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Basic Arabic Phrases.

txt Basic Arabic Basic Arabic Phrases Although English is increasingly used in business relationships, in many situations Arabic is the key language, as you would expect. Having a little bit of Arabic to start with is a great way to talk to the locals and converse with some of the people. It also shows that you have made an effort for their culture which is always beneficial. What we have provided below are a few phrases that will give you the basics. Arabs will be particularly impressed that you have at least made an effort to learn their language, and will score you some brownie points in a business situation. We have deliberately tried to spell the words to help you pronounce them correctly. Arabic is a difficult language to learn so the next step up from this would be to take actual lessons.

Assalaam Alaikum -Peace be up on you Page 1

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt To which the reply is: Wa Alaikum assalaam -And peace be upon you This phrase will be used in many different contexts when meeting people. Marhabbah - hello to which the reply is: Marhabbteen - hello This is probably the equivalent of saying hi in the UK Or you could just say Salaam

Sabah al khair - good morning To which the reply is: Page 2

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt Sabah al noor

Masah al khair -good afternoon / evening To which the reply is: Masah al noor

Shukran (jazeelan) -thank you (very much) To which the reply is: Aafwaan -you're welcome An alternative to Shukran is Mushkoor La Shukran - no thank you

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Basic Arabic Phrases.txt Ahlan wa sahlan -Welcome To which the reply is: Ahlan beek - welcome to you (to a male) Ahlan beech (to a female) Ahlan beekum (to a group) This is usually used in introductions

Afwan sorry/excuse me Keef haluk? -How are you? Sometimes shortened to Keefak To which the reply is: Al hamdu lillah (bi khair) - praise be to Allah (well) Page 4

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt This should be the usual reply. Or Zayn which means Fine You could use: Ana bikhayr, shukran - I am fine, thank you Weyn inta - Literally, where are you?, but probably equivalent to Long time no see Occasionally you will hear: Shu-ukhbaarak -what's your news? - which you would reply to in the normal way

Aysh ismuk or Shu Ismuk -what is your name? Ismi Jason -my name is Jason Page 5

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt Titakellem ingleezi -do you speak English? Ana la atakellem al arabi -I don't speak Arabic Terrref arabi? -do you know Arabic Schway shway a little bit Atakullum inglieezi -I speak English

Inta min weyn? -where are you from? Ana min ingliterra -I'm from England Umreeka -USA Oostraaalia -Australia Page 6

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt Al imaraaat -UAE Wa inta? -and you?

Yaallah come on / lets go Mafi Mushkil no problem, sometimes mish mushkila or mu mushkila

Yani is a phrase thrown in to mean like or you know see glossary

Maasalaamah -Goodbye To which the reply is: Page 7

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt Fi aman allah or Maasalaamah

Wayn al hammam where is the toilet?

Miscellaneous Words

Inshallah -If Allah wishes This phrase is used in reference to a future, since all things are at Allah's will. So if you say, see you tomorrow, you might be replied with Inshallah. Indeed, it is used in numerous contexts. You'll send me the report tomorrow? -Inshallah. Maashallah -What Allah wishes This is used when complimenting something, usually in Page 8

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt the context of family or health. Mabrook - Congratulations This is used in any congratulatory context, more so than you would use in English.

Naam - yes Aywa - yeah/ok La - no Min fudluk - please Shoo? - what? Shoofi mafi? -what's up? or what's the matter? Shoo hada? - what is this? Page 9

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt Or you could just use shoo and in context it means whats happening or whats going on? Mafi mushkil -no problem Itfudul -by my guest / my pleasure

When you sneeze you say Al hamdu lillah To which someone will say Yer humkullah And you will say again Yer hamna wa yer humkum

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Basic Arabic Phrases.txt Tamaam - perfect Baadin - later Dilwaati - now Ilyoum - today Bukra - tomorrow Ashoofook bukra - see you tomorrow Aadhi - it's normal Jebli shai - bring me some tea / can I have some tea please Kallemni - call me/talk to me Ma adhri - I dont know Maa-i-khussni - its not my problem Page 11

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt Inta kida - thumbs up Intaa tabaan thumbs down Areed areef - i want to know Mumken asaduq - can i help you

Useful for taxis

Sida - straight Yasar - left Yameen - right Shwey Schwey slow, drive slower. Shwey also means a little bit, perhaps in the context of food. Page 12

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt Khalas finish or stop Awwul - first Thanee - second Thalith - third Rabbea - forth Muffruq turning Shariya road Ishaara - Traffic light / signal At fee Min - From Fouq up That - down Page 13

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt

Tabaan - of course Andi - i have Kam -how much Affwaan -excuse me Kull -everything Wayn- where Maata - when Keyf how shoo what leysh why Page 14

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt meen who


0 -siffr 1 -wahid 2 -itnain 3 -thalatha 4 -arba 5 -khumsah 6 -settah 7 -sabaa Page 15

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt 8 -thamaaneeya 9 -tissaa 10 -asharah 11 -ihda shaar 12- ithna shaar 13 -thalatha shaar 14 - arba ata shaar 15 -khamsta shaar 16 -sitta shaar 17 -saba ata shaar 18 -tamantha shar Page 16

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt 19 -tis ata shar 20 -ishrin 21 -wahid wa ishrin 22 -ithain wa ishrin 23 -thalatha wa ishrin 24 -arbaa wa ishrin etc 30 -thalath een 40 -arba een 50 -khamseen 60 -sitteen 70 -sabeen 80 -thamaneen Page 17

Basic Arabic Phrases.txt 90 -tiseen 100 -miyya 200 -mittain 300 -thalatha miyaa 400 -arba miyya etc 1000 -alf 2000 -alfain 3000 -thalaathat aalaf 4000 -arbaat aalaf

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