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2 Construction Methodl phap thi cong

2.1 General! Gi&j chung

In general, cast-in-site underground diaphragm walls are constructed
primarily through the following procedures:
Excavating (including verticality inspection, joint treatment)
Installation of rebar cages
Concrete placing
Nhin chung, cong tac thi cong tU'&ng vay c1u'Q'c tien hanh theo cac cong
aor;Jn chlnh sau:
Dao (bao gam kjem tra a thang aung. XLl'ly mol noi)
Lap cl(Jt long thep
)0 be tong
Long-bucket Grab will be adopted for excavations of diaphragm walls in
this project. Tung-Feng will use self-made heavy grab and a 50-70T
crawler crane for the grab. The joint of partition plate can be clean
thoroughly to prevent water seepage. The horizontal bars of primary
panels are embedded almost 60-80cm into secondary panels and the
rebar cages of primary panels and secondary panels are lapped to ensure
the joint rigid.
PhuD'ng phap gaLl ngo?m Icas cJL.fQ'c dCJng cho cong tac clao tu&ng vay
Tung Feng se dCJng gaLl tl/ cai tifm va mot cu banh xich 101;1;
50-70T MtIu no; cLia vach ngan auqc lam S;;lch ae ngan ch(Jn
nu'6c. Cac thanh ngang cua cac long am cluQ'C aUla VaG mot khoang
60-80cm VaG trang cac long dU'O'ng va 16ng thep cDa CaG panel du'Ong va
panel am aLfQ'C noi ch6ng ae clam bao cl cCmg ciia mo; noi.
In this diaphragm walls use ICOS method to construct retaining wall using
bucket grabs.
Trang cong tac thi cong turmg vay cDa an nay, Nha thEw Tung Feng
dung phuung phap ICOS, ae thi cong tu&ng bfmg gall ngo?m.
2.2 Partition Plate Overlapping Joint Method I
PhU'O'ng phap cfau no; tam
There are many methods for joint treatment of diaphragm walls. For
example, Interlocking Pipe method, Water Stop method, Partition Plate
method, etc. However, the main purpose of these methods is to avoid
water and soil going into excavation area. From experience, panel joint
area is a major problem that can cause excavation retaining to collapse.
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President's Place Project Page: 3
To prevent the disaster, a good method of stopping water from seeping
through the joints is necessary.
Co nhiEJU phu'O'ng philp xu Iy mEW noi cho tuang vay. Vi dl) nhU' phuong
phap n6i COC, phuong phap Nk ong nu'6'c; phuong phap noi tam chi;Jn ...
Tuy nhien, ml)C (fich chinh cua cac phu'ong phap nay la ngan mr&c va oat
vao trang khu Vi!C aao. thea kinh Vung lien ket giCfa cac panella
1 van cfe quan frong ma no co th4 gay ra svp f{5' thanh aao. 017 phong
hoa nay, mOt 1 phuong phap t ngan chi;m nLF6'c r6 (i oi qua m6i no;
(hay vung lien ket) la van 017 c.n thiet.
Partition Plate Overlapping Joint will be used for the diaphragm wall
construction in this project. According to construction sequence and rebar
cage shape, there are three types of panels: 1. primary panel (female); 2.
Secondary panel (male); 3. Possessive panel (hybrid).
Phuong phap (Jau /1oi tam chi'jf7 se au'Q'c s{r dl)ng thi cong tu'&ng vay cho
dl!' an nay Thea trinh tl)' thi cong va hinh df)ng cL/a long thepJ co 3 df)ng
16ng: 1. panel am; 2. panel duong, 3. panel trung tinh (hon hop).
Generally, the excavation starts with a primary panel which consists a 2 +
1 cutting pattern. The pattern usually starts at one end of the panel, over
excavating the panel's segment; then moves on to the other end, also
over excavating; finally, finished the middle wedge cut. Usually two
primary panels would be installed first then the secondary panel would be
slotted in the middle. As for the secondary panel, the cutting pattern is in 1
+ 2 formation. Since both sides of the secondary panel already has been
excavated from the primary panel's cut, it will start in the middle, thus
creating two wedges, and then finish the excavation of the panel by
grabbing the last two wedges. Further, the cutting pattern of a possessive
panel is usually adopted with 1 + 1 formation to extend a finished panel.
Ml cach tong quat, cong lac cIao bat Gau v&i panel am GaLl lien ThU'o-ng
2 panel am se c1U'O'C lap oi'jt tru'o'c sau (fo panel duo'ng lap vao giCra 2
panel am. each aao panel dl.fO'ng: vi 2 mi'jt clla panel du'Ong aa oU'Q'c aao
tu' 2 panel am nam Ian c(ln, nen panel dLJ'ong se bat oau Gao 0' gi{J'a cLia
panel nay.
Baa 1 Baa 2
1 1
_P::l_n_e_l_Ch_f01l_g 9:! em .?PHn"! ommp
Baa 3
The rebar cages of a primary panel will be installed with partition plates on
both sides in the longitudinal direction. The horizontal bars of these will be
threaded through the partition plates to overlap the rebar cages of
secondary panels. For a secondary panel, the horizontal bars of rebar
cages will be shrunk and there are no partition plates. Besides, rebar
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 4
cages of a processive panel include different joint patterns. The joint
diagram is shown as follows:
L6ng thep cua nhCrng panel am se cfU'Q'C lap cfi;3t v6'i vach ngan tren Cel hai
phfa thea chieu dQc. Nh(mg thanh ngang se cfuQ'C lap vaa xuyen qua cac
vach ngan nay cTe g6i len long thep cua panel dLfang J6i vai panel duong,
nhfmg thanh ngang cua 16ng thep se bi co nit 1
i va kh6ng co tam vach.
Ngoai ra, long thep cua panel trung tinh baa g6m nhieu kieu lien ket. SO'
66 cua lien kef cfU'Q'C the nhU' sau:
\Ao'r 8a" .... ;2020'
Prtmary Panel
j " \
Seoondary Pacel
; f

200 1000
600 400
Jc'n De:oil
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
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End Plate Stop H16@300
Horizontal 8a
2 Bxl.25'@200
I.e; I v
I L-40x20x3 @200
O.35mm PE
Re . Ora ing 2
Partition Plate Detail
The advantages of the joints are: 1> Joints with partition plates can be
cleaned thoroughly to prevent water seepage. 2. The horizontal bars of
primary panels are embedded almost 50-80cm into secondary panels and
the rebar cages of primary panels and secondary panels are lapped to
ensure the joint rigidities.
U'u (fIem cua nhCmg lien kef nay la:
- Lien v6'i tam v8ch co the lam sqch de dang oe tranh SV' tham nuO'c.
- Thanh ngang clla long am aUlfIC oua vao long duung mt khoang 60-80
em va long thep cua long am va long dU'O'f1g oU-C;YC long vao nhau ae aam
bao of;> c(mg cua lien kef
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Comparison between
Water Stop Joint and Partition Plate Over-lapping Joint
So sanh gifra
PhU'O'ng phap m6i n6i ch6ng va phU'O'ng phap
n6i chan
Water Stop Joint
Description Partition Plate Over-lapping Joint
(e.g. CWS Method)
Mo ta Mllu ndi ttJm chi;Jn
MEW ndi chdnq thllm
Rebar of Joint Area The rebar can not extend for The rebar can extend for overlap
overlap between two panel units. between two panel units; this
fJocjJn ndi 16ng tMp
and the connecting strength for the improves connecting strength of
diaphragm wall is poor. diaphragm wall.
TMp khOng keo dai ot; noi TMp co keo dai noi ch6ng
ch6ng qua 2 16ng va SLfC cho giCfa 2 16ng, cai thifjn vifjc SLfC
tlf&ng vay b; cho tLf&nq va v:
Before Concrete Can not clean the joint face of .. Using the Box Scrub and Steel Sheet
Placing of Water Stop, because the water stop Scrub to clean the joint face of the
Secondary Panel material may be Damaged orFalled End Panel.
(Male Panel) Off.
$u di,mg h<')p rua hof;ic tllm lam
Twoc khi 06 be tong lam s<;Jch b mf;it cua mau noi tEJm
cho 16ng dlfong
Khong thE lam s<;Jch b< mf;it cua mdi
chf;in panel.
chOng thtlm co thE bj My hO<;Ji
b; pM My
ndi ch6ng thllm, vi nguyen vfit
Partition Plate fabricated along with
steel bar which is time consuming.
Working Efficiency Water Stop installed with Stop-end
rebar cage so as to save working
Hifju qua kinh
Ch6ng thllm OlfQ'C Illp of;it thanh
chf;in cudi Tam chf;in doc 16ng thep
th&i gian
Partition Plate has enough stiffness
and fixed the shape is difficult.
Stiffness The Water Stop is a rubber band,
This is difficult to be out of shape.
fJO bn
Mllu ndi chdng thtJm la m<')t day T;m chf;in co ou 00 b<n, rllt kh6
thun va t<;JO ra hinh d<;Jng vLfa kh&p d<;Jng
thi r;t kh6
No follow-up work after concrete
(Female Panel)
After Primary Panel Need to pullout the Stop-end steel
Concrete Placing of
bar after 24 hours of concrete
placing. When pull out the
KhOng co cong nao kem thea
Follow-Up Work Stop-end caisson beam, it is apt to
sau khi 06 be tong.
cause the Water Stop to come off or
Sau panel oEw tien
(panel16ng am) thea
doi cong tac 06 be keo t;m tMp chi;Jn cudi sau
tong 24h 06 be tong. Khi keo ketxon
chf;in cUdi, no co la nguyen
nhBn gay mtJu noi ch6ng thllm b;
If the diaphragm wall is deeper, the Partition Plate fixed with rebar cage,
risk is very high when removing
Risk of Connection
cast in to diaphragm wall without
Rui ro ndi
removal after construction, there is no
sheer key and water stop, the risk
caisson beam, if partially install
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Comparison between
Water Stop Joint and Partition Plate Over-lapping Joint
So sanh gifi'a
PhU'O'ng phap m6i n6i ch6ng va phU'O'ng phap
n6i chan
M6 ta
Water Stop Joint
(eg. CWS Method)
n6i ch6ng tMm
Partition Plate Over-lapping Joint
n6i chfJn
of pipe-leaking is higher
tuang vay sau han, rui ra
cao khi dai dtlm kaixon , ntw ltip
sheer key va ch6ng rui ra cua
r6 r7 cao.
chiln c6 djnh trang Idng tMp, dfJt
vao tuang vay khOng thEw ra sau khi
xay dl,mg, khOng c6 rui ra
While Coming Off or
Khi bj hOng ho?c
It is difficult to repair
Rt kh6 sua chua
Partition Plate is fixed by welding on
the rebar cage of primary panel
(female panel) and is not easy to
come off or damage.
Tm chiln duQ'c han c6 dinh trang
Idng tMp cua Idng am va khO bj hu
hay h?i.
Structure Non-structure connection, sheering Structure connection by rebar cage
Consideration force transferred to pure concrete overlap, RC system to take shear
Xem xet cu
sheering key which cannot take
bending moment.
Lien khOng chju Il!c , Il!c dt ,
qua be tong I/!C cM chfnh
khOng di cung vai moment chju
force and bending moment, control
un-uniform deformation
Lien do Idng tMp n6i
cMng len nhau, M th6ng RC c6 Il!c
cilt va u6n cong, ditJu chlnh Sl!
d?nq kMnq dtJu.
Cost The construction cost of DW is The construction cost of DW is higher
Chi phi
Chi phi xay dl!ng tuang vay
However, the repairing and risk cost
for excavation is lower
han. Chi phi xay dl,mg tuang vay cao. Tuy
nhien, sua chua va chi phi rui ra
cho cong tac dao thtJp.
Note: Risk Avoidance, do whatever Necessary before Damage
Happen, Control the Quality of the Work to Prevent Un-know Risk.
Ghi chu: Tranh nli TO, lam bat eLf diEm gi thi&t tnrac khi thi(! h:;Ji xay ra,
soM chat 1U'()'ng ngan ch$in vi{k kh6ng bi&t nli TO xay ra.
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
President's Place Project Page: 8
2.3 Work Flow Chart! Trinh tt)' thi cong
The work flow-chart is shown below.
Trinh tl)} thi cong
No Material Test an
Concrete Placing
Verticality No
Guild Walls,
Pavement and Ponds
Machine Preparation,
Rebar Gage Yard
Site Clearing, Grading,
Surveying and Layou
Rebar Cage Check
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
President's Place Project Page: 9

Son dQn mill Ihi cong
Khao va tric d,lC
TUtlng dan, Duang tl1i cong
fib dung djch

Xilc dinh uQ 6n u!nh
ella dung Jit.:h
KiC11l tra dung dich
(II Irt,mg. (II) pH.
do llh<1l1
Dua v;it
cong tfU<"mg
Tlll'r nguyen v5t
hu d
Uia cong Ic3ng: thep
Kitlll tra l6ng
(hliAn hi may mue.
Gia cong long thep
XLr I)' bun [ilils
Ira bun
va d6 ,au
Chuy n may <lao d n
vi lri xac dinh
Ki2m Ira dO sau lhi21
(1:)0 sail dao)
Khong d(ll
kiEIll tra
Th;mh va
xir Ii bun day coc
Ki mlra
dO dung
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
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3 Site Preparationl Cong tac chuan bi
3.1 Generall Gi&i chung
Before the construction work, there are some preliminary tasks shall be
Site clearing and grading
Surveying and layout
Pavement and sediment ponds
Guide walls
TfU'6'c khi thi eong, elm tief} hanh mot vai eong tae ehuan bi sau:
San don m(It bang thi cong
Khao sat va trae ofie
DU1Yng thi cong va hd dung djch
Toong dan
3.2 Site Clearing and Grading
San bang thi cong
(a) Before constructing, the removal of obstacles, on the ground surface
and underground, shall be completed.
Tru'&c khi thi congo phai fam xong Gong vi(}G sinh be mat. eDng nhu'
duoi m?t oat, mol trer ng<;li Gho thi eong phili au'Q'C fO<;li bo.
(b) The site should be graded for the construction of access road and
pavement. If necessary, the low-lying area should be backfilled. It is
very important for site drainage, machine positioning, and verticality
control of excavation. The distribution of heavy equipment should be
located evenly around the work area to avoid excessive loads or
unbalanced loads.
Cong tru'ong thi eong phai oUY;YG san bang mot cach tu'O'ng oai oe thi
cong ou&ng dan vao cong truu'ng va ouong thi cong. Neu can thief.
Duong thap se OI.YQ'c san lap OfJ dam bao mot cao 00. nay dt
quan trong cho van oe fhoat IlI.YO'e 6' Gong frl.Yong, vi trf o(It va
soat 00 thang oCmg khi dao. phan bo may moc thiet bj 16'/1
nen aU'Q'e ajnh vi deu nhau xung quanh khu vvc lam oJ tranh qua

(c) The construction site should be fenced to maintain the security of the
site and the safety of personnel.
Cong truo't7g thi cong nen co hang rao de dam bao an ninh cong
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
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Revision: A
Page: 11
Iru6ng va an toan cho nhan vien.
3.3 Surveying and Layout I Trac c 1 ~ c va m ~ t bang
thi cong
(a) According to the pre-condition survey report and the results of
Cadastral survey confirming the site boundary, the control points and
benchmarks for this project shall have been installed on a permanent,
unmovable object before piling construction.
Thea kef qua baa cao khao sat dja c h ~ t va dia chinh chi ra ranh gi&i
cua cong tru'ang, nhOng dim kiem soat va moc djnh vj oU'Q'C lap Cff-it
tren v<;it thl: co 6inh tnroc khi thi cong CQC.
(b) The coordinate of diaphragm wall corner will be shown with the CAD
files according to the Drawings for construction of guild walls.
TOi? at) eLla goc Tuong Vay se OlR;YC the hicn trang ban VB CAD thea
nhung bim VB xay dl,mg tu-ang dan.
(c) These corner points will be surveyed by the "Electronic Total Station"
with coordinate method and marked by a steel rod (nail) or a stake.
NhCmg dh3m goc phai du'O'c khao sat bai may toan O$C bang phu'O'Ilg
P ~ B P tQa 09 va c]u'O'e aanh dau bai mof que sitt (cJinh) ho?c mt cay
(d) The offset markings shall be set at least in two perpendicular directions.
The relationship between the corner points and the offset markings
shall be recorded for tracking back in case loss of control points or
bore centre
Cac khoang do so vai tQa dO goe se c]u'()C thiet I?p v&i it nhaf hai oiem
theohai phu-ang vuong goc va ghi chep If;li m6i lien h ~ giD'a diem goc
va cac khoang 60. Trang tru6ng hQ'p c1iem kiem soat ho?c lam CQC bj
mal, co the de dang truy It;1i nh& mo; quan h? giCFa cJiem goc va cJiem
dl!' phong. .
3.4 Pavement and Pondsl f)(J'cyng thi cong va ho
dung djch
(a) The pavement of access road and work area shall be built for
tractor-trailer, truck and crawler crane operation. The pavement can be
20-25cm thick reinforcement concrete (RC) in order to share the
loading of these heavy equipments and to reduce the risk of collapse
during the excavating work. The rebar cage fabrication yard can be
1Oem thick pure concrete (PC).
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 12
fJLI'&ng thi cong va khu VI,J'C lam vi?c S8 elU'Q'C xay dI,J17 g phl)c VI) cho
xe tai, xe keo cTc1y. caLi banh xich. fJLfong thi cong co day 20-25 cm
oe chia bot tai trong cLia nhCmg thiet bj n?ng va lam giam nguy cO' s<tJp
vach trang su6t qua trinh cTao. Bai gia cong long lhep belong day 10
(b) The water/soil ponds will also be installed for storing stabilizing fluid
and excavated soil of construction. Depending on the dimension of the
site, there may be a set or multiple sets of water/soil ponds planed and
Ho chua nu'(yclcTfJt cOng se au'Q'c d?t ae chua fuqng dung dich on
djnh va dAt thai trong qua trinh thi cong. TL)y thea di?n tich cua tung
cong truong, co thJ co mt ho ho?c nhieu ho elLK)'C len k{; hOf;1ch va
3.5 Construction of Guide Walls
Thi cong tU'iYng dan
(a) Before the excavation of diaphragm wall, guide walls will be
constructed at ground level for the following purposes:
Twoc khi dao tuang vay S8 xay dr,mg fU'cmg cao a m?t afJt
cho nhCmg ml)C arch sau:
Guiding the excavating tools at ground level.
OEm huang cho cong c/) oao cao GO m?t
Supporting the top of excavating trench.
La diem tll'a cho c1i"nh cua mu'Ong ranh aao
Allowing reliable reference mark for panels.
La difJm tham chieu Gang tin cho panel.
Monitoring the verticality of the excavation during trenching with
cable operated grabs (as a supplementary witness).
Kiem tra ao thang aLmg trang suat qua trinh dEw ranh khi eTao
bfJng day cap ngo?m (nhU' au&ng thang dai chieu bo sung).
Providing support for rebar cages, tremie pipes, etc.
La aiem t(.fa cho long thep, ong aa be tOng ...
(b) These guide walls will be shallow reinforced concrete, built in an open
trench. Typical guide walls will be connected with pavement and shown
as following drawing:
NhCmg tLf6:ng dan nay S8 du'C)'c vet phan be-tOng eTa elur;yc aa VaG hao
dan. Tuong dan men hinh se oU:Q'c no; v6'i Guong thi cong nhu' hinh ve
ben dLf6'i:
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 13
012@ 200,CROSS,TYP

1000 1000 1000 1000
"'" "'"


\ mo

Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision; A
President's Place Project Page; 14
4 Construction Essentials I NhCPng bLP&c
thi cong chinh
4.1 Panel Layout! bang panel
(a) The Panel Layout Drawing shall be planned and submitted to the
employer for approval.
Ban ve m?t biJng panel se oUQ'c nQp cho Chu caLi tu' phe
(b) Before the construction of the diaphragm walls, the panel
segmentation will be marked on guild walls and confirmed.
Trwc khi xay dVng tLr-&ng vay, nhDng phEw panel se auqc oanh dau
[rEm tu'ang dn va oU'Q'c xac nh?n.
4.2 Positioning of Machinery! Djnh vi may moe
(a) The bucket grab is mounted on a crawler crane. When setting up, the
crane needs to be stabilized. Thus the crawlers on the crane can be
set parallel with the guide wall.
GEnt ngof,imaLfQ'c g811 VaG xe cau banh xich. Khi khat ang, can trvc
can phai alfQ'c giO' on c1jnh. Do d6: banh xfch cua can tn,lc c6 the ou'Q'C
O?t song song v6'i tu{yng dan.
(b) The base machine and bucket grab will be positioned according to the
guide walls and panel marks. The bucket will be hung vertically and the
verticality sensor shall be checked.
may va gaLl nfjo?m au'Q'c ajnh vj thea tu'&ng dan va dau cua panel.
GaL/ au'O'c treo thang aung va cam bien se kiem tra oQ thang aLmg.
4.3 Excavating! Cdngtac aao
(a) The specific gravity, viscosity and pH value of stabilizing fluid shall be
tested and recorded on site before excavating. If unqualified, it shall be
adjusted and tested again.
T1 trQng, ao nh61 va 09 pH cua dung djch on cfjnh phai aU'Q'c kiem tra
va ghi nhf[Jn tf,ii cong tru'cyng trU'oc khi tien hanh cong tac aao. Trang
tnl'&ng hO'P nhO'ng thong so tren kh6ng thoa man nhDng yeu caLI ky
thu?t o ra, se c1LfQ'C aiEw chinh va kiem tra If,ii cho dim khi aLi aieu
cho phep aEw.
(b) A dump truck (or a temporary dump tank) will be moved aside and get
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 15
ready. Both main cable and secondary cable tight will be kept and the
bucket shall be opened. The bucket will be lowered to the trench and
the bucket will be stopped at the bottom of the trench.
Xe tai ch& oat thai (hOflC be ChUB oat thai t<;lm thai) se c1uqc di chuyen
ve mt ben va san sang hoC;'tt c1ng. Ca dEW cap chinh va day cap phv
OLfQ'C gil1' ch(Jt va gall se ouryc rna. GaLl oU'Q'C h<;l xuong cho oen khi
ch<;lm oay ranh.
(c) The cables shall be tight slightly to get the bucket straight and then the
close button will be pushed to close the bucket. The bucket can
completely close at one time in soft ground. In dense or stiff ground,
however, the close button should be push to close the bucker only
after slightly lift-up of the bucket.
Day cap c1u'Q'C ct hai c h ~ t 06 giG' cho gau treo thang oifng. sau 06 se
bam nut d6ng of: gw 06ng l<;Ii. Gau 110an toim co the 06ng l<;Ii khi a
trang a;jt memo Tuy nhien; neu 6' trang ailt o ~ c hay cCrng. chi nen c10ng
gau {<;Ii saLl khi nhac gtw len mt khoimg nh6.
(d) The bucket with soil filled will be gently lifted out of the trench. When
the bucket is lifted higher than the truck, the base machine mast will be
turned to the truck to open the bucket and unload to the truck. And
than, the bucket will be returned to the original position to get ready for
the next excavation.
Gau chua oay oat se OI.J'Qc nhflc len kh6i ranh mt cach nhf} nhang.
Khi gau ouQ'c nhfJ.c len cao han xe tai 00 oat, c(Jt b ~ may oU'Q'C quay
qua xe tai de ma gtlu va 00 oat vao xe. Sau 00, gaLl se oU'Q'c tra l<;Ii vi
trf cO san sang cho 11m oao tiap thea.
(e) After checking and conforming the depth of the excavated trench, the
excavating machine will be removed to another pane;1 and start to drill
when it is ready.
Sau khi kiflm tra va xac nhfm at) sau cua ranh clEw. may dao se OLfC)'C
chllyen ofm phtln khac ctln cIao va bat cIau cIao khi no san sang.
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
President's Place Project Page: 16
4.4 Joint and Bottom Soil TreatmenU Kh&p no; va
xiP /9 bun lang day cC;>C
(a) For construction of a secondary panel, the joints shall be cleaned. To
ensure the cleanliness of the partition plates, brushing in
pre-excavated portion is necessary. Brushing facility is a steel brush
which is welded on a steel box.
Khi thi cong long dLfang, kh6'p n6i phai auqc lam sf;1ch. De dam bao
lam S;;1ch nhOng tam ngfm, can phili quet sc;Jch truvc khi oao.
Cong quet la chOf thep oU'qC him vao mf hp thep
(b) To control the quality of diaphragm wall, before the installation of the
rebar cages, the bottom soil of trench shall be cleaned by bucket grab.
Occasionally, the cleaning after ultrasonic test done ( If necessary).
De ki{;m soat chat lU'Qng tuong va)!, tnJ'6'c khi IfJp 16ng fhep, crttt &
oay cua ranh aao phai oU'Q'c lam sf;1ch bang g{JU ngoCjJtn. Thong thuang,
thai glan lam sf;1ch sau khi kiem tfa sieu am hoan tttt (nEw can
4.5 Verticality Inspection! tra (/9 thang (/{Png
(a) The verticality and wall shape of the completed trench shall be
checked by ultra-sonic test to the accuracy of the excavating depth.
D thang cl&ng va hinh d;;mg tLfang cua fanh 68 hoan thanh phai c1uy;>'c
killm tra bang phU'O'I7g phap sieu am aam baa cho chieu SaL! aao aLI'Q'c
chfnh xac. .
(b) For a primary panel or a processive panel, the ultra-sonic testing
machine will be set with the position of the partition plates, and the
entire drilled depth will be tested.
f)6i v&i panel am hoi[1c panel trung tfnh, may ki{;m tra sieu am aLI'Q'C IfJp
tf;1i vj trf cua tttm vach. loan b chil:w Sail khoan sf; DU'(!C kiem tra.
(c) For a secondary panel, the ultra-sonic testing machine is aligned with
the center of the excavated trench, and the entire drilled depth will be
f)6i v6'i nhO'ng panel dU'O'ng, may ki{;m tfa sieLl am du'Q'c oi[1t tren
aLf6'ng tam cLia fi3nh oEw, loan b chleu sau khoan sf; OLfQ'C kiem tra.
(d) The excavated trench shall be rectified if the deviation is more than the
NeLl sai s6 00 aU'Q'c Ion han dung sal cho phep, ranh oa aao se ouqc
sua If;1i cho df;1t yeu cau.
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4.6 Fabrication and Installation of Rebar Cagel
Gia c6ng va lap c 1 ~ t long thep
(a) Each section of the steel rebar cage should be fabricated and
assembled according to the approved shop-drawings. To avoid
deformations and deflections owing to lifting, the self-weight and the
length of the rebar cage, the finished rebar cage will be well supported
while placed on the ground and during the installation of the rebar
M6i ph.n cua long thep aU'(lc gia cong va lap o?t thea ban ve chi ti6t
thi congo f)tJ tranh birn dr;mg va vong long thep do nang len hOc;lC do
(rong luqng ban than cCing nhu do chieu dai cua 16ng thep, long thep
sau khi cJLfClC gia cong phai au'Clc C/O' khi C/(Jt tren mc;lt dt va ca trang
giai cJoc,w lap Q?t.
(b) The splice of the rebar cage shall be made by lapping with the
approved method (hooks for connecting or welding).
Ch6 nai cua 16ng thep phai C/u'Q'c noi chong len nhau thea phuong
phap da our)'cphe d L / y ~ t (moc hOc;lC hEm).
(c) Mortar blocks will be used as spacers of the 7cm thick cover.
OLing can ke xi-mang day 10cm ae cach long thep va'! ranh.
(d) After completion of all lap splices of the rebar cage, it shall be installed
as soon as possible in order to prevent sedimentation and avoid the
Sau khi hoan tat cac mai no! GLia long thep, lang thep cEm oU'(Yc lap o(Jt
cang sam cang t6t C/J tranh long thep bj dey ho(Jc SeW 1&.
(e) When reached the designed level, the rebar cage shall be suspended
from the top of the guild wall by additional hanger bar. The top level of
the rebar cage shall be confirmed in comparison with that of the
Khi long thep OI.f(Yc O?t orn cao o(J thi6t klJ treo long thep ter phia tren
cua tu&ng dan bang thanh treo bo sung. Cao Cf(J phia tren cLla long
thep phili oU(Yc XBC nh?n so vai cao cJ(J Gua oU'cmg thi congo
(f) Longitudinal and transversal stiffeners will be welded to the cage to
avoid bending and deformation during erection. The connection
between rebar cage sections will be performed on top of the trench
using welding method. Besides, the co-ordination with the
instrumentation subcontractor is very important and shall be much
attention to, especially for the monitoring device installed in Diaphragm
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Wall element.
Giang dQc va ngang phal OW1C han cIe tranh cho 16ng thap b! vong va
bien df;lng trang suot qua trlnh th; cong. Khop no; giCJ'a nhO'ng c1of;ln
phai GLI'C;YC quay len fren ranh c1e thufln han. Ngoal ra, Stl phoi hc;yp
gW'a cac thiet bj cua thEW phv cOng rfit quan trQng va clm c1LfQ'C chLJ y.
cl<;ic clo; val cac thiet bj theo dol aU'O'c lap aflt trang tu'&ng vay
(g) A suitable working crawler crane will be used for installing the rebar
cage into the panel after completion of ultrasonic test. Removable
handling hooks will be used to lift cage sections and to lower them into
the trench. Suspension bars are connected using welding technique to
the top of the cage. These suspension bars are carefully positioned in
order to get the cage at the right level.
May ciw banh xich thich hqp se OLFC)'C sU' dl,JI1g ae lap oflt lang thap
vao panel sau khi kit3m tra SieLl am. Moc cam di of)ng ou'Q'c dung ae
nang cac long lem ho?c hf;l CaG (Jo;;m long xuong trang ranh.
NhO'ng thanh treoaLrqc noi val aau long thap bang ky han.
NhCmg thanh treo nay duqc c1jnh vi mot cach can ae hU'6'ng long
thep vao aung caD dO.
4.7 Installation of Tremie Pipesl Lap ong tremie
(a) Tremie pipes of dia. 8 inch shall be used. The tremie pipes of standard
length, such as 1M, 2M and 3M shall be used. Depending on the panel,
2 or 4 sets of tremie pipes per panel will be utilized.
Ong ao tong voi ouimg kinh 8 inch. chleu dai tieu chuan 1m. 2m va
3m clifq'C sU' dl,mg. TLIY thea t&17g panel. 2 hoi;Jc 4 ong tremle se dLlng
cho mf)t panel.
(b) The tremie pipes shall be connected and lowered piece by piece until it
reaches to the trench bottom. When the tip reaches to the trench
bottom, it will be lifted up for 200mm- 300mm in order to keep an
enough space to discharge concrete.
Ong aa be t6ng phai auvc noi ttmg ong v61 nhau cho den khi cham
day ranh. Khi OaLl ong cham day ranh, ong se (Junc nhac len mot cTof;ln
200mm- 300mm aLl glO' mot khoang can thiet cIe XB betong.
(c) The integrity of the connected tremie pipes shall be inspected during
installation. The water tightness and rubber ring ("o-ring") shall be
regularly checked after connecting each pipe and the defected o-ring
shall be replaced based on the working situation and pipe condition.
Toan b ong 00 be tong OU(JC noi se du'O'c kiem tra trang suot qua trinh
lap oat. Vong chf,3n nu'oc va vong cao SL/ au'Q'c tra thu'cmg XL/yen
saLi mol Ian noi them mot o17g. NhDng vong chi;Jn mr&c bi hu' se dU'Q'c
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
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ttJay the fUy thuc tCmg tinh huang lam vi?c thl/C te va meu ki?n cua
(d) The length of each tremie pipe and the sequence of installation shall
be recorded completely.
Chieu da; ma; ong cT8 be tong va trinh lap o?t phai cJu'r;JC ghi chep
4.8 Concrete Placing! )0 be tong
(a) Polystyrene peanuts and a fitting rubber plug shall be inserted into the
tremie pipes to prevent direct contact between the first charge of
concrete and stabilizing fluid before placing.
Nhva Polixetiren va nut cao su thich hc;rp se at.fQ'c chen vao trang 6ng
trernie cIe ngan ch(m tiep xuc tn,J'c gi(f'a be tong va dung dich on
cJinh tru'C)'c khi a6. .
(b) Prior to commencement of the concrete casting work, the workability of
concrete shall be checked for prevention of blocking tremie pipes.
Tw6'c khi tien hanh cong tac ouc betong, phai kiem tra kha nang lam
vi?c cua belong tranh tinh trC?ng ngh{m 6ng tremie,
(c) Concrete shall be placed in one continuous operation from pile bottom
to cut-off lever by the tremie pipes to avoid segregation. The tip of the
tremie pipes shall be 1.0M lower than the concrete surface during
Betong phai OU'9'C 00 mot kh6i lien tl)C tel' oay CQC cho dEm cao cT cat
CQC oc franh tinh fr;;1I1g phan I&p betong. Trang suat qua trinh ao
belong luon giCf cho 6ng ao be tong ILion ng(Jp trang belong va cach
mcflt thoang be tOng it nhflt 1.0m.
(d) The depth of the poured concrete surface and the tip of tremie pipe
shall be recorded completely before and after each mix truck.
Ghi lC?i mt cach oay au ao SEW cua be m?t betong va aau 6ng tremie
oen cJay CQC trurYc va sau moi xe bel6ng.
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5 Site Manpowerl Bo trf nhan /IJ'C
The manpower planning for the test piling work is shown below.
K h o ~ e h nhan II,PC cho cong tac thu' cQc Quac be5 tri nhLf sau:
ChCrc VI}
Nang II,fC
Ghi ehLi
Site Manager
Quan ('I cong tru&ng
Senior Engineer
Ky SU' tham nien
Site & Survey Engineer
Ky SLf khao sat
Construction Team
fJO! thi eonq
Skill Labor
Lao aonq lanh nqhi}
Rebar Cage Team
DOi gia eong long thep
Skill Labor
Lao Qng lanh nghfl
ICOS Operator
Di{}u k h ; ~ n may ICOS
Crane Operator
fJieu khien may e ~ u
Backhoe Operator
D!{;u khien may aao
The; may
Common Labor
Lao Qong phd thong
Site cleaning and
V? sinh cong trU'o'l1g
va baD vt mo; trU'&nq
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6 Equipment I Thief bj
6.1 Construction Machine! May moe thi cong
The Construction Machine List for DW work is shown below.
Danh sach may moc thi cong t/fang vay nhu' sau:
LOi;li bi
Excavation Digging Rig(with
Crawler Crane 50- 70T)
May dEw tU'cYng Vay
T=60-100cm 01set! bo
Crawler Crane
banh xfch
60 - 80t 01 set! bo
May xuc dao
Dump Truck
Xe do dat
(Rebar Yard)
May phat
PC200 01 set! bO
20 t 01 set! bO
150 KVA 01 set! bo
May phat di$n
100 KVA 01 set! bo
Welding machine
May han
Rebar Cutting Machine
May cat
Rebar Bending Machine
May uon cong thep
15 KW 08 sets! bo
01 set! bo
01 set! bo
Water Pump
May bO'm nU'<Yc
7.5 HP 02 sets! bo
Tremie Pipe
Ong do be tong
8" (2x1 m,2x2m,6x3m) 03 sets! bO
Ultrasonic Monitoring Device
Thiet bj sieu am
Koden 01 set! bO
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
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6.2 Water! NU'<Yc
(a) Enough water is needed to maintain the static water pressure and
keep the level of fluid from collapsing, so the water resources shall be
provided and secured.
CEm duy trl au mm'c ae aam baa ap !t,J'c tlnh va giO' chat fang
tranh S?C fa do V?y nguon nlYac phai cJu'(IC cung cap OL/ va oam baa,
(b) The well pumping the groundwater shall be far apart the excavating
GiJng bam cLing cap nU'O'c ngam phai tach rai khu VI)'C oao.
6.3 Power!
(a) Most of construction machines such as THL machine, crawler cranes,
and excavators use the diesel engine power.
HEw htH may thi cong nhlY fa may oao fu'o'l1g vay cau banh xich, va
nhung may aaa SLI' dl,mg nhien li?u dau diesel.
(b) The following machines will need electric power supply:
Water pump
Welding machine
.Ultra-sonic tester
Power generators will be prepared to provide these machines with
power in site.
NhCmg may sau oay phai dung din:
May bam
May him
May kiem tra sieu am
May phat se au'Q'c chuBn bj cho nhCmg may dLing nay t?;
cong truang.
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7 Inspections and Records
thu va bao cao
7.1 Times of Inspections! Quy trinh thu
During the OW work, the Contractor's engineers will notice the Employer's
personnel and inspect the process at following times.
Trang qua trinh thi cong tUDng vay, ky SLJ' cua nha thEw se thong baa 6tm
nguoi cua ChLi DEw Ttf va nghiJm thu thea qui trinh sau:
(a) Checking the depth of the trench after the termination of excavating.
tra cl sau cLia mLf(Jng sau khi k6t thuc aao
(b) Checking the verticality and profile of the trench by using the
ultra-sonic tester after the removal of excavating machine.
Kiem tra 6(> at:mg va GO nghieng cLia mu'Ong bi!wg si{w am sau
khi di doi may khoal1.
(c) Checking the rebar cages before installation.
Kiem ira 16ng thep tmuc khi lap a(lt
(d) Checking the bottom sludge before concrete placing.
Kiem tra bun lang clay CQC trlJ'6:c khi 06 be tong
(e) Checking the level of finished concreting surface after concrete
Sau khi 60 be t6ng, kiem tra cao of) m?t be tong ela hOEm tck
7.2 Records! Sao cao
(a) One set of records of each panel will be supplied to the Employer's
personnel on site within two days after concrete placing.
Be t6ng ellS hoan sau 2 ngay gai cho nhan vien Chu Bau Tu' mot bO
ghi chep ve panel.
(b) Two signed copies of the completed records will be supplied to the
Employer's Engineer within two weeks.
Gc)'i 2 bO ghi chep hoan chinh va aa ky cho nhan vien cLla chi) oau tu'
trang v6ng 2 tuan.
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(c) The record forms will be provided after discussing.
Bieu m ~ u ghi chep S8 aU'Q'c cung cap sau buoi thEW / u ~ m
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8 Contingency and Solution
Stp co bat ngC>' va giai phap
The possible contingency and solution during piling work will be described
Sf! co b! ng6' va giai phap co X8Y ra suot qua trinh thi cong coc au'(Yc
mieu ta nhl.-I' sau
8.1 Contingency of Drilling Workl S" cO ngO' clia
cong tac khoan
(a) Collapse because of excessive loads! do qua tai
Potential collapse may occur due to the excessive loads. Before
drilling, the equipments that are not necessary should be removed for
drilling. Increasing the viscosity of slurry or using depth of guide wall
.may reduce the risk of collapse. When large collapse happens, all the
'. equipments will be removed and the hole will be backfilled immediately.
For several days, the pile could be drilling again after covering the
. around of the borehole with steel plates and Soil improvement
Kha nang sijp co xay ra do qua tai. Truoc khi khoan. trang b;
khong can se di Tang ae) chan cLia vO'a xi 'nang Q{;; SEW
tLr&ng Dan co the giam nguy cO' Sl,lt !LIn. Khi SI,I'" co lim xay fa cao, tf
ca trang thiet b; se di chuyen va ho khoan se aLfQ'c IfJp If;li ngay tue
val ngay sau, CQC co the c1uQ'C khoan l;;ii sau khi lap nen cua h6 khoan
bEmg thep tam va hOEm thif)n c1t.
(b) Insufficient water head! Nu'6'c kh6ng au n6ng
Insufficient water head in the drilled hole may result in the collapsing of
the drilling surface. Spillage leakage into ground may occur while the
high permeable layer is encountered. Therefore, the water level within
the drilled hole shall be inspected regularly and frequently. Additional
slurry or other solutions may be needed to keep slurry from flowing into
the high permeable layer.
Nu&c kh6ng au n6ng trang ho aa khoan co the la kef qua cua vi(Jc sut
!un cua khoan be Slj'r6 r1 chay fhm VaG trang !ap alit co the xay
ra. Do ao, lop nu'O'c trang ho khoan se aLfQ'C kiem tra thu'&ng XL/yen.
Them vii'a ho gial phap khac co the can ae giLl' ho chay vao trang
lop at.
(c) Liquefaction! Sl;f bitm loang
The distribution of heavy equipment should be located evenly around
the piling area to avoid excessive loads or unbalanced loads. Also,
liquefaction may occur due to earth tremor or ground shaking caused
by heavy equipment According to previous working experience, heavy
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
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equipment should be placed at a good distance away from the
borehole location to ensure the safety of equipment and personnel
during piling work.
S!!' phan bo trang thief bj n ~ m g S6 cJu'Q'c cJ?t cJeLi sung quanh khu VV'C
khoan de tr{mh qua tai ho?c khong can bang. Ngoai ra, St,.f bien loang
co the xay ra do dng eTat ho?c rung l1f3n do trang thiel bj n?ng. Theo
kinh nghi?m cua cac dl! an tn..P6'c, trang thiet bj l1i;mg nen d?t 6' khoang
cach xa vj trf 10 khoan dam baa an loan cho thiel bj va nhan vien trang
qua trinh khoan.
(d) Hindrances in pile position. I Chuang ngai trang ho khoan
In some occasions, huge rock or rotten wood may be encountered
during drilling. Care and patience should be taken to break or
penetrate such objects. To increase working torque or rate may cause
ground shaking and damage the drilling surface.
Trang mt va; trU'6ng hQ'p, can phai c.n th?n va ki{m n h ~ n eTe pha va
va khoan xuyen qua nhCmg tim eTa Ian hay go m(jc trong qua trinh
khoal1. Be tang rna-men ho?c ty I? lam vi?c co the gay rung m(Jt oaf va
Jam hong be m(1t khoan
(d Drill bit and pipe dropping! MDi khoan va 6ng lha
During the drilling process, it is possible that the drilling bit and pipe
snaps and drops suddenly down to the drilled hole. When this accident
happens, workers stop drilling and try to hook and drag the dropped bit
and pipe immediately with the wire with hook of crane.
Trong suot qua lrinh khoan, mOt khoan va ong co the bat ch91 ro';
xL/ong ho khoan. Neu tai n?n nay xay ra, cong nhan se dimg khoan va
co gang moc va keo mu; khoan va ong bj rai lim ngay tLfC thi bang day
co mac cua can Call.
8.2 Contingency of Successive Work
S(J' co kh6ng lucyng trLFOrc
(a) Rebar cage dropping into the drilled hole.! L6ng thep rai xuong ho
When the rebar cage drops into the drilled hole, the installation should
be stopped immediately. The dropped cage should be recovered by
using the wire with hook, which is enough to recover the falling cage.
After recovering, the condition of the cage should be check to make
sure that the cage quality is still accepted for structural use. Another
section will be needed if the cage is not accepted. In order to prevent
the cage from falling or dropping, the connecting points among rebars
and hanging bars should be carefully inspected.
Khi long thep rai xuong ho khoan, vi?c lap long thep can OLl'Q'C dung /;;1i
ngay I?p t(rc. Long thep bj rat sf: oU'o'c keo Irm btmg day co moc eTu dai
de keo long lhep len. Sau kh; long thep oU'Q'C keo !{m, ket cau cua long
thep sf: eTUD'C k;em tra. eTam baa ou tieu chuan chat luang S(f dung,
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
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NtJu long thep khong COl Stf dl,mg dLfC)'c thi can phai co them phfln mai.
tranh cho long thep roi, nhOng moi ndi gio-'8 long thep va fhanh freD
cfm dupc kitJm tra ky
Tremie pipe dropping into the hole before concrete placing.! Ong d6 be
fang raj xuong hd khoan tru'ac khi do belong
Care should be taken while inserting tremie pipes into the hole. When
the tremie pipe is dropped into the hole before concrete placing, the
work should be stopped. A large hook will be used for recovering the
dropping pipe from the hole and resume the work. If it is unsuccessful
to recover, another sufficient tremie pipes will be inserted to resume
the work.
Khi lap ong 66 be tong vao h6 can cJn th?n Trang tru6'ng hQ'p ong 60
be tong rai xuong ho truvc khi do belong, cong phai oUC)'c ngLfng
l<;1i. MQl mac Jon se aLfQ'C s( d{mgc1e k{w ong fa; lif 10 va tiJp t(/C cong
NfW keo khong thanh c6ng,ong do be tong khac se du'P'c them
vao tiep cong vi?c.
Tremie pipe out of the placed concrete.! Ong 06 be tOng nlJm ngoa;
. betong da dO.
If the bottom of tremie pipe be out of the placed concrete due to the
pipe blocked, it is a practicable choice to re-penetrate the cleaned
tremie pipes into the placed concrete before the initial set of concrete,
to vacuum water and slurry in the tremie pipe and to continue placing
concrete. The procedure of the treatment shall be recorded completely
and accurately. The integrity test of the pile shall be executed after 7
days to confirm the structural capability.
NtJu phan duui cua 6ng ao be tong nam ngoai phfln betong aa do do
6ng bi nghen, cach thong dl,mg la xuy{m 1<;1; dng da lam SC;1ch vao
belOng aa 06 tru'O'c kh6i 06 dau tien cLia betong, ae lam s<;1ch nLfO'C va
ho xi mang trang ong va titJp tl)C 06 bf:dong. Trinh tl,lJ cLia phap se
duQ'c ghi nh?n I?i mt cach ally du va chinh X8C. KitJm tra tinh toan
cua cpc se au'Q'c thl)tJ sau 7 ngay de xac nh?n kha nang kef
(b) Collapse during concrete placing/ Sl)t lun trang qua trinh 60 be tong
When placing concrete, there are chances that the wall of hole has
collapsed if the water level suddenly decreases. The placing work
should be stopped immediately, and draw out concrete and mud by
air-lift method. If unsuccessful to clean by air-lift, it is a practicable
choice to grab and clean the drilled hole and to insert the rebuilded
rebar cage.
Khi do be tong, co nguy co' tU'Q:ng bi Sl,lt neu ml) c nU'O'c tang dot ngQt
Cong tac do be tong nen ngLmg ngay lap tlfC va lay be tong va bun ra
bang phlfO'ng phap th6i rI:Ya. Neu th6i rCra khong thanh congo trong
thl,J'c te muc va lam h ho khoan gau va lam long
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
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9 Safety and Environmental Protection
An toan va baa Vf# moi trU'c,ng
9.1 General! Tf>ng quan
This section is outlined the methods and controls initiated by the
Contractor to ensure a safe, hygeian and productive working environment,
for all personnel involved at the worksite.
PhfJn nay gi&l nhDng y chinh ve phuong phap va Sif qulm Ii thl/c
hi?11 bai Nha thfJu oe bao oam an tOE1f1, V? sinh va moi truong lam
qua cho mQi ngu:&i lien quan tai cong truung.
9.2 Safety Implement Proposal! Trinh tl;l' bao dam
an toan
(a) All personnel shall wear helmet and identification card while entering in
the construction site. Only experienced workers work on pile
MQi nguoi lam vi?c cong tru'6"ngoeu pha; oi non bao h va oeo the
nhan hoi;ic the danh cho khach cong tru'&ng. Chi co nhDng cong
nhan lanh nghe m6'i tham gia thi cong c<)c.
(b) No untrained personnel are allowed in the drilling areas.
Nhan vien khong qua huan IUy?f1 se kh6ng ou'Q'c VaG khu vue khoan.
(c) Only trained and necessary workers are allowed to close to the
operating cranes or backhoes for security. No personnel are allowed
into the heavy equipment working zone and under rebar cage
Chi nhO'l1g cong nhan oa cIu'Q'c huan IUYfm va thiet mai oUO'C tiep
c?n khu vY'c CfQng cua can cau va may cIao. Kh6ng co ngU'o'i nao
auq'c phep VaG vung ho?t ang cua may moc b; n(1I1g va vung
ben dLf6'i 16ng thep.
(d) The obstacles of working area shall be cleaned and removed. Access
road shall be unblocked and working area shall be tidy.
NhD'I1g chuang ng?i v;JJt trang khu lam vi?c phai c!u'Q'c lam s?ch va
cIa eli. NhCmg tuyen auong dan vaG cong tru&ng se khong bi tat nghen
va khu VI)'C lam vi?c phai aUQ'c lam s?ch,
(e) Only licensed and trained operators are allowed to drive or operate
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
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Chi nhOng cong nhan co bang cap va oUflC t?P hu<!Jn thich hQ'p mai
ouqc phep v?n hanh xe can cau.
(f) Cranes shall be installed warning device of rolling over.
NhCmg xe caLi se OLfQ'C gan bang canh baa tranh I?t can caLi
(g) Temporary plastic fences shall be installed around the excavated area
and the drilled hole to assure safety. Safety fence shall be installed
around sediment ponds. The drilled hole can be covered with steel
Hang rao tC;Jn1 bang nhll'a sf; OLf9'C dV'ng xung quanh khu vv'c oEW va
h6 khoan o dam baD an toEm. Hang rao an toan cOng sf; OLfQ'C dV'ng
quanh h6 dung djch. H6 khoan co oU'Q'c O?y bang thep tam,
(h) Sufficient slurry shall be provided for drilling and checked regularly for
suitability. The slurry shall maintain emergency reserve quantity.
Mi)t luqng dLing djch khoan V{Pa au sf; QU'(YC cung cap eho vi?c khoan
va kim tra thLf&ng xuyen. Ngoai ra con phai trif mt !u'Q'ng nhat
Cfinh phong cho trU'o'l1g hQ'p khan cap.
(i) The rebar bundle while moving shall be kept from swaying.
NhCmg b6 thep frang khi c1U'Q'c doi c1i phai c1u'C)'c giD' cho khoi lac ILl' qua
U) The integrity of rebar cages and the lifting equipments shall be
checked completely before installation of rebar cages.
Toan b /6ng thep va thief bj nang phai au'qc tra toan b tru'O'c khi
lap Q(tt 16ng thep.
(k) All wire shall be checked before using everyday, and the damaged wire
should be changed immediately.
Toaf? b day phai QU'qC fra tru'oc khi su' hang ngay va
nhCmg day co chat /u'Q'ng kh6ng thoa man yEW caLi Q(tt ra phai dLl'Q'C
thay kip thoi
(1) The welding position and tightness of lifting handles shall be checked
during installation of rebar cage.
Vi tri hEm va CQC chat C(18 tay nam phai c1u'qc klem tra trang suot qua
trinh lap Q(tt /6ng thep.
(m) The work site shall be cleaned up everyday, and the first aid kit shall
be prepared in site.
Gong vi?c & cong tru'6'ng phai dU'Q'c dQn dF,;p s?ch se hang ngay va
phai c6 dvng sO' cap CULl t?i cong tru'ong.
Revision: A Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
Page: 30 President's Place Project
(n) The safety billboard and catchphrase could be installed in site.
Bang k h ~ u hiftu an tOEm co thfJ du'Q'c d/,Yng tren cong truang.
9.3 Environmental Protection! Bao Vf# m6i trU'ang
(a) Clean-up of working areas
Ve sinh khu VI,J'C lam vi(;c
I. At all times, ensure that clean surrounding roads and zones of the
site. The cleaned site shall be kept for all time. The surrounding
area shall be checked regularly and frequently.
Trong mQi Wc; dam bao v ~ sinh nhCmg tuyn du'Ong lim cc;m va
vung phi) c ~ n cong tnl'CYng. Gong troong cJLfQ'C don s;;Jch vft sinh
trong mol IUc. V ~ sinh vung phI) c ~ n phai 6U'Q'c kiem tra thLl'ang
II. The wheels of disposal trucks shall be cleaned and washed before
out of construction site.
Banh xe ciia nhfmg xe 60 6cfJt thai phaf du'Q'c rita s;;Jch truu'c khi ra
kh6i cong truong.
III. Trashcans, temporary garbage dumping ground, and waste
stocking field shall be set in appropriate area. Garbage and
wastes shall be disposed regularly and legally.
Thung rac, ba/do t?m tho'i 6' vj trf phil hOp. Rac thai phai dLFO'C
don s;;Jch mot cach thuang XL/yen va hop phap_
IV. Temporary sanitation facilities in site should be cleaned and
maintained regularly, and disinfected periodically.
NhDng tii?n tich V? sinh t?m thai & cong trLfang nen OLfO'C lam
s?ch va bao tT; thuung xuy{m va cijnh ky_
V Damaged fences will be fixed and repaired immediately.
Hang rao bj hu' h?i pha; cfu'Q'c sLra chu'akjp tho';
(b) Prevention of water pollution
Ngan ngCfa 6 nhiem nUDc
I. Sand screens on manholes shall be installed to keep objects from
blocking drains.
Man cat tren 10 c6ng phai dU'Q'c lap cf?t c1fJ giG-' cho c6ng khong bi
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
President's Place Project Page: 31
II. Mud in storm drain shall be clean periodically. The storm drain
should keep cleaned to prevent mosquito breading and pollution in
dead water.
Bun trang eong ranh phai cfLfQ'C dQn Sqch cJjnh ky. Cong ranh can
cfLfQ'C giCf Sqch ae ngan ch(m mu6i sinh s6i va 6 nhiem ngu6n
III. Sediment ponds on site shall be cleaned periodically.
Ho dung dich & eong tru'cyng phai aLlVc lam Sc;lch ajnh kyo
(c) Prevention of air pollution
Ngan cht;Jn 6 nhiem kh6ng khf
I. Regularly and periodically maintain and check working equipment
and vehicles. Operators shall be familiar with maintenance and
repair of equipment to prevent discharge of dirty exhaust
May moe thi6t bj va xe cO' gi&i phai Quqc kiem tra va bao dLfang
thurmg xuyen. NgU'CYi v?n hanh may phai thu8n thl,1c trang vi?c
bao du-ong va sCra chu'a thief bj, kh6ng de cho thief bj xa khi thai
ra ngoai moi tru'ang.
II. Spread water regularly and randomly to avoid dust.
Phun nLfCJc de giam bv/.
iii, Movevehicles or equipment at lower safe speed.
Oi chuyen xe ca gi61, may moc fhiet bj v61 v ~ m toe an toan.
iv. Keep good ventilation while welding.
Trang khi han, phili thong gio tot.
(d) Prevention of noisy pollution
Ngan cht;Jn 0 nhiem tieng on
I. The use of some immobilized equipment, such as air compressors
and generators, should consider their setup locations where
noise-affected zone can be reduced to a minimal, or the use of
soundproof or quakeproof equipment.
MQt so thief bj kh6ng di chuye1f1 cJuqc nhu' nhLr may nen khi va
may phat cfi?n phil; auqc lap cft;Jt (y vj trf thich hop, giam den muc
to; thitw ti6ng 617 cho nhu'I1g vLing bi anh huang. NeLl khong phai
SLf dl,1ng thief bj chong rung va chong on.
II. Under certain condition and situation, simple soundproof
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
President's Place Project Page: 32
equipment or tools shall be used to reduce the noise level.
Trang nhiYng ki?n va tinh hu6ng nhat Cfinh, nhCmg thief bi
cong Ct) giilm am fhanh sa OLI'9'C SLI
dt)ng giilm tieng on.
III. Beside their suitability, the noise and quake of incoming
equipment or tools shall be checked before operating. The use of
high noise and quake level of equipment and tools is prohibited.
Tat cil thiet bi mEW moc oeu phili oU'9'C kiem tra 00 on va 00 rung
trU'6'C khi v(m hanh. NhCmg thief bj hanh vai 00 on va 00 rung
cao sa khong oU'Q'c phep s& dl,mg.
IV. Equipment operators practically carry out the education of
pollution prevention. Transport trucks, mix trucks, and bulldozers,
etc. should avoid running in neutral gear. Turn off the engine and
turn down radio while waiting.
Nguo'i hanh thief bj phai nhf)n th(rc oU'9'C tm quan trQng cua
vi?c baa V? moi tru&ng. Xe tai lan, tai nh6, xe iii dat khong nen
v?n hEmh kh6ng tai, Phai ong ca va ra-m-o trang thoi gian
v. Surrounding environment, neighborhood, noise level, and traffic
restriction should be taken into consideration for the proposal of
procedures and schedules and construction processing line.
Moi fnrong xung quanh, dan cu' gim cong frU'6'11g, mLYc o on va
h?n che ve m?f gi80 thong can oU'Q'C xet oen frang vi?c xuat
lien eT thi cong,
vi. Working and constructing at night should be avoided if possible.
Neu co the, fn3nh thi cong VaG ban Clem.
VII. The speed of vehicles should be kept under 20 km/hr to reduce
the pounding noise and quaking. The cover steel plate should
keep horizontal to' avoid quaking noise owing to unbalanced
V?n t6c cua cac phU'O'ng ti?n oi I?i trang cong tnr&ng phai giu'
du'&i 20km/gia giam m(rc d9 on va eT rung. TlJm thep phil;
c1u'9'c giO
nam ngang tranh on do thiet b; vcYJn hanh trfm m;fit oat
khong bang phang.
(e) Storage of materials
Cat giu' vf)t lieu
I. Material-stocking fields should be installed in terms of construction
proposal. Each material should be stored systemically and safety.
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 33
Khu vuc lu'u kho nen auqc dl,.mg thea cTe an xay dl)Jng. Moi 10E;li V?t
lii}u phai auo'c sap xep mot cach co hi} thong va an loan.
II. Notice stock height, and avoid blocking working path and roadway.
Cht1 ychieu cao cat giCf v?t lieu. tranh can trcy cToong c1i va 16i lam
iii. Tie down materials strongly and firmly before typhoons or storms
for safety protection.
GiCf V?t li(;u trang trU'o'l7g hQp co baa ae dam baa an toan.
9.4 Traffic Controll Quan Iy giao thong
(a) To avoid traffic accidents, traffic controller or security guards shall
control entrance.
De tranh tai m;U1 giao thong, nguui qulm Iy giao thong ho?c nhan VifJfl
baa phai kiem soat cifa ra vao.
(b) To avoid traffic accidents, heavy construction trucks shall avoid going
in and out of site during rush hours.
De tranh lai nE;ln giao thong, nhDng xe tai xay dl,mg n?ng tranh ra vao
cong troong vao gi&
(c) Construction vehicles must notwaiUpark at the public access road
near the work site entrance. All waiting vehicles must park at site in a
controlled manner to prevent obstruction or accidents on public roads.
Xe cO' gi&i xay dlcmg kh6ng o?ulQO tE;li nhCfng khu Vp'C Quang vao cong
cong gtm cong truvng. Ttll ca nhCmg xe ch& phai cTo trang cong trLf&ng
va QU'Q'C kiem soat sao cho trtmh lam chu'6'ng ng?i V?t hoi;Jc tai
tren QU'Ol1g cong cOng.
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision; A
Page: 34

Introduction of SLURRY-MUD 395
DUNG DICH ON ill H 395
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 35
TEL:(07)385-7083 FAX:(07)387-9418
Powder Polymer For Drilling Additive
SLURRY-JvIUD 395 is a non-fermenting, concentrated co-polymer
designed for fast field mxing. SLURRY-MUD 395 can be lIsed as
drilling additive in certain shale and clay formations as well as an
additive in drilling mud to increase viscosity and lower f1uid loss.
Recommended IJse: Designed for use in mud rotClry drilling to reduce fluid loss in clay
formatlons. The product inhibits hydration of water sensitive shale
and clay formations.
Characteristics: Fast mixing.
Concentrated for high yield.
Becomes more stable over time.
Forms a tight thin filter cake i.n unstable fonnations.
Maintains borehole integrity in both horizontClI and vertical drilled
Eliminates clay Clnd shale swelling, bit bCllling, and sticking
Mixing and
application: When using SLURRY-lvIUD 395 pretreat mix water with soda ash
so that pH is above 9.0.
Humidity: [ 0 ~ 7 . 3
Appearance: White granular powder
Packing: 15kg bag, 60bags per pallet. AII pallets are stretch-wrapped.
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
President's Place Project Page; 36
Tang 7, #68 DU'ang Chin-Hwa. Qu?n San-Ming,
Kaoshiung, f)ai Loan
Tel: (07) 385 - 7083 Fax: (07) 385-9418
M6 ta SLURRY-MUD 395 kh6ng gay xao tr{)n thanh phan
h6a hQC cua chat cho vao,thanh phn chinh la
co-polymer thiet ke oe xuc tac cho qua trinh hoa tr{)n
nhanh han. SLURRY-MUD 395 c6 the stY dl)ng nhU'
m{)t lo?i phI) gia khoan cho nhCmg lo?i oa set va oat
set cCmg nhU' la chat phI) 9ia cho bun khoan oe lam
tang o{) nh6't va lam giam vi?c mat nU'ac.
Khuyen cao stY f)U'Q'c thiet ke oe stY dl)ng oe khoan bun xoay tron oe
dl)ng giam b6't Sl)' mtd chat long trang oat set.
f)(lc tfnh
Hoa tr{)n nhanh
Nang suat cao
On cJjnh han theo thai gian
Hinh thanh lop IQc mong va chac trang oifw
ki?n kh6ng on cJjnh
Ouy trl Sl)' nguyen v ~ n cho 10 khoan theo ca
chieu ngang Ian chieu dQc
Lo?! bo Sl)' phc5ng len, o6ng CI)C va dinh cua
oat va oa set
Tr{)n va (mg dl)ng Khi stYdung SLURRY-MUD 395 oe tr{)n nU'&c v&i b{)t
. soda nen o{) pH Ian han 9.0
Be ngoai B{)t trang
f)6ng g6i 15kg/bao, 60bao/ ki?n. Cac ki?n hangoU'Q'c bao kin.
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 37
Convention Bentonite Slurry-Mud 395
A solid mineral; not soluble;
therefore doesn't mix well with
Totally soluble polymer, mixes well
with the water
1800 (Super Mud: water) will
cause the viscosity between 32-36
sec depending on the water
Simple mixing procedure; maintain
the water pH between 8.5-11.5
with soda ash; no other additive is
Mixing on the spot in the
preparation tank; doesn't need 24
hours hydration.
Specific gravity is the same as
pure water (specific gravity = 1);
and does not increases with
Precipitates the cuttings instead of
suspending; no settling tank is
Works equally well in salt or fresh
Unlimited time of recycling
Mixing Ratio
5%-8% solid depending on the soil
Complicated mixing procedures;
other additives, like, dispersion
agent, viscosifying agent, and
weighting agent, are needed.
Requires 24 hours advanced
mixing; preparation tank is need.
Specific gravity increases with
Cuttings suspend in the slurry for a
long period of time; setting tank
and desending unit are needed
Salt Effect Does not work well in salt water
After 2-3 times of recycling, the
quality is poor
The slurry contains a large amount
of sand making collection difficult.
Sand content after 15-30 minutes
is less than 2% making collection
Low sand content making the
concrete replacement easy without
effecting the strength of the
Creates no mud; maintains the
cleanliness of the site.
Biodegradable; friendly to the
High sand content making the
concrete replacement difficult;
therefore affects the strength of the
Effects on Site
The slurry is muddy making the
site muddy
Effects on
Creates a large amount of
unwanted mud that contaminates
the environment
Unwanted mud needs to be
treated properly.
The polymer structure can be
destructed by strong oxid izer; can
be disposed directly on the ground
after the treatment.
Inexpensive but consumes
excessive shipping and storing
Relatively high compared to
bentonite but has low shipping,
storing and disposing costs
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
President's Place Project Page: 38
Bentonite Polvmer
Hinh ben ngoai Ch;jt khoang rim, khong
hoa tan, do cI6 khong the
hoa tron tot vai nU'ac.
HOEm toan hoa tan trang
nU'ac, hoa tron tot vai
Ti hoa tri?n 5% 8% ch;jt tuy
thuoc VaG c1ieu cI;jt
1.800 (Slurry-mud: nU'ac),
cIO nh&t 32 - 36 tuy thuoc
VaG cIieu nU'ac.
Ouy trinh hoa tri?n Quy trlnh hoa tron phuc
tE;JP; nhCf[7g pht,J gia khac
nhU' ch;jt phfm tan, ch;jt
tE;Jo cIO nh&t, ch!Jt can
bang ty trQng can them
Quy trlnh hoa tron cIan
gian; duy trl cIO pH cua
nU'ac trang khoang 8. 5
11.5 vai bot soda, khong
dn them b;jt cu pht,J gia
nao khac.
Th&i gian ehutm bj Can 24 gla twac khl tron,
can chuan bj be chua
Tron ngay khl chuan bj be
chua, khong can 24 gia
cho hy-rat h6a.
Ti tr9ng Tl trQng tang cung val cI
Tl trQng cua han hQ'p sau
khl tron giong nhU' tJ trQng
cua nU'ac tinh khlet (ti
trQng bang 1) va khong
tang khl cIo nh&t tang
51)' bo tri PhanthualalCfngtrong
han hQ'p trang thai glan
dal; dn bo tri be chua.
Phan thua ket tua thay vi
la ICfng; khong can bo trl
be chua
Tae di?ng eua muoi Khong lam tot trang
Lam tot trang ca
nU'6'c va nU'6'c sE;Jch
Tai Sau 2 3 Itm SLf dl,mg,
ch;jt lU'anq khonq tot
Khong hE;Jn che
51)' hut han h9'P ChualU'Q'ngcatlanlam
cho hut han hQ'p kh6
khan han.
Sau 15 - 30 phut, ham
1U'Q'ng cat nho han 2%
nen hut han hQ'p de
Do betong Ham 1U'Q'ng cat Ian nen
cIo betong nhltm
kh6 khan, do cI6 anh
hU'ang cIo cung cua
Ham 1U'Q'ng cat nho nen
cIo betong de dang ma
khong lam anh hU'ang cIen
cIo c(mg cua betong.
Tae di?ng den eong
Bun lam cho cong trU'ang
lay 10;.
Khong tE;JO ra bun, glCf cho
conq twang luon s<;ich se.
Tae di?ng den moi
T<;io ra mot 1U'Q'ng Ian bun
khong monq muon
ThEm vai mol trU'ang
Thai LU'Q'ng bun khong mong
muon can phal c6
phap XLf Ii thich hQ'p.
c;ju truc h6a hQc cua
polymer c6 the tv phfm
huy ba; nhan to oxi h6a,
c6 the thai twc tlep ra cI;jt
sau khi XLf Iv.
Gia thanh Khonq tien nhU'nq l<;il TU'anq cIoi cao so val
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
President's Place Project Page: 39
ton kem qua mLPc cho chi bentonite nhLmg chi phi
phi v ~ n chuyen va lU'u v ~ n chuyen, lU'u kho, va
kho. xu 1'1 thai thap han.
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
President's Place Project Page: 40
Test Method Time of Test
Viscosity 32-50 sec
Marsh Funnel &
Before Drilling
Before Concreting
After the Rain
pH Value 8.5-11.5 Test Paper Ditto
1.0-1.1 Mud Balance
(May be omitted)
Sand Content <2% Sand Content Set
(May be omitted)
Before Concreting
Note: If have the specification by the design we will use it
Dq nh61
Ti trc;mg
Ham 1U'q'ng cat
tieu chu"an
32-50 giay
PhllO'ng phap
Kiem tra
pheu & ca dong
Kiem tra
Can bang MUD
Kiem tra ham
ILI'Q'ng cat
Th6'i gian tra
TrU'ac khi khoan
TrU'O'c khi db be-tong
Sau khi tU'ai nude
TrU'dc khi khoan
TrU'ac khi do be-tong
Sau khi tU'6'i nu'cYc
(Co the bo qua)
(Co the bo qua)
TrU'dc khi do be-tong
Ghi ehu: Neu co tieu ehuan eua thiet ke , chung tei se SLr dung tieu chuan
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 41
1. Use a finger or a tool to cover the outlet.
Dung ngon tay hay thief bj o bit kin clau ra.
2. Fill the fluid sample (mixed stabilizing fluid) into Marsh funnel up to mark
line 1500 c.c.
Rot clay maLi cht long (chat long da dU'Q'c pha tron) vao pheu cho OEm
vE;lch 1500c. c.
3. Remove the cover and discharge the fluid into a 1-quart (946 c.c.) cup.
Use a stopwatch to measure the time. Generally, the viscosity of pure
clean water is approximately 26 seconds.
M& nap ra cho chat /6ng 06 vao ca clang 1-quart (946 c.c) Dung 06ng
ho bam dt'rng oe ao th&i gian. Thong thwYng, a9 nh01 cua nLl'O'c Sc;lch
khoang 26 giay.
4. The time for fluid to fill up the cup shall be the viscosity of stabilizing
fluid. The unit is in Second.
Thai gian cho chat /6ng oong oEW ca fa 00 nh61 cua cht /6ng 6n cTjnh
Dan vi fa giay.
5. Density has effect on the measured result. The viscosity measured
using Marsh funnel cannot be compared to results from either
viscometer or Rheometer.
Ti trQng anh huang den k ~ t qua ao. EX;; nh6't cia ciu'Q'c bEmg ph[w va ca
oong kh6ng thf; so sanh va; ket qua tif cJ6ng h6 do 09 nh61.
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 42
P H / ~ U & CA DONG
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 43
1. Fill up the cup with fluid sample.
)0 ally ca dong btmg mau chat /6ng lay du'Q'C.
2. Cover the cup and remove the excessive fluid. Clean the cup and place
the balance on the supporting tip. Adjust the balance into leveled
) ~ y ca Dong I?i va bo phan chat long dU'thCFB. RLi'B s?ch ca dong va c J ~ t
can bang trfJn gia aEi.
3. The reading on the balance is the Specific Gravity of the fluid.
Chi s6 can bang chfnh /a ti tr()ng chat long.
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 44
- -
TEST PAPER for pH Value
DiJng giay quy de kiem tra d9 pH
The control of Hydrogen ion concentration in water is very essential for
the effect of stabilizing fluid. In acid water, the super mud can be very
ineffective. Therefore, the water or fluid should be controlled to have a
pH value between 8.5 and 10 before the mix of super mud. The pH is
checked by using pH test paper as shown below.
Vif!c ki6m soat ham IUQ'I1g ion hydra trang mrac rat can t h i ~ t cho hif!u
qua cLla vif!c 6n Ofnh chat long. Trang nu'O'c axit, super mud co the
khong h i ~ u qua. Do ao, nu&c hay chat long can au'Q'c kiem soat aq pH
trang khoi!mg 8.5 a(Jn 10 tnrO'c khi hoa trqn bun. Gia trf pH d'u'Q'c kiem
tra bang cach dung giay quy nhu hinh ve dU'(Yi aay.
pH Test Paper
Gi;jy quy kiem tra dg pH
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction Revision: A
President's Place Project Page: 45
. .
1. Pure the fluid sample into tube up to "MudToHere" mark. Add water into
tube up to "WaterToHere" mark. Cover the open and shake the tube.
Mfw chat long tinh khiet dU'(lC bom VaG den v?ch "MudToHere" (bun
aen day). Them nUD'C cho den v?ch "MudToHere
Dong I?i va lac
2. Use a 200mesh sieve to filter the fluid. The sand content is checked for
the soil particles retained on the sieve.
Dung ILI'O'i 200 de IQC chat long. Ham IUllng cat QU'Q'c kii3m tra bang
phan tel' Qat con I?i tren Iu&i.
3. Put the soil particles retained on the sieve into the scaled tube with
water. Wait for particles to settle on the bottom of the tube.
)0 nhOng phan ttf oat con 1
i trfm lur)'i VaG ong co chia v?ch vai
nuoc. De)'i cho aen khi nhOng phan tLI' nay litng xuong day 6ng
4. The reading on top of the settled soil is the sand content of the sample
Chi s6 phia tfen ong la ham IU'Q'f1g cat cua mau chat 16ng.
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 46
Method Statement for Diaphragm Wall Construction
President's Place Project
Revision: A
Page: 47

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