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Profile: DEFAULT ---- XPEDITER/TSO - LOAD MODULE LIBRARIES -----------------COMMAND ===> COMMANDS: DOWN (for additional User Libraries) User Libraries: --->>> Include ALL libraries your program requires <<<--(Even if the library is in LINKLST, ie. COBOL or LE runtime libraries) (1) ===> 'CHGMAN.TSG6.#005765.BLB' (2) ===> 'SYS1.COMSVCS.LINKLIB' (3) ===> 'EZE1T.PHASE2.EAM.LOADLIB' (4) ===> (5) ===> (6) ===> (7) ===> (8) ===> Installation Libraries: (This list contains overrides to installed defaults) (9) ===> 'SYS1.LE370.LINKLIB' (10) ===> (11) ===> (12) ===> (13) ===> (14) ===> (15) ===> (16) ===> Press ENTER to Process or Enter END Command to Terminate

Profile: DEFAULT -------- XPEDITER/TSO - DDIO FILES ------------------------COMMAND ===> User Libraries: (1) ===> 'CHGMAN.TSG6.#005765.LST' (2) ===> 'DEVT.XPEDITER.LISTING' (3) ===> (4) ===> (5) ===> (6) ===> Installation Libraries: (This list contains overrides to installed defaults) (7) ===> 'SYSS.XPEDITER.DDIO.FILE' (8) ===> 'GEN500.XPED.INCLUDE' (9) ===>

Press ENTER to process or enter END command to terminate

Profile: DEFAULT --- XPEDITER/TSO - TEST SCRIPT LIBRARIES ------------------COMMAND ===> User Libraries: (1) ===> (2) ===> (3) ===> Installation Libraries: (This list contains overrides to installed defaults) (4) ===> 'GEN500.XPED.INCLUDE' (5) ===> (6) ===>

Press ENTER to Process or Enter END Command to Terminate

------------------------- XPEDITER/TSO - LOG DATASET -----------------------COMMAND ===> Log Dataset Name: DSNAME ===> Allocation Parameters: Data Class ===> Space Units ===> TRK Primary ===> 2 Secondary ===> 2 Storage Class ===> Unit ===> Volume ===> Disposition After the Test: Process Option ===> D Disposition Before the Test: Process Option ===> D (DSNAME will be generated if blank) Process Options: A (Append) D (Delete) K (Keep) PD (Print-Delete) PK (Print-Keep) ? (Prompt)

(D, K, PD, PK, or ?) (A, D, or ? Used only if DSNAME is specified)

Press ENTER to process or enter END command to terminate

----------------------- XPEDITER/TSO - SCRIPT DATASET ----------------------COMMAND ===> Script Dataset Name: DSNAME ===> Allocation Parameters: Data Class ===> Space Units ===> TRK Primary ===> 2 Secondary ===> 2 Storage Class ===> Unit ===> Volume ===> Disposition After the Test: Process Option ===> D Disposition Before the Test: Process Option ===> D (DSNAME will be generated if blank) Process Options: A (Append) D (Delete) K (Keep) PD (Print-Delete) PK (Print-Keep) ? (Prompt)

(D, K, PD, PK, or ?) (A, D, or ? Used only if DSNAME is specified)

Press ENTER to process or enter END command to terminate


(1) ===> DB2T ===> 'DB2SYS1.DB2T.LOADLIB' (2) ===> ===> (3) ===> ===> (4) ===> ===> (5) ===> ===> (6) ===> ===> (7) ===> ===> (8) ===> ===>

Note: This list contains overrides to installed defaults Press ENTER to Process or Enter END Command to Terminate


(1) ===> DLI ===> DLI,DD32000,DDP32000,,,,,,,,,IMS1,,N,N,,,,DB2T (2) ===> (3) ===> (4) ===> (5) ===> (6) ===> (7) ===> (8) ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===>

Note: This list contains overrides to installed defaults

Profile: DEFAULT ---- XPEDITER/TSO - DFSRESLB LIBRARIES --------------------COMMAND ===> IMS Authorized Load Library DSNAMEs (DDNAME DFSRESLB): (1) ===> 'IMSVS.IMS1.RESLIB' (2) ===> (3) ===> (4) ===> (5) ===> (6) ===>

Note: This list contains overrides to installed defaults Press ENTER to Process or Enter END Command to Terminate

Profile: DEFAULT ----- XPEDITER/TSO - PSB/DBD LIBRARIES --------------------COMMAND ===> PSB/DBD Library DSNAMEs (DDNAME IMS): (1) ===> 'IMSVS.IMS0.PSBLIB.ONLINE' (2) ===> 'IMSVS.IMS0.DBDLIB' (3) ===> 'IMSVS.DB0D.PSBLIB' (4) ===> 'IMSVS.DB0D.DBDLIB' (5) ===> (6) ===> (7) ===> (8) ===> (9) ===> (10) ===> (11) ===> (12) ===> Note: This list contains overrides to installed defaults Press ENTER to Process or Enter END Command to Terminate

Profile: DEFAULT ------- XPEDITER/TSO - ACB LIBRARIES ----------------------COMMAND ===> ACB Library DSNAMEs (DDNAME IMSACB): (1) ===> (2) ===> (3) ===> (4) ===> (5) ===> (6) ===> (7) ===> (8) ===>

Note: This list contains overrides to installed defaults Press ENTER to Process or Enter END Command to Terminate

Profile: DEFAULT ----- XPEDITER/TSO - IMS PRELOAD LIST ---------------------COMMAND ===> Preload List Data Set (DDNAME PROCLIB): DSNAME ===> 'IMSVS.IMS1.PARMLIB'

Note: This list contains overrides to installed defaults Press ENTER to Process or Enter END Command to Terminate Profile: DEFAULT ------ XPEDITER/TSO - IEFRDER DATASET ---------------------COMMAND ===> ENTER a DSNAME, DUMMY, TEMP, TERM, SYSOUT, or leave blank for no allocation. DSNAME ===> DUMMY DISP ===> Storage Class ===> Unit ===> Volume ===> Data Class ===> Space Units ===> Primary ===> Secondary ===> RECFM ===> LRECL ===> BLKSIZE ===> Process Options for New Datasets: Before Allocation ===> Upon Deallocation ===> Valid Process Options: D (Delete) K (Keep) ? (Prompt)

Note: Changes made to this screen override installed defaults Press ENTER to process or enter END command to terminate

Profile: DEFAULT ------ XPEDITER/TSO - IMSMON DATASET ----------------------COMMAND ===> ENTER a DSNAME, DUMMY, TEMP, TERM, SYSOUT, or leave blank for no allocation. DSNAME ===> DUMMY DISP ===> Storage Class ===> Unit ===> Volume ===> Data Class ===> Space Units ===> Primary ===> Secondary ===> RECFM ===> LRECL ===> BLKSIZE ===> Process Options for New Datasets: Before Allocation ===> Upon Deallocation ===> Valid Process Options: D (Delete) K (Keep) ? (Prompt)

Note: Changes made to this screen override installed defaults Press ENTER to process or enter END command to terminate Profile: DEFAULT ----- XPEDITER/TSO - VSAM BUFFER POOL ---------------------COMMAND ===> VSAM Buffer Pool Specification Data Set (DDNAME DFSVSAMP): DSNAME ===> 'DBOR.DFSVSAMP(VSAMBUF2)'

Note: This list contains overrides to installed defaults Press ENTER to Process or Enter END Command to Terminate

Profile: DEFAULT ------ XPEDITER/TSO - IMSERR DATASET ----------------------COMMAND ===> ENTER a DSNAME, DUMMY, TEMP, TERM, SYSOUT, or leave blank for no allocation. DSNAME ===> SYSOUT=* DISP ===> Storage Class ===> Unit ===> Volume ===> Data Class ===> Space Units ===> Primary ===> Secondary ===> RECFM ===> FBA LRECL ===> 133 BLKSIZE ===> 133 Process Options for New Datasets: Before Allocation ===> Upon Deallocation ===> Valid Process Options: D (Delete) K (Keep) ? (Prompt)

Note: Changes made to this screen override installed defaults Press ENTER to process or enter END command to terminate

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