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Classification of Stratigraphic Sequence Chronostartigraphic Classification of rocks Chronostrtigraphic sequence / Chronostratigraphic Classification Principles of superposition Correlation of Un-fossiliferrous strata Methods of Stratigraphic Correlation Code of stratigraphic nomenclature in relation to classification of stratigraphic sequence Facies Concept in stratigraphy How are transgression and regression of sea reflected in the stratigraphic column. Princples of stratigraphic correlation Princples of stratigraphic classification How are unfossiliferous rocks of two or more section correlated Write the standard stratigraphic time scale beginning from the Oldest (give most recent classification) Inter-trappeans and their importance in stratigraphy What is stratigraphy? Discuss in principle the stratigraphic correlation . Also briefly explain the basis of reconstruction of standard stratigraphic scale. Division of stratigraphy and their significance Lithostratigraphic, Biostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic and Magnetostratigraphic and their interrelation ship. Principle of Lithostratigraphic Classification Morphometric parameters and their interrelation ships. Lithostratigraphic classification of strata Write a note on Lithostratigraphic classification of rocks. Describe the basis of classification of Supergroup, Group and formation Biostratigraphic classification Biostratigraphic correlation Lithostratigraphic classification of Sedimentary rocks Litho-Bio-Chrono and Magneto stratigraphic studies suggest different aspects of Strtigraphy. Comment On which age level (in million years) is the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary placed? What are Cambrian fauna? Are they found in the Indian subcontinent and if so where? Which are the most controversial strtigraphic boundaries. Methods of stratigraphic Correlation Fossil plants are good indicator of Palaeoecology. Elaborate with examples. Tabulate the Chronological subdivisions of standard stratigraphical scale. Compare it with the important subdivision of the Indian Geological records.

Evolution of the Himalayas Explain the evolution of the Himalayas A brief review of rise of Himalaya Himalayan uplift Distribution and Classification of Precambrian rocks of India Write briefly on the economic importance of Precambrian rocks Precambrian Banded Iron Formation The cause, effect and Petrology of cretaceous igneous activity in Peninsular India. Discuss in brief igneous activity in India during the geologic past. (20) Triassic system of Spiti Marine transgression of Permocarboniferous Compare different Archaean stratigraphic succession from Indian Peninsula (60) Describe the Precambrian stratigraphy of Peninsular India. Precambrian Rocks of Karnataka (Modern views) Correlation of Gondwanas of India with their world equivalents. Semri series of Lower Vindhyan. Dharwar Super group Classification of Gondwanas Stromatolites and their importance in Precambrian Stratigraphy. Penninsular gneiss and its relation with schist belts Copper belt thrust Delhi systems of rocks are characterized by high grade metamorphism than older Aravallis, Discuss Describe the Geology of the Precambrian rock of Singhbhum region in the light of recent morpho-tectonic work. Discuss the classification and age of the Gondwana super group of India and correlate them with similar formations of South Africa, Australia and South America Study of Stratigraphic Distribution and Lithology of Phanerozoic rocks of India with reference to Fauna, Flora and Economic Importance. Give an account of the Aravalli Bundelkhand Province The Lithostratigraphy,Flora, Fauna and economic importance of sedimentary basins of India which has Paleozoic glacial unit. Tertiary formation of India and the fossil fuel deposits. Briefly describe the Cretaceous stratigraphy of Tiruchirapalli regionb adding notes on its economic Potentiality. Give a stratigraphic, Palaentologic and Palaeogeographic account of the rocks of the Vindhyan Supergroup. Singhbhum shear zone Stratirgraphic Oil bearing formations of North-Eastern India.

Write critical notes on (i) Stratigraphy of Oil bearing rocks of North Eastern India (ii) Age of Deccan trap Basalts (iii) Products, Ollenellus, cardita, Murex and Perishinetes (iv) Banded Magnetite Quartzite and Hematite Quartzite Economic Importance of Phanerozoic rocks of India Siwalik Sedimentation What are Out lier, window, tarot Beds and Gangmopteris Geological succession and Fauna of the Cretaceous formation of Narmada valley Stratigraphic Importance of Umia Series of Kutch Products Limestone series of salt range Describe the stratigraphy and sedimentation character of the Vindhyan super group of rocks. Briefly state its economic importance. Lower Gondwana Flora Writebrief notes on (i) Delhi super group (ii) Barail Series (iii) Umaria marine beds and its importance. Age of Deccan Traps Iron Ore series Describe the Cuddapah super group covering its stratigraphy, sedimentation, igneous activity and economic importance. What are the criteria which can be used for correlation of the Archean rocks of peninsular India. Recent Development in Dharwarian Stratigraphy Precambrian Life Give the Precambrian Geology of Singhbhum area Lower Paleozoic Vertebrates

Major Boundary Problems Cambrian/Precambrian, Permian/Triassic, Cretaceous/Tertiary and Pliocene/Pleistocene Lameta Beds(20) Blaini Beds (10) Inter-trappen Beds (15) Bagh Beds Discuss the Permo-Triassic Boundary in India Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary and its geological significance Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary and the mass extinction Sasur group Son-Narmada Geofracture Discuss the Problem associated with the Pliocene-Pleistocene Boundary in India Neo-gene Quaternary Boundary Cretaceous-Eocene Boundary K-T Boundary succession in India Cambrian-Precambrian Boundary Where do the names Umarjaand Umia arise in the context of Indian Stratigraphy Extinction of Dinosaurs

Sargur supra groups Write notes on the following (i) Bagh Beds (ii) Bundelkhand Granites (iii) sausar series Life during vindhyan time Permian-Triassic Boundary Cretaceous Eocene Boundary Neogene-Quaternary Boundary Base of Cambrian

Study of Climatic Conditions, Paleo-geography and igneous activity in the Indian Subcontinent in the geological past. Soil groups of India Deccan Traps Krol-Tal sequence Plestocene Glaciation Stratigraphic position of Deccan volcanic succession Palaentological findings in the Vindhyan Age of deccan traps Throw light on the palaeogeography and palaeoclimate of the Permian period of Indian Stratigraphy. Age of the panjal volcanic succession Banded Gneissic complex Volcanic activities in Rajmahal and Deccan igneous provinces Climatic conditions in Gondwana time Paleogeographic reconstruction Paleogeography of the Indian subcontinent Banded gneissic complex and its basement character Upper Cretaceous Lower Eocene igneous activities in India. Enumerate characteristic features of Jurassic ammonoids of kutch basin. What was the paleogeographic deposition of continents during the Permocarboniferous era? Tectonic frame-work of India Tectono thermal evolution of the south Indian shield Tectonic framework of India Trace the evolutionary history of Eastern Ghats mobile belts Discuss the reasons for absence of marine Paleozoic rocks in Penninsular India, except for a narrow strip in Central India. Describe the Mesozoic formation of Kachchha (Kutch) with special reference to its sedimentation and fauna. What is marine transgression? Discuss the cretaceous rock of Trichirapalli with special reference to their fossil content. Evidence from marine transgression in south India during Mesozoic and related stratigraphic units. Palaeogeography of India during palaeogene period

Evolution of the crust of the Earth Evolution of life on the Earth Stratigraphy of the Iron-ore series of Bihar and Orissa. Older Metamorphic Group of Bihar Structure of Gondwana basin and its bearing on Sedimentation Describe the Cretaceous rocks of South India Briefly discuss the stratigraphy of the cuddapah group of south India

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