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DoD Spends $100,000 Studying Whether Jesus Died for Klingons


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5 Dec 2012



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259 comments 0 minutes ago

Senator Tom Coburns (R-OK) latest report on spending by the Department of Defense ( //index.cfm?a=Files.Serve&File_id=00783b5af0fe-4f80-90d6-019695e52d2d) shows, among other things, defense spending used for a lecture series involving fictional alien species.
Did Jesus Die for Klingons too? was just one session at a recent workshop funded by the Defense Advances Research Projects Agency: Further, DARPA paid nearly $100,000 for a strategy planning workshop on the 100 Year Starship project last year included an interesting discussion involving the Klingons, a fictional alien species who were villains and then later allies of humanity in the Star Trek series. The session entitled "Did Jesus die for Klingons too?" featured philosophy professor Christian Weidemann of Germany's Ruhr-University Bochum who pondered the theological conflict to Christianity if intelligent life was found on other planets. (page 17) At another DoD-funded gathering, the brainstorming sessions covered topics such as how to make deep space travel most efficient, how scientists would go about creating a warp bubble, and whether or not humans would need to wear clothing during space travel. This event even featured actors from the famous "Star Trek" TV series as special guests. This was in conjunction with the 100 Year Starship project, the goal of which is to "foster a rebirth of a sense of wonder" to "make interstellar space travel practicable and feasible." So far, the 100 Year Project has consumed more than $1 million.

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12/6/2012 2:25 PM

DoD Spends $100,000 Studying Whether Jesus Died for Klingons

Trade-offs of Medicare Age Hike Explained


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REPLY 13 minutes ago F

Quit screwing around. I could have put myself into orbit by now for less than $1 million. If you're going to spend the money, then create the warp bubbles. Either that, or move on to something you can do.


A LIKE REPLY 18 minutes ago F



Where are the Borg when you really need them?

A LIKE REPLY 18 minutes ago F


But the government can take $$ out of Medicare.

A LIKE REPLY 56 minutes ago 1 Like F


which is nothing compared to the billions obama is "quietly" sending to the un for global warming
A LIKE REPLY 51 minutes ago in reply to aniee 1 Like F


Fire the idiot that approved this expense. No pension, and no separation package. Get the hell out.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Lucy. true that Tammy`s blurb is cool... on monday I got a brand new Lexus LS400 from making $8514 this past 4 weeks and more than $10 thousand last month. it's by-far the most financially rewarding Ive ever had. I started this 9-months ago and almost immediately startad making over $80, per/hr. I work through this website.... Ace60.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


A LIKE REPLY 58 minutes ago in reply to nita587 F


Heck, for 100k I'll tell them where owebowmao's real birth certificate is. For another 100k I'll tell them what religion he is.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

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12/6/2012 2:25 PM

DoD Spends $100,000 Studying Whether Jesus Died for Klingons


What became of this whole "separation of church and state" that is supposedly in the constitution?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


They've got a hell of a nerve calling these things 'brainstorming sessions'.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


I say, go over cliff... cut the government spendings at least in half

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


It would appear that DARPA officials are qualified to circle Uranus and wipe out Klingons.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


They should've spent money if on "Jesus died for JarJarBinks" *sargasm*. but I will cut to the chase and the money and would say "F NO!!!!!!!", but there is hope if your anything other than Jar Jar Binks. I think they even did a Twilight Zone episode about a similar subject.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


The O admin's goal is to spend, spend, spend as they want America to go bellyup so no request is unreasonable. Here is a list of 29 wasteful govt expenditures: http://theeconomiccollapseblog...
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


To boldly spend where no man has spent before.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


Because Star Trek is such a good reason to borrow money from China for. *sarc*
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


It's not enough to have dear leader always lecturing us so we need the Dept of Defense lecturing on nudeness in far space travel and what Jesus died for. The DoD has way too much money on it's hands.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


To much time on their hands. What does this have to do with the DOD anyway.
A LIKE REPLY 54 minutes ago in reply to Gulfwwind F


Of course, out of control defense spending is the fault of the new President who wants to cut it and ended the useless war we had in Iraq. Fact is that defense and security spending has been totally out of control for the last 12 years. Every single problem the DOD or DHS or every other agency encounters is solved by throwing money at it in the form of more programs which then overlap causing redundancy, too much intel to sort through, and not making us any safer as the underwear bomber showed us. The whole post 9/11 process needs to be streamlined but all these companies got on the gravy train after 9/11 and haven't gotten off.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F


...(next US president in second term): "it's obama's fault"...certainly you can't blame coburn for pointing

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12/6/2012 2:25 PM

DoD Spends $100,000 Studying Whether Jesus Died for Klingons

out poorly spent tax dollars. i asked a member of my family, who voted obama, if she knew about the 20-day $4,000,000.00 hawaiian vacation for the obama family...nope...
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to jnbstraight F


Way farther back than Bush 2. Eisenhower warned us about this in 1961. Every president thereafter, including the Dear Leader, bows to the military industrial complex and NWO. btw aren't we in a couple of wars now?
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to jnbstraight F


"What do you mean Scotty? You can't beam us up from the rats nest we're in here?"
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago F


yes, they are obama's league of welfare voters.

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago F


This is what happens to a society with no moral compass. They completely ignore the legal stealing they are doing every time they spend even one penny of taxpayer money that is not absolutely necessary to do the minimum the government needs to do to keep the union functioning. We have an imperial president who has a $1.4 billion PERSONAL FAMILY BUDGET for just one year (that's a billion with a b -that's 1400 million dollars on his own entertainment and personal czars and bloated staff). He treats airforce one likes it's a regularly scheduled airline with daily runs. This is not just immoral, it should be a criminal action. Compare this with Britain who spend $57.8 million on the Royal Family. That is $1 billion 342 million dollars more to entertain the president and his family. We could shepherd around (in high style) 241 Royal families for what this one president spent. Well, I see at least $10 billion (over 10 years) savings, JUST for the president's family. And he still would spend 10 times what they spend on the royal family. How much of that money should have been charged to his campaign. BTW he is STILL campaigning, it's time to charge him for 100% of the cost. While president, Barrack's net worth has gone from $7 million in 2008 to almost $12 million in 2012, while the rest of the country has found themselves losing ground back to 1960s levels.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 5 Likes F


this is the type of idiocy obama is barrowing money from china.

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago F


HAHA Obama is the only one who wants to CUT defense spending. the GOP is the one that defends this.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to jripper F


Yet the lower ranks qualify for food stamps. Whoever authorized this insanity should be marched out against the wall and SHOT!
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F


"Defense Advances Research Projects Agency" has evidently "advanced" into senility.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago F

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12/6/2012 2:25 PM

DoD Spends $100,000 Studying Whether Jesus Died for Klingons


People should go to jail for this sort of crap!

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 5 Likes F


OMG REALLY?!!! Can we just fire these knuckle-dragging mouthbreathers already? This is preposterous to say the least...
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 4 Likes F


I doubt that "knuckle-dragging mouthbreathers " came up with such crap. I suspect that it is farmore likely highly educated liberal arts majors.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Hologram5 2 Likes F


Problem is, nobody ever told those "Pseudo" intellects that "Pseudo" means FAKE... Or lack of...
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to larryincamden 3 Likes F


You wil NEVER convince a pseudo-intellect of their own lack of seriousness.

A LIKE 4 hours ago in reply to Hologram5 4 Likes F


Some of you might save an ulcer and lighten up. An agency like DARPA has to hide Covert projects in a budget (they can't say the 'y' part for the XZ Fighter Project) Congress knows this and have been grandstanding for Decades appearing to look out for the taxpayers money while authorizing multi-millions for other useless projects to buy votes. And that is BOTH parties.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 2 Likes F


Find out who put that into an appropriations bill. Find out and shame them. That is my Christmas Wish from Brietbart News. Actually, all of these types of stories should be accompanied with who is responsible for the crazy legislation...Lib or GOP.



11 hours ago


GARYLEE123 can't even find out the truth on Benghazi. Where did that story go?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to chesterar 3 Likes F


Fire the DoD Acquisition officials who approved/directed this expenditure! Now!!
A LIKE REPLY 14 hours ago 10 Likes F


More like Ready, Aim, FIRE!

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to AP8triot 1 Like F


I'd like to find that acquisition official and submit a proposal.

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12/6/2012 2:25 PM

DoD Spends $100,000 Studying Whether Jesus Died for Klingons

6 hours ago A LIKE

in REPLY AP8triot reply to



I am not a Trekkie, but I know that Gene Roddenberry was an atheist, and proclaimed that everybody in the Star Trek franchise was atheist too to maintain "peace" (which I strongly disagree with about that point in the franchise, as I know that atheistic philosophies and political standpoints murdered 100 to 300 million people in the past century, and is not good in any way). However, the Greek Gods in one instance, had a major point in an episode. Therefore, this question, even coming for an outsider like me, is answerable for free and a waste of three minutes of my time. Also, being a massive astronomy buff myself, there are more than 74 seperate factors for microbial life to exist for 90 days in any circumstance, including star type, location in galaxy, what type of galaxy, planetary composition, orbital stability, atmospheric pressure, collisions and disruptions from other stars, and other things of that nature. There are less Planck Volumes in the entire universe than the chance for a planet to have life, by over 10,000,000,000 factors. Of course, contradicting my claim, I could also say that all liberals must have come from another planet. Why else do you think they act the way that they do?



15 hours ago



In my humble opinion there is an extreemly good reason why other solar systems likely to harbor life are situated so far apart. At current space travel speeds it would take some 80,000 earth years to reach our nearest neighbor Proxima Centauri. Considering we earthlings are unable to peacefully exist with our neighbors situating other planets that might harbor intelligent life at great distances that would take generations to travel to makes sense.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to ICOYAR F


Well obviously not everyone, the Bajorians had the profits and the Klingons had Kayless, even the Ferangi had their own after life thing going on which I think is one of the reasons they're fan favorites they had a much more diverse and rich culture than the kind of stale, generic Federation types. That's just my opinion.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to ICOYAR F


IF there were "aliens" on other planets, you have made the assumption that they too screwed up and got thrown out of their garden of eden and also needed to be saved in the first place. As to whether or not Jesus "died for them" also, it's a ludicrous question. The answer is, NO. Try reading your Bible sometime. I will not say God did not make some other species somewhere else. I will say thought that you can take God's Word, the Bible, to the bank. If it says something did or will happen, you can bank on it. Damascus will cease to be a city among the nations of men in a single night (Isaiah 17). Seems that's getting pretty close. Egypt will break apart and five cities of Egypt including the "city of the sun" will join themselves to Israel (Isaiah 19). The "city of the sun" sits under most of Cairo so, that indicates that either the entire city or much of it will side with Israel; and soon (last days; we're in them). I don't consider angels "aliens" but, some do. The Bible states that those that fell CANNOT be forgiven and cannot be redeemed. You all come from that stupid species, human. So, the salvation/redemption plan applies to you all. But, you have to receive/accept it. Jesus died for all. Not all want Him in their lives though.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to ICOYAR F


Roddenberry wasn't an atheist, he was agnostic.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to ICOYAR 2 Likes F


For life to exist in other places in the Universe, it would have to be Created there just as it was here. HOWEVER, the only place Lucifer was cast down to in his rebellion was the Planet Earth. Our Great (plus) Grandparents Adam and Eve, turned their authority over to Lucifer, now given the title of satan. Therefore any other life created in God's image (as was hu-mankind to quote C.S. Lewis) wouldn't be a fallen race as slewfoot (satan) is stuck here on our planet with the one third of the angelic realm that rebelled with him. There could be no need for a Savior on other planets IF the Word created people

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12/6/2012 2:25 PM

DoD Spends $100,000 Studying Whether Jesus Died for Klingons

there already, as they wouldn't be fallen people born into a sinful world. However, any body created out there would have their original close relationship with their Creator which only salvation through Jesus can provide here on planet Earth. The Best News is that Jesus DID die for your sins and funkiness on the Cross in Jerusalem almost 2,000 years ago and then was brought back to superatural Life in assuring you of that same Gift of Life if you receive it. (Talk about "live long and prosper"!) The other News is either FANTATICALLY Wonderful or horrendous beyond comprehension, depending upon your own choice as to whether to receive Eternal Life from and through Jesus is that Jesus is coming back again REAL soon... and this time, not as the Lamb of God but as a Lion. Those of us who have asked Him to forgive us of our sins and to become our Lord and Savior will be coming back with Him as He's "taking names and kicking butt in an eternal style." Why don't you jon us in the simple Gospel Truth?
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to ICOYAR 7 Likes F


Thanks, Bill, for pointing out the obvious to those whose minds have actually been blinded by the darkness that is within, that is, until Christ shines His glorious light into our souls! And His light has lighted every man that is born into the world, so that all are without excuse! Every one of us needs a Savior, whether people realize it or not! I thank God that one day He helped me realize how I actually needed Him because I was on my way to hell, apart from Him, but He had ALSO raised Christ from the dead who had paid for MY penalty! When I believed Jesus was alive today and had given His blood for my forgiveness, I believed and received this new life! Please, there is NOTHING more important for YOU than securing your salvation by believing Jesus died for YOU and rose again to GIVE you freely this gift of salvation! Take Him for yourself, today! One day you will be glad you did! Now, as far as science and other life on other planets goes, one needs to realize that, according to the word of God, no trees or plants grew on the earth until He made man, at which time God planted a garden, grew trees, and placed the man who He formed INTO that newly raised up garden! (Genesis 2:5) The reason we will NOT find life elsewhere is that God ONLY created MAN on EARTH (according to the scriptures), [no man, no need for plants and trees on other planets], which He gave to us (the earth) as caretakers, until we handed our authority to Lucifer, who then fell along with man! (Ezekiel 28:12&13-19) (Lucifer walked as perfect in the garden of Eden, among the precious stones which were coverings, but lifted up by pride over his own beauty, coveting what God had given to man, that is rulership over earth, he sinned and then tempted mankind (Eve and Adam) to gain rulership as god of this world system)! Christ restores rulership back to men through the new birth and His kingdom that is within us through the Holy Spirit (for those with ears to hear)! What is sad about most of television is that all these futuristic stories (of star treks and planets) leave God and His love TOTALLY OUT of the picture or movie, it is a system TOTALLY devoid of God and devoid of God's love, it is therefore godless! That is truly sad!
A LIKE REPLY 5 minutes ago in reply to Wm. A. "Bill" Fisher F


Wow... banging on that bible like a gong, eh? If all that were true, wouldn't the bible address something about the life out there? Instead it glosses over outer space entirely with a quick "god made the heavens" and then he spent the rest of his efforts here on Earth. So either he was the creator assigned to Earth, and there were others assigned to other planets. Or every Martian has gone straight to hell with no idea they were supposed to be worshiping a 2000 year old Earthling. Or a truly universal religion would have to address life out there, which the only ones that do... are Scientologists!?
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to Wm. A. "Bill" Fisher F


Actually Brian, I don't bang on the Bible like a gon, I read it. Though there were a number of years in the 70's when I did gang on a bong. You ought to try reading the Bible with an open mind some time, if you're capable of that. You'll find out that it is true and the Truth which addresses issues far beyond your current comprehension as evidenced by your response to my post. There's more depth and meaning in the simple phrase "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth" than ANY of us can comprehend currently. The fallacy of your logic makes an anthropromophically false assumption that "he spent the rest of his efforts here on Earth." Shoot, I can walk and chew gum at the same time. Can't you? Much less the capabilities and power of the Eternal Cause and Being, which is a minute description of God.

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12/6/2012 2:25 PM

DoD Spends $100,000 Studying Whether Jesus Died for Klingons

I don't know of anyone seriously debating the existential Nature of God who would make that kind of an uninformed and illogical leap. You'll discover some day that you can't put God in any box of your own construction. Who do you think would have the authority to tell or "assign" God to do anything? By definition, at that point God would be a "god" and not the God of the Universe or "Creation's God" as referenced by a very learned man who wrote the Declaration of Independence. The Creator of the Universe by definition (and in Reality) IS the Creator of other planets. There has only been one being who said he would "become like God" and his name was Lucifer, meaning "Light Bearer". He was the highest of the angelic order until pride was found to be in him from his own free will and choice, much as is his seed in your heart and mind judging from your statement. As per "Martians" (interesting you give "them" the courtesy of a capitalization in referencing "them" but not your Creator), you're either being silly, trying to be funny or I have some beach front property in Arizona to sell you. And as for Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology ( was a science fiction writer and a charlatan who once stated that "the best way to get rich is to create your own religion". Well, he did and he did, but it's not doing him any good now. He's finally "seen the Light" and the "Light" was pissed at his choice of denying the Life He offered Hubbard, who's fruits included deluding and defrauding people of their money, their lives and their eternal lives. As for folks who are into "Scientology" and Rolfing to clean up their lives, basically they're nuts. And they've bought into a fiction worse than anything Hubbard ever wrote. God doesn't owe you anything at all, including an explanation of Himself. But because He still loves you, He gave you an eternal revelation of Himself in His Word, the Bible. I'd suggest you familiarize yourself with it, whether as the writings of your Enemy (and your father's Enemy... Jesus nailed him in John 8:44) or as the Source of True Love and genuine eternal Life which He is offering to you through the proprituous death of Himself in the being of His Son on the cross. By the way, I'd also suggest that when you talk to Him, you do so with an open mind and honest heart. He will talk with you in a way you will know is the Truth if you're honest with Him and yourself. And if you can't understand my posts regarding Earth and space, you're going to have the devil of a time trying to figure out the Trinity, literally. If you approach these matters of your eternal destiny (which will either be of Life OR of an eternal, conscious death while screaming in isolated darkness in a lake of spirtual fire along WITH your current father as per John 8:44), the Lord will communicate with your heart as per your efforts to communicate with Him. If you approach Him talking to Him like you would anybody else, but in complete honesty, He'll lead you and convince you of the Truth. By the way, you don't need to use any "Thee" or "Thou" as he understands but doesn't speak King James English. But if you don't, He won't. You'll continue to be just as lost as you are now, and just as void of logic as the DOD spending my tax money on paying for foolish discussions about whether Jesus died for Klingons, which I think most everybody realizes do NOT exist. He does and always will. Oh, one last thing... The Lamb of God (born for death on the cross in God's love as the only acceptable sacrifice to pay for your, my and everybody else's sins) DID come to Earth exctly as was prophesied over 330 times in the original Covenant Christians call the Old Testament (having been completed around 425 B.C. and translated into the Greek "Septuagent" about 200 B.C.) in fulfillment of prophesies including theIsraeli Tribe He would come from; the name of the town He would be born in; the fact that His garments taken from Him before being nailed to a cross (before that means of execution was every invented) and gambled over, exactly as happened; the fact that He would be executed with criminals; that He would be buried in a rich man's borrowed tomb; that He would rise from the dead on the third day: and that His direct lineage would come from King David on His mother's side (His Father's side had no lineage as He is "I Am") and hundreds of more ancient prophecies. He will be coming back from the courts of heaven one of these times soon as was prophecied over 660 times in the Bible, with every last prophesy necessary already completed for his Second Coming. But like I said, this time He won't be coming as the gentle, peaceful Lamb of God in dealing with His enemies. I'd take the opportunity to get right with Him while you still can if I were you or anybody else reading this. If you die without having been truly Born Again, you're a goner and there will be nothing anybody can say at your Judgment to save you then just as L. Ron Hubbard would tell you the same thing right now if he could, but it's too late for him too.

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12/6/2012 2:25 PM

DoD Spends $100,000 Studying Whether Jesus Died for Klingons


20 minutes ago

in reply to Brian Koran


Not complaining too much but it would be nice if your system accepted typing as fast as it's typed into the window. Other typos are all on my own.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Wm. A. "Bill" Fisher F


I don't know Gene's personal beliefs, but he was listed as a co-writer on an episode called "Bread and Circuses" in the original Star Trek series wherein Kirk and some of his crew are enslaved on a planet resembling Ancient Rome set in the 20th Century. At the end, Uhura reveals that the sun the slaves worship is "The Son of God" and Kirk marvels that the planet has both Caesar and Christ.
A LIKE REPLY 12 hours ago in reply to ICOYAR 7 Likes F


I know that episode. Loved it!. It would seem to me that a lot of the episodes had a theological theme. So, I'm not sure Gene was an atheist. ICOYAR you are probably correct, as I don't know. But he seems more agnostic to me. As a Christian, since I believe Christ died for all, and since he created the universe, he would have died for Klingons too. However, I am not surprised the government would spend that kind of money on a study of this question. What a waste of energy, time and OUR money!!
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to Jerry Don Weller 6 Likes F

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12/6/2012 2:25 PM

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