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Our Tribe: KMT Ancient Metaphysical Egypt tribes.tribe.

net/kmt The Tree of Life or the Ennead (planets in astrology) or as Kmt called it Paut N eteru is the sto ry of U, Me, and Us. Ausar, Auset, Heru (Hero-Christ) are within U and Us - not some outside gods, yo u are a living breathing Tree of Life In Kmt we strive for the inner and outer perfection, a so Above so Below approac h; everything is ev erything To get the proper understanding we must keep in mind that the *characte rs (are w ithin us, yet within the Divine as well, meaning all of life) - what h ave been e rrorously called deities or gods as if they were outside of us - we h ave to reme mber these are "personifications' of faculties residing in the spiri t of the Div ine in Man/Woman. The action of the story teaches the Tree of Life in a very viv id and coherent manner which is the best way to affect memorizatio n and understa nding, of the divine functions of these faculties. The Metu Neter is Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) and it means, Words of Divine. Rooted in the ancien t Kemet, three different versions of essentially the same te achings of KMT can be identified in Jewish mysticism by three different spelling s: Kabbalah, Cabal a and Qabalah. ...their origins? Ancient Africa and Kemet of t he cosmic mystery system. Allegories are intentionally chosen as a means dramatize cosmic laws, p rinciples, processes, express them in a way easy to understand. Once ies have be en revealed, they become marvels of sophical completeness and conciseness. for c ommunicating knowledge. They relationships and functions, and the inner meanings of the allegor simultaneous scientific and philo The more they are studied, the richer they become. The inner dimension of the teac hings embedded into each story make them capable of revealing several layers of knowledge, according to the stage of development of the listener. The secre ts are revealed as one evolves higher. The higher we get, the more we see. It i s alwa ys there. The Kemetians (Black Ancient Egyptians) did not believe their allegori es as hist orical facts or gods. They believed IN themselves, in the sense that they believed in the truth beneat h the stories and Myth were within. The Book o f the Dead is one such story, an allegory of the Tree of Life, in whic h the anc ient Africans, Nubians, and Kemeties intuited all of this through knowledge and wisdom by way of Cosmology, i.e. Orion having the Dog Stars, Sirius A. B. etc. H ere we will find the origins of the Zodiac, the Tarot, the I Ching, Geometry, L anguage, Hieroglyphs, Numbers and Mathematics, Philosophy, Language, Science, AL L religions, ALL of our Western Knowledge, Thought, and Culture. A story of the diagram of the process through which God creates the world, Man, and Man s sojo urn in the world. The Tree consists of eleven spheres, numbered fr om zero to 10 . Sphere 0 is at the top, and is depicted as being "above" the tree . It depicts and corresponds to the state of God and of existence before the cre ation of th e thingly, phenomenal world. In the Kamitic tradition, this aspect of the Divine was known variously as Amen, Atum, Aten, Nu, and Nut.

Lectures (To Listen this is great mp3) T he Tree of Life is a Cosmo gram which graphically depicts the order of the univ erse. It is a graphic compliment of the cosmology of the universe. The Tree is a lso a guide for creating any event and a guide for thinking and understanding t h e myriad things in the universe which illustrates the manner in which they all i nterrelate. The Tree highlights the steps a prospective initiate must take an d t he experiences she must undergo in order to achieve the apex of enlightenmen t. African Cosmology Point and click aasorland It was said that the emanations, one to nine, are parts of a system through wh ich Subjective Being, represented by zero (the absence of things, but not of Bei ng this is Amen) creates and administrates physical reality; 10. These nine D EITIES the PAUT NETERU compose the organs systems making up the spiritual bodies of all physical things. They link them with their source of being and su bsistence , and direct their functions. Africa Kmt, better comprehended as a Way of Life M a at, is based on the understanding of the functioning of these nine me taphysic al vessels of creation and administration. As they (within us) are shapi ng and governing functions, of our and the universe activities that carry the fo rce of law (Order). Fri, April 4, 2008 - 9:12 AM - permalink - 3 Comments 3 Comments M eta... 27 Fri, April 4, 2008 - 12:16 PM WHAT ARE THE LAWS OF GOD The 11 Laws Of God Introduction Lets begin by making clear that the Laws of God bear no resembla nce to mans la ws. They are not injunctions or commandments to be obeyed. They ar e not rules, p rohibitions, or regulations prescribed to govern the behavior of man. Neither ar e they conventions that sages have met and agreed upon. They are Principles that explain the nature and interaction of the forces and pr inciple s that influence mans lifehis/her thinking, feelings, actions and desti ny. The ob servance of these Principles will enable the individual to live in har mony with these principles and forces, thus gaining access to Gods wisdom and s piritual p owerall else that is needed or is important in life will follow. They apply to th e 11 spheres of spiritual influence operating in mans spirit and th e world. The presentation of the laws does not appeal to belief, faith or comprehension t hro ugh some, as yet unmanifested, higher spiritual faculty. They appeal to man add a comment

s reasoning power and common experience. They aim at providing man with an unshak able conviction based on logically deriv ed understanding, given that it is thus that the power of the spirit is mobilize d to fully act in the world. There mig ht seem to be a contradiction in the prese ntation of the Laws of God as being b ased on logical reasoning. The contradictio n exists only in the minds of people who have failed to understand the foundatio ns of science and of religion. The word science comes from the Latin scire, meaning to knowactually rule s for determinin that something is truly known. To oppose and exclude science f rom the spiritua l and religious domain is to say that there is incapacity to att ain true knowle dge regarding God and the shaping factors of spirituality and rel igion. This ma y be true of some religions, especially those that have been erect ed upon belie f and faith. It is simple. If you can prove a point, especially with the certain ty provided b y the scientific method, then you wouldnt have to ask someone to be lieve or to have faith in your presentation. We do not say that we have faith or believe tha t combining two atoms of hydrogen with one of oxygen will result in the formatio n of water. We know. The erroneous argument that places religion a nd spirituality in a separate categ ory from science, mathematics and logicbelief and faith versus reason and knowl edgewill be fully refuted in the course of Maat , The 11 Laws of God. This is not the first time that such knowledge has been un veiled. It is well kno wn to a few scholars that several religions of antiquity were not based on faith or belief, but on knowledge. Some such were the Gnostic (gnosis is Greek for kn owledge) religions of Greece (the mysteries of Orpheus, Eleusis), Mithraism of t he Persians and ancient Roman Empire, and many othersmos t of which were derived from the religious systems of Kamit (ancient Egypt). The connection between religion with logic, law and science can be inferred from th e coining of some relevant words. The term religion is related to the IndoEuropean root leg, which means to collect, or connect, from whence the Greek legein, and the L atin legere, meaning logic and legal. The men who coin ed these words connected religi on to law and logic (which determines the legitim ate connection between things) . There was no thought of separating religion from the domain of logical thinkin g. This post will make that clear. Taken as intricate parts of a whole, the 11 l aws work together to support the fa ct that man is a divine beingthe likeness of God, or better yet, Gods vehicle of manifestation in the world. It is clear from the preceding [see section on reasoning under each Law] that re asoning taking t he 11 Laws of God as the premisesin reality one premise with 11 anglesprovides man with the understanding that allows her/him to joyfully cons ent to choose to fo llow Gods Will and Word. How else can man achieve salvation? We have almost 6000 years of recorded history to bear testimony to the disastro us result of man fol lowing his intellect and feelings as guides to living. In th e Hebraic version o f the Qabala, understanding (Binah) is cataloged at the 3rd s phere. In the Kami tic Tree of Life, understanding is the conclusion of reasoning that o ccurs at t he 6th sphere (Heru), while the 3rd sphere corresponds to spiritual po wer (the Shekhem division of the spirit). The apparent contradiction is resolved when it is understood that the Word of God as embodied in divine revelation at the 2nd s phere, Tehuti, or in the 11 Laws of God must be subjected to the deduct ive reas oning process.

In other words, it is not enough to grasp or believe the Laws of God; their logi cal understanding, thus achieved, sets the spiritual power of God in motion. An o ther way of looking at this is to understand that to live the 11 Laws of God w it h love and understanding is to be the image of God. At some point in life, th e image of God as a beneficent father or mother, or both, must be replaced with t he vision of God as the laws governing the world. You must walk, talk, breat he the Laws of Godthey are the image of your Being. Meta... 27 Fri, April 4, 2008 - 12: 19 PM Observing the 11 Laws of God is to be as God and to become the vehicle of God in the worldGods living and true temple. This was stated in a more poetical ma nn er in the spiritual literature of Kamit. The fact that the Godliness within m an is not manifest at first was portrayed in the death of Ausar (mans divine Self ) . It was the function of Heru (mans will) to resurrect Ausar by defeating the f orces of evil within man (Set), which prevented the appearance of mans divinity in the world. 0 Law of Amen You were made in the likeness of a peace that nothin g can disturb. Reclaim your peace that you may attain to your reason for coming into existence the enjoyme nt of life. Reasoning: If in truth it is our nature t o be at peace (free of automatic emotional respons es) in situations of challeng e, then the only thing we need to do is to ignore t he emotional reflexes that c ome up in such situations. What is the point of suff ering and destroying our he alth and performance abilities if we can be at peace especially when the peace in situations of challenge leads to enhanced intuition and spiritual power. Amen T ruisms: I live expecting neither gain nor loss, pain nor pleasure from the thing s I need in life, because my nature is essentially unconditioned. That which is my Self has no likes, dislikes, preferences or predetermined emoti onal or thoug ht responses to situations. I am essentially unconditioned. I cultivate my happi ness through spiritual devel opment. I understand that happiness is not a contin uous freedom from pain result ing from difficulties. No one knows my name, neith er men nor gods. No one has seen my face, neither my father nor my mother. I was before the first time and shall be beyond the last. 1 Law of Ausar Your nature is unconquerable peace, therefore nothing or no one in the world can be against you. All experiences come to you to promote your reclamation of peac e, that you may in turn acquire wisdom and spiritual power.

Reasoning: If attaining our natural state of peace in situations of challenge en hances our intuition and spiritual strength, then we should not label situations of challen ge as detrimental to our being. If a bad event cannot be avoided, wh at is the po int of allowing it to degrade us, when it can be used for enhanceme nt by simply manifesting the proper attitude? Ausar Truisms: I identify as my Se lf the indwelling divinity that guides the functions of my be ing. My person is therefore always in the presence of the Lord. Would I give mor e respect to men than to the God within Who is witness to all of my thoughts, fe elings and actio ns? I am the One Life dwelling as the Self of all beings. Myself as the indwelli ng d ivinity in all things is the source of prosperity and peace in the world. 2 Law of Tehuti When all of your thoughts, feelings, and actions reflect the Word of God, then t he power of Gods spirit and a peace that nothing can challenge wi ll flow throug h your being. Reasoning: If we can intuit the Word of God by cult ivating our ability to be at peace in si tuations of challenge, why give in to a nger, fear, lust, etc.? If we have access to the Word of God (wisdom) which is s uperior to our own minds, why rely primar ily on our minds? Tehuti Truisms: My a bility to know is unlimited. I understand that what seems as my not knowing is m erely the momentary inability of my knowledge to take verbal form in my mind . I understand that God manifests Its divine plan in the world of Man by incarnati ng in the soul of men and women who have elevated their consciousness to the hig her parts of their spirits. I therefore honor and follow the guidance of Sages a nd Prophets above all other kinds of men. I am successful in use I realize tha t tional and sensual relation to these handling the emotional and sensual challe nges in my life beca nothing has an emotional or sensual quality in itself. My e mo reactions are betrayal of my lack of spiritual cultivation in objects. Until I can still my thoughts to let my wisdom manifest itself at will, I go to the oracles that the eye that was harmed by Set can be restored. I understand th at God has saved us by sharing Its power of wisdom within us. I w ill be success ful in its awakening because I have no problem in giving up my hea d, and keepin g my heart still. 3 Law of Seker When the emotions of Man manifest in response t o the Word of God, they have the power to influence the course of any and all ev ents in the world.

Reasoning: If we have access to Gods spiritual power through the cultivation of t he abilit y to be at peace in situations of difficulties, why give in to anger, fear, lust , etc.? Why shouldnt we be at peace in the face of difficulties? Seker Truisms: I understand that God has saved us by sharing Its spiritual power with us. I kno w I will successfully develop these powers because I have no problem keeping my heart still and dying to the things of the world for the kingdom of h eaven. I am the likeness of God. Ive got the power of God within me. I am the pow er of God, not in amount but in kind, thus I am relaxed in the face of the great est c hallenges. I will succeed in life because I have surrendered to the Divine Plan. 4 Law of Maat God needs you in order to come into the world. Fulfilling Go ds need is the high est act of love, and only through your love for God can you f ulfill your love fo r others. Become the Love of God in the world for the protec tion of the world. Reasoning: If we have access to a peace that cannot be distur bed by anything in the worldo ur natureif we are one with all, if we have access t o spiritual power, why then can we not love those who commit transgressions on u sespecially when the act o f loving is the generation of the most powerful force in the universe? If we are one (Ausar), then the good I do to you I have done to myselfis this not the ke y to wealth and health? Maat Truisms: The Divine Law is the likeness of God and the measure of my being. I live by it. I am it, and I th erefore enjoy a life of order and prosperity. I know Truth. It is the reciprocal relationship of things to each other and the whole as fixed by nature. I live b y it and am therefore in harmony with the whol e. My being is in order and I am a source of harmony to all. 5 Law of Herukhuti Know that God neither punishes no r rewards nor protects, that you will have the comfort of controlling these for yourself. Reasoning: If adversity which cannot be avoided is not the cause of su ffering that follows our failure to reclaim our original nature (peace), then we must make spiritual growth our highest priority. If we are one (Ausar), then I must refrain from doi ng you wrong (even self-defensively wishing you ill) to av oid doing me wrongthe key to justice and protection from others. Herukhuti Truism s: I realize that I have the power to force my person to ignore my emotions to e nsu re that my life will be a reflection of Divine Law.

I am not the person, but Ausar, and can therefore transcend the pain of invoking divine retribution against my person when it transgresses the Law of God. I und erstand that God has ordained a place for all beings in their own time, and will thus, in Its own time right all wrongs. I sow justice towards men and reap it f rom God. 6 Law of Heru You have the power but not the right to ignore Gods Law. C hoose to follow the L aw of God with the love and joy that grows out of your und erstanding, and the wi sdom and power of Gods spirit will flow through your being . Reasoning: If we have been given free will, why should we give in to emotions that have pro ven to be detrimental to our well-being? Why not choose to be at p eace in all si tuations of challenge, especially since this is the key to wisdom , power and hap piness? Heru Truisms: I understand that at any time I have the f reedom to act as if I have successfull y overcome a given emotion. My freedom to choose is the essence of my divinity. I will, therefore I am free. I am never c ompelled to do anything by my emotions and passion. God does not compel me to do what is right. How then can the animal within me co mpel me to do what is wrong . Shall I make Set grater than God? My emotions are children of impotent revolt. I have the freedom to hold myself in check to take a view of the whole before a c ting. 7 Law of Het-Heru It is not what you imagine. It is who is imagining. Ar e you a human or divine be ing? Reasoning: [Het-Heru] corresponds to [one of] th e tools through which behavior is programme d. Through the understanding of the law such programming can be done at will. If we have the tools to program any de sired behavior at will, then we can choose t o allow only peace and pleasure to manifest as our emotional reactions to all ev ents. Het-Heru Truisms: My ability to cultivate through trance the experience of joy for living by divin e law as Ausar does, greatly enhances my chances of success in my pursuits in li fe. I wi ll myself to be joyful, therefore I am successful in life and healthy.

Joy is the engine of success and it comes from within, therefore I am successful . I am Ausar. I cannot be other than joyful. I am joyful because I will myself to be joyful. 8 Law of Sebek It is not what you think or what you affirm. It is who is thinking and who is af firming. Are you a human or divine being? Reasonin g: [Sebek] corresponds to [one of] the tools through which behavior is programme d. Through the understanding of the law such programming can be done at will. If we have the tools to program any desired behavior at will, then we can choose t o a llow only peace and pleasure to manifest as our emotional reactions to all e vent s. Sebek Truisms: I am well on my way to success because I understand the s uggestive power of beli ef. I reject all negative beliefs, and deliberately and consistently cultivate p ositive beliefs. My positive thoughts flow naturally fr om my being Ausar. I know that my spirit is essentially unconditioned, therefore whatever beliefs I take into trance, my spirit will make come true if it is at all humanly possibl e. I do not delude myself into mistaking my education for kn owledge of reality itse lf. My way to success remains open. I am well on my way to becoming Ausar because I no longer mask my motives throug h rationalizations. I am that, therefore I think. 9 Law of Auset Prepare to sacrifice everything to become the vessel of God on earth, and you wi ll, in turn, receive everything. Reasoning: [Auset] corresponds to [one of] the tools through which behavior is p rogrammed. Through the understanding of the law such programming can be done at will. If we have the tools to program any desired behavior at will, then we can choose to a llow only peace and pleasure to manifest as our emotional reactions to all event s. Auset Truisms: I know that I am devoted to spirituality for I ha ve given the highest priority i n my life to the resurrection of Ausar. I am the master of my person. Through trance, I can cultivate any emotion I desi

re to manifest. My ability to cultivate the experience of remorse at will and to apologize in an y situation of transgression assures me a solid foundation in m y quest to become Ausar. 10 Law of Geb Know that from heaven you came and to hea ven you will return, seek not enduring works on earth. Reasoning: Our physical n ature is totally amenable to reprogramming. Since we have the laws and faculties to do so, why not dedicate the use of our will to program desirab le ends in ou r livespeace, happiness, health and prosperity? Meta... 27 Sun, April 6, 2008 - 8 :45 AM The Tree of Life.... Represents a pattern of spiritual cultivation which enables one to envision and manifest the different faculties of the indwelling d ivinity and become a vehicle to allow God s manifestation on earth. 0- Amen- Thi s is not a faculty it is THE the undifferentiated peace that is our true self. T his is why it is not on the tree of life but far above it. Every rel igion in th e world after their prayer incantates in some form the name of Amen. Who is the God of gods. We must eventually reconnect with Amen by using the Tree of Life to cultivate our spirit, through existence and lifetimes of unrelenting pursuit. 1 - The 1st faculty on the Tree of Life represents Ausar, or the omnipresent facu lty. This faculty represents the oneness of the universe. The basic particle fro m which everything is existence originates. It enables us not to separate anyth i ng from ourselves and to experience the true self. The one self. Ausar is the fi rst tool that amen uses to govern existence. Represented by Imhotep, Christ, Bud dha and other scribes. 2- The 2nd faculty on the Tree of life represents Teh uti, or the omniscient facu lty. This faculty is the all-knowing faculty that ha s a series of 9 axioms. The Tehuti faculty enables us to manifest the indwelling divinity and to be able to resolve any problem. It is knowledge without thought tapping into the intuition or indwelling divinity. Unlike Sebek that is based o n belief Tehuti is based on truth It is the second tool that Amen uses to govern existence. 3- The 3rd faculty on the Tree of Life represents Seker, or the omni potent facul ty of the spirit. Seker is above Het-Heru because Seker enables one to be the di vine by understanding that beauty lies within and being in synch w ith our destin y. This omnipotence is the 3rd tool that Amen uses to govern exis tence. 4- The 4th faculty on the Tree of Life represents Maat, or the divine law . This law is represented by 42 principles that have already been displayed on t he prev ious page. Maat is a female faculty that represents the stage in which w e no lon ger require guilt and conscience because we observe the law of heaven o ut of lov

e and therefore the Ab(heart) is lighter than the feather and the Khu(spirit) is eternal. 5- The 5th Faculty on the Tree of Life represents HeruKhuti, or divine justice. This faculty establishes justice in the world, not by revenge or destr uction, bu t instead by re-establishing the laws governing existence (MAAT). Div ine justice within our being consists of making peace, balance and harmony get a chieved and restoring all to god s order. 6- The 6th faculty on the Tree of Life represents Heru, or the will. This facult y is birthed by Auset and is beyond a ny animal desire. The will is successful on ly when the true self or indwelling divinity is victorious over desires, emotion s or lusts which are contrary to th e self. Heru is the Pa-heru (phar0h) or in ot her words it means that your moral code is in concord with the divine essence an d you are god on earth pa-heru. 7 - The 7th faculty on the Tree of Life represents Het-Heru, or the imagination f aculty. This faculty operates to create certain behavioral patterns. It must als o be programmed because it is in this faculty that we could possibly perceive o u r happiness as being contrary to the will of the indwelling divinity and there fo re get stuck on a low level of the Tree. 8- The 8th faculty on the Tree of Li fe represents Sebek or the intellect faculty . Most people in Western society ca n only achieve Sebek. Intellect for the mere sake of intellect does not serve th e purpose of the indwelling divinity but of S et. Sebek is an idea or belief bas ed on programming. Sebek is only a correctly a pplied faculty in commune with Te huti the omniscient inuitive faculty. sebek is based on beliefs and can open or close the way to truth. 9- The 9th faculty on the Tree of Life represents Auset (Isis), The Goddess. Thi s faculty is necessary to go into trance and reprogram your being. Auset is the vital part of reconstructing Ausar but first she must g o through sorrows and giv e birth to Heru (the will). her determinants are devot ion, receptivity and sacri fise. she is the source of trance and passion. 10- Th e 10th faculty on the Tree of Life is Geb or the Father Earth. This facult y con tains the electromagnetic body the khaibit and the molecular body the khab. the life force is governed by proper breath. It also includes the 5 organ syste ms n otably the heart/small intestine, the lungs/large intestine, the liver/gall blad der, the spleen/stomach and the liver/bladder. add a comment When Things Seem St agnant o... back to Metaphysics Advertisement Boston Chicago Los Angeles Miami N ew York City Philadelphia San Dieg o SF Bay Area Seattle more cities home about why join? advertise terms of use privacy contact FAQ Copyright 2010 Utah Street Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Portions may be patented and or licensed und er U.S. Patent No. 6,175,831. bullgarita.tribe.inner Advertisement The Tree of L ife.... main The Ancient Metaphysical Al...

Represents a pattern of spiritual cultivation which enables one to envision and manifest the different faculties of the indwelling divinity and become a vehicle to allow God s manifestation on earth. 0- Amen- This is not a faculty it is THE the undifferentiated peace that is our true self. This is why it is not on the tree of life but far above it. Every rel igion in the world after their prayer i ncantates in some form the name of Amen. Who is the God of gods. We must eventua lly reconnect with Amen by using the Tree of Life to cultivate our spirit, throu gh existence and lifetimes of unrelenting pursuit. 1- The 1st faculty on the Tre e of Life represents Ausar, or the omnipresent facu lty. This faculty represents the oneness of the universe. The basic particle fro m which everything is exist ence originates. It enables us not to separate anythi ng from ourselves and to e xperience the true self. The one self. Ausar is the fi rst tool that amen uses t o govern existence. Represented by Imhotep, Christ, Bud dha and other scribes. 2 - The 2nd faculty on the Tree of life represents Tehuti, or the omniscient facu lty. This faculty is the all-knowing faculty that has a series of 9 axioms. The Tehuti faculty enables us to manifest the indwelling divinity and to be able to resolve any problem. It is knowledge without thought tapping into the intuition or indwelling divinity. Unlike Sebek that is based on belief Tehuti is based on truth It is the second tool that Amen uses to govern existence. 3- The 3rd facul ty on the Tree of Life represents Seker, or the omnipotent facul ty of the spiri t. Seker is above Het-Heru because Seker enables one to be the di vine by unders tanding that beauty lies within and being in synch with our destin y. This omnip otence is the 3rd tool that Amen uses to govern existence. 4- The 4th faculty on the Tree of Life represents Maat, or the divine law. This law is represented by 42 principles that have already been displayed on the prev ious page. Maat is a female faculty that represents the stage in which we no lon ger require guilt a nd conscience because we observe the law of heaven out of lov e and therefore th e Ab(heart) is lighter than the feather and the Khu(spirit) is eternal. 5- The 5 th Faculty on the Tree of Life represents HeruKhuti, or divine justice. This fac ulty establishes justice in the world, not by revenge or destruction, bu t inste ad by re-establishing the laws governing existence (MAAT). Divine justice within our being consists of making peace, balance and harmony get achieved and restor ing all to god s order. 6- The 6th faculty on the Tree of Life represents Heru, or the will. This facult y is birthed by Auset and is beyond any animal desire. The will is successful on ly when the true self or indwelling divinity is victor ious over desires, emotion s or lusts which are contrary to the self. Heru is th e Pa-heru (phar0h) or in ot her words it means that your moral code is in concor d with the divine essence an d you are god on earth pa-heru. 7- The 7th faculty on the Tree of Life represents Het-Heru, or the imagination f aculty. This facul ty operates to create certain behavioral patterns. It must als o be programmed b ecause it is in this faculty that we could possibly perceive ou r happiness as b eing contrary to the will of the indwelling divinity and therefo re get stuck on a low level of the Tree. 8- The 8th faculty on the Tree of Life represents Sebe k or the intellect faculty . Most people in Western society can only achieve Seb ek. Intellect for the mere sake of intellect does not serve the purpose of the i ndwelling divinity but of S

et. Sebek is an idea or belief based on programming. Sebek is only a correctly a pplied faculty in commune with Tehuti the omniscient inuitive faculty. sebek is based on beliefs and can open or close the way to truth. 9- The 9th faculty on the Tree of Life represents Auset (Isis), The Goddess. Thi s faculty is necessar y to go into trance and reprogram your being. Auset is the vital part of reconst ructing Ausar but first she must go through sorrows and giv e birth to Heru (the will). her determinants are devotion, receptivity and sacri fise. she is the so urce of trance and passion. 10- The 10th faculty on the Tree of Life is Geb or t he Father Earth. This facult y contains the electromagnetic body the khaibit and the molecular body the khab. the life force is governed by proper breath. It al so includes the 5 organ syste ms notably the heart/small intestine, the lungs/la rge intestine, the liver/gall bladder, the spleen/stomach and the liver/bladder.

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