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No group of students is the same. This syllabus will evolve as class does. Always check Blackboard for the most recent update. They are dated. ii. Please print selected pages or a range if necessary. iii. These expectations and the syllabus may change as the professor deems necessary. b. Disclaimer: This course will be run as if it were a business. i. Welcome to a new corporate culture. c. Grades i. I maintain your grades. Visit me during my office hours to see them. No emails. ii. You have an A+/100 in this course at its outset. Whenever you fail to perform points are deducted. iii. You will not be reminded of assignments or their due dates.
d. A student's purpose is to learn. Not to argue. i. You are businessmen and women. Your role is that of the

problem solver. You are to be steadfast in your studies and deliver expectations as they arrive.
e. Exams i. There are no makeup exams. Period. Your education must

come first and you are accountable for it. Be on time and ready. Examinations in the form of papers or presentations are given out with sufficient amount of time that an extension is meaningless. Due dates will not change for midterms and finals. ii. Exams will contain a variety of question formats, i.e., multiple choice, true or false, short answer and essay. Exams will encompass all covered material. iii. If a cellphone is heard or seen during an exam the owner receives an F. iv. There is no bathroom use during exams.


v. All items are to be placed along the wall of the classroom

prior to taking the exam. It is recommended to bring nothing but a pen to class with you. vi. No scantron necessary.


Assignments i. If readings are not completed for a given day the course will be adjourned and everyone will be absent. The readings are the jumping point from which we will have class. You will not be caught up. ii. I do not accept late work and there is no extra credit. If you do your job you will maintain your A. iii. Assignment descriptions can be found in the syllabus on the day they are due or on Blackboard under the Assignments tab. Read the calendar thoroughly to understand the requirements and expectations. iv. Follow the directions exactly. If they are vaguethey are likely vague for a reason. 1. No future employer will provide you with a template to follow. Make it up as you go, and make it professional. v. All readings following assignments are necessary for completing the assignments.

g. Submission of Assignments i. All assignments are due in class in hardcopy, unless otherwise stated. ii. Assignments that do not meet the expectations of the assignment description do not get graded. You will receive a zero. iii. Recommended format: 13pt font, Palatino, one-inch margins, double-spaced, spell checked, page numbers in bottom right hand corner and must follow any given templates or examples. Please do include your name on the assignment as well. iv. Must be typed, stapled, on time and at-least one page

STUDENT PREPARATION, DETAILED DESCRIPTION, AND REQUIREMENTS OF EACH CLASS ASSIGNMENT v. Be creative and do more than expected. Impress me! This is how you will earn an A. vi. If I cannot grade your work due to poor grammar, then it will not receive a grade. vii. Assignments slipped under your professors door will not be graded, unless otherwise mentioned. Your professor hates work submitted this way. Try his mailbox in the deans office. viii. If you decide to include information about the document within it, then place it in the header of the document, for instance Name, Class and Assignment Title. Not at the top of the page. Do not cheat page length by incorporating unnecessarily spaced information at the top of your page. In this class and your future it is considered appropriate to place in the header of the document: To: From: Re: Date: ix. Page requirements are strict. You are never to turn in an assignment that is less than one page. If the page requirement is more than 1 content is to reach the end of the last page, not anywhere else. No future employer will ever expect less. 1. Any assignment that contains less than complete pages will earn an equivalent grade. For example, a 2page assignment with only one page will receive a 50%. Make your assignments thorough.

h. Presentations

STUDENT PREPARATION, DETAILED DESCRIPTION, AND REQUIREMENTS OF EACH CLASS ASSIGNMENT i. PowerPoint is forbidden in its traditional sense. You may use it as a vehicle for visuals, but they are not to be read from. 1. Suggested presentation tools: a. b. c. d. ii. Professional attire is required for each presentation and lack thereof will hurt your grade by a letter. iii. Consider using visuals, handouts, charts and such iv. Extra research is required for a successful presentation/assignment. i. Team Projects i. Member Contributions: Team Projects are to be tackled as a team. ii. If your name is not on an assignment then you will not receive a grade. 1. Collusion is considered cheating and not tolerated. iii. Team members can be fired, and those students will have to do all assignments on their own. Do not get fired by your group. 1. The professor and student are to be notified about all firings in person and by email. 2. Failure to contribute ones fair share of work will result in a deduction in individual grades and reorganization of teams. j. Attendance/Participation/Preparation i. If you are not validated contact your professor ASAP. ii. This grade is based off appropriate preparation, participation, and timely attendance in accordance with the School of Business Attendance Policy.

STUDENT PREPARATION, DETAILED DESCRIPTION, AND REQUIREMENTS OF EACH CLASS ASSIGNMENT iii. Contribution to class is required. Students must take initiative to contribute to the course regularly whether it is insights or questions. All are appreciated so long as they are respectful. iv. Students are expected to bring all readings, handouts and books to class each day. v. Students are expected to remain in class for its entire duration. The professor dismisses class. Not the clock. vi. It is your responsibility to sign the roster. If your professor does not provide a roster. Create one yourself and pass it around class. 1. There is no proof otherwise that you were in class and no one will be able to remember. Other than by my own records that I take on my phone in class. vii. There will be no breaks in class whether 50 min or 3 hours. If you need to use the restroom just come and go as you please. k. Notice + Proof within 5 Days = Leniency i. See Academic Success Center for all absences first. Then proceed with the following criteria ii. All absences are unexcused, unless proof is provided within 5 business days from your return to class. 5 days is all you have. Your professor will not remind you. 1. All appointments should be scheduled around school. No exceptions. 2. Despite legitimate excuse for absence, all students are accountable for all individual and group work products. iii. Unexcused absences will begin to affect your overall grade by a full letter if you accumulate more than 3, and an additional for every three afterwards. Schedule all your appointments around your education. You will be requested to withdraw from the class at 6 absences.

STUDENT PREPARATION, DETAILED DESCRIPTION, AND REQUIREMENTS OF EACH CLASS ASSIGNMENT iv. It is your responsibility to contact another class member for class notes and covered subject matter. Often announcements are made in class that are not reiterated elsewhere. It is your responsibility to follow upon in-class announcements and in class content. v. Proof is only accepted with notice. 1. Providing notice of potential issues with attendance prior to class will allow for leniency. Otherwise your professor cannot help you. Lack of communication is not an excuse. 2. In the event of an absence or tardiness, contact your professor by email. No explanation is necessary. This does not excuse your absence, but allows for proof and then leniency. vi. Without notice all missed assignments are zeros. Until providing proof as to a legitimate reason for your absence, will you be allowed to retake missed assignment or have your absences struck from the record. 1. It is the student's responsibility to schedule and turn in any make up work. l. Tardiness. No such thing. i. Class will begin promptly at the scheduled time. Doors will be closed and locked the moment class is to begin based off the course schedule. Students will not be allowed in the classroom, and will be marked absent. If you are to be late more than five minutes, then you are not to come into class. You are absent and not to disrupt class with your entrance. m. Dress Code i. No hats or hoodies. I dont care how bad your hair is or how cold it is outside. It is rude to wear a hat inside. ii. Students are expected to come to class on Wednesdays in business attire. See University Policies as to requirements. iii. Other then Wednesdays, Business Casual is expected. Severe breaches will result in you being asked to see the Dean for proper attire. No skin or profanity.

STUDENT PREPARATION, DETAILED DESCRIPTION, AND REQUIREMENTS OF EACH CLASS ASSIGNMENT n. Dropbox ( i. Dropbox in Plain English 1. ii. I require all students to download, install and use Dropbox for their coursework at VSU. It provides a fantastic free backup solution for your work. With a free accessible online backup the excuse I lost my work is unacceptable. o. Grammarly ( i. allows you to spell check and grammar check your papers. Please use this prior to submission of any work. p. Electronic Devices are for scholarly work only. Not chatting with your friends. i. I understand you are addicted to your technology, but you will be asked to leave if caught using technology inappropriately or it disrupts class, like make a noise. q. Communications i. Communication by your professor will occur exclusively via VSU email and Blackboard. If you do not answer to an email within 48 hours of having been sent, you forfeit any benefit and will receive zeros on any assignments not responded to. It is the students responsibility to activate both accounts and keep it current. ii. If you are not receiving emails from your professors than you need to fix that. iii. Emails will not be answered, unless sent with the appropriate structure. 1. Appropriate structure: a. Prof. Doval b. Intro: Name, Class c. Salutation: I hope you are enjoying the beginning of the semester d. Body: Questions, concerns, thoughts

STUDENT PREPARATION, DETAILED DESCRIPTION, AND REQUIREMENTS OF EACH CLASS ASSIGNMENT i. Consider the tone and vocabulary you use. e. Outro: Goodbye, name, and contact information. 2. If you cannot send an appropriate email your professional career will suffer. The rest of your life will be spent dealing with emails. This is the time to get better at it. 3. Please refrain from slang and emoticons. They are inappropriate for work and infantile. 4. Always proof read! 5. Attempt to refrain from sending communications late in the evenings, particularly on a weekend. You cannot take back hasty communications once they have been sent. iv. Do not friend your professor on Facebook or Linkedin. We are not going to hangout after class and I do not care for your silly status updates. r. Student Services i. Upon request I am more than willing to: 1. Look over resumes 2. Conduct mock interviews 3. Facilitate study sessions 4. Proof read cover letters and such 5. Assist with networking and job placement opportunities. a. Consider starting your internship search here: i. p.html ii. ternships/in/VA/Virginia iii. nternships.asp 6. Letters of Recommendation a. Letters of recommendation are only written for students who:

STUDENT PREPARATION, DETAILED DESCRIPTION, AND REQUIREMENTS OF EACH CLASS ASSIGNMENT i. Have received at least two As in courses Prof. Doval has taught, ii. Provide at least two weeks notice before the letters deadline, and iii. The student provides a draft of a letter he/she feels satisfies the requirements of the application. s. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. i. Plagiarism will result in at-least a zero for the assignment if not removal from the course. This is beyond any repercussions the university may decide. ii. All assignments are processed through plagiarism detection software. If concerned about your quality of work, citations or whether you have plagiarized see: 1. Plagiarism Assessment ism/plagiarism.htm 2. WriteCheck a. For 5 Dollars, WriteCheck will assess and critique your paper as to the above before I ever see them. A recommended first line of defense if unsure. t. Tips for Success i. Completion of all reading assignments at the requested pace is integral to success in this course. Class is based directly from an active reading of the sources provided. I do all the reading assigned before class with you. It is only fair that we are both prepared. ii. Students are expected to devote at least three hours outside of class per class studying. Thats 9 extra hours of COBU X a week. This is how you will earn youre A.

STUDENT PREPARATION, DETAILED DESCRIPTION, AND REQUIREMENTS OF EACH CLASS ASSIGNMENT iii. Conveying the correct information is insufficient for an A. Presentation, grammar, spelling, and level of depth are strong indicators of commitment towards the assignments and will affect project grades. iv. Use a service like Grammarly ( to enhance your writing skills.

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