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1Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 1 Extra uses of the present continuous; 2 Adverbs and word verbs; 1.2 Urderline the correct words; 1.3 Make a order, 3 so do I; neither do I; 4 Present perfect simple or response for each statement with So/ Neither; 1.4 continuous, 5 Word families, 6 Adverbs, 7 Empty verbs. complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs REVIEW 1- 2wear, 3makes, 4is (always) having, 5are moving, 6enjoys 2- 2 I rarely go to the cinema; 3 I dont go to restaurants very often; 4 I cant write text messages very quickly; 5 I am usually too tired to go out on Friday evening; 6 I hardly ever speak to people to go out on Friday evening. 3- 2 So can I, 3 So am I, 4 So do I, 5 Neither do I, 6 Neither can I, 7 Neither am I. 4- 2 ve learnt, 3 ve been using, 4 ve reached, 5 ve played, 6 ve been planning, 7 ve (never) had, 8 ve been trying. 5- 1festival, 2ceremony, 3celebration, 4traditions, 5responsability, 6identity, 7immigration, 8festivities, 9nationality, 10regulations, 11traditional. 6- frequency/time.- horinzontolly: normally, recently, never, always, often; diagonally: sometimes. Manner: horinzontolly: slowly; vertical: carefully. Degree: horinzontolly: much, quite, too, really; vertical: rather, very, almost, pretty. 7- 2had/took;had/took, 3have;make, 4give;give, 5having;made, 6makes;have. GRAMMAR BANK KEY 1.1- 1are (always) asking; 2isnt working; 3is telling; 4are (more and more people) moving; 5are dying out; arent doing, 6m queueing, 7m (constantly) having to, 8are (you) wearing. 1.2- 1like very much, 2does well, 3 the tension carefully, 4too scary, 5almosts creamed, 6Recently, 7pretty good, 8starts rather slowly, 9quickly, 10never talk. 1.3- 1 So do I, 2 Neither do I, 3 Neither can I, 4 Neither do I, 5 So can I, 6 Neither am I, 7 So am I, 8 So am I. 1.4- 1 has (he) been sitting, 2 havent made, 3 s been practicing, 4 ve been smoking; has been, 5 havent been waiting, 6 have (you) been; ve had, 7 ve been saving; have (you) saved. TEST KEY UNIT 1 1- 1 Im always leaving my umbrella on the bus; 2 Its becoming more and more difficult to park as the days go by; 3 More and more people are communicating by internet each year; 4 The teachers always choosing me to answer questions; 5 The roads are getting more and more crowded each year. 2- 1b, 2c, 3c, 4b, 5b. 3- 1 s (never) used, 2 s been working, 3 s been thinking, 4 ve had, 5 s learnt. 4- 1rate, 2tion, 3ality, 4ony, 5ification. 1Extra uses of the present continuous Rewrite the sentences 5- 1have, 2make, 3give, 4given, 5make. using always or more; 2 Adverbs and word order where does the 6- 1ti, 2den, 3la, 4di, 5le. adverd go? Write a,b,c; 3 Present perfect simple and continuos SELF CHECK UNIT 1 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs; 4 word GRAMMAR families 1- 1s coming, 2ve been waiting, 3has always, 4never takes. 2- 1e, 2b, 3d, 4a, 5c. 1Complete the text with a suitable form of the words in VOCABULARY brackets; 2Match the statements with the responses; 3 3- 1make, 2taking, 3take, 4having, 5give. underline; 4- 1We had a big celebration when my sister return home, 2correcta, 3Its my resposability to make sure the office is clean, 4Every year, they have a big festival to celebrate the end of winter, 5correcta.

REVIEW 1- 2She didnt being me the menu for ages, 3She forgot to serve my chips, 4 I asked her a question about the food, 5She couldnt give me answer, 6She charged me a fortune for a glass of water, 7The meal cost me fifteen pounds, 8 I didnt leave the waitress a tip. 2- 2 allowed, 3 have;can, 4 had, 5 supposed, 6 neednt, 7 couldnt. 3- 2 was serving, 3 came, 4 was wearing, 5 told, 6asked, 7 had gone, 8 had left, 9 seemed, 10 noticed, 11 wasnt holding, 12 shouted, 13ran, 14 had forgotten. 4- 1 cost, 2 charge, 3 attend, 4 occupy, 5 wait, 6 expect. 5- Across: 1 industrial, 5 sacked, 8 job, 10 attendant, 11 recruited, 13 knock, 14 strike; Down: 1 income, 2 dustman, 3 secretary, 4 laid, 6 earn, 7 quit, 9 taken, 12 dole. 6- 2 get down to, 3 came across, 4 ran out of, 5 deal with, 6 carry on, 7 fall for. GRAMMAR BANK KEY 2.1- 2g, 3h, 4f, 5i, 6d, 7a, 8e, 9b. ayuda 1 es la c 2.2- 1 were supposed to, 2 couldnt, 3 had to, 4 was allowed, 5 could, 6 didnt have to, 7 can, 8 dont, 9 must, 10 cant, 11 has, 12 allowed to, 13 must never, 14 neednt. 2.3- 1 d arranged, 2 overslept, 3 arrived, 4 had already started, 5 didnt get, 6 knocked, 7 was showing, 8 hadnt had, 9 did you meet, 10 was, 11 had forgotten, 12 were coming, 13 walked, 14 was playing. 2.4- 1 b, 2 b, 3 a, 4 b, 5 a and b. TEST KEY UNIT 2 1- 1 I didnt give the waiter a tip, 2 The police asked us a lot of questions, 3 Lawyer usually charge you a fee, 4 Can you bring me a blottle of water, please?, 5 Shall I serve you some soup?. 2- 1 can, 2 arent supposed to, 3 had to, 4 arent allowed to, 5 cant. 3- 1 was teaching, 2 didnt wake up, 3 was suffering, 4 had missed, 5 had got up. 4- 1 income, 2 action, 3 strike, 4 sack, 5 dole. 5- 1 deal with, 2 got away with it, 3 carry on, 4 run out of, 5 come across. 6- Pronunciation: 1 costume; duty, 2 biscuit; guard, 3 purse. TEST KEY UNIT 2 GRAMMAR 1- 1 when I returned from the toilet, I saw that my dinner had been taken away; 2 David bought his girlfriend an expensive meal out; 3 While I was waiting for my main course, I noticed the waiter smoking a cigarette outside; 4 The waiter charged me $200 for two small steaks!. 2- 1 c, 2 d, 3 a, 4 b, 5 e. 3- 1 occupied, 2 charge, 3 waited, 4 expected. 4- 1 out , 2 with, 3 out, 4 off.

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