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Data: Given a radial feeder with fault current and C.T. ratios at substations A, B, and C as indicated. Full load current at C = 100A. Available relay is 1DMT 3 secs. Relay. Find out the current setting P.S and TMS at each substation.

SOLUTION We proceed from the farthest station towards the source. Substation C Secondary value of fault current = 2000 x 5 _ 200 100A =100 x 5 _ 200 2.5A = = 2.5A = 50A

Full load current

Secondary value of full load current

For 100% setting our Plug set


Fault current of 50 A corresponds to:

50 = 20 times IR 2.5 Time of operation of the relay at 20 times IR with TMS = 1 is 2.2 secs (from relay characteristic curve) Now the time of operation of relay at C has to be the lowest.

We assume this time equal to the sum of operating time of the fuse say 0.1 sec. and a time delay (of 0.16sec.) to allow the fuse to blow. Actual time of operation of the relay at C is = TMS = 0.1 + 0.16 0.26 2.2 2.5 0.12 = = 0.12 0.26 secs

At C:


= =

Substation B The relays at B must act at a time grading higher than that of relays at C. Therefore we assume a time grading of 0.35 secs. (in our own case) Relay operating time at B for a fault at C (i.e. a fault current of 2000A) is = 0.26 + 0.35 = 0.61 secs

The current setting at B must be increased when compared to that at C. We shall set this at 130% of that at C. This is in order to allow for load increases. Current setting of the relay at B = 1.3 times current setting at C = We choose a plug setting of 3.75 Secondary value of short circuit current at B is = 2000 x 5 300 33.33 = 3.75 = 33.33A 1.3 x 2.5 = 3.25

Multiples of plug setting


The time of operation of the relay at MPS = 8.88 with TMS = 1 is 3.2 secs (from the relay characteristic curve) TMS at 0.61 secs. = 0.61 3.2 = 0.19

Secondary value of fault current at B = = But our Plug Setting PS MPS = = 3000 x 5__ 300 50A 3.75 50 3.75 = 13.33

The time of operation of the relay at MPS = 13.33 with TMS = 1 is 2.6 secs (from the relay characteristic curve) But TMS chosen for the relay at B is 0.19 Actual operating time of the relay at B for a fault current of 3000A (a fault very close to B) is equal to: To = = = Tu x TMS 0.19 x 2.6 0.49 secs.

Substation at A Required operating time for relay at A for a fault current at B is: = 0.49 + 0.35 = 0.84sec

Assume that PS at A = PS at B i.e. 3.75

Secondary value of fault current at B for relay at A: = = Multiples of Plug Setting = = 3000 x 5__ 300 50A 50 _ 3.75 13.33

With TMS = 1, operating time for this value of MPS = 13.33 is given as 2.6 sec. TMS for the operating time of 0.84 secs = 0.84 2.6 0.32 = 0.32

TMS at A

For a fault close to A, secondary value of fault current = MPS = 5000 x 5_ 300 83.33 3.75 22.22 = 83.33A

Time of operation of relay at 22.22 times IR at TMS = 1.0 is 2.2 secs (using 20 MPS available on the graph) Actual time of operation of the relay at A is = = SUBSTATION A CTR 300/5 0.32 x 2.2 secs 0.7 secs P.S 3.75 Actual Operating time of relays 0.7 secs


300/3 200/5

3.75 2.50

0.49 secs 0.26 secs


Given data on a 33 KV transmission line and substation as shown below. Determine the relay settings at the substations.

Fault level at station A


Transmission Line constants for 29Kms: Z1 ZO SOLUTION Assume base MVA = 100 Source impedance at station A = Base MVA Fault MVA = = 19.58 + j12.86 ohms 23.89 + j38.37 ohms


= =

100__ 37.17 2.69 p.u

Transmission line constants on base MVA in p.u Z1 = = Zp.u = [(19.58) 2 + (12.86) 2 ] 23.43 ohms Z1 x MVA (KV) 2 23.43 x 100 (33) 2 2.15 p.u [(23.89) 2 + (38.37) 2 ] 45.19 ohms 45.19 x 100 332 4.15 p.u

= Z0 = = Zp.u =

Impedance of transformer at station B on 100 MVA base Zp.u = %Z x base MVA_______ Transformer MVA 6.5 x 100 100 5 1.3 p.u


Total fault impedance at station B in p.u is: Zf = = Zs + Z1 + Zt 2.69 + 2.15 + 1.3

6.14 p.u.

Assuming a 3-phase fault on 11KV at station B Fault MVA = Base MVA Zf 100 6.14 16.29MVA 16.29 x 106 3 x 11 x 103 855A

= Fault current =

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