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Subject: colors. Objective: Expand vocabulary with realities and nearby objects based on the different colors that exist in our midst.

To Listening colors.

To recognize the colors. To listen to the pronunciation. To pronounce the name of the colors.

Listen to the pronunciation of colors through recordings and then pronounce correctly the colors with the help of the teacher with one voice. They teach them a song of color, students repeat after the teacher to memorize three paragraphs of the song. After interpret the song with the help of musical instruments

Expand your vocabulary through the names of the colors.

Recorder. Cd.

We will sing.

To listen carefully to the lyrics of the song. To bring the beat of the music. To interpret the song with musical instruments.

The student can distinguish orally colors name anywhere.

Tambourines. Drums.

Coloring balloons.

To identify the names of the colors in English. To paint the balloons as the corresponding color. To distinguish color names.

like tambourines and drums. They deliver a press sheet with balloons drawn and each balloon will be written the names of the colors in English. Identify the colors and then paint all the balloons with the corresponding color.

The student can distinguish in writing the name of the colors anywhere.

Colors. Leaf with drawings.

Escuela Normal de Educacin Preescolar

Work planner English V Teacher: Marlene Muzquiz Flores. Student : Mara Ladislada Navarro Salinas. Numero de lista: 23 3 D

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