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PPM TOPIC :- MANAGEMENT Defination: Management is an art of getting of things done by a group of people with the effective utilization

of available ressources. To control the complexity management is made. A/C to Henry Fayol:To manage is to forcast,to plan,to organize,to compound,to co ordinate,to control. h.koontze: management is the art of getting things done through and with formaly and organised group. Management is the art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing it whether it is done with the cheap and best way. American management association: management is the art of getting things done through other people. Koontz & O dowel: management is the creation and mantainance of an internal environment ,is an Enterprise when individuals , working in a group can perform effectively.

Concept of management According to: Economist: the factor of production is management. Sociologist: Group of person is management . Researcher & practices: process of comparing different activities is management. Managent as a discipline: Rules and regulations for management Management as a process: Sequence wise process done. Management an art or science: As an art it use concepts. And as a science it use principles.

Operational vs managerial Related to production vs related to paper work.

Features of management Organised activities Proper co ordination Proper control Existance of objectives Relationship among resources Working with and through people. Decision making

Level of manegment

Top level Middle level

low level

Reports Records E tracks Complaints Feedback

orders strategies planning implementation of paln

Administration and management :Running of business require skills which is called management and functioniung of government department and non profit institution requiring the skills is called administration Management is the function in the industry concernd with the execution of policies within the limits set up by the administration and employer of the organisation for the particular objects sets before. Management is social process initializing responsibility for the effective and economic planning and the regulations of the operation of an enterprise,in the fulfilment of the given task. Administration is the part of management which is concerned with the the installation and carying out of the procedure by which it is lay down and communicated and the process of activities regulated and check angainst plan. Henry fayol: All undertaking require planning organising commanding coordination and control And in order to function properly almost observe the some general principal we are no longer concernd with several administration science but which are can be applied equally well to public and private affair.

Basis of different 1 Policy and objective



Determine policies to be followed and decide the objective to be achieved. Directing of Not directly human involves in the efforts execution of plans and achievement of objectives. Main function Planning organising and staffing. Level of Top level executive executive (owner,board of director.) Position Act as a principal

Implement the policy and achieve the objective.

Directly involve in the execution of plans and achievement of objectives. Direction, motivation and control. Low level executives (managers, supervisor,&workers). Act as a agency


Required administration ability, more than technical ability.

Required technical ability more than administrative ability.

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