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A procticol step-by -step guide to becoming S upersensi ti ve Mon by the tec hni q ues o Supersensonics. O


The lost of six volumes

i n the seri es:


lllustroted by: Gory Buyle, A l l o nA l l e n

University TheTrees of Press P . 0 . B o x6 4 4 Bou|der Creek, . Calif 9500

creotd by John Ffills Cover desgn by Cover photogrophy John l'lills ond Mchoel Fhmmer

Alive to the Universe Copyright @|976 by Robert lossy All rights reserved. Printed in the United Stotes o Americo. M port of this book rnoy be used without written permission, except for brief quototions in orticles ond reviews.

tsBN 0-91u38-2,-X




One doy mony yeors ogo o mon who hod spent yeors troining himselfin the oncient sciencesto the extent thot his Supersensonics lity wos such thot he no longer needed obi o sensor omplify the result, but relied entirely on the to in sensotions his finger tips, wos wolking olong by the woter when he sow o group of fishermenwho hod iusr returnedto the shoreofter o long doyi fishing withouto cotch. He to osked one of the fishermen loke him out in the ship ond otertolking oro whi|e osked him to |et down the neis to his cotch somefish. Unknownto the fishermon guesthod been sensingthe locotion o o shooIof fish perhopsusing the techniqueo pointing his hond in o direction ond sendingout the thoughtwove, "ls thereo lorge shoo!of u f i s h i n t h i s d i r e c t i o n ? " o n d c o n t i n u i n g n t i ! t h e s h i pw o s olongsidethe torget.

After o few doubtfulwordsos to the volidity of this oction, the nets were loweredond fhe quontity of fish cought wos ostonishing, such thoi they hod to beckon to o second ship to help them.

Todoy, 21000yeors lofer, we reod in the Bible how Jesus o Christ performed miroc!e ot the loke o Gennesoret rom S i m o nP e t e r r s h i p . * by This feot con be performed you otertroining yourse!f os shownin this volume. Hopefully you ond mony others will leorn to use your hondsin this woy so thot "miroculous" feotswi!l becomecommonploce. r Luke, Chopter$3 v. l-9.

This book is dedicotedto oll thosewho will use it to know themselves better. It is especiolly for my sonsClive ond Luke to use ond leorn whot on incredb|e ontostic Bein9 sits inside themwoiting to be discovered.



Over the fhree yeors thot it hos token to bring fhis book to print, mc'nyPeoPle hove given free|y o themse|ves. First, l mustocknowledge the llustroond tions romthe news medio, specificolly Tme who hove helped News,veek mogozines. Among those personollyore Don Hime, Jetfrey Goelitz, Jim Dye, lvloggie Droper, ond Debby Rozrpn. My grotitude goes to Roger Smith, Suson Belonger, Rod Glosgo,vt lolco|mStrutt, Richord ond SusonWelker for proofreoding. Speciol thonksore due to: Phil Allen for mony hours of prooreoding, Wendy lcFodzenwho exhbitedstoying Power in the beginning doys of the book, typing ond correcting my notes, Allon Allen ond Gory Buyle or livening up the book with their drowings, Dovid Edwordsfor meticulo.lsly mocking up the ortwork, Fomelo Osborn for typesetting the book hour ofter hour, chonge ofter chonge, until it wos for finolly finished, Michoel l-lommer rushingthroqgh ond Ann Roy who took my losf minute photogrophs, hond when I wos flounderingond getting ro output or huge omountsof effort, ond tought me ho,v to ot write, Noroh Hills for encourogement the oppropriote times, ond fo my teocher Christopher l-lillswho doily socrifices himselso thot l 'noy grow. Above ol|, the tove ond corrrgthot possesbetween this group of people hos broughf fhis book to completion. lt is the Source o thot love thot is bengockmwledged here. Thonkyo.rFother



When Robert lvbssy come to me three yeors ogo os o ot o student the Unversity the Trees, |itt|e did he or I know thot he would write this book on the noture of subtle rodiotions. As the West Coost momger of o computerdoto processingcomponyond with on honors degree in physics romthe University of London, he wos completely mystifiedby the thoughtof using of methods goining rodiesthesioor Supersensonic ordimry knowledge. thqf he used the pendulumto determine I suggested which soles prospectsin the telephone book were worth colling becouse his vost ferritory covered the the whole of Co|ornion mid*rlestos qros Utoh ond os for southos New Mexico. How could onyone single out which buyerswere in need of his computer system.ond more thon thot. did they hove the power to close the sole? l-letried using the techniquesof ond oundthot they worked ond soon Supersensonics he wos spendingmore time reseorchingthe noture of thon he wos selling computers. Supersensonics Although this rnodehim o betfer studentit modehim o poorer solesmon,becousehis heort become more qttoched to more reol qnd truly scientific perception thon the mere sensorywlidotion of knowledge.

Soon ofter he come fo the University of the Trees Robert begon to onolyze my rodiotionol physics notes. Ater o yeor or so l begon todespoir thot onythingwould ever get written down ond documented.


Since I hod given fhese some notes to of leost ten other studentsover the post l0 yeors without ony published results, I begon to write the book ',Supersensonics.' sove myselthe repeoted to porrotingof the some focts to every new student. wos stiIl persisting, ofter However, Robert lossy ond modify the two yeors' trying to simp|iy of |ongr'nge physics orthe |oymonond decipher my own lvory tower notes which moke no corrcessions to the loynnn. l-lovingnow iust reod the results qnd seen the drowingsby onother sfudent, Gory with Buyle ond Allon Allen, I om very impressed this ottempfto write o loyrmn'sguide to the i n c r e d i b l eo b i l i t i e s w e o l l h o v e h i d d e ni n o u r unconscious. It rmkesoll the humonpotentiol look o bit limited when you think thot movements you the reoder dontt need more thon o slrort course in the oncient ort o divinotion to know o|l you need to know obout onyfhing.

For thosewho hove invested yeors in the scierrces ond in the pursuitof ocodemic scholorship, it would seem the height of orrogonce to cloim thot we con thot quolity of knowledgewhich hos given tronscend the westerncivilizotion its progress. However, the becouse yogi might smile ot this so-colled progress his reolity is more concernedwith fundomentolreseorch info the "knower" rofher fhon exfernol ocquisition of knowledge. The oct thot the knower conrrotbe whot is known, hos stiIl not sunk into seporotedrom themorrowof the intellectwlly orientotedwest. or Thereis still the occent on ocquiring techniques froinirrgo know-how, os if in somewoy the methods were higher ond better thon their users.


The book which you will soon reod will show thot yolr innote obility to sensesubtle energiesis conditioned by the quolity of yo.rr own consciousness,in exocf ly the somewoy thof onything sensoryis, whether it be musc,science, or ort. is Since Supersensonics o new science which chollenges ordinory modes oF perception ond deductive knorvledge we mustbe the first to soy thot it is not ony more intelligible thon ordinoryscience is. The foct thot scientific truth is constontly disprovedond thot every week focts ond theoriesregordedos unshokeoble foundotionsof knowledgeore being reiected, is often overlooked by ocodemic teocherswho goin their knowledge secondhondfrom textbooks. It is o foct thot textbooks on mture ore olmost outdoted the doy they ore printed ond it is thereore the more mportont o|| to hove Supersensonic ond checkmethodso updotng irrg resu|ts irsthond. This opp|iesequoI|yto the octs reveoled in this book or to even the most socred books which ore oll subiect to humonerror of interpretofion ond tronslotion, however mony humonminds hove checked ond re-checked fhem.

oufhorty notureond the cosmic inte|liis The u|tirrrote gences. Since "Alive to fhe Universe"is iust one woy of reoching thot outhority directly, no more cloims ore being rmde or it thon ore rnode for ony other sciences which ore oll subiect to the somelimitotionsof the conrciousnessof their users.


Horever, there is one odlonfoge ond fhot is thot we our con nterrogote unconsciousond discoler the blocks ond self-delusionswe hold in our bosic ossumptions obout the Cosmic Intelligencesond its remorkoble woys. Robert lvlossy his fwo books, "Hillsr Theory in ond "Alive to the Universe", hos of Consciousness" given us in simple longwge whot is indeed o complex ofoir. To be open-mindedobout it ond fo prcctice before we concoct theoriesobouf it, is the only woy to opprmch fhe skill o the divner. humb|e After oll, flies, onts, bufterf lies, birds, ond onirnolsin the zoos ore more sensitive to subtle mturol phenomeno thon ore hurnons. | we con use the rest|essnesso o zoo to predict on eorthquoke, we con ot |eost see thot they ore better divnersthon rnonond leorn how they detect the presenceof force-fields ot o disionce. The somesensitive foculty is dormontin every humonond Robert lvlossyhos written hcnr we con use it in everydoy life. on|y to soy thot os o developer o inspirotion It rerrrcins ond os o methodof rnoppingthe higher foculties of hunro perception, Supersensoni o nd psychotronics cs n wil! become the next evolutiorcry step for rnon. Divinotonhos been ot the bock of olI the greot |eops in orrcient times from the I Chng to the Hebrewond Aryon oges. The proof of these explonotionsin this book will soon be reveoled by fiteen ofher studentswho ore no,rl writirrg books on the some zubiect o Supersensonics using fhe some from their o,vn levels of consciousness bosic teochings of Nucleor Evolution. The foct thot they will oll soon produce fifteen totolly different bools is from the some motero|s o proof thof we do indeed live in diferentinner worlds, yet o|| experience one source o life energy. VITI.

It is thot ONE source thot eoch of these students will embodyin words, concepfsond life in order to experienceon evolufiomry penetrofion the of n u cl e o r S e l [ . This book wos first submittedos Roberfts dissertotion for his M"Sc. degree, which moy be one o the irstdegrees in the West to be issued speciicoIly orreseorch into the notureof Supersensonic with Noture. In our degree Communicotion progrom|we now coIl this work on the diFerent leve|so perceptionby the euphemistic nomeof we humonbeings Reseorch". As "Consciousness become less theoreticol ond more simple ond directly owore of our Supersensitive role n our relotionships Nofure's mony kingdoms,I hope to thot monyyoung people will be oble to get degreesin the mostimportontoreo o study known to mon. The mostvoluoble ossetthot everyonehos, fromwhich oIl other thingsf low, is the notureo our own Consciousness. Such degreesore oworded on|y by the oNE ond ore occredited u|tmotely onIy by the rodionceo Being. During ihe writing o his thesis, l hove seen Robertchongeond rerodiote my foith in him. Whot morecon o teocher sny? Whot greoter reword con o ieocher be given? moy now bring to the I om hoppy thot Robert A4ossy insightsinfo this seriesof the |oymon such proctcoI .'TheSupersensitive o LieoF /on'' which this work i s V o l u m eV l . Christopher ills H University of the Trees Bou|derCreek, Co liornio



A LessonromAncient History AIive to the Universe Dedicotion Acknowledgements Introduction by Christopher l-liIls

I lt lil IV V I

sEcTtoN C HAPTER I WHY DO SUPERSENSONICS? Do ConI Reolly lt? Porer Bovisond furomid

PyromidEnergy The Pi-roy The Secretof the King's Chomber Enel ond Life Energy,Concer The Cotholic Church Abbe Bouly, Abbe r\rlermet to ls Rodiesthesio TooRemorkoble be Genuine? Just Rodiesthesio ledicol Albert Einstein Answers Critics, LouisPosteur to ot The 1939Congress Liege lron Curioin Expertise CHAPTER 2 WHAT IS SUPERSENSONICS ? WhereDoesThisRodiotion ComeFrom? Spoceor Solid? An lnner SpoceRidenWoter lo|ecules OxygenAtom, Oxygen Nucleus Are You ReollySolid? SpoceFull of Rodiotions Shrinkirp - I Ilustrotion

ll l2 l2

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 9 9

14 l4 t5 l6
l7 l8




2 (Continued)

lnner Spoce - lllustrotion God's l{ond - lllustrotion ElectromogneticSpectrum- | llustrotion Why Conrt PhysicsDetect This Rodiotion? lvbn, the Ultimote Jnsfrument Our Five Senses Tne Hurmn Nervous System - lllustrofion How Do We Detect This Rodiotion? Sound Resomnce Light Resononce Supersensoni Resomnce c Holr Sensitive Are You Now? Intuition Christopher Hi Ils CHAPTER 3

19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 3l 32

A LessonFrom Edison Whot is o Pendulum? Hor Do I loke one? The Spool Pendulum Why is Tuninglmportont? The lmportonceof Resononce Test Areo, Pocket Composs The Tuning Procedure How Do I Develop Sensitivity? Norfh ond South lognetic Poles Positive ond Negotive Swings Refining the Technique Compound Movement


33 34 36 37 37 38 38 39 42 42 43 43 M

An lntroduction to the M'ind lnterferenceWoves lvnd Contro| Doubt ond Arxiety ond Wishful Thinking Subconscious Proiection Reception hogrommrrg Your Mnd


45 4 4 47 48 49 50 5l 52


C HA PT ER 4 (Continued) Second Low of Rodiestheso Con Experiment Another Woy fo lessit up Third Low o Rodiesthesio Fourth Low of Rodiesthesiq Children l-lovethe Right Attitude

53 55 57 57 57 58

hoctice Con Be Enioyoble InvestigoteYour Wqvef ield The EorthrslvlogneticField n Supersensonics the Gorden Fruits ond Plonts E l e c t r i cF i e l d s IntroducingColors RechorgingYourself lustl A|woys Be Neor the Somp|e? Woves. Vertico| Woves Horzon}o| loreAbout Verticq| Wqves DetectngVertico| Woves lost|ylr4eio|s Wove-fields From CommonElements- Toble Letrs Use These Verticol Woves Age Defermimton, Cord Volues Locoting on Obiect


59 0 0 l 62 62 63 63

5 65 66 66 66 8 69 69 70

CHAPTER 6 SUPERSENSONIC SECRETS The First Lowof Similors ExpermenloI Test of Witnesses The Lhe Age Determinotion Word Witnesses ListAnolysis TheSecondLowof Similors DiogromWitnesses le Percenti Dsc The Historyof lopReoding A Documented Cose History Picosso,lopReodrrg TheSeorchBegins Knorn Criminols City lvlorgue,
Success, Ei leen Gorrett Divine Intervention

7l 72 73 73 74 75 75 76 76 78 79 79 80 8t 82 82


CHAPTER 7 APPARATUS FOR ACCURACY BlockondWhiteSphere Pendulums

Turenne lognet{i tted Pendu|um l'lillsr Positive Green Pendulum Ploin Wood, Point Below Pendulum Love ond So< LethondSproI M'irror PenduIum Negotive Energies - Hitler vs. Einstein Electrified Pendulum SexApplicotions Egypton lercury Pendu|um


t3 89 92 % 94 95 97 99



Fifth Low o Rodesthesio The Eorthrslvbgnetic Field Composs's[4ognetic Field Sunlight RecongIes Wove-coge Divine Proportions The Mystery of the Sorcophogusin the Greot Pyromid Coffer Rofios RodiumBlock TurenneRule The Hefigor

IO3 104 105 l0 107 108 109 ll0 lll lll lt3 ll4 ll

sEcTtoN 2
S UPERSE NSON!C A PPLICATI ONS lroly, the Homeof Kidrnpping J. tuul Getty lll- Kidrnpped Ho,rr Are We to hevent This? Coptive or Col loborotor? Fotty Heorst SupersensonicsCould l-bve Found l-leron the First Doy Loter, Even Loter First Low of Rodiesthesio Alive or Deod? JomesR. Hoffo lntermI Union Po|itcs, lofio Connections Ellipticol Pendulum Swings Rope, St.otistics Vo|idoton Numbers Chort XIII.

ll9 t20 120 121 122 122 124 126 127 128 128

132 133


S UPERS ENSO Nl C A PPLI CATI ONS (Continued) A Crime of Humiliotion Psychologicol Tests Revenge Crime, The Problem BostonI nterrociol Violence Ropid Solutions U.S. Biggest Cosh Robbery CompoundSwings lndicote Chonges Enter Supersensonics The S upersensonics Solution Who Killed John F. Kennedy? Worren Commission The Trufh About the Deoth of John F. Kennedy Atfochment Jerky PendulumSwings The BermudoTriongle. Authenticity Foct From Fiction Errotic Wind Conditions Frst-hondExperience Probing the Mystery Avoidi ng lnvestmentSwi ndles Removingfhe Secrecy From Swiss Bonking Digit Determinotion Swing The Countrrg List Anolysis Specificolly for Women BreostConcer: A Number One Killer lvbstectomy Detectim Birth{ontrol fills Forentsond Chi ldren Bridge the CommunicotionGop Sofeguord Agoinst Snooping Chorocter Anolysis by Supersensonics Bychologico I Ew Ir.ption For on ln-Depth Look Into o Person Your Roinbo,v Aurq Chorging Yourself With the Auro Pendulum Chokro Energies Torords Fulfillment PersonolityChorges Help for Employers The World of Sports Drugsond Sex in the Olympics Cyc list's Deoth The Tour de Frorrce Horrnones XIV.

141 142 143 l{t 14 145 |4 148 149

1n 1n

134 l3 r39

150 l5l 152 154 155 157 157 158 159 l 0 l 0 l@ ll ll 162 162 l3 l 5 16 167 169 |9 171 172 172 175 175 175 176 176






Betfing Sports, l-lorseRoces, Boxing Storst Lives Threotened Reseorch The Unknown World o Coto|ysts Mture Reveoled ledico Reseorch, Concer Reseorch I S i n c | eC e l I L e Supersensoni Revo!ution c Detection ond Treotment Concer of lnherent Disodvontoges the Gommo Comero Explorotory Surgery Diognosing With Supersensonics in Flow Good is Rodiesthesio this Applicotion? Jeon Jurion With l ntergoloctic Spoce Trove|lers Communicotrrg Tope Tronscription Cutting Through A Solution to the World's Food hoblems Spirulino Algoe Mcroolgoe Intermtionol Union A.l.D. Gront, The Officiol Word Irlotionol Defense Peocetime Uses of Supersensonics Wortime Detente cr Deception Gnobbing Countries Thinking of the Soviet Leodership Alexonder Solenitsyn

'l7g 179 180 l8l 182 183 1U 185 185 l8 l8 187 188 188 189 190 lql 194 195 195 197 198 198 199 200 200 201 201

sEcTtoN 3
BECOMI NG ALIVE TO SUPERSENSONICS AND RADIESTHESIA Approoch A Typicol Erroneous l-lowDo We Chonge This? leditotiono nd Supersensoni cs A Correct Attitude The Five Smges of Achievement Novice Diviner Dowser Student of Supersensonics Doctor o Supersensonics of A4osfer Consciousness Levels of Competencyin Supersensonics Toble Christopher Hills

n3 n4

n8 n8 n9

205 20 206 207 207

209 210 211





(Confinued) 212 213 214 216 218 219 220 222 223 223 225 226 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 . 236 238 239 241 243 244 245 245 24 248 249 ?50 2sl 253 %4 %5 256 %7 258 ?59 260

The Initiol Stoge My First Procticol Success At Home Uses Fingertip Sensotions Fingerfip WornrB A Rore Meeting lonkindond God - ll|ustrotion Heolth Supersensonics Divining the Future The Turning Poinf An lntroductionto Dowsng Blshop'sRulerWoter Divining - lllustrotion A Subtle Error Wire Coot l-longers, Clover l'longerlllustrotion The Locol Dowser Direction Finding - lllustrotion Construcfionof o Nylon Divining Rod l-hnd Position - lllustrotion A Believer Erlo luoting Executive Potentiol Condidotes - Toble BusinessPropostions Divining Rod Helps Find Loot University o the Trees Compus - ||lustrotion Notionol EnquirerArtic le Need|e n o Fbystock Fred Kimbo||, Lost lexicon Forrot Toking Adrontoge of the Sun's Roys Fingertip Divining, Post ofice Box A lotrix of Post office Boxes Locoting Buried Treosure Group Picture A Lefter o Appreciofion


oF THE lq30'S Abbe Bouly, Henri lvbger LouisTurenne Abbe Mermet Ene|, M.A. Bovs M. Lowron, Noel lvbcBeth Dr. GuyonRichords, lrs.Dud|ey WrightF.R.c.s.




FofherBourdorx, Dr. E. lvbury l.|enr Chrefion' Emi|e Christophe Bervrorx, Fr. Podey, P. Jonckleere, Arbrtens The Serwonx Brothers Dr. lorechol, lt4el|in,Brod ond Gorceix, G. lrbel Dr. Noret. ApolloniusnDr. Von Den Sype Dr. Foveoude Courmelles.Dr. F. Regmult, Dr. Le Poiree Dr. Vire, R. Postor, H. Souty. Comnpndont Treillord lvlouriceDouphinoisrVoillounrel P. DiBondy, Bronley A TRIBUTE TO A PRESENT.DAY MASTER


261 261 22 263 263 264 264 265

2& 2|

oF coNsctousNEss


sEcTloN 1


The exciting

story of some of the mirocuusing

lous feots thot hove bee.n performed Supersensonics, which

you con leorn to do.


The opening poge retells the story of o remorkobleevent in the life of on extroordinoryrnon, Jesus Christ. Knowing only too well our limitotions, the next questionyou moy osk yourselfis, how con you possiblyoccept thot it is within your coPocity to duplicote ot Ieostone of the eotsof Jesus?

This queston con be onsweredin three woys.

n F r e n c h E m b a s s yP r e s s a n d I n o r m a t i oD i v i s i o n

M a r i e a n d P i e r r eC u r i e

By the time you hove finished reodngthis book you will reolize not only fhot you con, but olso thot performing these mirocu|ouseots not very dificu|t. is Alternotively, you con occept the word of Jesus when he soid we could equol whot he did, ond need not stop there, but con do even more.*



The third woy of onsweringthis self-doubt is to refer bref|yto the occomplishments someof the leoding of French pioneering rodiesthetists o the l930's whose work you w|l be ob|e to duplicote with the simp|e troining outlined in this monuol. The mmes of A. Bovis, Abb Bou|y, Abb lermet,hove of lote becomewell-known throughpopulor books on pyromid energy ond psychic studies, ond their work is once ogoin seriouslyconsidered. Togetherwith Louis Turenne, Fr. Bourdoux, ond Enel, they formedo brilliont nucleus oroundwhich fhe greot rediscoveries of the thirties revo|ved. A more detoi|ed |ist o these men ond their ochievementsis found in o tribute to them ot the reor of this book.


* John, Chopter 14, v. 72.



o The pyromidreseorch Bovisincludingmummiicoore well known. During o visit tion qnd dehydrotion to the }romids of Gizeh he discovered mummiied onimolsin o corner of the King's Chomber. work thot o replico Bovis knew romhis rodiesthesio of ony obiect qcts like the obiect, so on returningto his home in Fronce, he lost no time constructing smo!lscoIe pyromidmodels, ond veriyin9thot pyromid shopesdo indeed produce dehydrotionwhen one side is oligned olong the mogneficmeridion.

U.S. Sisrul CorPs PhotograPh Near aeria| view of the great Pyramid o Giza from the south east.

This is obout os oros todoy,spyromidexponents his not hou" progressed, reolizing thot Bovis ond fellow iesthetists hove token this work much o is further, ond thot in foct dehydrotion only crude exPeriment. The pyromid'sshopegives rise to fhree energies: Positive greent negotivegreen, ond the Pi-roY' The negotivegreen energyis ftowing downwords inside the structure. to Puttingon obiect inside the pyromidsubiectsit this negotive green energy which is o destructive this by orceo-s.sho*n the drying out Process. It is ond misinterpret efectwhich pyromid meditotorsee! op os o constructive process, when in reolity tley both psychicolly ond octr.nlly hormingihu.selves pt'yti"otly throughdehydrotionond onesting the upword flowing li e-force.



o the Positive green energy f|ows from the opex the pyromidii.". up*ordsfrom the top' This is plonts. lt is rom thoi is given o ,." "n",gy energy' o for more heolthY


The most interesfingfeoture of o pyromid is the lttle known thin cone o[ energyot on ong|e of o 15' from the verticol oxis inside the pyromid. This energyt known os the Pi-roy, is o lifeiiving roy. The somemerit oncient Egyptionsbeing rodiesthesiesfsof of were quite fomilior with the properties this roy directly in its poth' T.he ond ploced their mummies with resh effect wos to keep the body cornp|ete|y no dehydrotionoccurring. This foct wos borne out o when modem doy orcheologistsunwropped mummy ot the time of opening o tomb ond discoveredo completely freslrcorPse.

b xc
!3 \c

PoSlTtvE LIFE, slvlNc RAY


This now illumnotes one of the confusionsof present doy pyromidologists, who on finding the dehydrotion energy throughoutthe pyromidosk, "Whot is the speciic impor}onceof the Kirrgls Chomberof the Greot }romid?'' The onswer is thot the P-royposses drect|ythroughthe King.s Chomber. The oncient Egyptionsbelieved they would need their bodies in the ofterlife ond wonted to preservethem, rother thon dehydrote them. Remorkobly, even the word pyromidyields this clue, V-ro(y)-mid(dle) telling us to look ot the Pi-roy in the middle.


















Other ospectsof the pyromid including its vortex felds, zubt|emicro-energies, ond the vo|togesit producesore covered in Volumes ll ond lll of ths series.


Ene|, o bril|ont mon, on extreme|y occomplished rodiesthetist, leorned fo control this Pl wove. He oundit wos presentin ol| |iving things; plonts, oninrolsond mon, os their life-force. He found he could withdrow it frorn living motterond by doing so, kill it. Alternotively, he would pumpmore of this lie-force info o sick plont or onirrro| ond restore its heolth.


The dynomic otmosphere omongstthe rodiesthetisfs in Fronce of thot time drew even more spectoculor feofs from Enel. |nsfeodo wthdrowingthe totol energy from o subiect, he selectively removedthe on Iife-force rom offending port. ThusEne| hod discovered o cure for concer. When the coses reoched him they hod olreody been lobeled "impossible to cure.'' Enel hod o 4/o successrote in curing fhem. Unfortunotely, he wos not owore thot the energy would not disperse into spoce of its oarn occord ond hence did not see the necessityof protecting himself. Over the yeors Enel obsorbedthe concer energy into his own body. As he wos dying, he confided to o friend thot he reolized the error he mode ond described how he could hove ovoided it.




The Cotholic church wos heovily involved in rodiesthesiodurngthis period, to the extenf fhot twos the Abb Bouly who coined the term Rodiesthesio,meoningthe sensingof rodiofions. The Abb worked moin|y in the ield of medicoI diognosisfor use in missionory work in South Africo. one of his most importontdscoveries wos fhof light woves enhorrcethe defection of this rodiotion. Lke o|| the other peop|e mentioned, the Abb lvlermet.s dscoveriesond inventiorrsore too numerous |ist. He oundthot eoch element, co|or, to ond energy wos representedby o Fundomentol Roy hoving its own porficulor ongle. From here he went on to discover Seriol Numbers, o methodfor detectng elementol components o compoundor mixture. We of Use on inventonof his, the Ar1ermet sensor, in our present doy Supersensonicwork. At the request o the Pope, lermet conducted orcheologico| finds. l.fis fome spreodthrougholt the Continent for his obi|ty to locote obiects ond people regordless whether the of people were missing, deod, or olive. By the time you finish this book, you too will know how to perform the some feots. Rodiesthesiois o bronch of Supersensonics. To begin with you moy use the words interchongeobly. As you Progressfhrough the book their dfferenceswi|l become cleor.





The obove tit|e wos t.okenfrom the writngsof Fr. Bourdoux, o French missionoryot Alofto-Grosso, Brozi|, who specio|izedin choosinglocol herbsor cures' ncludingsyphi|tic choncre. snokebites, torn limbs,T.B. onddiptherio. The following quotes from the tronstotionof this poper will provide on insightinto the ottitudesprevolentin Europeot thot time. tt should be noted here thot Fr. Bourdoux died in l93.


"l hove been encourogedin my work by eminent prests. At Rome it wos suggested thot the church shouldbe kept out of the teoching. The Cordinols ond Archbishops Froncedec|ord lorch |936I o in | thot too mony of the clergy were going in for rodiesthesio ond they recolled thot priestsore nof ollowed to proctice medicine. ln spite of this, the report contoins odvice for thosewho wish to study whot is colled Medicol Rodiesthesio.. . There ore people who think thot nothing con exist unless they leorned it in books they stuJied. yet, mony proessors their pupiIs ofter possin9exoms teIl thot they reolly know nothing. Anything is extroordinory when it is new.


The monk Gerbert, who become o pope, once hod fo f|ee to Germony becouse he hod nvented ctock. o Holl much contemPt there hos been for new ideos o docfors" Jenner wos one of these" Atso Fosteurwos ottocked orhis ideos" At the beginnirrg,o|woys there is oppositon:te|egroph, tetephon", g'o''ophone, cnerrntogrophy ".' 9

Newton, Einsten, Edison o o o whot wor|d chonger hos not withstoodthe oufroge of their sociefy? Supersensonicsis not the only ideo to be extroordinory. to "For Supersensonics be occepted byour Acodemies of Science or o Medicne, o comp|etedwork must be presented. But this requiresyeors of study ond of reseorcho Fosteur,o chemist, hod to get olong ot first without medicol opprovol, it moy be recolled" Let the rodiesthetists thereforework olso os best they con before there is generol medicol opprovol. lt rnoy be soid, hoarever, thot omong rodiesthetists todoy o there ore mony ocodemicions, university+roined engineers, ormy oficers, ond even government oficiols.''




';" j



Louls Pesreun zuorking in his laboratory (188).



',Supersensoncs corry on beoreit hos been clossed con os o u||yledgedscience. The scientifc view is thot rodiesthetictestsshould be repeotobleby oll. ln toct, iusf onyone connot do rodiesthesio. But I osk, con we oll do whot hos been done by Bronly, lvbrconi ond others? to persontouchng Proposedmedicine o interpretssuitobility, ond if this sign hoppens regulqrly, why connot fhe processbe consideredos bein9 scentific? Ateroll, there ore so mony thirrgs thot oll of us connotdo. A noturoloptifudeis required, but surely is not opttuderequired in o|| experimentolwork? Do crfics ever osk for o scientific exPlomtion or reo| proof of e|ectricity, o wove lengthsond so on? Why does one use electricity before reolly kno,rring whof it is? Why do we not insist on the peosontwho growscorn knowing oll obout the Lows o Germinotion before doing this? Critics of rodiestheso os intelligent os o rnonwho, before ore getting the fire brigode to put out o fire, insists upon being sure thot the firemen know oll the mechonics connected with their pumpingopplionces.

-ouis Pasteur (1822-1895) ,:-y Iittle was knownabout bacteriauntil about l0o years r;:. Before that time, some scientistshad thoughtthat mightcause disease' :., Iiving things,or microrganisms, In a : -i theydid nothingto testtheirtheories. 1855, French :-:mist named Louis Pasteur performeda series o ex. He these experiwith sugar solutions. repeated :*.;ments - 1 ts over and over for five years unti| he was convinced '-a: thesmalllivingcells which he observed actually caused ':"'nentation. Until this time, it was believedthat these - ..obes were the result of fermentation. This discovery .as the beginningothe scienceo bacterio|ogy. Pasteur againstthe diseasecalled r sc developed immunization the -.:'es or hydrophobia. disease, which is causedby the This To : :e of a mad dog, was a|mosta|waysata|. preventwine -:.n spoiIing, a Pasteurdeve|oped processoheattreating' -,:* called pasteurization. Today this proc.essis used to .':ep mi|k and many other foods uncontaminated long or ::'iods of time.

enob|esone to heoI the sick, to lf Supersensoncs discover secretsof the sub-soil, why put of the doy when you moke use of it? rl


^l.|.^3T T

And rnokeuse of it they did; by the 1939 Congressot Liege, the ottendeeshod grown to tegions, compored to the 1920 Congresswhich listed obouf 30 pioneers. Among them were presfs,engineers, doctorsond ormy officers, discussingo wde ronge of rodiesthetist opplicotions, nc|uding medicine, bio|ogicoIreseorch, ogricultureT police work, militory tosks, veferinory work, ond orcheology. There were 24O Germon doctors olone present;smoll wonder thot they developed the tolent to trock Amerconsubrnorines during Wor|d Wor ll by this method.

The Turtle, David Bushnell's oneman submarine, had the general appearance of an egg standilng on n d.


This work spreod through Europe ncluding the IJSSR, out of which o smo||omounto nformotion hos filtered in rhe book fuychic Discoveries Behind the lron Curtoin. lt wou ;"th.t*t*" otlowed occess to onyfhing more thon the tip of the iceberg. Unforfunotely, the U.S. hos been isoloted from fhis influence, so perhopswe will find ourse|Ves sudden|yfoced wth onother sputnik-type gop in the field of Supersensonics. Although Ostronderond Schroederpointed this out in their book, they olso stote thot the Russon scientistsinvo|ved in rodiesthesio ore nowhere neor the ALrblermetlsexpertse. This is difficult to believe, consideringhow eosy it is to become competent.





At present, the overoge person uses o smoll port o his neuroIogico! nerVoUs system. This secf ion we con begin to owoken the dormont shows how port ond use it to tune into universol knowledge.




S c i e n t i s t s e l l u s t h o to l l t h e s o l i d m o t t e r e s e e i s t w not reolly solid. Thechoiryou sit on ond the people you see contoin morespoce thon body. ln the otom e l e c t r o n s h i z o r o u n dt h e n u c l e u s ,s p i n n i n g n t h e i r w o o x e s o s t h e y g o . l F w e c o u l d g e t i n s i d eo n o t o mo n d s t o n do n i t s n u c l e u s .t h e e l e c t r o n s o u l d l o o k l i k e o w huge goloxy of orbitingplonets. We would then see thot there is for more spoce in o solid thon there is s o l i dm o t e r i o l . The cells oF our body ore modeup of otomsond moleculesthot ore in o constontstoteof vibrotionond r o t o t i o n . E o c h p o r i i c l e , o t o m i co n d m o l e c u l o r , doncesto o specific vibrotion. singingits own p o r t i c u l o r u n eo u t i n t o t h e u n i v e r s e . n d c r e o t i n g t o o symphony rodioiion. of





oF F o r o b e t t e ru n d e r s t o n d i n g t h i s . l e i u s s h r i n k o u r s e l v e sn s t o g e s n t i l w e o r e s m o l le n o u g ht o i u enter the oxygenotom of woter. l m o g i n ei t i s t h e C h r i s i m o s e o s o n n d s n o wi s o n o w r o p u p i n w o r mc l o t h e s .w o l k the ground. You outdoorsond stond on o surfoceof solid snow. You stoopond toke one o thesesnowf|okesin your hond. T h i s i s t h e s i g n o | o ro c o s m i cw o n d t ow o v e o v e r y o u r h e o do n d y o u b e g i n t o s h r i n k . A s y o u g e t s m o l l e ro n d s m o l l e r .t h e s n o wt l o k e g e t sh e o v y . S o y o u s t o n di t u p r i g h to n t o p o f t h e g r o u n d . A s y o u c o n t i n u et o s h r i n k , y o u s e e t h e h o l e si n t h e s n o w t l o k e . T h e y s e e mt o g e t b i g g e ro n d b i g g e ru n t iI t h e h o l e st h e m selvesore three or four times lorgerthon you ore ond y o u r e o l i z e t h o tw h o t y o u t h o u g h t o s s o l i d , y o u c o n w o c t u oIl y w ol k i nt o .


You stondon the hub of the snowfloke ond shrink m o r er o p i d l y n o w o n d r e o l i z e t h e s o l i d h u b i t s e l f h o s s p o c e s . Y o u c o n n o w s e e i n d i v i d u o lw o t e rm o l e c u l e s b o u n dt o o t h e rw o t e rm o l e c u l e s n d y o u o r e s m o l l o enoughto wolk betweenthem. As you continue g e t t i n gs m o l l e ro n d s m o l l e r ,y o u s e e t h o i e o c h m o l e c u l e of woter is mode up of one lorge oxygenotom ond two smollerhydrogenotoms. You sit on the oxygen otom ond rest your ormson the hydrogen otoms. The w h o l e m o l e c u l ei s v i b r o t i n g ,g i v i n g y o u r b o d y o mossoge, ond rototingroundond round.

When water molecules lose sufficient heat energy, they move slowry enough to let opposite charges on various dipoles attr. -r each other. Thus they begin forming a crystal of ice.







It/t,tl t l',rf rl

Ws \*N


At this point o the iourneyt YoU stop For o moment to gotheryour breoth. ond os you sit here you wonder is the oxygenotom reo||yso|id? This s the mogic thoughtond you befr.T.shrink ogoin. Fosferond foster;smo||er ond smol|er. As you iump out o the woy o on electron orbiting oround the oxygen otom, you notice there ore eight electronsin oll whizzing oroundin spoce. You wotch thesein omozemenf. oll movingin differentorbits.


Then. looking ot the center you con see the nucleus which ottroctsyou towords it. But how con you get in there without fhe electronssmoshing you fo pieces? How con you get post these electrons thot seemolmost to be protectingthe nucleus? You dive into the spocebetweenthe electronsond find yourselfflooting in o new world. Lookingup you see o huge goloxy of orbiting plonetsond orbe|owyou is the nuc|eus. You think to yoursel, "So much spoce inside one ofom! I w o u l d n e v e rh o v e b e l i e v e di t . "


ond sit on the nucleus ond You then drift downwords your body ond know thot it is over 907owoter look ot ond here you ore sifting in the oxygen otom of o woter molecule. You reolize thot this body you hove which looks so solid to you is full of spoce.



Now thot your iourneys ended, you con see the ond vibrotionso oll the otomic porticIes rototions ond you con see the rodiotionsthey ore giving of. songsthey ore You re|oxond listen to the diferent oll singing. A n d w h o t ' st h i s ? stroightthroughthe A speedingporticle thot posses other side, without hitting onything. otom ond out the This mustbe o high-energycosmic porticle from outer s p o c e . O u t e r s p o c e ? S u r e l y l o . i n o u t e rs p o c e . w A n d o l l t h e s es l o w e rp o r t i c l e st h o t o r e i n t e r o c t i n g i t h ond creoting nEilwoues of rodiotion. the otomic portictes So monywoves. Thesemustbe the subtle woves thot we meosure in Supersensonics. They ore so smoll ond weok. How will we detect them?



!{ic *urcm monocror{um mundlnu'


:ii}\.) rii: \.





..monoclrord of the rvorld'' in an illustration from a |rook pulr. GOD'S HND tunes the lished in 1l7. Tlre classical elements and tlre planets appear' along with tlre musical ratios.


None of our five senses moke us owore of this spoce, nor o the excitemento the portic|esin o |ower w h e n t h e s u n l i g h tf o l l s o n t h e m . E v e n w i t h t h e techniques physicsond chemistry,we see only o of ond mistoke it orthe norrowbond of this symphony who|e. This huge symphony rqdiotioncontoinso o weo|tho know|edge obout fhe universg. Supersensonics is the science o lookingot theserodiotions,ond the informotion they contoin.

otmosphere u|| thesechorocteristic is o The surrounding woves of rodiotion. Our iob is to selectively look ot one wove ot o time without the other woves interfering with the informotion contoins. it
o o ^ c H R o E s B Y P H l L | P K ^ H L ,J R . ( L E F T ) ^ N 0 B R U c E D ^ L E G ) N . G . s

rlJ9 t .'tolr'


, l.t8. -t16{'

. lob-

I .l&oo

- Atlll.A'|}.o currtn




, l.l8 \ -ti6G',




Supersensonics been colled Rodiotionol Porophysics, hos meoningthe defection of rodiotions beyond the ronge o stqndordphyscsinstrurnentotion. Physicsdoes neosure some of the gross effects o rodiotion, using thermomefers rqsure heot rodiotion' |ght meters to orlight rodiotion, microphones pick up sa;nd, ond fo rorious kinds of elecfronic, electromogneficond mechonicol instruments omplify ond record these to effects. We ore not looking ot this gross rodiotion;os Supersensonics operotorswe penetrotedeeper into it, into the subtle woves which corry more detoiled knowledge.


of To do this we need o fontosfic instrument immense sensitivity, greoter thon "the worldts lorgestopticol telescopeon Po|omorlountoin. This telescope, the the Hole telescoPe' con meosue rodiotion go|oxieso biIlion (lo1 ligLrtyeors rom o*oy-ond con see o milion (l0) go|oxies inside the bowl of the Big Dipper olone."

The telescope size mokeso mon look very smoll by comporison. Where to look orthis instrumenfis the next question. Following the pottern set by mony of the greof inventorswe look to noture for the on$ilerr ond see thot noture hos indeed provided us with iust whot we need.




we The instrument ore looking oroIreodyexists in the orm the humon neuro|ogicoI of nervoussystem. 37 This detectoris opproximotely miles long, which is the overoge lengthof the nervesin mon'snervous ploced end to end. system Dr. Sondoge, its o the 200 inch l-|ole Te|escope| director, hos soid, "Every time I come into this dome I om terrifiedby the size ond significonceof ' t h i s i n s t r u m e n tl. How riruchmore, then, shouldwe stondin owe of the potentio|s our 37 mi|e systern which incIudeso broin o w h o s ef u | |s i g n i i c o n cw i l l n o t b e r e o | z e d o r m o n y e f yeors?


m Eft
lvlop'537 mile nervoussystemdworfs the 200 inch l-lole Telescope.


The obiective of this work s the mosfery this of owesomeinstrument,our own nervousqystem; in hiddenpotentiols. this rmnnerwe con unleoshor.rr


We ore o|reodyCtwone the wondersof our five o senses,of sight, heoring, foste, smellond touch. Eoch othesesenses hos comp|exdetection systems, ond which ore not fully understood yet we use them ond nokethemfor gronteddoily. Bologico||y' extrooldirpry fhon fhe is Supersensonics no rmtng other formsof perception.

thehumaneye aqueous
humor cornea middle ear

innera r


semicircularcanals locationof balanceorgans auditory nev to brain

tens musclethat adjusts the lens .

eye muscle

rud|tory cand

or drum

The drawing above shows the shape and parts of the human eyeball. Six muscles atmake it possib|eorthe tached to the eyeba|| eye to turn in almost any direction.The eyeball is located in a well-protected bony socket in the skull. A very tough elastic tissue forms a wall aroundthe eyeball.



Dr.' R.B. Weaver' a soontist at a cljnic n fui1arie1trhia,'

naLo q rrart nrnof r"l nnor,nnni-ian

r,rowor}iec decdec tc.

nf *h:

hu:ian nervons system. After months of dj.fiouIt work, he sucoeeded in making s{rowr: in t}re poture' the preparaticr: taken froni }a3' You Live in Herrl+J1l by I.aror Friedel1, M.!. Every rr:portant n e r v e i n t h e h r u n a , nb o d y h a s b e e n p l a o e d in its prcper positolj.' The onIy parts that are not shov.4r a,re t}te brain anC lh e autononic nerrlolls system" Most of t}ta nerves shown are responsb1e for nruscle rnovemer,ts.

i h c h o n e o f 1 r ^ 2 ( . 0 - j n c h r " e le s c r , p e e
-tho nhcoluar..rlt ^+ p5lr,nrr. Mnrrn{r.n

Dissection of the cerebrospinal netvorrs systen, made and, mounted by Dr. Ruf us B. Weauer, Demonstrator and Lecturer on Surgical Anatomy, Hahnemann Medical College and Flospital.

r:ear Sai; Di ego, Ca1f.ornia. .This telescope s a crrrde detector of radia"tion ccmpared to th e f ul1 cahci+ili*rr nf *.L a , . b , , n a n n e r v c r . l s ., .*" system.


since it of This bringsus to the essence Supersensonics, is o woy of developingour sensitivityto the rodiotions thot come from every obiect. We know thot every porticle is sendingits rodiotions throughthe spocesin spoce, criss-crossing throughout o our bodies. AIl the informotion the universeis do we then pick out the port with us ot once. How thot we us? We do so by remembering thot interests our bodiesond minds, ore oIso sendingout woves rom w i w h i c h o r e c o n s t o n t l yn t e r o c t i n g i t h t h i s u n i v e r s o l wove-field. When we tune our own wove-field to the wove-field of o porticle, on enhoncedefectis set up, signoIthot we colled S ol1ohC o lt is this resonont detect.

moy be The conceptscovered in the lost two sentences dificult to grosp, if they ore new to you. Don.t worry now; they ore exploined in greoterdetoil in the next chopter, when you octuolly do whot they describe. The diogrom showsthe poth o otomscriss-crossing throughwoter voPour.

Ttre clorrd


The cloud chamber, invented bY an , E n g l i s hs c i e n t i s t C . T . R . W i l s o n ' u s e s o condensation watervaporto tracethe paths of electricallycharged particles rom radioactivee|ementsand cosmic rays,



t a


'; t, t {
I I i

For on exompteof this tunngond resononce,we |ook of o crystol wine gloss sitting quite still with its otoms ond molecules vibroting owoy. until on opero singer tunes the sound woves of her voice to the noturol of vbrotions the g|oss. At this poinf resononceoccurs. effect cousesthe gloss to shotter. ond the enhonced.

We oufomoticolly tune ourselves to resonotewith sound woves when we heor, ond to Iight woves when we see. Within eoch of these sensotionsexists o ronge of sounds ond colors we sponfoneously tune to. The overoge humon connot heor o sound betoar 20 hertz ond obove 201000 hertz (hertz meonscycles per second) whereosbots con fune their heoring to obout 1001000 hertz.



Our eye is o tuning mechonism. When we look ot the blue sky ond then ot green gross, our tuning chongeswithout us being owore of the chonge, ond similorly when we look of ony other color in the visible spectrum.

Trrp vtstnrE sPECTRM


5,000 6,000 WAVELENGTHS INANGSTROMS An extremeexomple of this con be experienced in looking ot o blockboord for sometime ond then chongingto look ot o whiewoIl. You con octr'nlly ee|this chonge inside your heod.

i r i s c l o s e sd o w n w h e n t h e l i g h ti s v e r y b r i g h t

opens whenthere lesslight up is

(/, ffi^^,l:i. ensll-{ ((( )* I

/ 4muscles thatf
|ens adjustedor seeing near objects


|ens adjustedfor seeing distant objects




W h e n o u r f i e | d i n t e r o c t s i t h t h e f i e | d o o n o b j e c t w o n d r e s o n o n c e c c u r s , t h e e n h o n c e d i g n o li s p i c k e d o s up by our nervoussystem. This signol of perception t r o v e l st o t h e n e r v ee n d si n o u r f i n g e rt i p s w h e r ei t c o u s e s n u m b e r f c h o r o c t e r i s t i s e n s o t i o n s .S i n c e o o c theseore reproducible,interpreting themprovidesus with the informotion e need. w


Theaura ol theltngcrtip ol o 7 yearold photogra phcd toith Ki rItan equipncnt

IIt Novtlttlltr resonance.

l ].1() Tacoma Narrorvs Rridqe irr the state of Wrrshington rvas destror'ed llr' u'ind.generatecl the 1Ctluftesy Pro.|.assorF' B, Farqulmrsort' ['rlrcrsilt7 tlf Wasltittgton'.\




Only o very few people ore sensitiveenoughto feel noturol|y. thesevibrotionsthroughtheir ingertips deve|opthis obiIity, but before we of lost us need to do let us see how sensitivewe ore now.


in When someone your presenceis hoving loving t h o u g h t o b o u ty o u . y o u c o n f e e l t h i s l o v e . S i m i l o r l y s is when someone uptightyou con olso detect this. We tolk of people sendingout good or bod vibes when you were (vibrotions). You rnoyrecoll exomples dongereither to yourselIor sensitiveto impending others. We hove olI hod the feeling o being wotched stondingbehind us. When my ex'rrife ond by someone we Iived in the somecity. When the I were seporoted, phone rong, I would know on the first ring when it wos she. To begin with I wos omozedot the occurocy but loter I occepted it ond usedit. Another exompleis ond receiving o letter from thot thinking o someone personthe somedoy.


ln oll thesecosesyou ore detecting the other person's with it. This wove-field by being in resononce techniqueis usedin Telepothy, Cloirvoyonce' ond ThoughtPhotogrophy, Scrying, Psychokinesis, of Psychometry.A l l o theseexomp|es E .S . P. ore in Vo|ume|| o this series. covered


is Supersensonics the scientific developmento this obility, so thot it no longer remoinshidden, only to zurfoce unexpecfedlyos on intuition thot connot be then, is the ot reproduced will. Supersensonics, developmentof the intuitive mode of perception in o scientific monner. Before your fingertipsbecome sensitive to these vibrotions you will need on ompliierto hold betweenyour fingers for the signol to possinto. As the omplifier movesyou wi ll see o visuol signol thot con be eosily interpreted. The next chopter deols with these omplifiers os developed ond Hi||s. by Turenne, Bovis, lermet To quote Chrisfopher Hills, who coined the word ,,Supersensonics'' is todoy's oremost expert ond ond inventorin the field:
Christopher Hills Supersensonics A New Science;

,,This oncient orl s ovoiloble to onyonewho hos o broin ond o nervoussysfem. All thot stopsyou from being supersensitive,oIl thot stopsyou from ottoning your u||stotusos o spiritr.nlbeing is thot you hove not yet reolized thot sensitivity is not only something people ore born with but con be developed. All it okesis proctice. Soon you wiIl be oble to sense in your fingertipswhot before you neededo pendulum to detect. You wil! be oble to senseintuitively whot before you needed yanr fingertips to discern. And is this nof the purpose of life, to become sensitive ond responsiveto every stroin of its symphony?"



This chopter desiribes the pendulum omplifier ond how to use it to owoken oners sensitivity i n detecf ing thi s subtle rodiof i on. The reoder is now presented wi th o choice between reoding ond doing. Reoding brings knowledge o littIe voIue, whereos intellectuol working through this monuol ond venturing into its unknown ferritory develops on oworeness more exc i ti ng o nd powerf u I thon wou ld o tri p to th e moon .




trr L=

When Edisoninvenfedthe phonogroph presented he it to o groupoF the doy's top scientists.who scorned the inventionsoying thot Edisonhod somehow foked the demonstrotion thot such on ideo could not ond possiblywork; theorywould not ollow it; one could n e v e rb u i l d s u c ho t h i n g "







E<iison'ssketch for the model o the first phono. graph.

A f t e r r e c o v e r i n g r o mt h e d i s b e I i e f F h i s c o I l e g u e s . o Edisonundertook the tosk of populorizinghis invenfion by orming comPonyto monufocture o ond se|l the p h o n o g r o p h s . t w o s o n l y w h e n f o m i l i e sw e r e u s i n g l them thot the scientists occepted the ideo os o volid
ong c

Thomas A. Edison and his first talking machine. It utilized a rotating cylinder instead of a disc.




lvlonyyeors ogo Christopher Hills sent on outline of o to Proctcol course on supersensonics 900 UniVersity n Professors the United Stotes. On|y one replied. During those yeors Christophertoured the United Stotes three monthsevery yeor giving lectures ond demonstrotions of the remorkoblepowersinherent in eoch one of us, but dormontin most. of The response todoyrsscientisfswos much the some os thot which ocedEdison. They fe|t it o threot to the security of their textbook leorning ond the thought of throwing owoy oll they knew wos obhorrent. They os were unoble to see Supersensonics o tool to open up the vistosof thot which we still hove to leorn or os o reinforcementof truthsof our own porticulor discipline ond on eliminotor of the errorsthot hove crept into our work. Our opprooch is now like Edison's: to put Supersensonics into the hondso the genero| pub|ic so they moy become their own outhority ond not re|eornthe mistokeso others.

Humble oi| and R ining company

The informationexolosion. One day's output onew scientiic inormation wou|d il|severa|sets of a |arge encyclopedia.




A weight modeof ony moteriolsuspended o threod by is o pendulum. Becouse they ore so eosy to construct, there ore olmostos monydifferent pendulums there os ore Users'frorrr simple but high|y efectiveb|ock the spoolof threodto the intricote mosterpiece the of ond Belizo| pendu|um.Exercising Chourrery ther imoginotions,students hove modeuse of vorioussmoll obiectssuchos keys, crystols ond glos bolls fo moke pendulums, unfortunotely without toking into considerofion effecfsof theseobiects, since they the oll hove fheir orn wove-fields. Turenne,Alermet,Bovisond other pioneersin this field oSupersensonics, eoch hod hsown design, bosedon his portcu|or experiences. o these, Turennets rnognet{ittedpendulum ond Alermetrs covity pendulum becomeond sfill ore the mosf popu|or. Beforewe look into the speciicmeritsond selectingcopocitiesof thesependulums, us lef constructone orgenerc!use.



Since every moteriolhos its own porticulorwove-field' of con produce thot fhe moterol o pendu|um it fo||ows strongenough rodiotion to interfere with the wovefield underinvestigotion. For this reosonrkeys or or other metoI obiects ore not recommended use os weights, tor their wove-fields ore extremely pendulum strong, ond errotic resultsoccur when they ore used. Wood is o more suitoble moteriolsince it is inert. is All you need to constructthis pendulum o new spool of block or green threodond o needle. A smoll spool is best. The one I use is obout 1 1/4" long ond 3/4" in diometer. The spool mustbe wooden ond not or styrofoom plostic. The wooden port of the spool shouldbe block. The reosonfor theseporticulorcolors will becomeopporentin loter instructions.



Unwind obout one foot of threod from the spool ond ottoch it in the notch ot the edge of the spool to preventfurtheruncoling. Next possthe threodend througho needle ond push it throughthe center of the spool. ln doing so, keep the holes mode throughthe poperin the spootendsos smoll os possiblefor pendulum bolonce. Remove the needle ond suspendthe spool by its threod. You hove now modeon eficientpendu|um for yourself. models |f you do not wish to rnokeo pendu|Um'nony from the University o the Trees Press. ore ovoiloble




To receive o broodcosting stotionwith moximum c|ority, the rodio is tuned into the exoct requency of thot stotion. Similorly, the pendulum mustbe tuned to the vbrotions your own wove.fie|d for of it to ompliy he incomnsignol. t g






This is onotherexompleof resononce,ond is very similor to pushingo swing. You hove probobly leorned how to moke o swing go higher without too much efort. In doing so you reolized your timing wos more importont thon strength. When your pushingwos in tune with the swingrs motionsthe swingwent higher. You moy hove noticed on o shorterswing you needed to push more often. This showsthot the length of the swing is on importontfoctor in resononce.

We need the vibrotions in our fingertips to push the pendulum much fhe somewoy os in this exomple. in do this, we chonge the threod length until To resononceoccurs. A length which is too short or too long will not produce resononce. Your resonont length will not be the someos onother person's, since our vibrutionsdffer,even f only sli9ht|y in somecoses. Resononce@curs when the noturol vibrotion rotes of fwo obiecfs ore the some. lt olso occurs when the vibrotion rote of one of them is o multiple of the source.

'r rl\\


Beoreyou begin to tune yo..r pendulumo test oreo must be prepored. This work must be done in o room with o minimum f meiol, electricol, ond highly o colored obiecfs, vis. fypewriters. rodios, file drowers, clocks, refrigerotors, ond chemicols, which emit such strong rodiotionsthof the interference from these sourcescon couse errotic results for the studentwith limited experience. Among the brightly colored obiects thot ore otenpresentore curt.oins,books, ond corpets. Spectrol green is o neufrol color ond does not couse intererence. P|ocingo neutroIgreen c|oth ocross your tob|eoctuo||yhe|psmoskout undesirob|e WoV S r Open s|ightly ony drowerso fhe tob|e, since c|osed covities oFFect fhe wove-field you ore obout to detect. lvloke sure the green is not too yellow or foo blue but in between. This is importont otherwiseuse block cloth or ploin white. Thesefwo lofter colors, however, condition ond interoct with the environmentn o woy so your resultswould need cross complementory checking when using block or white cloths.



You wi|| need o pocket comPossortuning ond to proctice with constontly. An inexpensive stondord composs oll thot is required. Perhopsyou hove is seen pictures of iron iIingsoround o mognet, where the filings outlined the field of the rmgnet. A compossneedle emits the somefield, but o weoker oneo l-fowever,from the Supersensonic viewpoint, from o comPossneedle is o strongone. the ie|d To tune the pendulum, we hold it over the composs ond chonge the threod length. When the pendulum saringsspontoneouslyspeed up, you hove reoched the resonontlength.




Wind the pendu|um threodonto the mddleof o thin unpointedstick of obout 1/8inch cross-sectionond six inches long. A |orgefrelightermotchstick without its tip is ideql for this purpose. Ploce the composson o bore tob|e or fhe f|oor ond wthout restingyour elbows on the toble grip the holder lightly between the thumbond fingers of both honds, os illustroted, ond hong the pendulum over the compqss eost or west of its center, ond obout one inch iust obove fhe composs. To oid this, olign the norfh of the colrpossdiol with the north pole of the compossneedle. Your best resultswill be obtoined when you ore focing one of the norfh, south, eost or west coordinotes. Remembering is your body's nervoussystemthot is it detecting this rodiotion, it is noturol thot its orientofion fo the eorthlsmogneticfield wi|| ofecfthe results. Find the position which mostsuits you ond stoy with t. o Give the pendulum slight to ond fro (oscillotion) direction. Relox your movementin the eostrarest hond ond orm musclesond groduolly unwind the threod, rosingthe ho|derond hondsto montoinfhe one-inch distonce befween the pendulumond composs. Yor.lwill reoch o point ot which the pendulumstortsto rototein o circulor motion. lt will continuefo do so os you lengthenthe threod. This is the first rototion. As you unwindthe pendulum slightly, it will begin to osci||otebock ond orth. This is the firsf osci||otion. Further lengtheningthe threod will couse the pendulumto performo second rotofion" The unwinding is continued s|ght|y untiI o second osci||otionpostion found" The |engthof threod is ot which ths secondosciIlotionoccUrsis the correcf lengthfor tuning"



As on exomple, the disfonce between the holder ond the center of the pendulumwhen tuned for one group of sfudentshos ronged between 7 otl l2 cms. At this position, the pendu|umosci||otonsore more responsve -- fhe pendulum oPpec'rsmore o|le. As one observes in other tuned systems, such os the rodio, this is chorocteristic of oll rcsononce sysems once resononce is reoched" ln this cose the pendulum length ond your vibrofions ore in resononcee Toke core not fo lose this length ond hence necessitote refuning. Toke o piece of cholk or crcyon ond rnork fhe sfrngwhere it meefs the stick" Now yorr system is tuned ond reody to go. For your next sfep, you will |eom to increose your senstivty the detecton of to wove-fie|ds, sforfirB wth fhe wove-fie|d romyour compossrngnet.




It is known thot o mognethos both north ond south b p o l e s , w h i c h c o n b e s i m p l yi l l u s t r o t e d y s p r i n k l i n g . oroundthe mognet. A greoterdensity iron iIings of iron is foundot thesepoles. Our next step is to develop sensitivityby using the pendulum investigotethe mogneticpoles of the to composs needle. With your hondsin the some positionon the holderos in the previousexperiment ond using the tuned threod length, move the pendulum mognet,obout one to the north pole of the composs At this positionthe pendulum inch obove the composs. w i l l b e g i n t o r o t o t e , u s u o l l yi n o c l o c k w i s ed i r e c t i o n . The direction o rototionis not os imporfont,however, os is the detection of chonge in the direction o rototionwhen the pendulumis movedto o positionover the mognet's southpole.

gently from the Now proctice moving the pendulum north pole to the southpole, observingthe chonges in the pendulumrototions. As you continue in this monneryou will notice the pendulumchongesfrom os clockwise to onti-clockwise rototions you possit over fhe center of the mognet. Repeot this motion but, in oddition to momentqry stops over the poles, olso pouse of the mognet's cenfer ond observeon eost-westosci||otionot this pont. When you ore oble to detect clocloarise rototion, bock ond forth oscillotion, od onti-cloclrvise rototion in thot order, you hove stortedto develop sensitivity to thesewove-fields.




The positive pole is the north pole. The direction of rototion ossocioted with the north pole, therefore, is defined os the positive direction. Likewise, the negotive direction of rototion is thot obtoned with the pendulumobove the south pole. Now notice fhot there is o complete hemi-sphericol oreo oround the mognetrs north pole in which the pendulumwill rotofe in o positive direction, ond o similor oreo of negotive rototion oround the south pole. Becouse oppositesottroct eoch other the negotive south po|e o the compossis ottrocted to the positive north o the eorthrsfield.

* t.



Touching the holder with os rmny fingen os possible brings o lorge numberof nerve endingsinto ploy providing conduction of the signol to the pendulum. As sensitivityincreoses,we con eliminofe the holder ond the necessityo using both honds. os ollows: Grosp the holder ot its center with the thumbond first ingerof one hqnd ond repeot the experiment until you con reodily detect the three difterent effects over the mognet. For the lost step, tie o single knot in the threod to indicote your tuned length, ond discordingthe holder, grip the knot between the thumbond first finger. Drope the remoinderof the threod over the bock o your hond, os illustroted, to preventit touching the octive portion. To differentiote the three diFerent of components the mognetrs field in this woy slrowso degree o competencyin wove-ield detection" The time to mosterthis |esson wi|| vory from o ewhours to o week, depending on whether you hove on instructoror experimentby yourself"




One more experiment to be undertoken is the investigotion of the centrol portion of the mqgnetrs wove-field. Ploce the pendulum over this point ond gent|y so thot the stotic friction of set it osci||otng the pendulumond the oir moy be overcone. performonce' oterthe forced The pendulum.s osci||otions, consisfso the following motionsin sequence:

c locl.rvise rototions, osci north-south Ilotions, ontir lockri se rot'otions, d) eost-\ilest Ilotions. osci
o) b) c)

The totol of the obove motionso) throughd) will be referred to os the "compound" movement, ond will be symbolized y *, -. b As we hove demonstroted with the compossnognet' in noture there ore * ond - forces. Noture olso hos onother force which we in Supersensonics detect os o compoundmovement. This force occurs when * ond - portionsore equolly bolonced.

PosrrrvE I SWNG

# g


In order to deveIop reoI senstivity with the pendulum, the user must be ocutely owore o foctors thot moy interfere with the process. Thereore this section deoIs with the pitolIs o work w i th th e pend u Ium.





Once you hove thoroughlyworked fhe previous chopter ond hove goined o degree of confidence in this technique, you moy hove o strongurge to turn to the loter choptersin this book ond ottemptto obtoin on$/ers to questionsin which you hove some emotiono i nvolvement. I This would be like leorningto swim 100 yordsond immediotely ottempting swim the EnglishChonnel. to You would quickly go under. The deeperthe problem, the more you moy unbolonceyour emofions ond elicit not only wrong inormotion oIso inner but turmoil. At this sfoge you ore completely open to interferencewoves from sourcesthot we sholl discuss in this section. In foct, os thesesources ore pointed out, you will recognizethof they hove olreody interferedwith your work in the previouschopter ond ies. coused inconsistenc Leorning to counter thesewoves is eosiestwhile performing emotionollyneutrolexperiments the the in where the physicol lows con reodily first few lessons be seen. l you toke tmeto work them thoroughly, you wi|| |oy o strongoundotionor loter work in more emotionoloreos. It is essenfiolos the next stepohowever, thot we consider thoughtwoves ond their effects on this detection since they ore the source o mony errorsin Supersensonics. We mustnot underestimote theirinluence.

These brain rvaves ean be dctected and traced. Scientists use arl instrument called an electroencephalograpft,cletect ancl trace to brairr rvaves.

Cbtu oqput a.{,5..'@' f& t.r.k 4+1, tu.

k.@.' ry6'.t a*..-d)

c lk


oround us is olive with multitudinous The otmosphere wove-fields from every moteriol obiect on eorth ond elsewherein the universe, from television ond rodio wqves ond from thoughtwoves. Our oim is to selectively detect the one component of this vost orroy which corries the informotionwe wont. To do this, we mustcut out interferencesrom the other sourcesthot we do not wont to meosuret including our own thoughts" An excellent exompleis the Personwhosependulum wilt not movewhen he tries to tune it. He is sending out o thoughtsimilor to, "This connot possiblywork!" will not move produces His conviction thot the pendulum thot it connot move. lf he such o strongwove-field could turn this into o positive conviction he would be very successful.



os Doubt ond onxety rnonifest Very strongthoughtwoves which con destroYanY degree o occurocy. Theseore the eosiestof the thoughtwoves to overcomesince they ore so recognizobleond con be eliminoledby becoming neutroltowordsthe result.

--r1 \.-


I rl I \L.J






, I ((-) .-.

Unlike the obove exomple, the pendulum responds for doubters but they receive incorrectonswers when they s e n do u t d o u b t sl i k e , " l c o n t t d o t h i s ! " " l t c o n ' t b e this eosy!" Whereosot other timeswhen they ore confident, they receive correct onswerso When you see your mind doubting, toke o moment to re-center. Relox your mind ond fingertips. Do not grip the pendulum threodtightly" Although reloxed ond neutrol, hove your mind reody os if you ore woiting to see ond then heor the resultof o rocket blosf off" The mostfruitful ottitude is boloncedbetweenconfidence ond receptivity. You con leorn to feeI the response who hos come iust os you moy be oble to sensesomeone up behind you. lvlonypointers,musicions,psychicsond otherswho hove deve|opedtheir sensitivityore quite owore o t h i s e e I i n g . W i t h c o n s t o n t r o c t i c et h i s i n n e r p wi oworeness ll grow.



ond from wshtul tnterferencefrom the subconscious thinking is for more difficult to detect due to its to subtle noture. But since the pendulumresponds rother thon the consciouswe must the subconscious whoteveris in our consciousmind is olso insure thot mind. in our subconscious Wshfulthinking is hoving o personolstokein the ond not releosingit in outcomeo the experiment the interest of truth. we Although we send out o speciic queston moy rePlY due to: receive on incorrect osking onother question, o) subconsciously b) sending out the onswerwe wontt c) iumping to our next questionbefore the first is onswered. Agoin odopt on ottitude of indifference os to the out"o*" of the direction o the pendulumsring w h i | e s t i I l b e i n g i n o w i I l i n g g r e c e p t i v es t q t eo mind, woiting for ony signol to reoch your nerves. the As in oll experiments observer,if he is not con effect the results. koctice bypossing neutro!, ''gettingyourselout ond feelingsby your thoughts ond hence of the woy" while experimenting, your own proiections" preventing error due to






experiment,which oPPeors ln the coin identiicotion will be worked |oterin thschopter, theseponts with to enoble you to grosp them more fully.


The stote of mind you need to be in when sendingout ond receiving this rodiotionis so importontit is worthw h i l e d e s c r i b i n g t o g o i n i n o s l i g h t l yd i f f e r e n tw o y . i


The intuitive proiection port of the nervoussystemis concenfroted o smo||point in the center o the ot foreheodbetween the eyes. It is here thot we concentrotethe thoughtenergybeore sendingit out to interoctwith other rodiontenergy. The question mustbe set cleor|y in your mind beoreproiectingit out. A conused mind wilI produceconused onswers. One missileproiectedot o specific torgetwill bring better resultsthon ten oimed of rondom. is The process illustrotedhere: (o) Slow your scotteredthoughts (b) Stop your mind from hopping obout like o monkey (c) Begin to concentrqteon one questiononly (d) Let this thoughtoccupy your totol concenfrotion (e) And finolly send out o concentrotedpure thoughtwove.

--+-------t + .+-----

< -

----! _-




To be in o recepfivestoteis to be open, with o wiIlngness receive. Keepyourmindstill. Do to to not ollow otherthoughts enteror let your mind stroyofthe qr'rcstion.Woit for the quick resPonse. THE FIRSTPENDULUMREACTIONIS THE CORRECTONE. to Accept it reodily, not ollowingony ofherthoughts it. chonge





Although we hove come to recognize the broin ovoiloble, we the mostsophisticoted computer continuouslylimit its potentiols. ore Consider. for o minute. whot computers copoble of: toke yeors, 2) sforing vost quontities o informotionthot wou|d toke miles of stocks o books to contoin. 3) controlling mochinesto o precisedegree d i n c | u d i n gf | y i n 9o i r p | o n e s , r v i n gt r o i n s ,o n d pi loting spoce vehic les. Our mindscon do thesethingsif they ore cleor ond uncluttered. As with o computer, w r) c o l c u | o t n ign s e c o n d s h o t w o u | dm o n u o l | y

' ' J U N K I N G I V E SJ U N K O U T .' '

,Asour irsfoct in controllingour mind, |et us consider it os o computerond progromit os one. ln the process we |et simp|euncfions |ike of progromming computer o A ond B equol mostcomplex functions,so while the progrommer workingwith elementsthot ore eosy to is concept of these functions monipulote, fhe computerrs is for more complex.



a= 'c'.'ty'-'


Similorly, the simpleword "mon"will be eqr.nted to into our conceptof t'mon"previouslyprogrommed our minds,which sdifferenttor eoch person. wiIl coniureup diferent Likewise,the word ,'bliss|' imcgesin your minddependingon the concept thot you presently hold of bliss. Thiswill rongefromo hug motherts fo on infont, condy to o youngchild, sex to on odolescenf, love fo on odult, modeyto o businessundero mon, o Nobel hize to o scienfist, stfing redwood tree to the contenfed,or nothingif you hod neverheordof the wordbliss ond hod no concept oit. For yo'l connot experienceonythingowhich you hove no concepton. do of Applying this to the formotion cleor questions; nof usewordsforwhich you hove no cleor corrcept, qnd mokesureyou knowwhot your concept is before osking the question.


whoteverconceptsore in your You wi|| ocperence pendu|um respond fhem. This wiIl ond the to mnd which is o soterrrent the secondlow of rodesthesio of is better expresed os: PENDULUMWILL RESPOND TO WHATE\ER TI.IE CONCEPTSARE IN YOUR MND. (You hove not missed irstlow of mdiesthesio. the in It will be presented Sectionll.)


Once you hove reolized this, you con deliberotely form concepts on o conscious level ond in doing so constructo longuogebetween yourself ond your mind to which the pendulumwill respond. we progromour mind for the pendulumto Typicolly, sring in o clockwise rototion for oll positive phenomeno ond in the reversedirection for negotive fields.

Alternotively, if you hove found on onti-clockwise . rototion over the north pole o the mognet, then thot represents positive phenomeno you" In this cose for you will wish to note thot the convention used throughout the continr.ntionof this work is one of clockwise rolotion for positive phenomeno,ond hence oll your rototionswill be in the reversedirection to those os described in the remoiningchopters.

hogromming the mind in this woy is one of the bosic fundomentolsof Supersensonics. Further exomples will oppeor repeotedly throughoutthis work. We shol! now opply the principles of this lessonby experimentingto identify thot side o o coin which is focing owoy from the eorth" The beouty of this experiment lies in its simplicity ond the quicknessof checking the results.




Toke o coin ond ploce it under o blonk sheet of white poper on o t'oble, moking certoin thot you do not know which side is focing up. lf you hove not olreody done so, progrcm your mind to give the pendulum responsesfor positive ond negotive onswerswith heodsos positive ond toils negotive. l-lold your pendulum over the coin ond detect the heod or oil|d.

Record your result" Verify your onswer. Repeot the sequence ot leost sx times. Continue repeoting the experimentslowly, while coreu|lywotching ond |eorningobout your mnd. Be owore of when other thoughtsond questions enter thot ore not drectly reloted, ond wotch ho,r,they interfere with the results. Observe ot whot point doubt enters ond produces incorrect onswers. Also note the moment (wishfuIthinking). | the thot you proiect on ons\^/er pendulum rofotions ore consistently in the opposite direction So whot you expect, osk yourself whot wos your mind in your $Jbconsciouswhen you progrommed for these responses.


As we become owore of the tricks of the mind, we con leorn how to control it, ond herein lies the importonce of this simple experiment. Repeotthis lessondoily ond reolize the futility in proceeding furtherunfil you recognize ond hove some control over the tricks your mind is ploying. The stote of mind neededis similor to thot when you ore in meditotionor Proyer. If you meditoteyou wil| ind the some thoughtprocesses thot interfere with your meditotionso|so intererewith your rodiesthesiowork. lmprovements either one of fhese fechniques in helps the other.

The coin experiment on excellent fest of our mentol is ond physicol stoteswith respectto our obility to divine on ony porticuloroccosion, ond hence moststudents precedetheir divining sessions with this experimento It oIso i||ustroies monybosic fundomentols this so o work thot we wilI continuous|y refer to it. tyou think o litt|e obout this experimenf,t wi|| promptmony questions, which will then be onsweredos you progress throughthe course. The coin wove-fie|d svery comp|ex, contoining componenlsdue to its shope. moleculor sfructure,ond e|ectricol configurotion. ln oct, onythng con we soy obouf the coin s contoined in its wove.fe|d" ln this experiment, we progromour minds to detect thot porfion o the wove.field which identifies the side of the coin focing owoy from the eorth. l n f h e next chopfer we sholl detect onother component of the coints wove-field"



You rnoyknow people who hove been usingthese for techniques successfully sometime. They useoll of monner pendulum npde from metols, crystolsond plosticswith choin or polymertwine os the lhreod, os do the old+ime dowsers this counfry. With on of ''if it's good enorgh for them,.t.sgood ottitude of enoughfor re, " you go oheodond duplicote their pendulums.


fhe This proctice is not correcf. You or.ebreokng third low of rodiesthesio: "WHAT WORKS FOR ONE PERSON DOES NOT WCRK FOR ANOTHER." NECESSARILY ond These rodiesthesiests dorsers hove invested q greot deo| of time ond energy (conscorsness) into ond in doing so hove built up their thesependulums, concentrotmfo o fine pitch when using them. Th"y knowtheonswer will be corect ond so if is. Also, i|''o'peoptewho penisted in o trode thot wos froarned uponusuolly possesedo noturolsensitivityfor obove the overogeuntrcinedperson.



At o recentdowser'sconferenceI meto monwho wos knownfor his excellentobility to find underground oil ond gos supp|ies. He hod two identico|pieceso oluminummorkedoil ond gos respectively;one he used for findingoil ond the othergos. Thiswould probobly not work for mostpeople. lt is on exompleof the fourth low of rodiesthesio:

tF tTwoRKs FoR YOU, USEtT.




Young children ore onothergroupwho con use olmost ny moteriol s o pendulum. Their o o sensitivityis high, becousethey hove nowhere neor the mentol blocks of odults ond hence o Possess psychic obi|ity orhigher thon most o d u I t s . I t i s q u i t e c o m m o n o h e o r o c h i l d r e n t duplicoting the feotsof Uri Gellcr such os bending cutlery, stoppingclocks ond roising brooms into t h e o i r b y i u s t u s i n gt h e i r m i n d s . When my youngestson, Luke, wos eight yeorsold, I introducedhim to the pendulum ond inodvertontly gove him one thot wos selective to o porticulor wove-ie|d(not thorghtwoves). Yet he tuned into thoughts with consideroble occurocy. On his first doy, Luke only got one wrong onswer when his self-pride rose o little due to the ottentionhe wos receiving.


We os beginners eelwe too shou|dbe oble to perorm the somemonner. Usuolly our convicin t i o n i s e i t h e r s o s t r o n gt h o tw e o r e i n i t i o l l y successfu| beoredoubtssei in ond errorsoccUr or we ore completelyconvincedwe connotond sowe contt. The result is fhe somewith both opproochestor mostpeople. They develop o negotiveottitude towordsfheir potentiol os rodiesthesiests. Tests conducted by Christopher H|lshove shownthof eighty percentof the populotionhove this obility. The twenty percent who do not ore thosewho connof overcometheir negotivethinking. With proctce you con deve|op this potentio| to o high degreeof reliobility. The next chopter showsyou how.



Supersensonics comes olive in demonstrotions which gi ve us o toste of the potentiols how the by illusfroting of this technigue, cosmic forces ore f lowi ng through obiects ond through yourse lf .



We ore oll well owore thot proctice produces perfection, but we shy owoy when the word is mentionedsince in the post, proctice hos usuolly been monotonous. Here we ovoid monotonyby presentingo series of importontbut simple experimentsfor you to perform. Eoch exomple illustroteso significont point obout how the cosmic other port of the forces f|ow in yourself or sone universe.



Suspendthe pendulumbetween the thumbond first finger of your hond obove the mognettsnorth pole ond note the rototion. Now chonge to the thumbond second inger, ond so on noting the efect for eoch finger. Hold the pendulumover the polm of your hond ond then the bock. Now over the other hond. Hold the pendulumov.ereoch finger in turn ond record the wove-fields given off by eoch one.

Whot do these experimentstell you obout the energy given ofyour hondsond fingers?

A4ostpeople find the swings ore reversed when they hold the pendulumin their other hond. Stop, ond progromyour mind to give swingsin the some direction regordless which hond you use. of Test the efectivenessof your Progrommingby detecting the mognetic field romyour comPoss needle first using one hond ond then the other.


You hove seen your comPosspoint in the drection of the eorthrsmognetic field, ond know how useful this is in novigoting ships ond in finding direction while hiking. Buf did you know you con detect the eorthts mognetic ie|dwithout o composs? Stond with your orms stretched stroight out from your sdesond s|ow|yrotote. As you.possthroughthe line connecting mognetic north ond souih o sensotionwill be felt in your fingertips. This moy only be experienced in one hond to begin with. Donrt worry, ofter owhile your hond w|l woke up. Contnueto rotote ond observe o second sensotion os your honds poss through the eost*rrestoxis.

Repeot doily, buildingup your overollsensitivity this ond bringingyour fingertips life. to




\\ ,/' t Li I



l you wou|d Iike to see on expertdiviner ot work, go into o gorden ond find on insect with nvo ontennoe on the ront his heod. Theseore his sensors. They of remindone of the dowser's divining rod which will be coveredin Section lll. lt is quite foscinotingto wofch the insect gother informotionusing these ontenncte. ln mostonmols this senseis highly deve|oped. Anfs olwoys build their h|lsover woter, whereosstorks never nest over woter ond invoriobly deliver bobies to the wrong home unlessSupersensonics used to is guidethem. W h i l e i n t h e g o r d e r y h o l dh e p e n d u l u m v e r o l e o f , t o ond other portso plonts. |you hove o ruitfree, f o r i n s t o n c e n o p p l e t r e e , p i c k o n o p p l e w i t h o u to o breok in the skin, ond detect the differencebetween the reoctionot its growingend to thot ot the top. As the fruit is growing, the end ottochedto the tree is focing the sky. This end gives o positive responsee The end neorestthe eorth gives off the oppositeenergyc Upon biting into the opple this life-energy flows into y o u r b o d y o n d i s v e r y b e n e f i c i o lt o v i t o l i t y . W h e r e o s . w h e n y o u c u t i n t o o f r u i t t h i s e n e r g yi s l o s t " Wheneveryou first bte into o fruit |eornto ee|this energyflowingTE you. The secondond subsequent bites ore not the someos the first. Tune into oll fruits in this monner on eosy woy to increoseyour os sensiti vity .



|you hove on interestin e|ectricol phenomem, the oI|owing o numberof diferentelectricol obiecis, ore which ore ovoiloble oround the home, whose wovefields you sholld be oble to detect. Hold the pendulum: o) over bofh ends o o bottery; the negotive terminol gives o positive response,showing electrons flow from this terminol; o negotive sring is found ot the positvetermino!. turning it on. b) over o rodio beoreond ot'er c) next to on electricol woll swifch before ond ! ofter furning if m. d) in the light beom of o loslrlight.


Gother together cloth or poper somplesof the seven roinboarcolors, red, orongenyellow, greenr blue, indigo, vio|et. Detect the wove.fields given ofby the colors. They ore:

+ POS|Tt\E
Red Oronge Yellow jreen Yellowish

jreen Bluish Blue Indigo Violef

rue Green hos o compound(* -) wove-field.

You hove now demonstroted yourse| or the undesirobiIity the presenceo thesecoIorsond of of electricol equipment neor your test oreof due to their strongwove-fie|dswhich con interere with the one you wish to detect. How colors relote to your psychewill be looked into in the nextsection.


You moy hove noticed your occurocy decreosingwhen you spendmore thon twenty minutesprocticng. To counterqct this, dischorge your nervoussystemond musclesby holding the polms of both honds neor ond on eoch side o o streom of woter f|owing frorrro top. Quite mogicolly, within o minufe, your Supersensifive obi lity returns.





ot the mognetic tn this chopter we hove been looking does not. *it .f the wove{ield which inherently


ore horizontol woves.


the obove somple' These eightinches


of the woveBeyond this height the electricol port throughout n.ta i, detecto|e. Thesewoves trove| the universe. They ore verticol WQV S o

becouse: Verticol woves ore of greof interest from sources gother l) they ollow us to ''-n"hutinformotion from o surfoce' ln owoy more thon uight *ou"' tnovel unimpededthroughout foct, verti"oi the universe. 2) thoughtwoves ore verticol woves'







I \ry


Toke your composs ond detect the three horizontol field components romits mognetizedneedle.



By now this should be regordedos your worm-up exercise to check your physicol ond mentol reodness. Next ho|d the pendu|Um more thon 8 inches obove the composs ond detect the verticol wove-field which gives o norfh-south, eost-west crossobove o mognet.


We will nor detect both horizontolond verticol fields from metols. Gother togetheros mony exomplesof pure metols ond other elementsos you con. The mosteosily obtoinoble ore gold (rings), silver (iewelry), copper (coin or tubing), oluminum(foil), chromium(plotingchips), iron (noil), leod (weights), mercury (thermometer), (medicotion). corbon (pencl !eods), tin (|ids)' suIplrrrr Ploce one of the obove somplesin your test oreo, ond oscillote the pendulum obove it, oboutone or two inches obove the somple, to detect the horizontol field. Short|y, the pendulum motionwiIl chonge into one o the known srings. Record your rezult using either of ., + -). the positive, negotiveorconpoundsigns(+'

slowly over the test somplefron Ailoveyour pendulum northto southond tfienoroundthe sompleond note the fhot fhe field fronrthe sompleproduces some within the 8" hemisphere srings in oll directions (seei||ustroton). fie|d fromthe Continue to detect the horzonto| ond tobuloteyanr rezults. othersomples, to Now move the pendulum o height greoterthon 8" ond detect fhe verticol fields fromeoch of the somples.

gWING cHlx695


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with those|istedin the oble, Comporeyo'lr resu|ts thot o zero meons sompledoes rrothove notng the this type of rodiotion. Repeofthis experiment rupidly movingthe pendulum fromone sompleto onotherond frornone height to onotherunt|the chongesio srings occur nstontoneous|y. bringso Very rewording This fee|irrgof progress, ond conidence,knowingyour sensitivityis increosing. The fields fromthesemeiols will help us further in this ond other ond elements on chopters. (Seetoble following.)



ELElENT A !uminum Corbon Chromium Copper Gold lron Leod Mercury Si lv er Sulphur Tin Thorium Zinc HORIZONTALFIELD \ERTICALFIELD

+ + + + + +

++ + +++ +0 0




We hove olreody detectedverticol woves uPon w d e t e r m i n i n g h i c h s i d eo f o c o i n i s f o c i n g u p . S i n c e woves ore verticol woves, in the next three thought os we exomples will continue to control our thoughts we did in the coin experiment. Thesethree will serveos ihe bosic troining for fhe experiments secondho|of this book in which exompleso opplicotionsusing verticol wovesore numerous presented. Simi|orly, or youngeror older persons or even onfique obiects, you con vory your first questionond count uP.


Set in your mind o picture of o personwhom you know, but whoseoge s unknownio you" Send out the oge between30 ond thoughtwover "ls this person's n ? " l f t h e o n s w e ri s ' y e s t , t h e n o s k " l s t h i s p e r s o n 3 l ? " o n d c o n t i n u ec o u n t i n gu p u n t i l t h e p e n d u l u m swingspositively"


Cords moy be used in mony different woys to build your fechnique. Shuffle o deck o cords ond then ploce one foce down on your test oreo. First osk, "ls this o red cord?" As o check t osk, ,.|s hiso block cord?'' lyou ore ombitious, storf ot one end ond count up until you get o positive swing to the question, "ls this on oce (o fwo, three, efc.)?" 69



Hove someonehide on obiect in your oottteWth your free hond point stroightin front of you ond slowly turn througho circle. While turningnconcentroteon the obiect ond sendout the thought, "ls the obiect in this di rection? " When the pendulumsring chonges from negotive to positive moke o mentol note of the direction" Then chonge your positionond repeotthe questionwhile turning unti! o positive response occurs. The obiect is locoted ot the intersectionof the two directions.

oDJEcY i HrpoeN



I t



Knowing the |owso similors ond moking use o them, you wil| reo|ize o degree o occurocy which w|l enob|eyou to hove confidencein your obility os o supersensitive humon.



Hopeu||y,nworking throughthe previouschopter you hove discovered how your mind con interere ond produce incorrect responses ond in reloting bock to Chopter 4, you ore leorning how to overcome this. l'hving reolized thot your orn mind is the biggest block to occurocy, ond olso your greotestosset once you hove leorned fo control it, we now introduce someoids to help you. tune into one wove-ieIdto The tosk is to selecfve|y the exclusion oo|| others. one methodis to hove the subiect in ronto us to oid concentrotion. Another mefhod is to ho|d on imoge of o dstont obiect cleorly in our mind. An eosieropproochis broughtobout by invoking the first |ow o simi|ors which sfotesthot:

This meonswe con tune our nervoussystemto whotever we wish to detect simply by holding o sompleof it ogoinstour nerve endings. For exomple, by holding o gold ring in your hond you ore tuned info gold ond con locote gold obie3is. This low ond its opplicotion mokeso lot of sensesince the wove-fields of similor obiects ore the someond we would expect them to resonotewith eoch other.


The opplicofion of this low leods to perhopsthe moststriking foct in Supersensonics: the obiIity o your neuro-muscu|or reIexes position of o distont element to record the by using o sompleof the someelement fo set up this connection.


ln the previous chopter you were shownhow to locote on obiect by pointing with your free hond stroightout in front of you os you turned o circle. Now, repeot this experiment. This time hove someonehdeone of your meto!s. Then hold o sompleof thot metol in your free hond ond observe how much more responsiveyour pendulum becomes ond how your occurocy increoses. Even more ostoundingis the foct thot this low is not limited to elements. Experimentolly,it hos been shown thot every poir of similor obiects which produce the some vibrotions possess fhis connection between them.




To test fhis low you con repeot the cord experiment. the P|oce one cord of eoch suit (preerobly oce) oce up in front o you. Touch eoch in sequence whle your pendu|umis obove on unseen' unknown fifth cord. Silently osk, "ls this the suit of the unseencord?" On q yes response,you hove the correct suit. Once you hove found the suit you now need to determnethe oce number. Do this by morking oce throughking on o sheet of poper. Then run your finger olong the sheet until the pendulum indicotes the cord number.



An olternotive methodis to touch the unknowncord with your free hond ond move the pendulumover the poPer untiI o correct response gven. is

is The sheet of poper contoining the numbers the witness" The four test cords ore olso witnesses" Among the other mostcommonlyused witnessesore: l. photogrophs people, thingsond ploces, of

2. hoir from people ond onimols, 3. clothing, to locote people. 4. blood or solivo spotson o piece of fissue


The oge determinotionexercise con be repeotedwith greoter occurocy by holding the pendulumover o photogroph the personwhile osking the questions" of All monnerof quesfionscon be osked os is shownin the opplicotion section o this book" Let o worning be issued here to stop you from immediotely iumping of into this. We con boost efFectiveness the witnesses wove-fields. Woit until you know by omplifyingtheir obout how to do this before osking signiicontquestons o person, or obout yourself.



The imoginotionso the eor|y pioneerswere unstoppoble. In 1931,M. Bervrouxond Fr. Podey discovered words octed like the obiects they represented. Thusword wifnesseswere born. You hove olreody used one. ln the cord experiment, the sheet o poper contoinirg the numbers oce through king is o word witness.


Sometimesthe obiecfs or people you wont inormotion obout ore not ovoiloble ond you connot obtoin o photogrophor ony other somple witness to represent them. On these occosionsword witnessesore on involuoble tool. You rnoywrife the nomeof the obiect or the personon o b|onk sheet o poper to set up o link between your neurologicol nervous systemond the subiect under study. A direct opplicotion of word witnessesis used in performing list onolysis" Here the pendulumis o moved over o list of similor obiects, nomes, ploces, or componies. lt will svringnegotivelyuntil held obove the correct item thot onswersyour question. For exomple, you moy wish to locote o Mr. Smith in Son Froncisco" To do this you toke the relevont te|ephonedrectoryond poss the pendulumdown the columnsof Smithsuntil o positive response seen" is This techniqueis o phonebill ond time sover. I find this type of ornlysis extremely occurcfe ond work in this orm by try to orronge my rodesthesic plocing obiects in roars ond runningthe pendulum over them. An exompleof list onolysisis the doily detecting of which cell solts my body requires" With this question in mind it tokes no more thon one minute to pick out the correct solts, by possingthe pendulumover the vio ls "


aS=X =+N ==s a --s

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-3----r. --\\ :=\\ --\\\\' \
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ln Chopter I we hove olreody seen fhe second low n operotion in the pyromidwork of Bovis. The second low is: S I M I L A RS I - I A P E P R O D U C ES I M I L A RE F F E C T S . S o lt wos know|edge this |ow thot led Bovis to constructo replico of the Greot Pyromidto test its dehydrotion power. This low moy be opplied to o n y o b i e c t r e g o r d | e so s i z e . A s m o | | o I l i s o s b witnesso the eorth. Ho|dingyour pendu|um over it will reveol o positive response the eorth's ot pole, ond o compound north pole, o negotivesouth wove-fe|doroundthe equotor.



An extenson these lows of simi|orsproduceso o ly powerfulresult. stortling S I M I L A RD I A G R A M S P R O D U C E S I M I L A RE F F E C T S . Here ore o few opplicotionsto help you grospthe o vost imp|icotions this low. Some of the exomp|es we will becomefomilior with in the next secfion which deo|swith procticoIopplicotionso Supersensonics. An onotomicoldiogromtogetherwith o witnessof o pofient enoblescorrect diognosiso ony oilment. A circuit diogromcon be used to design, redesign, de-bug or repoir equipment. Drowingsof o multim i l l i o n d o l l o r c h e m i c o lp r o c e s s i n g l o n t c o n b e p used fo fest its operoting eiciencyond foiIure points beforeconstructon begins. Atomic ond rno|ecu|or behoviorcon be studiedby usingdiogroms. The exoct locotion of smoll or lorge leoks ond ou|ts p|ontby con be detectedin on operotionoI studyingits |owchorts. lmogine the importonce in detecting rodiotion leoks fromo nucleor reoctor!! Anri-pollutionists, toke note o this method ! 76


lvlonyusefuloids were developedos o resultof wifh diogromwitneses. combiningword witnesses The firstwe sholl consider the percentiledisc. lt is of consists o circle equollydivided into 100ports. A witness plocedot the centerof the disc. lf this is is not posib|e, it s positionedon the someslreetof popercontoiningfhe disc. The pendulum moved is while oroundthe insideof the disc.scrcumference ''ls thsthe correct sendingout the tholght percentroge?,' pooitve A resPonse fromthe pendulum indcotes correcf ons\^/er. the percentof The opplicotionsmnge frorno personts of infegrity to fhe onolysisof the percenf,oge o in ceroinmeo| on orc. You wll get p|entyof procticein usingthe percentiledisc, similors,ond differenttypesof witneses in the next section.

50 77



I t

Combining discoveries introduced in this chopter, oundthey could find the eorIy rodiesthesiests missingpeople by plocing o witnessof themon o mop ond omplifying the mop!swove-field. The mop octed os o diogromwitnesso the oreo in which the missingpersonwos believed to be locoted. witness, soy o photogroph,wos ploced The personts on, or in contoct with, the mop. Then the would hold the pendulum over o rodiesthesiests photogroph the missingpersonond run o finger of o their reehond down the width o the mopwhile sending out the thoughtwove:


(the person'snome)in this row?"

would swing negofivelyos in o list The pendulum onolysis, until the correct row wos ound. on possingthis row the negotive swing resumed. The position o the positive saling wos noted. They then ron their tinger ocross the length o the mop whi le osking:


(the person's nome)in this column?"


When o positive swing resulted thot coordinote wos morked. The intersection of the two positive person. gove the position o the missirrg responses wos oble to locote Using this technique Arlermet the missingsurvivorso o French expeditonto fhe South Pole.

I ,1,l





Wh|ein Fronce visiting Picosso,my teocher, ChristopherHills, hod o comeroond his briefcose contoininghis possport,trovellert checks, lettersof stolen from credit, ond someirreploceobledocuments his cor. He reportedthe theft to the police stotion neorestto fhe town of Villourois which wos obout l2 miles owoy. Next doy, he continuedon to St. Poul de Vence, severoImiIesowoy from the thet, where he wos to stoy os o guestof E|eenGorrett. ounder Foundotion. Eileen hod never o the Poropsycho|ogy so met Christopher on greetinghim ot the door o her homeshe osked ioviolly, "How do I know you ore ChristopherHitls. since you hove no identiicotion?..


morningChristopherHills reoIized Eor|y the o!|owing he could use divining to locote the missingobiects ond to wos ot the police stotiondetermined recoverhis slolen property. After exploining the incident ogoin ond completing the opproprioteformolities he requested o mop of Villourois. The town holl hod o lorge mop ond the oficiols wotchedos he ron his hond down ond ocrossthe mop os in the previousdescription. As he did wos silently osking for the locotionsof this Christopher who hod knowledgeo[ the crime. He ony persons or obtoined three positive responses eoch coordinote in onswerto the question, so he took off in his cor to seek out fhe people, stortingwith the position furthestowoy.



This took hmto the edge of the town where he ound o housein o countrysettingout in the middle of the fields. Getfing out of the cor, he tuned in ond osked i this wos the correct house. He received o positive reply. As he wos looking of the house, o mon come ond sot ot o toble in the gordenond o lody oppeored Iunchin ront him. Christopher ond set o lovsh of then tuned into this mon ond osked i he were the mon who hod knowledgeof the crime. The onswerwos positive ond so he went up to conrontthe mon. ln broken French he told the mon he hod been robbed ond thot he knew this mon hod knowledgeof the robbery. Quite indignontly, the gentlemonrosefrom his meol ond exploined thot he wos the police chief ond o course he hod know|edge the crime since he wos of ot T-he eorlier on the morning when Christopher snotion hod come to reportit. His indignotionthen gove woy to odmirotion,since Christopher hod troced him to his house throughSupersensonics over l2 miIes rom the police stotion.


responses, second the OF the three positive pendulum to the city morguerwhere he foundo ionitor who led i d e n i e do l l k n o w l e d g eo f t h e c r i m e . T u n i n g n t o t h i s Foundhe did indeed hove knowledge mon, Christopher of the theft ond in foct hod the comerowith him in somewhere the morgue. Not being oble to get ony with this mon, Christopher then proceededto Further the third locotion, which wos o housenot For from the hospitol. Nobody wos ot homewhen he orrived. so he tunedinto the houseond sensedthot ihe briecose wosinside. W h e n h e g o t b o c k t o t h e p o l i c e s t o t i o n ,t h e p o l i c e chief hod |ongsince returnedrom|unchond to|d the oficers how |. Ang|ois hod |ocotedhim using come throughthe door ond rodiesthesio. Christopher e h e o r dt h e ms p e o k i n g x c i t e d l y i n F r e n c h , s e e m i n g l y word wos ''rodiesthesio.'' He told them every ourth ot of his encounter the morgueond the locotion of the housewhere he thoughthis briefcosewos. The p o l i c e t o l d h i m t h o t t h e p e o p l ew h o l i v e d i n t h e housewere known criminolsond thot the occuponts w w o u | db e h o m eF r o m o r k o t : 0 0 p . m . , o t w h i c h timethe police wouldroid the house. Theypulled from o |orgefiIe ond photogrophs out identiicotion three of the got positive reoctionsrom Christopher foces who the police soid lived of the houseoddress he hod detected. The police then went to the morgue the ionitor without the comero. Perhops but returned hod hod timeto hide it.



Tbi8 towcr, 984 feet hgb' wag built fot the Paqis ExDosition' of 1889. it was long the sorld'8 From its tip tourists can v-ies tallest structure. city aEd tbe surroundiog coultryslde. tbe entil


s uccEss

At :00 P.m. shorPfhe po|ice roided the house. To cop on exciting doy they coptured the crooks ond recovered the briefcose with oll of its contents including the trovellertchecks ond possport still i ntoct.


When Christopherreturnedto Eileen Gorretts home ond told her the events of the doy. she osked him to stoy longer with her ond continue reseorchinto this fie|d of intuitionol rodiesthesio, ofering her home ond oll the choice meolsot le Piol Restouront os for long os he cored to stoy. Unfortunotelyhe hod speoking engogements M'ilon ond Romeond could in not stoy or more thon two doys os he wos on o 2 yeor trip to lndio ond the Eost.


As o result o this,however' she turned over her prvoteoddressbook of hundredsof nomeso peop|e she knew in the fie|d o poropsychology,speciol|y noting those who she thought mghtbe interestedin Christopher'sother work for world unity in which he wos persono!!ymore interested. lf he hod stoyed his destinywould hove been chongedond his life would hove token o totolly different poth - oll due to Supersensonics !



thot hove the The use oF selective pendulums you to specific vibrotionsore o copocity to tune greot boon in helping you to becomeo supersensitive being. Bothoncient ond modern designsore included here togetherwith opplicotionsthot you con Usein your |ienow.


Now thot you hove been introducedto the bosic princip|es behnd rodiesthesiaIYoU know thot the m o t e r i o l s ,t h e i r s h o p e s , n d c o l o r s , o s w e l l o s o n y o w o r d so n d s y m b o l s r i t t e no n t h e m . o l l h o v e o s e l e c t w tive effect os witnesses the surrounding on rodiotions. The design o pendu|ums Supersensonic ond instruments is o science in itself. lt is o mistoketo use keys, crystols. ond necklocesos pendulums without knowing the efect o these moteriolsond shopeson the y rodiotions ou ore detecting. As in ony science. we need stondords points of or reerence fromwhich to work. The designof the common b l o c k s p h e r eo n d t h e w h i t e s p h e r ei s e s p e c i o l l y importont creotingo non-seIective for stondordrom which we con comporethe other selective pendulums ortheir dierences.The b|ock spheredetects: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. horizontol nrognetic wovefields emotionolenergies the edgesowovefie|dsfrom obiects c h e m i c o le n e r g i e s sexuol rushes gut ee|ngs

The block spheregives the stondord clockwise or onticlockwise rototions the presenceof o horizontoI n mogneticfie|d like thoserom your composs need|e. The white pendulum detects the oppositephoseto the block. Simply, thismeons hotif the block sphere ives t g o cloch,viserototionover o somplethen the whitesphere will give on onti-clockrviserototionwhen held over the somesomple. The white sphereolso detects:

2 . thoughtwoves 3 . conceptuo lizotions


verticol e|eciric woveie|ds

w T h e w h i t e s p h e r e i l l o s c i l l o t et o o n d F r oi n o verticol ie|dbut wiIl rototein the presenceof emotiono horizontoI energies. I work togetheros Block ond white pendulums rotherthon opposites. They con complementories be used to detect the thoughtworld ond the emotionolworld which ore fwo entirely different ploneso consciousness o personcon operote thot from. close to you is disturbed thot someone Let us ossume w h butwill notdiscuss is problem ith you. An obsenceof oscillotion on the white spherewhen h e l d o v e r h i s p i c t u r ew i l l e l i m i n o t et h q t h e i s h o v i n g o heod problem. Once you hove ruled out thot he i s l o y i n g o m i n d t r i p o n h i m s e l f ,y o u c o n t u n e i n t o he the emotions is going throughond osk questions to discover the root oF the problem. This is on e x c e l l e n tt o o l t o h e l p y o u w h e n y o u r c h i l d r e no r e going throughthe odolescentyeors. We mustbe the blqck sphere here since, oIthor'gh coreuI does not reoct to thoughtwoves, it will reoct to the emotionsfrornthot fhought, i there ore ony. Block ond white ore equol ond oppositeends of the spectrum. The commonblock spherecon be usedos y o u r o n l y p e n d u l u m u t i t i s l i m i t e di n i t s u s e . b This, o course, mokesit o very useful pendu|um selective for comporison fhe moresophisticoted oF when choosingwhich one to use for o devices, g i v e no p p l i c o t i o n . When obiects ore ploced in o vocuumtheir horizontol woves disoppeor. So we know thot if oir does not sunoundon orticle it hos no horizontolwoves. Use is modeof this foct when we ore trying to locote on obiect which is buried underthe ground. | t w i l I g i v e o F v e r t i c o Iw o v e so n | y o n d s o o b l o c k pendulum connot be usedto detect obiects buried more thon eight inches underground.



This wos Turenne's finol pendulum design. lt is the Rolls-Royce omong pendulums. The Turenne pendulum on oll-purposependulum is which con be used os on ordinory wooden bob by detoching fhe mognets. With the mognetsin ploce, it becomeso highly selective device for the detection of seven different types of wovefields. This pendulumwos specficoIly invented by Turenneto |rokethe p|oce of divining rodswhich come tolive' in the userts hondswhen they ore locoting woter, oi,l, or minerols on site locofions. A pendulumis not os useful os o rod when one is in the open since wind con disturb its rototions. lt is olso for eosier to wqlk ocrosson open oreo with o rod thon with o pendulum, since the pendulumtends to be set in rnotionos we wotk. l-lowever,fhe Turennermgnet-fitted pendulumis ideol for wolking ferroin while you ore sifting of yanr desk wth o moP. ln the next chopfer' we wil| show how kidrnp victims con be locoted witfi this pendulum without the necessity of leoving your horse. By orientoting the rnognetson the pendulum, o very strong responseresults, due to exoct tuning to the wovefield oround on obiect. If o person.spctureis emitting horizontoIwovesr the Turennependulumwith its mognetshorizontol will detect them, thus dro,vingthe personis still olive. An obsence of horizonfol woves sho,rls thot the person s deod. A deceosed person still gives off verficol woves. For this reoson, with the mognets in the verticol position, you con communicotewith yorr oncestors. Similor|y' yot, con locote o mssirrg person.s did on body in this rnonner,os Abb lermet numerousoccosions.


With the mognefsverticol r yo,Jcon test whefher your own or someoneelsets thought or insighf is correct. T h i s i s o n e x c e l l e n tw o y t o v o l i d o t eo r i n v o l i d q t eo psychic reoding o yalrse|f or onother. You con see whot thoughtspeople ore hoving obout you by oskng their subconscious mind. l yol find thot o Personyou ore sexuo||yottrocted to hos smilorfeelings towords you, then you con fune the rnognets horizontol ond find f the personlsemotiono|stote is hormful or compotible to yours. You con leorn whether o relotionshipwith this personwould be beneficiol to you or if it wou|d put you througho |ot o unnecessory tri ps. ore iniurio'ls to our lonyoF our doi|y environments with heolth. Some people ore poisoningthemselves their choice o environment,so it is imporiontto know whot your environmentis doing to you. The found thot sometimes o old+ime rodiesthesiests streomcoused house built over on underground in rheurnotism its occuponts. The oir is full of ionizing from trees, plonts, woter, sun|ight, poi/er rodotions cobles, gos lines, woter pipes, the eorthtsmognetic fie|d, ond the Eost-Westf|ow, oll of which ofectyou in somewoy. Negrotiveions romplonts ond seoweed ore beneiciolto heo|th,osoretheEosf.Westf|ow ond the eorfh's rnogneficfield if you ore correctly orientoted to them. Test your environmentwith the needlesfirst horizontol, then verticol, ond finolly set for the Eost-Westflow os illustroted below. The infro, ultro, ond symmetrymirrorwovefields ore of speciolised interest ond, os such, ore covered in Vol. lll of fhis series.


ln order to find out which vibrotion or combinofion of vibrotions is good oryov, tune into yourse|fwth regord to your surroundings ond determine i positive, negotive, verticol, horizontol, or Eost-West rodiotionsore beneficiol for you. In oddition to hoving thesesubf|evertico|.e|ectricoI ond horizono|mogneticwovefields ossociofedwith them, eoch obiecf is obsorbingor emitting Eost-Westenergy, whch hos o powerfu|effect on humon|ife. Your vio|ity or |ie-forceis dependenton your being in on environment which is olive with this energy. Perhopsyou hove experienced on energy droin in the presenceof some people ond not reolized thot they were the couse. Thesepeople literolly suck the Eost-West energy from your body. You need to eliminote ony such obiects or people from your environment.

E +W Symmetry Mi rror




o t o T o h o v eo n e n v i r o n m e nc o n t o i n i n g n o b u n d o n c e t posiiive green rodiotionis very good Foryou. lvbny o F u s f e e l m o r eo l i v e w h e n w e o r e w o l k i n g b y t h e s e o . A s i m i l o re n e r g i z i n g o n b e f e l t w h e nw e o r e i n o r o o m c contoining o lot of green plonts. Both the seo ond green plonts ore sourcesof positive green energy. heolthy things, incIuding peopIe, emonotepositive lost ore the life-giving green vibrotions. Thesevibrotions energywe spokeof thot is o|so given ofromthe top w o o p y r o m i d . T h e P o s i t i v eG r e e n P e n d u | u m o s d e s i g n e d y C h r i s t o p h e H i l l s t o s e l e c to n l y t h e p o s i t i v e b r ond negotive lie energiestrom the mosso rodiotions the criss-crossing universeoroundus. W i t h t h i s p e n d u l u m o u c o n l e o r nw h e n p o s i t i v eg r e e n y is coming rom something. A clocl..rvise rototion denotespositive greenond on onti-clockwise rototion, n e g o t i v eg r e e n . N e g o t i v eg r e e ni s t h e e n e r g yw h i c h ond is copoble of rozor blodes in pyromids shorpens d e h y d r o t i n g o t h o r g o n i co n d i n o r g o n i co b i e c t s . i n c l u d b ing the hurnon body. This energy is presentbeneoththe pyromid.while positivegreen zoomsupwordfrom the copstoneof the pyromid,os we hove previouslyshown. So this pendulumcon be held obove ond beneofho pyromidond the diFerent energiesdetected.

T h e H i | | s .P o s i t i v eG r e e n i s o i m m e n s e s e i n t h e u I medico profession, since oll concerous obiects, tissues, bone morrow,etc. give off negotivegreen energy. ln ihe next chopterwe showhow you con ropidly detect the beginnings concer in yourselfbefore medicol of instrumenfofion con, ond hence greotly enhonceyour c h o n c e so f u | | r e c o v e r y .


Holding the pendulum over oods wiIl showyou iust how much lie{orce they do contoin. The greoter the numbero c|ochruiseswings, the better the ood is for you. Decoying or bod food will give onticlocksvise swings. you con By consciouslyswingingthe Hills' pendulum generoteenergy orchorging up obiects or yourseI with |ie-orce.Set the pendu|um rotofng the in right-hond direction over on obiect or yourself The . pendulum itselwi|! deferminewhen the correct omounto energy hos been obsorbed. When it sfops rototing, do not orceit on. To continuedeIiberote|y to obsorb post when the pendulumhos stoppedis iniurious ond represents overdoseof beneficiol on energy. This techniquecon be usedos o quck pickup when your energiesore sogging, wifhout the eor of oddiction thot occomponies other pick-up oids. In the somewoy, the green pendulumcon be used to diognose portso your body thof ore nof unctioning ot optimumcondition. Point to eoch port or osk questionsobout thot port ond the rofotion o the penduIum Il sholl i thot portion is oi ling. Then wi rotote the pendulumin the oppositedirection over fhe port to re-chorge it. The sphericol body o the pendu|um chorged with is rodium in its center. The vibrotions given off by its specific shodeore in resononcewith positive green verticoIwoves. which ore the |ie{orce in olI oF noture. The verticol polyrod octs os o wovejuide both for the rodiumond for the incoming signols from the body. lts very mture being verticol nrokesit selective to the green verticol woves, ond it octs os o wove-guide for the rodium by keeping its rodiotion movingin o verticol direction. (Remember, is this very weok gomrrr rodiotion; stronggommorodiotion would not be conloined by o polyrod.)


wlI only respond the verticol This pendulum to woves thot ore bombqrdingyour componento the body ond will not respondto the horizont'ol component. The rodotionromthe rodium is guided down the tube to its pont. where it is fired out downwordstoword the center o the eorth. thus orming link beween o ond the verticol itse| e]ectric component the eorth.sie|d. The link o stretches the pendulum's length to o length equiwlent to the rodius o the eorth - romwhere the pendu|um heId to the cenler o the eorth. is Hence we hove o doub|y seIecfive omp|iierorthe detection o verticoI rodiotions. The rodium omplifies the green color so much thot the efFect oF holdng the pendulumin one o the hondscon be felt even in the other hond os o tingling sensotion i you empty your mind of preconcevedthoughts. After putfing down the pendulum, the two hondscon be comporedond one wil| be oundto be fu|| o le-forceos if it were pufedup wth impregnoted energy. You do not need the physicol presence of o person wththe positivegreen pendu|um. The co|or hormonic o positive green contocts fhe thought world of thot personwherever he is, provided there is o witnesssuch os o photogroph bloodspot. or



i t T h i sp e n d u l u ms k n o w no s t h e b l o n d p e n d u l u m , o r i s h o r t . L i k e t h e p o s i t i v eg r e e np e n d u l u m , t o l s o contoinso polyrod point ond rodiumore powder ond the posifive greencolor but the point is shorter seleciive is obsenf therebyrnokingthis pendulum . to only to horizontolFields, corresponding the ond chemicoIsecretions the endocrine o emotionoI I system,i nc luding sexuo reocti ons.

When detectingthe emotionolstotesof o person or desiringto chonge the moodof o person,one usesfhe blond rodimctive pendulum. First you detect which moodit is by osking questions, either runningthrougho list of principle moods in your mind or writing themon cordsos "word witnesses" Stort the pendulum oscilloting to . ond fro, then let it decide the onswerby chonging the oscillotion into o rototion. lf you tune into produces lefthondswing, o onger ond the pendulum then you con remove the mood by rototing the p e n d u | u mo t h e r i g h t . T o c h o r g eo n e s e | w i t h t h e t in oppositemood, one rototesthe pendulum the oppositedirection to the woy it wos gyrotingwhen the moodwos de.f,ecfed,With the ploin wood pendulum,the physcolpresenceis preferoble olthoughnot essentiolto the troineddiviner"


During one ot our lwo doy Supersensonc seminors ot the University of the Trees, eoch studentwos osked to reod up on ond proctice with one or fwo of the new instruments. One o the girls who wos not into pendulums wos not too hoppy obout this ossignment. She drew (out o o sock) the b|ond pendulumto become proficient in. On the doy of the seminor she wos very bouncy in demonstroting the pendulum. She exploined thot in reoding obouf it she reolized thot she could chonge her negotivity to o positive opprooch by using the pendulum we hove olreody described. Hoving os comp|etelychonged her mood, she become o irm believer in the procticol use of pendulums.




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Although you use the ploin wood pendulumto detect emotionol stotesond chonge them, you would use the positive green pendulumto chonge your condition. The two stotesof being work together but ore completely seporofe levels o oworeness. Physico|-exuol love ond emotionoI love ore not the someos spirtuol love. To determine the diference' you con Use these two (the postivegreen ond the blond)to pendu|ums tell you whot is hoppeninginside your cnilnbeing or the being o onother. l you hold o picture of someonein your mind whom you ore cozYobout ond the positive green pendulumdoes not rotote over your hond, you then know thot it is not their mind thot you love. To check the resu|t, use the b|ond pendu|um. l the blond pendulumdoes rotote, then you know iust whot port of thof person you ore crazy obout: their body.






The design oF this instrument speciolly originotedto is pick up thought nergies hich ore inclined to go downe w words. A speciol eoture this pendu|um of tunest to negotiveenergiesoF oll kinds. The mirroredsurfoce reFlects ony unwonted of extroneous which vibrotions interfere ith this lefthond nergy. Thisincludes w e inlerFerence rom obiects such os co|oredcurtoins, typewriters,drowers.e|ectricol equipment etc" The mirrored surfoceo|so bouncesofF the suroce ony emotion. ol energy thot you rnoybe sendingout, due to your involvementin the outcomeof the reoding. Most people ore tuned to negotiveenergies, including monyspirituol people who ore supposed be highly to evolved beings" Negotive emotionond other negotive ieIds surround mony peoPle professing be spirituol to ond psychic but who hove not worked on themselves to the extent they would like you to believe. This p e n d u l u m o n d e t e c t t h e p h o n ye n e r g yw h i c h w i l l s u c k c you into dependingon them rotherthon liberotingyou to freedom. The Mirror Pillor, then. is o good guru volidotor. With it you con sort out the genuine teocher from the mossof bogus yogis thot ore oround todoy.





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To estirmtenegotivityin people, toke o picture o Einsteinond one o Hitler. Count the numberof negotiveswingsover eoch. lf you then put Hitler negotiveond Einstein 100%positive, you os l00o/o con comporeyour friends to see where they come on you only need o witnesssuch this scole. Rememberr signoture.o hoir or o o os o photogroph, person's spot oF blood to determineit this is o personwhom y o u s h o u l dg e t i n v o l v e dw i t h .



for Spirol Mirror Pillor is olso useul The Lethond fields negotive exominingwhetherobiects ernonote ond own nervoussystem which interoctwith our couse hormfulreoctions. For instonce. mony people thrustoF pyromidforces believe thot thedownword Spirol Mirror ore creotive ond heoling. The LeFthond b flow will tell you otherwise, ut it will not pick up Pi-roy Forceimprisoned the liteiiving righthond negotivegreen orce, becouse within the |efthond is this pendulum speciolly tuned to the negotive gr""n which is onothernomefor the downwordspiroling force of creotionwhich is cousingevery obiect its in notureto e|iminotewoste toxins rom body. y W i t h t h i s p e n d u l u m o u c o n t e l l i o h o u s ey o u o r e to buy hos negotive vibrotions romits previous obout to tenonts. Then you con use the pendulum remove thosevibrotions. AFter detecting their Presencet in imprisoned the wolls. ioke the lefthondspirol mirror pilor ond deliberotelyrotote it to the right. You mustdo this o speciol woy so os not to imbibe the vibrotions yourseltrom the environmentbut to tronsfer theminto o gloss of woter. This extroctsthe negotive



force from the wolls ond impregnotes info the it woter, then fhe woter is thrownowoy of o or distonce. You ore proiectingthe noxiousvibrotions into the wofer by the orceof noture,sown excretion ond eliminotionpower. ln Chopter l, we mentionedhow Ene| orgotto toke this precoution ond eventuollydied of the concer thot he hod ingestedfrom his potients. This very useulperdu|um wos inventedby Christopher HiIls. tssecretconnotbe completeIyreveoledor commerciolreosons.but you con prove thot it works.




lf you ond I could controt our minds perfectly, *" *ould not need these selective pendulums' The for simp|espoot o threod wou|d work odequote|y l.|ills. u,.' t ol*oy, leop or ioy when Christopher inu"n* onother selective pendu|umoro portic.ulor thot it out, since.onything iob. I om eoger to try increosesmy occurocy is olwoyswelcome' Christopher's|otestinvention is the e|ectriied ond to|d p""a"".. When he first showedit to wonted it us its price, one o the femo|e studenfs iustified. Student: WhY does it cost so much? inside it is ChristopherHills: The P-N iunction is The electrified pendulum olwoys "*p;i;". by on electricol field thot is producedby in connection "*titua ifri, iun"tion. lt is possibleto.use it forces ore known to with'onything where electricol th it, orinstonce, in detecting u "ouplud in yo'li motorcor. or.tuning the fiming foulty wire of your oi th" engine. By rototing the distributor timet ond f'-olaingt-hependulumot the some "o, timing withouf pick t[e exct optimum y." """ o ony outomotivediognostic equipment. ihe oid your cor ond you it',ir-rouo yol th" cost of tuning your ."* $s to th" better oter poying $35 or ""'" good orony ele.ctricoltuning. l"nJulu.. lt is tu,.-"your rodio without hoving it You con "u"n You ion tune in the stotion iust by on. s,,ritched yourdiol until the-pendulumtunnscloclopise' ;"i;g out the ih"n J*it"h the set on ond it will sound the price stotion you wonted. You con rnokebock wherher ol*f",uiendulum in one go by determini''ng the short in your house electricol systemis due to the cobte or is merelyo loose connectionin o swifch'




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Student: ls it or peop|e who o|reody understond obout electricity? Christopher Hills: No. Supposingyou hove o short in your motorcor. An experienced electricion wi|l hove to test everything to ind out whot if is. You con do it without knowing onything ond find the exoct spot where the short is iust by pointing your inger. There is o<troomplificotion due to the green dielectric rod which octs os o wovejuide for the biophyscoIefect. This cousespsychic electricity to dischorgewhen the divinerrsreoctiontokes ploce, which is coused by the dischorge of psychic electricity. Student: So it mokeso bigger pendulumreoction? ChristopherHills: Yes. The omplificotionis olso cousedby ormingthe pendulum. Student: Is it olreody in there? Christopher Hills: Yes, the perrnonentorming of the pendulum,which creoteson electricol current between fhe metols of the P/N iunction. Student: Wlrot other usesdoes it hove? ChristopherHills: This pendu|um con be usedor orgonic e|ectricity such os meosurng e|ectri. the col potentiol of on opp|e, detecting the dference between the stolk end ond the end pointing towords the ground. Breok the skin by slicing with o knife, ond you will find the life force dissipofesthe chorge. This slrowsthot bitng on opp|e meonsthot the viioI force goes into you, whereoscutting on opple leoks it into the environment. 98

Student: Con you test vitol orcein peop|e this woy? Christopher Hil|s: Continue with the ruit irst. The quolity of opples con be tested by the size of the electricol potentiol reveoled in the swing of the pendulum. Everythingin noture is polorized body. lf you electricolly including the hunron wonf to use this pendulumortesting people in. steod of opples ond motorcors,it works eqlnlly wel| ortunirrgor finding out whether o personis tuned or nof, ottuned to on opp|e, to o love ooir, or indin9whether o person.s chemistry is suited to yours.


Student: Whot opplicotion hos it orgirls |ike myselwho oo rpt wont to do cor or e|ectricol repoirs? Christopher Hil|s: | not |ikely to tune your motorcor, how obout using this pendulum ordeciding the sexuo| virility of your note. |f your husbond wonts to ploy with you oll the time or wonts to will give you on ploy, soy, tennis, this pendulum indicotion of where he is ot. Studenh You don't need o pendulumto know thot. Thot's o funny thing becouse tennis is o physicol energy. Con you use this pendulumto see if the energy is going to somethingelse? Christopher Hills: Sure, thot's whof we're doing. l yolr husbond prefers tennis to you-knowrrrhof , then do o reoding fo see which cylinders hets firing m. He moy need on electricol chorge in the erogenouszones, which this pendulumcon stimulote by rototing over fhe ofected port. 99

Student: Clockwise? Chrstopher Hills: C|ockwiseoron underperformer ond onti-clockwise for on over stimuloted husbond. The productond the onti-product. Thosewho con't cope with ony moreneed it, ond thosewho contf get enoughneed it. And thosewho contt get ony, bvy it in hopes.... Student: We reolly need o speciol pendulum for them. l ee|o lot befterobout the electrified pendulum now. ChristopherHi||s: Here is onotheropplicofion or you. Ovulotion'. The electricol potentiolsduring ovu|otionore dierent.Even the pill is not l00% e f e c t i v e . T h e e l e c t r i c o l p e n d u l u m o n t e | |y o u c whetheryour pill is working, os o double check on your ovulotion period, or on the ovulotion period of your girlfriend. Be sure, not sorry. Abortions cost much more thon these pendulums. Another use is the determinotionof sex. lf you wont fo select hen eggs rom cock's eggs' this wilI sex the e99sr iust os it will determinethe sex of o orth. coming boby. But do not oftempt this ofter sundown b e c o u s e h e o n s w e ri s i n v o r i o b l yw r o n g . l t w i l l o l s o f determine whetheryou're pregnont. As the question, pregnont"or "is she pregnont"or "how mony "Am I d o y su n t i l y o u r n e x t p e r i o d . " T h e p e n d u l u m i l l w give you the exoct numbero[ doys ond hours to fhe minutewhen your periodwill come. The electrified pendulum con relieve your emotionqlqnxieties. Student: Whot obout os o controceptive?


ChristopherHills: Not wise to trustthis to the pendulum hoppens noture becouseif something in w h i c h i s u n p r e d i c t o b l ey o u ' d b l o m et h e p e n d u l u m . , But you con check the likelihood. Just don't use it it os the sole test. t-lse os on odded check. otherhoundingme wise you,Il hove the medicoIproession womenwi|| out o the United Stotesond pregnont ond botter my doors come oround by the thousond down oterthey've screwedup ond not followed the testing instructions. Divining is o woy o prelimirrory o o r h e l p i n g t o m o k eo d e c i s i o n . I n f o l l i b l er e s u l t s r e even difficult in science ond dependon the operotor. So it is with Supersensonics.


There is one other pendulum thot is worthy of mention ond its here due both to its historicoIsigniiconce presentuse. lt is the Egyption |ercury PenduIum. wos usedby the oncient Egyptions. This instrument , T h e y c o l l e d i t t h e l e r k h e tw h i c h m e o n s' ' i n s t r u m e n t think the of knowing." Modern-doyEgyptologists wos used muchos we Useo plumb-line For lerkhet o | g n i n g u i | d i n g s . B u t t h i s o d v o n c e dc i v i l i z o t i o n b to usedthe Mercury Pendulum olign their pyromids ond templesto the eorth.smogneticield ond the orientotionof the stors. The occurocy to which the ond mony Greot Pyromidis oligned ond constructed this structureore o the other mysteriessurrounding solvedwhen we reolize thot mercuryis ottunedto with thoughtr,voves.By using thought or in resononce questions.the Egyptionpriestsroomedthe universe with their lerkhets. They be|ieved thot the onswers c o m ef r o mt h e G o d , T h o t h . w h i c h i s t h e i r e q u i v o l e n t to the RomonGod, Alercury. who wos thot deity who to governedmessoges the mind. ln ostrologywe on o recognize the in|uence the p|onetlercury the keen mind.


Being specificolly funed fo the mind. the Mercury Pendulum used ordivining o person.s is l.Q. rom ony suifoblewitness, ond con olso be usedfor determining the intelligence of onimols. plonts. otoms. ond even entities thot do not possess body. This o devcehos somevery exciting opplicofionssince with it you con detect thought potternsond kormic memories. You could osk who you were in o post life. You could investigoteyour korrno it is os working in the presentmoment, for exomple whot sort o kormo you ore gefting with the peop|e you ore ossociofing with. Asko "lf I lie close to o certoin person, do I obsorbsome o[ their negotive kormo in my own self? By ossociotingsexuolly with this person, do l obsorbony o fheir kormo?'' There is o tointing of the vibrotionthrougho co-mingling which is not offen understood. The sexuol energies ore very potent torces ond we contt know whot it meonsto us unlesswe hove someextro woy of sensingwhot it does to us permcrnently cohobit fo with o Personwho, however excitn9r rcI not be suitoble to our spirituol poth. By using mercury pendulums con find out if o relotionshipis benewe ficiol or hormful"



T h e m o r ew e c o n o m p l i f y t h e s i g n o l st h e e o s i e ri t i s to detect them. Noture hos providedus wiih mony I noturo sourcesoomp|ificotion. LouisTurenneo |so i n v e n t e dr u l e s , d i o l s o n d o t h e ro i d s t o i n c r e o s et h e s diviner's ignol.

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you hove been doing lnconsistencies the experiments in up to now hove two couses, both of which con be helped with the oid oompIiiers ond selectors. Using opporotusto omplify the rodiofion you wont to detect will increoseyour sensifivityond eliminote the first in couse of your problems. The pendulums the previous chopterwill select either the horizontolor the verticol components the rodiotion, which in somecoseswill of eliminote interference due to thoughtwoves. Thought wove interferencecon never be entirely reduced, however, since we meosure distontobiects by oll verticol rodiotionond thoughtwovesore olso verticol rodiotion. This leods to fhe fifth low of rodiesthesio:


THE ACCINACY OF YOI.R RESULTSIS PROPORTIOML TO THEQUALITY OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS. Since i you cou|d control your mind to the point where you could eliminoteoll thesethoughts with the stroy wove fields they produce.ond in oddition creote o i e l dw i t h y o u r m i n dw h i c h w i | | b l o c k o u t o l I r o d i o t i o n s except the one you meosure you would hove t o!! reochedultimoteoccurocy. Until you moster the mind tropsfhot ore introducedin Chopter lV, you need os much help os you con get. So moke use of os witnesses ond omplifiersos monyselective pendulums, is possible. Someyogis develop such o cleor mind thot they do not need ony externol feedbock signol from o pendulum. The signol itself is the feedbock. However,we should begin ot the beginningor we will foil to get spontoneous ompliicotion.


discovered mony The eor|y pioneers o rodiesthesio rodiotionto counter woys of ompIiyin9 somp|e's the t h e i r i n i t i o l l o c k o f s e n s i t i v i t y . l n o c t ,o I l o f t h e m wheneverpossible. hod the humility to Useompliiers The mostcommonof theseomplifierswere the eorth's mogneticield, sun's roys, fie|d, o composs's rnognetic light fromo floshlighf ond rodiooctiverodiotionfrom , o rodium (Ro)block.




lpFtrt+|{{ F

The builders o the pyromidsdiscovered thot orientqting onythingin the direction o the eorlhls mognetic signol. The energy field increosedits rodiesthesic given of the top of the Greot Pyromidwou|d not be onywhereneor os strongwere the pyromidnof exoctly oligned north-outh. This is eosily shownby constructing o replico cordbmrd pyromidond comporingthe mogneticieldwhen one edge is or is not oligned olong the mogneiic meridion. Picturesengrovedon show the Egyptionsholding the sidesof pyromids d i v i n i n gr o d s , c o l l e d A n k h s . A t s e o , t h e E g y p t i o n s would use the Ankh ond the lvlerkhet,mercurypendulum, to novigoteoccurotely by tuning into the energy coming from the top of the pyromid. lf you olign f w o n y t h i n g i t h t h e e o r t h ' sm o g n e t i c i e l d , i t s s i g n o li s but increosed. This is not on|y true orsompIes olso holds for your body. Experimentond find for yourself thot your pendulumresPonseto ony signol is stronger is when your nervoussystem oligned either north-outh or eost-west.



To become omi|iorwith this form of ompliicofionso thof you mctyuse it, ploce on obiect such os o blood somple,o piece of hoir, or metol in yolr test oreo ond, holding o witnessof thot somple,olign yourselfwith the eorth'smogneticie|d. Whi|e looking ot the sompleond sending out the thoughtwove "is the obiect in thot drection?.' you wiIl indyour pendulum responseto be greoter thon when you move out of olignmentwith the mognetictield. A simp|ebench test wiIl o|so i||ustrote this efect. Ploce on obiect in line with the rnognetic field ond your witness @ ond C on the diogrom)ond observe your pendulum swing is greoterthon when the obiect is ot onother position ('oy A) not in |ine wfh the eorth'sfield.

The weok mognefcfield from o compossneedle olso octs to omplify o somple's wove-field. To test this, toke one of the metolswhose field you hove correctly detected in the exercise in Chopter V ond ploce it on the top of your composs. Holding your pendulumover this somple you will find o sfronger, more energetic r response thon when the somplersrodiotion is meosured without fhe composs. Repeoi this with eoch of the elementsoobservingin eoch cose, the strongersignol due to the omplificotionby the rnognetts field.


The mognetic field of o compossneedle is weok comporedto thot of o siond-olone mognetond for this reosoncon ocf to stimulotethe similorly weok fietd from o somple. The field from o stondord mognetis norrnollyso strongthot it completely the sompletsfield ond connot be used os on swomps ompliier.


Noet lvlocbeth. the greot English pioneer ond studento Turenne. reported thot the eorly rodiestheexperimentolly thot. when they used siestsshowed witnessesto locote minerols underground.they were onty successfulin the doyfime. They tound thotn using o blood witness. they could diognoseoilmentsin onimols when they were horses, cottle. ond other orm ond the sun. The sun's stondingbetween the oninrol the. roys, then. oct os on ompliier.strengthening the witnessond the obiect. Furfher field which ioins work verified thot light rodiotion folling on obiects octs to stimulotetheir wove-field in much the some woy os p|ontsond the otomso our bodies obsorbthe for suntsenergyinto themselves survivol. I toke omplificotion of the sunrsroys os odvontogeof this muchos possible. While divining in this monnerI signol invoriobty notice o decreosein the pendulum's whencloudspossoverheodond cover the sun.


The eorly rodiesthesiests discoveredthot the rodiotions from sunlightnthe eorth'snngnetic fieldo o weok rnognet, ond thoughtwovesore in tune with the subtlerodiotionthois given o from everythingin notureond so coUseomp|iicotion. You con see thot when someone giving ofsfrongnegotivethought is woves they will oct to suppress your results.unless you con counter them. Rodimctivity. when it is in on extremelyweok solution. is onothernoturoIlyoccurringorcewhich ocfs os on omplifier of subtle rodiotions. Turenne usedthis property in his inventon the rodiumb|ock. which o|so iook of intooccounttheproperties rectongles. Rectongutor of shopesturn up continuolly so we will look of themos o preludeto the rodiumblock.

B t


Recongulor boxes hove three properties. They rnosk out the rodiofionsof ony sompleploced in them, hence we never put somples rectongulor in contoiners when using themos witnesses. l you hold o cytindricoI viot of gold dust in your hond. you ore funed to gold dust. But i the gold dust is in o rectongu|or cont.oiner its vibrotions connot get reeof the contoiner to penetrote your nervoussystem.



do The secondpropertyis thot rectongles not ollow outsiderodiotionsto oFfeci their contenfs. Therefore we con constructo neutrolzone inside o rectongulor box ond use it to conduct experiments. This shope i s o l o t e s h e r o d i o t i o no [ o n y s o m p l ep l o c e d i n i t . A t zone con be modeselecfive to horizontol or neutrol verticol rodiotions. You con moke o mognetby drowingo noil ocrossthe surfoceoF o bor mognetten t i m e s . l F y o u d r o w t h e n o i l t s t i p f r o mt h e m o g n e t r s center towordthe northend of the mognet.the iip w i l l b e m o g n e t i z e d o u t ho n d t h e h e o dw i l l b e n o r i h . s Since the strength the mognets oF ihot we need for this experiment con be very weok. eight composs to needlescon olso be usedby ottochingmognets the os cornersoo twe|veinch squorerome shownin the p i c t u r e . W h e n o l l t h e m o g n e t o r e o l i g n e dh o r i z o n t o l l y n s t h e v e r t i c o l w o v e si n s i d e t h i s c o g e o r e c o m p l e t e l y suppressed.lf you put one of your metol somples w h i c h h o s b o t h v e r t i c o lo n d h o r i z o n t o w o v e s ( e . g . l l e o d )i n t o t h e c o g e . y o u w i l l f i n d t h e p o s i t i v eh o r i b z o n t o l F i e l d o f l e o d e x t e n d i n g e y o n dt h e e i g h t i n c h e s t h o t h o r i z o n t o lf i e l d s u s u o l l yr e o c h . o n d i n F o c tf i l l i n g o ihe totol coge oreo. regord|ess how |orgethe coge is. With the rrclgnets turnedhorizontolly. you con detect o m o u n t m e t o Io r o i l i n o n o r e o r m i n e r o I o m p l e o s the w i t h o u tt h e v e r t i c o lw o v e so f w i s h t u lt h i n k i n go f e c t . t s i n g t h e r e s u | t . P r e - c o n c e i v e d h o u g h to n d w i s h u l w t h i n k i n gc o n b e e l i m i n o t e d h e n t e s t i n go n y p h y s i c o l obiect such os preciousstones, foods, seeds. ond o F o r g e r i e s .S i m il o r l y . y o u c o n d e b u ge l e c t r o n i c s n d ond household equipment.such find foults in opporotus cookers, wotchesond clocks withos toosters.pressure interferingsimply by osking questions out your thoughts obout whot is wrongond how to Fix it.

Wavecage constructed

b;. tb e ar,rth r. o


Leod hos o negotive verticol wove-field which is present obove the eight inch horizontolfie|d. | we to turn the mognets fheir verticol positionwith the this negotiveverticol ield southpo|esUppermost, will fill the completespocewithin the coge becouse the horizontoIie|dhos been eliminotedtromthe spoce inside ihe coge"

the third propertyis in suppressing The rectonglers rodiotionsoutsideof it" This is the surrounding reosonwhy you open slightly oll closed drowers within the test oreo, becouse o closed drower octs in on oppositewoy to on omplifier ond will weoken the signolsyou ore trying to receive.



Thereis o rectonglenthough.which is differentond does not hove ony of these properties. The oncients colled it o rectongleof divine proportions"lts sides (J5 = 2.23). Such o ore in the rotios of t to 6 rectongle ond olso one whose rotios ore I to 7 (os ore peculior in not screening discoveredby Turenne) rodiotions.

Alvarez LoPez's renditionof of the dimensions the cofer



is Sorcophogus the nomefor o rectongu|or stonecofin of toundin the buriol chombers the pyromids. The in sorcophogus the King.s Chombero the Greot Pyromid hos been o mottero debote over the yeors. Whot wos its use? Wos it o buriol coffin? Wos on ostronomicol w i n s t r u m e nk e p t i n i t ? l s i t c o n n e c t e d i t h s p i r i t u o l t s i n i t i o t i o n ? A l l t h e s eq u e s t i o n h o v e b e e n o s k e d . N o onswer one hos been oble to provideon outhoritotive groupsof people invo|vedin to sotisy the diferent oIl so|vingthe mysteryo the Greot Pyromid.


the outside Toke o centimeterrule ond meosure lengthsof the reproductionof the coffer by the Argentineon proessor JosAlvorez Lopez. The l e n g t hi s 7 . 9 7 c m so n d t h e w i d t h i s 3 . 5 8 c m s . T h e is rotio of these two meosurements I to 2.26. So gives the I to,16. rotioo even fhis crude meosurement could in sowhofeverwosploced the sorcophogus interocfwifh the outsidesubtle rodiotions. lll

The next questionto osk is whot wos ploced in the coffer ond whot subtle rodiotioninteroctedwith it. I f w e d r o wo | i n e o t o 1 5 | t o t h e v e r t i c o l o t h e Greot Pyromidrom oPex, the |ine Posses its direct|y throughthe cofer. Along this porticulorongIe troveIs the P.roy fintroduced Chopter |) which is o |ie. in giving roy. lt thereore seems|ikely thot certoin odvoncedpeople did loy in the coer be zopped to by the fr-roy, os Poul Bruntondescribeshe did in his book A Seorch in Secret Egypt. Dr. Brpntonts rwo sepor@ Greot furomid sorcophogus moke exciting reoding. Otherswho hinted or were ocknowledgedto hove been initioted to widom in this monner ore Moses. St. Poul. Sophocles,Solon. Ploto, Cicero, Heroclitus. Pindor. ond futhogoros. ! knew ChristopherHills hod visited the pyromids. but not until l hod been o studento his for two yeorsdid it slip out thot he hod olso spento night in the Greot foromid. Unfortunotely,he would not eloboroteon his experience. The Pi-roy seemsfo hove o direct connecti'on with our consciousness. When the B.roy is extroctedfrom livng tissue. the tissuedies iust os our body dies when our consciousness leovesit. lt seemspossiblethot lying underon extremelyintensesourceof Pi rodiotionwill blow our consciousness somewoy. By divinotion you in con find the secretof the oncient initiotion rites. lv1oybe mony wise men hove spento nghtin the coFferthoughfew will tolt obout it. Poul Brunton,A Seorch in Secret Egyptr New York, Weiser, 1970.



Usngthe propertiesof o divine reciongle Turenne invented the rodium block. This consistsof o weok homeopothicsolution o rodium soItsin o wooden block. The rodiumblock is the troditionolomplifier Foroll divining instrumentofion.One end of the block is white ond the other block. lt con be used to increose either verticol or horizonoIvibrqtions. Rodium hos the effect of enhoncing.yourSupersensonic obility throughomplifying the subtle rodiotions from the somple.

Tl.enne Radiun


cn a Tur'enne


lF you wont to tune into ony oF the horizontol s v i b r o t i o n s , h o w ni n t h e l e F tc o l u m no f t h e t o b l e , p l o c e t h e r o d i u mb l o c k i n o h o r i z o n t o lp o s i t i o n . f t T h i sw i l l i n c r e o s e h e v i b r o t i o n s r o m i h e w i t n e s s u s e dw h e n t h e b l o c k i s t o u c h i n gt h e w i t n e s s . W h e n stoodverticolly on o witnessthe verticol vibrotions ore increosed. mokingthe witnessbecomemore like R h o v i n gt h e o b i e c t i t s e l f p r e s e n t . T h e T u r e n n e o d i u m B l o c k i s o g r e o to i d i n m o pr e o d i n g .





b T h e d e s i g no f t h e r o d i u m l o c k i s s p e c i o l l ym o d et o R u l e , s o m e t i m ec o l l e d t h e fit on the Turenne s 1 T u r e n n e 5 5 c m R u l e s i n c e i t i s 1 5 5c m s l o n g . W h e n t h e b l o c k i s p l o c e do f t h e z e r o p o i n t o n t h e r u l e w i t h ond the white Foce oF the the rule Focingnorth-soufh w b l o c k F o c i n gs o u t hy o u r p e n d u l u m i l l o s c i l l o t ee o s f p e n d u l u ms m o v e do l o n g t h e r u l e i t w i l l west. As the i stortto rototeot 13 cms. Thenot l9 cms your pendud l u m w i l l r o t o t ei n t h e o p p o s i t e i r e c t i o n . T h i sc h o n g e i n s w i n go c c u r so l l o l o n g t h e r u l e o t p o i n t s1 3 . 1 9 a 2 5 e 50r 55. 62, 68t 80 ond 155. The bosic use of the rule whot is to onolyze cryslolsof motterto determine ot. is otomic elementsthe rnotter composed l14

lf you now ploce on ore sompleon the block rhe Field chonge pointswill disoppeor. They ore reploced by p o i n t si n d i c o t i n gt h e e I e m e n t isn t h e s o m p l e . l t h e s o m p l e o n t o i n s o p p e rt h e r ew i l l b e o p e n d u l u m c c ot 29 cms. si nce 29 is the otomic numbero reoction copper. Similorly reoctionsat 79 indicote gold, 47 the silver, 78 plotinumond so on throughout otomic t o b l e . A s o c h e c k r p l o c et h e s o m p l e n i t s o t o m i c o response number. |you ore correct the pendu|um disoppeors. The rule o|so picks up the properties o o l k o l o i d d r u g s( h e r o i n ,m o r p h i n e , t c . ) w h i c h o c c u r e in the lower end of the spectrum. Chemists experience d i f i c u l t yi n d e t e c t i n gs m o I lq u o n t i t i e s f t h e s ed r u g s o Rule ond o in o person. Whereoswith the Turenne somp|e the person!solivo ploced on the rodium o quontties con be detecfed. Here bIock the smolIest which divining instruments then we hove o grouPo instrucost less thon $100.00 which con out-perform of dollqrs. mentscostingthousonds

imp|ement inding for The Turennerule is o wonderfu| your physicolond emotionolstoteof being. out obouf on bloodspot the rule. the Once you put o personts whole ouric ield o thot personis on the ru|e. You h c o n t e l l o n y t h i n go b o u th i m : w h o t e l e m e n t s e l o c k s , w h o t h e h o so s u r p | u o . w h o t h e i s o I l e r g i c t o ' e t c . s Heolthy people produceo vibrotionot 80 on the rule. Anything either side oF 80 is out of bolonce. The TurenneRule con olso be usedwith the more o m o d e r n m p l i f i e rc o l l e d t h e " H e f i g o r " .

T u r e n n eU n i v e r s o lR u l e .




H e f i g o rs t o n d s o r H i I l s . E n d - f i r el n t e n s i y i n g u i d e F G o n d R o d i o t o r . l t i s o r r n n yo m p | i f i e d m p | i i e r o which incorporotes ourdiFferent omplifiersworking togetherto moke it powerful enough to turn the most personinto o diviner. lvbny people find unsensitive t h o t w h e n u s i n gt h e H e f i g o rt h e d i v i n i n g s i g n o li s increosedso much thot they do not need o pendulum to furtheromp|iy the results.since with it they con f e e l " y e s " o n d " n o " o n s w e r sn e i t h e r s i d e o f t h e i r i broin. The secret of the Hefigoris thot eoch of its omplifiersworkson whot went beForeit. so the signol gets biggerond bigger. Stortingfrom the bose the signol is directed up the polyrod untl it shootsout of the end in o concentroted loser-shorp b e o m . O n e o f t h e o m p l i f i e r ss l r i t i u m , w h i c h i o otoms(H3). Now since consists three hydrogen we ore 907owoter, which is H2O. fhe H3 interocts with our H2ro moke us more sensitiveto thesesubtle r o d i o t i o n s . T h e o t h e ro m p l i F i e r o c t t o i n c r e o s et h e s s i g n o l f r o mt h e s o m p l e .


When you hold o Hefigor in your hond. you feel o sensotionwhen it is orientoted in line with o torget. Thssensotionol|ows you to use the Hefigor os o direction-finder to determinewhot is northneost, south, ond west. Turning in eoch direction, you wil! feel the sensotionin your hondsor broin when crossingthe north-soufhline ond the eost-west line. The Hefigor con be used to tell you where obiects ore hidden. l'lolding it ond o witness in one hond you con turn in o circle until you eel o sensotionin your heod. lf you ore not yet this sensitive. you con hold o pendulumin your other hond. When the pendulum reocts your wond is pointing in the direction o the obiect.

Useso this methodo locotion inc|ude: The numerous orchoeo|ogsts inding buried ortiocts, -seekers |ocotng coi ns underground. treosure divers |ooking orwrecks, porentsseorching orrunowoy children, police hunting bodies, scientiststolking to otoms, ostrologerstolking to siors, you tolkingtoyourunconscious to find your next steps or growth. Uses . . . the |ist is endless. You con think up r'ny where if opplies in your life.



Remember, Supersensonics in time ond distqnceore not relevonf Supersensonics in onotherdimension. is . outsidetime ond distonce. The Hefigorgives best resultswhen the smoll mognetis movedo|ong the po|yrodrom the point. groduoIly t o w o r d s h e w h i t e s i d e u n t i l o c h o n g ei n p e n d u l u m t s w i n gi s d e t e c t e d . T h i si s t h e c o r r e c tt u n i n g . For omplificotionof the diviner's reoction, orientote the HeFigor with the block mognetside to mognetic northond the white side to the southin line wifh o composs needle ond ploce it on o mop or rule or witness. Ask questions until your pendulum indicotes o c h o n g ei n s w i n g . T h e T u r e n n e u | ei s b e s t o r r the wove-fields oF somples meosuring chorocteristic or o remedyto see i they ore suitoble. To use fhe HefigorsoleIyos o sfimu|ofor the wove-tie|d o o oF somple, stondthe sompleon the top or in front of the white side o the Heigor ond detect o chonge in the pendu|um swing oryour questions. Do not underestimote poweroF this omplifier. the ond the woy eoch reinforces Becouseof its components the othersothe Hefigor hornesses entire rnognefic the f i e l d o f t h e e o r t hi n t h e s e r v i c eo f d i v i n i n g . T h e r e Forethe Hefigoris virtuolly indispensible o os rodiesthesi i nstrument. c






lvlonyo the opplicotions of rodiesthesioin the thirties ore not direct|y opplicoble to todoy.s more scientiic wor|d. ln Fronce, Bovis wos emp|oyedos o professionol tester o whether wine ond cheese were good or bod. ln Englond, butterfly collecting wos on extremely popu|or postime, ond co|lectors used rodesthesio to locote fhem. The illnesses ond diseosesof those times hole now been broughtunder control by modernmedicine. So these ore somewhot out of dote. specific opplicotions of rodiesthesio o [n this section, the work o these post rrrcsters rodiesthesio with presentdoy exomples to show the hos been updoted voried fields thot divining hos been succesfully opplied to. AIl these exomp|esore bosed on the work o the pioneers of the 30's ond in no woy relect the competencyof the outhor. It is suggestedthot you skim those opplicotions which do not exomplesthot interest you. But do not skim fhe Supersensonic occompony theseopplicotions since mony ore introduced here on or the first time, whi|e others ore eloborotons techniques in thot were ntroduced Section l.




Itolionsbelongingto moderotely weolthy ond rich fomilies, or employeesof powerful corporotionsore kidnoppedon on overogeof one o week, ond held for ronsom. The obductors ore quite preporedto hold their victims for mony months i lIustroted the cose o os in FroncescoNopol, the 2Gyeor old son of o weoIthy Itolion lowyer who wos held for four months before o r h $ l . m i l I i o nr o n s o m e l e o s e d i m . The score is such thot n Ito|yo personoI bodyguord is more populorthon the lotestsportscor.


AIthoughoIl kdnoppings bizorre, one of the most ore h o r r i y i n g o s t h o t o f J . P o u |G e t t y l | | , t h e l 7 e o r w old grondson billionoire J. Poul Getty, who vonished of from his bohemionhountsin Romeo ewweeks ofter suggesting his girlriendthot o toke kidnoppin9might to eose his cosh shortoge. A ronsom note or$l7 mil|ion wos received but nobody wos reolly sure of the situotion ond leost of oll the boy's grondfotherwho refusedto poy the ronsom. Then. monthsofter the disoppeoroncewhen the kidnoppers were convinced thot they were not being token seriously, they cut off Poul's right eor ond sent it to o RomenewsPoperwith o |ock o his hoir ond o note reducingthe ronsom $3 million. The note olso stotedthot unless to were poid quickly, the rest of Poul'sbody the ronsom would orrive in smoll pieces. The ronsom wos poid ond Poul wos releosed.

Paul Getty lost an ear to ltalian kidnapers who collected 2.7-million-dollar ansom. r

Our declining economyond rising unemployment cou|d bring obout o wove o coo|, proessionoI kidnoppersin the United Stotes, iust os it hos done in ltoly.



Kidnopping is o porticulorly nosty ofoir;nobody knows whot octon is best fo foke. There is o genero| stofe of confusion, even orthe kidnoppersosince they do nof know in odvonce whot efect fhe victim's presencewi!I hove on them, or how they will reoct to the dilemmo their crime hos creoted due to pressuregenerotedwith the country's popu|otionlooking orthem. Becouseof this element o uncertointyond unpredictobi!ity' timing ond occurocy ore more importontin pursuingkidnoppers thon ony other kind of criminols"


The key lies in srift oction" No longer ore we ot the mercy of the obductors: woting for them to hoping thingswill turn out oll righf communicote; wonting to toke oction, ond not knowing whot oi how" Now we con counter ottock so osfos to completely ostonishthe criminols ond underminetheir conidence in themselves"

could hove Ropid detection o Pou!.swhereobouts his loss o on eor ond brought the obductors ovoided quickly to coptivity. or his eor ond lock o hoir cou|d hove been used os excellent witnessesfo locote Poul before the ronsom wos pod. Only when kidrnppers know they wiIl be cought will the crime's populority decreose.

As we hove seen by the decline of the hiiocking wove, knowing they will be cought is on excellent deferrent to mosfpeople consideringthis woy of roising money.



As she wos corried out o her oportment two block by men ond o white womonond dumpedinto the trunk of on o|d Chevy, neighbors held bock by gunire heord Potty Heorstscreom, "Pleose let me go! Oh no, not lll . |, Thusbegon the mosthorrifyingkidnoppingin A m e r i c o r s i s t o r y . T h r e ed o y s l o t e r B e r k e l e y ' sK P F A h rodio stotionreceived o letter from the Symbionese Liberotion Army (SLA) stoting Potty Heorstwos o prisonerof wor. The olIowing week KPFA received onotherletter ond o cossettetope contoiningo messoge romPottyond from field morsho| Cinque, heod of the S L A , d e m o n d i n g m u | t i - m | l i od o | l o rf o o d d i s t r i b u t i o n o n to the needy.
FEBPatty Hearst before kidnapprng

P o t t y ," l ' m O . K . . . . l w o n t f o g e f o u t o f h e r e . " On the night of Potty's20th birthdoy, Februory20th, the Rev. Cecil Willioms, the fomous lock minister f b o Glide Arlemoriol Church in Son Froncisco, received o phoneco|| directnghim to o telephonebooth where onothertope wos hidden on which Cinque osked tor more food to be distributed.

Potty'sonly wordswere: "Todoy is Februoryl9th. This morningthe Shoh of lron executedtwo men ot down. " After seventeen doys silence onothertope surfocedofter o phonecoll to o Son Fronciscorodio stotion.



i " l d o n ' i b e l i e v e y o u ' r ed o i n g e v e r y t h i n gn y o u r p o w e r . I d o n ' t b e l i e v e y o u ' r e d o i n g o n y t h i n go t o l l . "


rightened Potty'svoice is reportedto hove sounded wos forced to which led somepeople to believe she reod o script. Others, noting thot the food give-owoy wonderedwhetherthe progrom hod been o shombles, bilternessin her tone wos reolly directed towordsher porents. wos ofter the kidnoppingthe food progrom Two months efficiently ond o Son Fronciscounderground operoting newspoPerreceived o note from the S| soying Potty would be releosedwithin 72hovrs. Then suddenlyon April 3rd onothertope wos received togetherwith o picture o Potty, now ''Tonio'', ho|dingo sub.mochine

Potty/Tanioz "l hove chosen to stoy ond fight." In iust 0 doys Potty the kidrropvictim wos chonged to Tonio the revolutionory. Then on April lSth the SLA, with Potricio Heorstholding o semi-outornotic rifle, robbed the l-fibernioBonk on Noreigo Street in Son Froncisco. She nexf surfocedin Los Angeles. outside were struggling While Bill ond Emily l-lorris o sforewith the owner ond on employee, Potty fired on o sproy of bulIets rom outornoticocrossthe front o the store, o||owingthe Fhrris.sto escope. o Ater o tip off , hundredsof po|ice surrounded wor broke houseot 54th Street in Los Angeles ond ot out" The houseond its occuponts, six members ground. From midthe S|' were burnt to the t/oy 1974until mid-September1975, Pattv ond the to eluded oll police ond FBI otfempts l-{orris's copture them.



Becouseof the drostic chonge from potty, the young vivocious U.C. Berkeley siudenf, to Tonio, the gunwielding bonk robber, the time e|ementin ihs cJse is even more dromotic thon in other kdnoppingcoses. With o swift reso|uton the cose, not on|y Ptty ond of her porentsbuf the who|e country ould hove been sporedon ordeol.

Let us look ot the opprooch we would hove token to end this offoir ot eoch stoge of the dromo.


A mop reoding of the Boy Areo would determinethe city where Potty wos held coptive. The noturol first step wou|d be to osk i she were sti|| in the Boy Areo. Hoving leorned thot she wos, we would next pioce the pendulumover eoch city in turn ond hold the thought: ''|s Potty in this city?,' As o cross check, hove tw other people do the something. On finding thot the city wos Son Froncisco, o street mop o Son Froncisco with o picture of Potty Heorst loid on it wou|d oct os witnesses. We woudorientote the mop ond picture north-southond hotd the pendulum over the picture. While sendingout the thouiht "ts Potty on this coordinote?rr we would move rhi pendulum down the rnop. Once the coordnot" (Y) is |ocoted, nove.the pendu|Um ocrosshemop to find the (X) coordinote. The intersectionof ihese coordinoteswoutd locote Potfy to within o block, using the mop shown. A city plonner's mop would be usedio find tire exoct house. The totoI Processis so quckos to be o|most Unconnyto onyone not omiliorwith if .

Streets of San Francisco: Vhere the lfearst melodrama unfolded








PArfv HARsr

Once the obductors ore locoted, the woy police deol with themwill dependon how dongerous they ore, so the supersensitive personcon help by leorningin odvonce, before the police move in, whot to expect. While one supersensonic operotorwos locoting potty geogrophicoIly,onothercould be determining octs obout the obductors.

Using o photogrophof Potty os witness, he coutd osk: Wos Potty kidnopped? Did she know ony of her obductors? Were ony of the kidnoppersknown fugitives from the low? Are their recordson file in o Colifornio office? Are they copoble of murder? Are there more thon l/2/3 . . ./ people with potty? Do they oll hove guns? Are they copoble of using fhem? Do they occupy more thon one room? Do they hove lookoufs?



When the topeswere received, it becomecleorer thot Pottywos still in the Boy Areo ond thot the S L A m e m b e rw e r e q u i t e o m i I i ow i t h t h e o r e o . s r Agoin, the obove opproochwoutd hove yielded the hideout, but this time using the tope os wifness. SENDtNG A TAPE, A LOCK OF l-tAtR, R A O S I LETTER S PERFECTLY AFE FOR THEABDUCTORS UNDER STANDARD CIRCUA/STANCES.BUT TURN. I N G S U C H A R T I C L E SO V E R T O A R A D I E S T H E S I E S T A I S L I K E T E L L I N G H I M W H E R ET H E A B D U C T O R S R E . A THEARTICLES REAS GOOD AS RADAR,SINCE T H E Y H A V E B E E N I N T H E H I D E O U TA N D A B S O R B E D I T SW A V E - F I E L D .



is Perhops Supersensonics the only woy to find some Potty rnoy, herse|f' be out of o the onswers,since touch with the chongesthot she went through. A operotorcon leorn her motives, whether supersensonics ogoinsther porents, she Felt resentful drugged, tortured, she hod been broinwoshed, hypnotized, she wos romonticollyinvolved with ony of fhe SLA members, she wos forced to porticipote in the bonk robbery, s h e w o s o w i l l i n g c o n v e r tt o t h e S L A , she wos frightenedorher life, s h e w o s p h y s i c o l l yo b u s e d . A picture of Potty Heorsthos her vibrotionsossocioted with it. A picture of ''Tonio''hqs onotherset o vibrotions. Using the psychologicolonolysistechnique, given loter in this section, we con find out ho'rr extensivethe chongesin Potty reolly were ond whether the chonge to Tonio wos reolly os drosticos it seemed.



You con see by this exomple thot you con obtoin inormotion obout onything thot exists. The'on|y limits ore whot you yourself ploce on this technique, whch brings to light the irst|ow of rodiesthesio:

The reoson we con top into this knowledge is thot the of rodiotons o|l existing reo|ities ore everywhere. lf you do not hove o scientific bockground you moy still be o<periencingtroub|ewth the concept of these rodiotionsbeing everywhereot the sometime. An onology which moy help is supplied by the greot npthemoticion, physicist, philosopherSir Jomes Jeons who colculoted thot:


Thsmeonsthot Ju|ius Coesor.s |ostbreoth is everywhere in the universeond contoins so mony molecules thof there is enough for eoch of us to breothe in two of them with every breoth.

So too, by onology, the rodiofionsof oll thoughfsond things in the universeore ovoiloble to us. Even somethngos for owoy os o stor is, in termsof its rodiotion, not even on ormrs length owo/o




ln 1930 Judge Croter wos o New York Stote Supreme Court Justice when he disoppeored. The cose wos n e v e r s o l v e do n d i s s t i l l t h e s o m ep r o b l e m h i r t y - f i v e t y e o r s l o t e r , o s s h o w ni n t h e c o s e o . . .


JomesR. Hoffo, the formerheod of the Teomsters lnternotionolUnion. When PresidentNixon commuted Hoo's thirteen-yeorsentenceon moiI froud ond bribery chorgesin 1971, he oddedo stipulotionthot HofocouId not run orleodership the union beForel980. At the oF time when o Federol court wos consideringHoffo's oppeo|to be ol|owed to run for |eodership beorel980. Hoffo vonished. Therewere three moior sources of c o n f | i c ti n H o f o ' s i f e , e o c h c o p o b | eo f I e o d i n g o h i s I t di soppeoronce.




S i n c e h i s r e | e o s e r o m i o i | , H o f oh o d b e e n o p e n | y f chollengingfor his old iob even thoughundero bon p r e v e n t i n g i s i n v o l v e m e n itn u n i o no c t i v i t y . A f e u d h hod eruptedbetweenhis supporters thosewho were ond with the incumbent,Fronk Fitzimmons,resultsotisfied i n g i n o s e r i e so f v i o l e n t i n c i d e n t s ,i n c l u d i n gb e o t i n g s , shootings ond bombings.


Apporently l-loffowos on his woy to meet with LeonordSchultz, Tony hovenzono, ond Tony Giocolone, repufedos the heod lvbfio mon in Detroit. Apporently Giocolone wos undero Federol indictment stemmng from o deoI involving the uniontsmulti-bi llion dollor pension funds, ond wonted to know whot teomsterrecords hod been subpoenoed"


Tony Provenzono ond Hoffo hod been on unriendly termsorsometime ofier Hoffo refusedto heIp Provenzono get o union pension. Provenzono's extortionconviction d i s q u o l i i e d i m f o r t h e p e n s i o n ,w h i l e H o f f o ' sm o i | h did not interferewith his own roud ond iury.tomperin9 pension. Provenzono wos enrogedond threotenedHoffo.


fortunetied up in business Hoffo hod o consideroble o[ reputotions, reported deols with persons infomous os i n O v e r d r i v e . l t w o s s p e c u | o t e t h o t o n e o t h e s e d portners moy hove been involved with the disoppeoronce. ore life ond his disoppeoronce tuIl of intrcote HofFo.s mysteries. A numberof people stoodto beneit him by b e i n g o u i o t h e w o y . R o d i e s t h e s ic o n h e l p t o c u t o t through hisweb of complexities nd get to the bosic o truth . s

shouldbe oskedr usingo The following questions witness: photogroph ls Jimmy Hoffo deod/olive? Wos Jimmy Hoffo kidnopped? W o s F r o n kF i t z i m m o n isn v o l v e di n H o f f o ' s disoppeoronce?

Deod or olive, Floffoor his body con be locoted using the mop-reoding technique of rodesthesio.




You hove probobly noticed by now thot your pendulum swingsore not olwoys circulor. Sometimes they formo quoshed circle which is knownos on ellipse. These ellipticol swingsgive us more inforrnotion thon iust the ghttonuord yes-no onswerso stro When the pendulum responds on ellipticol motion, in the onsweris quolified. lt hos conditionsottochedto it. Lookingdown on the pendulum,o clockwise circulor qnd on onticlockwise motion is o positive response circulor motiono negotivereply. Theseswingsyou ore olreody fomilior with. The clockwise ond onticlockwiseellipticol swings meon "yes, but" ond "no, but" respectively. When the ellipsesore seenyou osk morequestions to whot the "buf" meons. For exomple, when determine we osk, "Wos Fronk Fitzimmons involved in Hoffots disoppeoronce?"let us ossume "No. but" onswer o wos received. Now we turn inwordsond determine the concept we hod of the word "involvement"os we usedit in this question. . . Did we meon (o) mosterminded it? (b) discussedt with others? ( c ) h e l p e di n t h e p l o n ? (d) octuolly wirh Hoffo when he disoppeored? or ony other conceptswe rry hove hod. wos (d) -'bctuolly Soy our meoningof involvement with Hoffo when he disoppeored." Then the "no, but" wos resPonse soyng to (d), i.e. ''nol Fitzsimmons is no but not octuolly with Hoffowhen he disoppeoredn he wos involved in somewoy, so keep osking questions.r'


wi The pendulum ll circle in on ellipticol orbit


when the onswer is not o cleor yes or no

The bestwoy is to clorifY Your quesfion until the elliPticol perfectlycirculor. sring becomes




Rope is the countrytsfostest-growing violent crime. This stotistic moy be influenced by the womenrs liberotion nrovement,os rnorewomenore now willing to come forwordond foce the humi|otions seeing of their rope chorges throughto the end. ln '1973,there were 51r000 reportedcoses ond, since the crime more often thon not goes unrePorted, experts estmotefhot fhere were of leost 2501000 ropes ond oftempted ropes thol yeor. Rope is one of the |eostunderstood crmes. Perhops t h e w o r d s ' ' w i t h o uc o n s e n t , ' ' ' ' o g g r e s s o n , . , ' ' V i o I e n c e , ' ' t ond "humiliofion" better describe rope thon the word ''sex..' When this is recognzed, perhops the sexuo! hisforyof the vctimwiIl not be looked nto, which on|y odds more humiliotion to her ordeol. The sexulolbockgroundof the victim moy hove nothing to do with whether she wos roped. From the stondpointof humiliotion, the rope of o prostitute, hostess,doncer, or night club gir! is no different from thot of o housewie,mother, or co-ed. Nobody likes fo be roped.


Before looking ot o specific rope cose we will stort by checking the experts' estirnoteof 2501000ropesond ottempted ropes for the yeor of 1973 ond determine the exoct number to the neorest thousondby construcfing o word witness numbers chort. Remember omplify its to wove-field before use by orientoting it north-south, ollowing sunlightto foll on it or usingon overheodlight, ond plocing your composs beneoth it. Combine os mony of these omplifcotioneffects os possib|e.


Add your quesfion to the chort os o word witness. In fhis woy, if your mind wondersslightly while divining there is less chonce of the resultsbeing odversely offected. As it is improcticol to write oll the digits from fifty thousond to one million on o chort, twelve ore chosen, ond o "more significontly spoced numbers thon" question is osked. The one used here is "Were the numberof ropes ond ottempted ropes in Americo in

is 1975morethon ? " lf the onswer morethon but 5O,OOO, notrnor*T'on 1001000 you con begin to t norrowin on o specific nunrber.


Were the number ropesond ottempted of ropesin Americo in 1975morethon ? 50r000

t00r000 2501000 500r000 800r000

t50.000 3001000 00'000 I,0001000

2001000 4O0r000 7001000

Asking questions with Trigrom ond Hexogrom number witnessesollor'redthe oncient Chinese to invent on colled the l Ching. The occurote divining nethod ore equo||yomozing when thswitness mefhod resu|ts is used properly.



Joon Little, the only femole prisonerin the North Corolino Beoufortcounty ioil, hod been orrestedtwice on breokingond enteringchorgesond wos owoiting on oppeol on her seven to ten yeor sentence, One August morning, the ioiler Clorence Alligood wos discoveredstobbedto deoth by on ice pick in her cell. Miss Little hod escoped. Eight doys loter, she turned in herselfin to low oticers Ro|eigh. thot AIligood forced At the triol Joon Little testiied her to perform orol sex while holding her heod with one hond ond with the ice pick held up ogoinsther foce. At o cruciol point, Alligood droppedthe pick which she grobbedond struck out with.

Defendant Joan Little with brother: God-fearing?

The prosecution cloimed thot Miss Little enticed Alligood with sexuol fovors, murderedhim, ond then escoped. The medicol evidence introducedwos thot Alligood wos found without his shirt ond trouserson; in one hond wos the ice pick ond in the other his ponts. Therewere stob woundson his legs, but none in his trousers,ond Alligood hod eioculoted recently. The cose orousednotiono!interestsince Joon Little wos o young 100 poundblock wonlcrn ond Alligood o 190 poundwhite mon ond the triol wos in North Corolino, bringing the issuesof rocism, sexism, ond prison reform into the controversy. With oll this publicity ond o bottery o public-interestrcrientotedottorneys, Joon Little wos oquitted.


One wondershow mony other people doily foce humiliotions forced on them by outhoritiest both in ond ouf of ioil, but due to thersubservientposition, reolze thot o deof eor will be turnedwhen they comploin, Young children qnd odolescenfsore porticulorly open to this form of obuse ond ore not olwoys believed when they get up the couroge to te!! it. Alternotively, motives s,ch os ieolousy, envy, revenge, ond iust bengmisunderto stood con drive odo|escents fo|se|yoccuse someoneo molestingor rope. Rodiesthesiocon help fo sort out the hidden truthsin both kinds of situotion. When rodiesthesio is used by o wider number of people, ond when children ore troined in schools from the oge of seven in this science, then people will nof hove such eorof being misiudgedor misconvicted. PerhopsJoon Litfle would not hove run, hod she been cerioin thot someonewou|d hove believed her side o the story.

Using o picture of Joon Little, the ice pick ond Alligoodts clothes os witnesses, the courts could occurotely onswer these questions: Did Miss Little premeditotively murderAlligood? roge? Did Mss Little kill Alligood out of spontoneous Dd AIligood force Joon Little to perform sel( with him?


Did Alligood userhe ice pick ro force Miss Linle to perorm with him? sex Did Mss Litt|esufferhumtiotion the honds ot of Alligood? Theycould then continueto determine ofherdetoils ony regordingthe cose which they eetore reevonf.


on the other hond, thsfechniquenoy foo simple be forcourts to occept,.ond they rmy preferon in-dpth look into fhe psychologicotmoke-upof both Little ond Alligood to oid the cose. Thisis porticulorlyuseful whenone porfysdeod, since he connofto| himse|f. for ln designing chort of this kind, we wouldfocusonly o on thosequo|ties thot re|oteto fhe Co5 9 usingfhemos word witneses ond selecfingomongthemwithihe Percenfle DioI os introduced Secfiont. in


Write down on seporotecords to form word witnesseso list of key wods, such os:






Ploce o photoof the personot the center o the D P e r c e n t i l e i o l . A newspoperphoto or o xerox copy is odequote. Amplify the sel-up.


by Exami ptroto llk t usut

JoAnnc lJtt|c h s<r|Fffitcirco, on hei vo' tD o nev lic



Set o stondord person cleorly in your mind for comporison, becouse you connot osk whot percentoges opply to o personwithout setting some stondord. One methods to ronk yourse|fos 5@/oon o|l fhe topics ond see how they compore to you. Alternotve|y, you may put Liftle ot 50p/o ond comporeAlligood's reodingsto this, or vice verso.


Hold one cord from Step I in your free hond os o word wifness. love the sensororound the dioI while osking, ''Whot percentoge?" A "yes" will result in i-sthe personrs the segmentcorresponding the omountof thot quolity to inherent in the psolo



Repeot using the other cords, ond build up o picture o the persorro|ty.

Using this technique, we con determine more obout Little ond Alligood thon by listening to chorocter witnesses, circumstontiolevidence, or relying on testimonyolone. !f the person showsa 9@/oscore in "copocity for selfdeception" on the word wifness, his testirnonydoes not hove much volue. And yet the iury members ore usuolly unob|e to ignore somethng they hove heord. Un|ike members,who con get emotionolly involved in o iury cose' thsmethodis complete|y importio|if usedby disi nterested persons.


defendingM'issLittIe, her lowyer After successu||y Jerry Poul colled ottentionio how he won the cose. gove Miss Little the obility in The $3251000 donotions in the notion, mounton extensive to buy the best counsel f iury selection process,hire investigotors, ly in expert on witnesses,spendthousonds "counseling"to PrePore her for her testimony- even to hire o psychic to "feel out the vibes" of prospectiveiurors. The moneyenobled Poul to work endlesslywith Miss Little, toking her throughher storyover ond over until she becomebored with it. He did this, he soys, so thot the prosecutorcould not moke her ongry enough to moke o c{uiteliterolly fotol mistoke, os she wos focing o deoth penolty if found guilty. mondotory ln stotingthot he con win ony cose in this country given enoughmoney, Poul is pointingout the defects of the os iudiciol system o chorodeond illusion. He soys, d " T h i ss y s t e m o e s n ' tw o n t i u s t i c e . l t w o n t s convictions. Thot.swhy, given enoughmoney I con buy iustice." ore not rnode. Focts ore ln Supersensonics, iudgements given. When presentedwith o correct osked for ond situofion, o course of oction con be plonned ond executed.


The opposite is illustroted by the news story of o womon I i v i n g i n D o y t o n oB e o c h . F | o r i d o .w h o i I e do c o m p | o i n t ogoinsto rnonwho she cloimed ropedher" Beforepolice could orresthim, six womenottocked the mon with knives white he wos working in his front yord ond in|icted enoughdomogethot he wos odmittedinto the locol I hospito . Hod ony one of them stoyed colm enough to use this technique, two simplequestions,"Wos lv1s.-roped?" .'Did Arlr. rope her?" might hove ovoided o tot of poirETlA-round.




Eoch yeor the lotest FBI figures show the crime rote to be rising shorply. Typicolly, violent crime ond property crimes increose l0 to 20 per cent eoch yeor. Specificolly: Murder increosesby Rope by obout Aggrovoted ossoult Robbery Burglory Lorceny Theft of motor vehicles 5-7o/o 4-l5o/o 8-l0o/o 20-30o/o l4-20o/o 15-20o/o 4-60/o

Although people ore extremely concernedwith this problem, nomingit os their community'stop problem, obove unemp|oyment, tronsportotion,cost o |iving, educotion ond toxes. outhorities romthe police to the FBI to Congresshove hod little successot finding so|utons. They ore ot o totoI loss: the presentsystem is not helping ond they con see no vioble olternotives. This foct is emphosizedin thot only obouf I in 5 serious crimesis being solved.


As Renee Wogler loy dyirB slre spoke obout her own murder. Three young blocks hod occosted her in the street the previous doy. Renee, who lived in o rocioIly-integroted househo|dthought nothing o the incident. However, the next doy os she wos wolking throughthe ghetto t.okingo con o gosoline to her stoIled cor, six youths, including the three from the previous doy, drogged her into on olley ond forced her to pour the gos on herself. One of them set fire to her ond she become o humontorch. Renee threw herself down on the groundond rolled in on oftempt to put out fhe flomes" Then she ron to the liquor store, her clothes f|oming, her horon fire, her foce b|ock, her skn peeling, ond osked the monogerto "pleose coll on ombulonce.t' A few hours loter she wos deod.


This unso|vedmurdersporkedoff o wove o reto|iotion ond counterrefoliotionof beotings. stobbings,robberies, weoponsrond onother ond ottockswith numerous wos gruesome murderin which on e|der|ywhite non stonedto deoth by o gong o block youths. while quietly fishing.


Here is onotherexompleo the inodequocyo the police methodof pleoding for people to stondord cooperoteond tell whot they sow. of thot were the murderers Renee It is o sofe ossumpiion Wog|erbroughtquick|y to iustice, the wove o vio|ence thot sweptthe city would not hove occurred. The first iotion occurred 2 doysofter Renee'sdeoth, ond with retof this would hove been omple time to locote Supersensonics could even hove their opprehension the killers. Perhops been effected on the somedoy.


stobbedRenee. lf is recordedin their minds for eternity. Tensesitr.ntions,woiting for o motch to ignite them, will olwoys be with us. Only ropid solutionsto the problem thot sporksthe explosion con restoreo sense is of order. Supersensonics the only methodovoiloble with the occurocy ond quickness fo be equol to the chollenge. Thereis no such onimol os o perfect crime. Somethingis olmost olwoys left ot the scene or on fhe vicfim, o strondof hor, o drop of b|ood or so|ivo, skin underthe victim's fingernoils. All ore excellent wifnesses the ottocker. In this cose surely ot leost of one of the ottockerstouchedthe gosolinecon ond it impregnoted with his vibrotions. Knowingthe octuol town ond oreo in which the killers lived ond using the con os o witness, trocking themdown should not be too dificu|t.



As onother exomple of todoy's inodequotecrime prevention methods,we consider the cose of the biggest cosh robberyin the U.S.A. A totol of 4.3 million, token from PuroloforSecurity lnc.'s Armored ExpressCompony's voults. The IlIinoisBureouo lnvestigotion ond !ocoI Chicogo police, working on o tip obtoined by the county prosecutorts office thot o "moior robbery" wos being plonned. hod been toiling suspects, wotchinghomes, ond fo||owingo green Ford von orweeks. Within doys of colling off the surveilonce,the robberyoccurred.

Since the burglorsopporently knew the combinotionof the voult ond hod to de-octivote four seporoteolorms. the police theorized thot it wos on inside iob ond gove lie-detector fests to the compony'semployees. The |one guord on the night of fhe robbery, Ro|ph lorrero, wos reportedto hove foiled the test. lt wos olso discovered thot he hod been fired by Wells Forgo Bonk in the previousyeor ofter foiling o similor test regording o robberyot their Evonstonlocotion.

The home surve lonce teom reported thot lorrerchod visited Chor|es lorzonowho hod been orrested in connection with the Evonstoncrime. Unfortunotely ond typico||y, lorzono wos re|eosedbecouse the police hod illegolly seorchedhis home, finding rnonuols ond tools for servicing olorm sysfems. The lost I reod obout this cose, both A4orrero ond lvlorzonohod disoppeored ond so hod the $4 million. lronicolly, the Chicogo police believe they hove the getowoy von - fhe green Ford they were troiling doys before the theft.




By now you know how to locote the suspects ond the stolen money. This story is included here,oso blotont o h e x o m p | e t h e d i f i c u | t i e | o wo u t h o r i t i e s o v e i n s c o t c h i n gc r i m i n o l s .

of Insteod troiling suspects,they could osk doily if todoy wos the doy of the plonnedcrime. They could determine before the event, which the plon ond the porticiponts would be occurote, borring lost minutechonges. In the previoussectionwe detectedthree diferent efects: positive (*), negotive (-), ond compound (+ -). l hove ound the compound swing is given in which con be chongedby the Future onswerto questions decisions o someone. This extro inormotionis involuoble since it occurs even in onswerto the most questions where we ore onticipotingthe sfroightforword o n l y p o s s b l e n s w e r s e i t h e ro ' ' y e s ' 'o r ' . n o ' ' . A s o n o o exomp|e this we cou|d ossume broinsbehind o o the lorge robberyhos told the porticiponisoll its detoils i n c l u d i n gt h e d o y , y e t h e i n t e n d st o c h o n g ei t o t t h e lost moment. lf we do not know the plonneryet ond ore tuning into the mind of on occomplice in our ottemptto find the exoct doy. o compound swingwill result. For even though he thinks he knowswhot doy the robbery is to occur' there ore other rodiotionsromthe mostermind which ore modifyingthe result" A robberyoccurred in Boulder Creek where we live ond we used Supersensonicsto locote the stolen money ofter mony hoursof seorchingby the police ond locols foiled to find it. A full occount oppeorsin the next section of fhis book.




UsirrglvlopReoding, ogents o the FBl cou|d systemoticol|y locote ond opprehend escopedcrmino|s oIl ond oll fugitives from the low. When o crime is committed on oreo the locol police in o could quickly perform list onolysisover iheir criminol tolent books fo see if ony of the known people were involved.

When o non opprehended one crime the is for outhoritiescould tell olmostinstontlyif he is wonted for onother offense in fheir city or in onother port of the country. lf crmino|s knew thot fhey wou|dbe within hoursof the crime, this would oct opprehended os o deterrentto those who believe thot their only crime wos in being cought, leoving those with unbolonced mindsos societytsonly criminols. Justice could be odministeredmore ropidly ond foirly since wou|d e|iminote the error o sentencir on Supersensonics innocentporty to ioil. This would drosticollyolter the function of oll low enforcement ogencies, releosing lorge omountsof monpower, time, ond money thot could be modeovoiloble to chonge the conditions thot leod to crime. Until officiols reoch this degree of reliobility they con os use rodiesthesio o tool not unlike f he lie detector. Even if outhorties were not wi!|ing to trust it entirely, they could ot leost use it to suggestdirections for urther inquiry or pursuit. would bring o new self-respect Troining in rodiesthesio to fhe police ond ottrocr high colibre recruits. Their public imoge would improve os people see this new dynomic of work. But moreover, when you ond oll your friends use this too|, the protectonit offords you wi|l be o more powerful defsrrent ogoinst infringement of your beirB fhon orming yourself to the teeth.




John F. Kennedy, the president the United Stotes, of wos ossossinoted Fridoy, Ncvember22, 1963, while riding in o motorcodewith Texos Governor John of Connolly throughthe streets Dollos. A bullet slrot heod, blowing owoy one side of his info Kennedyts skul|. The presidentelIdeod into his wife Jockie.s orms. John Connolly wos shotin his wrisf ond thigh.

22, 1963. President, Mrs. Kennedg and Connallg at Dallas Not:..

Even os the world ocedthe shock, other bizorre eventswere toking ploce. Within on hour o the ossossinotion, J.D. Tippet, o Dol|ospolice oficer, wos shot to deoth. Lee Horvey Oswold wos orrested inside o movie theoterwith the hond gun thot wos used to kill Tippet. Meonwhile, the police found o rifle equipped with o telescopic sight, on fhe sixth |oorof the Texos Schoo| Book Depository ond were told thot Lee l-brvey Os,vold, on employee,wos missing.



to Two doys |oter, os Oswold wos bengtonsferred the county ioil, Jock Ruby leopt out of o crowd of newsmen ond shof him to deqth. Lyndon B. Johnsonquickly become presidentond heodedby Chie Justice formedo 7-rnon commission Eorl Worren to investigotethe killings. Gerold Ford wos one of the members. The ongersond onxieties thot were releosedby the Americon people in so obruptly losingo presidentthey hod grown to trust ond respect hove not subduedwith time. The genero|eelingof o Worrencommission cover-up or o cover-up before the inforrnotionreoched the commission cousesdoubtsthot keep the controversy olive. The Worren report contoins unonswered questions ond unresolved onomo lies. The commission concludedthot Lee Horvey Oswold octed entirely olone in the ossossinotion President of Kennedyond thot he fired oIl the shotshimse|. They soid thot one bultet struckJFK in the upperbock, exited from hsthrmt, went on through ConnoIly,s torso ond rghtwrist ond into his |etthigh. lt emerged Ioter under the moffress o stretcherot the Dollos of hospitol in olmost perfect condition. Originotors of other theories seem to monipulotethe evidence to fit o tidy pockoge. They olso bring to thot it s focts when they suggest !ight someinteresting f h i g h l y i m p r o b o b l eo r o s i n g l eb u l l e t t o c o u s eo l l t h i s domogeond be unscothed. They olso point out thot frogments o bul|et were found in Connol|y, ond thot o Connolly soys he wos hit by o seporotebullet from the ones fhof hit Kennedy. The Worren commissioninsisted thot one bullet did oll the domoge,olthoughthe octuql poth of ihe bullet wos never troced ot the outopsy.




Both sides hove ogreed thot it is very improboblethoi oswold cou|d hove iredthe clumsybulk.oction, 1940 lvlonnlicher-Corcono rifle quickly enoughto let off ol! the shots,whchleodsthe opponents conc|udethot to there were ot leosf two gunmen: one behndthe hesident ond one in ronto him on the grossykno|l. Lyndon Johnson, in on interview iust before his deoth, wos of the opinion thot the entire story hod not been told. He hos been quotedos believing Kennedywos o victim o o communist.perhopsCostro, conspirocy, which is nof so unreosonoble since todoy we know thot the CIA wos involved in plots on Costro'slife. Even on the simplestissues,the beginnerin rodiesthesio will sit down with o problemond osk questions they os pop into his heod. The onswer to the previousquestion sporksoff the next question. In efect, he turns the contro| of his experment over to his unconsciousmind, which then begnsto p|oy tricks on him. He osks questionsthot he would never hove osked if he hod written the questionsdown beforehond. lf he listened to o toPe recording o himse| oftenalords, wan|d be he surprised the lock of clority in his questions ot ond possiblyot the insonityof his whole inquiry. Unlessit is proctisedos o science ond done systemoticolly, rodiesthesiois uselessond even dongerous. The best preporotionfor ovoiding fhis problem is to write down the questionsyou ore going to osk before you stort divining, with oll the possibleolternotiveror.ltes thot you con toke. The ossossinotion John F. Kennedy of is so complex, with so nony different theories, thot one mustcleorly define ol! the differentpossibilities before the detoiled questioningstorts.



D i d O s w o l d s h o o to n d k i l l J o h n F . K e n n e d y ? Did osalo|d ireo|| the shotsin the ossossinoton? Were Kennedyond Connolly hit by the some bullet? Wos morethon one shot fired in the ossossinotion? Two shots? Three? D i d O s w o l do c t o l o n e i n t h e o s s o s s i n o t i o n ? Wos thereo conspirocyto ossossinote President Kennedy? Wos the conspirocy domestic/oreign? Wos there more thon one personinvolved in the conspirocy? lv1ore thon two? lorethon three? Wos the FBI/ClA*/ony governm ental ogency/ tv|nio*/ communists/Texos boronsinvolved in oil the conspirocy? Wos Oswold o government ogent? Wos Oswold set up os o foll guy? Wos Jock Ruby port of the plot? Wos Jock Ruby o memberof the t,thia/C|^? Did ony o the doctorswho exominedKennedy's body porticipotein covering up evidence? * See CIA ond Orgonized Crime for the connection.


Wos evidencewithheld from the Wofren commission? Did thosewho withheld evidencedo so thinking thot i[ the truth wos known the U.S. would hove to go to wor ogoinstthe countrywho instigoted the ossossinotion? Did o government ogency ossossinofe Kennedy to oppeoseonother country?


Sometimes you experiencedfficu|tyin remoining if f d e t o c h e d r o mt h e s u b i e c t ,o s i s l i k e l y w i t h t h e s e the ossossinotions, questionyou ore osking moy not b e i n i u n e w i t h y o u r u n c o n s c i o u s .F o r e x o m p l e ,w h e n you you osk "Wos thereo conspirocyto ossossinote?" moy olreody believe lhere wos o conspirocy. Hence i n y o u r u n c o n s c i o uy o u o l r e o d yh o v e o " y e r " t h e r eo n d s y "yes" is the onswer ou will get. You con check on o n s w e r y o s k i n g , " l s t h i s o c o r r e c to n s w e r ? " b would then be telling you to stop, A "no" response relox, ond center yourself Perhops rereodingof o . t h e " H o w t o M e s sl t U p " c h o p t e ri s o l s o i n o r d e r .


when you first begin o rodiesthesio Sometimes, session, you will notice the pendulum movingwith o rough motionos it swingsin o circle to onsweryour question. s T h i s i e r k y s w i n gt e l l s y o u t h e p e n d u l u m h o u l dr e o l l y d b e m o v i n gi n i h e o p p o s i t e i r e c t i o n . i . e . i f y o u o r e r e c e i v i n go " y e s " r e s p o n s e i,t s h o u l dr e o l l y b e o " n o . " o Whenthisoccurs,reloxond let the pendulum scillote to ond fro. Now osk the questionogoin. The pendulum s w i n gw i l l n o w b e i n t h e c o r r e c td i r e c t i o n .



An oreo defined by Bermudo, Florido ond fuerto Rico, populorlyknownos fhe Devil's Triongle, hos gobbled up numerous mysteriously ships ond plones (thot is, if you believe Adi-Kent TomosJeferyond Chorles Berlitz, both outhorsof books colled The BernrudoTriongle) or not so mysteriously if yoffiefer Lowrence Kusche's version in his book The Bermudo Triongle - Solved.


There ore o numberof opproochesto determine the truth obout the Bermudo Triongle through rodiesthesio. We con exomineeoch incident or the people involved or we con determine the percenfogeof truth in the ploy such o books themselves. Booksond newspopers huge role in our goining of knowledge. We use them os our outhoritiesond quote romthem without hoving the time to investigotetheir occurocy. Since so much goes into the writing o of on outhorls consciousness his book, the book is on excellent witness ortlre subiect. Every word in the book is o word witness reveoling to the rodiesthesiest outhenticity of the the inormoton the integrity of the outhor. ond list A quick woy to check this is to perormo onolysis book's Toble of Contentswhile osking if the on the incident is reported occurotely. You could then proceed to investigoteo porficulor situotionin detoil if necessory.







T h e m o i ni n c i d e n t s f t w o d i s o p p e o r o n c ie s t h e o n BermudoTriong|eore out|inedbe|ow in question orm. As you reod them, write your pendulumresponses in the oppropriote column. On receiving ellipticol swings,osk furtherquestions until you ore sotisfied. AIR CRAFT Did five Novy Avenger bombersvonish in December |945 during o flight out of Fort Louderdole,Flordo? Were the plones f|own by one instructorond our studentpi Iots? Were bodies ever found? Wos port d the wreckoge ever found? Did the weother turn bod during the light? Wos the instructor new to the Florido oreo? Did the instructor's composs foil? Wos the instructor losf? prevent ossistonce Did poor rodio comnrunicotions from ground control? Did the instructor foil to s\flitchfo his emergency rodio chonnel? Did the pilots lond into the seo? Did the instructorponic?





Did the pi|ots moke sofe |ondngs? Wos the seo rough? (Determineknots by counting uP.) Wos visibility poor? (Finddistonceby countingup.) Did one of the seorch plones, o Mortin lvbriner, olso vonishwithout troce? Did this plone burst into flomesond crosh into the seo? Did loose ueI connectionscouse the fire?


Other pIoneshove vonishedin the oreo oterrodioing t h o t o l l w o s w e l l , i n c l u d i n go U . S . A . F . S u p e r f o r t r e s s , traro British commercioloirlines (the Stor Tiger ond Stor Ariel) lost one yeor oport, ond o DC-3. Before determiningthe fote of theseoircroft, their possengers ondcrewgon experience of Coptoin lvhrsholl Phillips mightossistyou in osking questions on otmosphericconditions" The BermudoTriongle is reportedto be o beoutiful world of colm wotersond blue skeswhere sondybeoches run o|ong the tiny islonds, yet it con without o momentlnotice burst ntoo vio|ent stormtuming the sky ond seo into o bottlefield. lt wos on such o doy thot Coptoin Phillips suddenlyfound himself surrounded o fierce thunderby sform" His plone wos dosheddownwords if thrown os by o giont hond ond then it rocketed upwordos i shot from o gun" When Coptoin Ph||ips'on experienced pilot, found himself free of the turbulencehe wos flying upside down ot 81000 feet.



Fortunotely,he did not ponic during the troumoond londedsoely,so he is one o the few people who hove Triongle" in lived to tell their experiences fhe Bermudo into the seo with fooboblyother ploneswere plunged greot orcethot crumbledthem upon impoct. Such con rip the wings from o plone, |eovng vio|ent storms itt pilot ot the mercy of the seo.

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Your onsrers moy show thot the couse of these thon noturol. ln disoppeoronces moresupernoturol is this cose, you con use the mop witnessond questions below to probe the noture of fhese unknownforces.

Do unknownforces oct in the oreo of the Trongle? Bermudo or Are these forces responsib|e deodening ond rodios ond other instrumentotion? composses orces? Are these grovitotionol/e|ectromognetic Do they operote continuoIly/periodicolly? Does o spoce/timeworp exist over this oreo? Are the plones suckedup into spoce? Are the shipspulled down into the seo bed? Are non-humonbeings responsibleorony of the disoppeoronces? Are theseeventsreloted to the monysightingsof UFOs? Is the story o underseopyromidsond power centers o l l h o c u sp o c u s ? from our mysteries Do we cull thesesupernoturol own deep unconscious?






Most people who ore oble to sove port of their eornings like to see their sovingswork for them. Holr ore ore we to tell which investments genuine? Which hove ony possibi|ityo good return? The governmentencourogesthose people whose incomes put them in the Slo tox brocket ond obove to invest in high risk. worthwhile venturessuch os oil ond gos ond cottle rcising. drilling, reolrstote development the lf o loss results. the |RS sotens blow by o||owing investor to deduct the loss from his income tox. the Thus,ifthe obove investorlost $10.000 his octuol loss would be $51000" When o profit is moderlorge depreciotionscon be deducted romthe profit before poying toxes. With lorge omountsof money involved, froudulont operotorshove set uP componiesoffeg'ng lorge fox deductionsond o chonce of huge profits" One such scheme,on oil-drilling outfitr wos colled Home-Stoke ProductionCompony by its ounder Robert S. TriPpet. In the eor|y yeors. mosto the investors' moneywent right bock to them os dividends which encourogedthem to increose their shoresond. more importont|y. to spreod the word to their riends. As the mmes of prior investorsbecome impressive, the componyottrocted more investors. Over o decode o st.or-tudded|ist o businessmen,lowyers, ond enterioinershod oiciols fimnciers, government portedwith over $l00 mil|ion in one o the biggest in salind|es history. The |isf ond mostsuccessu| included o top Woshingtonottorney who invested $|08,000. ord fwo dozen executiveso G.E. who invested$3.7 million over the decode. Someof the well-known people who lost money to the bonkrupt oi l -dri Iling componywere: Andy Willioms Jock Benny Lizq Mnnelli



$538.000 3001000 231 1000


BobDylon Borboro Wolters BorboroStreisond P h y l l i sD i l l e r

28r000 28.500 28f500 9r 500


Most of the entertoinersdo not pretendto know obout to odvisors. investingond leove fhesemotters business but even expertswere fooled by this clever scheme" George Goodmon. who os outhorAdom Smithwrote i ' t h e b e s t - s e l l i n g n v e s t o r sg u i d e " S u p e r m o n e y "l,o s t $ l l0'000. Fred J . Borch, choi rmono G .E . lost $440,000" Wolter Wrisfon, choirmono New York's d F i r s t N o t i o n o l C i t y B o n k , i n v e s t e$ 2 1 1 r 0 0 0 . lf the difficulties in seeingthroughsophisticoted swindlesore so greot thot even the expertsore ooled whY woste moneyemp|oying themto hondle , your investments when o few simplequestions would tell you oIl thot is needed. The precoutiono ,.see it before you buy it" would not hove helped in this cose. unlessyou were on oil-drilling expert. HomeStoke instolled pumps their Sonto lorio. on Colifornio propertythot movedin ond out o the groundfo producethe iIlusion o pumpingoi|, but did not. The componyolso pointedo former's i r r i g o t i o np i p e st o l o o k l i k e o i l l i n e s . ovoiloble to protect ln this cose the best sofeguord the buyer is SupersensonicsoOver o piece of the componytsli terotureosk, ls this componylegitinrofe?

*All investments are as computed by the Wall StreetJournal and do not neaessarilyrepresentpotential losses.In some cases, investors put up less than the full amount in cash, and some got part ofthei money back'

ls this o pyromidoperotion? O n t h e p e r c e n t i l ed i o l o s k , Whot ore the chonceso mokingo profit with fhe componyofter l/U3 yeors? o How does the monogement the compony rote sense. (c) reliobilityt for (o) integrity, (b)business (d) stobility?



Secret bonk occountswere introducedby the Swiss in the 1930's to protect Jewish ond other onti-Mzi depositorsogoinst informersromneighboringGermony. Like mony ideos with noble foundotions,they hove money. since become misusedos o strong lure for |lhot| They ore the refuge ori||icit fortunesond tox evoders.

criminols ore rorely convicted for the fuofessionol obvious crimes they ore responsiblefor, but rother their convictions result from fox evosion, iury ond moil froud. For o better hondle on tompering evoders,on oficioIof the IRS could osk simp|y, tox


guilty of tox evosion? hove o numberedSwiss Bonk occount?

he On 'yes' responses could count up to determinethe o money in the occount, using o ''more thon'' omount queslion os we did in fhe cose of the rope stotisfics.


Now comes the hord port. Drow o 0 to 9 numbers eoch digit o the determne chort ond systemoticoIly occount number. This is the mostdifficult tosk set in this book since on error in one digit will give on ncorrectonswer.


Thereore two woys to ensure occur t cy. The irst is posseddown romfhe oncienf Tibeton diviners, who did not toke oction on irreversiblemotters until three people producedfhe someresuli completelyindependent of eoch other. The secondis to use o new swingwhich ollows ropid counting. Thus, one groupof people would use this methodto crosscheck thosewho were determinng the seporote di9its.



Eor|ier, we Progronmed mndto produceo positive our pendulumreoction over the correct item in o lisf. Y o u w i l l r e c o l l w e c o l l e d t h i s o L i s tA n o l y s i s . S i m i l o r l y , in the coin experimentwe progrommed o positive for swing on heodsond o negotiveswing on toils. The diference between the positive ond negofive swings wos o chongein the direction o the pendu|um rototions. By now, i you ore using this book os o working text, your competencywill be such thot you con now use o swing with subtledifferencesbefweenthe positiveond negotive responses. Here you Progromyour mind orthe pendulumto osciIlotebetweenl2 o'c|ock ond o'clock for o ,no. onswerond betweenl o.c|ock ond 7 o.c|ock oro lyes' onswer. This swingollows for extremelyfost counting becouse the diferencebetween positive ond negotive swingsis slight ond the pendulum need not stop to nroke o rodicol direction chonge. For this reoson,we refer to it os the CountingSwing. Repeotthe countingup exomples this book using this in methoduntil you hove mosteredthis new response.



lt wou|d profit the govemmentto set up o depoment whose totol responsibilitywould be to determine the of ownerships o|| the numberedoccounts. Anther woy would be to obtoin o print-out of the occount ond performo List Anolysis over them while numbers osking. Does this occount belong to on Americon citizen? It is left os on exercise for you to find the best method o motching the occount numberto its olvner. PerformingList Am|yses on te|ephoneond cty directores, Who's Who volumes ond over surrcrmes ore only o ew o the lost number of opprmches orroiloble to yorr.






The World Heolth Orgonizotion hos reportedthot kiIler o womenbetween breost concer is the oremost the oges of 35 ond 54, ond the second mostcommon couse of deoth omongwomenbetween 25 ond 34. ln North Americo ond Western Europe, I womon in 25 dies of breostconcer, ond in the world o quortero o miIlion women die from t eoch yeor. In the section on reseqrchwe will show how to speed up medicol knowledgeso thot l0 yeorstwork con be into I yeor. compressed Until this becomeso reolity, eorly detection is your only protection,ond this you con do now, since you hove the best witnessovoiloble, your own breosts. ln con be cured if discovered mostcoses breost corcer eorly enough.



Since one out o l5 Americonwomenis off|ictedby breost concerr you moy be one of thosewho is told by your doctor to go home ond woit ond see if the lump (sometimes smoll os on opple seed)growsor os disoppeors. Then ofter woiting, you find the lump does grow ond when you return for treotmentyou discover it is too lote to sove your breost ond o mostectomy inevitoble. is


"You, me, your daughter, your motherj.' actress Lee Grant began, "each of us has to face the fact that one out of everv fifteen women will one day develop



Arlost M.D.'s who include breostconcer in their oreo would ideolly like womento undertoke of reseorch o screeningtest every three months. Since rodiesthesio is is such o ropid detection techniquerthere no reoson of not to tune into your breosts leost monthly. Detectionin this opp|icotionis very occurote even or the beginnerrsince tumorsrorely develop in both breosts ot the sometime ond hencer/ouore looking for chonge i n d i r e c t i o ni n y o u r p e n d u l u m w i n go s y o u h o l d i t o v e r s eoch of your breosts. Hold the pendulum over one breostond then the other ond osk, Are there ony conceroustumors presentin this breost? Are there ony concerouscells in this breost? l f t h e r ei s o c h o n g ei n t h e d i r e c t i o no f t h e p e n d u l u m swingl toke yourselfdirectly to o speciolisffor immedioteexomi notion. Despitethe constontwoming thot the orol controceptive hos been oround long enough now to prove its connectionwith blood clots, strokes,ond h e o r to t t o c k s ,i t i s s t i l l b e i n g t o k e nb y l 0 m i l l i o n womenin ihe U.S. Obviouslylthefeor of pregnoncy combinedwith the enioyment sexuol intercourse of mokesone blind to the dongersof toking the pill over o |ongperiod" A ewyeorsogo gir|s of l yeorsold were the youngestseen in the clinics, but todoy l2 ond 13 yeor olds ore ioining the ronks. wide open Theseyoung girls ore leoving themselves to oIl o the obove side efects,since their durotion on the pilI is much |ongerthon ormembers the o previous generotion " protectionwou|dbe to senseyour An eective susceptibilityto eoch of the obove oilmentsevery three months, usngword witnesseson the percentile diol. An increosein your risk would be o strong indicotor to find onother methodof controception.





Breast X-rays: Doing more harm than good?





ln the suImer vocofonswith on obundonce of good weother ond time to kill, mony young people disoppeorfrom home, hitchhiking into lorge cities like Berkeley to become exposed to unkrpwn dongers to relieve the poin of odo|esc]lC o They become port of the .scene,! with the drving urge o experience onyfhing os long os somethingexciting is hoppening in their |ives. This exctement con ronge from the comporotive|yinrocent |ivng with someonefor o few weeks ond then returning home for schoolts foll semester, to the more horried experiences of the drug scene' communoIse)(, rctPe' Pregnoncy, physcoI obuse, orrests, prison records, deoth.

with your child will Perhops first lorgeproblem the be o conrplete shockrormoybeyou ore olreody owore phose ond thotyour childrenore in thotrebellious there is little you con do to osist themrexcept be will grow there ond proy thof your sonsond doughters out of it withoutony deep scotsr



Forentsoften soy they dontt wonf to interfere, I'But if only I knew whot wos hoppening."



Without bugging them, know: whot is driving them. why ihey ore rustroted. theY ore hoving, whot problems who they ore with.

ln this monneryou con keep open or reopen.the behfeen you ond your chonnelso communicotion you ore children. Let your children know thot turn so Joing rodiesthesio thot they outomoticolly ond likewise use the technique the t-obles to look into Your world, problems' leorn of youi frustrotions, hoPes ond feors. your wishes orthem, ond lves ond them. dreomsoryourse con exist in yorr fomily . A totolly new openness you is involved in the other ond' *tt"*Ui *"h "i efective, in so being' operofe os o powerfully loving unit. friend You know the strengththot one reolly good exists in o oives you. How much more strength hove thot bond between il;iii in which the members them.


sofegrnrd hos Fortunotety, Supersensonics o built-in If your ogoinstprying into the worldso others. questionsore not reeof devious motives ond you to the outcome of the result' vou will ;;;;;;;h"d wifh your be sendingout woveswhich will interfere oble to rely on them' on*"rr r,l"h thot you witl not be will only be given when you ore Accurote onswers it is, without tooting orthe truth of the situotionos coloring it' your PersonolitY


A mothercon tune into her child's vibrotionsto the exclusion of oll other surrounding woveields ond osk if her doughteris coming home"

The tyestresponse the pendulumis verified by her doughterts on oppeoronce. By moking use o Supersensonics, porentscon know where fheir chitdren ore whot fhey ore doing, ond whot fhey ore thinking.



by This chorocter ono|ysismethodwos ormed combiningword witnesses ond the percentilediol togetherwith on extroct from the book, Nucleor Evolutionr This book is the resulto monyyeors of rreE-h'leoding to o brilliont insight into the psychologicolmoke-upof people. lt showsthot eoch of us is o completely unique combinotionof sevendifferentpsychologicoldrives. This difference in our inner worlds cousesus to see life throughsuch different eyes thot we otenconnot communicotewith eoch other. We use the somewordsbut with diferenf meonings.

whom You moy hove experenced|ooking ot someone you've been morriedto or relotingwith for monyyeors ond reolized thot you don't reolly know thot personot oll. This is becouseo personon one level of oworeness o con only understond personon his some level or perhopson the level obove thot. For exomple. o person someon the physicol level, level #l I con understond #2. the one on the someleve! os his own ond on levet i t s o c i o I I e v e l . B u t h e w i | | i n d i t o I m o s t m p o s s i b l eo on relote to someone fhe imoginotivelevel, #7. This breokdownin communicotionbetween people couses ond other venturesto morrioges,businessportnerslrips. w s f o i | . o n o n n t e r n o t i o n o lc o | e . i t c o u s e s o r s . o Performing chorocter ono|ysisond evoIr.ntiono your psychologicol moke-up or using it to tune into fhe inner world of onother moy give you the key you |ife. ore seekingto o more u|fi||ing Nucleor Evolution - The Discovery of the Roinbow Bodyt

of C-miffiFEer-ffi University the TreesPress,P.O. Box644, Boulder Creek,CA 9500.





P|oce o phofo of yourse|fot the center o the percenfi diol. le Point the middle finger of your free hond to one of the seven key wods on the left column of the toble, i.e" physicol. sociol, intellectuol. possessive. mentol, intuitive ond imoginotive. loveyour pendu|um oround the diol ond determine the percentogeo thot |eve| thot you exhibit" Repeot for oll the key words" The overoge person will find one or two of the key words defines him fu||y, thus if you hove |essthon |0olo o key word o you con ignore the moniesiotions thot Ieve|. of



STE P 4:


Set in mind thot you ore comporingyourself to on overoge o o|| the peop|ewho ore successfuI ond hoppy ot your iob" l you find this difficu|t, pick o photo of someoneyou ccrnuse os o siondord. such os Einstein or Christopher Hills shownin this book, ond meosurefrom thot your percent.


Storting with the most prewlent key words, move your finger ocross to the first line of the corresponding monifestqtions ond, using the percentilediol, determine the degree of eoch chorocterisfic in your monifestotion.


FOR A N IN-DE PTH LOOK INTO A PERSON: tob|erom NucleqrEvo|ution inventory be token usingthe fo||owing con A psycho|ogicoI o so g u i d e .

Physico| *


o Defensive|yoggressive(towords fel|ow workers, towordsfinishingo tosk.) o lntense hord worker o Need ordirect oction o Need For supervisor'sopprovol o ls he o loner? o Con he toke disopprovolof supervisor?


o Need to belong to groups o Ability to get olong with others o Orgonized type Ambition o a o o o o o o o o o o Restlessness Ambitious for compony Love o exponsion Love of humonity Need to bui|d o reputoton Importonceo sociqI stotus Mistrustof others Plonningobility T h e o r e t i c oo b i l i t y l A n o l y t i c o l o b il i t y lnterestedin workingwith detoils Need orrecognition




Logicol .I



o Ab|ity to generotenove| solutions o Need for chonge o Need to ochieve O Need ormentol excitement o Leodership lity obi o Dogmotic towordsothers o Need for closenessond offection o Expectotionsof others o lso|otesse|f romothers


Possessi ve

Security o o O a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o a o

Drive to obtoin weolth Eose in decision moking Need for recognition from others Ability to solve problems Need fo ochieve Acceptonce of responsibility Need to ee|free of |imitotions Need to control others Ability to get olong with others Need or o peoceful situotion Degree o stob|lity Resistschonge Clings to troditionolwoys of doing things Commitmentto compony Need to supportouthority Need for rules ond supervision Need fo dominote subordinotes Degreeof morolity Dislikeof conflict Sensitivity to ofhers Degreeo inspirotion Degree of introvenion Need for quiet, possive life Need to respecf supervisors Ability to mix well Ability to finish o proiect Degreeof punctuolity

ve Se lf -osserti



Sotisfoction ldeolist





,'rJ, 1 ",


Vo Need for sympotheticemotions o Works for o hormonious zurrounding o Need fo be populor with others Relotionslrips o Need to feel indispensoble o Levels criticism ot others o Feels misunderstood * For moredeto|s by see ''Nuc|eor Evo|ution', ChristopherHi||s, ovoi|oble from Universityof the Trees Press, P.o. Box 644, Bou|derCreek, Co|ifornio 9500. Imoginotve|' Peoce


From the resPonses'you con buId up on occurote picture o the forces ot work inside you ond see these drives more cIeorIy in your doi|y expressiono yor.lrse|. After owhile, you will begin to spot the rnoniestotions o eoch |evel of oworeness yourse| in ond othersond become more toleront of diferences. Since eoch o the IeveIsexhibits positive ond negotiVe expressions o the seven drives, you con chonge whot you do not like with oction or in yourselfby boloncing irnoginotion w i n t e l l e c t u o l i t y i t h i n t u i t i o n .o n d s o o n . Eoch |eve|hos o co|or ossocoted with it simi|orto o roinbowspectrum:red, oronge, yellow, green, blue. indgoond vio|et. The ossociotion is not iusf orbitrory, o s t h e n o < tt o p i c w i l l e x p l o i n .



The light we see by is colled white light. lt is rnode up of the sevenco|orso the spectrum. This light is hitting our bodies. ond we obsorbwhotever color is in tune with the vibrotionsof the otomsond molecules o our bodies. This color con be seen os our ouro. A chonge in our mood chongesour vibrotions enough thot we then obsorbo diFerent color. When you ore onnoyed, your ouro goes tredwith onger', ond when you ore ieolous, you f losh 'greenwith envy'. lf you ore in o nosto|gicmoodor eeling the b|ues, your ouro will be blue. A|l ot us hove noticed doys when we hove elt |ow physicoIlyor emotiom||yond doys when we elt on top o the wor|d. Biorhythmchorts ore fhe meosuring of these physicol ond emotionol rhythmsthot govern our lives. Assumingyou do not hove your biorhythm chorts plotted os o guide, whot slrouldyou do when you suddenly run out of energy holfwoy throughthe doy ond yef hove more you wish to occomplish? YOU CAN IJSETHE AI.RA PENDULUM TO RECFIARGEYOI-RSELF.



The questionwe need onsweredis: Whot color(s)do I need to operote effectively? ln osking this you ore reolly soying, do Whot energy frequerrcies need fo operote effectively todoy? To breok this down into questionsrequiring yes or no onswers,we could typico!ly osk, Do I need my ouro color? Do I need my complimentoryouro color? |you do not know your ouro color, discover it by setting the pendulumcurser on the vorious colors ond osking, ls this my ouro color? Be sure to elimirmtewishful thinkingwhen osking your oum color. Or you might osk, Do I need this color? while moving fhe curser down the pendulum. l'loving discoveredwhot colors you need, hold the pendulum over your hond ond rotote it in o clockvise direction.
the Aura .Pendulun. @




ore well owore thot the seven of Students meditotion colors oF the specfrumore ossociotedwith the chokro systemof the body* ond foremosfthinkers o the recognize the some link between medicol profession** colors ond the body's endocrine sysfem. The toble below showsthe position oF the chokros in relotion to the endocrineglonds.


















Thsleods to on o|ternotive mefhodo chorging yourself. Systernoticollyploce the pendulumobove eoch chokro in lurn, with the pendulumtuned to the color ossocioted with thot porticulor chokro. But first progromyour mind so thot the perdulum will put energy into those chokrosonly so oros neededond wiIl stop swinging when the energiesore bolonced. The reosonwe con control this energy is thot we ore more energy thon rnoffer. BE AWARE THAT ANTICLOCI(WISE ROTATIONS


* The chokros ore o series of revolving spirols of energy locoted olong the spine drowing the light energy we ore rnodeof into our bodies. ** The LuscherColor Test. by Dr. lvbx Luscher, published Uy PoTRet-Aook.



Let us nor chonge one o the big problems o todoyls living style, which moy be coloring your life to on exfent fhof yotl ore nof in touch with. When people'snoturolinherenttolentsore motchedwith their occupotions, from 50ploto 70o/o them ore shown of to be in the wrong iobs. The resulting |ock o fu|il|ment showsup in different oreos of their lives. Peopleof high intelligence hove o greoternumber of choices ond so ore more likely to find themselves poor|y motchedwith their iobs. lu|ti.tolented peop!e go througho voriety o coreers seorchingor the one they ore mostsuited to, sometimes without even knowing it. The iock of oll trodes phenomeno does not only opply to the physicolly orientoted person.



As we grow ond begin to operote from o different level of oworeness,the drives of this new level couse us to chonge our lifestyle. We olso find obrupt coreer shifts ot key times in our lives such os morrioge, divorce, groduotion,etc. An unusuoldegreeof successor foi|ure con o|so trigger of these chonges, or in one cose we hove studied, o combinotiono these effects coused the person to chonge professions l0 times in 15 yeors. Some of these chongeswere extremely obrupt os the chronologicol chort shows.


*A: fired



PHYslclsT -$-

sALEslAN +



.ilu,,*,,slAN BUILDER

B: divorced

C: foi Ied


who stick At the other extremeore the security-minded yeor ofter }reooln of one iob with the someconPony do|ywth their feor of chongethey comprornise ls dstosteful situotons.Their performorrce less thon potentiolwhich leodsthemto underrote themtheir true o selves. over monyyeos feeling of deep dissotisfoction orises, ond then dificu|t. become decisions worriesset in, commonploce, confusionbecomes dwindles, confidence to they becomeoversenstve crtcism, integrity disinegrotes, self-obsessionsets i n. for ore l"bny of our interests compensotions the lock hobbes,ryorts, port{ime irrc|udirrg of fu|fil|ment1 iobs. sex, eotingl drinking ond spocingout.

requireso completeindepth this str'ntion Chorrglng look into yourse|f. For the chongeto be efectiveyou musfget fo the rootsof your being. to the cousesof ond your octionsond inoctions, compensotions motives.



On the other hond, employersolso moy sqve themselves money ond personolityconflicts by doing o chorocter ono|ysison ProsPectve employeesbeorehiring ond troining them. For hiring ond in-house pronrotingsituotions o shorfer wilI eliminofe the unsuitob|econdidotesbefore orm on n-depth study s token. This methodshou|dbe used olongside your stondordoptitude ond profile inventories or os o supp|ementto oboin onswersto more specific quesfions on the condidofe" Using o picture of the prospective employee, do o percenfi|e diol reoding usngthcse words:



The opplicofions of this subiecf ore enormous,ronging rompresident through the cobinet over to the ClA ond continuing to sfote ond locol FBI heodqr.nrters governmentoficio|s, through your comPony emp|oyees, businesscontocts, friendsond ocquontonces. ln foct, to hqve o chorocter onolysis of onybody who moy influence your life either remofely or in doily contoct is involuoble.




ln the woke of eoch Olympics, medicol officiols woy throughdiquo|ifying di|igent|yb|underther porticipontsthey find using ony drug copob|e o of on regord|ess stimu|oting othlete's perormonce, or whether the drug did help his performonce wos oron oiIment Iike hoy fever. usedspecifico||y A|though othletes hod been pePPin9 up oryeors' it wos not unfil the deoth of Donish cycling sior, Knud Olympics fhot the offico|s Jensen during the l90 Rorrre become concerned. Jensen hod been given o mild stimulontos wos fhe commonproctice for Europeon cyc lisfs.



H j,ffi

tew hours Team-maler trl to steady Knud Jensen in 1960 Olympic team time-trlal.A rai oeao-and sPor|'s dope lears could no |angr be pushed aside ni-JenJJn


As o young trock othlete in Englond, I wos severely odmonished on internotionol stor when he sow me by tokngDexedrine toblets. After the troining session when we were togetherin the locker room I osked him to exploin the octthot cyclisfs corried wofer bott|es conioining g|ucoseond cofeinedrinks like coffee ond were regu|orlyseen poppng pep pil|s. His onswer wos thot since cyc|stst tours |ostedormony hours. they needed to reploce their sugorsos fhey rode, on onswerwhich I fully occepted. So it wos reoIly no surprse fhot cycIing broughtdrugs into the limelight" I con recoll the increosingreports of ridersolIingoff their bikes or co||opsing.


The Tour de Fronce, the most prestigiousond excitrrg roce in Europeottrocfs the world.s top rders o for two week ride overoging30 m.p.h. throughFrench townsond over the Alps. Although he hod on|y Iived the eor|y yeors of his lie in Britoin, the Englishhod o hero in TommySimpson who eoch yeor wos improving in his efortto beof French stor Jocque Anqueti|, five timeswinner o the event. During the l9 event he col|opsed ond died. TommySimpsonhod pedolled himself to deoth becquse he wos ltero||ytoo doped with omphetomines know to when he hod hod enough.


A oolproofmethodo detecting whot.drugson oth|ete hos token is cleor|y necessoryfo ovodthis. ln the less fotiguing sportsthe othletes would orgue ogoinst this. They feel pep pills hove helped reduce their times in mony trock ond field eventswithout endongering their |ivesdue to overexhouston. Their opinions were stotedopenly by o West Germon shot-putfer, Brigitte Berendonk,when she wrote, "The hormone pill or shot is os much o port of moderncompetitive sport os the troining progrom ond sareot suit." Which introduces onotherdificuItyin determining when o wonon o womon" is


col|apse durlng 967 Cycllgl Tommy Slmpson ls glven oxygen a|er hlr ata|. ttrt lre had taken ..dangeou!gubgtancel'' Tur o Franc. Latr testg s-howed

The sex o competitorsis determinedby o chromosome count to eliminote o femolewhosecount is such thot t e c h n i c o l l ys h e ' so m o l e . W h e n t h i s t e s tw o s f i r s t Presssisterso the introduced into the sport the omous USSRwere no longerseen in internotionolcompetition. thot if the competitor keeps her The test ossumes count below the unocceptoble level she chromosome with breokfostos con continue to toke mole hormones is the customwith mony mole othletes" How does one hormones check this obuseby the men? ln teenogersthe womenmosculine con stuntbone growth. ln chorocteristics develoP " As usuo|. the phrosingo the questionis the key to token o occurote results. Asking, " llos _ wilI not produceusob|edofo. ori the stimu|ont?'' onswer is ''yes'', it moy be referring to o teo. cofee, or glucosedrink" A time elementis olso missingfrom our stor moy hove token stimulontso few the queston; but hos stoppedusing them now" Similorly, doys ogo, on o "no" onswer,you moy hove in your mind ". " . . moy in the lost l0 minutesr"whereos, the performer hove token o pill before he come to the trock. This topic is left os on exercise orthe reoder to construct the specific questionsthot elimirrcte loopholes.




to Usir'g Supersensonics predict the fufure o people is generolly unrelioble since people ore chongeoble. Roce horses, on the other hond, ore operotors |esswhimsico|. lonysupersensonic hove consisfentlydeterminedthe winners of horse roces olthough, when they octuolly ploce cosh bets, fheir results drop to no better thon the which couses overcge bettor. The exoct mechonism this loss of occurocy is not cleor. lt does not oppeor to be simply mind interfererrce os referred to throughoutthis work"


ightshove The wor|d heovyweightchompionshp olwoys generotedo greot deoI of pub!ic nterest. The winner is the recognized king of the fight world. Sometimes is controversiol,colorful, lovoble, or he o strongbrute of o mon. Fighters in this closs hove iust o tendency to go over the hill between fights leoving when they lose to o their fons in constontomozement young up-ond-coming fighter. Now these events con be predicted, using rodiesthesio,when you osk the oppropriotequestionsregoding the ighter'smentoI ond physicoI condition on the doy o the fight.







During the yeorswhen the Ooklond A'swere winning everythng sight, the lives o mony of their storswere in Reggie Jockson, Mdo BIue ond nc|uding fhreotened Gene Tenoce. Jockson received deoth threotsin two yeors throughletterssent to on A's rodio successive broodcoster,so lhot he hod to spendmuch o his time in the componyof FBI ogents. The letter is on excellent witnesswhich could hove been used to trock down its sender, thus eliminoting ond removingthe pressureJockson wos the horossment ploced underond sendingthe ogentsropidly on their woy to investigoteother crimes.





Todoy's scientistshove become more modestin their views of the universeond how notureworks. Their vocobulory now includes phroseslike "we dontt reolly know for sure but we think . . .t'ond ttunfortunotely dontt know the on$rer to we thot question.r' This oge of nucleor technology hos ollowed us to crock open the door of notureond peek inside. With this limited look into noturersworkingswe ore now reolizing there ore o lot of thingswe dontt know. lt oppeorsfhe more we know, the more we know we dontt know, or the more we know theretsmore to know. Divining con give us the degree of certointy thot todoyts scientific method locks. exomplesillustrote cleorly the incredible woy The follovrring thot Supenensonics con comPressyectrso reseorch work info o few hours.




Someyeorsogo I wos investigoting cotolystsby corrying out rnogneticstudes cryogenic temperotures sub. ot on 2OoAngstroms portic|eson.o motrix bose. These mnufe porticlls o |essthon l0-4 o o centimeterocross, coutd not be seen cleorly by ony of the sophisticoted techniques o v o i | o b | e t t h o t t i m e , w h i l e b o u n dt o t h i s c h o l k y m e d u m . o The opplicotion here wos in refining pefroleum. The porticIescouId only be seen cIeorly oterthe coto|yst hod stoppedoperotingefficiently, ot which time they hod grown to obove 0oAngstroms ond were cIeorly in their m e t o l l i cs t o t e . Our vice presidentonce remorkedthot he would give onything to be oble to wolk oround one of these cotolysts. He wonted to see the condition o the porticleswhile the cotolystwos operotingefficiently ond to see

( t ) if the porticle wos in o metollic stote. (2) how it wos bound to the bose, (3) the distoncebetweenporticles. (4) the size disfributionof the porticles.



We were operoting in totol blindnessos to how the cotolyst worked . A l! we knew wos thot it did work.


With Supersensonics con tune into the reol mture of we the cotolyst simply by reoding the rodiotionsit gives off . Using the pendulum or our fingerfips os on o<tensim of our neurologicol nervous systemfo detect this rodiotion, nofhing will be hidden romus. The on|y limitotionswill be put there by our inobility to know whot questions to osk. Here we must rememberthot oll substoncesin the universe qre rnodeup of sub-otomic porficles. These porticles, togetherwifh their ofomsond molecules, ore continrrouslyin motion ond ore thereoresending out their rodiotionsinto the universe. These rodiotions conloin oll the knowledgefrom whence they come, from gross informotion obout fhe substoncethey moke up, down to informotionon the smollestporticle n existence.




R e c e n t l yI v i s i t e do n e o f A m e r i c o ' st o p m e d i c o ls c h o o l s . To my surprise,I wos told thot the medicol profession on hos so mony o the o|d kiIler diseoses the run thot p e o p l ei n g e n e r o lo r e l i v i n g l o n g e ro n d , o s t h e y g e t older, the diseosethey do cotch is concer. loreond moreof the ovoiloble fundsfor medicol reseorchfrom the Notionol lnstituteof Heolthore being given to those working on concer. groups





i I t h o s n o w b e e n o u n dn g e n e r o lt h o t c o n c e rc e l | s d o g r o w f o s t e rt h o n h e o l t h yc e l l s o s w o s f i r s tb e l i e v e d . not cell is obout the someos The growthoro concerous for o normolcell. Whot hos been found is differences ond non-concerous betweenconcerous in the membrone c e l l s . N o r m o lc e l l s g r o wo d i o c e n tt o e o c h o t h e r , i whereos oncerous ells pile up. os the igureIlustrotes. c c Concer cells migrotethroughthe body freely becouse they do not odhere to the normol Iiving cells of the body. They ore free to roomond toke over ony port os o porositedoes. then look ot the glycoproteinond Concer reseorchers glycolipids (glyco meoningthot it contoinscorboof thot occur on the suroce the cel|so They hydrotes) inddifferencesin these, dependingon whetherthe celt is concerousor normol. Here they hove o problem. becouseo cell is such o tiny thing thot biochemists connot look ot one cell. They musflook ot o myriod o f o b o u to m i I l i o nc e | | sw h i c h o r e o I l d i f e r e n t 'o n d the group of cells is yet they hove to ossume



homogeneous. They hove no woy of determiningthe specific funcfion or stoteof moturityoon individuoI c e l l . T h e c o n c e rc e l l i s h i d d e nw i t h t h e o t h e rm i l l i o n get is cells. so this bulk informotion thot biochemists not very occurote unlessoll o the celIs ore functioning in exoctly the somewoy.



Lookingot one cell would completelyrevolutionize ond geneticsbecousethen we would be immunology oble fo goin informotion n the cell cycle. A whole o voriefy of biochemicolchongestokesploce simultoneously ot eoch stogeof the ce!l's 24hour cycle os it divides into two cells" Whot is not known is the stogesin fhis 24hovr cycle"

lfucleormembrone chomoIin
Nuc|eo|us TPinocytoticvs|c|6

CisIernoelLo gndoplosm( et I cU I u m : lMilochondrion: Eleclron fronsport, Ox ido live Phosphory/o ti on, AOP+ P+ATP -Anlno

E ndoplosmic


Acid Ac|ivo|ion

P-RNA : ! iiii



-o - o ll



\ s --Ra rAu aM c -u p - a n a p \ s N -c -p aMp



21r s_nruAcMP-AMPoo

ons et

Diagram of a cell illustrating the relationship of certain enzymic functions and subcellular structure.


The reseorchdoctors spoke to e|tthot i they could look of the proceses of o singIece||. 80% o their ossumptions wou|d be wiped out. AIl of biochemstry is bosedon the overogeresult of obouf o million cells o n d t h i s r e s u l ti s o p p l i e d t o o s i n g l ec e l l .


With Supersensonics con look ot o single cell. The we cell is iust the next step up obove the moleculein noture'shierorchy, ond it is os eosy to gotherthe informotion rom single cqncer ce|| or o sing|e o heolthy ce!l os it is to fune into on otom. With o smoll investmento time needed to become o Supersensonicsopenotor,the medico! reseorchdocfor could completely revolutionize the field of biochemistry, our knowIedge ceIl |ie, ond concer reseorch. o


ocrossthe world, including five in the Componies 'nvest United Stotes, lorge omounts their copitol to of develop GommoSconningComerosForwhich there is o lorge morketin the detectionond treotment concer. o X-roys ore limited in their use since they con only give us inormotion hord body substonces on |ike bones ond teeth. Gommo roys con penetrotefurther thon X-roys ond hence the sconningcomerocon look of the bodyts soft tissues ond toke pictures of most ports of the humon onotomy" lt is usedto detect fumorsin the kidneysond the poncreos, ond give inormoton the |ungs. heortn on liver, spinol cord, spleenond blood clots.



The gommocomerocqn see o minimum tumorsize of obout I centimeterocrossfwhereoswe would reolly | i k e t o s e e o t u m o rw h e n i t c o n t o i n s n l y o e wc e l | s . o p I n o d d i t i o n . t h e c o m e r o t s i c t u r e s r e u s u o l l yu n c l e o r o ond vzzydue to limitotons which ore inherentin the fechniqueond becouseo the other motterin which the tumoris imbedded. Consequently.the picfures ore open to so much interpretotion the nucleor by medicol physicionthot they ore not very relioble.

Normal Rt. Lat. brainscan

Normal post. brain scan



Supersensonics. rodionicsodivining ond rodiesthesio ore the only methods ovoiloble which will provideon exoct picture o the inside o o potientls body. By divining over o diogromwifnesso the potient'sonotomy on which his photogroph(or preferobly his bloodspot) hos been ploced, o medcolrodiesthesiest con record obnormolties, including the size of ond number ond exoct locotion of turnors. As fhis methodo goining knowledgebecomesoccepfed, the surgeon will know how to get enough informotionto performon operotion without going throughexplorotory surgeryond subiecting the potient to its unp|eosont side efects.



With the lremendous insightfu|Powero rodiesthesio, i t w i l l b e c o m eo n i n v o l u o b l eo i d n o t o n l y i n o r e o so f reseorch ond surgery but olso in the detectionond diognosisof potientswith ony diseoseor oilment. Thoughdoctors ore relying more ond more on obiective tests, o Finely tuned intuition hos olwoys been the mork of o reol diognosticion ond the testsmuststill be interpreted o doctor with this rore tolent. The by testsnow done in clinics os o mottero routne stondord ore voluoble tools, but they ore olso expensiveond very often ihe potient reolizes with hindsight- ofter the testshove reveolednothing- thot if the doctor's cou|d hove oIlowed moretime oriust busy scheduIe tolking ond tuning into the potient'sworld, he would hove leorned enough to moke the test unnecessory. This old-foshionedtechniqueof tuning in by osking o little obout o potient'shobits, life-style, worries. ond feors con be extendedthrough rodiesthesio. or oIl Rodiesthesiosotisies the requirements moss screeningoF potients. lts low cost ond ropid results g i v e i t u n l i m i t e dc o p o c i t yw h i c h w i l l m o k ei t t h e physicion|s diognostictechnique. ledicoI mostUsefuI molprocticesuitscould slowly becomeo thing of the post. except o coursein cosesof negligence. Likewise the doctorstolbotross,molprocticeinsuroncepremiums, would come tumblingdown. together The theoreticol concepfs of Supersensonics, with the procticol funing of se|ectverodiesthesic wi instruments ll eventuolly become stondordprelimirnry by medicoI proctice when conirmed normol methodsof knowing"



There ore mony top-rotemedicoldoctorsond scientific who hove built their reputotions bosedon reseorchers of their rodiesthesic results. But due to the skepticism their subodinotes ond peers, they do not ocknowledge their indebtedness rodiesthesio. One of the moin to or reosons fhis is thot the sisterscience of rodiesthesion colled rodionics, hos been outlowedby the Americon Medico! Associotion. Even in Fronce. there is o crockdownon medicol rodiesthesio. Jeon Jurion. o Cotholic priest, is one who with the bocking o his church, hos continued openly to diognoseond cure people through rodiesthesio. Jurion is continuousIybeing orrestednof or curing people but ortreoting them. Jurion hos iust pub!ished Medicole bosedon his o book colled Lo Rodiesthesie work. Obviously doctors will not drop the techniquesthey ore using now but rotherthey wlI run themin porolle| with their Supersensonic results. ln fime their sensitivity ond occurocy will increose to o point where resultsfrom expensive equipmentwill become obsolete.





The following conversotion wos underfoken few o yeorsogo betweenon internotionollyrenowned A|| the scientisfond o moster Supersensonics. o questionswere osked over o photogroph of UnidentifiedFlyi ng Obiects. begon the scientistwos told Beforethe experiment thof since theseintelligencesdo not understond Englishthey will respond the thoughtcontent of to on the question. The preliminoryquestions the outhenticityo UFO's ond spoce beingswere ofirrno. thot Followedos tronstive. Hereore the questions o cribed rom lope recordingo thg meeting. The but no/but, yes/but rep|iesore phroseddiFerent|y ore eosily recognizoble.

Taken on November 4, 1972, by uri Geller aboard a Boeing 747 over schweinphoto shows three unideni' 'fiedJlying furth, Germany, en routefrom London to Munich, this (Courtesy of Uri Geller') objects.



Does ony humonbeing hove communicofion contoct with the |yingsoucerpeop|e? ls this communicotion the felepofhic on level? ls this communicoton e|ectromognetic vio rodiotion? ls this communicotionvio modulotedrodio woves? ls the communicotionfrequency in the known electromogneticspectrum ? ls the communicotionfrequencybelow the known electromogneticspectrum? ls it below 301000cycles? [s it below 20r000 cycles? ls it below 10f000 cycles? ls fhe communicotionploced in the eorrier wove by omplitude modulotion? ls it omplitude modulotionconditioned by pulse modulotion? |s it omplitudemodu|oton mixed with frequency modulotion? ls it double side bond energy? ls it single side bond energy?

YES YES YES NO YES, w/ Conditon




po$/er morethon 100wotfs? ls the fronsmission


powerbetween50-100 wotts? NO ls the tronsmission ls the tronsmisionpowerbetweenl-50 wotts? Js the tronsmisson Poiler |essthon 25 wotts? Doesthis rodio wove thot the brqin modulotes originote in the spoceslrip? wove on eorth thot ls it o noturolly present the broin modulotes? befweenthe eorth ls it o wove thof resonotes ond the ionosphere? beingsore o|| Doesthsmeonhot humon in influencingthe ionosphere this monner? the Then presumobly spoceship would pick in up the disturbonce the ionosphere? ls there somercotfer techniqueinvolved betweenfhe ryoce slripond the ionosphere? involved? ls thereo reflectingtechnique picked up essentiolly D.C. ls fhe modulotion modulotion? picked up esentiolly A.C ls the modulotion modulotion? picked up D.C. pulses? ls the modulofion of Doesthe modulotion the humonbroin consistof pulses? YTS YEs NO YES YES YES NO NO YtS NO NO NO \tS


Are these pulses okin to those krpwn from neuro pulses? This would meon then fhe spoce people know how to decode the impulses of the nervous system? ls t possib|e to use this form of communicotion on eorfh between two humonbeings? ls this within our technologicol 9rospr todoy? ls fhe meonsof communicotion beyond our stote of rodio frequency knonrledge? ts the meonsof communicotion reloted to somethingokin to low frequency rodor? ls there ony relotionship to ultrosonic techniques? ls' it o mixed electro-ocoustic wove function? Does the e|ecfromognetc wove induce on ultrosonic tronduction in hurpn tissue? Conversely, does the broin rodiotion hove o sonic component to it os well os the e lectromognef component? ic Are we fo understqndthot oll electromognefic rodiotion hos o sonic component? ls this dependent on the medium through which it trovels? Unfortumtely the tope ended ot this poinf . Quqlified Ansrer

Quolified Answer






ln olt oreosof reseorch,oteron experiment.we drow ond use theseconclusionsto conclusions certon set of experiments. ln this mcnner. o formulqte new the stote of the ort is slowly pushedforword. In this thot, drew certoin conc|usions exomp|e,the scientst would hove if he were using experimentolmethods. ouf of his woy. For instonce, he token him months osked, "Then presumoblythe spoce ship would pick up the disturboncein the ionosphere?" l-lodhe come opprooch. he conclusionusing the experimentol to ths would then begin studyingthe signolsin the ionosphere. But by putting hs conc|usioninto questionormond to using rodiesthesio obtoin o negotive reply. he cui throughmonthsof work. Another conclusion he drew wos "This would meonr then, the spoce people know how to decode the impulsesof the nervoussystem.rl The "no" reply here stoppedonofher fruitless oreo of reseorchthot could hove consumedmony yeors. l-lovingcut throughpossibilities using Supersensonics, we then design experimentsto veriy the onswers given" ln exoctly this monner,ChristopherHills orrived ot o solution to the worldts food problems, os shownin the next exomple"

NOTE: Bosedon the obove onswerswhich come to of ChristopherHills n 1967, the somecomponent by rodieselectromogneticrodiotion wos investigoted thesio, leoding to o completenew science which he ospects The Supersensitive col led "Supersensonics". intelligence with the rnoster o humqncommunicotion out in his book Supersensonics, of the universe is set ovoiloble from Universityo the Trees Press, P.O. Box 644, Bou|derCreek, CA 9500. Price: $l5 (08 poges).



frctures like the one below o|woysmode me eel sick to my stomoch. Thot somebodyshouldbe storving while othershove more thon enoughhos olwoys been on nequity hove founddifficuIt to rotiono|ize. I Jusf orone minute imogine you ore ony o those people. Fut yourselfinside the mothertrying to squeeze something,onything from her dried up breost to prevent her child frorndying ond suffer the motherrs poin. l-loveyou ever been in the position where you you loved? l so you cou|d not provide for someone know the poin of these porenfswho connot supply the smollest omounts food ond cloth. of


\l:tirt cLrltrrrc ponrl bLriltoI r'oncrcte l ] i l ] L \ \ l 1 e r . I 1 1 i l,l '1 \ l r .l ) , . I r i l r ] ' i l ) ( i 1 , c r i : L n .C l r i n ; r .

Like monyother PeoP|e' l corried this ee|ingof heIplessness oround with me orrnonyyeors UntiI l met the mon who toughtme thesetechniques. He o|so hod e|tthe someconcern' to the very roots o his being' for the sorving notions. We o|so shored onotherreolizotion: thot rnonrs consciousness connot be roisedwhi|e it is occupied moin|y by thoughts o obtoiningthe next meol.


Using rodiesthesio, ChristopherHills found thof the solutionto this problemwos by toppingsunlightrother thon exhoustingthe eorthtsresourcesf ond using this AIgoe. whoseprotein sun|ightto grow Spirulno percentoge extremelyhigh, os the toble below is i IIustrqtes: Comporisonof protein content with commonoods (o/" dry weight.) in Spirulino Chlorello Soybeon Beef Egg Fish Wheot Rice Pofoto

Tlre seed culture of SPirulina

{ l n s t i t u t F r a n g a i s d u p t l t r o l e)

62-68 40-50 39 l8 - 20 l8 l-18 -l0 7 2


uNroN (Mru)

The Microolgoe lnternotionol Union wos originofed in 1964 in Jopon with ChristopherHills os the president ond Hiroshi Nokomurc. the worldts leoding olgoe outhority, ifs choirmonond vce presdent.







) /



Together,they pushedbock the frontiersof science ond condenseda 201ear reseorchPrrom into o few yeors. TheySOL\ED Tl-E WORLD FOOD PROBLEM,ond in doins so THEYAISO SOL\ED THE ENERGY PROBLEM, o|tho'lghot thot tmefew people recognizedthe need for the lotfer. $ee flow diogrom) A proces now exststhot w||yield on inexhousti.b|e supplyof food ond ersrgy. This is one exomplewhere usingthe techniqueof rodiesthesio then verifying the resultshos put ond the MU of leost l0 yeorsoheodof the world's knowledge olgoe growth. in


. + *', .-. -.. ...:.





|n |967 the MU consisted over l50 scientists o worldw i d e w i t h p i l o t p l o n t si n O k i n o w o , J o p o n , C h i n o , Toiwonond Americo. President odministroJohnson's t i o n p o s s e d I m i l l i o n d o l l o r g r o n tf o r o p r o i e c ti n o I n d i o . S h o r t l yo F t e rt h i s , i n | 9 8 , N i x o n b e c o m e president ond cut mosto the oreign AlD gronts i n c l u d i n gt h i s o n e . T h e c u r r e n ts t o t u s s t h o t t h e r e i ore now obout 200 scientistsreody to leove toppoying iobs to work on o Sove the World Algoe proiect when the government becomes owore thot the problems hove olreody been solved. Their next i m e e t i n g s s c h e d u l e dn T o k y o , J o p o n . i Dr. Nokomurois o consultontto I\ASA ond to the governments Russioond Fronce in their opprooches of i o A | g o e , b u t w i | | n o t d i s c | o s e h e r e s u I t s t h e w o r k t o done by MlU until the motiveso the government ore to help the world ond not profit Fromthe knowledge. Todoy, Dr. Nokomurots son hos o componyin Jopon which produces ond morkets olgoe vitominsond o l g o ec h e w i n g u m . g This chopterwould not be completewithout the ' ' o i c i o |w'o r | d ' s ' v i e w . A t t h e W o r I dF o o d C o u n c i l . s inougurolsession Romein 1976, Dr. Adekke in B o e m o ,t h e c h i e o f t h e U . N . F o o do n d A g r i c u | t u r e Orgonizotionsoid the oim o ending world hunger within o decode connot be met. OF course, we do n o t h o l d t h e s o m ev i e w . T h i so l g o e c o n b e g r o w n e o s i l y i n t h e U S A l i k e i t i s i n J o p o n . B u t t h e r eo r e so mony governmentexpertswho do not know the octsond keep repeofingeoch others'clichs thot it becomes impossible. Their limited knowledgeond opinion kills ony NSF oction or furthergronts. The price oon oir ticket to Jopon is enoughto prove thot they do not know whot they do not know. This showsthot without Supersensonic lethods Knowing, o scientific mon is not very intelligent. Perhops he is even blocked by his own conceit.

i Nlairr crrltLrlc1;orrrls \lr. S. l l ) ( ; 1 ,S l r l i a i ( l c , J i l l ) ; i l 1 .

Enrlo r






Range:350 miles. Speed:2,000 mph. Weapons: eightmissiles.$14 million.


Perhopsit is opproprioteto end this sectonwith our notionol deense system. The deense our counfry oF invo|veshuge omounts notono| o energy' obsorbing billions of dollorsond millions of mon-hours eoch yeor to mointqin our position in the sophisticoted weoponsroce. The opplicotionsof Supersensonics to both peoce ond wor time octivities ore tremendous. Spy missions sotellite, plone ond nlcnpower vio would be virtuolly eliminofed (exceptwhere fhe informofion so unbelievoblethot physicol is since the occurocy ond confirmoton demonded), is from Supersensonics the omounto detoi|ed informoton orexce|sthot of the other methods. you hove |eornedso for, you con the techniques Usng determineby Supersensonics: the locotion of Soviet missi bosesworldwideond le the rype ond number ormoments eoch site, of of Soviet destroyers ond other oceon-goingvessels ond their missions, The Iocotiono Sovetsubmorines their ond missions.togetherwith thoseof fishing vessels off our coost, the verity or rumors Soviet super-weopons, of the stoteo comporotive technologybetween notions. whetherthe Soviet rocket engineers ore secretly d e v e l o p i n gr o c k e t s h i c h c o n b e d i r e c t e do t w t h e U . S . f r o mo r b i t i n o o t e l l i t e s . s




which proiectshove top priority, monpower ond Funds ond whot their siotusis, ideos for huge technologicolodwnces yet to be rnode, the true coUseoro croshedoirp|oneor sunken ship or o missingsplr fhe purposeof fore9nvisitors to our country, with oreign which Americonsore col|oboroting POWers. Note: There is obsolutelyno need to rely on the obility o one suPersensonic operotor. With the millions spenton detectionsystems,the permonent or emp|oyment l00 persons dowsingthe resultsto of questionscould be progrommed into o computer these ond checked for consistency,occurocy, ond reliobility by our normol methods. Why does our defense deportmentnot use the Science o Supersensonics? ond osk thot questionyourToke out your pendulum d s e l f. l f R u s s i o d i t , o n d i t s e e m s i k e t h e y w i | | ' | then our deense chiefs mightwoke up.


Additionol specific informotion neededin wortime includes locoting croshedond missinghelicopters. oircroft ond ships, togetherwith the hourly position o enemyfighters, intercepfors,missi!es,tonks. ond subrnorines destroyers. In o situotionlike Metnom, ombushes could be virtr.nllyeliminotedby position;sniperscould be deolt sensingthe enemy w i t h i n o s i m i l o rm o n n e r . The turning points owors ond bottles come when by somemethodthe victorious side knew whof the enemy wos plonningond doing. Supersensonics provides this knowingot oll moments time. in



Using these techniques, not only could nothing be hidden or not knownbut, combiningthis with the section on ChorocterAnolysis, we could continuously |ook into the soul of the top Kremtin oficio|sond know more obout them thon they do obouf themselves.



HoldenRobertoof Angolo hos cleor vision when he stotes: ',lost the wor|d of is sniggeringup its s|eeves ot Americots detente eforts ond the woy the S_oviets lip service to it while consolidoting poy their position. loybe. |kethe cucko|ded portner in o betroyed morrioge, the United Stoteswill be the lost to leorn fhe truth. . ." "o o o I om colling on the West to sove Africo from Comrrunism . . But2 ! con soy, in oll . sincerity, thot I om osking the West to sove itself . I om ostonishedthot I hove to shout this to deof eors. " It mustbe remembered here thot Africo is the world,s richestsourceo go|d, diomonds,uroniumcnd other strotegicminerols.os well os the oreo of greotest ogriculturol potentiol. Soviet presencein Angolo olso posesthreotsto the Westrsseo routes. For the Soviets, the occupotiono Ango|o is iust the beginning of o movement thot will spreodocrossAfrico. RLcoiling trom its involvementin Vietnom, the U.S. hos forgoftenfhe monnerin which Hungoryond Czechoslovokiowere crushed.




Lithuania Lalvia Estonia Mongolia


Lithuania ilorth X Iatvia China Eslonia Eas MongoliaHu *lbania l9t[6 llor Bu|garia 9{6 c Yugoslavia ${6 Polandtg,{7 So fiumania t$47 Laos

u.s.s.B. Czechos



A|exonder Solzhenitsyn provides some powerul insights into the mindsof the Sovief leoders: ''Throughout decod S r o . the Soviet the presswrofe: Western copitolism, your end is neor . . . Nikito Khrushchev soid, "We will bury you" . . . Now of course they hove becomemoreclever in our country. rrweore going to bury Now they dontt soy you" onymorer now they soy 'rdetente.'l Nothing hos chonged in Communistideology os The gmls ore fhe sctme they were, but Khrushchev,who insteod of the ortless couldn't hold his tongue, now they soy "detentet' . . . How could one rely on their signoturesto documentsof detente? You yourselvesmight osk your speciolists now ond they'll tell you thot precisely in recent yeors the Soviet Union hos succeeded in creoting wonderfulchemicol weopons. missiles, which ore even better thon those usedby the United Stotes."

sell the Soviets ln their greed Americon businessmen U"S. technology, ond in their generosityour government eedsthem, ot the some time not |ooking ot the Sovief rope of other counfriesond genocide o its peoples. Our countrytsmotto, peoce of ony priceris word: detente. such o high price oro meoningless


With Supersensonics, fhere sno need to occept others. speech opinionsor iudgements. Reod Solzhenifsyn's t o t h e A F L - C l O i n W o s h i n g t o nD . C . J u n e 3 0 , 1 9 7 5 r , from which the obove exfroctswere token, ond prove its occurocy oryoursel. Use it os o witnessto probe into the mindsof the Soviet leodersond determineiust how muchwe ore deceiving ourselves. Above oll, with you becomeyour own outhority ond ore Supersensonics moreoble to control your destiny.





This section to.kes you through the outhor's troining in Supersensonics. His successes ond his mony rustrotions serVe os on insight ond guide in YoU own growth.

The author usin

a Tl''ennePenduluno


ln fhe previoussection we hove pontedo Very pretty picture o so|vingmonyo the world,s problems using your neurologicolsensory system ond o pendulum ompIiier,but whot does it reoIly toke to become proficientin controlling our psycho-physicol perception?


The numbero peop|ewho,when first introduced to rodiesthesiorbegin osking incredibly penonol by questions the cosmic inte||igenceis ostounding. o A yo;ng |ody who hod o PhD. conidedthot she sot down one evening ond begon de|ving nto her |ife os it wos now ond her future usngthe pendulum ending up, of 2 e.m., o completenervous wreck.

al*t \,J

lfl tN A

w,qY. Bno

i I




She never tried the techniqueogoin until she volunteeredfo proofreodthe first section of this volume, ond in doing so discoveredthe mind trips, including wishful thinking ond doubts, she hod previouslyloid on herself Her ottitudeos it wos . s summed in her own words, ',| hove no up then becousethe importont confidencein rodiesthesio questions ore questions om emotionollyinvolved I with. And often there is no woy to check results except in the cose of missingpersons obiects." or Even divining over oods,it is hord orpeop|eto tell if the foods ore good for fhem.



When you pursuesomeof the other subiectsconcerned with controlling your ever octive mind, such os meditotions,you will be oble to tune into your body ond know exoct|y how t fee|s os you eot o food ond ofter youtve eoten it. You os your o,t/nouthority ore the only volid check, since even if you ore eoting o food which is high in nutritiousvolue oril-moy be exoct|y whot one Person needs. oryour systemit moy be like o poison. lf you ore one o those people who is into meditotion os o spirituo|disciplne' os o woy o improvingyour beingl you ore well owore of the thought potterns which interfere with o good medtotion. T H E S ES A M E T H O U G H T P A T T E R N S A U S E C E R R O N E O U SR E S U L T S N R A D I E S T H E S I A . I





fuocticing the spirituol devotions of meditofion or proyer leods one on o poth of self-improvement ond eventu.ol|y the reo|zotion oneness to of with Brohmon. Now the scientist, in generol, thinks of o God more in termso cosmic dust or some universol cosmic low. Whichever concept s used to describe the Fother. orceof the universedoes not reoI|y motter. The importontthing sfor us to req|ize thot we ore direct|y |,ked fhis orceond con diol the cosmc to telephoneto top into this vost intelligence, when we hove eliminotedour mind-tripseither through meditotion or Supersensonics. Seporotely, meditotion ond Supersensonics ochieve the someend result. they oct os on immenselypowerful tool. Together Troinng becomeo divnercon be mostoccurote|y to comporedfo leorning to become o musicion. You do not opproocho musicol instrument with which you hove no omilority ond p|oy it perfectly on your firsf ottempt. Imogineyou hove never seen o piono nor heord its music. As you enter o room your eyes .foll on o lorge strongeshopedwooden structure. You osk, " W h o ti s i t ? " "A piono ! " " W h o fi s i t f o r ? " ''lokingmusic! '' " How does it work? " tokes ploce. A demonstrotion I lry?" "Con Reolizotion thot you connot performbeoutifully. "Will you teochme?" "How good do you wont to become?" The ospiring musicion then spendsthe rest o his |ife ochieving increosing degreesof mosferyover the ort. The some processshou|dnot be short-crcuitedwhen the subiecf,is Supersensonics. The urge to ssk emotionol qr.rcstions mustbe resisteduntil you hove developed competencyos shown by reprodrrcible results.




With proctce,there ore ive stogesof increosing occomplishment thot con be otfqined. ,For clority, they ore comporedwith o musiciontsgrorth.

r) N o v i c e D i v i n e r . .

. . .


2) D o w s e r . . . . . o . . . C | u b e n t e o i n e r
. of 3) Student Supersensonics . Bondmusicion . 4) DoctoroSupersensonics . Concertmusicion
Franz Liszt

s) lvbsterof ConscioUSlSo . S

virtuoso lvloster


The novice con detect horizontol woves with reproducib|eresu|ts. |dentifying the diference between positive, negotive ond the comp|ex ie|dsof will o mognetond similor fields from the elements presentno difficu|ty fo him. Beforeconsideringhimse| o novice rotherthon o dobbler, he mustbe fomilior wifh his of doys os shownby his biorhythmsor when he is sick, knowing when his instrument(his body) is oble to give reproducibleresulfs.



The dowsercon detect both horizontolond verticol woVes. He is proicient Iocotingunderground in w o t e r , g o s , o n d o i l s u p p | e so s w e | | o s o t h e rm i n e r o l , o r e ss u c ho s g o l d , c o p p e r , s i l v e r , t i n , o l u m i n u m ,e t c . The dowserexperiences the pull on the rod in his hondsgiving yes or no onswers. A proicient dowser is on occomplished mop reoder, using either the rod or the pendulum mplifier. o


The Supersensonics studentcon sendout precise thoughtwoves. He is oble to exercisecontrol over his mind ond colm it so it does not interferewith the questions wontsonswered. Supersensonics the he is word coined by ChristopherHills to cover the subiects to be mostered becomingSupersensitive in lon. These i n c l u d e m e d i t o t i o n o g o i n c o n t r o lo v e r o u r m i n d , p l u s t o speciol form of yogo io expond our psychophysiologicolperception,ond rodiesthesio become to fomilior with the forcesocting throughourselves, throughnotureond the whole of the universe. To enoble us to ochieve this enlightenedstoteof Supersensitive hos preporedthree lvbn, Christopher courses. The Frst o three.yeorcorrespondence is course ''|nto leditotion Now,'' which is current|y b e i n g t o k e nb y p e o p l eo l l o v e r t h e w o r l d i n c l u d i n g North Americo, Europe,Asio ond the West lndies. The secondis on orol teochingconsistingo 24 cossette fopescolled RumfRoomphYogo which is the science of vibrotionond the tronsmission |ieforce. of FinoIly, there is the six vo|umeSupersensitive Lieof lonseries. Eoch of theseis o procticol coursein which direct experiencerotherthon intellectuol k n o w l e d g es t h e o i m . i


The Science o Supersensonics





Rumf Roomph Yogo


The doctor of divinotion usesSupersensonics o woy os of Iie, constont|y tuning into the cosmic intelligence for direct knowledge" lvlostly, he relies on finger tip responsese He does not reiect oids (witnesses, pendulums,etc") ond mokesuse of them when fhey ore ovoiloble"

coNsctous NEss


Heorso smoll voice in his heod. He continuolly tolks to the cosmic intelligence quietly ond unnoticed, hoving reolized thot he is nothing but on expressionof this higher force. His humility is such thot he does or not reiect the use of witneses, pendulums ony other oids, ond is thereforedifficult to recognize" l-lowever, he does not need ony of these oids. Just os o nctn who teoches mothernotics does not need o colculotor but moy use one, so the mostermoy nof olwoys use direct perception.




2t * *





Detection of Horizontol woves


You the reoder, if you ore olso the usero this volume.

Detection o Horizontol ond Verticol woves Pendulums Rods Amplifiers Similors Control o One's Mnd

Proessiono Dowsers I Proicienton one or fwo ot the seven |eve|so dowsing Studentso Supersensonics Rodionic Procticioners Author'sTroni ng


lvleditotion Rodionic lnsfrumentotion Witnesses


UsesSupersensonics os his Lifestyle

Control of Consciousness Yogic troining

Hos studentsof consciousness Teoches group science of spirit o ls o mosterover the occult



Listensto o smoll voice in his heod RodiotesLove visibly

Surrenderto the Cosmic lntelligence

Thosewho hove obtoined Cosmic Consciousness" Jesus Christ, Buddho Gouforno,


Af first few monthson this writing proiect were spent reoding ond working throughthe first chopter o Noel locBeth.s notes on rodiesthesio. l constructed o threod spool pendu|um ond |oter purchosedo F|l's Auro Pendulumfrom the University of the Trees. The initiol experimentsI performed ore those given in the first section of this volume, nomely: l) Tuning the Pendulum overo lvlognetThis | oundquite eosy, t.okingon ofternoon. 2) Detecting the Positive ond Negotive Fields from o A/ognetl hod dificu|tywith this exercise. lt wos o week before I could detect o chonge* ond three weeks before I developed consistency, 3) Detecting Fe|ds from ElementsSome inconsistencyto begin with. 4) Detecting Fields from ColorsNot too much difficulty here, my resultswere quite reproducible.

* ln o closs you con experience this in on ofternoon, if not immediotely"



noively vo|unteered After procticing for o ewmonths,| fo rewrite Noe! lvbcBeth's notes, o tosk which wos into the writing of this vo|ume. eventuolly modfied On o visit tothe Son Froncisco Boy Areo I took olong over 900 pogesof notes for duplicotion ot o low cost copying service in Berkelelr os our locol copier chorged l0q eoch Pq9e. I hod iust left on oppointment in Union City ond wos heodingolong the freewoywhen I reolized thot I woutd never reoch Berkeley before the in shopc|osed. Toking the next exit,I found mysel t'hyword. I quickly found o phone booth outside o gos stotion ond opened the directory yellow Pogesof i'Copyingond DuplicotingService." The listingstook up obouto Poge o four columns. Phoningo|| of these fr on inexpensive service could be cost|y, ond l did not hove too much time since I wonted the iob '.Perhops cou|d I completedbeorecIosing. I thought, oCCUoC/.|| divine it. lt would be o good check on my I ron the pendulumdown the co|umnsosking oro 'yes' on the !eost expensive, good quolity service. After o second positive indicotion, I did not continue bur phonedthefirst shop indicoted. A girl colled me Judy inormed the price wos 5Q o copy ond thot they were no more thon five minutesowoy from the gos stotion.

A little glow lit up inside me. I hod modeprocticol use of oll the post monthtprocfice.




Pomelo Osbom, o studentof the university who typed ond loid out the printed moteriol in this book, wonted to preservesomehome-grownproduce, She hod borrowed o pressurecooker or the iob but wos unqble n by to bui|d up ony pressure it os indcoted no on the gouge. We looked for leoks, but movement found none ond next we tried to test the gouge by forcing oir into it. The needle did not move. in Not being too conident my divinin9 obi|ity' I over woited until I wos olone to hold the pendulum the pressuregouge, being sure thot it wos the couse o the problem,ond osked, ',|sthe gougeworking?'' To my surprisethe onswerwos tyest" Over the relief volve I oskedo similor question ond ogoin received o positive responsee I then osked o questionwhich I knew would give o 'not reply in *ling" order to check the direction o pendulum Therewos o chonge in direction indicoting the previous onswerswere correct" Although I hod not seen steomescoping from the ioin between the lid ond the pot, I osked if there wos o leok here ond received o positive onswerr ond onother to the questionowhetherthe seol neededreplocement" I then reloyed the resultsto Pomelowho then reploced cooker worked. the seol ondrmuchio our ioy,the pressure







The next step forword occurred during o divining sesion when the first finger on my Ieft hond storted tingling ot its tip. I hold the pendulumthreod between this finger ond my thumb. N4ySupersensoncs teocher. Chrisfopher Hills, hod previously mode me owore thot this would hoppenot sometime. Over the next Few monthsfirst my third finger woke up ond were then my middle finger. By now the sensotions - o tingle ot fhe tip of fhe first finger quite cleor wos o .'yes'.eSpohSeo


T|NGLING +, ,),s' '


A negotiveresponse felt on the third finger os wos o tightening bond neorto its tip.



When o throbbingsensotionwos experienced ot the end of the middle finger, the meoningwos "yes, do it now." The middle ingeris on indicotion oF monifestotion"

TFROBBING--+ "now"


everyThese sensotionsore experienced differenf ly by or moy not body. As your fingertips owoken y-oumoy sensotionsI i# 'h" *'d' l hove used to describe the fhem' feel opproprioteto convey your experience of to use your own Obviously, you ore encouroged terminology.



During |974 qnd 1975 | wos |yingFromSon Froncisco to other moiorwest coost cities weekly. On one oF t h e s ef l i g h t so s t h e p l o n ew o s c i r c l i n g t h e o i r p o r tm y with on extremeIy third finger begon to respond tght w b o n d . T h e s e n s o t i o n o s o l m o s tp o i n f u l " U n F o r t u n o t e l y s l w o s n o i n t o u c hw i t h m y t h o u g h t o t t h o t t i m e . l w o n d e r e d f t h e r ew o s o n y t h i n g r o n gw i t h t h e p l o n e " w i I l i s t e n e d ; c o u l d h e o r n o t h i n gu n u s u o l . I l o o k e d I oroundot the people to see if onyonewos sick; nothing wosevident" I s o t b o c k o n d t u n - e dn t o m y s e l F ,c o l m i n gm y m i n d , i to reloxing ond expectingthe sensotion disoppeor. o Still the clompremoined n my finger. w I o s k e d , " l s t h e r eo p r o b l e m i t h t h i s p l o n e ? " T h e - o positive responseeChecking leFt tighi sensotion f t h e r e s u l tl o s k e d . " l s t h e p l o n e o p e r o t i n g i n e ? " T h e c l o m p r e t u r n e d o n e g o t i v er e p l y .

The negotivesensotion continueduntil we londedwith o b s o l u t e l y o t r o u b l e . " S t r o n g e r "I t h o u g h t " T h e n I n looked out of the window ond sow the plone surrounded by fire truckso As I possed throughthe boordingoreo people tolking obout the plone" two I overheord Apporently thosepeople who were woiting For possengers the f light hod seen the sofetyequipment on heod out for the plone ond received word thot there wos o problemwith the londinggeorc



Whi|e on o business trpfo Voncouver, Britislr with chrstopher Hil|swho Co|umbio,l met up introducedme to Tom Koch of the Conodion Broodcosting Corporotion. Tom'spositionwos to proiect five yeorsinto the futurewhot progroms the CBC wou|dbe broodcostng.The two.doy discussion betweenTomond Christopher rongedfrom their lost meetingo few yeorspreviouslybetween o few select mindsohigh copocity, to next yeor's World Algoe Conference Tokyo, fo indepth in evolufion, God tolks on levels of consciousness, owed ond mon. As on observer,I wqs thoroughly ond stimuloted the exchonge. by At one point I wos left olone with Tomwho, wishing ond relox o little, osked me obout to tone donrn qnd how to demonstrote Supersensonics loter wondered its efectiveness.|t wos decided fhot o determinotion of of the number childrenTomhod would be ideol. I osked, "DoesTomhove morethonone child?" The wos yes. Continung the scole l wos o onswer up /er whenot 4 the onsl wos still yes. little concerned in At 5 the pendulum $^/ung the oppositedirection indicotingTomdid not hove morethon5 children. All this time Tomwoswotching, rrotoworeothe questions,since for greoterconcentmtionthey were oskedin silence. Lookingup ot him I osked, "Do you of hqve 5 children?" Tombeomed the correctonswert os his skepticismleft him ond he reolized the power of divinotion.



The next time I sow Tom wos when he visited our comPuscomp|etewth cqmero crew to record or CBC o progromon Christopherond the work ot the compus. Agoin he showedinterest in Supersensonics to fhe extent of wonting to leorn the technique. Perhops,in his wisdom, Tom could see the u|lcircle for monkind. FromAdom ond Eve tolking to God in the Gorden o Eden (representing mon communicoting direcfly with the srnollvoice of the Cosmic lntelligence in his heod,) throughthe Fo|! o lrlon, when mon re|ied on his own senses ond hence lost this direct link, the humonroce evolves throughthe science of qnd returnsto direct communicotion Supersensonics w i t h t h e C o s m i cW i l l .



were spent tuning into onyThe next few months which foods thing ond everything. I determined. *"rJb"n"ficiol for me ond whot I strouldbe eoting more or less o. My fovorite meol of the week wos ond grilled steok with fried mushrooms onions, until found thot the lotter wos o no-no. l thoroughly . investigoted my eoting hobits including ocidity ond food cmbirrotionsond the best times to eot. I found thot I wos woiting too long before eoting ond thot I ote too Iote ot night. Both of these I thar chonged. I tuned into eggs, meot, fish, p"ult'y oid oth"' oodsbefore purchosing them from ihu ,rp"rtorket, checking for freshness,nutritionol rightnessormy system. t determinedthe ;l""|nd weight thot I operote most efectivety ot ond how to ropidly oftoin if . The next oreo I looked into wos food supplements' As o co|d sets in or you ore iust eeling |ow, increosing your vitomin intoke con ropidly improve the situotion. The ie|dof divining foods, determiningcorrect detsfor good heo|t,i' o lot of fun os we|l os in beneiciol. At |ostyou hove o fool thot puts you the driverts seot. You reed no longer rely on others orony inormotionyou might wont. You con no^/tune in directly oryourse|f.



The next ewmonthswere spent ottemptingto obtoin knowledge on future events in o very noive rnonnero Firstly, I wos osking "yer" ond "no" questions(the use o percentogechorts hod not occurred to me of this time) ond secondlyI wos osking long ronge questionsobout people. All the mistokenpothwoys I ond erroneousiudgements mode during those months hove been covered in the eorlier choptersunderthe heoding of whot fo ovoid. I even went os for os divining the dote we would relocote to o new proPerfyt mony monthsoheod. There were so mony voriobles involved in this decision thot I wos completelywrong. ln oct, when we sow the proposedprope*y, it wos unsuitobleond we never did move. Upon reo|izing the trops l hod mode for myselond wos bogg"d down in, I ceosed oll efforts in the field of rodiesthesio. This qction wos olso promptedby the works reolizotion thot the rewriting of Noel lvlocBethrs wosohorrendous tosk. beyond my copobilities. This period continued orseveroI months.



When my youngestson Luke wqs sx, he worrld osk "Doddy, whot do yor wont to be when you grow up?" This questionwould olwoys intrigue Cliven my oldest Soho He would stop whotever octivity he wos engoged in ond listen. looking intensely up ot my foce while remoiningdiplornticolly si lent.


" l o m g r o w nu p r r ' I w o u l d r e p l y , " l t m o p h y s i c i s t . " To which Luke would respond, "But you know whot I meon. Whot ore you going to do when you reolly grow up? " I would soy, "Yes, I understondr"ond then proceed to t e l l h i m o l l t h e t h i n g sI h o d d o n eo n d w h o t p r o i e c t sI wos presently into. I did not know thot I did not know whot he reolly meont. This wos the secondtime the cosmic intelligence hod tried to get o big messoge to me throughmy sonso A few yeors beorewhen C|ive wasT ond Luke 3, Clive initioted on event thot wos o turningpoint in my |ie,by showingme thot l cou|d love ot o time when J wos incopoble o expressingor experiencing |ove ond hod been so c|osed ormony yeors.

The turningpoinf in rodiesthesio come during o quiet momentwhen reflectively I heord Luke osk, "Doddy, whot do you wont to be when you grow up? " ond o voice inside my heod soid, "l wont to be o diviner." It hod token me three yeors to onswer Luketsquestion. l then went bock into troining, o ewminutes eveY morning. W fingers were deod. I stortedwith the bosics, sensingthe fields Fromo compossmognet. Within o few weeks the formot for this volume wos born; o lessombitious tosk thon continuing with locBeth.s notes, which wos not necessorynow since Christopherwos filling the gop by exponding Volume lll of this series to o 00 poge mosterpiece. The owokening of this new enthusiosm rodiesthesio for hos been o long-lostingblessing.





For over o yeor l hod ignored the dowsing ospect o rodiesthesio,moin|y becouse my preerence wos to work indoors rother thon outdoors. lt is not recommended thot the reoderwoit this long, since the gentle pull of the diviner,s rod in youihonds is o sensotion which creoteso greot deol of enthusiosm. One doy our director took the studentsinto the gordensto show us how lo Use o divining rod. Ater showingus how to hold the rod he illustrotedits use in detectinghidden woter,



Christopherthen directed us to six boxes on the ground' one of which coverd o conoinerof woter. The studentswolked bock ond forth ocross fhe boxes holding dowsing rods in on ottempf to locote the woter. Ater o few ottemptswhere the woter Position wos chongedofter eoch try, five studentshod felt the phenomenon ord two were consistentlyoccurofe. I wos not one of fhem, for I hod not experienced even fhe s|ghtest sensotion. Throughthe exercise I hod mointoinedo positive "tet it be', ottitude, but onxiety begon to srell up in me os my peersdepqrted, for the successfulstudentshod little fmining in rodiesthesioond the troining they did hove os supplied mostly by me.

ttJfa MOOI{ 6:30a.mfl*s........ 1l;rtl liser....,,.. o.m. p.fitrs l g..'.......'12:50 sctg......''. 6:17 b.m. sAnilANCFCO nDB hc|lk S|errdad nrc ocrom. il . . !o 2J 5:43 a,n. 1.6 0:32 a.m. J.0 .:rpm.d,|.8 l:13o'm' 0.2
28 6:31 a.m.4,E tl:50 i.m. 5:32p.m.47


I remembered thot in Chopter 2 of Vo|umeI|t o this seres Christopherhod tq|ked obouf on enhonced effect ot sunsetwhen the rod wos held over plonts. I rushedout ond bought o newspoper. Sunsetot 5zl7 p"m.; I hod missedit. the time wos 5:55 p.m. Sunrisewos given ot :30 o.n. Sure|y, the some mognified effecf would occur ot sunris. The next morningit wos cold. After meditoting, I dressedin worm ski clothes ond ventured into th gorden. There t stood holding the rod over the ptonts. By 6:37 o.m. my hondswere frozen ond I hod not been successful.


Shoking of the disoppointment,I held the rod in front of me ond storted wolking ocross the gorden. Atero few sfepsit dipped . HURRAY ! jo few more stepsond it dpped ogoin. Thstime with o strongerpull - S UCCESS . ContinuingI foundo }hird point, thus |ocoting on undergrounstreom whose depth ond width were knorn since fhere wos o tofo| of 3 dips. |n locotirg woter in this nonner' the middle dip is directly over fhe streom. The first ond third signols ore equol distonces from the middle signol ond ore olso equol to the depth of the streom. This meosurement known os Bishop,sRute. is















sfreomusing lllustrotion of the outhor finding the tocotion ond depth of on underground Bishop'sRule"



I thenwolked over to the woter thof I could not detect the night beforeond received o very strong sigrn|. At this point l reo|izedthe reosons the or errors the previous of evening. Firstly, I hod held the rod too tightly in my honds,not ollorirp it to move, ond secondlyI hod nof opprooched boxes the neor erpugh but hod only ollowed the tip of the rod to reoch fhem. Todoy, when I wolked over fhe woter the rod dipp"d sfrongly.

As o finole, I wolked oroundthe gordenlocoting fhe poth frornthe property. septic tonk ond its ef|uent At trro hour interwls, I repeotedthe experiment with the somesuccess. Whennightfollcome, I found I could not detect the rodiotionsfor the woter. This demonstroted the sunocts os o huge thot omplifierof the wove{ields.




I repeotedthe woter dowsing experimentin the gordens using the divining rod qnd then tried the experiment ogoin, this time holding o wire coot hongerin eoch hond os illustroted. At first, the coot honger in my right hond responded by turning into my body whenever I crossedover woter. ond hence olwoys hoving held my BeingIeftJronded of in pendulum thot hondll wos suspicious the result" the octive hongerhod o subtle tttinting thot perhops bend in it where I wos holding it thot modeit turn over the ploces where I now knew woter existed, I chonged the hongersinto the oppositehondsond continued wolkinjocross the gordens. Agoin the right hond.sensor ,e,pondld. Ater o ew more Posses, the left hond honger become octive, so both sensorsnow turned into my body os I Possedover woter.


At one point the indicotors swung owoy from my chest ond oround to my orms. "A negotive resPonse! Whot from?" I thought. I looked oround, "Nolorge metollic obiects." Then I looked towordsmy feet. I wos stondingon o potch of clover, obout 2 feet squore. .l Christophersoying thot clover negotesthe rememb-ered woter ond thot mony proessiono| wove-fie|d rom could not locote woter undero field of clover dowsers unlessthey hod leorned to counteroct the efect. I knew thot t hod too long ignored the dowsing ospect of supersensonics,ond resolved to innnedlctely correct this.







One o the students the Unversity the Trees told ot o me of o locql woter dowserwhose reputotionwos excellent. I phonedthis mon, who is so soughtofter thot he wou|d rotherl not disc|osehis pme. ond mode on oppointment see him. I wos greetedot the door to by o mon who looked o well-kept sixfyish with o firm, riend|yhondshoke. ( |oter |eornedthot he wos 83 yeors o|d.) Atero brief discussion the merifso on dowsingwe were shownhis rod which wos obout os long but modeo |/4 inch diometerny|on os Christopher's, ond bound togetherot the end by o monofilomentnylon plostic tube fishing line. lt wos corried in o tronsporent to prevent contominotion. wherein our host showedus o||owed A demonstrotion how, on emergingromhis cor ot o proposedwoter, oil, or gold oreo, he holds the rod in o verticol position ond turnsocross the site until the rod begins to move downwordsto o horizontol position. He then moves forwordin the direction of the rod until it turns upwordsinto hsbody. At this point he is now stonding directly over the drilling position.

When locoting oil, gold, mercuryor woter he uses in witnesses glossviols. For oil he olso corrieso somple of sulphursince sulphurond oil exist togetherhe soys, ond for woter he useso solt sompleto determineit the woter'is soline or not. The reosonwe con detecf woter so reodily is thot our bodies ore excellent witnesses, woter. being over 90o/o











Dolrrsers ore people who do; doubters ore those who don't. This rnonhos on interestingwoy of turning the con.ts to the cons. He hos them hold one end o his rod ond he holds the other while holding their free hond. Since he is extremely sensitive to these rodiotions, the rod turns violently over the obiect. so much so thot the demonstrofion iusf too convincing is for the skeptic or scientific mind. So he follows this by hoving the subiect stondover o woter source; the rod not responding. Then he presses their wrists or the polms of their hondsondrtry os they con to prevent it, the rod respondsto the woter. Within o ewdoys l hod constructedo ny|on divining rod. I wolked into the gordenond turnedin o circle while sendingout o thoughtwove to detect the moximum woter |ow. Therewos no response. Another 30o still no response. Then it downed on me thot I wos holding the rod incorrectly. I wos grippingit wiih my polms ond fingers focing down towordsthe eorth, os one grpsbicyc|e hond|ebors. Chonging my polms upwordsI turned ogoin, unti! the rod pointed the direction to wolk in. Slowly I followed the rod ocross the gorden until it moved upwordsinto my chest. Delighted ot this resultrl returnedto the work bench ond odded rototoble mognetsto the rod" Bock in the gorden with the north poles of the mognetspointing upwords, the rod,s twistngwos stronger thon before.






Lote the next evening, oterspendingolmost on hour looking oron enve|opeof documentsthot hod been misloid obout six monthspreviously, I turned to the pendulumto hetp mer even thoughI knew thot I hod succeededot previousottemptsto locote obiects only orothersond never ormyse|f. Agoin my results were inconsistentos I sconnedthe wolls of books ond poPerso Toking ho|d o the rod I held on imoge o the documentsfirmly in mind ond begon to turn. The rod moved romthe verticol position to point into o corner There were no poPers or book there thot of the ootT|o l cou|d see. lovingover to the corner l |ookedobove my heod to the top of on overhongingshelf on which empty shipping boxes. were stocked numerous Stonding on o choir, I moved the rod closer to the the boxes" When it turnedupwordslremoved relevont discovered o stock o popersthot box romthe she|f ond musthove been thrown in there during on office reorgonizotion" The popersI wos hunting were omong them. I wos ecstotic. This experimentremovedthe mentol b|ock of not being ob|e to |ocote obiects ormysel o ond converted me to the useulness the divining os on omp|ifer. rod



At 4:00 p.m. doily,thosestudents who ore not working off compusstop theroctivties ond meet with Christopherond Noroh Hills for teo ond teochings ond meeting visifors. lt wos ot one o these sessions thot Christophertolked of chorocter onolysis using percentoge do|sond the difficu|t prob|em bonk of monogement determining employeets in on executive potentio!. A "yes" or "no" response when inquiring obout o personts integrity hos little significonce. Of more volue is o meosureof their honestyon o l to l0 scole where 5t gYt is the overogeigurefor o successfulpersonin thot iob. Christopherolso mentionedthe nome of o personnelmonogerof o lorge notionol bonk thot he knew. I orrongedon oppointmentwith this executveond f |ew off io visit with him. He confirmedthe problemond outlined the poromefers would like used in evoluoting he condidotesorinterno| promotions.

Returninghome J stoed working up o PersonoIity Anolysis bosedon this discussion. Just os this wos completed I reolized thot the book, Nucleor Evo|ution, our moin text ot the univEi[f,-deo|t with this subiect in greot detol. Steoling moferiol from this book, I developed on ln-depth Personolity Anolysis.


Withno week I wos oskedfo ew|rrotefour vice presidents o positionthot hod becomeovoiloble. for As well os picturesof the condidotes,thoseof the were supplied. Aterevoluotingtheir decision mokers themto potentiolsos sl'rown the Toble, I compored in for of the divinedqrrclities on ideol person thot position. The condidofes hod higherintegritython oll wos neededond three of the four hod higher leodership ond direclobility quolities, but noneof themhod the physicol energyor physicol fitnes requiredfor the positionond only one hod the necessory lity compotibi level.

I then oskedwhich condidotethe decision mokers preferredfor the iob. The onsvtrer interestingond wos ony of did informotive. Ihe bonk president rrotPrcer else in them. So J oskedwhetherhe hod someone mind. The onsrer wos o definire yes. An or'ltsde monwosbroughtin by the president.


ldeol Person



































































l"lony times during the yeor, Christopher is osked to ioin or direct vorious spirituol ond scientific proiects, oll of which he investigotesfhoroughlyr woiting for the right one to present itself. l-hnding me one o the proposols. he requestedo mini personolityonolysis on the porticipontsof this ioint proposolond their fiscol position. J wos to be o cross-check for the investigotinghe hod done himself. ] first osked f the proiect wos firroncio|tyfeosib|e ond if the downpoyment for the proposed property wos owiloble. Both onswerswere "yes" but I found the proiectedincome wos unreolisticollyhigh.

invo|ved,checkingor l lookedot the persono|ities integrity,compotibilty' reliobi|ity, ond their selflesscommitment the proiectrssuccess. Compored to with'the bonk perrcnnelwho I usedos my stondords. thesespirituollpmindedpeople rcnkedquite low.

Theii compotbility integritywere obouthq! ond executives thot of the bonk ond their reliobility . low. The monwho hod the mosf consistently ovoiloble moneyfor the proiect scored lessthon l0o/o in selfless sincerifyfor the proiectrs success.


ln other words, he elt the proiect wos his, olrhough it he wos settng up os o iont humonitorionproposo|. Hurronnoturebengwhot it is, the mon who gove the thot subconsciously) mostmoneywos feeling (perhops the proiect wos somehor his o,rrn. The mon who contributed the leost money ronked 40-50 percent in which is o good overctgereoding. selflessness, The co|umnon the ovoi|oblity of money for the proiect slrowsthot the previous "yes" onsweron the dornpoyment wos correct.

Proiect lntegrity ponts Fortici


lity Reliobi

Sincerity Selless orproiectls success

Avoi loble lr4oney for proiectin thousonds $ of


40-50 30-40 30-40 30-40

20-30 0-10 20-30 20-30

30-40 30-40 30-40 30-40

0-10 t0-20 20-30 40-50

40-50 l0-20 30-40

lessthon l0


Dvining rod helps find loot

November24,1975 THE VALLEY PRESS pageg Sherif's deputies are stil| scratchingtheir headsover how a young Boulder Creek man, uing a whalebonedivining rod, managed to find the loot rom he robbery Johnnie's at Market on November8. ficers, with the help of rcidents, combedbe area or several hours looking for the mmeybagdroppedby e thief. Finally they gave ry. That's wben Christopher Hills, director of Uuivenig of the Trees in BouHer Creek, stepped orward o oer his services as a matter of "academicinbrest." ln about five mirues he hed found the money sac\ containing8m and refurned it. Howdid he do it?

a.m.b open up. Onehing led to another and Bradwellfinal|yledthe scene onmt withtheloot. group A o Boulder helped CYeek residenls ru him down.

Others at the university also had a hand in the stalement, which is.printed below. giving their accounto Beore e incident' here's more in. frmation on the robbery itsel. The suspect in custody in cmneetion with the crime is Robert Durglas Bradrvell, 32, Hall Moon Bay. Ihe sspect appareny hid o in the market and accosled Eick Seifert, butrher at the store.wben he arrlved at 7:50

call tte Sheriff. "For example, if you ar "By this time, however, the looking for money, then hold thief had thrown away his gun sme money in your hand, too. and the bag of money stolen frrn Johnnie's Supermarket. In this case Hills conveniently ,.Afer fou horrrs intensive held his own bag which of rpsembledtIe missing one. searching, behind bushes, up '"Iheenergr f rom the missirg trees, in various yards and on of "Ihe University the Trees lop of the post office roof, the obpct is picked uq by he is a correspondence schoolin police gave p. George nervoussystem of the diviner's meditation, selfdiscovery, Chekuras,deputysheriff, gave body and fd inohis finger tips whereit is amplified and made scientific, and spiritual hs written permissionfor Hills research.It is located in and his students!o hunt for the visibleby means of a pendulum BoulderCreek.Each morning missing items through the or divining rod that moves in nesponse. at 8 a'm. students who ve at xience of diviningwit a rod or "Although people are aware jog theuniversity around few pendulum. a d this techniqueto locate water blocksof Boulder Creek. "Hills elplained to officer "On Saturday, the 8th of Chekouras the process of or !o drill wells, the use of gain other inNovember,Robert Massy, divining and showed him the divining to forrnation,like discovering lost $ysicist and studentat the bookswhich he and his students objectsor missing people,ol to miversity, his house join }nve written on this echnique. getideasfor Ieft to scienfic rsarch, the joggers and saw lem Itu said if the sheriff's depart- is not widely known. is it $anding among a crowd of ment would give a written known what 80 per Nor of crnt peopleoutsidethe office. statementbefore and after the post A tumanity has divining abity. rnanwasbeing takenoutof he experiment, saying how many ..Riard Welkerof 9195Glen hsbes by police. deputies and civilians had Arba in Ben lnmond, reporb "Massy reports that lookedfor he bag of money and that he arrived on the scene Hills, Univgrsity failed, he would find the bag. with the hunt already in "Christopher of Tlees direclor, told me tre Chekouras gave the permission Several sfudents were hadseen mancreeppasthis at ll:il a.m. and Hills asked Fogress. the using dowelJike wood inkiten window carryinga ba'g tis studentsto start lmking. Sruments, pointed on one end thatbokedjtst like one of his "Science has made common and atached a string on the by own. Thinking he had been lmowledge of the fact that dher. When I arrived, the robbed, rushed andyelled atans and mole$les of solid $udents using these pendulums tB out p ttn neighborhood shouts objectsare vibrating and that tad already pinaoinled the with of Thief! Thief !' in vibrating they give off subtle general area of the money "Hills ccnered the thief in anergies. behinda house on Pnesheet. thebadrof thePostOfficeyard The missing bag, therefore, "Accordingto Massy,a crqwd and aslad the postrnistress wruld be sanding out errerry. bgan !o gather, so he abanto Gle can sdectively tune ino a ned the attempt until things prticular objectby holdinghe qieed down in order to make thoughtof it and a picture of it the seard a valid experiment. dearly in mind. "Italsohelps if onecan holda dmilar object !o the missiltg me in one's hand.


later whenhe crowd had gone away,thegroup of six were led by Hills' he direcor,uing a divining rod made of two lengttn of whalebone about nineteeninches long, fasened togetherat one end. The two piecesof bone,from a male and fernalewhale.combine the two oposing elecbical polarities of positive and negative energy which enhances the rod's rsponse' "On the sides of the rod are two magretic needles that can be rdated to detect electrical and magnetic energies. "According to Richard Welker of Ben Lomond, "Hills moved with great speed, first goingover one fence then back again, then over another and finally intothe thicket of thorny blackberry bushes where I heard him exclaim. "I've found it!" He smilingly pulled a satchel foom the thicket of bambles, berrieS,stickers and nes, then took the bag to ttre BoulderCreek postmishess for validation. "The total time betweenhis arrival on the sctne and his subsequent discovery of the missing bag was five minutes. "Barbara Brimblecom, a pstal worker, had been iniolved in cornering the thief

earlier in the day. She was told by the thief at gunpointto get irside the post office. She was rnt presentat the University of the Trees search. "I did see themin the berry bushes,"she says, "and thoughthe (Hills) hada stick in his hand,Whenhe came into the post office, he opened brownleatherbag and a slpwed me the County Bank zippered envelopes inside. I suggested that he turn the bag

into ttre sheriff, rather than return it to the supermarket. llills turnedthe bag in and the sheriff signed a statement validating the divining experiment and reporting that Hills did find and return the missing money after normal mebodsof searchhad failed." "Deputy Sheriff George L. Chekouras'poce reporton the case backed up what the statement said."

i, *
^... *..*-..'.*? -.'



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Divining rod
Debbie Rozman holds whale bone divining rod used in finding$800in lool from recentBou|derCreek robbery.The devicewas used by ChristopherHi||s, direcor of university of the Trees, which teachesvarious f orms of meditationiechniques. | |t o o kH i | l s o n | y i v e m i n u t e st o i n d h e | o o t V A L L E Y P R E s s P H o T o . f t .



tt c


rod Storting ot (A) Chrstopher's pointed obout l0 degreesto the left of my fint qttempt, in the direction of o sfock of lumber, which reveoled nothing hidden under it. He then movedogoinst the ferrce (B) ond the rod pointed o|orrgthe ferrce to o blockberry potch" loving to position (C), the rod ogoin oimed ot the some potch. Seorching in this spot, Christopheroundthe bog under fhe bushesot the point morked X "





Po|ice tails 4-Hour Search . . . Atel

P;vq|ic lBes Dvnng loco]eBag Rod]o sfufdWirhStolen I}|oneY-Inl[|nares 5

strrim lo- .ltffiffi....i..-.;i-ii. by ned a deputy
A California psychic stuned to find in a 4-hoursearch. 1if+r11r1r4,11 And the psychic, 4$year.old $iiffi;tj11;i;.+;1

anda crowdor citi"illrii


ChristopberHills, produced the :ili;i:iiliitii;iiiiiiiiirii ..;ii:il !ag' containing $2,5), in just 1'111.;:'

oY.",,Hn"jff;,*, I,m*' '.iiE$$f$$**iur+

i!.t!i^"s1'=t! -gl-: *. *$l+sl*II+t+i

that scoured a Sblock Boulder cteek to ttnd.the orn I - taKen rn an armed rnhherv In town and then stasr'e"-o_v I -oeen eu_nman caprll'eg _ira<i I
"We caiied in the psyciric -

iiINCREDIBLE FEAT: christopher Hills demonstroteshorv

lose," explained Chekeuras. "I didn't believe he'dte able





to findtlrebag,''n.

by trees.and b^y. robrcr took ptace, ano n||v robber! loot place, and thelfV purrounged. trees-and'

about'finding the bag: Then before I kngw it, he lgan by rpaFng a full circle,l reached, usgd mv divininq rod, ls.ear-cmn divining "I used my divininS 1s6. I searching for the energy of I rqached,down into some thick the bones of a lme Dag. made from he bones- 61 i |the bag.'' l bushes and pulled orrtthe bag. male and female whale. 1 | _ Hills- said the hlack, 2-feet-| His entire search couldn't taken.longer than five started outside nry hous -llgog1.odb9sanpo.intingil.t!"lhave -where midway -between the | $recUon of -asmall barn thick- | minuqei. It was remarkable..

energies ye-s wrro..'' -ryig:t-' -- B'"il.'!'l"nnT3n.iJ'l:ii":o.Jx"'3'#Ji:ii:l.i: . El,,recalled'how"*."j,;.- i"l,i'8ri Creek, he went. --hoj .E;t up the psychic

bandit arrsted and was belllfi:i;."P#'s#:tH*n l bts house. "Ttle vibrations

Ilp not skeptical any-

wo*hchecks. $800 o

bg.'' The omount o $2,500 incIuded the missingblrack


got |*T".;"'n,"" Hi||s. finr|inp to I According to Hills, ffndtng v-er strong - almost pul|ing |ttre tag ..wsn't anything spe. the rod out of my bands.'' |iat. llyone can fid missing When he reached the barn, |property if they lea-rnto pck Hills said tlre rod pointed at lp the psychic ener$es given
uer.ED errq ulrers r! wqa |

"Tffi;J;''"S;iu. ;flffi*H:tT"T?il3; youbeatit? sle searclied 'T$*1|"53"'" ..Can

Sirl Mrs. Srlsan We]ko-' o |the area and .tounq-nothing. Sbid Mrs. Susan Srelker. a l!!e q99 auq found nouung'


lagrite'.tr-*sltsri*ioii|!ao5^g't^"s*'^'r"j"''l}:'Pf J*ffiir't.] ;;ffi'" .t sdo1{:: .b*

.Qef'9re-!!i!:i ild:_IT"i.- spftai*tifi l evein psychigs r.ooxaro - oax he'dbe ableto ni'ctr,-ail ]=

*".#i*'";,*ei;T}Tf; lffis.i,ltj-:rq'{!q:
He li$.T:ryLl?g.

Pose 14




"The rnonwho tolks to onimols" is o descriptionof Fred Kimboll* who not only communicotes with onmo|s o|so the subconscious but mind o humons. He invited me to ottendo conferencewith him in LosAngeles during which Fred corried on o foctfindin9 dio|oguewith o numbero dogsond obtoined o lot o correct informotion obout their ownersI cors' houses,ond living situotions. The ownerswere sometimesquite emborrossed the dogswere telling so thot much.

Fred hod been opprooched people wonting to locote by |ostor sto|enonimo|sond osked me i l cou|d divine their whereobouts. I told Fred thot this wos possible ond then osked him why he could not locote the onimols himself. He soid thot he could, but when he osked the onimol where it wos, the onimol would describe the locotion but would odd thot it could not tell the nome of the streetsince its owner hod not toughtit to reod. So Fred could not octuo||yindthe onimols;he cou|d only tell the ownerswhoi their petswere thinking.




Within o week of returningfrom fhe conference, two people, whom Fred hod previouslyossisted with their dogt, phonedme. They hod lost o smoll A4exiconporrot which Fred hod to|d themwos sti|l olive. t took two doys oro picture of the bird ond o moP of the oreo to orrive from Los Ange|es. l-|olding Turnne the mognetittedpendu|um over fhe picture l found both horizonto| ond verticol woves, indicoting thot the bird wos stil! olive. *Fred Kimboll, 18750So. VermontAvenue, Gordeno, Cofif. 90248. Ql3) 324-0643.


lF the bird hod been deod. there would hove been no verticol woves becouseo picture olone does not give oFf verticol woves. on|y the bird cou|d give oF verticol woveswhich ore then detectoblethroughthe p i c t u r e . T o c h e c k t h i s f i n d i n g , I s e n to u t t h e t h o u g h t wove' ''ls thsbird oIive?'. ond receiVedon offirmotive reply.


I hove two oreos in which I set up o slnoll loborotory. Since the doy wos sunnyond I wished to toke odvontogeo the omplificotionby the sun.sroys, l chose the gordenoreoo In the midd|eo the |own, (neufrolgreenr) there is o toble over which I threw o green c|oth to moskony efects Fromthe tob|e. While looking ot the cloth, the neutrolgreen roys enter my eyes ond overridethe effectso ofher stroy rodiotions. There ore no highly colored obiects in the oreo or underground streoms couse interference. to On top of the c|oth l ploced the mop ond orentoted it to mogneticnorthwith the oid of o composs. At one edge oF the mop I ploced o Hefigor, olso pointing to north-south ompliythe moptswove.fie|d ond bring it olive. I put the picture of the bird on the mqp to form o link befween the two ond touched the pendulum the picture to impregnote to the bird's vibrotionsinto the pendulum thot the pendulum so becomeselective of thosevibrotionsexclusively.

Fred Kimball visiting +he Great Pyramid oor:irrned everytlring ny teaoher har.t saj.d about tlre psyohophysical effects of Pyraniids was true. *

*Since pub|ished Roys Fromthe Copstonel97 os


Colming my mind with o quick techniqueFromthe "lnto Moditotion Now" seriesr J movedthe pendulum down the mop while oskingwhich horizontolcoordinote both the X ond Y the bird wos ot. When I hod Found coordinoteslI reolized thot the bird hod flown ot leost 3 miles from its house. The next doy. I found thot the bird hod movedonotherholf o mile to the eoSt. Expressing concern to the ownersthot my findings must thot the bird hod surelybe incorrect. they ons,,rered not been hoppy in the housethey were presentlyliving in ond thot the locotion I hod found for him wos less thon holF o mile Fromtheir previousoddress.
Below a pctwc of the terr:ltory in vtrich the Mexican perrrot was lcst. Ey dv1ning over t]re Fhoto the birdls vvas traoed day-by'-dayrhowfli&t by rnap street-by-street. by-horir.lhen

The porrot wos never seen by the ownerswho di|igent|y |ookedorit. So there wos no woy of determiningmy occurocy in this instonce"




Before returningto Englond. Luke (my nine yeor old son) come to stoy with me for o few doys ot the Universify. When we went down to the post office to pick up our moil. Luke osked, "Doddyn con I guess which is your box?" Tokingo little gomble. since I did not know if Luketsfingers were sensitive or not. I soid to himl "ltts in this column. Why dontt you run your hond slowly down fhe row while osking ot eoch box. 3ls this Doddy's moilbox?' When you get o sensotion yo;r fingertips,thot will be my moilin
box. tt

Luke he|d his hond out in ronto the first box ond l wotched him slowly move his hond in front of eoch bo< in turn ond go down oll the boxes. possingthe box which I knew wos mine. I thought. "Oh deorn hets missedit." When his hond reoched the finol box in the co|umn. he movedit up ogonond sfoppedot my moilbox ond soid, "This is your box. Doddy."



The next doy when we went to collect the nnilr I slrowedhim onother botch of P.O.Boxes, obout l0 ocross ond I do,,rn, ond I told him thot one of these ot boxes wos used by studenfs the University of the time I did not tell him which column or Treeso This row. I told him to move his hond down the outside column while osking which row the box wos in ond. on fee|ing o sensotionin his move his hond ocross thot row, sfoppingmomentorilyot eoch box until he elt o second sensotionin his fingertips" His hond went stroightdown the columnsuntil it reoched the correct row ond without hesitotion he moved it s'rriftly ocross the rows ond stoppedwith cerfointy ot the correct moilbox. "This one." he soido

like Experiments this ore excellenttestsof our we whether ore liry sincewe knowimmediotely obi rightor not.




During o semnor Supersensonics on conducted ot the University o the Trees. Kor| Venter*, one o the porticipontsr opproochedme with on interesting request. He osked me to help him locote the position o somegold coins which hod been buried sometime o9o. To begnwith. this wos o|| the inormotion l hod, coup|edwith o county rnopobout 2 eetsquore. ! orientoted the mop norfh-southond urther omp|ified it by usingo Hefigor. I dowsedthe y-oxis first ond morkedo co-ordinofe. Then on dowsing the x-oxis I found two co-ordinotes. This conusedme since they were obout 4 inches oport. For concentrotion.I do nof to|k while dvinng,so Korl did not know my conusion. When l to|d him the resuIts conirmed he themos being occurote. since they were iust obove ond porollel to o roilroodolong which he soid the moneywos buried. Hoving confirmed my dowsing obility for himself Korl begon to osk questions to which I divined the onswers. Korl's reseorch into the buryingo the go|d hod indicoted thot $l0.00 pieces were buried in iron pots ot 3 feet deep, of 20 eetinterwIs olong fhe roilrmd rightrcf-woy. ond within 100 feet of the roilrood. My resultsshowed thot moeto the go|d wos no |ongerin pots ond were no more thon 30 poces from the roilrood. The minimumdepth wos 3 eetwith on overoge o l0 eet ond o moximumof 20 feet. The distonce between the buriol sites wos 20 poces. For the horizontol meosurementsI did not get consistrent resultsuntil I intuitively chongedeetto Poces' in Kor|,squesfions.

Korl Venter - ProfessiornlEngineernholding fhree degreesin science ond engineering.





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OF THE TREES SOME OF THE GROUP AT THE UNIVERSITY REAR: Michael Hammsr. Malcolm Strutt, Phil Allen, Dave Edwards, Jeff Goelitz, Norah Hills, Hills, Robert Massy. Christopher MIDOLE: Wendy McFadzen, Suo Bslanger, Pam Osborn, Ann RaV. Debbie Rozman. FRONT: Dan Hines, Rod Glasgow, RogerSmith,

p|stb. o| tfd gllng gentlulum.

. UEEm t soe'enb .nc.|do dbc||.dot o ntirrar.odcq


. daF


Korl then told me thot someof the coins hod been foundond osked T o white monhod foundfhem. if Anothertesf question. I dorrsed thot o block former hod foundthe coinswhile ploring. This Korl confirmed being occurote. We disogreed the os on denomirption. though coins foundwere $10.00 fhe pieces. Hopeu||y, Korl wlI one doy gofhertogether fhe ond toke the time neededto recoverthe equipment hoord. A little loter t receivedthe follorvingletterfrom Kort.


814 t{alnut St. Pacifc Grove Californa 93950 rTune 29, L976



I have just been going over the results of your map Your findings are remarkable. dowsing experment. ft seems surprising to me that you could receive such nformaton from just an unknown (to you) county map. Your results are in good agreement wth what r have been able to determne from my research into the event at the tme it took place. you that the bural Frst of a11, since r did not tell stes were stretched along an old ralroad rght-of-t r Yr I was pleased when you pinpointed the exact locaton. Secondly, when you told me that the finder of the coins I was amazed by your was a black farmer out plowing, Thrd, your descrpton accuracy. ste of the burial in my search, locations wll be very helpful although r find t hard to beIeve that some are at a depth of twenty feet. Thank you for your help. be drawn to a successful Pertraps ths experiment close sometime. can

Best regards,



The first importontcongrcssdeoling.wthScienffic Rodiesthesio wos.he|d in Porsin |720. t ottrocted iust over 30 pioneers omong whom were Louis Turenne. Dr" Virer Lorvoroh, Drso Regmult ond Leprince' The mon who brought these peop| togetherwos o French engineer co||ed Henr]lv'logero This convgntion stortqdthe lovement the 30!s, o|thoughthere hod o been smollermeetings held onnuolly since 1913. {s o resuh of the 1920 congress, hundredscome to ioin the movementcreotirg on excitement ond o ferment of ideos thof produced over 500 books. mosfly in the French longuoge" At' the climox of the movement, the ossocioti.ons-n Europe registered morthon 5.000 people who were procticing rodiesthesiests.



coined the termRodiesihesio.meoning"the sensing o rodiotions.'' luchof his work wos in the field o where he discoveredthot light roys medicol diognosis oct os o corrier woVe ond on omplifier orthis rodiotion.

Rule for measuring Homeopathic Georgg oiscry o Harze, B|gium.

potencaes by


for o French engineerwho wos moinly responsible of movement the 30rs. orgonizingthe rodiesthesic the field, divining in Europe Before lvbger entered wos considered be on ort ond o speciol inherent to by git possessed on|y o few peop|e. His inf|uence broughtthe experfstogetherto study divining os o science obeying scientific lowswhich could be leorned ond opplied by onyone. lvlogershowedthot the energy ield oround ony obiect chongeddepending on which side pointed northond which surfoceis uppermost. His Color Volues proved more powerful thon moteriol witnessesfor mony substonces. ln other words. he found'thottuning into the vibrotion o o personthroughthe equivo|entvibrotion of o color wos more eectivethon using o piece of or clothing or photogroph other witness.



wos one of the greotest scienfific rodiesthesiests thot ottrocted. Turenne wos o civil engineerond loger o lectureron wirelesspropogotion the Fountoinbleou ot M l i t o r y A c o d e m y . A s o s c i e n t i s t .h e m e t h o d i c o l l y recordedhis findingseoch time he wos employedos o professionol rodiesthesiest.He continuedthis proctice through8000successul consultotions. ihen stopped recording, since he felt he hod gotheredenoughdoto to prove the voIidtyo this method. Turenne did more thon onybodyto Presentrodiesthesio termso in physicsin Froncebefween 1920ond 1959. stondord


He wos the irstio discoverthof orientotingmognets in diferent|ds. He then odded mognets the pendu|um to ond the divinng rod to increosetheir selectivity. Theseinventionsore still knownos the Turennependulum ond the Turenne divining rod. After the discoveryof undomenlol roys. developedo Fundomentol Turenne Roy Disc ond o W o v e . g u d e u l e . T h e d i s c i s t h e c i r c u | o rf o r mo t h e R rule. They enoble one to onolyze verticol ond horizontoIcomponenfs o|| eIements o ond to tesf the heolth o peop|e. onimols. p|onts.ond oods. These iools ore so useful to divining thot they hove never been superceded,olthough modifiedin loter yeorsby C h r i s t o p h e H il l s . r Using thesetools. the occurocy of the novice rodiesthesiest increoseddromoticolly. No longerdid he hove to re|y on his concentroton o sole meonsof os b|ocking out intererence woveswhen he wished to detecf horizontolwovesond verticol wovesl since fhe would do this for him. Not only thot,butthe mognets wove-guidesprovidedo witnessfor the requency o|| of moteriolsubstonces the universe. Even thoughot in this time someo the e|ements hod not yet been discovered. Turenneleft spocesfor them on the rule becouse. using the rule. he hod divined their existence.



wos known throughoutEuropefor his obility to locote throughmop-reodingmissingpeople, both deod ond olive, ronging from murdervictims to o porty of people lost ot the Soufh Pole. He conducted orchoeologicol finds for the Pope ond wos soid to be the mostoccurote mopdiviner o the ero.

UN|vERstTy oF THE TnEEg coLl.cT|o'l

discovered "Seriol Numbers." the nome given lvlermet to the efectby which e|ements con be detected by counting the numberof pendulumswingsbeore soturotionof the nervoussystemoccurs ond the pendulum stops. He olso inventedthe covity pendulum which contoinso spoceinto which witnesses con be ploced, so impregnotingtheir vibrotion throughoutthe pendulum ond occurotely tuning if .

A moior contribution to this field wos lermet.s discovery thot eoch element hos o fundomentolroy ossociotedwith it. which he demonstroted holding by o pendulum over o xrmpleond recordingthe line in which it swung. Eoch chemicol elementmodethe pendulum ong|e, the ongles swingot o dierent increosing from zero degreesin the someproportionos the otomic toble. Bosedon this principle, Turenne inventedhis FundomentoI Disc orchemicol Roy onolysis.



The scentist who wrote under this pseudonym mode fomousthe complex Choumer y-Belizol pendulum throughhis investigotions the Iife.gving Pi-roy. of He becomethe foremost curer o concer by extroct. ing the Pi-roy Fromthe concer ce||s. He ound the someroy hiddenwithin the negotivegreen roy of the pyromidformond went on to indthot semi-sphericol producethe someenergies do pyromids. shopes os Enel did extensivereseorch pyromidenergyond the on powero symbo|s such os concentric rings, ond oncient seolsond symbols.



is known todoy for his work with pyromidsond pyromid energy. He olso inventedseverol rodiesthesic instrumenfs, including pendulums ond the Bovis Biometer, o device orompliFying the positiveond negotiveswings of the pendulum. The Biometer wos extensivelyusedby loxFreedom Long for psychometriconolysis ond or tuning consciousness ie|ds reloting to the oncient know|edgeo the Howoiion Kohunos. He invented the scole odegreesof the Bovisbo|onceruIe consistingof 11000centimeters.since odoptedby ChristopherHills to 11000degreesof consciousness.




wos one of the originol 30 people who foundedthe ond Rodiesthesio lovement whosescientific skiIIs os |ed to his oppointment hofesor oAgricu|turo| Chemistryot RennesUniversity.

Thermometer coil or ever by ''wove systemof Turenneo" NOEL MACBETH pioneer in rodiesthesio the 30ls to wos Eng|ond,s o his deoth in the lote 0.s. lvhcbeth wos the irstof the Englishdivinerswho trovelled to Fronce to study under Turenne. Loter he returnedto Englondwith written by the over 150 French books on rodiesthesio people we ore poying tribute to here. locbeth spent the next 25 yeors o hs life tronslotingthese worksond writing o 300 poge coursecolled ''RodiotionoI o PhysicsNotes.'. He ounded teoching througho center in Londonond distrbuted news|etter out fhe Englishspeokingworld, including Conodo ond Americo. ,At his deoth, lvbcbeth left oll his librory ond instruments ChristopherHills who hod to distributedthe course in Americo since l9l.

Origiml precisionrule for elds in the Turenne system"



were co-ounders the MedicoI Society for the of Study oRodiesthesio Londonos we|| os the Britsh in Society o Dowsersofter they returnedfrom their with Turennein Fronce in 1935. Togerher studies they were responsible roisinginterestin for rodiesthesio omongthe Eng|ishledicolprocticioners.


wos o French missionory |otto-Grosso, ot Brozil, who or l yeors used rodiesthesioto |ocotewoter, ond choose locol herbsfor cures. Without ony medicol t r o i n i n g ,h e w o s o b l e t o c u r e s y p h i l i t i cc h o n c r e , snokebites, torn limbs, TrB.l ond diptherioby combiningvoriousherbsinto mixturesso correct thot he could olso use themos witnesses diognosethe to corresponding diseoses. At his deoth in l93, Fother wos still writing on rodiesthesio. Bourdoux

''Functionso the humon m e t o l l i c e l e m e n t s""


hod the couroge ond foresightto become the first medicol proctitionerto open|y use rodiesthesio or diognosis. He studiedunderTurenne ond wos his co-i nventor.



wos o prolific investigotorond outhor of mony books on diseoses,concer in porticulor.


wos o French engineer, !iving in Orleons. Lke he A4ortens, wos o pioneer in controlling hsconsciousness. This enobled him to be o recognized expert in rnopreoding, using only mentol pictures os witnesses. He olso perfected heolings ot o distonce, using color os o wove corrier for the heoling energ[r He olso wos o protiic writer ond, |ike mony of fhe other-pineerc. developed his own pendulum.


Bervrorx ond Fr. Podey invented word witnessesin 1931. News of this invention reoched Belgium where quickly incorporotedir into Jonckleere ond lortens their work ond extended the technique into sketch ond diogromwitnesses. lvlortenswent on to perfect the rodiotonof his thought woves to the extent thot he otendid not use witnesses ot oll. ln 1934, he wos elected choirmonof the Belgion Associotion of Rodiesthesio.


investigoted ond wrote on olmostevery knorn fromheolingsthrough opplicotionof rodiesthesio, chorocter studyto ogrculture.



wos o reseorch doctor living in Brussels who showedthot o seo|edg|osstube of ertilizerp|ocedneor growing vegetobles would oct on the vegetobles the some in m o n n e r s i f t h e f e r t i l i z e rw e r e p l o c e d o n t h e s o i l . H e o olso found thot the erti|izer.even thoughseoled in the tubes, wos deplenished its octive ingredients of by the vegetobles they grew. He then went on to os discoverthot bocterio would olso extrocf whot they neededto live on from elementsin seoled tubes. ru|e by Gorge Discry Who tested its eficacy on the stamina of racng pigeons.


wos one of the leoding Frenchproctitioners mop of reoding. He wos on the forefrontoopplying the vibrotionsof co|or os o link to moteriolobiects or tronsmission energies. o


were both scientists @rord wos o university professor) who fogetherwith le|lin investigotedsoils ond feilizers ond developed methodsof performingtroce onolysisin minemls. ln doing so, they invented rodionic insfruments oid their concentrotion. fo



wos on industriolchemistwho inventedinstrumentotion for occurote chemicol onolysis.



wos encourogedby lvbury ond become o procticing physicion. He publishedhis work with rodiesthesic prescriptionsond opened the field of homeopothic remediesto rodiesthesicmethods. wos so effective ot heoling people ot long distonces by broodcostingheoling energy to them thot mony medicol doctors were troined in the Apollonius Method of Heoling. wos o hospitol rodiologist who, inspired by Apollonius. used o short-wove rodio tronsmitterfor distont heolings. opp|ied the work o logerond lermet ond Turenneto the developmentof color treotmentond diognosisby coIor. This form o theropy is now being rediscovered by the medicol profession.






pioneered the work of motching skin cosmeticsby their vibrotionsto the vibrotionso individuol people. By this methodhe wos oble to eliminoteollergies ond reoctionsof his potients.


o medicoldocforrom Nice who wos one of the which of rodiestheso, origiml supporters medcol he dymmicolly opplied to everyospectof his subiect.



wos the leoding rodiesthesiest his field of noturol in extensivelyin his position history ond used rodiesthesio os Director of the Poris Noturol History Museum. were orchoeologists whosefome included finding of goIleriesond reuges' Romon groves, tombstones, od possoges well os other ortifocts by underground os dowsingtechniques.




were individuoIlyweIl known ortheir successes in locoting missingpeop|ein the somemonneros lermet. o |eodingexponento using fhe pendu|um oroundthe food, diets, pregnoncy, locotions, home, investigoted weother, sickness,purity, onimols. oppointments, tent sifes, hiring. vocont holidoy occomodotions, wos the first to discoverthot o block pendulum did not give ouf o selective vibrotionos did the other spectrolcolors ond hence inventedthe block sphere pendulum. wos one of the leoding physicisf rodiesthesiesfs of ls. Brusse were both respectedmembers the French Acodemy of o Scienceswho threw the weight o their support behind the movementof the 30's. ond encourogedthe movement develop in Englond. to







in l wos ottendingo conerence Co|itornioond l got into o conversotion with o young monwho wos o physicistlike myselF. We begon tolking obout the woy modernscience is corried out by the rishisof lndio. GroduolIy, os we volidoting someo the oncient reseorch which l could hordIybelieve obout o grouPof hi9hIy educoted grew c|oser. o story uno|ded professionol people who hod individuolly given up their iobsond gone to live neor o mon ot colled ChristopherHills ond becomehis students o ploce colled The Universityof the Trees. He told me obout on incredible book thot ChristopherHills hod iust written. The things he extroordinory ond yet the monnerin which he soid themwos so genuinethot soid sounded the next week l found myse!fot The Universityof the Treesto see ormyse|. There I met o mon whoseblue eyes sporkledin o monnerI hod never seen before. wos e|ectriyin9. Peoplewho were oroundhim discussed monner oIl Being in his presence odeep subiectsfrom this mon'steochingswhich stortedfromo |eve|obove lhe foremost educotedpeople lrve ever met. o I wonted to leorn more ond fost. I purchosed copy of Christopher'snew book. SuPersensonics: The Scien.ce of-Rodio.tiono l PoroPh.ysics, o thick00

poge |ovish|yiIlustrotedtext. Thot night. l roced excited|y throughit, poge oter poge. beyond its normollimits. Therewere mony Agoin ond ogoin my mind wos boggled, stretched hod conceptsthot were so simplyond scientificolly expressed'thot been in front of my eyes lU oll my life but I never reolized it. Certoinly the educotionolsystem been broughtup in hod never toughtony of fhese things. Hourofter hour I reod on, my oworeness expondingond exponding. lt wos obviousthot ChristopherHills wos o mon who could see further thon ony Person|U ever met or reod obout. Yet thsmon shunsthe fome ond prizes the redwoodtreesof the of the world. preferringto live o semi reclusive life in omongst tiny villoge of BoulderCreek. He wos obviouslyon odmirerof ond followed o similor


potternto Loo Tse, the oncient Chinese sger who toughtonly o few selectedindividuols. Reodingthe book, SuPersensonics, cou|d feeI his odmirotionfor Einsteincome through the poges. He showedhow Einstein'sbelief thot tight hod o moximum velocity in the universehod prevenfedEinsteinromdevetopingo universo| field theory. Chrstopher Hi||s went on to develop this theory in cleor simptetermshimself, building on fhe work of Einstein in o spirit of odmirotionond respect. The book rongedromconceptssimi|or to fie|d theories. which wi|| pushthe wor|dos we know it into new reo|ms thinking. to o focts on pyromid energiesos discoveredby the oncient Egyptions. doto thot our modernpyromidologistshove not yet begun to uncover. The book is ot the sometime o highly procticol book in which the outhor stresses ogoin ond ogoin in oworeness himse|f or . I occomponied the group of students onotherconferencewhere ChristopherHills to demonstroted the oudience the efectsof soundvibrotion on the humonconsciousness to throughchonting. The confererrcehod been o lively one ond the speokersbefore him hod hod to contendwith the noisesof exctedchi|drenp|oyingin the bock o the ho||. When Christopher stortedto chont. o hushfelt on the holl. Even the children stoppedrunning obout ond sot silently with their eyes shut. When the chont finished, the oudience remoined motion|ess.ChristopherHi||s left the ouditorium ond it wos o u||3 to 5 minulesbeore onyone moved. I hod never witnessed this stilting before, thoughI hod seen monydifferent peop|echont in groups. Loter thot week. one of the orgonizers the conerence of to|d me thot up to thot point he hod been fied up in knots inside worrying obout the orgonizotion of the events, but ofter the chont oll onxieties hod suddenlylefthim ond he reloxed ond enioyed the rernoinder the doy. oF Another personconfided in me thot he hod been sick ond showsthe reoder how to verify these leops

ond feverish when he come to the conference but ofter the chont oll the symptoms hod left him. These remorks were typicoI o everybody l spoke to durngthe remoinderof the conerence. They oppeored to hove this somestrongeexperience o being o|| heo|ed in somewoy occording 266

hod experienced incredible mixtureof hoppiness.peoce ond on to their needs. l mysel bubb|ingolivenessdeep inside my unknownsel. Now thot |.m owoy from The University o the Trees it seems|ike l visited o diferent ChristopherHills showshow we oll con. with very world. In his book, Supersensonics. someof the miroclesthot JesusChrist performed. And I did little troining. perform in thot the connectionwith christ keeps experiencesomething diFerent his Presence so of questions.Whotever Trctnnerbeing Christopher coming to mind ond roising unonswered Hills is. I do know one thing: thot the book !yg1gg!g is the most importontthing

thot hos hoppenedto monkindsince Christ ond could completelyrevolutionize the humon in the woy o thinking. Throughout book the reol meoningof Christ.swordsore Presented o non.religiouswoy thot oppeoledto my scientiictroining. l will now be workingwith

to this mind-b|owingbook of theory ond instructon test out whether my rotionol ee|ings obout it ore octuolly focts thot ] con Prove in my ie|do physics. l checked upon Christopher Hi||s.bockgroundond found o remorkoblepost. lonygrouPs on exist in Americo. Europeond Asio bosedon his teochings. Betoreemborking the spirituol tie he hod modeo fortuneby cornering the spice mrket two yeors in successionond hod wor|d-wide. He hod odvised. done business.ond wos friends over l0 componies ounded then, Russellr L.B.J. ond Elizobeth Toylorwhosehusbond i^rith such notoblesos Nehru. Berfrond to Eddie Fisher, wos put into tronceby ChrisfopherHills ot the dinner toble of o restourqnt effect o cure of nouseo. Among other things I discovered, he hod suddenly retired from oll businessond become o yogi woIking oround Indoortwo yeors in the componyo o greot sge. Considerirrgit

o wos l yeors ogo ond ot leost l0 yeors beorethe current oshion our youth. l wondered did he stort the foshion? As o mover in the moderncounter culture, I found I hod been


using rnonywordsthot were coinsd ond written by ChristopherHills, suchos bio-energetic. ego-bubble. inner worlds, ego-trip. eost-west flow. Nucleor EvolutionnChrist Yogon mind topes. etc. l g e t t h e e e r i e f s s l i n gt h o t w h o th e i s s o y i n go n d t h i n k i n gt o d o yt h e w o r l d w i l l b e doing tomorrow,next yeorn next generotion.orwhenever. I connot exptoin this feeling becouseit is ot o Ieve|obeing which is beyondwords. Perhops when l hove inished testingout this mind-bending book 1will indmyseIF once ogoin omongst fhe to|| 3|ooo yeor old redwoodtrees. os owesome themselves theseteochings. in os

* +


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books were menfionedin the The o||owing texf either by norneor by drowing rnoteriol from them. They ore highly recommended reoding oronyone wis|ringto increose his oworeness. They cover o ronge of opprmches into the study of yourse|"

" T H ES UPER S EN S IT IVE OF /t/AN"Ser ies LIFE S t v o L U A^Ef DT M EN S T ONOF ELECTRO - VIBRATO RY in ond P H E N OM EM , F o rt ho s e erested electr ic int eects humon on behoviour" AuthorVictor mognetic Beosley.PhD "
[ o r t h o s ei n t e r e s t e d n v i b r o t i o n s ,p y r o m i d s ,E S Po n d i e t F e c t s . A u t h o rA l o s t o i rB e o r n e ,B . S c . s o u n dv i b r o t i o n V O L U M E l l l , S U P E R S E N S O N I C Sc,o v e r st h e F u l l r o n g e t f o f s e n s i n g r o mw o t e rd i v i n i n g r e o c t i o n s o t h o u g h t i e l d s . f psychic electricity o Describes octuoI methods meosuring ( p r o n oo n d t h e w o y s t h e o n c i e n tm o s t e ro n d c i v i l i z o t i o n s ) s k o o r r i v e do t o d v o n c e d n o w l e d g e f p e r c e p t i o n . A u t h o r C h r i s t o p h eH i l l s . r I S U P E R S E N S O N I C N S T R U M E N T SO F K N O W I N G A n l n s t r u c t i o n om o n u o lo n d c o t o l o g o F d i v i n i n g o n d l k r b i o | o g i c o | e e d b o c d e v i c e s . A u t h o rC h r i s t o p h eH i l l s . o H AL|VE To THE UN|VERSE! The Loymon,s ondbook s p R o d i e s t h e s i o .S i m p l es t e p - b y - s t e i n s t r u c i i o no n h o w t o d i v i n e f o r l o s to b i e c t s , | o s tp e o p | e ,w o t e r h e o l t h , e t c . Author Robert /ossy. R A Y S F R O M T H E C A P S T O N E . T h e l o t e s ti n p y r o m i d t e n e r g i e s . I n t r o d u c eo n e w t y p e o [ p y r o m i d h o t i s o l o t e s s

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A blend of the theory ond proctice o Nuc|eor Evolufion in which we see the outhor's oworenessond the group consci ousness i ncreose " Author Robert lvlossy.


NUCLEAR EVOLUTION: THE DISCO\ERY OF THE R A I N B O W B O D Y . A G u i d e t o C o s m i cE n l i g h t e n m e n t . The nucleor self ond its evolution through obsorption of light. Z drives, 7 levels of oworeness, time worlds. 7 7 spectrolcolors. Author Christopher Hills. UNIVERSAL GOVERNt\//lENT NATURE'S LAWS BY For communities, the process decision-moking oF by evolutionorysteps. First published "The New Book os of Chonges"with introduction Bertrond by Russell. Author ChristopherHi lls. CONDUCT YOIJR OWN AWARENESS SESSIONS Step-by-tep instructions 80 gome-like group for e v e n i n g s h o tw i l l c h o n g ey o u r l i f e " S p e c i o l l yw r i t t e n t ordevelopin9ESP groups ond spirituoIstudygrouPs. AuthorsChristopher Hills ond RobertStone. T H E K I N G D O M O F D E S I R E . W r i t t e ni n n o v e l f o r m . The reoder is osked to unIeorno rnoss misconceptions o obout Lie. A New Msion is offeredond new interpreto. tions of the Prophets"Author Christopher Hills. deep into THE POWR INNER PEACE. By seorching oF we of consciousness con induce on ecstocywhich stotes oll Greot Teochers hove colled Inner Peoce, Heovenor N i r v o n o . A u t h o rC h r i s t o p h e H i l l s . r M E D I T A T I N GW I T H C H I L D R E N C o n b e u s e dw i t h g r o u p s on of children or individuolly. Step-by-step instructions ond usingmeditotion octivity. Usedin in concentrotion monypublic schools. Author DeborohRozrnon. M E D I T A T I O NF O R C H I L D R E N . A h o w - t or e l o x , c o n centroteond meditotebook for the entire omi|y. Aworeness exercisesdeol with fomily psychology, problems with communicotion ond love. Published by Celestiol Arts. Author DeborohRozmon.









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