the Likert response scale, these seven questions measured the individuals beliefs concerning the following categories: the person of Holy Spirit, influence of spiritual forces, the absolute nature of siding with God or the devil, impact of religious faith in their life, their opinions concerning the cult, and the occult. Section 4 through 7- Biblical Knowledge- This section was broken down into four subsections. Each section consisted of five multiple choice questions. The sections increased in complexity and difficulty beginning with those topics one would learn in preteen Sunday school and ending with questions on topics only a deeper study of the Word would reveal. This section was scored individually and as a whole. Section 8 Knowledge of Christian Doctrine - This was the longest section with eighteen multiple choice questions or statements in which the individual had to choose the correct answer or finish the sentence. These questions dealt with the nature of the Trinity as a whole and as individual Persons, the essence of sin, the resurrection of Christ, salvation, Mary, heaven, hell, prayer, and the future destiny and role of Israel. If a question was left blank, the question was counted wrong.

2.2 Limitations & Assumptions One hundred sixty five surveys were completed. An estimation of the total number of adults over the age of eighteen was established and confirmed by the pastor at two hundred. A 95% confidence level was achieved with a +/- error rate of 3.20% based on a normal distribution using the following formulas where the sample size = n, margin of error = E, N = the population size, r = the fraction of responses, and Z(c/100) is the critical value for the confidence level c. x = Z(c/100)2 r(100-r) Nx n= / ((N-1)E2 + x) E = Sqrt [
(N n)x

/ n (N-1) ]

Even though the surveys were collected over a three week time span at the same location, there was no safe guard built in to adjust any percentages for any level of cheating. Great care was taken to make sure that those taking the survey answered in a way that best correlated to their beliefs. Surveys were not signed as to give anonymity to those taking the survey. It was conveyed to the individual taking the survey that no one could be identified on an individual basis. Each survey was completed with the same type of pencil so as to be consistent and further unrecognizable. The assumption is that all polled were honest and forthright in their answers. No tool was built in to adjust error rates to accommodate for the percentage of those that gave the pat answer. The last major assumption was that all understood the statements and the corresponding list of answers. Since all were over eighteen years of age, a general understanding of the English language and modest vocabulary were taken for granted.

2.3 Implementation All surveys were completed on-site and under supervision. No surveys used in the study were taken home or completed with the help of another individual. After the surveys were completed, they were turned in to the one administering the survey. They were

collected after the Sunday morning service for three weeks and prior to the Wednesday night services for two weeks between the dates of August 9 and August 23, 2009. During each survey administration, the leader of the class and/or their designee, would hand out the survey, review the directions, and administer the survey taking them up as they were completed. All who were surveyed were instructed to refrain from discussing the content and questions contained in the survey with any person until the collection of the entire sample pool was completed. As the survey data was entered into the database, a unique ID was assigned by the database to that individual survey. This unique ID was then written on the survey after the data was inputted into the program. This allowed for quick review of the actual survey in order to correct any mistakes in inputting of data. After all the survey data was keyed into the database, an excel spreadsheet was created using the input table data. This data was double checked for accuracy in computing basic biblical knowledge scores, overall biblical knowledge scores, and church doctrine scores. All mistakes in calculations were corrected prior to final reports being run.

2.4 Analysis Method A Microsoft Access database was constructed to analyze the data. Using one table as the source table, an input form was created for ease in entering the raw data from the written surveys. Every possible answer to each question on the survey was constructed as an individual field within the input table. A value of 1 was entered for the answer that was chosen, and a 0 for all other answers was entered. This allowed for analysis at the single question answer level. Due to all the responses having a binary answer, computations of percentages were easily processed on the multiple groupings and sub-groupings desired for each individual report. Once the data from the surveys were inputted, queries were built accessing data from the main source file or table. These queries were used as the source for the different reports that were built. Once extracted from the source table via the query, the raw data was then

grouped and sub-grouped according to the purpose of the report. Within the reports, calculation fields were used to compute percentages of each category and sub-category within the report as needed. Overall, twenty-eight queries and one hundred-eighteen reports were constructed to yield the data found in this thesis.

3.0: RESULTS Many abbreviations will be used in the following chapters concerning the affiliation categories of those that attend the Rock of NEA. Those abbreviations are as follows. Also included, are the number of surveys for each category: R.A.MN.R.A.MR.A.N.MVisitors B.A. Regular Attending Members 90 Non-Regular Attending Members 4 Regular Attending Non-Members 53 Visitors 18 Born Again 100% or 165

All those surveyed indicated that they were born again. The Barna definition of born-again are those who said they have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ that is important in their life today and that they are certain that they will go to heaven after they die only because they confessed their sins and accepted Christ as their Savior.3

Thus all charts and percentages listed will be indicative of a congregation who each attendee believes themselves to be 100% born again. 4 Table D-6 to the left, lists the different denominational backgrounds within the total sample pool.

The Barna Group, LTD. 6 Mar. 2009. Barna Survey Examines Changes in World view Among Christians Over the Past 13 Years. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Transformation; 18 Jun. 2009.

This does not necessarily indicate the present affiliation of the individual polled, but reflects the denominational background the individual may have come from or is apart of currently. On any given service, the Rock of NEA will have around thirteen different denominational backgrounds represented. Of the total populous, those coming from the Assemblies and Churches of God make up the bulk of the congregation with 41.21%. Baptist and Non-Denominational backgrounds make up another large section of attendees with 36.97%. Together, these four denominational backgrounds comprise 78.18% of those that assemble at the Rock of NEA on any given service. Of the regular attending membership, the Assemblies of God make up13.33% of the ninety persons in this group with Churches of God second with 31.11%. Those with a Baptist background comprise 20% of the regular attending membership with those coming from Non-Denominational backgrounds coming in at 12.22%. Together, these groups

comprise 76.66% of the total regular attending membership of the Rock of NEA. Of the fifty-three individuals comprising the regular attending non-member group, 32.08% come from a Baptist background and 11.32% come from a non-denominational background. 16.98% have backgrounds rooted in the Assemblies of God and 18.87% from the Churches of God.

3.11- Worldview Barna shows only 9% of all American adults have a biblical worldview. Of the sub-category labeled born-again the statistic more than doubles. However, that would only put the percentage of born-again Christians having a biblical world view at only 19%.5 Over all those surveyed, 77% have
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

42.4 19 9 2.4 24.8 7.3

Graph: WV-3.11-1
Barna Adult s Rock- N.R.A.M 's Barna " B.A." Rock- R.A.N.M 's Rock- All Rock- Visit ors Rock- R.A.M 's

a biblical worldview leaving 23% whom do not. Of those with a biblical worldview, 42.40% were regular attending members. 2.40% were non-regular attending members. 24.89% were regular attending / non-members. Visitors made up 7.3% of those with a biblical worldview.

The 23% surveyed that did not hold a biblical worldview broke down as follows: 12.1% were regular attending members. 7.3% were regular attending / non-members. Visitors made up 3.6% of those with a non-biblical worldview.

The 18-24 age bracket consists of forty-four individuals or 27% total surveyed of which, 81.2% hold a biblical worldview. Eighteen persons of this age group are regular attending member of the Rock of NEA of which, 78% hold a biblical worldview. This means that about 1 in 5 persons in the age division, who are R.A.M.s, do not hold a worldview.

The Barna Group, LTD. 6 Mar. 2009. Barna Survey Examines Changes in World view Among Christians Over the Past 13 Years. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Transformation;. 18 Jun. 2009

rs to si 's Vi .M k.N oc .A ' s R R .M kA oc .R. R N 's koc .A.M R R koc ll R A k." oc .A R "B na ts ar dul B A na ar B


Of those ages 25-43, totaling sixty-five in all, 70.77% hold a biblical worldview. 79% of the thirty-three regular attending members in this age bracket hold a biblical worldview. Again, over 80% (or 1 in 5) of the thirty-three regularly attending members in this age division does not hold a biblical worldview. Forty-nine individuals comprise the 44-62 age group, of which, 83.67% hold a biblical worldview. 80% of the thirty-five regular attending membership of this division hold a biblical worldview leaving 20% that do not. Once again, 1 in 5 of the regular attending members in this age division holds a secular worldview. The category with the least amount of individuals surveyed is the 63+ age group with only seven members. Of these, 57.14% hold a biblical worldview leaving 42.86% that does not. The regular attending membership of the Rock accounts for four of these seven. the four, 50% hold a biblical worldview and 50% did not. Eighty-four of the one hundred sixty-five individuals surveyed were female and eightyone were male. 81.48% of the total male population surveyed holds a biblical worldview while 72.62% of the female population holds a biblical worldview. Forty-five females identified themselves as regular attending members of the Rock of NEA of which, 71% hold a biblical worldview. Of the eighty-one total male sample, regular attending members account for forty-five of which, 84% hold a biblical worldview. Of


3.12- Absolute Truth Statement: Moral truth is absolute and unaffected by circumstances. Barna studies indicate that only 34% of all American adults believe moral truth is absolute and unaffected by circumstances. Of the sub-category labeled born-again the percentage is 46%.6 Overall, 90.9% of all who took the survey agreed or strongly agreed with the statement concerning absolute truth. Those that disagreed (7.3%) or strongly agreed (.6%) made up almost 8% of the sample population leaving 2% undecided. Females taking the survey refused the existence of absolute truth 13.1% of the time where males refused that statement 2.4% of the time. Males strongly agreed 71.6% of the time and agreed at a rate of 25.9% of the time. Females, on the other hand, strongly agreed 63.2% of the time and agreed 21.4% of the time. The study revealed that 18 24 year olds agreed or strongly agreed with the statement 93.2% of the time. The 25 43 age group agreed or strongly agreed 89.3% percent of the time; disagreeing were 6.2% and strongly disagreeing 1.5%. Over 10% of those ages 44 62 disagreed that moral truth is absolute and unaffected by circumstance. While none in


this age group disagreed strongly, 79.6% agreed strongly leaving 10.2% agreeing with the statement. Ages 63+ had no individual disagreeing with the statement. 67.3% strongly agreed and 23.6% agreed. Along denominational lines, only two categories came in with 100% strongly agreeing with the statement concerning absolute truth; these identified themselves as having a Christian or a Coptic background. Four denominational backgrounds came in scoring 50% strongly agreeing and 50% agreeing. These were Catholic, Church of Christ, Methodist, and Nazarene. Those with no religious background disagreed with the statement the most at 37.5%. The others are as follows:
Denomination Assemblies of God Baptist Catholic Christian Church of Christ Church of God Coptic Methodist Nazarene Non-Denominational None Other United Pentecostal ABSOLUTE TABLE Table AT-3.12 Strongly Agree Agree Disagree 73.9% 53.7% 50.0% 100.0% 50.0% 73.3% 100.0% 50.0% 50.0% 85.0% 37.5% 90.0% 40.0% 21.7% 29.3% 50.0% 0.0% 50.0% 22.2% 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 10.0% 25.0% 0.0% 60.0% 4.3% 14.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.0% 37.5% 10.0% 0.0% Strongly Disagree 0.0% 2.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Table: AT1-3.12

The Barna Group, LTD. 6 Mar. 2009. Barna Survey Examines Changes in World view Among Christians Over the Past 13 Years. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Transformation;. 18 Jun. 2009


3.13- Biblical Inerrancy Statement: The Bible is accurate in all the principles it teaches. Barna studies indicate that 50% of all American Christian adults believe the Bible is accurate in all the principles it teaches. Of the sub-category labeled born again, the Barna percentage is 79%.7 In reviewing the data based on gender, 91.7% of females and 96.3% of all males strongly agreed. The Rock of NEA sample pool had none that disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement. Of the four sub-categories for affiliation to The Rock of NEA, the non-regular attending member category was the only one to have all in the 100% in the strongly agree column. The regular attending members strongly agreed 97.8% of the time and the regular attending non-members strongly agreed 92.5% of the time. The visitors strongly agreed 77.8% of the time leaving over 22% agreeing with the statement. Four denominations scored 100% in the strongly agree column. These were 1) Christian, 2) Church of Christ, 3) Coptic, and 4) Methodist. Those scoring lowest in the strongly agree column were the Catholics at 50% and the Baptists at 85.4%. The Assemblies and Churches of God strongly agreed 95.7% and 95.6% respectively.

The Barna Group, LTD. 6 Mar. 2009. Barna Survey Examines Changes in World view Among Christians Over the Past 13 Years. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Transformation;. 18 Jun. 2009


3.14- Reality of Satan Statement: Satan is a real being or force and not merely a symbol of evil. Barna shows 27% of all American Christian adults believe that Satan is a real force and not just a symbol of evil. Of the sub-category labeled born-again the percentage is 40%.8 Taking all surveyed into account, 95.2% strongly agreed or agreed with the statement. All in the non-regular attending member group strongly agreed 100% of the time. On the end of the spectrum, the visitors strongly agreed only 72.2% of the time and disagreed or strongly disagreed 11.2% of the time.
Satan Reality Table-Church % Church Affiliation Strongly Agree 100.0% 90.6% 91.1% 72.2% Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.6% Table 3.14-T1

Non-Regular Attending Member Reg. Attending / Non-Member Reg. Attending Member Visitor

0.0% 5.37% 4.4% 16.7%

0.0% 3.8% 1.1% 5.6%

89.1% of females strongly agreed that Satan is a real being and not just a symbol of evil while males strongly agreed 95.1% of the time. Only 2.4% of males disagreed or strongly disagreed, while 4.8% of females disagreed. Along denominational lines, six represented strongly agreed 100% of the time. These were Christian, Church of Christ, Coptic, Methodist, Nazarene, Non-Denominational and United Pentecost. Although the Assemblies and Churches of God had none that disagreed or strongly disagreed, there were 19.7% only agreed with the statement. Baptist was the only denominations that scored in the disagree (9.8%) and the strongly disagree (2.4%) categories.

The Barna Group, LTD. 6 Mar. 2009. Barna Survey Examines Changes in World view Among Christians Over the Past 13 Years. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Transformation;. 18 Jun. 2009


3.15- Salvation Statement: It is impossible for a person to earn their way into Heaven through good behavior or good works.

Barna shows 28% of all American Christian adults believe that it is impossible for someone to earn their way to heaven by good works or behavior. Of the sub-category labeled born-again the percentage is 47% that strongly agree. 9 According to the survey, 90.0% of regular attending membership agreed or strongly agreed. Those that attend regularly but are not members dissented with that statement 15% of the time and visitors 22.2% of the time.
Salvation Table-Church % Church Affiliation Non-Regular Attending Member Reg. Attending / Non-Member Reg. Attending Member Visitor Strongly Agree 100.0% 69.8% 86.7% 55.6% Agree 0.0% 13.2% 3.3% 22.2% Disagree 0.0% 7.5% 2.2% 11.1% Strongly Disagree 0.0% 7.5% 6.7% 11.1% Table 3.15-S1

Those with different denominational backgrounds were varied in their response to this statement. Of the thirteen different denominational backgrounds, four had no dissent to the statement; meaning there was none that chose disagree or strongly disagree to the statement. These were none or those with no denominational background, Methodist, Church of Christ, and Christian. The Assemblies of God and Churches of God had 13.2% that either disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement.

The Barna Group, LTD. 6 Mar. 2009. Barna Survey Examines Changes in World view Among Christians Over the Past 13 Years. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Transformation;. 18 Jun. 2009


Those with a non-denominational background strongly disagreed at a rate of 15% while those with a United Pentecostal background disagreed 20% of the time. 12.2% of those with a Baptist background either disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement.
SALVATION TABLE: Table 3.15-S2 Strongly Agree Agree Disagree


Strongly Disagree 4.3% 7.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.2% 100.0% 0.0% 25.0% 15.0% 0.0% 20.0% 0.0% Table: 3.15-S2

Assemblies of God Baptist Catholic Christian Church of Christ Church of God Coptic Methodist Nazarene Non-Denominational None Other United Pentecostal

95.7% 70.7% 50.0% 100.0% 100.0% 80.0% 0.0% 50.0% 75.0% 85.0% 37.5% 60.0% 60.0%

0.0% 14.6% 00.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.9% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 00.0% 25.0% 10.0% 20.0%

0.0% 4.9% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 37.5% 10.0% 20.0%

Breaking the results into ages, those between the ages of 44 62 strongly agreed or agreed 95.9% of the time. The 25-43 age group strongly agreed 70.8% of the time and agreed 9.2% of the time leaving 18% of that group either disagreeing or strongly disagreeing with the statement concerning salvation by grace through faith alone and not of works or good behavior. Of those with a non-biblical worldview, the 18-24 age division strongly disagreed 44.4% of the time and disagreed 11.1% of the time. The 25-43 age group dissented with the statement 65.1% of the time while 25% of the 44-62 age group dissented. The 63+ age group either disagreed with the statement or strongly disagreed with the statement 33.3% of the time.


3.16- Sinless Jesus Statement: Jesus Christ lived as entirely sinless life while He was on the earth. Barna shows 40% of all American adults believe that Jesus lived an entirely sinless life while on earth. Of the sub-category labeled born-again the percentage is 62% that strongly believe. 10 The survey revealed that, overall, 92.7% of those surveyed strongly

% Sinless Jesus-Yes 100 80 60 40 20 0

95.1 62 40 92.7

Sinless Jesus- Chart 3.16-SE1

96.7 95.6 100 100 94.4 88.7 88.9 88.9

. .M .A M RA Ro ck -N -S .R .A 's

agreed with the statement and 5.7% agreed; leaving 3% disagreeing and .6% strongly disagreeing. The most dissention to this statement came from the visitors group who disagreed 11.1% of the time. Although the only category to have some strongly disagree was in the regular attending membership with 1.1%. The regular attending membership strongly agreed 95.6% of time while the regular attending non-members agreed 5.7% of the time and strongly agreed 88.7%.


The Barna Group, LTD. 6 Mar. 2009. Barna Survey Examines Changes in World view Among Christians Over the Past 13 Years. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Transformation;. 18 Jun. 2009

N R .M 's AM Ro -S ck .A -R . .A .N R A .M 's NM Ro -S .A ck . -V is i to Vi rs sit or sS. A.

.A ."

u lt










rn a

rn a








Of those polled over the age of 63, 14.3% disagreed that Jesus lived a sinless life. The 44 62 age group was polarized with 98% strongly agreeing and 2.0% strongly disagreeing. The 25 43 age bracket was dispersed among three categories. 92.3% strongly agreeing, 1.5% agreeing and 4.6% disagreeing. The youngest of the age groups (18-24) had 90.9% strongly agreeing, 6.8% agreeing and 2.3% disagreeing. Along gender lines, 95.1% of all men strongly agreed, 2.5% disagreed and 1.2% strongly disagreed. 90.5% of all females strongly agreed that Jesus lived a sinless life and 4.8% agreed leaving 3.6% disagreeing and none strongly disagreeing. Seven denominational backgrounds represented had 100% strongly agreeing. These were those that had no denominational background at all, Non-Denominational, Nazarene, Methodist, Coptic, Church of Christ, and those with a Christian background. Of those remaining, two had no hits in the strongly disagree or disagree category but had those register in the agree category; Assemblies of God (agree 4.3%) and United Pentecostal (agree 20%). Only those with Catholic (50%), or Baptist (4.9%) backgrounds registered that they disagreed that Jesus lived a sinless life. Only one denominational background registered in the strongly disagree category. 4.4% of those with a Church of God denominational background disagreed and 2.2% disagreed strongly that Jesus lived an entirely sinless life.


3.17- Nature & Attributes of God Statement: God is the all-powerful, all knowing creator of the universe who still rules the world today.

Barna shows 70% of all American Christian adults believe that God is the allpowerful, all-knowing creator of the Universe who still rules today. Of the sub-category labeled born-again the percentage is 93%.11 Of the pool surveyed at the Rock of NEA, nearly all strongly agreed with the statement. The only exception to that was in the visitor category in which 16.7% agreed. One survey from the regular attending membership representing .6% of the total, disagreed.


The Barna Group, LTD. 6 Mar. 2009. Barna Survey Examines Changes in World view Among Christians Over the Past 13 Years. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Transformation;. 18 Jun. 2009


3.18- Satisfaction with Spiritual Health Statement: I am satisfied with my spiritual maturity. Barna shows 65% of all American adults are either completely satisfied (22% completely / 43% mostly satisfied) or mostly satisfied when it comes to their spiritual maturity.12

Spiritual Health (Satsified)

Rock- Others, 61.1% Rock- R.A.N.M's, 54.7%

Barna Adults , 65%

Rock- All, 55.2%

Rock- N.R.A.M's, 75.0%

Rock- R.A.M's, 53.4%

Overall, 55.2% of all surveyed are satisfied with their spiritual maturity leaving 44.8% who were not. When broken down by their affiliation with the Rock, 42.2% of the regular attending members were dissatisfied with their spiritual maturity and 3.3% were strongly dissatisfied. The group feeling the most satisfaction was the non-regular attending members at 75% followed by the visitors at 61.1%. The females registered strongly satisfied or satisfied 50% of the time. Males chose strongly satisfied 8.6% of the time and satisfied 51.9% of the time for a combined satisfaction rate of 60.5%


The Barna Group, LTD. 11 May 2009. Many Churchgoers and Faith Leaders Sruggle to Define Spiritual Maturity. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Faith/Spirituality;. 18 Jun. 2009


Along denominational background lines, the United Pentecostals were the most satisfied registering 80% of those with that background as satisfied. Second to the UPCs were the Nazarenes with 75% of those being strongly satisfied or satisfied. Those with a Coptic background registered dissatisfaction 100% of the time. 56.1% of those with a Baptist background were either satisfied or strongly satisfied with their spiritual maturity and those coming from the Assemblies or Churches of God were 47.8% and 60.0% strongly satisfied or satisfied respectively. The Churches of Christ, Methodist, and Catholics were split down the middle at 50% satisfied and 50% dissatisfied. The 25-43 year olds were the least satisfied with 44.6% registering either strongly or dissatisfied. The most satisfied with their spiritual maturity were the 63+ category at 85.7% The 44-62 age group registered 65.3% satisfied (51.0%) or greater (14.3% with 18-24 year old group in the middle with 54.5% registering satisfied (47.7%) or completely satisfied (6.8%)

Spiritual Health (Satisified)-By Age

100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 18-24 25-43 44-62 63+
% Spiritual Health (Satsif ied)


3.19- Influence of Evil Spirits Statement: A person can be under the influence of spiritual forces such as demons or evil spirits.

Barna shows 64% of all Christians including born-again believe a person can be influenced by spiritual forces such as demons and evil spirits.13 Of all surveyed 94.6% either strongly agreed (69.1%) or agreed (25.5%). Regular attending members unanimously agreed or strongly agreed with the statement as did non-regular attending members. Regular attending members agreed or strongly agreed 86.8% of the time and disagreed 7.5% of the time and strongly agreed 3.8%. Visitors strongly agreed 61.1% of the time and agreed 25.5% of the time. 5.6% of the visitors disagreed and none in the category strongly disagreed. Breaking the data down along age brackets, all ages up to the 63+ age group either strongly agreed or agreed over 95% of the time leaving only a small portion either disagreeing or strongly disagreeing. The 63+ age group disagreed or strongly disagreed a total of 28.6%; 14.3% for each; disagree or strongly disagree. Eleven of the thirteen categories of denominational backgrounds either strongly agreed or agreed with the statement 100% of the time. Those disagreeing or strongly disagreeing were those with Baptist backgrounds (7.3% / 2.4% respectively) and Church of God (4.4% / 2.2%) respectively. Males strongly agreed 71.6% of the time and disagreed 25.5% of the time. Females strongly agreed at a rate of 66.7% and disagreed 27.4%. Both male and female strongly disagreed 1.2% of the time.

The Barna Group, LTD. 10, April 2009. Most American Christians Do Not Believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit Exist. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Faith / Spirituality;. 18 Jun. 2009


3.20- Impact of Religious Faith Statement: In what way has your religious faith impacted you life? Barna shows 59% of all Christians believe their faith has greatly transformed their life. 29% said their faith had been helpful but not transforming, and 9% stated that their faith had been insignificant in their life. 14 Overall surveyed, 86.1% indicated that their faith has greatly transformed their life. 12.1% said that their faith had somewhat transformed their life and 1.2% stated that their faith has had little impact in their daily living. Regarding affiliation to the Rock of NEA categories, 93.3% of the regular attending members find their faith greatly transforming. 5.6% see their faith as somewhat transforming and 1.1% finds their faith having very little impact at all. Non-regular attending members chose greatly transforming 75% of the time and somewhat transforming 25% of the time. 79.2% of regular attending / non-members were greatly transformed and 18.9% where somewhat transformed leaving 1.9% not much impact. The visitors had no showing in the not much impact or no impact at all categories with 72.2% being greatly transformed by their faith and 22.2% somewhat transformed. The youngest of those surveyed (18-24) indicated that 79.5% of them were greatly transformed and 18.2% somewhat transformed. The 25-43 age category shows that 80% of those in this category have been greatly transformed, 16.9% somewhat transformed and 3.1% finding their faith having very little impact. The 44-62 age bracket indicates that 98% were greatly transformed and 2% somewhat transformed with the 63+ age group unanimously choosing 100% in the greatly transformed category.


The Barna Group, LTD. 10, April 2009. Most American Christians Do Not Believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit Exist. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Faith / Spirituality;. 18 Jun. 2009


3.21- God or the Devil No Middle Ground Statement: A person must either choose between God and the Devil; there is no in-between position.

Barna shows 76% of all Christians believe one must either side with the Devil or God; there is no middle ground. (61% strongly agreed 15% agreed somewhat). 10% disagreed, while 11% strongly disagreed.15 Of all surveyed at the Rock of NEA, 80.6% strongly agreed with the statement, 11.5% agreed, 6.1% disagreed, and .6% strongly disagreed. Regular attending members strongly agreed 85.6% with 11.1% agreeing. 2.2% of this group disagreed that one has to choose between God and the devil and that there is no middle ground. Those that regularly attend the Rock but are not members strongly agreed 73.6% and agreed 11.3% with 15.1% either disagreed (13.2%) strongly disagreed (1.9%). Visitors agreed (16.7%) or strongly agreed (72.2%) with the statement 88.8% of the time with 5.6% registering in the disagree category. Females strongly agreed 78.6% of the time while males strongly agreed 82.7% of the time. Females agreed 13.1% of the time with 6.0% disagreeing. Males agreed 9.9% of the time with 6.2% disagreeing and 1.2% strongly disagreeing. Eight denominations had no entries disagreeing or strongly disagreeing with the statement that there is no middle ground, one must choose God or the devil. These were those from Assemblies of God, Christian, Church of Christ, Church of God, Coptic, Methodist, Nazarene, UPC, and those that chose other as their denominational background.


The Barna Group, LTD. 10, April 2009. Most American Christians Do Not Believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit Exist. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Faith / Spirituality;. 18 Jun. 2009


Four backgrounds had all surveyed recording 100% in the strongly agree category. These were Church of Christ, Coptic, Methodist, and Nazarene. In the age categories, 84.1% of the 18-24 age group either agreed or strongly agreed with 11.4% disagreeing. The next older age group, 25-44 year olds, 92.3% either strongly agreed or agreed while 6.2% disagreed and 1.5% disagreed strongly. 100% of the 45 62 age group either choose strongly agreed or agreed and the 63+ disagreed 14.3% of the time and the remaining 85.8% was split between agreeing and strongly agreeing.


3.22- Opinion on Wicca Statement: My opinion of Wicca, which is an organized form of witchcraft, could be described overall as...

Barna shows only 5% of Christians have a positive view of Wicca. 55% of all Christians have a negative opinion of Wicca. 40% had no opinion even after it was described as being a form of Witchcraft.16 Of all surveyed, 89.1% had either a negative or strongly negative opinion of Wicca with 5.6% being neutral and 2.4% being either positive or strongly positive. The non-regular attending members had 100% being strongly negative. The regular attending non-members were negative or strongly negative 80% of the time with 11.3% being neutral. 1.9% of this age group was strongly positive. Of the regular attending membership 94.5% were either negative (6.7%) or strongly negative (87.8%) with 2.2% being neutral and 2.2% positive. 77.8% of the visitors were either negative or strongly negative with 5.6% being neutral. 5.6% of the visitors were positive in their outlook on Wicca. 88.6% of the 18-24 year olds has either a negative (9.1%) or strongly negative (79.5%) view of Wicca with the remaining 6.8% being neutral. 87.7% of the 25-44 year olds either negative (7.7%) or strongly negative (80%). Those that were neutral in their view of Wicca made up 6.2% of this age group and the remaining 3% was split between positive and strongly positive.

The Barna Group, LTD. 10, April 2009. Most American Christians Do Not Believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit Exist. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Faith / Spirituality;. 18 Jun. 2009


In the 45-62 age bracket, 95.9% has a negative or strongly negative view of Wicca with the remaining 6.2% remaining neutral. Of those ages 63 or above, 57.1% were strongly negative, 14.3% were neutral and 28.6% were positive in their view toward Wicca.

3.23- Opinion on Mormonism Statement: Mormons are Christians just like any other denomination. Barna shows 39% of all Christians believe Mormons are Christians; 18% strongly agreeing and 21% agreeing somewhat. Only 17% disagreed strongly and 12% disagreed somewhat. 10% had no opinion.17
View on Mormonism-Church % Church Affiliation Barna Results Non-Regular Attending Member Reg. Attending / Non-Member Reg. Attending Member Visitor Strongly Agree 18.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.6% Agree 21.0% 0.0% 7.5% 10.0% 22.2% Disagree 12.0% 25.0% 47.2% 23.3% 38.9% Strongly Disagree 17.0% 75.0% 37.7% 65.6% 27.8%

The regular attending membership either disagreed or strongly disagreed 88.9% of the time. However, 10% of this group agreed that Mormons are Christians just like any other denomination. Visitors agree 22.2% of the time that Mormons are Christians with 5.6% strongly agreeing. The 18-24 year old group revealed that 47.7% strongly disagreed with 31.8% disagreeing. None in this group strongly agreed however, 11.4% did agree that Mormons are Christians. 10.7% of the 25-43 year age group either strongly agree (1.5%) or agreed (9.2%) with the statement leaving 30.8% disagreeing and 55.4% strongly disagreeing.

The Barna Group, LTD. 6 Mar. 2009. Most American Christians Do Not Believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit Exist. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Faith / Spirituality;. 18 Jun. 2009


Among the 44-62 year olds, 55.1% strongly disagreed with 38.8% disagreeing. 6.1% agreed and none strongly agreed. Within the oldest of those surveyed, 42.9% agreed that Mormons are Christians. 14.3% disagreed while 42.9% strongly disagreed.

3.24- Views on the Bible, Koran, and Book of Mormon Statement: The Bible, Koran, and Book of Mormon are all different expressions of the same truth.

Barna shows 41% of all Christians believe the Bible, Koran, and Book of Mormon are all different expressions of the same truths; 19% strongly agreeing and 22% agreeing somewhat. Only 28% disagreed strongly and 12% disagreed somewhat. 19% had no opinion.18 Overall, 87.3% of those surveyed either disagreed or strongly disagreed with the above statement. 7.9% of all surveyed either agreed or strongly agreed. Within the 90 regular attending members, 5.5% either agreed or strongly agreed with the statement leaving 91.1% disagreeing or agreeing with the majority (80%) strongly disagreeing. The most dispersed group was the visitors in which 38.9% strongly disagreed, and 33.3% disagreed; 16.7% agreed leaving 5.6% strongly agreeing.


The Barna Group, LTD. 6 Mar. 2009. Most American Christians Do Not Believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit Exist. As extracted from <>Path: Barna update; Articles; Faith / Spirituality;. 18 Jun. 2009


3.25- Biblical Knowledge Four categories of questions were asked. Each category contained five questions of equal difficulty with each category increasing in difficulty. Over all surveyed, the average score is indicated in the Graph 3.25-BK1 below.

Graph 3.25-BK1
100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 44.2% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 All Surveyed Part 4 Overall 33.9% 90.5% 68.1% 59.3%

When broken down by church affiliation or the individuals affiliation with The Rock of NEA, the average score over all four parts are indicated in Graph 3.25BK2 Church Affiliation table below. RAMs are regular attending members, NRAMs are non-regular attending members, RANMs are regular attending non-members, and then the visitors category.
BK by Church Affiliation- 3.25BK2
62.0% 61.0% 60.0% 59.0% 58.0% 57.0% 56.0% 55.0% 54.0% RAM NRAM RANM Vistors 61.2% 58.8% 57.0% 56.4%



Reviewing the data based on age groupings revealed the following results as indicated in Graph 3.25-BK3- BK by Age. The ages were broken down via the categories used in the Barna research.
Graph 3.25-BK3- BK by Age
70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 18-24 24-43 Overall 44-62 63+ 57.5% 57.7% 49.3% 64.4%

Along denominational lines, the grasp of biblical knowledge across the four sections averages out as indicated in Graph: 3.25-BK4: BK by Denomination.

80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 59.3% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 75.0%

Graph: 3.25-BK4: BK by Denomination











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3.26- Basic Christian Doctrine The last section of the survey consisted of eighteen multiple choice questions. Each question dealt with a different aspect of crucial Christian doctrine. The first question asked, How many Gods are there in the Universe? The choices were, A) To many to count, B) 1, or C) 3. The answer is B) 1. There is only one God. The following graphs detail the percentage of correct answers in each of two categories breakdowns: 1) Church Affiliation and 2) Age

# of Gods -by Church Affiliation

9 .0 7 %

95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0%

10 % 0 .0

9 .8 7 %

9 .1 8 %



% Correct:

Vis tors

8 .9 8 %


Number of Gods - By Age

101.0% 100.0% 99.0% 98.0% 97.0% 96.0% 95.0% 94.0% 93.0%












Question B concerned the person of Jesus Christ. It read, Jesus is The choices were, A) A prophet just like Mohammad, B) One of many Gods, C) God in flesh, or D) The physical son of Joseph. The answer is C; God in flesh. Jesus was not a prophet like Mohammad. Although he was the legal son of Joseph, he was not the physical son of Joseph.

The Person of Jesus. -by Church Affiliation

100.0% 96.0% 94.0%
92.2% 100.0%




90.0% 88.0%



% Correct:



The Person of Jesus.. - By Age

100.0% 95.0%
95.5% 92.7%

90.0% 85.0% 80.0%












Question C is dealing with an understanding of the Trinity which can be defined as within the nature and essence of the one true God there are three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The individual was asked to complete the following sentence: The Trinity is The answer choices were A) One God in three persons, B) Three separate Gods, or C) A product of the 4th century and not biblical.
The Trinity-by Church Affiliation
93.3% 88.7% 83.3% 90.9%

80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0%




RANM % Correct:



The Trinity - By Age


92.0% 90.0% 86.0% 84.0% 82.0% 18-24





44+62 %Correct






Question D measures the understanding of the Holy Spirit as being the third person in the Holy Trinity. The statement read, The Holy Spirit is The choices were A) A force like radar, B) a symbol of Gods presence, or C) The 3rd person of the Trinity. Unlike many cults, the Christian faith holds that Holy Spirit is a real person having the same nature, substance and essence as the Father and the Son.
Holy Spirit -by Church Affiliation
100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% RAM NRAM RANM % Correct: Vis tors Overall
82.2% 100.0%


Holy Spirit - By Age



40.0% 20.0% 0.0%



44+62 %Correct










Question E deals with what sin is. The statement was, In essence SIN is The choices were A) Breaking Gods law, B) Going against our own feelings, or C) Different for every individual. Sin is disobedience to Gods law thus the entire reason Christ lived in total obedience to the law so that He could be the perfect sacrifice for sinful men. Sin is not going against our feelings because our feelings can deceive. Sin is also not relative to any situation thus is constant for each individual.
Sin -by Church Affiliation



90.0% 85.0% 80.0%



RANM % Correct:

Vis tors



Sin - By Age

100.0% 95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0%






44+62 %Correct






Question F concerns the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The statement the individuals were asked to complete was, Jesus rose from the dead The choices to complete the statement were; A) As a spirit, B) As Michael the Archangel, or C) In the same body he died in. The answer is C. Thomas felt Jesus nail pierced side and the men on the road to Emmaus saw the nail prints in Jesus hands. Michael the Archangel.
Ressurection -by Church Affiliation
100.0% 80.0%
81.1% 77.4% 75.0% 66.7% 78.2%

Jesus did not rise again in spirit form nor is He

60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0%



RANM % Correct:

Vis tors


Ressurection - By Age


80.0% 75.0%

70.0% 65.0%



44+62 %Correct






Question G provides insight into the means and mechanisms of salvation. The statement was, Salvation is by The options were A) Grace through faith and baptism, B) Grace through faith alone, or C) Grace through faith after all we have done. The answer is B; grace through faith alone.
Salvation -by Church Affiliation
100.0% 80.0% 60.0%
68.9% 100.0%


40.0% 20.0% 0.0%



RANM % Correct:

Vis tors



Salvation - By Age
63.6% 60.0% 65.5%

60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0%



44+62 %Correct







Question H concerns an attribute of God in that He never changes. The statement reads, God is The options for completing the sentence were, A) Different in the Old Testament than in the New Testament, B) The same throughout history and does not change, or C) A mythical means by which men can come to grips with their mortality. The answer is B. God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
God Never Changes -by Church Affiliation
100.0% 95.0%
96.7% 100.0%


90.0% 85.0% 80.0%



RANM % Correct:

Vis tors



God Never Changes - By Age

102.0% 100.0% 98.0% 96.0% 94.0% 92.0% 90.0% 88.0%







44+62 %Correct






Question I measures views on Mary. The statement reads, Mary, the mother of Jesus The options for completing the sentence were A) was not really a virgin but was a young maiden, B) was a virgin when she conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit of God, or C) is a Co-Redeemer with Christ. The answer is B. Mary was a virgin when the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and she conceived Jesus.
Mary -by Church Affiliation
100.0% 98.0%
97.8% 100.0%

94.0% 92.0% 90.0%



RANM % Correct:

Vis tors



Mary - By Age
102.0% 100.0%
100.0% 100.0%

98.0% 96.0% 94.0% 92.0% 18-24 25-43

97.7% 95.4%

44+62 %Correct








Question J deals with the understanding of Heaven. The statement says, Heaven is The choices are A) the dwelling place of God and all who are saved, B) A state of mind, C) a symbol of God and not a real place. The answer is A) the dwelling place of God and all who are saved.

Heaven -by Church Affiliation

100.0% 98.0% 96.0% 94.0% 92.0% 90.0% RAM NRAM RANM % Correct: Vis tors Overall
98.9% 100.0% 100.0% 98.8% 94.4%

Heaven - By Age
105.0% 95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0% 75.0% 18-24 25-43 44+62 %Correct
100.0% 100.0%








Question K examines thoughts on the ways or paths to Heaven or God. The question is, How many paths are there to God? The answer choices were, A) 1: Through Jesus alone, B) Many. Each must find their own way, or C) 3: Christianity, Islam, Judaism. The answer is A) 1: Through Jesus alone.

Paths to God -by Church Affiliation

100.0% 98.0% 96.0% 94.0% 92.0% 90.0% RAM NRAM RANM % Correct: Vis tors Overall
98.9% 100.0% 100.0% 98.8% 94.4%

Paths to God - By Age

105.0% 95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0% 75.0% 18-24 25-43 44+62 %Correct
100.0% 100.0%








Question L asks How many natures does Jesus have? The answer choices are A) 1Human, B) 1- Divine, or C) 2- God and Man. The answer is C: Both God and Man. Jesus never stopped being God. He laid aside His right to act as Deity in order to identify fully with mankind.
Jesus (God / Man) -by Church Affiliation
100.0% 80.0%
75.0% 67.9% 66.7%

60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% RAM



RANM % Correct:

Vis tors


Jesus (God / Man) - By Age

60.0% 67.3% 66.1%

60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0%




44+62 %Correct






Question M explores thoughts on the reality of Satan or the Devil. The statement reads; The Devil is The choices for completing the sentence are A) A created angel that rebelled against God, B) The evil opposite of God, C) Not a real being, but a symbol of evil. The correct answer is A. Lucifer was a created angel that rebelled against God.

The Devil is... -by Church Affiliation

94.4% 92.5% 91.5%

80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0%




RANM % Correct:

Vis tors



The Devil is... - By Age

93.9% 91.5%

80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0%





44+62 %Correct





Question N poses the statement The Bible is The choices were A) A collection of ancient writings authored by men, B) The inspired Word of God, or C) A book of truths like the Koran or book of Mormon. The answer is B: The inspired Word of God.

The Bible is... -by Church Affiliation

98.9% 98.1% 83.3% 97.0%

80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0%




RANM % Correct:

Vis tors


The Bible is... - By Age

105.0% 100.0%
97.7% 95.4%

95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0% 75.0%




44+62 %Correct






Question O puts forth the statement that The nature of man is inherently The three choices for completing the sentence were A) Sinful, B) Good, but prone to mistakes, C) Divine. The answer is A: man is inherently sinful.

Nature of Man... -by Church Affiliation

100.0% 98.0% 96.0% 94.0% 92.0% 90.0% 88.0% 86.0% 84.0%






RANM % Correct:


Vis tors


Nature of Man... - By Age

95.5% 98.0%

95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0% 75.0%




44+62 %Correct







Question P deals with the reality of Hell. The statement says Hell is The options are A) A state of mind, B) A symbol and not a real place, C) A place o eternal torment for all unbelievers. The correct answer is C: Hell is a place of eternal torment for all who are not saved.

Hell is ... -by Church Affiliation

100.0% 97.8%

95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0%




RANM % Correct:

Vis tors



Hell is... - By Age

105.0% 95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0% 75.0% 18-24 25-43 44+62 %Correct










Question Q concerns prayer. The statement is, Prayer is... The answer choices are A) Only to be used in times of distress, B) The way that God communicates with us and we communicate with God, or C) Only to be used to praise God. The answer is B. Prayer is a way that we communicate with God and God with us.

Prayer is ... -by Church Affiliation

100.0% 98.0% 96.0% 94.0% 92.0% 90.0% RAM NRAM RANM % Correct: Vis tors Overall
97.8% 100.0% 100.0%

Prayer is... - By Age


99.0% 98.0% 97.0% 96.0% 95.0%







44+62 %Correct







The last question R deals with the nation and destiny of Israel. The statement is Israel The answer choices are A) has been replaced with the Church of God, B) has its own destiny apart from the Church, or C) has been rejected by God never to be reconciled to God. The answer is B. The nation of Israel has its own destiny apart from the Church.

Israel ... -by Church Affiliation

100.0% 80.0% 60.0%
64.4% 100.0%


40.0% 20.0% 0.0%



RANM % Correct:

Vis tors



Israel... - By Age

60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 18-24




44+62 %Correct









Directly Proportional Relationship between Having a Biblical Worldview to Biblical knowledge and Understanding of Christian Doctrine.

The first major pattern observed upholds the premise of this thesis that as biblical knowledge and understanding of Christian doctrine increase, so will the biblical worldview of the individual. Per the chart below, overall, those with a biblical worldview scored an average of 60.24% on the biblical knowledge sections while those that do not hold a biblical worldview scored 56.05%. Those with a biblical worldview scored an average of 89.88% on basic Christian doctrine. Those that do not have a biblical worldview obtained an average score of 82.42%.

100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00%





4.19% 7.46% Yes No Worldview




The chart below indicates a trend that as the number of answers increased on the Worldview section, so did the scores on biblical knowledge and understanding of Church doctrine.

WV- To BK-CD Progression

60.24% 89.88%

59.80% 86.88% Avg BK Score

52.30% 77.20%

Avg CD Score WV=NO #WV Ques tion Correct

30.00% 55.50%

The only groups that have a worldview as defined by Barna are those that answered all six worldview questions correctly. An incorrect answer to any of the worldview questions would put the individual in the secular worldview section. However, an interesting correlation was drawn when the average score of both the biblical knowledge sections and the Christian doctrine sections were categorized by the number of worldview questions answered correctly. In doing these calculations, the trend is easily established that in every instance, as the number of worldview questions were answered correctly rose, so did the percentage of correctly answered biblical knowledge questions and Christian doctrine questions.


Below is a graph that shows the individual variance between biblical knowledge average scores (BK) and Christian doctrine average scores (CD) as the number of correctly answered worldview questions increased.

Variance Chart

Variance of CD Avg. Score





Variance of BK Avg. Score




10.00% 3-4

20.00% 4-5 5-6



The sharpest increase occurred between those that answered three worldview questions correctly and those that answered four correctly showing variances in the 22% range. From answering four worldview questions correctly and five correctly, the variances dropped significantly yet was still noteworthy. The variance in the Christian doctrine category increased at a slightly higher rate (9.68%) than the increase variance in biblical knowledge average score (7.50%). The Biblical knowledge variance was almost flat (.44%) between five to six worldview questions answered correctly yet an increase of almost % was acknowledged. Understanding of Christian doctrine continued to rise in variance at a healthy rate of 3%.


Overall, there was noted a variance increase of 34.39% in understanding of Christian doctrine between those that answered three worldview questions correctly and those that answered all six correctly. In the biblical knowledge area, the variance increase was 30.24% between those that answered three worldview questions correctly and those that answered all six. No one surveyed answered less than 3 worldview questions correctly. Even though 44.2% of all surveyed were either dissatisfied or strongly dissatisfied with their spiritual health, it seems as if the concern is not pressing enough for action. Between the age groups of 18 - 25 and 26 - 43, the average score of the younger group is 2/10th of a percent lower than the older. It is also interesting that the age group that scored

the lowest in biblical knowledge (BK) and understanding of church doctrine (CD), 63+, was also the group that was most satisfied with their spiritual maturity.

Spiritual Satisfaction - BK/CD

88.6% 86.2% 85.7% 82.4%

80.0% 60.0%
54.5% 57.5%



20.0% 0.0% 18-24








% Spiritual Health (Satsified)

Overall BK Score

Overall Church Doctrine




Four of the six worldview questions show individual variances ranging from 21.1% to 55.3% between those with a biblical worldview and those that do not have a biblical worldview.

WV-Variance Chart
120.00% 100.00%



80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00%



39.50% 44.70%



78.90% 21.10%


S1C- Moral Absolute Truth

S1D- Salvation by Grace

S1E-Reality of Satan

S1F- Sinless Jesus

World View Question / Statement WV- YES WV-NO Variance

True Christianity is called to be different. Ones worldview is the lens by which our thoughts are formed, the machine by which are decisions are processed, and the standard by which our moral decisions are made. It is how we view and process life. As the data reveals, the extent to which ones worldview is biblical or secular is directly proportional to the individuals understanding of church doctrine and biblical knowledge. This difference can be seen in the four areas identified in the above chart. The following sections will examine these four areas and expand on observations noted within the research. Correlations will be made from results accounted in prior sections of this document.



Statement: It is impossible for a person to earn their way into Heaven through good behavior or good works.

Starting with the most noteworthy of the variances, the worldview statement concerning salvation accrued a variance between those that had a biblical worldview and those that did not of 55.3%. Those with
55.30% 44.70%

a biblical worldview chose strongly agree 92.93% of the time and agree 7.07% of the time combining for a total score of 100%. Those without a biblical worldview chose strongly agree only 31.6% of the time and agree 13.2% of the time combining for a total of 44.7%.

S1D- Salvation by Grace

World View Question / Statement

Another interesting observation concerning this statement is that over 7% of those with a biblical worldview only agreed with the statement. With the majority of the other worldview questions receiving over 98% in the strongly agree answer column, this one dealing with the righteousness produced by man as a possible contributor to an eternity in heaven, is alarming. Anything less than total abandonment and reliability on the grace of God shown by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross for the propitiation of sin is adding to the work of Christ. Any trust in our self shows a lack of trust in Christ. With almost 45% of those with a more secular worldview believing that salvation can be earned by good works or good behavior is reducing Christs finished and complete work on the cross to a futile action. It is also raising the abilities of men to meet a need that only God can supply. Thus, mans rejection of salvation by grace through faith alone and embrace of a salvation by his own abilities is, in essence, making himself out to be a god and in no need of a savior.


The results when analyzing the data based on church affiliation revealed that of the ninety (90) regular attending members (RAMs) of The Rock of NEA, 22% or 20 do NOT hold a biblical worldview. 55%, or 11, of those 20 individuals either strongly agreed or agreed that it is impossible for someone to earn their way to heaven by good behavior or good works. Of the 9 remaining, 10% disagreed leaving 30% or 6 regular attending members of The Rock of NEA that strongly agree that works or good behavior can be a mechanism to earn heaven. 5% did not answer the questions. Another significant group of people are those that consider themselves regular attending non-members or (RANMs). This group makes up 53 of the 165 individuals surveyed which constitute 32% of the congregation. Of the 53 individuals that make up this group, 41 or 77% hold a biblical worldview and the remaining 12 or 23% do not. Of those that do NOT hold a biblical worldview 33.3% disagree and 33.3% strongly disagree with the statement concerning the impossibility of earning ones way to heaven by good works or behavior. Only 16.7% of this group strongly agreed with the statement. Of the 41 that do hold a biblical worldview, 14.6% or 6 people only agree with the statement leaving the remaining 85% strongly agreeing. Along age divisions the 63+ group consisted of a total of seven individuals; three of which do not hold a biblical worldview and the remaining four do. The significant observation with these individuals would be that among the four that hold a biblical worldview, all four chose strongly agree with the statement. Among those that do no hold a biblical worldview, 2/3rds chose strongly agree or agree and the other 1/3rd disagreed with the statement.


In the 44-62 year old division, there are a total of 8 (16%) that do NOT hold a biblical worldview and 41 (84%) that do for a total of 49 in this age class or 30% of all surveyed. Of those holding a biblical worldview, all 41 strongly agreed with the statement. However, among those that do not hold a biblical worldview only 62.5% strongly agreed. The remaining 37.5% was evenly distributed among the remaining 3 answers: 12.5% to agree, disagree and strongly disagree. Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Romans 3:19 KJV. Before man can be stricken with Godly sorrow that would lead to repentance, he must first find himself guilty as charged. Without first recognizing his guilt before God, there is no need for repentance and the sorrow felt leads only to a possible desire for the person try harder next time. For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. 2 Cor. 7:10 KJV. Denis Prager wrote a column several

years ago called, If You Believe That People Are Basically Good.19 In this he defines the following three observations:

If you believe people are born good, you will attribute evil to forces outside the individual. If you believe people are born good, you will not stress character development when you raise children. If you believe that people are basically good, God and religion are morally unnecessary, even harmful.


Prager, Dennis. If You Believe That People Are Basically Good. Originally Published 2/17/2005. Extracted from on 9/9/2009


In the Christian Doctrine section of the survey, the question O was a statement that read, The nature of man is inherently The person taking the survey had three choices to choose from; 1) Sinful, 2) Good, but prone to mistakes, or 3) Divine. 21% of those that hold a secular worldview see man as being basically good. 9% of those that hold a biblical worldview views man the same way. Of the regular attending membership of The Rock of NEA, 9% view man as being basically good. If man is basically good, then a portion of salvation can be justifiably based on the behaviors and works of that good man; even though he is prone to mistakes, those mistakes can be easily blamed on circumstance and other conditions external to the person themselves. With this skewed mentality, salvation no long

need be the total work of God, but can be assisted by the works of men. The words of Paul to the Ephesians should come to mind; For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Eph. 2:8. If salvation can come by works then faith is no longer faith and grace is no longer grace. Works is a product of a changed life, not the source of it. It is faith that enables us to accomplish the works that God has called us to do. Therefore, it must be impossible for a person to earn their way to heaven through good behavior or good works or the work of Christ was impotent and lacking.


Statement: Moral truth is absolute and unaffected by circumstance.

The statement with the second highest variance between those with a biblical worldview and those that did not hold a biblical worldview

concerned the existence of absolute truth. Extracted from the original chart, the section to the left indicates that, over all who took
60.50% 39.50%

the survey, those with a secular worldview agreed with the statement 60.5% of the time creating a variance between those that do have a biblical worldview of 39.5%. Among those that did have a biblical

S1C- Moral Absolute Truth

worldview, the percentage of those that strongly agreed with the statement was 78% leaving 22% somewhat agreeing. As post modernism replaces modernism, we see a rejection of the truth due to the belief that anyone claiming possession of the truth only claims that truth as a means of control and power over others. Jim Leffel, Professor of Philosophy at Ohio Dominican College in Columbus and co-author of The Death of Truth states that, Rather than seeing humanity as an ocean of individuals, postmodernists think of Humans as "social constructs." We do not exist or think independently of the community with which we identify. So we can't have independent or autonomous access to reality. All of our thinking is contextual. Rather than conceiving the mind as a mirror of nature, postmodernists argue that we view reality through the lens of culture. Consequently, postmodernists reject the possibility of objective truth. Reality itself turns out to be a "social construct" or paradigm.20

It is interesting that 100% of the total population agrees or strongly agrees that the Bible is accurate in all the principles it teaches. This would indicate that even though the

Leffel, Jim. Postmodernism: The Spirit of the Age. As extracted from on Sept. 10, 2009.


population will accept the Bibles=s accuracy in principles taught, they, at least on some level, reject the inerrancy and absolute truth of the scripture. In looking at the effects of post modernisms rejection of absolute truth replacing it with cultural and social relativism, the natural progression of this thought pattern is a detachment from moral absolutes. Since God is the sole source and standard for absolute truth, when a culture detaches itself from spiritual absolutes the question must be asked, What then holds the culture to moral absolutes? With reports indicating the divorce rate within the church the same as the divorce rate outside the church, the case can be made that even within the sanctum of the church, a separation from spiritual absolutes have caused a decline in moral standards. When looking at the numbers based on age, another concerning fact is revealed. According to the chart
Absolute Truth % Agree by Age
120.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 18-24 24-43
Absolute Truth - S.A. 66.7% 76.1% 100.0%

to the left, among those with a biblical


worldview, the 18-24 year old age division


23.9% 12.2% 0.0%

Absolute Truth - A.


somewhat agreed with the statement 33.3% of

the time. This percentage systematically and gradually decreased with age to 100% of the 63+ age division strongly agreeing with the statement. The younger, college age crowd may not have a problem with Jesus but with the Christians. With sarcasm at its highest with bumper stickers like, Dear God, please save me from your followers it lends itself to another aspect of postmodern thought which is lack of


trust. Postmodern thinkers believe that truth is a means of control and power. Those that subscribe or promote that they have the truth, are only in it for the power. When Christians then declare the absolute truth of scripture and declare Christ as the only way, the postmodern thinker immediately goes on the defensive in two areas. 1) The declaration of absolute truth is a means to get power over individuals, and 2) a declaration of my way or hell is inconsistent with postmodern thought in that there are many paths to God. Truth is not individual and can be known outside the cultural forces. In other words, what one thinks is true is really only a product of sustained exposure to cultural forces. Put the person in another culture and over time, the result will be another truth set. This thought process has created an explosion of spirituality. However, this spirituality is not a biblical spirituality. As Nathan Radantz states, The push has gone from some sort of belief in God to an ultra-liberal society where God has no place. Any belief now stands as the correct belief.21 The rub with Christianity is that it is inherently inclusive. There is only one way to be right with God and man cannot achieve this on his own. The way to righteousness is by trusting in Christ, repenting, and believing in Him as the sole source of salvation. As a postmodern thinking is low on trust, the non-negotiable foundation of trust required by the follower of Christ is a hurdle that a true postmodern thinking will have great issue with. Repentance is another issue to climb. As the postmodern thinker is, as he believes, a product of social forces, he should not be responsible for his actions due to the fact that he is only a product of his society. Therefore, there is no issue with sin and no cause to repent because the fault is not their own but it a product of the society in which they live.

Radtz, Nathan. Reaching Todays Students with the One Message That Matters. Pg.2. As extracted from on Sept. 10, 2009.


Statement: Satan is a real being or force and not merely a symbol of evil.

As the excerpt from an earlier chart shows, overall, there is a 21.1% variance between those with a biblical worldview and those that do no have a biblical worldview when it comes to accepting the statement that Satan is a real being or force an not merely a symbol of evil. Of the 21.1% that does not accept the

statement, 10.5% disagreed, 5.3% disagreed strongly, and 5.2% didnt


answer the question. One bright area is that of those that do hold a

biblical worldview, 96.9% strongly agreed with the statement leaving a

S1E-Reality of Satan

3.1% that agreed.

This percentage is higher when breaking the data into church affiliations. Of the regular attending membership with a biblical worldview, 97.1% strongly agreed and 2.9% agreed. The strongest decent to the statement along church affiliation divisions came from

the visitors that hold a secular worldview. In this category 16.7% disagreed and the same percentage strongly disagreed. Following next were the regular attending non-members who disagreed with the statement 16.7% of time. As would be expected, the strongest decent among the age divisions were the 18-25 year olds with a secular worldview. This group disagreed 25% of the time. Even among those 18-24 year olds that have a biblical worldview, this group holds the greatest number of those that agree instead of strongly agree to the statement at 5.6%. Following close behind were the 25-43 year olds who disagreed 10.5% of the time but strongly disagreed at the same percentage indicating that this belief is solidifying as they get older.


Indeed, postmodernists reject the whole language of truth and reality in favor of literary terms like narrative and story. It's all about interpretation, not about what's real or true.22 With the postmodern thought onslaught in our society, truth and reality are quickly becoming extinct. As life becomes a narrative steered by cultural and sociological forces, realities of the invisible and spiritual are the first to go. When post modern thinkers are even skeptical about the things they can see with their eyes, how much more skeptical are they going to be with matter of the spiritual realm? In an attempt to ease the concern over post modernism, Scot McNight writes in Christianity Today and says, We believe the Great Tradition offers various ways for telling the truth about God's redemption in Christ, but we don't believe any one theology gets it absolutely right. Hence, a trademark feature of the emerging movement is that we believe all theology will remain a conversation about the Truth who is God in Christ through the Spirit, and about God's story of redemption at work in the church. No systematic theology can be final. In this sense, the emerging movement is radically Reformed. It turns its chastened epistemology against itself, saying, "This is what I believe, but I could be wrong. What do you think? Let's talk."23

When Jesus says I am The Way, The Truth and The Life and no one comes to the Father except by me, there is no way out of being absolute and concrete. There can be no question about what any one person thinks. The thing that matters is not the individual though processes but what Christ said. The end of a discussion such as the one posed at the end of the quote will be an exchange of ideas and then each will feel gratified at the opportunity to express their thoughts, not being changed one iota.

Leffel, Jim. Postmodernism: The Spirit of the Age. As extracted from on Sept. 10, 2009.

McNight, Scot. Five Streams of the Emerging Church. Christianity Today. July 28, 2009.


Statement: Jesus Christ lived an entirely sinless life while He was on the earth.

The sinless life of Christ is more than just a foundation of Christian doctrine. The way one believes about the character of Christ can have eternal consequences. In relating this truth to Jehovahs Witnesses, I pose the expletive that if one has the right Jesus, they are right for all eternity. If they have the wrong Jesus, they are wrong for all eternity. To say that Christ sinned is to call the Bible false. For he hath made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2Cor. 5:21 KJV. Having a Christ or a Messiah that sinned is calling the Son of God a failure and an unworthy sacrifice. It would be wise for the one that believed on a Christ that sinned for salvation to revisit their salvation. The graph indicates a 21.1% variance of those surveyed between

those that have a worldview verses those that have a secular view.

Included in the 21.1% are the 5.8% that chose not to answer the


Looking at the breakdown along church affiliation

lines, the most decent to the statement were all visitors with
S1F- Sinless Jesus

11.1% disagreeing followed by 5.7% of the regular attending nonmembership. Further categorizing the group, we can look at the different worldviews by church affiliation; those with a biblical worldview first. Regular attending members that agreed comprised 4.9% of that category. All other categories of those with a biblical worldview strongly agreed with the statement.


The answers are more varied among those with a secular worldview. 15.8% either disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement indicating their belief that Jesus Christ sinned while he was on the earth. 33.3% of the visitors hold that Christ sinned, while 25% of the regular attending non-members hold that belief. 5 % of the regular attending members that do not have a biblical worldview only agree with the statement and 5% strongly disagree with the statement. Categorizing the pool by worldview then by age we find that the only age group with a biblical worldview that only agreed with statement was the 5.6% found in the 18-25 year old group. All others within the biblical worldview category strongly agreed. Within those that do NOT have a biblical worldview 12.5% of the 18-24 year olds disagreed. Also within this age group 12.5% agreed with the statement and 75% strongly agreed. As the ages get older, 15.8% of the 25-43 year olds disagreed. This shows a move of thought which is progressively more unbelieving from the 18-25 year old. In other words, the 12.5% from the 18-24 year old category that agreed with the statement, over time, has moved into the disagree category of the 25-44 year olds. The progression seems to continue with 12.5% of the 44-62 year olds strongly disagreed and none just disagreeing. In the 63+ category of those with a secular worldview, 33% disagreed. Within those that do not hold a biblical worldview, it seems that the doubt in the earlier years turns more solidified as they get older until the absolutism eases at 63+ still yet; the percentage that disagrees is almost three times as high as it was at age 18 to 25.


4.3 Five crucial Christian doctrine questions were answered correctly by less than 80% of those having a biblical worldview with one being answered correctly only 63% of the time.

Doctrine Questions Correct Approx. < 80% of the Time

100.00% 80.00% 77.95% 80.31% 63.78% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% Holy Spirit is.. Ressurection WorldView - Yes Salvation Jesus (God/Man) Variance Israel 69.29% 70.87%











Worldview - No

Of the eighteen crucial doctrinal questions or statements posed to those taking the survey, five were correctly answered by those having a biblical worldview less than 80% of the time. The questions concerned, 1) The Holy Spirit as being the third person of the Trinity, 2) Jesus being resurrected in the same body He died in, 3) Salvation being by grace through faith alone, 4) Jesus being both God and man, and 5) The destiny of Israel. In this section, each of the questions or statements will be taken individually and analyzed. The focus will be only on those with a biblical worldview.


The Holy Spirit being both God and man.

WV- YES: Holy Spirit- 3rd Person of Trinity 120.00% 100.00%

80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% RAM NRAM RANM Visitors

82.90% 73.2% 58.3%

Overall, those with a biblical worldview answered correctly 77.95% of the time. As the chart above indicates the visitors and the regular attending non-members pulled the other two categories down to reach that overall percentage. Looking at the question as answered by those with a biblical worldview, along church affiliation divisions, the regular attending members correctly answered the question 82.90% of the time with the regular attending non-members correctly answering only 73.2% of the time. According to the data, 17% of the regular attending membership thought the Holy Spirit was either a force like radar or a symbol of Gods presence but not a real person or entity. The scripture teaches that the Holy Spirit can be lied to, blasphemed, and grieved. The Holy Spirit teaches, instructs and leads. He is called the comforter who dwells within the believer revealing truth and convicting of sin. The Holy Spirit it not a symbol of God presence by an actual personality and 3rd person of the Trinity.


Jesus was resurrected in the same body He died in.

WV- YES: Jesus Re ssurected in Sam e Body He Died In 84.00% 82.00% 80.00%


78.00% 76.00% 74.00% 72.00% 70.00% RAM NRAM RANM Visitors



Those with a biblical worldview, overall, answered this question correctly 80.31% of the time. Still, within, the regular attending membership, 20% answered incorrectly. Jesus was the first fruits of the resurrection. Paul states in 1 Corinthians that if Jesus is not raise from the dead then we of all men should be pitied. Jesus spoke of his bodily resurrection when He stated, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." The Jews therefore said, "It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?" But He was speaking of the temple of His body. When therefore He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture, and the word which Jesus had spoken." John 2:19-22.

Jesus again speaking says, And while they were telling these things, He Himself stood in their midst. But they were startled and frightened and thought they were seeing a spirit. And He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have. Luke 24:36-39.


In these two passages we see that Christ did rise from the dead in the same body that He died in. Jesus wasnt raised as a spirit but was raise in a glorified spiritual body. If our hope is that one day we will share in the same resurrection as Jesus, it is profitable for us to have a grasp on our hope and the resurrection that will be ours in Christ. The other options for this multiple choice question were; 1) as a spirit, and 2) as Michael the Arch Angel. The last option was drawn from a cult teaching that Jesus upon returning to heaven transforms into Michael the Arch Angel. Paul brings the gospel down to a few sentences when he says, 1Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1Cor. 15:1-4

Matt Slick of Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry states the importance of the physical resurrection in these terms. The resurrection of Jesus is a fundamental and essential doctrine of Christianity. The resurrection of Jesus is so important that without it Christianity is false. He goes on to say that, Though there are many subjects with which Christians may disagree and still be considered Christian, this is not one of them. To deny the resurrection of Jesus is to deny the heart of Christianity itself.24

The significance of getting this right is that if one denies the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ they deny the very core of the Gospel and it robs the person of a true understanding of our blessed hope we have in sharing in Christs resurrection.


Slick, Matt. Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry Matthew J. Slick, 1995 2009. As extracted from on 9/12/09.


Salvation is by grace through faith alone.

WV- YES: Salvation- By Grace Through Faith Alone 120.00% 100.00%

80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% RAM NRAM RANM Visitors


68.3% 58.3%

The statement to complete was, Salvation is The options for this question were; 1) Grace through faith and baptism, 2) Grace through faith alone, or 3) Grace through faith after all we can do. The first and third options deal with works. The second option was the correct finish to the sentence. Overall, those with a biblical worldview answered correctly only 69.3% of the time. Those with a secular worldview answered correctly 52.6% of the time. In the chart above, it is interesting that the variance between regular attending members and non regular attending members is on 1.7%. This means that 30% of regular attending members of The Rock of NEA have a works mentality when it comes to salvation. Of the visitors to the Rock, 41.7% have a works mentality when it comes to salvation. Among the age divisions with a biblical worldview, the group with the lowest percentage correct was the 18-24 year olds with an average correct score of 63.9%. The 25-


43 year olds followed close behind with a score of 67.4%. The 44 62 and the 63+ crowd each had scores of 75% and 75.6% respectively. Among those with a biblical worldview, the male population seemed to have a better understanding of salvation by grace through faith than females. The males managed to get the correct answer 72.7% of the time and females correctly answered 65.6% of the time. Salvation is by grace through faith alone. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Eph. 2:8 KJV. C.H. Spurgeon writes

concerning this passage, Within the circle of these words my theology is contained, so far as it refers to the salvation of men.25 A misunderstanding of James 2:24-26 may have caused some of the issue. You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. In the same way, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way? For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. James 2:24-26

In James, we see that he states that faith without works is dead. However, one must realize that in context of the entirety of scripture, this phrase applied to justification before God cannot be so. One must then conclude that James is not meaning this to pertain to justification before God in a salvation sense but a justification before men. Paul reiterates that salvation is by grace through faith and not of works. This is a plain text and can stand on its own. Justification before God is by grace through faith and works has nothing to do with it. It is in light of this faith and because of this grace that we can accomplish the work God has called us to do.

Spurgeon, C.H. All of Grace. A Sermon published on Thursday, Oct 7th, 1915. Delivered at The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. As extracted from on Sept. 11, 2009.


Jesus- Both God and Man.

WV- YES: Jesus- Both God and Man 78.00% 76.00% 74.00% 72.00% 70.00% 68.00% 66.00% 64.00% 62.00% RAM NRAM RANM Visitors



68.60% 66.7%

Packers statements encompass the mystery of how God could be a man in the person of Christ when he says, "Here are two mysteries for the price of one--the plurality of persons within the unity of God, and the union of Godhead and manhood in the person of Jesus. ...Nothing in fiction is so fantastic as is this truth of the Incarnation,"26

John Piper states that, The relevance of these truths to us should go without saying. For they go to the very heart of who Christ is. Knowing these truths will greatly affect the way you view Christ and will make the gospel accounts of His life come more alive.27

Packer, J.I. Knowing God(Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter Varsity Press, 1993 edition, p. 53.


How can Jesus be God and man? By John Piper. Desiring God. Website: . Written by Desiring God staff member. Oct. 5, 2006. As extracted from ftn1


This question was, How many natures does Jesus have? The answer choices were; 1-Human, 2) 1- Divine, or 3) Both God and Man. The answer is 3; both God and man. To deny either would be heresy. To day that Christ was not divine would to deny scripture for it tells us that in Him (Christ) dwells the fullness of the Godhead. To deny the humanity of Christ would be to go against the scripture who calls our mediator between us and God, then Man, Christ Jesus. In looking at the results of those that have a biblical worldview answered correctly only 70.9% of the time. By church affiliation, only 68.6% of the regular attending members answered correctly, barely edging out the visitors who achieved only 66.7% correct. The non regular attending members came in with 75% answering correctly and the highest score was achieved by the regular attending non-members who score was 75.6%. Along age divisions, the 18-25 year olds seem to understand this just as well as the 63+ crowd in that both age groups answered correctly 75% of the time. The 25-43 age division answered the question correctly 67.4% of the time leaving the 44-62 age bracket with the lowest percentage answering correctly at 68.3%. The fact that only a man could pay for the sins of men and only one without the fallen nature of Adam could achieve such a task left all of humanity born of men impotent. Satans defeat was achieved with God became man; the Word or logos, became flesh and dwelt among us. As Matthew says, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Matt. 1:23.


Israel Has a Destiny Apart From the Church.

WV- YES: Israel has a Destiny Apart From The Church 120.00% 100.00%

80.00% 60.00%

40.00% 20.00% 0.00% RAM NRAM

65.9% 58.3%



Those with a biblical worldview only answered this correctly 63.2% of the time. Even those with a secular worldview answered this correctly 63.8% of the time. In Ephesians, Paul relates the revelation of the church as being mystery to the prophets of old. It was his honor to reveal that mystery that the Gentiles would be partakers of the salvation in Christ Jesus. The church is not Israel and Israel is not the church. The

church has not replaced Israel and the promises to her are still as valid as the day God made them. Israel has her own identity and her own destiny. The church began in Act 2 with a corporate baptism performed by the promised Holy Spirit of God. In 1 Cor. 12:13 Paul confirms this by stating that we were all baptized into one body. Israel on the other hand was chosen from among the nations. God called Abram out of the land of UR and made a mighty nation out of his seed whom God calls His people.


With regards to the church, there is no distinction between Jew and Gentile, slave or free man. However, when Israel is discussed in scripture, a distinction is made between the circumcision, for instance, and the uncircumcised. This physical sign was a mark of a Jew. However, the only sign a member of the unseen church or body of Christ has is a spiritual rebirth. The last area that will be examined is the destiny of Israel and that of the church. The church is to show the manifest wisdom of God as we are one in Christ Jesus, the last Adam. To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly [places] might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, Eph. 3:10 KJV. The destiny of Israel is to be servants of the most High God and according to Isaiah 43:21, to show forth His praise and to make Jerusalem a praise in the earth (Isaiah 62:7). The Church will meet the Lord in the air at the rapture and will reign with Him. In contrast, Israel will meet the Lord on the earth and be servants of the most High God. The hope of Israel depends solely on Gods covenant promises to Abraham; the Churchs hope rests on the finished work of Gods Son on a cross in Judea 2000 years ago. As the survey was examined along church affiliation lines of those that have a biblical worldview, only 61.4% of the regular attending membership answered correctly concerning the destiny of Israel. All four of the non regular attending members answered correctly. Those that identified themselves as regular attending non-members who have a biblical worldview answered correctly 65.9% of the time leaving the visitors at the lowest percentage at 58.3%.


The idea that the Church has replaced Israel or that the somehow God has rejected Israel has been the seed of anti-Semitism throughout history. Nazi Germany is a prime example of how this thinking spurred an evil leader to treat Gods people like laboratory rats and less than human. The great spark of the reformation, Martin Luther, turned on the Jews when he saw that they were not turning to Christ. He writes, First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians, and do not condone or knowingly tolerate such public lying, cursing, and blaspheming of his Son and of his Christians.28

The words of God to Abraham ring as true today as they did when they were first heard by Abraham; I will bless them that bless thee and curse those that curse thee. We must stand with Israel.

Luther. Martin. The Christian in Society IV, (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1971). Volume 47: pp 268293. As extracted from on Sept. 11, 2009.



CONCLUSION The main thrust of this paper is to show the correlation between the biblical knowledge and understanding church doctrine to worldview statistics comprised and collected in recent Barna surveys. The thesis of this paper was that as biblical knowledge and understanding of Christian doctrine increase, so will the propensity of that individual to have a biblical worldview. This premise held true. It held true in virtually every population categorization that was done whether it be church affiliation, gender, denomination, or age group. Those with a biblical worldview can identified with a 95% confidence level with a +/- 3% error rate as to their understanding or lack of, biblical knowledge and Christian doctrine. Even though the congregation of The Rock of NEA achieved a greater percentage level of biblical worldview attendees than Barna national survey results, the findings were weaker than expected and thus, the survey is of great value in formulating and evaluating new ideas on how to better train and disciple our congregation in a way that will instill and equip them for the world in which we live.

5.1 New Insights This study gave new insight into the effectiveness of the education programs of the Rock of NEA and a greater understanding of those that attend the church. With the Rock of

NEA, the great number of denominational backgrounds brings with it a great number of theological hurdles to overcome. Being that the congregation was less than four years old when the survey was completed, overcoming, in some cases, decades of skewed theology is


difficult to do.

Knowing the results of the survey and analyzing them further will give

greater insight into the areas of concern. Another insight is that postmodernist culture makes evangelism more difficult. Being a member of the Rock of NEA, I hear the preaching and teaching that comes each Sunday and Wednesday. I can now understand the impact of post modern thought and how difficult evangelism can be with those thought processes. With the underlying premise of absolute truth being compromised, the postmodern thinking is glad that I believe so strongly, they just dont think its relative to them and what they believe is just as valid. In this arena, we must be ready more than ever not only to give a reason for the hope that lies within us, but to know why we believe what we believe. Only God can save. The conviction of the Holy Spirit and the testimony of the truth of the gospel will be needed now more than ever.

5.2 Suggestions In review of the data, there are several changes that could be made that would possibly have a positive impact on future results. These would be: A) Share the information with the congregation. B) Focus on Discipleship in Pre-Teen and Youth Groups with intentional curriculums and developed training programs which thoroughly develop and explain basic Christian Doctrine. C) Create a Desiring Membership class which would entail basic Christian Doctrine and survey those desiring membership as to placement in the discipleship program. D) Develop and implement a thorough discipleship program that goes from New Membership to Train the Trainer.


5.2A) Share the information with the congregation.

Information should not be horded. The survey results should be reviewed with the congregation in order for all to have a greater understanding of the challenges, the successes, and the reasoning behind certain changes that they will be seeing in the future. People are more apt to change when they know that the changes are not arbitrary or well founded. Sharing the information will put validity behind future changes in programming and show that the leadership is moving in a direction that shows genuine care and compassion for the spiritual health of the congregation. A refusal to share the information will result in a higher propensity for areas of mistrust. It will be important to share the entirety of the survey results and to allow questions and comments. In showing the full scope of the survey, i.e. the good and the bad, the congregation can then expect a follow-up report after the plans have been implemented as to the success of the changes. The congregation should also expect that any success of any program is crucially dependent on their support and outside commitment to the processes. No plan or process will be effective if the congregation has no desire to grow or move forward in their spiritual maturity.


5.2B) Focus on Discipleship in Pre-Teen and Youth Groups with intentional curriculums and developed training programs which thoroughly develop and explain basic Christian Doctrine.

Barna indicates that by the time a child is 13 year old, they have all but solidified their worldview. With this being the case, a review of the current curriculum is in order to ensure that by the time a child is 13 years of age, the basics of Christian doctrine have been thoroughly expounded on several times. A graduation pre-test may be in order to ensure that before a child leaves a certain class or age group that they have a grasp on certain doctrines of the Christian faith and can satisfactorily expound on those doctrines ensuring a solid foundation for the next class. However, knowledge and just being able to answer the questions correctly is not the purpose of any educational process. In order to fully engage the full potential of the disciple, the knowledge and understanding must result in wisdom. This wisdom can only be obtained by exercising the knowledge and understanding in real life a practicum. In other words, wisdom is gained in the application of knowledge and understanding in everyday life by faith. When this occurs the fruit of the spirit which is love will manifest itself in joy, patients, kindness, self-control, peace, temperance etc. When this becomes the case, biblical knowledge and understanding of Christian doctrine upheld and supported by disciplines such as bible reading and obedience married with actions grounded in love will produce a spiritually mature Christian at a much younger age. Of course, there are situations that the younger person of 13 to 16 is not going to experience until they get older, at the same time, the more they are accustomed to living by faith, exercising spiritual disciplines rooted in biblical knowledge and understanding of sound


doctrine, and have exercised wisdom in the smaller situations, this becomes a solid foundations for taking on the more challenging mountains that will come their way.

5.2C) Create an Exploring Membership or re-design the current Digging Into The Rock class which would entail basic Christian Doctrine and survey those desiring membership as to placement in the discipleship program. This is contingent on both the desire of the potential member and if the leadership feels this person is suitable for membership. Currently, guests that wish to become members attend a Digging Into the Rock class for about two hours. This class is taught by the Sr. Pastor. Participation is welcome and the basics of what we believe are covered. After that, the individuals are called forward in a Sunday morning service and asked several questions. The pastor reads a covenant with the individuals and if agreed upon, they are accepted into the fellowship. It is a trend of churches to forgo church membership. Replacing this is more of a partnership mentality. They feel that church membership is outdated and can lead to members feeling as if they have rights and privileges outside the reality of the situation. Membership is a covenant. The individual does have rights. They have the right to expect honesty and integrity from the leadership. They have the right to expect rightly divided truth and teaching from the pulpit and classes offered. They have the right to expect loving church discipline as expounded on in scripture. They have the right to know that their pastors are praying for them and are sincerely seeking God for the direction of the church.


In the same way, the church they are in covenant with has the right to count on their support in advancing the mission of the church and the kingdom of God. The church has the right to expect the member to exercise restraint as prescribed in the scripture when things dont go the way they think they should go. The church should expect the member to abide by the disciplines of the church. The leadership of the Church has the right to expect prayer

as they lead and direct the body as they get direction from God. The body of believers should be able to expect care and compassionate love from each that have called that body their home. Within this mentality of partnership over membership are some assumptions that have led to this phenomenon that, if met with head on and forthright, will not become an issue. Misunderstanding is a product of miscommunication. If the principles, processes, and infrastructure of the church are well expounded on and explained with clarity and the seekers are given opportunity to ask pre-determined questions, the chance of misconception regarding non-existent rights and privileges will not be an issue. A healthy dose of upfront and uncompromised communication upfront will head off a multitude of problems later down the road. Miscommunication happens when there is a breakdown between the person speaking and the person receiving the message. When several people are in the room hearing the same speaker, there can be as interpretations of the message as they are listeners. With this being the case, honesty and understanding are paramount in good communication. Honesty from those listening to the message in that they will ask for clarification if they are not sure they are hearing what is being conveyed. Understanding from the one conveying the message in that they are able to rephrase the message so as to make sure all individuals are getting the message they wish to


communicate. Sometimes a point has to be rephrased several different ways in order to make sure the individuals are getting the message. Expectations should be weighed with more prayer and fasting than is normally required. There is more contemplation, prayer, and examination of existing alternatives when purchasing a refrigerator than when most individuals choose a church that will help spiritually nurture and shape their family and the members worldview. New members should be given material to read along with services to see. It is true that God does lead people to a church. At the same time, as I hear and see how people choose a church, what goes into the decision making process, and how the church reacts to the processes, crucial aspects are being left out of the process. There are important considerations such as programs for children and youth, nursery care and other wants that people are looking for in a church. However, little attention is being paid to the areas that are crucial such as accountability structure with in the leadership, expectations from both the church and the members, and the dividing of the Word in all aspects of teaching. Questions such as discipleship training, explanation of church doctrine, and the foundational principles and mission of the church are mostly seen as secondary instead of primary. Potential members must commit to prayer and fasting and have a good understanding as to the body they are about to make a commitment to. In the same way they body, and leadership in particular, needs a good understanding as to the person they are about to receive in to the fold. Many times, wolves masquerade in sheeps clothing and it is the leaders that heard them into the gate.


We have forgotten that Membership should not be Automatic. Not only is the prospective individual choosing the church, but the leadership has a responsibility to thoroughly examine the individual to make sure they fit with the congregation as well. The Digging into the Rock class should consist of a packet of information that is readily available at the information desk. At the initial meeting, the packet can then be discuss rather than taught. From there, a follow-up meeting can be held two weeks after for those still interested in becoming members. At this meeting, the facilitator will issue a questionnaire gauging the individuals understanding of basic Christian doctrine. As these questionnaires are graded, the pastor then will make the decision as to whether or not the individual is actually qualified to be a member of the church and accepted into the fellowship of believers. When I say qualified, I mean that they are saved and truly understand what that means, they have a good understanding of crucial Christian doctrine, and i.e. they dont believe that Jesus sinned while on earth or that salvation can be obtained by good works or good behavior. From there, the individuals are seen one-on-one with the pastors and the results are discussed. If the individual has no issues arising from the questionnaire then they are ready to be brought before the church. If the individual has issues that have arisen from the survey, especially in areas of basic Christian doctrine, then there is a choice the individual must make. Are they willing to review their stance on the doctrine and submit to further teaching on the subject or do they wish to find a church that agrees with their particular stance?


There is nothing harsh about that; as a matter of fact, it can save a lot of headache down the road when they want to get involved and enter into deeper commitment of leadership such as teaching or ministering. No pastor wants to find out that a teacher is instructing others and they feel the Bible, Koran, or the Book of Mormon are all different expressions of the same truth, for example.


5.2D) Develop and implement a thorough discipleship program that goes from New Membership to Train the Trainer.

Once the member accepts us and we accept them, they must start in the discipleship program. This multi-faceted program will begin with basic tenets of the Christian faith, an overview of the layout and subject matter of the books of the bible, and making sure that spiritual disciplines are established such as daily bible reading and prayer. At the end of the classes in this section, the student will be given an exit exam to pass in order to continue to the next phase of the program. This exam will also be the method of review for the class itself and how to improve. A clep test can be considered for acceptance as completion of that section. However, this test will be a more intense exam and cover all the material discussed in the section. A higher pass grade should be determined for those individuals that wish to try and clep out of a section of training. The classes will continue and build off the teachings of the prior class; each section going deeper and deeper into doctrine and biblical understanding. As the sections progress, a list of outside the church opportunities will be presented to the individual. Each activity will be assigned a point value. Prior to completing the section, the individual must log a specific amount of points to continue. The individual will also be given a list of existing ministries within the church. This form will have a place for the date and time to be logged and a signature of completion to be signed by the person in charge of that ministry. This will ensure that the individual has met with each department head and reviewed the opportunities for ministry in each area.


Prior to completing the entire program ending with Train the Trainer, the individual will then be asked to identify two areas of ministry they would like to explore deeper for possible inclusion. They will also be asked to take an exist exam that will help gauge the success of the program and identify what was done well and what needs to be adjusted. As this program is developed, teachers and facilitators will be identified to make sure that a sufficient number of teachers are trained and equipped to expand the program as the congregation grows.

5.3 Personal Impact I found myself reviewing the statistics over and over thinking that I may have missed something. Looking for a reason why the scores were as they were. I realized that as I inputted survey after survey, the scripture came to mind which says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6. It seems as though serious bible study is a thing desired, but rarely does the desire result in sustained pursuit of that goal. As I reviewed the surveys and the statistics, I saw that the groups which are the most satisfied with their spiritual maturity are the ones that score the lowest in biblical knowledge and understanding of church doctrine. I am reminded of the churches in Revelation. Each one perceived themselves differently than God did; one thought they were poor when in Gods eyes they were rich; one though they were rich but in Gods perspective, they were destitute. I could imagine that in some minds, age equals spiritual maturity. This was not the case. Spiritual satisfaction should never be achieved. Those that felt themselves satisfied


with their standing in spiritual maturity, a moment of somber thought is needed. The more we learn about God the more we realize there is to know. The more we know concerning the kingdom of God, the more we realize we have only scratched the surface. A God that we can understand is not the God of the Universe for His ways are higher than ours. A God that we can fully explain is not the God of the Universe for He knows all and sees the end from the beginning. Being an elder at the Rock of NEA, this survey has stoked the ambers of a desire to see our people grow in knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of God and the logos that He provided. If we truly believe we are living in the last days, I do not want it to be said of those under my care that they perished for lack of knowledge.


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