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Lec 10 Tech=technique or technology SD= discriminative stimulus R=responce Chaining- ex taking a piece of gum and putting in mouth is preceded

eceded by many SDs and there is always a reinforcement at the end of each step. Each behavior response is cue for next one. You dont get the natural reinforcing till the end of procedure. We can divide any task into multiple steps. We can make steps easier at first and then move to difficult ones. Sd+ is the last reinforcement. If every step is taught to perfection we will have errorless learning. If response are not linked by SD, then total task is not gonna take place. Task analysis- any behavior can be broken down. Group of tech have been used for many cases especially with individual with cognitive difficulty. E.g. making a bed involve multiple steps, cleaning face etc. We do this on paper. There is always trial and error. First time the steps might not be very accurate but eventually we get solid steps. We can make the client watch somebody and monitor while making notations we can ask them to go through emotions slowly so once you both have the mutual confidence you will have all the behavior broken down appropriately. Also , consulting with an expert helps too. Many task involve these stepscleaning, making bed, athletic skills, swing a baseball, a lot of physical based jobs, especially for cognitive difficulties pple e.g. packaging goods coming out of assembly line. Teaching these particular skills is chaining.

Forward chaining. Teach SR link until it is established and then reinforce it. We insert another S2R2 and then give reinforcement. Going through steps 123456 till you get the target behavior. On each trail always reinforced in the end. It is being artificially reinforced in this way but thats ok bcz eventually it will be naturally reinforced.

Backward chaining From last step to first step. Reinforcement is applied every single time. In this case S1R1 is presented after the S2R2 and then reinforcement is given. Praise is easy rewards. As person becomes adapted , you move away from them. Ex A kid who learned the basic skills of playing baseball, move away from them slowly and progressively.

Total task presentation

some can benefit from it and it speeds up the teaching process. All steps at a time are presented with a gradual guidance. If you stay on one SR too long, that impede the progress and we r unable to get the target behavior. You need no interference. Vocational task is great way of teaching. SD is always have moment of pause right before the potential response. Once you identity them, they are segment length that you need to add in task analysis. Ex . Teaching a child how to tie their lasses. (i) SD1 shoes. (ii) See whether they have seat. (iii) Pick up the shoe. (iv) You go through emotion of learning to tie. There is a multitude approach that you can take. If you find that someone is having difficulty learning through forward chaining, use backward.

The big problem is compliance, whether they wanna learn it or not? They have to freely participating on their own. Ex teaching someone to brush teeth. We also collect the baseline data. They might be faster learner so to see how much treatment is working, we gotta have baseline. We may start with forward and then go for backwards. Once we got micro behaviors, we can shift to natural or intermittent schedule. Written task analysis- SDs r link. Write steps SD to R in a sentenced form. The person can be given written instruction to complete the task. So they can go to a certain step and see where they are. Picture prompts- we see that at IKEA. They have pic given to build the furniture on your own. They dont necessary apply to all the treatments. Some behaviors within the entire step can be performed on ur own. Ex of picture promoting could be a poster for a kid to put the puzzle pieces together. Reciting self instructions- teach the person to go through complex procedures and memorize it. Memorize the links on ur own. Ex going to ur locker remembering wht is ur combination? Also, dialing phone numbers. We can use backwards chaining for tasks like undressing

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