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Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

Cicero believed in individual human beings . . . his concern for human beings was a splendid contribution to an age dominated by autocrats like Sulla and Caesar. Michael Grant

Hellenistic Schools of Philosophy

For Familiarity only:

Academy (developed Platonism)

transitory nature of physical world and the unreliability of our perceptions (cf. Theory of Ideas) rational basis for morality (our deliberate acts lead to beata vita, or The Good Life)

Peripatetic (Aristotelian school)

scientific, empirical approach (systemization and classification: observation, classification, comparison) virtue is the highest but not the only good; the Mean Aristotles study of metaphysics suggested a Prime Mover.

Cynicism (Dog-like!)
autarkeia (self-sufficiency) through not wanting anything, live like dogs! Diogenes and Alexander

senses unreliable, nothing can be known for certain, question everything

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

Hellenistic Schools (continued)

Important for understanding Catulus and the Roman view:

Stoicism (Zeno and his porch)

sensory perceptions are reliable moral goodness or virtue is the only good Divine Providence
largely deterministic; accept ones lot, duties or tasks of each individual

Divine sparkkinship with divinity and hence worldwide brotherhood of man

social responsibilities of the individuals (tasks)

Epicureanism (Epicurus Garden, focusing on a quiet life)

Ataraxia (state of being undisturbed, free from anxiety) though moderate enjoyment of simple pleasures, focus on friendship sensory perceptions are reliable; atom theory
fate moderated by choices (deterministic universe organized by atoms which nonetheless swerve) the soul dissolves into its constituent atoms at death

supreme good is happiness (identified with pleasure, i.e., absences of pain and trouble)
public life undesirable

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

T. Lucretius Carus
Little definite known about Lucretius life
Dates uncertain, perhaps c. 94-55 or 51 B.C. Supposedly driven mad by a love potion

De rerum naturam, On the Nature of Things

Represents the first systematic attempt to convey Greek philosophy to a Roman audience in Latin Dedicated to C. Memmius, failed politician exiled to Athens 6 books of hexameter
c. 7,400 lines, about the length of Vergils Aeneid

Organization and topics

Book I: basics of Epicureanism Book II: motion and shape of atoms Book III: nature of the human soul Book IV: psychological phenomena, especially perception Book V: mortality of our world, including a rationalist and non-theistic creation Book VI: natural phenomena that lead to false belief in the gods

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

Ciceros Classical Humanism

See On the Good Life, 711 Valueshumanism, value of the individual, rule of law, absolute value systems
especially significant given the autocratic age in which he lived

Beliefsuniverse is governed by a divine plan, the whole universe is one commonwealth; heavily influenced by the Stoic belief in the brotherhood of man
Each individual must do everything in his power to develop those faculties and sensibilities that distinguish him or her from the animals With this responsibility comes social and communal obligations

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

Rhetoric in Philosophy and Education

Greek controversy
Iscorates thought that literature and a liberal education could teach values Plato on the misuse of rhetoric
Could make the weaker argument the stronger the importance of a philosophical groundingknow truth first!

Roman attitudes towards the Greek philosophical schools (On the Good Life, 22

Lucretius, Roman Epicurean poet (On the Nature of Things, not well accepted) Ciceros Views in Pro Archia (laid the basis for a liberal education in Rome)
Background: A. Licinius Archias charged with falsely claiming citizenship Archias, a client of Lucullus, was attacked as a proxy by the friends of Pompey Ciceros defense Only 1/6 about the facts of Archias claim to citizenship The rest demonstrates Archias value as a Roman citizenmostly because he helped Cicero become a great speaker! The oration is largely a defense of Ciceros view of a liberal education

Ciceros Philosophical treatises

It was his practice to adapt what he read and learnt to his Roman environment and his own views and tastes: those of a sensitive, experienced man, who possessed unique powers of expression . . . (M. Grant, On the Good Life, 14) Selected those philosophical duties acceptable to Romansduty, virtue, hard work, controlled emotions, etc.

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

More on Ciceros Philosophic Treatises

Cicero turned to philosophy at a time of pain and failure
Personal struggles
divorces death of daughter Tullia

Political disappointment
no lasting respect for his accomplishments civil strife, esp. civil war and dictatorship of Caesar loss of political freedom

Copies of Greek philosophy?

They are copies of Greek philosophy . . . I only supply the words. Ciceros neologisms Establishment of Latin as the language of general ideas Ciceros writing lacked the intellectual rigor of Greek philosophy, not cohesive

Format of treatises
Use of Dialogue form (cf. Plato) Use of noted Romans from the glory days of the republic as interlocutors Frequent use of tripartite division of positions: extreme, moderate, and ideal often each is represented by an interlocutor

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

On The Orator
Background Date of Composition: 5552 B.C., following the Luca Conference and reaffirmation of the First Triumvirate between Caesar and his allies Dramatic Date: 91 B.C., set in Antonius Tusculan villa Focus: The training of the Orator (statesman) Major issue: Rhetoric vs. philosophy Platothe problem of the amorality of rhetoric; the orator must know the truth first. Interlocutors Sulpiciusphilosophy unnecessary, Socrates failed in politics!
(On the Good Life, 309-311, 319-321)

Antoniusrhetoric needs only a little philosophy, Plato never talked about the practical life! (On the Good Life, 264) Crassusrhetoric and philosophy important; unity of the arts; importance of a liberal education (On the Good Life, 246-47)

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

Discussions at Tusculum
Background Date of Composition: JuneAugust 45 B.C.
daughter Tullia had died earlier in the year

Dramatic Date: contemporary Focus: the issue of moral goodness and the comfort afforded by philosophy

M (Marcus? magister?) A (amicus? adulescens?) Divisions of Philosophy (On the Good Life, 88-89) Physics: knowledge of the universe Ethics: things to aim for and things to avoid Dialectic: assessment of logical consequences and incompatibilities Problems of emotions, ethics, immortality
30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

Philosophic Approaches in Discussions at Tusculum

Emotions Stoicemotions to be condemned Peripateticemotions are natural and some are unavoidable Epicureanpain the greatest of evils
example of being tortured on the rack (On the Good Life, 91-92)

Ethics Stoicvirtue the sole good Academic and especially Peripateticvirtue preponderant over other goods Epicureanpleasure the highest good Immortality Platonichigher, eternal, life of the soul Stoiclimited survival of individuality Epicureansoul destroyed (dissolved into constituent atoms)

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

Dream of Scipio from On the Republic

Part of On the Republic (6b) about the ideal state, esp. the need for a rector , who, Cicero viewed as almost a philosopher king (albeit one in the context of a free, aristocratic state Date of Composition: 5451 Dramatic Date: 129 B.C., set in the garden of Scipios townhouse Interlocutor: Scipio Aemilianus, the conqueror of Carthage, relating a dream

Focus: The rewards awaiting the statesman Ciceros cosmology

Ideas: Pythagorean reincarnation, Aristotelian prime mover, Epicurean atomist approach Music of the Spheres (On the Good Life, 346-350)
Geocentric universe This view of the universe becomes very important in the Classical Tradition

Important points and passages

Role of the dictator or rector of the state (On the Good Life, 343-346)
Scipio is a model for the ideal statesman who should strive to benefit and restore the state Cf. concordia ordinum in the Catilinarians duty requires the statesman to delay eternal reward and serve on earth understand that you are a god . . . (On the Good Life, 352-353)

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

30. Roman Adaptations of Greek Philosophy

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