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09/01/97 1:25 AM How very amazing it is to recall so many awesome experiences of the sacred and mystically divine just

as amazing to recall as to experience no wonder that man came along so long ago in China an illiterate man they say a man named Huineng what was his intention? in what context did he formulate his revolutionary ideas essentially banning a quietistic life in favor of social action for those on the Buddha Dharma scoial action in the form of the Bodhisattva not the cave sitters of old but those embraced in mahakaruna and devoted to the liberation of all sentient beings that was his intention to put an end to solitary mediation - the way of the Arhat ideal of the Hinayana withdrawal from social action withdrawal from compassion withdrawal from liberation and so it is again today who knows how serious the ecological crisis is nobody can possibly know with certainty what the state of affairs is we always have to treat all claims with appropriate skeptcism not being fully aware of the intentions of those who make claims what cannot be doubted though is something I recall rising to awareness quite some time ago prior to reading even Fritjog Capras first book it was the conclusions that were quite inevitable after I read Werner Heisenbergs book Physics and Philsophy then in my own personal experience began to find meaning and that the new discoveries of quantum physics not only accurately described the nature of the sub-atomic systems but also seems to harmonize with conscious experience with psyche As a consequence I came to see that the new physics would in time bring down and replace the obsolete ways of viewing reality that I saw in the people around me I could see then, some fifteen years ago or more, that the way the people around me conduct themselves, what they believe and how they see the world was built on a foundation that I could trace back to Newtonian Mechanics, to causality and determinism a mechanistic view of reality even then I felt a sense of frustration that the new physics was already eighty years old but the old ways of

thinking that had been so thoroughly discredited, still clung and continued on I wondered how long it would take and felt that it would be a very long time since it had already been so long with no sign of a change in the wind now the signs are everywhere now I realize that there is intention in this phase for a very long time now Ive had a conviction that we of this era need a new brand of spiritual culture especially in the west where the biblical creation story has been made obsolete by the acceptance of evolution as truth these observations and visions of the future together are essentially identical with the emergence of a new culture as communicated by the writers who head up the movement to establish a new culure the children and older brothers and sisters of the counter culture come of age the liklihood is very strong that the pace of the transformation from the old to the new world view will accelerate immediately and in the years to come its a matter of transfer of information now and where the atoms and molecules and cells of the human body stand in the whole system of the body so too do the pieces of information stand in the whole system of worldview primarilly it is a world view which transcend the materialistic world view that has dominated for so long to a world view that is far more spiritual for me one the primary challenges is to explore the design of physical habitat the built environment that nurtures the spiritual world view and I feel quite confident that the primary elements of such a built environment include experiences of healthy ecosystems with native plants and animals and a built environment that provides the spiritual nurture of tranquility that only wilderness can provide it means homes and urban enviroments where there is a minimum of automobile traffic so whatever is the truth about the state of the environment, a massive transformation is immanent because of the change in

world view made immanent long ago thats what amazed me when I first became aware of the implications of the discoveries of the new qunatum physics it had been so long since then and yet there were no books I read other than Heisenberg;s that even hinted at the implications and even Heisenbergs didnt seem to convey the scale of the coming transformation that seemed so inevitable to me from the realization that came to me in the form of the personal experience of transformation from a view of self nature as a physical body named Mal Kukura existing in a diffefrentially narrow now moment, to a view ofself nature as integrated consciousness of everything I had ever been aware all existing simultaneously I found that the new physics had in a way predicted this in particular in the form of the Uncertainty Principle that the characteristic uncertainty in predictability of material systems due to the intervention of the experimenter is metaphorically like the image of the experimenter as reflected in the phenomena observed evidence of consciousness In quantum mechanics physics had transcended the world of appearances so eloquently described by Parmenides and Plato and in the microcosmic world was finally entering a realm where physics converged with consciousness the only evident reality a reality that had been obscured by a radical compression or confinement of awareness due to the cultural conditioning of the scientific technological industrial world view of sensory confinement of consciousness in the macroscopic world of appearances Those intellectuals who have studied and written of the cultural transformation that continues to emerge since the time of Max Planck well over a hundred years ago, for the most part appear to view the transformation more as caused by the breakdown of the old cultural system and in particular the ecocidal tendencies that appear to be a threat to the Planets Life Support Systems (oceans, atmosphere, soils and water supply)

Many intellectuals appear to be using the vision of an ecological catastrophe that is either immanent or already well past the intolerable stage as a rallying point to gain popular support for the reform and radical transformation of all cultural instituions In reality the cultural transformation is not caused by environemtal problems or any of the other destructive consequences of the Fossil Fuel Era Culture it is an evolutionary process that was an inevitable result of a cultural system that was designed to confine consciousness in the sensory world Those who have adopted the cultural world view that both the sensory cosmos and psyche are designed and intentional shouldnt find it hard to embrace the vision that the experience of the last few hundred years has been an agonizing scarifice that has been made for the purpose of development of our knowledge of the sensory material aspect of psyche for a most worthy purpose perhaps that most worthy purpose is in the use of some of the scientific knowledge we have paid such a high price for the purpose of the continuing evolutionary development of consciousness in the contininuing experience of psychic evolution. If there is intention, design and intelliegent purpose in psyche, in culture, science, technology and business then what could be the intention of what has been going on for five hundred years if it is not to develop the cultural awareness to enable the awakening of consciousness of a very large population of sentient beings who have evolved to human form in this age. In the long run all sentient beings are equal and all are awake together. It is only in differentiated time that there is an appearance of age differences of differences in the timing of awakening and enlightenment. Does each and every one of us sentient beings have our own individual psyche or are we just a bunch of fly specs of consciousness all attached to this Buddhist singular cosmic consciousness or Jungian collective unconscious psyche drops that merge with the ocean.

What I do know from my own personal experience is that even though the Buddhists insist that the notion of a self is an illusion I experience what I term a self and it is very real whatever someone else wants to intrude. Illusion is a differentiated world view term that has no meaning in integrated psyche at all. What appears to be illusion is no more than a region of psyche that is not the same as another Diversity not uniformity is the nature of pysche just as is uncertainty, probability, intentionality, love, simultaneity, unity, connectedness, mystery, beauty, truth, goodness and flawless perfection

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