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Alexia Ernest Name: Alexia Ernest

Professor: Mr. Justin Myers

Assignment: Annotated Bibliography

Johnson, Allan. 2008. Forest and the Forest and the Trees. Philadelphia: Temple University Press

The Forest and the Trees is one sociologists response to the theoretical the different ways we view the world. He clearly describes the use of the 'sociological imagination' and how very much part of our lives- biographically and historically- it is. He further describes how the path of least resistance shapes decisions that we make. This will be the backbone of this paper as it will link my fruit and meat consumption in Saint Lucia and the U.S to a much larger food system, which indefinitely shapes these consumption habits.

"Saint Lucia : Diabetes Meliitus." World Life. LeDuc Media, Web. <>

The purpose of the website is to stimulate meaningful research on this important subject through leading Academic Institutions worldwide, while displaying the health data and making accessible for anyone who is interested. This website gives specific facts of the health facts which are vital to my view on the issue of diabetes in Saint Lucia. This website will also

Alexia Ernest provide the information of how diabetes is a major cause of death which I will tie in with the meat and and consumption levels of Saint Lucia.

Morales, Lymari. "In U.S., Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables Trails Access." In U.S., Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables Trails Access. 22 Sept. 2010. Web. 07 Nov. 2012. <>

This article states the figures of consumption in the U.S, which will be analyzed and compared to that of Saint Lucia in the follow citation. The article indicates that the fruit consumption levels

"What Do Saint Lucia People Eat?" What Do Saint Lucia People Eat. Web. 07 Nov. 2012. <>

This article gives a very brief statement of how much fruit consumption is part of Saint Lucian lifestyle. With this information I would be able to explain how the sociological imagination and path of least resistance impact the result and fruit consumption in Saint Lucia.

ChartsBin statistics collector team 2010, Current Worldwide Annual Meat Consumption per capita,, viewed 7th November, 2012, <>.

Alexia Ernest This diagram and table indicates level of meat consumption per capita for countries. Primarily focusing on Saint Lucia and the United States over the years we can see how the level of meat consumption has fairly stayed the same, while Saint Lucia's meat consumption increases over the years. Using these figures I can implement the theory of the sociological imagination to show how factors have affected or influenced meat consumption over time. I will also use current figures to explain how my own meat and fruit consumption levels have changed since I have been in the United States.

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