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darwin's medieval folly is just an assembly of pieces of facts against darwinism.

A mini handbook of interesting aspects regarding this gnostic medieval folly. that is rejected indirectly by the orthodox ecumenical councils. In the east continued the light of civilisation whilst the west went through the dark ages. the west suffered a spiritual vacuum and rejected the violent condemning god of the west in favour of the enlightenment principle that man is a god according to his own laws, not gods. This treaty of bits and pieces, darwin's medieval folly", shows the medieval origins of darwin's theory. The chaotic world of random brutality and savagery, as postulated by atheistic Darwinism, was a creation not made good, god is non existent and does not interact and participate with man as orthodox christian doctrine maintains. it is a heresy also because it tries to explain creation in a naturalistic and logical way without true greco roman orthodox like

reason that is the harmonic function of the heart and mind working in collaboration. [view orthodox hesychasm] & st Gregory palamas. The orthodox councils condemn this heresy because it developed under specific conditions through specific problems that arose in the west in retaliation to organised religion yet religiously assuming its core catholic tenet. Ie. gnosticism which is the source of all medieval folly that occurred in the west. darwinism adopted the catholic cloak of infallibility without the necessity of natural reason or the physical sciences to back it up. orthodoxy never had this dilemma as no science can ever prove against the tenets of orthodoxy and for orthodoxy, science and reason and theology are harmonically complete. The concept of god creating man in the name of natural selection, implies augustine predestination, where the original paradise was actually the fallen world. man entered a hostile, brutal and

unmerciful world where god showed no love or interaction and that any implication that physical science indicates a creator is deemed absolute illogical. This is exactly how catholicism viewed the world, in a gnostic fashion, the dualistic idea that the body is evil, that any order and symmetry in the world is not god's work for our salvic and healing benefit, but an aspect of the fallen god[gnostic] who creates phantom appearance or godly order but is really demonic. In christianity we make a distinction between these two states of the world pre and after fall. darwinism does not and there can never be a sythesis between the two. it is simply a materialistic humanistic gnostic heresy. Also darwinism is built in complete opposition to any tenets of christian spirituality. its the premise of materialistic science, that was born in the west, which pledges the non existence of the spiritual and the unseen, by automatic default. Many findings like the law of

thermodynamics contradict this basic fundamental law of materialistic science, all different scientific departments contradict eachother. darwinism is that very epitome and that very movement that characterised the enlightenment which was the complete rejection of the spiritual aspect of the bible. And the whole bible for that matter. All scientific data was to be studied from a strictly physical view, without the invisible or unseen, when it is these very unseen processes that are needed to be considered to see the whole holistic process of the system that is being studied in the first place. Therefore their science is merely the continuation of medieval dark age folly that forms the basic tenet of their science. that is gnosticism. darwinism demolishes the ontology of the person and the real existence of the person. evolutionism and predestiny and transmigration of the souls work hand in hand, are all tenets of gnosticism. It

resounds the belief that The person sinning is not in fact sinning since everything is in a state of flux transition and evolutionism which all inevitable lead to higher states of spiritual awareness in the next life. There is therefore no evil! as this would demean the evolution continuum.[ this polemic is not about the connections of esotericism the occult and darwinism[gnosticism] a whole paper could be devoted to just this matter.] The person as a real and essential image of god is not a passing phantom of randomly composed matter. He is intentioned and fashioned by the love of god himself. It does not take someone much thinking power to see that the idea of a competition and other antagonisms that repeat in Darwin ideas like the conepts of, natural selection/survival of the fittest are completely unchristian. christianity intends brotherly love, compassion, empathy, forgiveness and christ shows that your weakness is my strength. Their is no two

more diametrically opposed views. darwin himself spoke of the implication of his theory and how it is categorically and completely unchristian from its prime inception. archbishop lazar puhalo, despite some good orthodox beliefs he has, makes fundamental errors when he speaks of creationism as unchristian. He falls for the western delineated camps and appellations that have no similarity to orthodox christianity. just because certain fundamentalist circles in protestantism subscribe to such ideas, does not make it untrue. this is just stupid. is it more possible that a religion, although not containing the entire and complete faith handed down by the apostles, added truthful elements to her organisation ethos? yes. this creationism is in fact the orthodox's ex nihilio creation out of nothing. lazar puhalo would have a problem with this. christ resurrecting dead bodies,not literally, christ not resurrecting people

from the grave, not literally, what is the implication for not believing literal creationism? yes atheism! he charges creationists as irresponsibly causing atheism well unfortunately lazar puhalo does what he accuses, lets hope he renounces this error as one with a contrite and humble heart if he reviews basic physical scientific evidence will automatically see the marvel in god's creation and will renounce darwinism which is nothing short of atheism. Darwinism is nothing short but a whole scientific discourse that tries to explain creation without the existence of a god. The contemporaries and proponents of darwinism admitted this, why not lazar puhalo? puhalo suffers from the pride of viewing scientists as infallible experts in their own field, rather than to discern their blatant shifting of facts in order to appease the cult and fallen religion of darwinism. just like catholicism in the medieval ages Which man began to rebel from, not

against god but the western god as it is commonly recited. western materialism from the age of enlightenment can be traced to western gnosticism or western christianity's view of separating the world between the mundane and the divine, without ever revealing the mysterious working of the holy spirit and its role with enlightening creation, the wests dilemma was to completely reject the divine and unseen components to their medieval worldview and preserve merely the mundane aspect. Instead of recategorising this idea of mundane in a truly scientific way, [encompassing physical and spiritual as orthodox christianity has] as they often claim, they continued the idea of the mundane in its known and medieval form. which was the nonsensical dividing between the body and the soul and from world with the spiritual. the catholic church rejected any scientific observation of the mundane and assimilated it into its gnostic

presupposition, which is the divine polarity from the mundane. the catholic church consumed and inundated the world with a gnostic delusion and fantasy and overrode all physical and material ideas and thoughts that were observed as true. so the humanistic age was developed from the real spiritual vacuum and dilemma of the west so to salvage man's thirst for knowledge and the world around him and so they fell into the same gnostic errors as the catholic church, they kept the foundations of catholicism's infallible authority, based on gothic tenets of feudalism and orchestrated a science of infallibility which did the reverse of catholicism but did the essentially the same, which is to submerge the world into a worldview point based on pseudo science and impose them onto the whole world in an inquisitorial fashion. It justified social coercion, it invented torturous mental asylum therapies under the guise of psychiatry. it surmised the brutal beast in a random and merciful

world idea reminiscent of gnosticism, that being different or saying non taboo things could stigmatize you as a imbecile and have you sent as a mad loony into a mental asylum in a straight jacket. materialism religiously followed her beliefs lobotomy, or removing the brain to force behavioural changes is one such barbarous practice. This episode in western european history, also the forced sterilization of people deemed unfit to reproduce[eugenics & social darwinism] and the treatment of children as slave labour during the victorian period forcing people in forced labour camps as in victorian england's working houses and the forced snatching of babies from unmarried woman all resemble the cruel and barbarous episodes of the catholic church inquisition throughout europe. The method of treatment of science in psychiatry was social control and coercion which followed western christianity's practice of social control and coercion as the principal basis of feudalistic societies. Also mandated by

enlighteners like hobbs. while the person was a free citizen in constantinople who can inherit property, work for a descent living and have social welfare and many rights protected by the emperor, the west literally had the opposite, as one can see victorian england in the 18th century. This is in stark contrast to many ancient greek authors/philosophers, like democritus who pledged the idea of equality and symmetry in the world as manifestations and signs of a god desiring order through virtue and praxis, or the pre christian ideal which god worked through before seating christianity in the greco roman world. Aristotle is another exemplifying the importance of all to participate in government, for hobbs, the idea of a peasant or savage to form opinion in government was abhorrent to upper class English values. All science is based on this esoteric ideal. that man can manipulate the variables of life for his own short sighted desires. science in the greco roman and christian

orthodox sense was associated completely with both philanthropy and philosophy. philosophy in the west was the practice of some pomps, bar a few, who speculated upon the nature of things without the practice of virtue. if one did not practice virtue, they could not have a clean enough lense to discern the uncreated knowledge of god which attests to all things. they speculated without recourse to the study of their relationship with the environment which connected with virtue. for example, many wrote about equality, when their society was imbued with hypocrisy. when the western universities, under the rich, in the 13 century were re learning justinian's code in a vacuum, they never thought for one moment they could actually practice this theory by implementing it onto all communities who were suffering from grave inequalities of feudualism. the irony is that while they re learnt justinian[in a vacuum], constantinople in the east was practicing this law for the benefit and welfare of the

people. it was a theory not a dead relic, that was living and breathing. In other words it was a fashionable museum relic, this thing called the equal rights of man which gathered eventually a few supporters during the french revolution which created a tyranny within itself. It was often purported by a 19th century writer, white" how ancient greeks supported evolutionary theories. There is absolutely no evidence, but their is evidence for the blatant fabrication of greek authors as having these barbaric ideas. birth maximos.

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