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Privilege white woman debunked

Well my faithful followers I have grown tired of feminist whining over bullshit they do and don't do in all I am now attacking them openly here word for word paragraph by paragraph, all my responces to the feminist are in Italics...

It saddens me to think how many people in my generation believe that feminism is a movement for female superiority. It disheartens me even more that the less cynical members of my generation often think that today's feminists are so thoughtlessly idealistic as to believe complete physical equality of men and women is possible. We're smarter than that. The frustrating fact is that we must balance fighting for the legal and social protections we need to compensate for our disadvantage in physical strength while simultaneously keeping these protections from compromising our independence and self-worth, and from allowing men of inferior character to use these protections as pretext for discrimination. It saddens you to see feminism associated with female supremacy. I am about to insult your reasoning, but do not get mad! You see last, I checked it was feminists stating how women are superior to men. The only thing not debunked about female superiority at debate wise was a womans ability to have babies, but a smart woman like you knows the only way a baby will be in a woman is if I help put it there! Feminist women have repeatedly declared themselves superior from the net to daily life! Good America had an entire hour dedicated to a feminist woman spouting off female supremacy, and how much higher womens IQs are. When feminists speak of men, they talk down to us as if women are granting us the right to live. Despite the fact, a man made everything in your daily life, car, washing machine, and the Hover dam. Well I am glad to burst this bubble Albert Einstein had low IQ scores and now you are using his work for your education. Irony is so damn sweet! Now if you want to counter that, men made all these things thanks to oppression of women you would be wrong. Women have been in the fields of science long before the 19th amendment. They are not well known because they did not do much, a windshield wiper that is barely adequate here and a death from radiation exposure there doesnt mean much in the world of science. Now that women are dominating all fields of education Americas scientific might has dwindled to nothing, while China launches the J-20 program at a faction of the Cost of Americas own ATF series aircraft after women entered the factories in the 1970s Americas manufacturing might has also dwindled to nothing. (NOW's Attack on Fathers )

Empirically speaking the fact feminists are avidly entranced by these female supremacy notions, genocide of men and follow these loud mouth liars would in fact make feminism a female supremacist group based on actions alone. In fact imperial data shows women shouldnt be allowed

near children (Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families). Personally, I see a quagmire worse than the Middle East war right here. Then you have the If we had female rulers wed have world peace what feminist fail time and again to realize is that women have ruled empires and nations, but then again that knowledge comes from doing independent research, a task feminists tend to avoid, instead relying upon fictitious dogma. Hell did you know that the Reigning queens who superseded King Henry the VIII committed more crimes against humanity than Hitler did! That is where we get the name Bloody Marry.

Life isn't fair. Is neither physiology, nor society. Society is fluid (much to the dismay of some); values can change for better or worse. Do not most faiths and philosophies insist that one of humankind's highest duties is to make life better for other humans? Physiology on the other hand can't be changed but with expensive, radical surgery available to few and not widely desiredviva la difference is the prevailing opinion now, which is great positive reinforcement when used correctly. But that leaves only social reform as a means of leveling the playing field, and there is plenty of room for improvement. By far most victims of abuse and violent crimes are women. Pay discrimination is still rampant (in the USA, the average Caucasian woman still makes only 78 cents for every dollar a man of the same ethnicity makes for the same job, and minorities fare worse) and justified in the minds of some of our politicians (see the case of Ms. Ledbetter vs. the Goodyear Tire plant). And when it comes to unintended children, women are far more likely to be financially restricted or ruined. These specters still haunt women of this day, and it was far worse before the early 20th century, when women had no power to do anything about it. One can see this universal pre-feminism frustration in myriad diverse literature: female characters in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Murasaki Shikibu's The Tale of Genji, Christine de Pizan's The City of Ladies, Henrik Isben's A Doll's House, and Kate Chopin's The Awakening. In late Ming- and Qing-Dynasty China, some women (who were not allowed to learn how to read) developed their own secret script, called Nushu, to vent frustrations and, more fundamentally, to have a way to communicate beyond the boundaries of their homes which they could rarely if ever leave. Well Ill ignore the grammar, women learning to read and have college education has lead to things like SCUM and proposition 777, both the blueprints to genocide against men, and countless fictional books that follow these forms of doctrine create utopias. You are half right society is fluid and unfair towards men, when boys and men are rape victims the cops laugh and the news papers come up with the top ten sexiest female sex offenders. Colleges create programs like womens centers despite the fact their policies force men out of higher learning at exponential rates, and the second the thought of a mens center comes to mind feminists are the first to rally against it screaming male privilege, of course this is all empirical data so maybe its just painting feminists in a bad light. Now if women actually did 8.14 hours of work a day instead of 7.75 hours of work a day in an 8 hour day their 78 cents maybe a dollar, and if you died at work more often instead of calling in sick when that time of the month hits, you would make a dollar. Hell here is a piece of the wage gap you prepensely

ignored women out earn, men in the same line of work for the same amount of work (or in some cases less work) in almost all major US cities! Where is the feminist outrage to that? Oh, wait that means you stood for equality if you did instead of female privileges. The right for women to vote was gained only in the 1920s of course if you look at what women had or didnt have to do it would look more like a privilege since men couldnt vote until the age of 21 yet had to serve in the military and pay taxes at the age of 18. Before men could exercise the right to vote they had to serve their country, and pay their country, only when the Vietnam war rolled around did this become public knowledge since most men fulfilled their duty to country, sacrificing their lives long before ever even having the chance to say who they wanted as president.

Wanting to feel strong, independent, and in control is a wholly human desire; both women and men have this same psychological need for power and security in themselves. But the problem is that women don't have the same physical strength to make that a reality in the way that men do. Historically men have taken advantage of this, leaving a long and unsavory legacy of disenfranchisement, all manner of spousal abuse, literary venting (when women were even allowed to learn to read), inferiority complexes, and outright giving up on life. As a strong-willed, proud woman, the idea that I need social and legal protections to account for my dissimilar anatomy fundamentally irks me. I wish I didn't need the justice system to force my employers to pay me fairly, keep my husband from raping me, keep my property and finances from being absorbed into my husband's when I marry, force an unfaithful or irresponsible partner to help me pay for our child, or supply me with special services to keep me from having a child I don't want. I'd feel better if women's suffrage had been guaranteed in the preamble of the Constitution or in the Bill of Rights, not amended a mere 90 years ago out of the fortuitous grace of a male president and Congress. I wish I didn't need laws, tools, and sporting events among other things to account for the difference between my strength and that of a man. Even though I personally would never consider a military career, I wish I could serve on the front lines with the men if I had to. If I'm going to put my life on the line, I want to be holding a gun, doing damage, and eligible for the highest recognition if I do die. After all, we don't fight with cutting implements and brute force anymore; we use guns and bombs, things that require aim rather than muscle. But this is all minor and necessary humiliation compared to the horrific and degrading life I could expect without such extra protection. Now besides the massive run on sentence, you are honestly complaining you do not have enough laws to protect you. Look up rape shield laws and the FBIs definition of rape you women have enough laws to keep you safe from not only crime but also the punishment that results when you commit a crime. The US legal system awarded child support to a woman that used rape of a teenage boy to become pregnant. Only have the reproductive rights and parental rights hell in the UK a woman raped her ex husband to become pregnant since she signed a prenuptial agreement and didnt get his money. Is the line you need your property protected from your husband a joke? The reality of divorce is that over 92% of divorced men pay alimony to their ex-wives who live in the

home he bought and/or grew up in despite the fact women have all these masters degrees and college educations you still need our resources. Oh wait of course, here I am think education equaled strong work ethic, when in reality it may as well mean nothing in the work place without work ethic I never showed up to a job with my degree and said pay me to sit around all day doing nothing. Who exactly is giving up on life, the men? Well yes that is true men make up most of the worlds suicides. It has to do with feminized culture increasing our disposability, and the fact you women want hyper masculine men which results in our sons becoming anorexic and bulimic but the focus is solely on girls so as far as feminist are concerned those privileged little pigs can die in a ditch, huh? Is this because Chinese women could not leave their homes in say BC times? Sadly over a 100 men have killed themselves just because they lost the right to see or speak to their child. Oh, well poor man tears huh get over it silly men, move on. You really are stereotyping men as abusers despite the fact over 44% of domestic violence victims that are reported, and if Datelines social experiment proves how much society hates men, if you were to abuse me publically people would point and laugh at me including the police! Yes, an officer of the law stopped looked at a woman beating a man laughed at him and left. Oddly enough, you seem to be blind to the amount of power women and feminists have in the US government, it was a feminist senator that drafted VAWA and primary aggressor laws turning the feminist war against men became state funded. Did you know that you could rape your husband or any man and get child support? The greatest crime with rape in the US is that it is defined as unlawful penetration. Dumbed down that means women cannot be rapists even if they drug a man and steal his semen. Now before you claim to be fighting that state fuck ups, feminists are actually challenging the federal government to not include men as victims of women. Guns, missiles, and bombs actually do require muscle, since you have no interest in the military you only see the occasion drone strike on the news and go I can do that. Ill tell you this an M136 AT missile is more than 14lbs, the newest and lightest combat helmet is 8lbs, and a combat vest without the ceramic plates (not using the 10 plates is a death sentence)weights in at a good 35lbs. Now that is not including a full load out of ammunition, food, water, radios and grenades for a total of over 200lbs. As for war Ill let you in on secret, no matter how advanced a computer, it still cant secure an objective and hold the line.

The flip side of that coin is what harm can come to the female psyche when she is constantly reminded of the protection she needs. Feelings of physical inferiority all too often, through attrition on the female's part and perverse logic ranging from paternalistic to misogynistic on the male's part, translate into feelings of intellectual and/or moral inferiority. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that goes onto deny generations of half the world's innovativeness. It's simply not worth the loss of progress for men to hog the innovative limelight; it propagates a stereotype of female intellectual inferiority that is simply not true. These are the facts: men have more massive brains, but to compensate for size differences, women's brains have more surface area and more connections between neurons. Most brain scans show that men tend to use more of one hemisphere of their

brain (usually the left), while women tend to use an almost equal amount of both the left and right hemispheres; but the average amount of neurological activity is roughly the same in both sexes. Male subjects have shown a marginally greater proclivity for math and science, and women for communication and the arts; but the differences are vastly outstripped by variation in aptitudes between individuals, schools, and even ethnicities (the last due to differences in linguistic development). To base mental inferiority on a physical disadvantage is ludicrous. The brain is in the head, not the pelvis, or the groin. Hogging the spotlight for innovation is it; oh forgive me if my gender is just more creative and innovative than your own. Constantly being remind of needing protection the only people constantly bitching about women needing protection are feminists its why the drafted the bullshit pseudo statistics VAWA and dont link me the FBI as a source for domestic violence they spend more money and time black listing and gunning innocence down to care about domestic violence and rape. The reality is women commit sex crimes and domestic violence at equal or higher rates than men. Men havent kept women locked up throughout history much too feminist chagrin. In fact women have been getting college education since the late 18th century and that is only for the US. Oh yes women are so equal to men in math and sciences even though Americas school system thanks to feminism uses Ritalin to control the boys so that the teachers can focus on educating the girls. Now despite this sick use of narcotics on our sons, boys still make up a larger portion of advanced placement students. I do not know about you but it seems men just might be superior to women, after all the things feminists use to reduce men to domesticated labor animals and felons we still out class the womyn, and can you state where exactly are women being bombarded with information claiming that they are the inferior gender? I mean I see women act like the superior gender all the time, giving me token equality at best, and more often flat out abuse. You talk about the brain being in the head and not in the groin or pelvis, yet if anyone in the world of politics wants a quick win he should certainly speak about womens pelvic regions as the main objective of his or her campaign. I did love how the democratic national convention said our daughter should be paid the same as our son for the same job as our sons even though our sons do more dangerous jobs and work longer hours of course the women cheered theyll be getting paid for not working as hard. The fact is women had plenty of opportunity before feminism as far back as the Roman Empire even. Hell women now dominate the field of college educated Americans but every male dominated country like, Japan and China surpass America in science and industry. Thank god feminist didnt take hold until after the cold war, hell Obama in Regans shoes would just nuked the Soviets and thought nothing of it. The Chinese have created a 5th generation stealth fighter in a matter of years and well under the budget originally drafted for Americas F-35 JSF program. The F35 is Americas so called cheap and economical future fighter jet that just so happens to run over budget repeatedly.

Despite claims from many segments of the population, men and women alike, that feminism is an outdated concept that has degenerated into pure fanaticism with the decline of tangible targets,

several trends assure me feminism in its proper form is still very relevant. I will only touch on the two for now, since so many of these issues are unnecessarily polarizing and subject to cultural bias, both on readers' parts and mine. One is global, the other particular to a few other western nations. Here in the USA, outlawing most forms of sex discrimination in the legal sphere led to chauvinism going into a sort of stealth mode, seeking its outlet in the subtleties of pop culture. It sneaks new or overhauled stereotypes around token, often sexualized heroines, with the assurance that the few strong women add just enough balance to offset the resurgence of the ditzy blondes, petty sluts, evil temptresses, and damsels in distress. Nobody seems to notice that every year our pop idols are losing more clothes, talent, and distinct looks in favor of bigger breasts, fuller lips, and other purely cosmetic dcor. Try this exercise: How many female movie or pop stars can you name? Probably a lot. How many faces or distinct facial features can you associate with them? Probably a lot less. Try it again with male stars. The number of faces and number of names were a lot closer, right. That is objectification in action, and it's not limited to performance industries. One could argue it stems from a desire to lend our stale, repetitive plots and scores some classical artistic finesse; what better what than falling back on the oldest, most popular subject in the history of art? I don't dispute that the female figure (or the male figure for that matter) can be a work of art. What I object to is using it as a default to stir primal interest just in case nothing else about one's art is worth paying attention to, or worse, using it as compensation for lack of talent in an arena where looks should have no bearing whatsoever. Outlawing sexual discrimination on paper has only made it legal for men to be discriminated against now despite what Wikipedia says about title IX and VAWA the reality is that both have and are harming men. Sadly if you didnt spend so much fucking time there and looked at feminism with more than just your delusional definition based notions and look at some of its actions or read a book that didnt provide feminism with a few thousand pages of ass worship, youd see why men and women hate feminism. Things like VAWA supports mythical notions of men as abusers, and women as victims only. If I were a woman, I would be pissed that all I am thanks to feminism is a victim of men. Women hate feminism because it doesnt empower them it makes them weak, and men hate it because it labels us as societies woes, sex fiends and abusers of women. All despite the fact that everything in society from nuclear and solar energy to the food we buy is thanks to a man. Open your eyes and then you will that feminists in general not just radicals are obsessed with committing mass murder against men and boys if you took the time read works by Joanna Russ. Now do not just read what she or Wikipedia had to say about it this is what you need to see for yourself, how she detailed the mass murder of men and boys for her lesbian utopia go to school and poison the food or pills of little boys. It would be easy just like the feminists of radical feminist hub say boys are on Ritalin already how hard is it to replace Ritalin with arsenic that was mentioned in Jo Anna Russs work the boys at school were given vitamins that sterilized them then killed them. Other feminists are better at hiding their hate through fictional character they base on themselves. Gloria Steinem wrote a character that thinks men are nothing but rapists and that is about it. Now do you honestly expect

me to buy the bullshit line its just her fictional character when she tries to strip anyone that disagrees with her of free speech?

Luckily, not everyone pays attention to pop culture. Impact averted. No. The global trend, and for me the one that hits closer to home is the free range bullying online. On the web, people of all nations collude from behind pseudonyms or simply an "anonymous" label. Names and faces assign responsibility; without that, all the bigots, sexists, chauvinists, racists, and homophobes can with impunity unleash all the hate and prejudice they bottled up to get through everyday conversations without incurring acquaintances' wrath. Now, people are not like chemical mixturesthey don't meet at some mean, mode, or median opinion. People rally around whoever barks loudest, and empirically speaking, the louder the argument, the more emotionally involved the arguer is with the premise. From there, as long as the message continues to offend people and as long as people can continue to post anonymously, the message will be repeated ad infinitum if for no other reason than shock value. One might be tempted to say that most people are joking when they post "shut up and get back in the kitchen," call women bitches and whores, reduce women in conversation to the vulgar slang for their genitalia, and treat rape as funny or deserved. If it's pretend it shouldn't be a problem; but it is. No person ever completely outgrows impressionability. People will start to believe almost anything if they hear it often enough; politicians know this better than anyone. That's how the Tea Party in the USA moved from political fabrication to real movement. That's how our country's media came to be labeled "liberal" even though all 6 major news corporations are headed by conservatives. That's even how America was convinced that Iraq had WMDs despite all the research and intelligence to the contrary. Likewise, people constantly bombarded with sexist jokes can eventually come to believe that brand of humor (if it can be called that) is acceptable offline and that women who protest are being overly sensitive. This in turn reinforces more serious chauvinists' arguments that women are stupidly driven by emotion, which only motivates further harassment. Either way, whether the irresponsible jokers realize it or not, both they and the women they harass are slowly internalizing the insults. The collective impact on the female psyche is not so different from an abusive relationship. I know this from personal experience, and constantly worry how many of my peers who tell these jokes subconsciously believe what they say. I worry even more that this trend may be a reaction to the public lambasting men as dimwits led by their second head. Boy's test scores have declined in the past few decades in step with the popularity of sexist jokes and the stereotype of the idiot husband. And discipline problems are on the rise in both sexes. Men and women take note: anonymous or not, a joke is never just a joke. It is a mirror of the person or society that told it. That and paybacks are hell. Paybacks are hell; well its actually pay back is a bitch, like you. Now if I had the same amount of spinal column as a male feminist, I would label that as a threat of violence against men. Oh hell it is a threat of violence you even told me that, and you wonder why I paint feminists as a violent lot of female terrorists in my fiction. Now tell me where do you see or watch these kitchen jokes? Online

but if you watch Modern Family for 15 minutes you will see how misandrious the most popular Wednesday Night show in Americas TV lineup is. The husband and son (hell all men)are total morons that cant do anything right, unless its by accident. Now if you werent so self centered youd know that every day in schools and where ever a boy goes he has to hear and accept your female superiority rants or else he is a bad mean sexist. I am sure you have won a lot of debates sitting on the sex card alone. Tell me where you are finding all this anti-female rhetoric because I have looked all over the net and in real life, the only things found are putting men down and elevating women far more often than a few kitchen jokes. If we do not want to marry you, we are immature babies, even if we are smart enough not to stick around with cheep abusive whores for more than a night. The only Ad Infinitum I have seen is female superiority, its being passed out like candy on Halloween. And if you want with empirical data then guess what your use of Manboobz as a legit source certainly doesn't leave much room for doubt that you are a misandric bitch. I won't pretend to be writing this to protest some grave injustice done to me in the past. I've lived very well, and am proud to be the third generation in a line of working women who have all ended up as either the primary or the sole breadwinners of the household. I owe all of them a great deal for never letting me shortchange myself, for always helping me patch up the emotional wounds from others, and for supporting me all the way into my current collegiate career. It's because of them that I realize the fight isn't over, that it's still not okay to let people casually label me "bitch" and hang on my shoulders, like dead weight, all the unsavory images and low expectations that come with the name. It's for their sake that I stay informed in politics and take care not to waste my vote or take it for granted. It's thanks to them that I know I can't be a true feminist unless I give men the same respect I expect from them, and hold them to the same standards I hold myself. Feminism is about reciprocity, not revenge. It's about respecting anatomical differences without letting them interfere. And fundamentally, it's a subset of humankind's duties to improve the lives of other humans. Welcome to 21st-century feminism. At least you are not doing this because you decided to date a slick sexy man who had no desire to be with you past a night, like so many other women who make bad choices and cannot accept their own mistake. Its also nice to know that while you lived a privileged life with art schools and summer camps, I lived on the streets for years and endured enough abuse from women to make a serial killer. While you got a sweet sixteen party I had another ignored birthday to add to the 27 years I've been alive. While you put a yellow ribbon on your car I strapped a piece of steal on the bottom of a hummer for added protection from IEDs. Now did you even think that your father might have hit a bad run in this economy since women have laws that literally protect them from being fired? In any case, as I keep reading, you seem to be gloating about how superior the women in your family are to the men. That is misandry, and you are supporting female superiority. Therefore, I will go on about my life every abuser in my life had tits and a vagina and no I am not an exception to the rule of abuse victims. I actually the norm but you feminists believe women are superior and cant abuse anyone even though the empirical data is against you. You want to know something being a sole

breadwinner is easy when you have a law protecting your job even if you perform in a subpar manner. From the sounds of you alone, I would hate to be your father much less your brother, cousin or any relation. All my abusers were physical, sexual but rarely as passive aggressive and manipulative as the manner in which you speak. You demonstrate how useless and inferior your father is compared to mommy and grand ma. If you are trying to persuade people that feminism uses facts and loves men this is a piss poor excuse no link or articles its like throwing a sparkler at a terrorist and calling it a grenade. Of course, by your own admission father taught you art and by your admission supported you the most in hard times, so now can you see why I dont want a daughter the empirical data here just proves females to be ungrateful passive aggressive brats. Now in keeping with feminist fashion not once have you provided a link our book source for any of the information you have stated and why is that? I mean you link Wikipedia to me as though it is the USA Today, the CDC or some other non-Fox news agency. On Wikipedia in less than 5 minutes I edited in how Bob Dole gave me Hepatitis B, said Abe Lincoln was democrat born on the moon, and said Jesus Christ had a laser beam helmet. Do you like being wrong?

Works Cited
Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families. (n.d.). Perpetrators of Child Abuse . Retrieved from NOW's Attack on Fathers . (n.d.). Retrieved december 2012, from Fathers Rights:

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